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of  the 


JANUARY,  1936 



Society  of  Motion  Picture  Engineers 

Edgewater  Beach  Hotel 

Chicago,  111. 

April  2yth  to  3oth,  Inclusive 

Technical  Sessions 

M.r  Sr 

Lectures,  Demonstrations,  Open  Forums. 

Equipment  Exhibit 

In  the  West  Lounge:   open  during  the  entire  convention-New  Motion  Picture 
Equipment,  Demonstrations,  New  Developments. 

Semi-Annual  Banquet 

Wednesday  evening,  in  the  Ballroom-^mS,  Dancing,  Music,  Floor  Shows. 
Addresses  by  Prominent  Speakers. 

Go//,  Entertainment 

Passes  to  local  theaters  for  members,  bridge  parties  and  other  diversions  for 
the  ^es  motion  picture  program  on  Monday  evening  in  the  East  Lounge,  v«t.  to 
points  of  interest  in  and  about  Washington. 

Hotel  Rates 

Minimum  rates  and  excellent  accommodations  guaranteed  ;  to  members:  Single 
S3  00  per  day;  double,  $5  per  day;  parlor  suites,  double,  $10  and  $12.  Make 
reservations  as  early  as  possible  to  assure  satisfactory  accommodations. 






Volume  XXVI  JANUARY,  1936  Number  1 



The  Development  and  Use  of  Stereo  Photography  for  Educa- 
tional Purposes C.  KENNEDY        3 

Report  of  the  Standards  Committee 18 

Report  of  the  Sound  Committee 21 

Presidential  Address H.  G.  TASKER  28 

Continuous  Photographic  Processing H.  D.  HINELINE  38 

Optical  Printing  and  Technic LYNN  DUNN  54 

Wide-Range  Reproduction  in  Theaters 


An  Investigation  of  Sources  of  Direct  Current  for  the  Non- 
Rotating  High-Intensity  Reflecting  Arc C.  C.  DASH       79 

Trends  in  16-Mm.  Projection,  with  Special  Reference  to  Sound 
• . .  .A.  SHAPIRO      89 

Symposium  on  New  Motion  Picture  Apparatus : 

A  Wide-Range  Studio  Spot  Lamp  for  Use  with  2000-Watt 

Filament  Globes E.  C.  RICHARDSON      95 

An  Automatic  Daylight  Continuous  35-Mm.  Projection  Ma- 
chine  A.B.  SCOTT     102 

The  Vitachrome  Diffusionlite  System  and  Its  Application .  .  . 
A.  C.  JENKING     104 

Society  Announcements 107 





Board  of  Editors 
J.  I.  CRABTREE,  Chairman 

O.  M.  GLUNT  A.  C.  HARDY  L.  A.  JONES 

J.  O.  BAKER 

Subscription  to  non-members,  $8.00  per  annum;  to  members,  $5.00  per  annum, 
included  in  their  annual  membership  dues;  single  copies,  $1.00.  A  discount 
on  subscriptions  or  single  copies  of  15  per  cent  is  allowed  to  accredited  agencies. 
Order  from  the  Society  of  Motion  Picture  Engineers,  Inc.,  20th  and  Northampton 
Sts.,  Easton,  Pa.,  or  Hotel  Pennsylvania,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Published  monthly  at  Easton,  Pa.,  by  the  Society  of  Motion  Picture  Engineers. 

Publication  Office,  20th  &  Northampton  Sts.,  Easton,  Pa. 
General  and  Editorial  Office,  Hotel  Pennsylvania,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Entered  as  second  class  matter  January  15,  1930,  at  the  Post  Office  at  Easton, 
Pa.,  under  the  Act  of  March  3,  1879.     Copyrighted,  1936,  by  the  Society  of 
Motion  Picture  Engineers,  Inc. 

Papers  appearing  in  this  Journal  may  be  reprinted,  abstracted,  or  abridged 
provided  credit  is  given  to  the  Journal  of  the  Society  of  Motion  Picture  Engineers 
and  to  the  author,  or  authors,  of  the  papers  in  question.  Exact  reference  as  to 
the  volume,  number,  and  page  of  the  Journal  must  be  given.  The  Society  is 
not  responsible  for  statements  made  by  authors. 

Officers  of  the  Society 

President:   HOMER  G.  TASKER,  4139  38th  St.,  Long  Island  City,  N.  Y. 
Past-President:  ALFRED  N.  GOLDSMITH,  444  Madison  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Executive  Vice-President:   EMERY  HUSE,  6706  Santa  Monica  Blvd.,  Hollywood, 


Engineering  Vice-President:   LOYD  A.  JONES,  Kodak  Park,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
Editorial  Vice-President:   JOHN  I.  CRABTREE,  Kodak  Park,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
Financial  Vice-President:   OMER  M.  GLUNT,  463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Convention  Vice-President:  WILLIAM  C.  KUNZMANN,  Box  6087,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 
Secretary:  JOHN  H.  KURLANDER,  2  Clearfield  Ave.,  Bloomfield,  N.  J. 
Treasurer:  TIMOTHY  E.  SHEA,  463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 


MAX  C.  BATSEL,  Front  &  Market  Sts.,  Camden,  N.  J. 
LAWRENCE  W.  DAVEE,  250  W.  57th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
ARTHUR  S.  DICKINSON,  28  W.  44th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
HERBERT  GRIFFIN,  90  Gold  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

ARTHUR  C.  HARDY,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology,  Cambridge,  Mass. 
GERALD  F.  RACKETT,  823  N.  Seward  St.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
CARRINGTON  H.  STONE,  205  W.  Wacker  Drive,  Chicago,  111. 
SIDNEY  K.  WOLF,  250  W.  57th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 



Summary. — Investigating  the  possibilities  of  stereo  photography  in  connection  with 
i he  study  of  art  and  other  subjects  in  schools  and  colleges,  the  various  properties  and  the 
historical  development  of  stereo  are  analyzed,  and  the  significance  of  the  outstanding 
steps  in  the  development  pointed  out. 

After  reviewing  the  theoretical  conditions  for  accurate  reconstruction  of  the  binocular 
visual  image,  the  practicability  of  the  system  using  polarized  anaglyphs  is  demon- 
strated and  the  advantages  of  stereo  and  its  probable  use  in  education  discussed. 

The  conclusions  here  presented  embody  the  first  results  of  an  inves- 
tigation along  practical  lines  made  at  the  instance  of  the  Carnegie 
Corporation  and  forming  a  part  of  the  Corporation's  carefully  con- 
sidered program  to  stimulate  and  improve  education  in  the  fine  arts. 
The  writer  was  chosen  to  guide  this  particular  project  in  its  initial 
stages  for  the  reason  that,  over  a  considerable  number  of  years,  in 
connection  with  research  in  the  field  of  Italian  sculpture  at  Smith 
College  and  under  the  auspices  of  that  College  in  Italy,  he  had  had 
the  most  exacting  practical  experience  in  the  photography  of  objects 
of  art,  and  had  been  active  in  the  publication  of  these  studies  in  a 
series  of  volumes  illustrated  by  actual  photographic  prints. 

The  problem  in  the  form  in  which  it  was  presented  may  be  stated 
simply:  sculpture  is  a  three-dimensional  art;  for  years,  in  fact  since 
the  earliest  days  of  photography,  the  effective  way  in  which  the 
third  dimension  is  reproduced  by  stereo  photography  has  been  em- 
phasized in  theory  and,  under  various  conditions,  proved  in  practice ; 
why,  then,  is  its  use  for  serious  study  in  our  colleges  and  secondary 
schools  practically  non-existent?  After  a  period  of  the  most  exag- 
gerated popular  enthusiasm  for  its  miracle-working  properties,  an 
enthusiasm  that  reached  its  height  not  far  from  a  century  ago,  the 
stereo  viewer,  with  its  battery  of  warped  cardboard  stereograms,  has 
been  laid  upon  the  shelf.  Every  attempt  to  revive  it  in  a  different 

*Presented  at  the  Fall,  1935,  Meeting  at  Washington,  D.  C. 
**Smith  College,  Northampton,  Mass. 

4  C.  KENNEDY  fj.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

form  has  been  heralded  by  the  Press  as  the  promise  of  a  new  wonder 
of  the  age,  but,  from  the  point  of  view  of  general  interest,  has  failed 
of  its  mark.  Even  very  real  steps  in  advance  have  been  turned  to 
account  only  for  technical  side  issues,  such  as  surveying,  or  have  be- 
come the  hobby  of  a  somewhat  fanatical  brotherhood  of  camera  own- 
ers who  have,  in  their  enthusiasm,  gone  even  as  far  as  to  publish  their 
own  periodical,  but  have  never  succeeded  in  establishing  stereo 
photography  as  a  normal  and  basic  means  of  presenting  visual  truth. 
Recent  technical  literature  is  full  of  mournful  allusions  to  the  beau- 
ties of  stereoscopy,  and  the  assertion  that  there  is  no  sensible  explana- 
tion of  its  failure  to  find  its  proper  recognition.  Yet  one  can  not  pos- 
sibly postulate  apathy  upon  the  part  of  the  public :  if  we  may  take 
the  newspapers  as  an  indication  of  the  attitude  of  the  masses  we  can 
discern  in  their  policy  so  tense  an  expectation  that  stereo  is  to  be  the 
new  order  of  things  that  they  rush  into  print  with  the  wildest  schemes 
of  the  crank  inventor.  Recognizing  this,  the  Carnegie  Corporation 
had  reason  to  hope  that  the  trouble  lay  only  in  the  fact  that  the  pub- 
lic had  not  been  given  solid  enough  food — that  they  had  outgrown 
their  wonder  at  viewing  a  child  with  a  doll  through  an  antimacassar, 
and  even  the  Obelisk  of  Luxor — and  it  was  the  writer's  job  to  make 
new  stereograms  providing  material  for  more  serious  pursuits — for 
the  study  of  the  sculptures  of  Donatello  and  of  Michelangelo.  It  was 
in  trying  to  do  this  that  I  became  aware  of  factors  that  provided,  I 
believe,  a  more  fundamental  explanation  of  the  situation,  and  gave 
me  faith  in  the  importance  of  stereo  in  the  future. 

These  factors  may  be  summarized  under  two  headings,  of  one  of 
which  we  are  acutely  aware.  This  is  the  unsocial  character  of  all 
practical  stereo  viewing  to  date :  it  has  remained,  in  a  sense,  a  labora- 
tory phenomenon,  because  only  one  person  at  a  time  can  see  a  given 
view;  and  even  he  must,  for  that  moment,  submit  to  being  cut  off 
from  the  outside  world  while  he  holds  his  eyes  stationary  before  a 
piece  of  unfamiliar  apparatus.  Though  that  is  probably  the  chief 
reason  why  stereo  has  remained  a  thing  apart,  it  is  doubtful  whether 
it  can  alone  account  for  the  apathy  of  the  serious  student  in  fields 
such  as  the  writer's.  To  explain  such  apathy  we  must  first  postulate 
a  property  of  the  intelligence  that  shows  not  in  conscious  theories 
but  in  conduct.  Apathy,  dissatisfaction,  or  an  unreasoning  aversion 
may  be  the  result  of  an  unanalytic  recognition  of  positive  faults  or 
even  of  the  lack  of  something  essential,  though  the  individual  may  be 
quite  unaware  of  the  nature  or  the  cause  of  his  reactions.  My  own 


contribution  to  the  photography  of  sculpture  has  been  to  insist  upon 
qualities  that,  it  is  supposed,  the  average  person  can  not  appreciate; 
yet  in  this  work  the  public  has  invariably  responded  to  them  quite 
spontaneously  once  such  results  had  been  achieved.  Faults  of  a 
secondary  order  exist  in  all  systems  of  stereo  customarily  used,  and 
personally  the  writer  is  convinced  that  they  have  been  responsible  for 
more  trouble  than  the  small  actual  differences  between  right  and  wrong 
would  indicate. 

It  is  not  proposed  to  review  again  the  history  of  stereo,  but  it  may 
help  to  bear  in  mind  the  fundamental  problem  in  its  simplest  form,  and 
to  point  out  the  relation  between  the  various  attempted  solutions. 
Fundamentally  it  is  this :  we  must  procure  two  pictures  correspond- 
ing respectively  to  the  images  that  the  two  eyes  receive  when  per- 
forming their  normal  functions  under  the  given  conditions ;  we  must 
then  place  the  two  pictures  before  the  observer  in  such  a  way  that 
each  eye  again  functions  normally  when  presented  with  its  proper 
view.  Ideally,  the  eyes  should  be  unable  to  distinguish  the  views 
from  the  images  they  would  receive  from  the  object  itself  under  these 
same  conditions.  It  is  true  that  the  most  fantastic  proposals  pur- 
porting to  disclose  a  short-cut  to  three-dimensional  photography  are 
repeatedly  made  by  persons  who  claim  that  by  chance  or  ingenuity 
they  can  produce  a  stereoscopic  effect — note  the  word  effect — with- 
out taking  two  pictures  and  particularly  without  providing  adequate 
means  whereby  each  eye  sees  its  proper  image.  Thus,  they  either 
ignore  or  vainly  hope  to  dispense  with  these  requirements,  which 
H.  E.  Ives  has  recently  defined  as  the  axioms  of  stereo  photography — 
"vainly,"  because  when  the  observer  looks  at  the  three-dimensional 
world  about  him,  the  images  formed  upon  the  retina  of  his  left  and 
his  right  eye,  respectively,  are  alike  only  in  one  respect,  and  that  is 
philosophically,  or  conceptually;  in  plainer  language,  they  are  im- 
ages of  the  same  subject.  In  every  other  respect — from  the  point  of 
view  of  geometry,  of  measurement,  and  of  color — the  left  and  right 
eye  images  that  we  so  carelessly  regard  as  almost  the  same  are  actually 
completely  different.  The  distances  between  the  trees,  the  shapes  of 
the  stones,  the  colors  of  the  leaves  are  distinctly  and  measurably  dif- 
ferent. One  of  the  most  amazing  of  human  faculties  is  the  ability  of 
the  mind  to  unite  the  flat  images  upon  the  left  and  the  right  retinas 
into  a  three-dimensional  composite  that  seems  to  have  existence  in 
space.  Every  serious  proposal,  the  record  of  which  has  figured  in 
the  history  of  stereoscopy,  has  admitted  the  necessity  for  the  two 

6  C.  KENNEDY  [J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

images,  and  inventive  energy  has  expended  its  force  almost  exclu- 
sively upon  devising  methods  of  presenting  them  separately  to  the 
proper  eyes.  If  one  may  imagine  the  two  photographs  to  be  the  size 
of  the  object  itself,  he  can  see  that  they  will  occupy  their  proper  posi- 
tions in  relation  to  the  eye  only  if  they  are  superposed ;  and  if  the  size 
be  decreased  they  will  still  overlap  and  must  be  separated.  Whether 
this  be  done  by  crossing  the  axes  of  vision  before  reaching  the  pic- 
tures, placed,  in  this  case,  in  reverse  order  side  by  side,  as  Eliot  pro- 
posed; or  by  mirrors,  as  Wheatstone  first  suggested;  or  by  prisms, 
or  lenses  used  in  such  a  way  as  to  take  advantage  of  their  prismatic 
effect  when  viewed  off  axis,  as  they  were  in  the  popular  Brewster 
stereoscope,  the  parent  of  most  of  those  in  use  today;  or  by  making 
the  positives  so  small  that  when  viewed  through  lenses  even  without 
prisms  they  may  stand  unreversed  side  by  side,  as  they  do  in  von 
Rohr's  doppel-verant;  or  by  transforming  them  into  color  anaglyphs — 
in  all  these  we  may  recognize  the  preoccupation  of  the  inventor  with 
the  problem  of  providing  for  the  proper  disposition  of  the  two  photo- 

Accepting,  then,  the  principle  that  we  must  start  with  two  dis- 
parate images,  there  was  first  the  problem  of  choosing  the  most  prom- 
ising of  the  various  methods  of  separating  the  images  and  presenting 
each  to  the  proper  eye.  It  seemed  reasonable  to  explore  especially 
the  methods  that  gave  some  hope  of  a  really  social  procedure,  which 
did  not  involve  a  temporary  separation  of  the  observer  from  his  fel- 
lows. They  are  few;  they  reduce,  in  fact,  to  two :  upon  the  one  hand, 
those  depending  upon  a  critical  angle  of  view,  a  device  that  was  used 
by  Eliot  in  a  crude  form  and  which  is  much  better  provided  for  in  the 
parallax  stereoscope  suggested  by  Ives;  and  upon  the  other  hand, 
those  that  make  use  of  anaglyphs.  In  the  parallax  stereoscope,  as  in 
all  the  simple  forms  of  apparatus  depending  upon  a  critical  angle  of 
view,  the  possible  shift  of  the  point  of  observation  is  limited  to  one- 
half  the  interocular  distance,  or  somewhat  less  than  35  millimeters, 
so  that  we  probably  should  not  have  thought  of  it  as  capable  of  a  wider 
application  had  it  not  been  for  the  amazingly  complete  survey  of  the 
possibilities  of  the  system  by  Dr.  Ives,  a  survey  of  which  the  parallax 
panoramagram  now  successfully  used  in  advertising  is  an  important 
by-product.  It  is  the  only  system  that  asks  nothing  of  the  observer, 
and,  the  writer  believes,  will  have  its  applications  also  in  education. 
Dr.  Ives  has,  however,  pointed  out  its  ultimate  limitations,  which,  in 
the  narrower  field  of  this  study,  are  serious. 


In  the  past,  anaglyphs  have  been  limited,  for  practical  purposes, 
to  the  use  of  red  and  green  glasses  with  correspondingly  colored  im- 
ages. It  might  be  possible,  and  has  probably  already  been  proposed, 
to  select  other  colors  which  would  at  the  same  time  give  a  more  pleas- 
ant looking  image  and  reduce  the  faults  arising  from  color  rivalry,  of 
which  more  will  be  said  later;  but  at  the  present  moment  in  the  his- 
tory of  the  industry  any  method  of  separating  the  images  by  color  is 
ruled  out  by  the  simple  fact  that  it  could  not  be  used  with  color  pho- 
tography when  we  get  it.  It  was  very  fortunate,  then,  that  at  this 
critical  moment,  the  invention  of  sheet  polarizer  made  possible  upon 
a  practical  scale  the  differentiation  of  the  images  by  polarized  light,  a 
method  that  has  long  been  proposed,  and  has  even  been  tried  upon 
an  experimental  scale,  in  so  far  as  that  was  possible,  with  a  Nicol 
prism  by  Anderton  as  early  as  1893.  The  problem  that  seemed  so 
hopeless  in  the  first  months  of  the  present  investigation  could,  with 
the  use  of  this  material,  be  approached  in  the  most  straightforward  way. 

What  were  the  questions  that  remained,  after  this  solution  for  the 
basic  problem  was  accepted?  It  will  be  seen  that,  while  those  re- 
sponsible for  the  progress  of  stereo  to  date  had  been  in  agreement  upon 
essentials,  they  had  differed  in  respect  to  the  convenience  or  practica- 
bility of  the  methods  they  proposed,  and  in  the  extent  to  which  they 
provided,  or  failed  to  provide,  for  the  fulfillment  of  the  other  condi- 
tions implicit  in  our  statement  of  the  problem.  Sometimes  the  limi- 
tations seem  purely  arbitrary.  Practically  all  the  cameras  built  for 
stereo  have  the  disadvantage,  serious  for  the  author's  work,  that  as 
we  try  to  photograph  nearer  and  nearer  objects  the  images  of  the  ob- 
jects go  farther  and  farther  off  the  plate.  Obviously,  this  condition 
can  easily  be  rectified  by  giving  up  the  attempt  to  keep  the  axes  of 
the  two  lenses  parallel  and  by  turning  the  cameras  as  the  eye  would 
turn.  In  other  cases  the  limitations  are  inherent  in  the  method. 
Often  they  are  not  serious.  For  example,  some  systems  of  stereo 
viewing  have  not  been  used  as  commonly  as  they  might  otherwise 
have  been  because  they  require  two  prints  large  enough  to  be  prop- 
erly viewed  at  a  distance  great  enough  for  the  eye  unaided  by  lenses 
to  focus  upon  them.  Such  is  the  case  with  the  Wheatstone  stereo- 
scope, using  mirrors,  which,  in  its  simpler  forms,  requires  also  the  re- 
versal of  one  or  both  the  prints.  While  this  has  apparently  militated 
against  the  popularity  that  the  device  might  otherwise  have  been  ex- 
pected to  have  had,  the  instrument  has  found  its  proper  uses  in  the 
experimental  laboratory  where  it  has  been  extensively  employed,  es- 

8  C.  KENNEDY  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

pecially  for  the  study  of  the  physiological  properties  of  the  eye.  Many 
methods,  taking  advantage  of  the  commonly  accepted  theory  that  the 
proper  exercise  of  the  physical  functions  of  convergence  and  accom- 
modation is  not  a  necessary  condition  of  reasonable  viewing,  fail  to 
provide  for  one  or  the  other  or  both.  Viewing  two  transposed  pic- 
tures set  side  by  side  by  crossing  the  axes  of  vision  before  reaching  the 
plane  of  the  pictures  obviously  gives  a  convergence  that  is  always  ex- 
aggeratedly more  than  what  would  ordinarily  accompany  the  accom- 
modation of  the  lenses  of  the  eyes  looking  at  the  plane ;  and  since  this 
situation  is  so  extreme,  there  is  usually  no  attempt  when  using  the 
method  to  match  either  convergence  or  accommodation  to  the  original 
experience  of  the  observer  when  viewing  the  object.  Very  few  of  the 
lens  stereoscopes  are  built  with  a  view  to  reproducing  the  conditions 
of  convergence  and  accommodation;  the  common  type  seems  rather 
to  have  been  constructed  on  the  theory  that  the  most  restful  position 
of  the  eyes,  and  therefore  (though  this  does  not  make  sense)  the  de- 
sirable one,  is  when  set  for  near  infinity.  Moreover,  prisms,  in  most 
of  the  foims  in  which  they  are  used,  give  distortions  that  we  must 
assume  in  general  are  ignored. 

How  are  we  to  find  our  way  among  the  mass  of  variant  interpreta- 
tions of  the  meaning  of  refinements  in  stereoscopic  presentation  ?  All 
these  methods,  as  contrasted  with  purely  visionary  ones,  work;  and 
if  they  worked  well  enough  we  could  learn  from  them  how  to  proceed 
in  our  attempt  to  solve  the  purely  social  aspects  of  the  problem.  But, 
as  used,  they  are  not  without  annoying  defects.  In  varying  ways  and 
in  varying  combinations  the  minor  factors  that  they  disregard  take 
their  revenge.  Though  my  eye  muscles  are  practiced  in  acrobatics, 
and  I  can  get  beautiful  clear  images  by  crossing  my  gaze  to  view 
transposed  pictures,  in  a  few  moments  I  am  aware  of  a  painful  eye- 
strain;  and  wherever  a  separation  between  the  normal  convergence 
and  accommodation  occurs,  this  strain  develops  in  a  proportionate 
degree.  The  muscles  that  control  the  two  functions  are  accustomed 
to  working  in  unison,  and  although  they  can  be  trained  to  operate  si- 
multaneously for  different  distances,  discomfort,  if  not  pain,  results. 

Eye-strain  of  a  different  kind,  which  no  amount  of  practice  will  re- 
duce, comes  from  the  struggle  and  uncertainty  to  which  the  two  eyes 
must  submit  in  attempting  to  fuse  two-color  anaglyphs.  In  viewing 
red  and  green  images  through  corresponding  glasses  the  eye  is  pre- 
sented with  two  forces  working  against  each  other.  The  forms,  which 
we  shall  assume  are  correct,  are  working  for  fusion;  the  colors  are 


working  for  disassociation.  In  passages  where  form  predominates, 
as  in  aerial  views  filled  with  minute  detail,  it  will  win,  and  few  per- 
sons will  have  difficulty  in  achieving  the  three-dimensional  sensation. 
Where  larger  areas  of  unbroken  color  exist,  as  they  frequently  would 
in  colored  anaglyphs  of  photographs  of  sculptured  surfaces  or  objects 
seen  against  a  plain  background,  the  red  area  would  struggle  against 
uniting  with  the  green  area,  and  strain  would  result. 

Methods  that  rely  upon  attention  to  fix  the  gaze  of  the  observer 
upon  the  right  one  of  two  pictures  make  no  provision  for  obliterating 
from  the  field  the  picture  that  is  not  wanted;  and  it  remains,  a  dis- 
turbing image  of  full  intensity  having  a  ghostly  existence,  flat,  to 
either  side  of  the  desired  image  in  three  dimensions. 

Another  series  of  annoying  phenomena  are  distortions  resulting 
from  the  neglect  to  take  into  account  all  the  factors  involved  in  the 
reproduction  of  normal  viewing  conditions.  These  have  been  more 
studied  of  late  and  it  has  been  pointed  out  that  many  of  them  could 
be  eliminated  by  modifications  of  existing  apparatus.  The  most  usual 
cause  of  exaggeration  of  depth  is  the  intentional  use  in  stereo  cameras 
of  an  interlens  distance  larger  than  that  of  the  average  interocular. 
The  public  is  supposed  to  like  it.  I  could  not  find,  in  New  York,  a 
stereo  camera  that  could  be  adjusted  even  to  my  own  interocular  of 
62.5  millimeters.  The  other  most  common  cause  of  depth  distur- 
bance is  the  failure  to  fulfill  the  requirements  of  a  proper  optical  sys- 
tem for  the  lens  viewer.  It  is  here  that  much  work  has  been  done, 
though  still  more  needs  to  be  accomplished.  The  basic  rule,  as  it  is 
usually  put,  is  that  the  focal  length  of  the  taking  lens  should  be 
matched  by  that  of  the  viewing  lens.  The  real  difficulty  results  from 
the  change  in  effective  focal  length  of  lenses  used  on  a  focusing  camera  ; 
the  remedy  most  recently  advocated  compensates  for  the  trouble  in- 
stead of  eliminating  it,  and  only  under  certain  conditions  is  this 

Eye-strain  and  depth  distortion  are  merely  the  two  obvious  troubles 
caused  by  defective  systems.  There  are  others — for  example,  the 
curious  appearance  that  objects  have  of  dropping  back  into  succes- 
sive planes  instead  of  rounding  plastically.  There  are  indications 
that  this  may  be  due  fundamentally  to  the  failure  in  stereo  still 
cameras  to  turn  the  plate,  or,  in  a  more  practical  sense,  each  half  of 
the  camera  to  correspond  with  the  changing  convergence  of  the 
eye.  The  theory  must  be  that  they  are  designed  to  work  for  infinity, 
defined  in  terms  of  clarity  of  focus,  but  stereo  vision  is  very  sensitive 

10  C.  KENNEDY  [J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

to  changes  in  convergence  on  objects  much  more  distant  than  those 
in  the  nearest  limits  of  the  depth  of  field  of  a  lens  of  the  short  focal 
length  used  when  the  two  pictures  are  taken  side  by  side  upon  the 
same  plate.  Any  views  not  taken  with  the  proper  system,  even  those 
of  subjects  other  than  sculpture,  made  with  a  camera  of  the  accepted 
type,  will  show  this  defect;  with  time,  one  becomes  acutely  aware 
of  it.  The  same  effect  results  from  quite  different  causes :  bad  defini- 
tion due  to  a  poor  projecting  lens,  or  coarse  grain  either  in  the  lantern 
slide  or  in  the  screen,  will  destroy  or  disturb  the  accurate  register  of 
the  smaller  disparities  upon  which  our  stereoscopic  sense  of  the  round- 
ing of  a  surface  depends;  and  again  the  three-dimensional  character 
of  the  subject  is  reduced  to  a  series  of  receding  planes. 

There  remains  a  category  of  trouble  that  does  not  show  in  deforma- 
tions of  the  stereoscopic  views,  but  makes  itself  felt  by  retarding  the 
action  of  the  eyes  in  achieving  fusion.  In  the  earlier  phases  of  this 
work  it  was  quite  customary  for  the  observer  to  whom  the  views  were 
being  shown  to  shout,  excitedly,  "Oh!  now  I've  got  it!"  When,  as 
time  went  on,  following  the  indications  of  theory,  improvements  in 
quality  were  introduced  by  converging  the  cameras,  using  larger  nega- 
tives, reducing  screen  grain,  and  projecting  through  lenses  with  better 
definition,  even  when  the  differences  were  so  slight  that  they  seemed 
imaginary,  the  immediacy  and  ease  with  which  the  observer  saw  the 
three-dimensional  image  increased  by  geometrical  progression.  In 
the  demonstration  accompanying  this  paper,  if  one  has  difficulty  in 
looking  at  the  images  upon  the  screen,  either  the  lack  of  sufficient  il- 
lumination, due  to  the  fact  that  the  design  of  lantern  slide  projectors 
has  lagged  so  far  behind  that  of  motion  picture  projectors,  must  be 
blamed,  or  the  rough  surface  of  the  screen.  Also  it  should  be  remem- 
bered that  one  person  in  ten  may  be  expected  not  to  have  normal 
stereoscopic  vision,  and  an  observer  who  does  not  customarily  coor- 
dinate the  use  of  his  two  eyes  will  see  no  better,  but,  if  the  report  of 
those  who  have  tried  it  may  be  trusted,  at  least  no  worse  than  he  us- 
ually does.  Moreover,  the  ocular  parallax  that  produces  stereoscopic 
vision  is  effective  only  in  the  direction  of  the  separation  of  the  eyes ;  if 
the  head  is  inclined  when  viewing  photographs  that  were  taken  with  the 
camera  on  its  normal  horizontal  bed,  the  effectiveness  of  the  disparities 
will  be  diminished.  The  spectacles  are  so  made  as  to  discourage  this.* 

*Spectacles  equipped  with  polarizing  material1  corresponding  to  polarizers  in 
the  stereo  head  of  a  lantern  slide  projector  were  supplied  to  the  audience,  with 
which  to  view  the  stereograms  projected  upon  the  screen. 


Judging,  then,  from  the  contradictions  and  inaccuracies  in  the  ex- 
perimental data  that  had  accumulated  in  the  past,  we  might  say  that 
at  the  outset  of  this  investigation,  although  we  knew  the  minimum  re- 
quirements, we  could  not  trust,  without  testing  them  further,  theo- 
ries that  this  or  that  additional  factor  was  negligible;  the  results  of 
accepted  methods  have  not  been  good  enough  to  warrant  admitting 
the  assumptions  upon  which  they  were  based.  Moreover,  experi- 
ments had  been  difficult  to  perform.  One  of  the  great  beauties  of 
the  new  polarizer  used  in  this  system  was  that  it  made  possible  not 
only  one  but  several  new  methods  of  viewing  stereoscopic  photographs 
which,  between  them,  permitted  the  greatest  freedom  and  flexibility 
of  experimentation.  The  writer  has,  moreover,  been  fortunate  in 
having  been  able  to  avail  himself  of  the  technical  advice  of  the  inven- 
tor, Mr.  Land,  and  of  his  associate,  Mr.  Wheelwright,  who  have 
followed  the  successive  stages  of  the  development  of  the  project 
with  the  closest  attention. 

At  the  outset,  it  was  decided  that  the  best  way  of  finding  what  a 
good  stereo  reproduction  looked  like  was  to  reproduce  faithfully,  and, 
wherever  it  was  possible,  in  the  minutest  detail,  the  physical  experi- 
ence of  vision.  If  I  were  asked  what  were  the  conditions  for  perfect 
stereo  viewing  I  should  not,  at  this  moment,  relax  any  of  these  pre- 
cautions. Since  this  is,  in  a  sense,  the  crucial  question,  we  should 
perhaps  analyze  the  situation  implied  by  such  a  statement.  For  per- 
fect viewing,  or  for  orthostereoscopy,  one  should  have  two  cameras  or 
their  equivalent;  toed  in  for  any  given  picture  to  the  angle  of  conver- 
gence of  the  eyes;  pivoting  about  an  axis  corresponding  to  the  axis  of 
rotation  of  the  eye-balls,  and,  like  that  axis,  the  distance  of  the  radius 
of  the  eye-ball  behind  the  forward  nodal  point  of  each  lens;  and  sepa- 
rated by  the  observer's  interocular  distance.  The  pictures  should 
then  be  seen  at  actual  size,  normal  to  the  axis  of  vision,  and  points  on 
a  vertical  line  through  the  intersection  of  the  axes  of  vision  must  be 
superposed.  For  perfect  results  the  observer  can  be  in  only  one  spot, 
exactly  in  front  of  the  point  upon  which  his  attention  was  fastened 
(and  hence  upon  which  the  cameras  were  focused,  a  point  that  would 
normally  be  the  middle  of  the  picture)  and  at  the  distance  equal  to 
that  of  the  forward  nodal  point  of  the  taking  lenses  from  this  point  of 
the  object.  His  convergence  and  accommodation  then  are  matched 
and  reduplicate  those  he  would  have  used  when  looking  at  the  object 
from  the  position  of  the  camera.  Even  these  highly  specialized  con- 
ditions can  be  achieved  with  the  apparatus  now  available,  and  even 

12  C.  KENNEDY  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

if  it  be  not  necessary  to  insist  upon  such  perfection  for  practical  pur- 
poses, it  is  highly  desirable  to  be  able  at  any  time  to  refer  to  it  as  a 
standard  of  excellence. 

How  far  may  we  safely  relax  these  restrictions  in  order  to  adapt  the 
procedure  to  larger  groups?  That  question  the  present  demonstra- 
tion will  answer.  As  it  is  now  set,  the  projector  marks  the  line  back 
of  which  it  would  be  undesirable  to  be  seated  for  a  projected  picture  of 
the  size  upon  the  screen.*  If  the  audience  were  larger  it  would  be 
necessary  merely  to  increase  the  size  of  the  picture  proportionately. 
The  desirable  size,  then,  as  computed  for  these  pictures  is  approxi- 
mately what  one  would  normally  use.  We  accept  without  much 
question  distortion  of  one  kind  or  another  in  motion  pictures  as 
now  shown.  Von  Rohr  has  pointed  out  that  because  the  perspective 
of  any  given  view  was  a  function  of  the  distance  of  the  camera  from 
the  object  at  the  time,  there  is  only  one  spot,  at  any  moment  in  the 
course  of  the  changing  conditions  that  the  reel  produces,  from  which 
the  image  upon  the  screen  can  look  right.  Furthermore,  in  far  too 
many  theaters  the  angle  of  projection  is  extreme,  and  although,  if  the 
throw  is  long  enough,  the  focus  at  top  and  bottom  is  passable,  the  en- 
largement of  the  picture  as  one  looks  toward  the  bottom  is  pro- 
nounced. In  most  theaters,  too,  the  entire  screen  is  above  the  au- 
dience, so  that  the  angle  of  view  produces  distortion  even  from  the 
central  seats,  not  to  speak  of  the  recognized  distortions  from  the  side. 
Stereo  views  are  subject  in  much  the  same  way  to  exactly  the  same 
destructive  forces  and  there  is  no  theoretical  reason  why  the  re- 
sults should  be  worse.  This  audience  has  undoubtedly  been  looking 
for  distortions,  and  has  seen  them.  The  public,  too,  may  be  more 
aware  of  them  at  first,  because  of  the  novelty  of  the  medium;  then, 
as  in  the  case  of  flat  photography,  they  may  end  by  ignoring  them. 
It  is  possible  that,  because  stereo  is  so  much  more  completely  a  repro- 
duction of  reality,  it  may  be  more  difficult  to  make  such  allowances  as 
we  are  accustomed  to  make  for  photographs  and  paintings,  which  are 
more  obviously  conventions.  In  presenting  stereo  to  public  audi- 
ences it  would  seem,  therefore,  a  sound  policy  to  avoid  at  least  all 
causes  of  distortion  that  are  unnecessary,  such  as  the  exaggerated  in- 
terocular  distance  in  the  taking  cameras.  Those  who  have  interocu- 
lars  representing  departures  one  way  or  the  other  from  the  average 
will,  in  general,  have  to  suffer  for  it,  although,  if  they  were  fussy,  wide- 

*About  6  by  8  feet. 


eyed  people  could  compensate  for  the  difference  to  a  considerable  ex- 
tent by  sitting  farther  back  and  narrow-headed  people  by  taking  seats 
in  front.  The  size  of  the  picture  should  be  figured,  in  relation  to  the 
average  focal  length  of  the  taking  camera,  for  the  distance  to  a  point 
somewhat  nearer  the  front  than  the  middle  of  the  block  of  seats.  The 
larger  the  picture  and  the  greater  its  distance,  the  more  persons  could 
see  it  with  the  minimum  distortion  of  depth  as  well  as  of  the  other 
two  dimensions.  Gigantism  is  no  more  to  be  feared,  and  no  less, 
than  in  the  two-dimensional  cinema.  Stereo,  in  fact,  provides  the 
only  means  of  controlling  scale,  but  this  can  be  done  under  theater 
conditions  only  at  the  expense  of  comfort.  Care  must  be  taken  not 
to  permit  a  careless  operator  to  separate  the  pictures  by  more  than 
interocular  distance,  for  he  might  make  the  audience  even  sea-sick; 
but  a  shift  in  the  direction  of  convergence,  if  slight,  would  by  most 
persons  be  followed  without  great  discomfort;  and  close-ups,  which 
should  look  smaller,  would  appear  better  if  so  treated.  Registration 
would  have  to  be  exact,  for  a  vertical  shift  in  either  picture  as  com- 
pared with  the  other  would  make  fusion  difficult  and  unstable  and 
produce  strain. 

The  next  question  that  will  undoubtedly  be  raised  is,  "How  com- 
plicated is  the  apparatus  that  would  be  required?"  The  reply  that  is 
most  directly  to  the  point  is  that  the  stereograms  being  shown  in  this 
demonstration  are  being  projected  from  single  lantern  slides  of  regu- 
lation size  by  a  single  500-watt  projector  of  the  usual  type,  burning, 
for  the  moment,  an  over-voltaged  1000- watt  motion  picture  projection 
bulb  and  equipped  in  front  of  the  lens  with  a  stereo  head,  about  4 
inches  cube,  containing  the  two  polarizers  corresponding  to  your  spec- 
tacles. The  images,  as  may  have  been  noticed,  may  separately  be 
slid  at  will  to  the  side  to  provide  for  changes  in  convergence,  or  up  and 
and  down  to  correct  any  vertical  shift  that  may  by  chance  be  present. 
The  double  camera  with  which  the  sculptures  were  photographed  had 
an  interlocking  converging  and  focusing  device  so  that  convergence 
automatically  followed  focus.  A  still  simpler  camera  is  now  being 
designed,  on  the  model  of  the  projector.  As  regards  the  feasibility  of 
using  similar  apparatus  for  the  motion  picture,  obviously  the  distinc- 
tion is  not  a  fundamental  one.  Whatever  we  have  learned  from  the 
work  already  done  holds  equally  true  for  motion  pictures :  the  greater 
refinement  of  the  equipment  should  lead  to  pictures  of  even  better 
quality  than  these. 

What  does  one  gain  by  the  use  of  stereo?     This  question  should  be 

14  C.  KENNEDY  [J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

put  with  the  utmost  seriousness  at  this  time.  The  age-old  problem 
of  presentation  is  so  nearly  solved  that  before  we  embark  upon  an 
attempt  to  arrange  the  practical  details  of  its  use  in  various  fields  we 
should  stop  to  make  sure  what  it  is  we  expect  from  it.  When  the 
Carnegie  Corporation  asked  the  writer  to  investigate  for  them  the 
possibilities  of  the  use  of  stereo  in  the  schools  and  colleges,  this  un- 
doubtedly was  the  result  of  a  purely  spontaneous  idea  that  occurred 
to  somebody  in  a  quite  unassuming  way,  but  there  is  every  evidence 
that  such  an  idea  did  not  occur  to  them  alone.  From  all  sides  there  is 
a  sudden  and  incomprehensible  interest  in  stereo,  even  before  color  is 
developed  to  the  point  where  we  know  exactly  how  to  proceed  with 
that  newest  of  all  conquests  of  the  reproduction  of  the  visual  world. 

To  the  average  person,  stereo  is  synonymous  with  the  third  dimen- 
sion. We  must  not  forget  that  there  are  factors  other  than  stereo 
from  which  we  get  the  effect  of  depth  even  in  a  single  image  upon  the 
screen — overlap,  the  shape  of  contours,  the  shape  and  position  of  re- 
flections, light,  shade,  cast  shadow  and  reflected  light,  atmospheric 
effects,  depth  of  focus,  and  the  relative  apparent  movements  of  ob- 
jects when  they  or  the  camera  is  in  motion.  It  is  a  cumulative  body 
of  effects  that  build  up,  even  without  binocular  vision,  a  strong  sen- 
sation of  depth,  and  are  important  in  adding  to  its  poignancy  when  a 
picture  is  seen  stereoscopically.  But  the  stereoscopic  sensation  of 
depth  is  something  of  a  different  order,  which  can  best  be  described 
by  the  word  "reality,"  and  there  can  be  no  hesitation  in  accepting  the 
popular  verdict  that  that  is  its  most  striking  aspect.  Most  persons 
do  not  realize  that  binocular  vision  has  other  important  implications 
that  improve  even  the  photograph  of  an  object  that  does  not  have 
three  dimensions.  They  would  unquestionably  believe  me  a  quack  if 
they  heard  the  report  that  I  proposed  to  photograph  paintings  with 
this  system,  or  they  would  assume  that  I  expected  in  that  way  to  in- 
fuse them  with  a  false  stereoscopic  depth.  But  there  is  another  prop- 
erty of  binocular  vision  that  is  even  more  exciting  at  the  present  mo- 
ment because  it  has  a  direct  application  to  color.  It  results  from  the 
principle  that  in  specular  reflection  the  angle  of  incidence  is  equal  to 
the  angle  of  reflection.  For  a  given  light-source  the  direction  of  the 
surface  of  the  object  that  would  fulfill  this  condition  must  be  different 
for  each  eye,  to  an  extent  that  increases  as  the  eyes,  always  a  constant 
distance  apart,  approach  nearer  the  object.  Thus,  the  bright  spot 
that  appears  in  one  position  upon  the  object  for  the  left  eye  will  be 
seen  in  a  different  place  by  the  right  eye — displaced,  that  is,  in  a  way 


determined  by  the  shape  of  the  contiguous  surface.  To  put  it  in  an- 
other way,  the  same  unit  of  surface  will  appear  bright  for  one  eye  and 
darker  for  the  other.  This  type  of  retinal  disparity  is  the  most 
powerful  phenomenon  that  gives  meaning  to  reflection,  or  sheen  or 
luster,  which  in  flat  photographs  has  been  the  bane  of  the  photog- 
rapher. For  the  first  time  we  have  been  able  to  make  a  bronze  figure 
look  like  bronze;  one  can  see  even  that  the  surface  has  been  waxed! 

The  significance  this  has  for  color  is  not  self-evident,  but  those  who 
have  been  confronted  with  new  color  processes  challenging  the  under- 
standing and  have  looked  at  natural  objects  repeatedly  through  a 
spectroscopic  analyzer,  will  already  be  aware  of  the  amazing  extent 
to  which  even  the  surfaces  that  we  think  of  as  matte  are  reflecting, 
with  its  color  unchanged,  the  light  that  falls  upon  them.  You  have 
also  had  evidence  of  this  in  the  films  prepared  by  Mr.  J.  W.  McFar- 
lane,2  in  which  either  wholly  or  partly,  as  the  case  may  be,  these  re- 
flections have  been  removed  with  a  polarizing  sheet.  In  this,  as  in 
other  physical  sensations,  we  are  not  given  to  analyzing  our  impres- 
sions; we  are  none  the  less  aware  of  any  failure  in  reproducing  them. 
The  difference  may  be  illustrated  by  describing  an  experience  in  mak- 
ing a  Dufay  stereo  color  picture  on  two  5  X  7-inch  films.  I  was 
photographing  a  bronze  head  of  Paul  Robeson,  by  Epstein,  and  my 
first  shock  came  when  I  had  to  remove  the  bronze  from  a  room  with  a 
window  opening  out  upon  a  lawn  because  of  the  vivid  green  reflections 
from  the  grass  all  over  the  bronze.  A  room  with  gray  burlap  walls 
proved  a  suitable  place,  but  the  two  positives  were  very  disappointing. 
I  blamed  the  film  especially  for  its  failure  to  record  the  black  of  the 
polished  marble  base — it  was  a  dirty  gray.  Discouraged,  I  had  little 
will  to  make  the  effort  to  arrange  the  films  so  that  they  could  be 
viewed  in  stereo,  but,  to  my  amazement,  when  I  did,  the  base  went 
black!  Then  only  did  I  realize  how  much  reflected  gray  light  had 
been  coming  from  it,  which,  in  the  single  print  mingled  with  the  black 
and  became  a  part  of  it,  but  which,  in  the  stereo,  was  recognized  as  a 
mere  reflection,  and,  in  a  sense,  disregarded,  as  in  life. 

It  follows  that,  even  when  we  succeed  in  obtaining  films  that  will 
truthfully  reproduce  the  colors  of  nature,  they  will  not  seem  true  until 
we  add  binocular  vision.  Meanwhile,  even  imperfect  color  looks  far 
more  reasonable  in  stereo.  Pictures  with  gold  backgrounds  have 
been  the  despair  of  critics  who  must  lecture  with  an  image  upon  the 
screen,  and  even  the  yellow  of  the  best  color  photograph  is  pasty  look- 
ing; but  in  these  pictures  we  have  gold!  Experiments  made  with 

16  C.  KENNEDY  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

paintings  in  tempera,  and  especially  with  those  painted  in  oil,  with 
luminous  glazes  by  the  great  Venetian  masters,  would  indicate  that 
this  phenomenon  is  still  an  important  one  in  its  less  spectacular  forms. 
The  future  of  stereo  in  the  educational  field  is  clear,  then.  It  will  be 
invaluable  in  art,  in  botany,  geology,  mineralogy,  in  experimental 
psychology,  in  medical  schools,  and  wherever  accurate  reproduction 
of  the  visual  image  is  an  axiomatic  need.  Furthermore,  in  this  edu- 
cational program  the  motion  picture  will  have  an  undeniable  place. 

(During  the  presentation  of  Professor  Kennedy's  paper,  spectacles  fitted  with  polar- 
izing filters  were  supplied  to.  the  audience,  with  which  to  view  the  polarized  anaglyphs 
projected  upon  an  aluminum  screen  by  means  of  a  lantern  slide  projector.  More  than 
150  such  spectacles  were  distributed  among  the  audience  and  a  large  number  of  views 
of  objects  of  art,  sculpture,  etc.,  and  outdoor  scenes  were  seen  in  stereoscopic  relief.} 


1  TUTTLE,  F.,  AND  McFARLANE,  J.  W.  \   "Introduction  to  the  Photographic  Pos- 
sibilities of  Polarized  Light,"  /.  Soc.  Mot.  PicL  Eng.,  XXV  (July,  1935),  No.  1, 
p.  69. 

2  MCFARLANE,  J.  W. :    "Demonstration  of  Photography  by  Polarized  Light," 
presented  at  the  Fall,  1935,  Meeting  at  Washington,  D.  C.;  to  be  published  in  a 
forthcoming  issue  of  the  JOURNAL. 


MR.  RICHARDSON:  You  said  that  the  color  would  be  different  with  reflected 
light.  Exactly  what,  with  two-eyed  vision,  would  be  different? 

MR.  KENNEDY  :  In  a  single  flat  photograph  the  observer  can  not  separate  the 
color  of  the  reflected  light  from  the  basic  color.  Consequently,  we  accept  the 
mixture  as  the  basic  color,  and  the  mixed  color  looks  wrong.  When  we  look  at  the 
object  itself  we  are  able,  in  a  sense,  to  disregard  the  color  that  we  recognize  as  that 
of  the  reflected  light,  and  look  through  it,  as  it  were,  to  the  actual  color  of  the  sur- 

From  the  disparities  in  a  stereogram  we  know  which  is  the  reflected  color. 
We  have  only  to  remember  the  appearance  of  the  best  color  photograph  of  gold  or 
bronze,  which  are  obvious  and  exaggerated  examples  of  a  lustrous  material,  to 
realize  that  a  color  film  of  a  painting  can  never  reproduce  the  effect  even  of  an 
oil  glaze  unless  the  binocular  phenomenon  is  taken  into  consideration. 

MR.  GAGE  :  I  once  took  two  pictures  of  a  single  object  with  the  same  camera 
from  points  about  twenty  feet  apart.  I  was  able  to  arrange  the  prints  so  that  a 
railroad  trestle  about  a  mile  away  stood  out  with  annoying  prominence.  It  seems 
to  me  when  taking  pictures  of  mountain  scenery,  it  might  be  desirable  to  separate 
the  eyes  by  an  exaggerated  distance,  and,  whether  the  effect  of  depth  could  be 
exaggerated  or  not,  I  believe  the  result  would  be  very  interesting. 

During  the  demonstration  here,  I  was  noticing  the  effect  that  resulted  when 
only  one  eye  was  used  and  the  polarizer  rotated.  With  a  few  of  the  pictures,  when 


they  were  very  nearly  in  register,  rotating  the  polarizing  plate  gave  the  appear- 
ance of  rotating  the  object  somewhat. 

MR.  KENNEDY:  If  you  are  interested  in  "tricks,"  we  have  many  of  them.  For 
instance,  I  can  determine  with  accuracy  about  what  axis  the  apparent  movement 
of  the  three-dimensional  image  will  pivot  if,  using  both  eyes,  you  move  from  side 
to  side  across  the  room.  Provided  your  eyes  are  acrobatic  enough  to  follow,  I  can 
also  make  the  image  come  out  into  the  room  to  meet  you :  it  would  then  appear  not 
only  to  exist  in  space  a  very  short  distance  from  you,  but  it  would  appear  smaller 
as  well.  In  comparison,  a  flat  image  of  the  same  size  and  upon  the  same  screen 
would  look  ever  so  much  larger  and  farther  off. 

MR.  SHEA  :  How  nearly  equal  in  intensity  must  the  illuminations  received  by 
the  two  eyes  be?  How  nearly  equal  were  they  here?  I  was  under  the  impression 
that  there  was  a  difference  in  intensity,  and  it  detracted  somewhat  from  the  con- 
trast that  might  have  been  present  had  the  intensities  been  equal. 

MR.  KENNEDY:  In  the  camera  that  I  used  for  many  of  these  pictures  I  used 
lenses  that  were  taken  from  an  old  stereo  camera,  and  I  found  after  making  a  num- 
ber of  exposures  that  the  apertures  were  not  precisely  matched.  The  negatives 
were  given  the  same  development,  and  I  had  to  compensate  for  the  difference  in 
density  by  a  difference  in  printing  time;  obviously  a  correction  of  that  kind  can 
at  best  be  approximate. 

MR.  SHEA  :  In  some  of  the  last  pictures  shown  I  think  the  correction  was  com- 
pletely made. 

MR.  KENNEDY:  The  degree  to  which  it  was  successful  was  simply  a  question  of 
the  skill  of  the  printer.  Of  course,  except  for  differences  in  the  intensity  of  re- 
flected lights,  the  two  images  should  be  of  the  same  density,  and  would  be  when 
using  a  properly  constructed  camera. 

MR.  JOY:  In  some  colored  pictures,  there  appears  to  be  so  much  contrast  be- 
tween the  colors  that  they  seem  too  artificial.  If  depth  were  added  to  the  picture 
in  the  manner  here  demonstrated,  would  it  tend  to  tone  down  such  contrast  and 
make  the  colors  appear  more  normal  with  respect  to  each  other  and  the  rest  of  the 

MR.  KENNEDY:  The  only  effect  stereoscopic  reproduction  has  upon  color  is 
that  of  which  I  have  already  spoken.  In  some  cases  a  better  balance  might  re- 
sult between  the  colors,  because  some  of  the  defects  you  describe  might  well  be 
explained  by  our  failure  to  distinguish  reflected  lights  from  local  color,  especially 
since  the  two  would  often  be  in  a  different  key. 

MR.  CRABTREE:  In  commercial  use  would  it  be  necessary  to  sterilize  the 
spectacles  after  each  performance? 

MR.  KENNEDY:  The  glasses  are  water-proof  and  could  be  dipped  into  an  anti- 


The  recent  misunderstanding  concerning  the  16-mm.  sound-film 
standards  has  emphasized  the  need  for  close  cooperation  with  other 
standardizing  bodies,  especially  those  in  Europe.  Various  proposals 
to  that  end  have  been  made,  among  which  were : 

(1)  That  the  Engineering  Vice-President  be  requested  to  appoint   several 
European  members  of  the  SMPE  to  the  Standards  Committee,  in  order  that  they 
may  establish  a  direct  liaison  between  this  Committee  and  the  European  Com- 

(2)  That  copies  of  minutes  of  the  meetings  of  this  Committee  be  sent  not  only 
to  such  foreign  members,  but  also  to  the  secretaries  of  other  Societies  interested  in 
motion  picture  technology  and  standardization  both  here  and  abroad,  and  to  a 
selected  list  of  persons  who  might  be  expected  to  offer  criticisms  or  suggestions. 

Thus  the  other  standardizing  groups  would  be  acquainted  with  the 
plans  and  ideas  of  this  Committee  before  they  have  become  fully 
crystallized,  and  would  have  the  advantage  of  discussing  and  com- 
paring our  plans  with  their  own  before  taking  final  steps  toward 
standardization.  It  is,  furthermore,  hoped  that  if  this  Committee 
takes  the  initiative,  other  groups  will  follow  suit ;  and  we  may  thus  be 
able  to  consider  their  tentative  standards  before  they  have  gone  too 
far  for  reconsideration. 

During  his  recent  trip  to  Paris  to  discuss  the  16-mm.  sound-film 
standards,  Mr.  G.  Friedl  received  a  number  of  criticisms  of  our  Stand- 
ards Booklet  which  indicated  that  although  the  Booklet  might  be 
quite  clear  to  American  engineers,  it  could  be  made  much  clearer  and 
more  definite  for  those  whose  practices  and  languages  differed  to  any 
extent.  Mr.  Friedl  has  gone  over  the  Booklet  in  detail  and  has 
pointed  out  inconsistencies  in  the  mode  of  presentation  which  the 
Committee  will  endeavor  to  clarify  in  the  next  publication. 

The  items  under  discussion  at  the  present  time  are  as  follows : 

Sprockets.- — Sub-committees,  appointed  for  the  purpose,  report 
that  the  manufacturers  of  camera  and  sound  sprockets  do  not  believe 
that  these  sprockets  are  as  yet  amenable  to  standardization.  As  most 
of  the  Committee  was  in  agreement,  the  matter  has  been  dropped. 

*  Presented  at  the  Fall,  1935,  Meeting  at  Washington,  B.C. 


Screen  Brightness. — The  general  problem  of  screen  brightness  has 
long  been  before  the  Standards  Committee.  The  excellent  work  of 
the  Projection  Screen  Brightness  Committee  under  the  chairmanship 
of  C.  Tuttle  makes  it  appear  that  a  practical  solution  of  the  problem 
is  in  sight. 

Photoelectric  Cell  Specifications. — The  specifications  proposed  by  the 
British  Standards  Institution  for  photoelectric  cells  are  under  con- 
sideration by  the  Sound  Committee,  and  we  are  awaiting  their  report. 

8-Mm.  Sound  Film. — Dimensional  specifications  have  been  sub- 
mitted for  the  standardization  of  8-mm.  sound  film.  Since,  appar- 
ently, no  such  film  has  yet  been  produced  commercially,  it  seems  too 
early  to  attempt  standardization.  It  is  felt,  however,  that  the  time 
to  begin  work  on  standards  is  before  too  many  different  forms  of  ap- 
paratus appear  upon  the  market. 

16-Mm.  Sound  Test-Film. — The  production  of  a  16-mm.  sound  test- 
film,  similar  to  the  SMPE  standard  35-mm.  sound  test  film,  is  under 
way.  The  plan  is  to  distort  the  frequency- volume  curve  of  the  nega- 
tive so  that  the  response  curve  of  the  positive  will  be  nearly  flat  up  to 
5000  cycles. 

2000- Ft.  Reels. — The  Standards  Committee  is  preparing  to  act  as 
soon  as  possible  upon  the  recommendations  of  the  Projection  Practice 
and  Exchange  Practice  Committees  with  regard  to  adopting  the 
2000-ft.  reel  proposed  recently  for  positive  film  by  the  Academy  of 
Motion  Picture  Arts  and  Sciences. 

Standard  Densities  for  Calibrating  Sensitometric  Instruments. — A  re- 
quest has  been  received  from  several  of  the  laboratories  that  standard 
densities  be  made  available  for  calibrating  densitometers.  A  sub- 
committee is  investigating  this  problem. 

16-Mm.  Sound  Lead. — The  German  standard  for  the  lead  of  the 
sound  over  the  picture  in  16-mm.  sound  film  is  27  frames.  The 
SMPE  standard  is  25  frames.  A  compromise  proposal  of  26  frames 
was  made  at  the  Paris  Congress  in  July.  The  Standards  Committee 
is  at  present  in  favor  of  agreeing  to  the  proposal  and  changing  the 
SMPE  standard  to  26  frames,  but  it  was  deemed  advisable  first  to 
consult  the  various  equipment  and  film  manufacturers  before  formally 
adopting  the  change. 

Definition  of  Safety  Film. — A  sub-committee  is  being  appointed  for 
the  purpose  of  looking  into  the  specifications  of  safety  film  stock,  and 
the  desirability  of  changing  our  definition  to  agree  with  that  proposed 
at  the  International  Film  Congress. 


E.  K.  CARVER,  Chairman 
J.  A.  DUBRAY,  Vice- Chairman 




P.  H.  EVANS  K.  F.  MORGAN  J.  L.  SPENCE 






MR.  MITCHELL:  What,  if  anything,  is  being  done  about  adopting  the  standard 
35-mm.  positive  perforations  universally?  It  is  necessary  again  to  call  attention 
to  the  problem  of  printing  positive  stock  from  a  negative,  the  perforation  height  of 
which  differs  by  0.005  inch.  The  matter  hast>een  called  to  our  attention  periodi- 
cally, and  it  is  almost  impossible  to  get  the  high-quality  result  we  require  today 
unless  it  is  straightened  out.  I  suggest  that  further  consideration  be  given  to  the 
possibility  of  using  positive  film  having  the  same  height  of  perforation  as  the  nega- 
tive. I  am  sure  you  will  find  that  such  film  can  be  used  in  existing  projectors 

MR.  CARVER:  Do  I  understand  that  you  recommend  decreasing  the  height  of 
the  positive  perforation  to  match  that  of  the  negative?  The  standard  adopted  by 
the  Society  is  that  both  the  negative  and  the  positive  perforations  be  the  same  as 
the  present  positive  perforation.  So  far  as  formal  action  goes,  we  have  done  all 
that  we  can  do.  The  rest  is  a  question  of  propaganda.  It  is  very  difficult  for  us 
to  know  just  how  to  induce  every  one  to  change.  The  film  is  available,  according 
to  the  standard ;  all  that  has  to  be  done  is  to  order  it ;  but  we  can  not  make  people 
order  the  standard  film  if  they  choose  to  order  the  other. 

MR.  MITCHELL  :  That  is  exactly  the  point  I  make :  a  standard  has  been  recom- 
mended that  does  not  seem  to  be  acceptable — they  have  so  much  old  negative 
that  they  can  not  treat  it ;  the  positive  film  is  more  transitory.  It  might  be  worth 
going  into  the  matter  further  to  see  whether  the  recommendation  should  not  be 
changed  to  suit  the  existing  conditions  rather  than  the  ideal. 

MR.  CARVER:  That  point  has  been  studied  carefully,  and  we  have  found  no 
instances  of  apparatus  in  which  negative  film  that  already  exists  will  not  work 
satisfactorily  in  conjunction  with  the  positive  film.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  positive 
film  will  work  all  right  in  the  camera  without  change,  at  least,  in  so  far  as  we  have 
been  able  to  find  out.  Most  cameramen  would  probably  like  to  have  the  posi- 
tioning pins  changed  were  they  to  use  the  film  with  the  larger  perforations.  One 
difficulty  (I  am  sure  it  is  not  the  only  one)  with  the  old  type  of  negative  perfora- 
tion is  the  tolerance  in  the  present  sound  equipment.  The  sound  recorders  will 
not  work  properly  with  the  narrow  perforation  if  shrinkage  is  greater  than,  I 
believe,  0.36  per  cent.  With  the  positive  perforation,  however,  the  tolerance  is 
considerably  greater,  and  that  alone  seems  to  be  sufficient  justification  for  insist- 
ing upon  the  positive  type  of  perforation,  as  we  have  done. 


As  noted  in  the  Spring  report, 1  the  Sound  Committee  has  addressed 
itself  to  four  main  projects.  Upon  the  first  of  these,  namely,  that  of 
establishing  Primary  and  Secondary  Frequency  Reference  Standards, 
considerable  work  has  been  done,  principally  because  the  Committee 
regards  this  project  the  most  important,  and  for  that  reason  concen- 
trated its  attention  upon  it.  This  report,  therefore,  will  be  restricted 
to  that  phase  of  the  Committee's  work. 

As  will  be  recalled,  the  first  step  in  the  project  was  to  establish  and 
calibrate  prints  that  would  serve  as  Primary  and  Secondary  Fre- 
quency Reference  Standards.  That  has  been  done,  and  the  follow- 
ing instructions  concerning  their  use  have  been  prepared.  The  data 
indicate  that  an  accuracy  of  =»=0.5  db.  may  be  achieved  in  direct  com- 
parisons between  two  films,  and  that  results  are  reproducible  at  in- 
tervals to  an  even  higher  degree  of  accuracy. 


Because  of  the  inability  of  various  organizations  to  make  absolute 
measurements  of  the  output  from  a  given  sample  of  sound  record 
that  would  check,  the  Sound  Committee  decided  to  follow  the  prece- 
dent set  by  the  Bureau  of  Standards  in  standardizing  units  of 
distance,  weight,  resistance,  etc.,  and  has  adopted  a  Reference 
Standard  as  a  datum  plane  or  bench-mark,  to  which  all  other 
frequency-film  measurements  can  be  referred.  To  this  end,  a  certain 
film  now  in  the  hands  of  the  Chairman  of  the  Committee  was 
selected  as  a  Reference  Standard,  and  has  been  marked  Primary 
Frequency  Reference  Standard  VW,  Print  No.  1,  Property  of  the  SMPE 
Sound  Committee. 

Although  an  effort  was  made  to  make  the  Primary  Standard  as 
nearly  as  possible  a  constant-output  film,  the  various  organizations 
that  have  measured  the  film  do  not  agree  as  to  its  characteristic;  nor 
is  it  important  for  our  purposes  that  we  know  what  it  is.  The  mea- 
surements that  have  been  made  are  merely  for  the  purpose  of  deter- 

*  Presented  at  the  Fall,  1935,  Meeting  at  Washington,  D.  C. 




00     OOOOOOOr- i   CO   W    1-1   O   O   O   O 

I  +     +1      ++++++++ 


*    T"""T 


£     s  ° 

£  I   "I   ""I       +4-  +  +  +  +  +      + 

!  . 

I  +    I 

rH    rH    O    (M    ^ 

d  o  d  d  c 
I    +       +1 


W     ^    I  ^ 

I   "   I    I     I        +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  + 



=>  +  ~   '!"+  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  + 







CO  iO  O  ^O  O 

Jan.,  1936] 



mining  the  variations  with  age  and  hence  the  stability  of  the  film  as  a 
Reference  Standard.  Information  as  to  these  variations  will  be  made 
available  from  time  to  time,  but  not  as  to  the  characteristic. 

As  in  the  case  of  Reference  Standards  of  weights  and  measures,  it  is 
neither  desirable  nor  physically  possible  for  every  one  to  have  direct 


Data  Showing  Reliability  of  SMPE  Secondary  Frequency  Reference  Standard  as  a 
True  Standard  of  Reference 










.  .  . 




















.  .  . 












+  1.5 

+  1-7 


























+  1.3 



+  1.5 


+  1.0 

+  1.0 


+  1.0 



Direct  comparison  with  Primary  Standard: 

(A)  On  System  No.  1,  July  12th. 

(B)  On  System  No.  1,  July  15th. 

(C)  On  System  No.  2,  Aug.  8th. 

Comparison  with  Primary  Standard  through  intermediary  test-film: 
(Z>)    Secondary  Standard  on  System  No.  2,  Aug.  8th; 

Test-film  on  System  No.  1,  July  12th;  direct  comparison  with  Primary 

Deviation  computed  from  these  two  runs.     Frequencies  omitted  from 

column  D  were  not  included  in  the  test-film. 

All  readings  are  in  db.,  as  read  on  a  General  Radio  general-purpose  level  indica- 
tor and  are  deviations  from  the  Primary  Reference  Standard  (or  No.  1  Print). 

access  to  the  Primary  Standard.  The  Sound  Committee  has,  there- 
fore, followed  the  procedure  established  in  the  case  of  many  other 
Reference  Standards,  of  employing  Secondary  Reference  Standards. 
Consequently,  additional  prints  were  made  of  the  same  frequency 
negative  and  were  marked  Secondary  Frequency  Reference  Standard 
VW,  Print  No ,  Property  of  the  SMPE  Sound  Committee.  Each  of 

24  REPORT  OF  SOUND  COMMITTEE  [J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

the  Secondary  Standards  has  been  calibrated  in  terms  of  the  Primary 
Standard,  and  the  deviations  noted  upon  a  label  pasted  inside  the 
cover  of  the  film  can.  These  prints  are  the  property  of  the  Sound 
Committee,  and  may  be  borrowed  by  any  interested  organization  for 
the  purpose  of  calibrating  privately  owned  Reference  Standards  or 
test-films.  In  order  to  minimize  the  changes  with  use  in  these 
Secondary  Reference  Standards,  it  is  of  great  importance  that  they 
be  used  as  infrequently  as  possible.  The  Sound  Committee  will 
check  the  calibration  of  the  Secondary  Standards  from  time  to  time, 
as  experience  indicates  the  necessity  of  so  doing. 

The  motive  in  establishing  this  Reference  Standard  has  been  to 
provide  for  the  industry  a  tool  that  could  be  used  for  the  study  of  spe- 
cific problems.  Detailed  instructions  will  be  prepared  and  issued  by 
the  Sound  Committee  from  time  to  time  on  the  exact  procedure  to  be 
followed  in  compiling  the  data  for  such  studies. 

In  order  to  furnish  an  idea  of  the  relative  uniformity  of  the  Secon- 
dary Standards,  Table  I  shows  the  calibration  of  each  Secondary  print 
in  terms  of  the  No.  1  Print,  or  Primary  Reference  Standard.  Table  II 
shows  the  consistency  of  measurements  made  at  various  times  and 
with  various  machines,  both  by  direct  comparison  and  through  an 
intermediate  film  or  test-film.  These  data  indicate  that  in  direct 
comparisons  an  accuracy  of  ±0.5  db.  may  be  expected;  and  that 
when  an  intermediate  film  is  used,  this  accuracy  will  not  be  less  ex- 
cept at  the  higher  frequencies. 


Probably  the  first  step  for  each  interested  organization  of  the  indus- 
try is  to  provide  itself  with  a  reliable  test-film.  For  accuracy  of  re- 
sults and  ease  of  manipulation  it  is  desirable  that  the  film  have  an 
approximately  constant  output  for  all  frequencies,  although  that  is 
not  absolutely  necessary  if  the  film  is  calibrated  in  terms  of  the  Sound 
Committee's  Primary  Standard  by  means  of  a  Secondary  Reference 
Standard.  When  recording  or  obtaining  a  frequency  test-film,  care 
should  be  taken  to  include  the  frequencies  that  have  been  adopted  by 
the  Committee  as  being  representative  of  the  voice-frequency  range, 
namely,  30,  50,  100,  250,  500,  1000,  and  every  thousand  up  to  and  in- 
cluding 10,000  cps.  This  will  permit  the  Sound  Committee  to  corre- 
late the  data  of  the  various  organizations  in  the  problems  it  has  set 
out  to  solve. 

When  a  frequency  film  has  been  obtained  that  appears  to  be  satis- 

Jan.,  1936  J  REPORT  OF  SOUND  COMMITTEE  25 

factory,  it  should  be  run  upon  a  convenient  reproducing  machine  and 
system  (the  better  the  machine  and  system  the  more  reliable  the  re- 
sults :  preferably  a  machine  without  sprocket  teeth) ,  and  the  output 
at  the  various  frequencies  measured  by  a  volume  indicator  or  other 
suitable  means.  Repeat  the  run  four  or  five  times ;  then  if  the  results 
check  within  a  few  tenths  of  a  decibel,  immediately  run  the  Secondary 
Reference  Standard  once,  without  making  any  alterations  in  the  sys- 
tem, and  note  the  output  at  the  various  frequencies. 

Next,  to  determine  the  deviation  of  the  test-film  at  any  frequency, 
take  the  average  of  the  output  readings  of  the  film  at  that  frequency 
and  note  the  deviation  between  this  average  reading  and  the  output 
reading  of  the  Secondary  Frequency  Reference  Standard.  If  the 
output  of  the  film  at  that  frequency  is  greater  than  that  of  the  Secon- 
dary Standard,  the  deviation  is  plus;  if  less,  the  deviation  is  minus. 

Pasted  inside  the  can  in  which  the  Secondary  Frequency  Reference 
Standard  is  received  will  be  found  a  table  showing  the  deviation  of  the 
Secondary  Standard  from  the  Primary  Standard  at  each  frequency. 
Adding  this  value  algebraically  to  the  deviation  between  the  test- 
film  and  the  Secondary  Reference  Standard  will  then  furnish  the 
deviation  of  the  test-film  from  the  Primary  Reference  Standard. 
As  an  example : 

If  the  test-film  at  250  cps.  gives  an  output  of +2.0  db. 

And  the  Secondary  Reference  Standard  under  the  same  conditions  and 

at  the  same  frequency  gives  an  output  of +1.0  db. 

Then  the  deviation  of  the  test-film  from  the  Secondary  Reference 

Standard  would  be +1.0  db. 

If  the  deviation  for  the  Secondary  Reference  Standard  as  given  in  the 

table  should  be — 2.0  db. 

Then  the  deviation  of  the  test-film  from  the  Primary  Reference 

Standard  would  be — 1.0  db. 

or,  in  other  words,  the  output  of  the  privately  owned  test-film  would 

be  1.0  db.  less  than  that  of  the  Primary  Reference  Standard  at  250 

cps.  if  both  were  played  under  identical  conditions. 


One  of  the  most  important  projects  before  the  Sound  Committee 
is  that  of  achieving  a  greater  uniformity  in  the  frequency  characteris- 
tic of  sound  records  made  in  the  various  studios,1  and  as  a  first  step  in 
this  project,  the  Committee  desires  to  obtain  information  concerning 
the  recording  frequency  characteristic  now  in  use  at  those  studios 
up  to  and  including  the  release  print.  In  order  that  these  data  may 

26  REPORT  OF  SOUND  COMMITTEE  [J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 


be  directly  comparable,  the  Committee  wishes  to  have  the  results 
expressed  in  terms  of  the  Primary  Frequency  Reference  Standard; 
and  in  order  to  increase  the  accuracy  of  the  results,  it  is  desirable 
that  the  same  method  be  used  by  every  one  in  obtaining  the  data. 

The  Sound  Committee  recommends  that  the  regular  recording  cir- 
cuit as  used  at  the  present  time,  complete  in  every  detail  (including 
equalizer,  etc.)  from  the  microphone  to  the  recording  machine,  be  set 
up  as  for  a  regular  ' ' take. ' '  Replace  the  microphone  unit  by  a  resistor 
of  the  same  value,  and  in  series  with  it  apply  the  standard  frequencies 
(30,  50,  100,  250,  500,  1000,  and  every  thousand  up  to  and  including 
10,000  cps.)  at  a  constant  level,  as  read  on  a  General  Radio  level 
indicator  or  any  other  level  indicating  device  that  shows  no  fre- 
quency discrimination.  The  input  level  should  be  so  adjusted  that 
all  potentiometers  and  gain-controlling  devices  in  the  circuit  shall  be 
at  normal  setting  and  give  a  normal  recording  level  on  the  film. 
Record  about  fifteen  feet  of  film  at  each  frequency,  making  certain 
that  the  film  is  up  to  speed  when  doing  so. 

The  film  should  be  processed  in  accordance  with  usual  production 
practice  (preferably  attached  in  the  developing  machine  to  produc- 
tion negative)  and  a  print  made  in  accordance  with  the  regular  pro- 
duction procedure.  If  it  is  the  normal  practice  of  the  studio  to  use 
the  original  negative  in  making  release  prints  this  test  print  should 
be  measured  as  indicated  below.  If,  on  the  other  hand,  it  is  the 
normal  practice  of  the  studio  to  re-record  all  sound  upon  a  new 
release  negative,  the  test  print  should  be  re-recorded,  using  the 
same  machines,  circuits,  and  equalizers  as  are  used  for  regular 
production.  There-recorded  negative  should  be  given  production 
development  and  printing,  and  the  print  made  from  this  re-recorded 
negative  should  be  used  in  making  the  measurements  requested.  In 
view  of  the  fact  that,  in  general,  both  original  and  re-recorded  nega- 
tives are  cut  into  the  release  negative,  it  is  requested  that  data  on 
both  processes  be  submitted.  Furthermore,  in  view  of  the  fact  that 
most  studios  use  different  equalization  for  dialog  and  music,  it  is 
requested  that  separate  data  on  these  two  characteristics  be 

The  print  should  be  run  four  or  five  times  upon  the  best  recording 
equipment  available,  and  the  output  measured  at  each  frequency. 
Then,  without  making  any  changes  in  the  reproducing  equipment, 
run  the  privately  owned  test-film  (or  borrow  a  Secondary  Standard 
from  the  Sound  Committee),  which  has  already  been  calibrated  in 

Jan.,  1936] 



terms  of  the  SMPE  Primary  Standard,  and  note  again  the  readings 
at  the  various  frequencies. 

To  determine  the  deviation  of  the  recording  characteristic  from 
that  of  the  privately  owned  test-film  at  any  frequency,  subtract  the 
output  read  on  the  test-film  from  the  average  of  the  output  readings 
on  the  specially  recorded  film,  taking  particular  notice  of  the  algebraic 
sign.  That  is,  if  the  newly  recorded  film  gives  an  output  at  any 
frequency  greater  than  that  of  the  test-film,  the  deviation  is  plus;  if 
the  output  is  less,  the  deviation  is  minus. 

Next,  refer  to  the  calibration  of  the  test-film  (or  Secondary  Stand- 
ard) in  terms  of  the  SMPE  Primary  Standard;  and  for  every  fre- 
quency add  the  deviation  of  the  test-film  from  the  SMPE  Primary 
Standard  to  the  deviation  of  the  newly  recorded  film  from  the  test- 
film.  These  are  the  data  desired  by  the  Sound  Committee.  As  an 
example : 

At  500  cycles,  the  newly  recorded  film  gives  an  average  output  reading  of  -f-2  db. 

The  test-film  gives  an  output  reading  under  similar  conditions  of +1  db. 

Therefore,  the  deviation  of  the  newly  recorded  film  from  the  test-film  is  -f-1  db. 
If  the  previous  calibration  of  the  test-film  showed,  at  this  frequency,  a 

deviation  from  the  SMPE  Primary  Standard  of —  3  db. 

Then  the  recording  characteristic  of  the  system  deviates  from  the  SMPE 

Primary  Standard  by — 2  db. 

R.  M.  EVANS 

P.  H.  EVANS,  Chairman 
C.  DREHER,  Vice- Chairman 

L.  L.  RYDER 

S.  K.  WOLF 


1  Report  of  the  Sound  Committee.  /.  Soc. 
No.  4,  p.  353. 

Mot    P*rt    En?.,  XXV  (Oct.,  1935), 


In  the  motion  pictures  which  you  have  just  witnessed  is  exemplified 
the  keynote  of  the  Society  of  Motion  Picture  Engineers  from  the  day 
of  its  inception,  nearly  twenty  years  ago,  until  today  as  we  open  this 
Thirty-Eighth  Convention  of  the  Society.  Nor  will  the  keynote  change 
as  the  Society  continues  down  the  years  in  service  to  the  industry 
and  to  its  membership,  for  that  keynote  is  "Progress."  Likewise 
it  is  the  theme  of  my  message  to  the  Society  this  morning. 

Although  it  is  the  common  practice  to  trace  the  course  of  progress 
from  some  small  and  nearly  forgotten  beginning  through  periods  of 
struggle  to  present  accomplishment,  and  then  to  peer  eagerly  into  the 
misty  future  to  discern  the  progress  yet  to  come,  I  should  like  to 
reverse  the  order  and  dip  first  into  the  future,  after  which  we  may, 
with  some  amusement,  look  to  the  present  and  the  past  to  discover  the 
heredity  of  this  yet  unborn  future.  So,  ignoring  the  fast  closing  record 
of  1935,  let  us  turn  the  pages  of  the  book  of  time  to  the  year  1940  and, 
carefully  adjusting  our  spectacles,  try  to  read  the  half-formed  char- 
acters that  are  written  there. 

Without  much  difficulty  I  discern  that  the  lusty  youngster, 
"Sound,"  whose  timely,  or  untimely,  arrival  in  1926  so  thoroughly 
upset  the  motion  picture  family  and  whose  cries  of  babyhood  and 
shouts  of  youth  both  attracted  and  distracted  theater  patrons,  has 
at  last  come  of  age  and  now  exhibits  the  grace  and  ease  of  early  man- 
hood, seemingly  a  gentleman  to  the  manner  born.  Not  only  has  the 
frequency  characteristic  broadened,  until  it  now,  with  smoothness 
and  reality,  embraces  a  range  of  thirty  to  ten  thousand  cycles,  but 
also  the  disquieting  and  disillusioning  background  noises  have  been 
materially  suppressed  or  controlled  until  the  volume  range  of  expres- 
sion is  comparable  with  that  of  the  orginal  sources.  Moreover,  a 
remarkable  degree  of  uniformity  has  been  achieved  from  theater  to 
theater  and  from  studio  to  studio,  so  that  no  longer  is  the  attainable 
range  of  variation  in  frequency  characteristics  and  in  volume  con- 

*Presented  at  the  Fall,  1935,  Meeting  at  Washington,  D.  C. 


sumed  in  the  inaccuracies  of  the  art  but  is  now  available  for  the  true 
rendition  of  the  art  of  director  and  actor.  I  learn  also  that  the  sound 
now  emanates  from  whatever  portion  of  the  motion  picture  screen 
is  most  appropriate  to  the  scene,  through  the  full  development  of 
audio  perspective. 

In  the  realm  of  photography  even  more  startling  changes  have 
taken  place.  Not  only  has  the  fine  artistry  of  1935  been  further  ad- 
vanced by  the  aid  of  better  lenses  and  much  finer-grained  film  emul- 
sion, but  those  very  elements  have  made  possible  a  startling  new 
effect,  for  the  picture  now  stands  out  in  full  stereoscopic  relief,  yet 
sharp  in  all  details.  I  see,  too,  that  the  art  of  process  photography, 
which  as  early  as  1935  had  almost  completely  released  the  cinema 
from  the  fetters  of  time  and  space,  has  kept  pace  with  the  develop- 
ment of  stereoscopic  photography  and  has  begun  to  overcome  the 
seemingly  insurmountable  obstacles  presented  by  process  photog- 
raphy in  three  dimensions.  I  find  that  color,  also,  has  at  last  attained 
its  majority,  and  now  clothes  the  picture  like  the  raiment  of  a  gentle- 
man, neither  shabbily  nor  blatantly  but  in  such  excellent  taste  and 
perfection  of  detail  as  to  be  almost  inconspicuous. 

These  developments  in  sound  and  picture,  it  seems,  have  been 
accompanied  and  accelerated  by  technical  advances  in  every  branch 
of  the  science  of  motion  picture  making,  but  I  am  glad  to  say  that  prog- 
ress is  not  confined  to  technical  matters.  With  a  great  deal  of 
pleasure  I  learn  that  the  technical  advances  have  been  accompanied 
by  substantial  improvements  in  the  human  relations  of  the  motion 
picture  industry,  especially  as  they  affect  the  engineer.  Through  the 
aid  of  the  Society  of  Motion  Picture  Engineers  and  other  constructive 
agencies  there  has  come  about  a  much  more  sympathetic  understand- 
ing, upon  the  part  of  the  engineer,  of  the  problems  that  beset  the 
management  and  the  artistic  side  of  the  industry,  and  because  of 
this  better  understanding  the  engineer  has  bent  his  efforts  still  more 
effectively  to  the  solution  of  the  industry's  problems.  On  the  other 
hand,  and  in  large  measure  through  the  same  agencies,  there  has  come 
about,  upon  the  part  of  the  managements,  a  better  realization  of  the 
importance  of  engineering  in  this  most  scientific  and  yet  most  artistic 
of  all  industries.  The  year  1940  finds  the  very  best  of  engineering 
brains  no  longer  hectically,  but  now  happily,  engaged  in  the  solution 
of  motion  picture  problems. 

Yet,  perhaps,  I  may  have  misread  in  part  this  record  of  the  year 
1940.  Certainly  no  millennium  has  as  yet  arrived,  and  I  find  recorded 

30  PRESIDENTIAL  ADDRESS  [J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

that  the  progress  in  human  relations  within  the  industry,  though 
great,  still  leaves  much  to  be  done ;  that  auditory  perspective  is  too 
new  a  tool  to  have  realized  its  full  possibilities  in  the  hands  of  the 
director  and  the  artist;  and  that  stereoscopic  cinematography  is  like- 
wise in  its  infancy,  and  though  technically  sound,  is  none  the  less 
the  cause  of  much  embarrassment  to  those  who  are  trying  to  realize 
its  possibilities  as  screen  entertainment.  At  the  bottom  of  the  page 
I  find  this  footnote:  "The  motion  picture  industry,  despite  having 
made  tremendous  technical  advances  within  the  last  half  decade, 
finds  itself  facing  a  still  larger  number  of  even  more  difficult  techni- 
cal problems  than  those  that  it  faced  in  1935." 

Returning  now  to  this  21st  day  of  October,  1935,  I  need  scarcely 
discuss  the  status  of  the  motion  picture  science  of  today,  for  you  are 
all  quite  familiar  with  it,  or  will  be,  when  the  technical  sessions  of 
this  Convention  draw  to  a  close.  You  are  aware,  also,  of  the  fact  that 
the  predictions  that  I  have  just  made  are  no  idle  dreams;  in  every 
case,  whether  to  result  in  success  or  in  failure,  the  fundamental  re- 
searches required  are  already  in  progress. 

I  am  anxious,  however,  that  you  should  realize  that  your  Society, 
organized  in  1916  "for  the  advancement  in  the  theory  and  practice 
of  motion  picture  engineering  and  the  allied  arts  and  sciences,"  has 
been,  is  today,  and  will  still  be  in  1940,  one  of  the  great  stimulating 
factors  in  the  progress  of  the  motion  picture.  It  is  most  fitting, 
therefore,  that  this  Society  should  now  inaugurate  an  additional 
measure  for  stimulating  the  development  of  the  art,  comprising  a 
Progress  Medal  which  is  to  be  awarded  annually  to  some  individual 
in  recognition  of  an  invention,  research,  or  development  which  shall 
have  resulted  in  a  significant  advance  in  the  development  of  motion 
picture  technology. 

A  most  unusual  design  for  the  proposed  Progress  Medal  was  exe- 
cuted by  Mr.  Alexander  Murray  of  the  Eastman  Kodak  Company, 
approved  by  the  Board  of  Governors,  and  generously  donated  by 
Mr.  Murray  to  the  Society.  Dies  were  made,  and  the  medal  struck; 
a  Progress  Award  Committee  was  appointed,  which,  after  months  of 
careful  study,  selected  the  first  recipient  of  the  medal;  and  on  the 
occasion  of  the  Semi-Annual  Banquet  next  Wednesday  evening  the 
first  award  of  the  Progress  Medal  will  be  made.* 

*The  award  was  made  to  Dr.  E.  C.  Wente:    See  "Proceedings  of  the  Semi- 
Annual  Banquet  at  Washington,  D.  C.,"  in  the  December,  1935,  issue,  p.467. 

Jan.,  1936]  PRESIDENTIAL  ADDRESS  31 

Now  the  design  of  this  medal  (Fig.  1 )  is  to  my  mind  most  uniquely 
symbolic  of  progress  in  the  cinema.  Referring  to  the  right-hand 
side,  the  central  series  of  horizontal  panels  afford  opportunity  to 
designate  the  name  of  the  medalist  and  the  purpose  of  the  Award. 
They  also  carry  a  number  of  little  triangular  elevations,  which  many 
of  you  will  recognize  at  once  as  representing  bromide  crystals.  Above 
the  inscription  appears  an  H&D  curve,  symbolic  of  the  classical 
researches  of  Hurter  and  Driffield,  to  whom  the  industry  is  indebted 
for  clarifying  the  photographic  basis  of  successful  motion  picture 
photography,  both  of  sound  and  of  scene.  In  curved  panels  to  the 
left  and  the  right  appear  sine  waves,  symbolic  both  of  sound  and 
light,  which  it  is  our  modern  purpose  to  imprison  and  later  release 

FIG.  1.     The  Progress  Medal,  showing  on  its  obverse  Marey's  photo- 
graphic images  of  a  bird  in  successive  phases  of  flight. 

for  the  enjoyment  of  the  world- wide  audience.  An  outermost  circular 
panel  bears  the  name  of  the  Society. 

Turning  to  the  left-hand  view,  we  find  that  the  central  design 
is  a  replica  of  the  official  emblem  of  the  Society,  which,  as  you  know, 
has  its  own  origin  in  the  motion  picture  reel.  Above  and  around  this 
emblem  are  embossed  the  words  "For  Progress,"  and  below  are  laurel 
branches,  symbolic  of  achievement. 

Surrounding  the  central  portion,  a  circle  of  film  perforations  forms 
a  decorative  motif  which  cooperates  symbolically  with  what,  to  my 
mind,  is  the  most  outstanding  feature  of  the  entire  design.  Mr. 
Murray  drew  his  inspiration  for  this  portion  of  the  design  from  the 
earliest  known  bit  of  cinematography,  the  work  of  the  early  French 
scientist,  Eugene  Marey,  and  while  many  of  you  may  be  familiar 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

with  Marey's  work,  there  are  doubtless  many  others  who,  like 
myself,  would  find  it  very  interesting  to  delve  into  this  nearly  for- 
gotten origin  of  the  motion  picture. 

In  his  own  day  (1886),  even  as  now,  Marey  was  credited  with  being 
one  of  the  originators  of  cinematography.  In  the  translator's  note 
introducing  an  English  version  of  Marey's  work  on  Movement,  we 
find  these  remarks  : 

"Instantaneous  photography,  especially  that  branch  of  it  known  as  'chrono- 
photography'  has  already  won  for  itself  a  recognized  position  among  the  methods 
of  scientific  research,  and  in  the  near  future  it  is  probable  that  it  will  be  even  more 
generally  appreciated.  Marey  and  Muybridge  must  undoubtedly  be  regarded 
as  two  pioneers  of  the  method.  ..." 

Marey  himself  was  no  seeker  of  laurels,  and  credits  the  actual 
conception  of  chronophotography  to  another.  As  an  introduction  to 
his  chronophotographic  method,  Marey  says : 

"A  Mr.  Janssen  was  the  first  who 
.  .  .thought  of  taking  by  automatic 
means  a  series  of  photographic  im- 
ages to  represent  the  successive 
phases  of  a  phenomenon.  The 
honor  is  due  to  him  of  having  in- 
augurated what  is  nowadays  called 
chronophotography  upon  a  moving 
plate.  It  was  proposed  to  take  a 
series  of  photographs  of  the  planet 
Venus  as  it  passed  across  the  sun's 
disk,  and  for  this  purpose  our 
learned  colleague  constructed  his 
astronomical  revolver.  This  in- 
strument contained  a  circular  sen- 
sitized plate,  which  at  stated  inter- 
vals rotated  through  a  small  angle, 
and  at  each  turn  received  a  new  im- 
pression upon  a  fresh  portion  of  the 

FIG.  2.  Photographs  of  the  planet 
Venus  crossing  the  sun's  disk,  taken  by 
Janssen  with  his  "astronomical  revolver." 

"The  photograph  (Fig.  2)  which  was  obtained  by  this  means  consisted  of  a 
series  of  images  arranged  in  a  circular  fashion.  Each  image  represented  a  new 
position  of  the  planet  during  the  period  of  transit,  and  each  was  separated  from 
its  neighbor  by  an  interval  of  seventy  seconds." 

Although  this  interval  between  exposures  was  by  no  means  com- 
parable to  the  rapidity  required  for  a  photographic  representation  of 
the  motions  of  every-day  life,  it  appears  that  Mr.  Janssen  at  least 

Jan.,  1936  J  PRESIDENTIAL  ADDRESS  33 

made  the  suggestion  of  applying  a  photographic  series  to  the  study  of 
animal  locomotion.    He  states: 

"A  series  of  photographs  of  any  particular  movement,  comprising  the  entire 
cycle  of  events,  would  be  a  most  valuable  means  of  elucidating  the  mechanism  in- 
volved. In  view  of  our  present  ignorance  on  the  subject,  one  could  imagine  the 
interest  of  possessing  a  series  of  photographs  representing  the  successive  positions 
of  a  bird's  wing  during  the  act  of  flight.  The  principal  difficulty  would  arise  from 
the  sluggishness  of  our  photographic  plates,  for  images  of  this  kind  require  the 
very  shortest  exposure.  But,  doubtless,  science  will  overcome  difficulties  of  this 

It  should  be  remembered,  of  course,  that  the  representation  of  mo- 
tion through  animation,  similar  to  that  still  employed  by  Walt  Disney 
in  the  exceedingly  popular  Mickey  Mouse  and  Silly  Symphony  car- 
toons, had  preceded  by  some  years  the  work  of  Janssen  and  of  Marey. 
Janssen  undertook  to  point  out  that  his  proposal,  in  contrast  to  the 
synthetic  representation  of  motion,  would  provide  an  analytical  study 
of  movement. 

Nevertheless,  the  photographic  revolver  by  Janssen  was  not  to  be 
the  first  device  applied  to  chronophotographic  studies  of  motion. 
It  remained  for  Mr.  Muybridge,  of  San  Francisco,  to  discover,  by 
means  of  a  method  rather  different  from  that  of  Janssen 's,  the  analysis 
of  equine  locomotion,  as  well  as  that  of  man  and  various  other  animals. 
In  Muybridge's  method  a  number  of  cameras  were  drawn  up  alongside 
a  race-track.  Electric  wires,  stretched  across  the  track  at  intervals, 
communicated  with  electromagnets,  each  of  which  held  the  shutter 
of  one  of  the  cameras  tightly  closed.  The  horse,  in  following  the  track, 
broke  the  wires  one  after  the  other,  and  brought  about  the  instan- 
taneous opening  of  each  corresponding  shutter.  Each  exposure 
allowed  a  photograph  of  the  animal,  in  one  or  the  other  of  its  positions, 
to  appear  upon  the  plate.  The  resulting  series  of  stills  showing  the 
successive  phases  of  motion  was  admirably  suited  to  this  scientist's 
purpose,  but  the  apparatus,  as  was  soon  discovered,  was  of  little  use 
for  studying  movements  of  birds. 

Now  birds,  as  it  happened,  were  a  subject  that  greatly  interested 
Mr.  Marey,  and  after  studying,  with  meager  results,  some  random 
photographs  of  birds  in  flight  made  for  him  by  Mr.  Muybridge,  Marey 
determined  to  invent  an  apparatus, 

"based  upon  the  same  principles  as  that  of  Mr.  Janssen's,  but  capable  of  giving  a 
series  of  photographs  at  very  short  intervals  of  time  (Viz  of  a  second  instead  of  the 
70  seconds  which  separated  the  photographs  of  Janssen's  astronomical  revolver) 
so  as  to  procure  the  successive  phases  of  movements  of  the  wings." 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

This  instrument,  gun-like  in  form,  made  it  possible  to  follow  the 
flight  of  a  bird  by  aiming  at  the  object  in  the  manner  of  Fig.  3 (a). 
Ignoring  for  the  moment  the  mental  reactions  of  the  artist  as 
revealed  by  the  fantastic  appearance  of  the  gun-strap,  the  general 
arrangement  of  the  "gun"  may  be  observed  in  Fig.  3(6).  The  exten- 
sible "barrel"  contains  the  photographic  lens,  and  is  graduated  for 
ease  in  focusing.  The  circular  breech  contains  the  photographic 
plate,  the  rotating  shutter,  and  the  clockwork  mechanism.  In  the 

FIG.  3.  (a)  Marey's  design  of  the  "photographic  gun"; 
(b)  general  arrangement  of  the  "gun,"  showing  the  extensible  "bar- 
rel" containing  the  lens;  (c)  the  12- windowed  aperture  plate 
against  which  the  photographic  plate  was  pressed,  and  some  of  the 
mechanism  for  rotating  the  plate  intermittently. 

interior  view,  Fig.  3(c),  is  shown  the  twelve- windowed  aperture 
plate  against  which  the  photographic  plate  is  pressed  and  some  of 
the  mechanism  by  which  the  plate  is  rotated  in  true  intermittent 
fashion.  In  the  words  of  the  author: 

"The  moment  the  trigger  was  pulled,  the  sensitized  plate  received  an  impres 
sion,  then  moved  on  to  receive  another,  and  so  on,  but  always  stopping  each  time 
that  the  opening  of  the  shutter  allowed  the  light  to  fall  upon  the  plate." 

Jan.,  1936] 



In  Fig.  4  we  see  the  result,  and  in  it  the  inspiration  for  Mr.  Alex- 
ander Murray's  design  of  the  Progress  Medal.  Made  upon  a  gelatin 
plate  sensitized  with  bromide  of  silver,  the  successive  photographs 
of  a  flying  gull  are  shown  at  intervals  of  Vi2  second.  Says  Marey: 

"These  little  images,  when  enlarged  by  projection,  furnish  curious  details  with 
respect  to  the  position  of  the  wings  and  the  torsion  of  the  remiges  by  the  resistance 
of  the  air,  but  in  the  majority  of  cases  the  images  are  too  small  to  stand  enlarge- 

This  most  fascinating  piece  of  research  and  invention  was  accom- 
plished with  but  one  end  in  view,  the  scientific  study  of  animate 
movement,  and  the  inventor  had 
no  dream  of  the  vast  amusement 
industry  that  would  some  day 
grow  out  of  his  simple  invention. 
It  seems  always  thus.  Scientists 
devise  and  discover  for  purely 
scientific  ends,  while  others  adapt 
to  commerce  or  amusement  the 
principles  and  devices  that  they 
have  brought  forth. 

In  order  to  appreciate  Marey 's 
contributions  fully,  we  must  add 
one  further  word  regarding  his 
subsequent  work.  He  soon  real- 
ized the  limitations  of  his  ingeni- 

ous apparatus  and,  as  he  stated: 

FIG.  4.  Marey's  bird  in  motion, 
the  inspiration  for  the  design  of  the 
SMPE  Progress  Medal. 

"The  weak  point  of  the  photographic  gun  was  principally  that  the  images  were 
taken  upon  a  glass  plate,  the  weight  of  which  was  exceedingly  great.  The  inertia 
of  such  a  mass,  which  continually  had  to  be  set  in  motion  and  brought  to  rest,  neces- 
sarily limited  the  number  of  images.  The  maximum  was  12  in  the  second,  and 
these  had  to  be  very  small,  or  else  they  would  have  required  a  disk  of  larger  sur- 
face, and  consequently  of  too  large  a  mass. 

"These  difficulties  may  be  overcome  by  substituting  for  the  glass  disk  a  continu- 
ous film  very  slightly  coated  with  gelatin  and  bromide  of  silver.  This  film  can  be 
made  to  pass  automatically,  with  a  rectilinear  movement,  across  the  focus  of  the 
lens,  come  to  rest  at  each  period  of  exposure,  and  again  advance  with  a  jerk.  A 
series  of  photographs  of  fair  size  can  be  taken  in  this  way.  The  size  we  chose  was 
9  centimeters  square,  exactly  the  right  size  to  fit  the  enlarging  camera  by  which 
they  could  be  magnified  to  convenient  proportions.  As  the  continuous  film 
might  be  several  meters  in  length,  the  number  of  photographs  that  could  be  taken 
was  practically  unlimited." 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

"The  necessary  elements  for  taking  successive  images  upon  a  continuous  film 
are  united  in  the  apparatus  shown  in  Fig.  5.  The  apparatus  has  a  special  com- 
partment, the  photographic  chamber,  in  which  the  sensitized  film  is  carried.  To 

FIG.  5. 

Marey's  apparatus  for  taking  successive  images 
upon  a  continuous  film. 

admit  light  there  is  provided  an  apertured  admission  shutter.  At  each  illumina- 
tion the  light  passes  through  the  aperture,  and  forms  an  image  upon  the  moving 
film,  which  has  previously  been  brought  into  focus.  The  film  unrolls  itself  by  a 
series  of  intermittent  movements,  by  means  of  a  special  mechanical  arrangement 
which  enables  it  to  pass  from  one  bobbin  to  another." 

FIG.  6.  Photographs  taken  by  Marey  to  show  that 
it  was  necessary  to  arrest  the  motion  of  the  image  dur- 
ing exposure:  (left)  film  in  motion  during  exposure; 
(right)  film  at  rest  during  exposure. 

Not  only  did  Marey  clearly  understand  the  necessity  for  arresting 
the  motion  of  the  photographic  surface  during  an  exposure,  but  he 
even  engaged  successfully  in  arguments  with  other  scientists  who 
felt  this  complication  to  be  unnecessary.  Said  Marey : 

Jan.,  1936]  PRESIDENTIAL  ADDRESS  37 

"Some  people  have  thought  that  by  using  such  a  complicated  apparatus  as  that 
which  we  have  employed  for  arresting  the  movement  of  the  film  we  have  given 
ourselves  unnecessary  trouble,  and  it  has  been  said  that  for  very  short  exposures 
the  movement  of  the  film  might  be  neglected.  It  would  be  easy  to  prove  by  cal- 
culation that  during  the  period  of  the  exposure,  say,  1/1000  part  of  a  second,  the 
film  would  move  enough  to  deprive  the  photographs  of  that  clearness  upon  which 
their  value  depends.  But  it  is  simpler  and  perhaps  more  convincing  to  show  by  an 
experiment  that  without  these  periods  of  arrest  good  images  are  not  to  be  ob- 
tained. By  alternately  suppressing  and  inducing  an  arrest  of  the  film  at  the 
moment  of  exposure,  we  obtained  a  series  of  images  which  were  alternately  blurred 
and  distinct. 

"Two  such  consecutive  images  are  shown  (Fig.  6).  The  different  degree  of 
definition  is  so  obvious  that  it  is  useless  to  insist  further  upon  the  necessity  of  ar- 
resting the  film  during  the  period  of  exposure." 

After  this  brief  review  of  his  remarkable  work  I  am  prompted  to 
propose  that  we  bestow  upon  Eugene  Marey,  long  deceased,  the 
well  earned  title  of  "Father  of  the  Motion  Picture."  I,  for  one,  am 
doubly  grateful  to  Mr.  Alexander  Murray,  first,  for  giving  to  the  Society 
a  most  beautiful  and  symbolic  design  for  the  Progress  Medal,  and, 
second,  for  affording  us  frequent  occasion  to  remember  the  outstand- 
ing work  of  a  pioneer  upon  whose  accomplishments  our  very 
presence  here  depends. 


Summary. — -The  trend  of  development  of  continuous  photographic  processing, 
from  the  beginning  of  the  art  to  the  more  recent  elaborations  of  equipment,  is  discussed 
from  the  point  of  view  of  the  patents  issued  from  1886  on.  An  appendix  contains  a 
list  of  patents  describing  minor  improvements  and  refinements  in  processing  equipment. 

When  an  industry  completes  the  stage  of  preliminary  experiment 
and  development,  it  is  confronted  with  the  problems  that  are  inherent 
in  quantity  production.  The  photographic  industry  is  no  exception 
in  this  respect,  and  very  early  in  photographic  history  the  require- 
ment for  quantity  methods  of  production  appeared.  But,  as  is  usually 
the  case  in  the  photographic  field,  relatively  little  information  has 
been  published  in  regard  to  commercial  methods  of  handling  and 
finishing  sensitive  materials  in  large  quantities  and  by  continuous 
processing  methods,  and  what  little  published  information  there  is 
is  largely  to  be  found  in  patents.  The  most  important  field  of  continu- 
ous photographic  processing  is,  of  course,  that  of  the  motion  picture 
industry,  and  it  is  the  motion  picture  laboratories  that  have  devel- 
oped apparatus  and  methods  for  the  continuous  processing  of  pho- 
tographic materials  to  the  highest  stage. 

But  continuous  photographic  processing  antedates  the  motion 
picture  by  many  years.  The  first  patent  dealing  with  continuous 
photographic  processing  is  that  of  John  Urie,  British  Patent  No. 
16,237,  of  1886.  The  patent  is  very  interesting,  indeed,  for  it  contains 
the  germ  from  which  grew  practically  all  the  subsequent  systems  of 
continuous  photographic  processing.  Urie  dealt  with  bromide  paper 
only,  particularly  picture  postcards  printed  automatically  upon  a  roll 
of  paper.  He  fed  the  exposed  strip  of  bromide  paper  from  a  reel 
into  a  tall  narrow  tank  of  developer,  and  under  rolls  carried  upon 
movable  frames.  The  frames  each  carried  three  rollers,  so  that 

*  Presented  at  the  Fall,  1935,  Meeting  at  Washington,  D.  C. 
**  New  York,  N.  Y. 


the  film  made  four  passes  through  the  height  of  the  tank;  and  the 
frames  could  be  raised  and  lowered  to  control  the  depth  of  im- 
mersion and  thereby  control  the  length  of  time  of  development. 
Two  tanks  of  developer  are  shown,  each  equipped  with  a  drain  valve, 
and  a  supply  storage  tank.  From  the  developer  tanks  the  paper  was 
drawn  over  a  constant-speed  traversing  roll  by  friction  and  dropped 
into  a  tank  of  rinse  water,  fresh  rinse  water  being  continuously  supplied 
and  allowed  to  overflow.  From  the  rinse  water  tank  the  strip  of 
prints  was  carried  to  two  tanks  of  fixing  bath,  similar  in  form  to  the 
developer  tank  and  similarly  equipped  with  rolls,  racks,  and  drain 
and  supply  storage  tanks.  From  the  fixing  bath,  the  strip  was  drawn 
over  another  feeding  roll  and  dropped  into  a  tank  of  wash  water  from 
which  it  was  later  withdrawn  and  rolled  up  wet  upon  a  reel.  Urie 
does  not  show  a  drier.  He  does  show  and  describe  his  entire  system 
as  being  mounted  in  a  large  tray  to  prevent  undue  spillage  of  solution. 
He  shows  and  stresses  constant  speed  of  travel  of  the  material,  and 
shows  and  stresses  variation  of  immersion  time  in  the  solution.  He 
speaks  of  return  of  the  solution  from  a  drip  tank  to  the  storage  tank 
for  re-use.  The  only  important  point  Urie  missed  was  that  of  tempera- 
ture control,  but  he  did  not  need  to  control  his  temperature  accurately, 
because  he  was  able  to  follow  the  development  by  inspection  and  regu- 
late the  development  time  accordingly. 

line's  patent  was  followed  eight  years  later  by  U.  S.  Patent  No. 
525,849,  issued  September  11,  1894,  to  E.  F.  Macusick,  who  also 
was  dealing  with  photographic  paper  rather  than  with  cine*  film.  But 
the  side  view  of  his  machine,  as  shown  in  his  patent,  is  hardly  distin- 
guishable from  a  diagrammatic  side  view  of  some  of  the  more  success- 
ful modern  cine  developing  outfits.  He  drew  his  printed  paper  from 
a  reel  and  passed  it  in  succession  through  a  series  of  tanks  of  solution, 
feeding  and  conveying  rolls  being  provided  over  the  partitions  between 
successive  tanks.  He  also  provided  carrier  cords  on  the  edges  of  the 
paper,  as  has  since  been  suggested  and  patented  for  cine*  film. 

Not  alone  was  the  need  felt  for  quantity  production  in  the  finishing 
end  of  the  photographic  field,  but  also  in  the  plants  for  the  manu- 
facture of  sensitive  material.  This  is  shown  by  Patent  No.  358,848, 
issued  to  George  Eastman  (and  another)  for  a  machine  for  coating 
wide  strips  of  nitrocellulose  film,  the  patent  showing  the  coating 
trough  with  means  for  producing  the  vertical  upward  movement  of  the 
film  to  drain  off  excess  emulsion  and  smooth  the  coating,  and  the 
horizontal  chilling  section  as  well  as  the  drier  with  a  chain  conveyor 

40  H.  D.  HINELINE  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

and  looper  bars  to  carry  the  coated  film  in  festoons  through  the  drier 

Another  Patent,  No.  588,790,  issued  to  Blair  (and  another),  is 
decidedly  interesting  because  of  the  showing  of  the  large  coating  roll 
upon  which  the  dissolved  celluloid  or  "dope"  is  spread,  dried,  and 
stripped  off  to  make  the  film  support,  and  then  coated  with  silver 
emulsion  and  passed  to  the  drier. 

Urie  and  Macusick  both  utilized  a  style  of  processing  system  that 
may  be  most  conveniently  described  as  the  "tube"  type. 

Thus  it  will  be  observed  that  the  first  workers  in  the  field  of  continu- 
ous photographic  processing  machinery  utilized  deep-tank  systems, 
with  several  passes  of  the  strip  of  material  in  the  tanks.  This  was  prob- 
ably due  to  the  fact  that  these  early  workers  usually  had  their  material 
in  fairly  wide  strips,  from  several  inches  to  a  foot  or  two,  as  distin- 
guished from  the  narrow  ribbon  of  celluloid  in  which  the  motion 
picture  worker  is  interested.  After  the  broad  idea  of  continuous 
processing  through  a  series  of  containers  for  the  several  successive 
solutions  had  been  worked  out  and  exemplified  in  these  constructions, 
the  later  types  of  construction  diverged  into  several  typical  forms, 
which  included,  besides  the  deep-tank  system  of  the  early  workers, 
the  shallow- tank  system  in  which  one  tank  of  considerable  length  was 
provided  for  each  solution ;  the  so-called  tube  system  in  which  a  series 
of  relatively  deep  tubes  were  provided  for  each  solution;  and  the 
pipe  system  in  which  one  long  tube  containing  a  single  bight  or  loop 
of  film  was  utilized.  Similarly,  the  method  of  conveying  the  film 
through  the  processing  members  took  several  divergent  forms,  the 
early  workers  using  friction  rollers  above  the  tanks;  which  procedure 
has  continued  to  find  favor  with  some  workers  through  the  subsequent 
development.  Other  forms  utilized  gears,  chains,  or  tapes  of  various 
kinds;  and  for  motion  picture  film,  various  forms  of  sprocket  gears. 
Thus  we  find  at  last  the  germ  for  substantially  all  the  subsequently 
constructed  forms  of  continuous  processing  machinery  in  the  systems 
of  the  very  first  workers. 

Next  in  order  of  production  appears  to  have  been  what  may  be  called 
the  trough  type  of  processing  system,  as  exemplified  by  Patent  No. 
607,649,  issued  July  19,  1898,  to  Arthur  Schwarz.  This  patent  shows 
a  series  of  long  shallow  troughs  carried  in  a  frame  one  above  the  other. 
The  system  dealt  primarily  with  paper  rather  than  with  film,  and  fed 
the  paper  from  a  reel  through  a  trough  of  developer,  then  through  a 
trough  of  fixing  solution,  and  then  through  two  troughs  of  wash  water 


to  a  steam-heated  drier  and  rewind  spool.  It  may  be  noted  that  this 
patent  is  the  United  States  equivalent  of  a  German  patent,  and  that, 
as  is  usual  under  such  circumstances,  the  showing  is  distinctly  sketchy. 

However,  Schwarz  seems  to  have  had  difficulty  with  his  shallow- 
trough  system,  because  soon  after  his  first  patent  he  secured  Patent 
No.  623,837,  issued  April  25,  1899,  in  which  he  utilized  a  tube  type  of 
tank  with  a  considerable  number  of  successive  tubes  of  solution  and 
driven  feed  rolls  over  each  tube,  all  the  rolls  being  driven  at  the  same 
speed  from  a  common  line  shaft.  It  is  to  be  presumed  that  he  en- 
countered difficulties  with  the  swelling  of  the  paper  as  it  absorbed 
water,  but  his  system  offered  no  means  for  correcting  this. 

Schwarz,  however,  was  not  the  only  inventor  working  upon  this 
type  of  system,  as  is  shown  by  British  Patent  No.  19,726,  of  1896, 
which  shows  a  developing  system  for  paper,  utilizing  a  series  of  tanks, 
as  distinguished  from  tubes  or  troughs,  with  several  passes  of  the 
material  in  each  tank.  Along  the  same  lines  is  the  showing  of  British 
Patent  No.  21,679,  of  1897,  issued  to  DeKato,  who  shows  quite  an 
extensive  paper  developing  machine  with  speed  control,  immersible 
frames,  solution  storage  tanks,  etc. 

An  interesting  angle  of  continuous  processing  is  to  be  found  in 
Patent  No.  665,982,  issued  to  Thornton,  who  built  a  coater  for  apply- 
ing a  considerable  number  of  very  thin  layers  of  emulsion  upon  film 
or  paper,  with  drying  ovens  between  each  coating  stage  to  obtain 
rapid  drying. 

These  patents  show  generally  the  stage  of  development  early 
reached  for  the  continuous  processing  of  paper,  but  none  of  them  dealt 
directly  with  motion  picture  film.  This  is  not  surprising  in  view  of  the 
fact  that  most  of  them  antedated  the  invention  of  the  motion  picture. 
(Patent  No.  493,426  to  Edison  is  of  interest  as  showing  approximately 
the  date  of  Edison's  first  motion  picture  invention.) 

The  first  occurrence  in  this  list  of  publications  of  a  patent  showing 
a  system  for  developing  cine  film  is  British  Patent  No.  13,315,  of  1898, 
issued  to  Hepworth.  Hepworth's  apparatus  consists  of  a  plurality 
of  long  shallow  troughs  placed  side  by  side,  and  having  feed  sprockets 
at  each  end  and  a  large  tank  of  rinse  water  underneath.  The  complete 
system  is  described  as  including  a  perforator  for  perforating  the  film, 
and  an  automatic  printer  from  which  the  film  was  fed  into  the  first 
or  developer  trough  by  a  sprocket,  drawn  through  the  trough  over  a 
movable  rod  which  controlled  the  length  of  time  of  immersion,  and 
then  dropped  into  the  rinse  tank.  Thereafter,  it  was  fed  to  other 

42  H.  D.  HINELINE  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

solution  tanks  in  succession,  such  as  the  fixing  and  toning  tanks,  then 
through  a  final  wash  trough  to  a  drier  and  rewind  spool.  Hep  worth 
included  even  an  alarm  apparatus  to  indicate  breakage  of  the  film  or 
low  solution  level.  It  does  not  appear  that  any  particular  means  of 
temperature  control  was  included,  but  he  does  expressly  mention  the 
advantages  of  sprockets  for  positive  drive  of  the  film  through  the 
several  baths. 

A  patent  that  is  of  interest,  although  not  directly  in  point,  is 
British  Patent  No.  22,614,  of  1899,  issued  to  Pollak.  This  patent 
shows  a  photostat  type  of  machine  in  which  the  successive  prints  are 
impaled  upon  tacks  on  an  endless  belt,  and  carried  thereby 
through  the  several  solutions  to  the  discharge  end.  Workers  in  the 
motion  picture  field  have  attempted  to  utilize  conveyor  chains  on 
sprockets  as  suggested  by  Pollak. 

These  patents  dealt  with  the  finishing  of  photo-material  film,  but  Pat- 
ent No.  676,314,  issued  June  11,  1901,  to  C.  E.  Hearson  (and  British 
Patent  No.  995,  of  1900)  dealt  with  a  machine  for  coating  a  strip  of 
film  of  cine  width.  This  patent  is  particularly  interesting  because  of 
the  fact  that  it  shows  a  drier  having  top  and  bottom  rolls  of  con- 
siderable length  over  which  the  film  is  carried  in  a  spiral  path  for  dry- 
ing, the  film  being  led  from  the  coating  machine  over  the  top 
roller  at  one  end,  down  to  the  bottom  roller,  back  to  the  first  roller 
at  a  point  a  short  distance  sidewise,  and  so  on,  until  the  avail- 
able space  on  the  rollers  was  utilized ;  then  on  to  the  other  side  of  similar 
rollers,  sufficient  to  complete  the  drying,  after  which  the  coated  film 
was  reeled.  It  may  be  noted  that  this  spiral  travel  path  kept  the 
wet,  sticky  emulsion  away  from  contact  with  its  carrying  means  at 
all  times  and  prevented  injury  to  the  delicate  film  surface.  This 
appears  to  be  the  first  occurrence  of  a  machine  showing  the  spiral 
path  for  handling  cine  film. 

United  States  Patent  No.  703,671,  issued  July  1,  1902,  to  Schwarz, 
is  substantially  identical  to  British  Patent  No.  21,679,  of  1897,  issued 
to  DeKato. 

Patent  No.  720,708,  issued  February  17,  1903,  to  Latta,  is  of  interest 
because,  while  it  discloses  a  continuous  developing  machine  for  paper 
only,  it  shows  elaborate  mechanism  for  the  recirculation  of  the  solu- 
tions and  very  shallow  troughs  utilizing  a  minimum  of  solution. 

Patent  No.  721,839,  issued  March  3,  1903,  to  Schwarz,  shows  still 
another  form  of  paper  processing  machine  with  variable-speed  drive, 
solution  storage  tanks,  and  a  clutch  member  between  the  tank 


sections  to  permit  obtaining  a  large  loop  of  paper  in  the  rinse  tank. 

Patent  No.  757,323,  issued  April  12,  1904,  to  Lienekampf  and 
Nauck,  shows  a  trough  system  for  processing  paper  strip  with  an 
intake  feed  loop  convenient  for  splicing  a  new  reel  of  printed  paper  to 
an  old  one,  as  well  as  a  variable-speed  drive  and  a  circulating  pump 
for  one  of  the  solutions. 

Patent  No.  830,741,  issued  September  11,  1906,  to  Prentiss,  shows 
a  printer  station  and  a  plurality  of  solution  troughs  with  conveyor 
bands,  and  a  conveyor  chain  through  a  long  wash  trough. 

It  is  of  interest  to  note  that  up  to  the  date  of  these  patents  none  of 
them  had  discussed  the  question  of  temperature  control.  However,  a 
good  discussion  of  temperature  effects  is  to  be  found  in  British  Patent 
No.  22,456,  of  1907,  issued  to  Watkins. 

Of  course,  blue-printing  is  simple  photography,  but  even  blue- 
printers  found  continuous  processing  desirable,  as  is  shown  in  Patent 
No.  891,289,  issued  June  23,  1908,  to  C.  F.  Pease,  whose  machine 
consisted  of  successive  water  tanks,  rolls  for  carrying  the  paper 
through  the  tanks,  rollers  in  the  loops  of  paper  in  the  water,  and  a 
drier  consisting  of  two  large,  heated  rolls. 

The  spiral  path  idea  reappears  in  Patent  No.  939,350,  issued  to 
Thompson,  who  describes  an  elaborate  multi-spiral  drier  for  use  with 
cine  film. 

The  coating  of  the  original  film  base  in  the  factory  and  the  drying 
of  it  in  large  loops  through  a  drying  loft  appears  to  have  suggested 
to  cine  workers  the  possibility  of  handling  cine  film  in  the  same  man- 
ner, as  is  shown  by  Patent  No.  948,731,  issued  to  Ivatts  for  a  con- 
veyor belt  with  hooks  and  an  automatic  control  for  attaching  loops  of 
cine*  film  thereto  for  convenience  in  carrying  them  through  a  drying 

The  first  appearance  of  a  suction  means  for  removing  excess  mois- 
ture seems  to  be  in  Patent  No.  953,663,  issued  to  Hoglund,  in 
whose  machine  the  film  was  passed  from  a  reel  type  of  developing 
machine  through  a  suction  device  and  a  single-pass  drying  oven  to  a 
take-up  reel. 

Patent  No.  970,972,  issued  to  Thompson,  a  prolific  worker  in  the 
field,  shows  a  multi-spiral  conveyor  in  combination  with  means  for 
dampening  a  film  slightly  and  applying  a  nitrocellulose  varnish  to  the 
emulsion  face  for  lengthening  the  film  life. 

Patent  No.  971,889,  also  issued  to  Hoglund,  shows  a  vacuum- 
cleaner  system  for  removing  dust  from  a  film,  and  with  it  a  supply 

44  H.  D.  HlNELINE  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

reel,  means  for  printing  marks  upon  the  film  edges,  and  a  rewind. 

A  continuous  drier  that  may  be  of  some  interest  to  workers  in  the 
field  is  shown  in  Patent  No.  1,002,634,  issued  to  Brandenberger  for 
a  machine  for  drying  cellophane  films. 

Another  patent  of  some  interest  is  No.  1,109,208,  issued  to  Davis  and 
McGregor,  which  shows  a  series  of  shallow  tanks  with  sprocket  rollers, 
hooded  to  keep  the  film  upon  them,  in  a  spiral  path  with  a  similar 
drier,  the  hooded  sprockets  being  roughened  to  keep  the  film  in  place 
and  insure  its  travel. 

Patent  No.  1,141,464,  issued  to  Javault,  shows  a  processing  machine 
made  up  of  several  tanks,  each  with  long  top  and  bottom  rollers  to 
carry  the  film  in  a  spiral  path  through  the  tanks  of  solution  to  a  drier. 
The  showing  is  not  very  detailed,  but  is  of  interest  in  connection 
with  the  later  Gaumont  patents. 

An  interesting  type  of  developing  machine  which  may  be  called  the 
pipe  type,  as  distinguished  from  the  tube  type,  is  shown  in  Patent 
No.  1,143,892,  issued  to  Ybarrondo.  This  patent  shows  a  developing 
system  consisting  of  a  long  pipe  with  a  center  guide  down  which  the 
film  is  conveyed.  The  pipe  is  indicated  as  being  many  feet  long, 
probably  hundreds  of  feet  long,  since  it  appears  to  have  been  adapted 
to  take  a  full  camera  spool  of  film.  A  not  unreasonable  guess  might 
be  that  Ybarrondo  was  working  at  the  Fort  Lee,  N.  J.,  studio,  and 
planned  to  run  his  pipe  containers  down  the  side  of  the  hill  or  down 
the  Palisades.  If  so,  one  wonders  how  good  his  temperature  control 
would  have  been,  even  though  he  appears  to  have  provided  for  rapid 
solution  circulation  through  pipe  manifolds,  and  temperature  control 
means  for  heating,  which  must  have  been  quite  vital. 

Patent  No.  1,150,609,  issued  to  Marrette,  shows  a  drier  with  an 
alarm  signal  to  show  film  breakage,  and  counter-current  air  travel 
with  two  strips  of  film  side  by  side. 

The  first  suggestion  of  the  continuous  processing  of  color  film  is  to 
be  found  in  patent  No.  1,169,096,  issued  to  Thornton.  His  machine 
conveyed  the  film  through  a  spiral  path  over  the  carrying  rollers  for 
imbibition  of  the  dye  into  a  prepared  gelatin  image. 

Patent  No.  1,172,074  is  of  interest  because  it  shows  a  chain  carrier 
for  paper  prints,  with  print  grippers  upon  the  chain.  It  shows  tem- 
perature control  means  and  all  of  the  processing,  including  the  drying, 
upon  a  single  chain  and  clamp. 

A  very  interesting  patent  is  No.  1,177,697,  issued  to  Gaumont  on 
April  4,  1916.  This  is  one  of  the  few  patents  in  the  list  upon  which 


there  has  been  litigation  (Cinema  Patents  vs.  Warner  Bros.).  It 
shows  a  plurality  of  tanks  in  which  are  provided  upper  and  lower 
crowned  spools  upon  shafts  affording  a  spiral  path  of  travel  through 
the  solution,  one  spiral  in  the  first  tank  for  developing,  two  spirals  in 
the  second  tank  for  fixing,  and  four  spirals  in  a  third  or  washing 

The  patent  also  shows  toning  or  tinting  tubes  and  a  drier.  This 
patent  is  of  particular  interest  because  of  the  showing  of  a  large  storage 
tank  for  solution  with  a  circulating  pump  and  a  temperature  control 
coil.  However,  in  view  of  the  large  amount  of  prior  art,  as  pointed  out 
above,  the  patent  was  held  to  be  of  limited  scope,  and  the  claims, 
while  valid,  limited  to  the  precise  structure  shown  in  the  patent  and, 
therefore,  not  infringed  by  the  tube  type  of  machine,  against  which 
suit  was  brought. 

An  accompanying  patent  to  the  preceding  is  No.  1,209,096,  also 
issued  to  Gaumont  on  December  26,  1916.  This  patent  covers  a 
drier  for  use  with  the  previously  described  solution  system  or  wet 
end.  It  shows  similar  crowned  rolls  and  means  for  spiral  travel  of  the 
film  through  the  drier,  and  also  shows  a  safety  loop  between  the  tanks 
and  the  drier  for  protection  of  the  film  against  breakage  between 
sections  in  the  event  that  minor  differences  in  speed  occurred  between 
sections.  It  also  shows  an  alarm  system  in  the  drier  which  will  stop 
the  motor  if  the  film  breaks  in  the  drier.  This  patent  also  was  held  to 
be  of  limited  scope,  and  valid  only  for  the  precise  structure  shown. 

Patent  No.  1,260,595,  issued  to  Thompson,  shows  a  processing 
system  in  which  the  spiral  path  is  used  with  variously  sized  rollers  to 
compensate  for  shrinkage  of  the  film  during  drying.  This  patent 
also  shows  a  suction  device  for  removing  excess  moisture,  and  a 
weighted  roller  in  a  loop  between  the  solution  tank  and  the  drier. 

Patent  No.  1,261,056  likewise  is  of  some  interest  because  of  its  dis- 
closure of  means  for  splicing  the  film  between  successive  reels  as  they 
are  fed  to  the  processing  machine,  and  is  the  first  disclosure  of  means 
for  maintaining  the  threading  of  the  machine.  Previous  machines 
have  made  no  suggestion  of  means  for  threading  the  system,  nor  of 
means  for  maintaining  the  threading  between  intervals  of  opera- 
tion, obviously  quite  important  matters. 

Difficulties  are,  of  course,  encountered  in  the  handling  of  film 
upon  sprockets,  and  some  workers  believe  that  a  full  friction  drive 
would  be  desirable.  Such  a  system  is  shown  in  Patent  No.  1,281,711, 
also  issued  to  Thompson,  in  which  the  friction  was  maintained  by 

46  H.  D.  HINELINE  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

weighted  rollers.  This  machine  likewise  conveyed  the  film  in  a  spiral 
path  in  each  tank. 

Another  question  untreated  in  the  previously  discussed  patents  is 
that  of  the  removal  of  dirt.  Patent  No.  1,299,266,  also  issued  to 
Thompson,  shows  a  film  cleaner  between  the  solution  tanks  and  the 
driers,  consisting  of  four  squares  of  fabric  upon  a  drum,  which  wipe 
the  film  during  its  passage  between  the  tanks  and  the  drier. 

Ybarrondo  appears  to  have  elaborated  upon  his  pipe  type  of 
machine  in  Patent  No.  1,319,026,  in  which  he  shows  a  number  of 
pipes  with  rollers  at  the  bottoms  and  means  for  feeding  the  film 
through  them  sequentially.  He  also  shows  a  lamp  system  for  viewing 
the  films  by  transmitted  light  during  the  processing,  this  being  the 
first  detailed  disclosure  of  a  specialized  examination  device  in  a  con- 
tinuous processing  system. 

Patent  No.  1,328,424,  also  issued  to  Thompson,  shows  a  spiral 
type  of  processing  machine  with  a  gear-and-chain  carrier  system,  the 
film  being  attached  to  the  chain  and  carried  thereon.  The  question 
might  well  be  raised  as  to  the  means  for  accommodating  the  swelling 
and  shrinkage  of  the  film  during  processing. 

Patent  No.  1,348,029  is  the  first  occurrence  of  the  idea  of  a  film 
floated  upon  a  solution  surface.  This  patent  shows  a  very  long 
trough  containing  dye  solution  upon  which  the  film  is  floated  for  im- 
bibition of  the  dye  in  making  color  prints. 

Another  color  process  is  shown  in  Patent  No.  1,351,834,  issued  to 
Capstan7.  In  this  device  a  series  of  rollers  dip  the  lower  portions  in 
the  dye  solution  and  convey  them  upward  to  the  under  surface  of  a 
film  being  carried  along  over  the  rollers.  This  was  primarily  an  ex- 
perimental laboratory  development. 

An  interesting  offshoot  is  to  be  found  in  Patent  No.  1,364,321, 
issued  to  Rose,  which  shows  a  developing  tank  and  a  fixing  tank 
adapted  to  be  attached  directly  to  the  camera  retort  to  permit  the 
cameraman  to  develop  a  short  length  of  film  directly  from  the  retort 
to  verify  his  exposures. 

An  interesting  device  produced  in  the  course  of  elaboration  of  the 
conveyor-chain  type  of  machine  is  shown  in  Patent  No.  1,367,435, 
issued  to  F.  E.  Smith;  the  machine  being  constructed  with  a  double 
conveyor-chain  carried  in  a  spiral  path,  with  the  film  held  by  its 
sprocket  holes  alone  between  the  two  chains  while  being  carried 
through  the  successive  solutions.  This  type  of  machine,  in  common 
with  various  others,  may  be  questioned  as  to  the  means  of  providing 


for  swelling  and  shrinkage  of  the  film  while  impaled  by  its  sprocket 
holes  upon  the  chain,  and  the  question  may  also  be  raised  as  to  the 
mechanical  efficiency  of  a  pair  of  chains  carried  in  a  spiral  path. 

Another  of  the  flat-tank  type  of  machines  is  disclosed  in  Patent  No. 
1,377,887,  issued  to  Hubbard.  The  construction  shown  is  of  shafts 
at  the  ends  of  the  shallow  tanks  to  carry  the  film  in  a  spiral  path, 
the  tanks  being  positioned  one  above  the  other.  This  system 
did  not  utilize  the  sprocket  holes  in  the  film  for  carrying  purposes, 
but  depended  upon  a  friction  drive  between  the  rollers  and  the 

It  is,  of  course,  desirable  that  as  little  solution  as  possible  shall  be 
carried  from  tank  to  tank,  and,  accordingly,  various  means  have  been 
suggested  for  removing  excess  fluid,  such  as  the  form  shown  in  Patent 
No.  1,380,279,  issued  to  Wescott.  This  mechanism  consists  of  two 
pairs  of  opposed  air  jets  acting  upon  opposite  sides  of  the  film  to  re- 
move the  loose  moisture  by  air-blast.  Such  a  mechanism  is  much 
less  dangerous  to  the  film  and  occupies  much  less  space  than  the  verti- 
cal rise  of  film  required  to  remove  the  moisture  by  gravitational 

Still  another  of  the  tube  type  of  processing  machines  is  shown  in 
Patent  No.  1,385,403,  issued  to  Sentou  and  Jacquet.  This  machine 
includes  crowned  rollers  with  guards,  and  the  bottom  roller  is  carried 
on  cords  running  to  the  bottom  of  the  tank. 

Another  form  of  moisture-removing  jet  device  is  shown  in  Patent 
No.  1,407,543,  issued  to  Hubbard,  disclosing  an  elaborate  system  of 
two  opposed  flat  air  jets  co-acting  on  opposite  sides  of  the  film. 

Patent  No.  1,435,764  shows  another  form  of  shallow  tank  with  the 
film  floated  upon  the  surface  for  imbibition  of  die  solution  in  the  manu- 
facture of  colored  film. 

A  somewhat  odd  and  unusual  structure  is  to  be  found  in  Patent  No. 
1,444,818,  also  issued  to  Wescott.  This  patent  discloses  an  elaborate 
system  of  skewed  rollers  mounted  both  over  a  narrow  tank  and  at  the 
bottom  of  the  tanks  in  the  loops  between  sections.  The  structure  is 
peculiar,  and  the  purpose  not  clearly  brought  out. 

In  any  continuous  processing  system,  there  is  more  or  less  constant 
danger  of  injury  to  the  film.  This  is  particularly  the  case  where  the 
sprocket  holes  are  utilized  for  carrying  the  film  forward,  and  various 
workers  have  attempted  to  minimize  this  danger.  Patent  No.  1,461,- 
794,  issued  to  DeMoos,  discloses  a  tube  type  of  machine,  utilizing 
sprockets  for  conveying  the  film  through  the  solutions,  the  sprockets 

48  H.  D.  HINELINE  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

having  only  one  set  of  teeth,  the  purpose  presumably  being  to  re- 
duce the  danger  of  injury  to  the  film. 

With  a  given  developer  formula  the  amount  of  development  is  a 
function  of  the  speed  of  travel  through  the  machine  and  also  of  the 
depth  of  submersion  in  the  solution,  the  development  time  at  a  given 
speed  in  feet  per  second  of  film  being  determined  by  the  length  of  the 
loops  of  film  submerged  in  the  solution.  Patent  No.  1,467,106,  also 
issued  to  DeMoos,  discloses  an  indicator  to  correlate  the  depth  of 
submersion  of  the  film  and  the  speed  of  travel  of  the  film,  so  that  as 
the  depth  of  submersion  increases,  the  speed  of  travel  may  also  be 
proportionately  increased. 

Not  alone  do  the  tanks,  and  the  conveyors  therein,  of  any  kind  of 
continuous  processing  system,  take  various  forms,  but  the  drier  sys- 
tems likewise  assume  varied  shapes.  The  earlier  drying  reels  for  batch 
processings  were  quite  satisfactory,  and  it  is  not  surprising  that  a 
worker  should  attempt  to  adapt  the  reel  to  continuous  processing. 
Such  a  system  is  shown  in  Patent  No.  1,473,542,  issued  to  Chanier 
(and  another) .  The  disclosure  in  this  patent  is  distinctly  sketchy,  but 
it  shows  roughly  a  pair  of  reels,  one  above  the  other,  for  the  film, 
which  is  conveyed  thereover  in  a  spiral  path,  the  reels  being  set  with 
the  axes  at  a  slight  angle  to  insure  travel  of  the  film.  Of  course,  during 
the  processing  of  the  film,  a  substantial  amount  of  swelling  of  the  film 
during  immersion  and  processing  occurs  in  the  wet  end,  and  this  swell- 
ing largely  disappears  during  the  drying  operation  in  the  drier  cabinet, 
making  particularly  necessary  some  means  for  compensating  for  the 
change  in  length  of  the  film.  Patent  No.  1,479,453,  issued  to  Carlton, 
shows  a  drier  with  swinging  arms  at  the  bottom  to  adjust  the  slack 
and  to  compensate  for  the  drying  shrinkage. 

Some  workers  appear  to  have  had  difficulty  in  the  way  of  losing 
rollers  in  the  bottom  of  a  processing  tank  when  the  film  breaks,  and 
have  regarded  it  necessary  to  provide  preventive  means.  Such  a 
structure  is  shown  in  Patent  No.  1,495,678,  issued  to  Ybarrondo. 
This  patent  discloses  chains  for  carrying  the  bottom  rollers,  but  ap- 
pears to  be  hardly  a  vital  refinement. 

When  any  material  is  processed  from  rolls,  it  is  necessary  to  make 
flying  splices,  and  this  need  occurs  in  the  film  processing  industry  as 
well  as  in  the  newspaper  printing  field  (the  printer  can  use  paste,  but 
the  photographer  can  not).  Patent  No.  1,540,831  shows  a  running 
splicer  for  cine"  film  in  which,  as  a  prior  reel  empties,  a  bail  falls  and  hits 
a  stapling  machine,  driving  a  staple  through  the  end  of  the  leading  film 


and  the  beginning  of  the  following  film  to  fasten  them  together  in 
order  to  carry  the  second  film  through  the  processing.  This  pro- 
cedure appears  to  be  merely  making  automatic  what  was  long  prior 
manual  practice  with  a  wire  stapling  machine. 

Another  refinement  in  the  processing  is  shown  in  Patent  No.  1,542,- 
530,  issued  to  Salins  for  a  system  in  which  several  spirals  of  film  are 
carried  through  a  single  tank  and  means  are  provided  for  stopping  the 
input  of  film  and  raising  the  bottom  rolls  to  shorten  the  development 
time;  an  ingenious  idea,  but  perhaps  unnecessarily  complicated  in 
comparison  to  the  simple  procedure  of  changing  the  speed  of  film 

Another  variant  is  shown  in  Patent  No.  1,555,957,  also  issued  to 
Ybarrondo,  in  which  the  inventor  suggests  the  use  of  a  wide  belt  car- 
ried through  the  processing  tanks  with  films  stapled  to  it,  the  idea  ap- 
parently being  to  process  several  films  simultaneously. 

Still  another  form  is  shown  in  Patent  No.  1,568,344,  issued  to 
Moody  (and  another),  for  a  structure  in  which  the  film  is  carried  by  a 
chain  with  side  clasp,  gripping  the  edges  of  the  film  for  conveyance 
through  the  processing  steps. 

Shrinkage  difficulties  in  the  driers  appear  to  have  inspired  various 
other  workers  to  the  production  of  driers  with  shrinkage  compensa- 
tion. Still  another  form  is  shown  in  Patent  No.  1,569,156,  issued  to 
Thompson,  for  a  structure  utilizing  a  spiral  path  in  the  drier,  with  suc- 
cessively smaller  drive  wheels  toward  the  output  end  to  traverse  the 
film  more  slowly  and  thereby  compensate  for  shrinkage  during  the 
drying  operation.  It  may  be  remarked  that  such  compensation  is  not 
necessary  when  the  film  is  traversed  over  sprockets,  since  the  number 
of  sprocket  holes  traversed  for  a  unit  time  is  constant  without  regard 
to  the  shrinking  or  swelling  of  the  film. 

Any  continuous  processing  system  in  constant  operation  will  ex- 
haust the  strength  of  far  more  solution  than  can  be  maintained  in  con- 
veniently sized  tanks  before  the  solution  oxidizes  seriously,  and  it  ap- 
pears that  practically  all  the  commercial  processes  utilize  storage 
tanks  for  developing  solution  and  fixing  solution,  from  which  the  solu- 
tions are  circulated  by  pumps.  It  is  not  obvious  why  a  continuous 
processing  system  should  be  built  to  contain  a  minimum  amount  of 
solution  unless  it  be  for  occasional  brief  usage,  where  it  is  desired  to 
furnish  the  system  with  solutions  at  a  minimal  cost.  This  may  be 
the  case  in  the  structure  shown  in  Patent  No.  1,570,809,  issued  to 
Wescott  for  a  system  utilizing  flattened  tubes,  the  film  traversing  a 

50  H.  D.  HlNELINE  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

spiral  path  so  as  to  utilize  a  relatively  very  small  quantity  of  solution. 

Some  workers  have  elaborated  extensively  upon  the  mechanism  by 
the  provision  of  means  for  modifying  the  treatment  of  various  parts  of 
the  same  strip  of  film,  as  by  variable  submersion,  stoppage  of  various 
portions  of  the  film,  etc.,  as  shown  in  Patent  No.  1,579,399,  issued  to 

Still  another  elaboration  is  shown  in  Patent  No.  1,592,924,  issued  to 
Carbenay,  the  most  interesting  feature  of  which  is  the  provision  of  a 
mechanical  uncoupling  mechanism  to  vary  the  length  of  the  film  loop 
in  the  tank,  thereby  varying  the  development  time. 

Still  another  elaboration  is  shown  in  Patent  No.  1,595,294,  issued 
to  DeMoos,  disclosing  a  drier  system  in  which  are  incorporated  a 
mechanism  for  indicating  shrinkage  of  the  film  and  a  stop  to  prevent 
undue  length  of  film  loops  in  the  drier. 

A  neat  elaboration  of  the  development  time  control  is  shown  in 
Patent  No.  1,603,512,  issued  to  Carlton,  disclosing  a  system  of  change- 
speed  gears  for  the  driving  mechanism  and  minute  adjustment  of  the 
depth  of  immersion  of  the  film. 

Air  for  removing  excess  moisture  must  be  under  substantial  pressure 
and  compressed  air  is  not  inexpensive;  nor  is  it  easily  obtained  free 
from  oil  and  dust.  These  difficulties  apparently  have  led  to  the  pro- 
posal of  other  means  for  removing  moisture  from  the  film,  such  as 
that  shown  in  Patent  No.  1,607,417  issued  to  Wescott,  which  discloses 
a  chamois  skin  belt  running  in  contact  with  the  film  to  remove  mois- 
ture, with  a  wringer  roll  for  keeping  the  chamois  belt  in  absorbent 

The  foregoing  patents  disclose  practically  all  the  requirements  for  a 
satisfactory  form  of  continuous  processing  mechanism,  and  the 
patents  listed  in  the  appendix  hereto  cover  only  refinements,  which, 
while  convenient,  are  not  essential  for  efficient  film  processing.  This 
fact  has  been  brought  out  by  the  Court  holding  in  the  case  of  Cinema 
Patents  vs.  Warner  Bros.  Pictures,  in  which  suit  was  brought  on  the 
Gaumont  Patents  Nos.  1,177,697  and  1,209,696.  These  patents  have 
expired  since  the  bringing  of  the  suit.  The  Court  held,  and  was  sus- 
tained upon  appeal,  that  the  patents  contained  claims  valid  for  pro- 
tecting the  precise  structure  shown  in  the  Gaumont  patents — that  is, 
tanks  with  crowned  rollers  therein  for  carrying  the  film  in  a  spiral 
form  in  the  tank,  and  driers  with  similar  crowned  rollers  for  carrying 
the  film  in  a  spiral  path — but  that  the  claims  were  not  entitled  to  any 
substantial  breadth  of  equivalency  because  of  the  large  amount  of 

Jan.,  1936] 



prior  art,  as  pointed  out  above.  Accordingly,  the  Court  found  that 
the  Warner  simple  type  of  tube  machine  with  carrying  sprockets  did 
not  infringe  these  patents. 

It,  therefore,  appears  that  the  motion  picture  industry  has  devel- 
oped efficient  and  satisfactory  continuous  film  processing  machinery 
adapted  to  convenient  operation,  which  is  free  of  patent  limitations 
and  open  to  all  who  wish  to  utilize  machinery  for  continuous  proc- 

.  The  above  abstract  of  patents  discloses  most  of  the  features  for  con- 
venient and  efficient  processing  machinery,  but  there  have  been  many 
minor  improvements  made  and  patented  which  would  require  undue 
space  in  this  article  if  they  were  abstracted.  However,  for  those  who 
are  directly  interested  in  the  matter,  the  following  patent  bibliography 
is  offered.  Any  of  these  patents  may  be  obtained  from  the  United 
States  Government,  Commissioner  of  Patents,  upon  request,  at  a  cost 
of  ten  cents  per  copy. 


Patents  Disclosing  Refinements  in  Continuous  Processing  Mechanisms 





G.  EASTMAN,  et  al. 

588,790      T.  H.  BLAIR,  et  al. 




721,839  A.  SCHWARZ 

757,323  O.  LIENEKAMPF,  et  al. 

830,741  F.  S.  R.  PRENTISS 

864,123  F.  M.  COSSITT 


953,663      G.  E.  HOGLUND 


Apparatus  for  manufacturing  sensitive  photo- 
graphic films 

Method  of  and  apparatus  for  making  photo- 
graphic films 

Continuous  photographic  printing  apparatus 

Developing  apparatus 

Manufacture  of  photographic  sensitized  ma- 

Photographic  developing  apparatus 

Apparatus  for  developing,  fixing,  and  toning 
kinematographic  or  other  photographic 

Apparatus  for  developing,  toning,  and  fixing 

Photographic  developing  apparatus 

Multiple  printing,  developing,  fixing,  wash- 
ing, and  drying  apparatus 

Method  or  process  of  coating  nitrocellulose 

Film-drying  machine 

Apparatus  for  the  continuous  drying  of  per- 
forated kinematographic  films 

Film  drying  apparatus 



[J  S.  M.  P.  E. 

No.  Inventor 

970,972  F.  B.  THOMPSON 

971,889  G.  E.  HOGLUND 

1,109,208  G.  C.  DOBBS  AND 

1,141,464  R.  JA VAULT 

1,143,892  V.  C.  YBARRONDO 

1,150,609  J.  MARETTE 

1,172,074  C.  C.  TOWNES 

1,233,664  P.  D.  BREWSTER 

1,260,595  F.  B.  THOMPSON 

1,261,056  A.  J.  PFOHL 

1,281,711  F.  B.  THOMPSON 

1,299,266  F.  B.  THOMPSON 

1,328,464  F.  B.  THOMPSON 

1,348,029  J.  MASON 

1,351,834  J.  G.  CAPSTAFF 

1,361,555  H.  WEISS 

1,403,779  F.  W.  HOCHSTETTER 

1,461,329  G.  A.  SALINS 

1,487,375  C.  H.  FUCHS 

1,493,866  W.  PARKS 

1,527,132  F.  J.  M.  HANSEN 

1,543,301  F.  J.  J.  STOCK 





R.  W.  SCOTT 



J.  SHAW,  et  al. 

1,616,642      L.  T.  TROLAND,  et  al. 

C.  A.  HOXIE 



C.  DsMoos 



Method  of  coating  picture  films 
Apparatus  for  preparing  moving  picture  films 
Apparatus  for  successive  treatment  for  motion 

picture  films 

Apparatus  for  developing  and  washing  cine- 
matographic films 
Apparatus  for  developing  films 
Machine  for  drying  cinematographic  films  and 

the  like 

Photoprint  developing  machine 
Apparatus  for  treating  cinematographic  films 
Film  treating  apparatus 
Reserve  feed  and  splicing  apparatus 
Photographic  film  treating  apparatus 
Film  wiping  apparatus 
Film  treating  apparatus 
Method  and  apparatus  for  treating  films 
Apparatus  for  treating  motion  picture  films 
Photographic  printing  apparatus 
Process  and  apparatus  for  sensitizing  photo- 
graphic film  and  paper 
Machine  for  treating  cinematographic  films 
Wiping  attachment  for  film  drying  apparatus 
Cinematograph  film  developing  apparatus 
Apparatus  for  use  in  the  treatment  of  photo- 
graphic film 
Method  of  regenerating  worn  cinematographic 


Method  and  apparatus  for  developing  films 
Process  of  water-proofing  motion  picture  films 

and  other  gelatinous  surfaces 
Multiple  film  guide  mounting 
Film  treating  and  handling  device 
Photographic  film  treating  apparatus 
Machine  for  automatic  coloring  of  films 
Squeegee  apparatus 

Cinematographic  film  treating  apparatus 
Film  drying  apparatus 

Method  of  and  apparatus  for  treating  con- 
tinuous films 

Removal  of  superficial  liquid  from  cinemato- 
graphic films 

Photographic  developing  apparatus 
Apparatus  for  handling  motion  picture  films 
Pneumatic  pulley  for  motion  picture  films 
Photographic  film  developing  machine 
Motion  picture  film  developing  machine 

Jan.,  1930] 








F.  E.  GARBUTT,  et  al. 


G.  POURFILLET,  et  al. 






W.  B.  DAILY 






R.  F.  ELDER 






Film  developing  machine  having  positive  drive 
Film  developing  machine 
Film  treating  apparatus 
Apparatus  for  treating  films 
Film  treating  apparatus 

Method   of   and   means   for   making   photo- 
graphic paper,  film,  or  the  like 
Apparatus    for    liquid    treatment    of    photo- 

•  graphic  films 
Film  handling  apparatus 
Method  of  producing  colored  films 
Photographic  reversal  process 
Film  treating  machine 


Summary. — The  subject  of  optical  printing  is  discussed  with  particular  reference 
to  the  problems  involved  and  the  requirements  for  good  results.  After  outlining 
the  requisites  of  a  simple  printer  for  registration  printing  and  straight  duping,  the 
printer  used  in  the  Camera  Effects  Department  at  the  RKO  Studio  is  described  in  de- 
tail. The  paper  concludes  with  a  brief  description  of  some  of  the  special  work  done 
upon  this  printer. 

Optical  printing,  or  projection  printing,  as  it  is  sometimes  called, 
is  a  process  of  rephotographing  at  approximately  unit  magnification, 
from  one  motion  picture  film  to  another.  The  apparatus  used  for 
this  work  is  almost  invariably  specially  designed  and  built,  and  con- 
sists essentially  of  a  standard  motion  picture  camera  fitted  with  a 
registration  movement,  facing  a  printer  head,  likewise  equipped  with 
a  registering  or  pilot-pin  movement,  and  mounted  upon  a  rigid  lathe 
bed.  With  the  one  exception  of  speed  of  operation,  this  method  is 
by  far  the  most  satisfactory  of  all  motion  picture  printing  methods. 
Full  control  of  the  original  film  and  the  raw  stock  is  possible  at  all 
times,  and  the  process  is  subject  to  an  almost  infinite  degree  of 

Optical  printing  is  utilized  for  an  endless  variety  of  work.  Dupli- 
cate negatives  may  be  made  of  a  positive  film  when  the  negative  is 
not  available  or  when  a  new  negative  is  wanted;  scenes  that  are  un- 
satisfactory as  to  action  or  quality  can  often  be  salvaged;  many 
shots  formerly  made  in  the  camera — such  as  fades,  dissolves,  matted 
shots,  and  double-exposure  or  "split-screen"  and  composite  scenes — 
are  now  made  on  the  optical  printer.  Moreover,  an  entirely  new 
range  of  trick  effects,  such  as  wipe-offs,  trick  transitions,  and  the  like, 
have  been  made  possible  by  this  device.  In  a  word,  the  optical 
printer  is  used  to  do  almost  everything  in  the  line  of  trick  photog- 
raphy on  a  duplicate  negative.  For  that  reason,  it  is  generally  re- 

*  Presented  at  the  Spring,  1935,  Meeting  at  Hollywood,  Calif.     An  adaptation 
by  the  author  from  the  American  Cinematographer. 

**  Camera  Effects  Dept.,  RKO  Studios,  Hollywood,  Calif. 



garded  as  the  backbone  of  the  Trick  Camera  Department.  Regardless 
of  whether  or  not  a  production  includes  any  of  the  generally  accepted 
forms  of  special  effects  camera  work,  it  is  certain  to  include  a  consid- 
erable footage  of  optically  printed  film.  It  might  not  be  too  much 
to  say  that  during  the  past  four  or  five  years  hardly  a  single  produc- 
tion has  been  released  that  did  not  utilize  the  services  of  the  optical 
printer  to  some  extent. 

Laboratory  manipulation  plays  a  very  important  part  in  attaining 
first-class  quality  in  duping.  Variation  in  the  standard  of  this  work 
is  felt  more  by  the  optical  printing  department  than  by  the  production 
cinematographer,  due  to  the  fact  that  the  quality  of  the  dupe  must 
match  the  original.  It  should  be  remembered  that  where  in  regular 
production  cinematography,  the  laboratory  is  a  factor  in  three  basic 
steps,  i.  e.,  (1)  developing  the  original  negative,  (2)  making  the  print, 
and  (3)  developing  it ;  in  optical  printing  the  laboratory  is  a  factor  in 
no  less  than  five  such  steps:  (1)  making  the  duplicating  positive, 
(2}  developing  it,  (3)  developing  the  dupe  negative,  (4)  making 
the  final  print  from  the  dupe  negative,  and  (5)  developing  the  latter 
print.  Obviously,  the  margin  for  laboratory  errors  is  almost  doubled, 
and  successful  results  indicate  an  extremely  high  degree  of  labora- 
tory cooperation. 

Every  man  doing  optical  printing  has  to  contend  with  certain 
definite  sources  of  difficulty.  If  he  can  reduce  the  difficulties  to  only 
one,  and  concentrate  his  attention  upon  that  one,  he  will  find  that 
his  results  will  become  more  and  more  consistently  satisfactory. 
Consistency  is,  of  course,  the  most  important  consideration  in  quality 
optical  printing.  When  once  a  satisfactory  system  of  duping  is 
worked  out  to  fit  the  conditions  and  equipment  at  hand,  the  con- 
sistency of  the  laboratory  work  becomes  the  greatest  single  factor  in 
continuously  achieving  good  results.  Granting  that  the  printing 
equipment  itself  is  first-class,  from  the  laboratory  point  of  view, 
making  the  lavender  duping  print  is  of  the  greatest  importance  in 
producing  good  duplicate  negatives.  Needless  to  say,  without  a 
good  master  print,  duplication  of  the  original  negative  is  next  to  im- 
possible. A  slight  variation  from  the  proper  contrast  in  the  lavender 
print  can  be  compensated  in  the  exposure  and  development  of  the 
dupe  negative,  or  by  change  in  the  duplicating  raw  film  used.  But 
this,  of  course,  means  variation  from  the  set  system  which  has  been 
worked  out,  and  obvious  uncertainty  as  to  the  ultimate  results. 

To  maintain  the  necessary  consistency  in  the  quality  of  the  work 

56  L.  DUNN  [j.  s.  M.  p.  E. 

done  for  a  large  studio,  as  much  latitude  as  possible  is  necessary  in 
the  two  major  steps.  These  steps — making  the  duping  print  and 
developing  the  dupe  negative — must  have  great  latitude  in  order  to 
accommodate  any  possible  variations  in  the  film,  positive  and  nega- 
tive developer,  and  optical  printer  exposure.  The  last  factor,  how- 
ever, is  of  little  consequence  when  one  has  proper  checking  facilities, 
such  as  a  photo-cell  photometer  and  a  tachometer.  It  has  been  found 
that  a  duping  print  reproduces  most  consistently  the  best  when  made 
upon  a  soft  lavender  positive  stock,  developed  normally.  This  print 
should  be  timed  so  that  the  highlights  are  printed  through  about  two 
points  darker  than  would  be  the  case  in  a  normal  print  for  projection. 
This  will  still  permit  the  blacks  to  be  easily  penetrated  if  the  duping 
positive  stock  has  the  proper  degree  of  softness.  The  duping  nega- 
tive raw  stock  used  should  then  be  soft  enough  to  permit  a  full  normal 
development  in  order  to  duplicate  the  contrast  of  the  original 

It  must  be  admitted  that  this  duping  formula  is  not  the  best  for 
really  fine-grain  results ;  but  the  problem  of  consistency  from  day  to 
day,  necessary  in  quantity  studio  work,  seems  to  be  of  greater  im- 
portance. Due  to  the  number  of  fine-grain  raw  films  available  today, 
the  question  of  grain  does  not  seem  to  be  of  as  much  importance  as 
that  of  variation  in  matching  the  original  contrast  in  a  dupe.  A  dupe 
can  be  rather  excessive  as  to  graininess,  but  match  the  original  well  in 
contrast,  and  show  a  much  less  noticeable  "jump"  in  quality  upon 
the  screen  than  if  the  reverse  condition  were  true.  This  discussion  of 
graininess  is  in  reference  to  dissolves  that  are  "jump  cut"  into  the 
original  negative.  Graininess  is,  of  course,  much  more  objectionable 
when  the  dupe  is  run  at  any  length;  but  under  normal  present-day 
conditions  the  graininess  of  the  average  properly  made  dupe  is  gen- 
erally not  noticeable  to  the  general  public.  Much  less  difference  can 
be  noticed  in  the  graininess  of  different  duping  stocks  than  in  the  re- 
sults attained  with  different  developers. 

An  interesting  method  of  duping  is  from  a  duping  print  timed 
normally  and  developed  in  negative  developer  for  about  two-thirds 
the  normal  time.  The  dupe  negative  is  then  made  on  soft  lavender 
positive  stock  and  developed  to  exactly  the  same  gamma  as  the 
duping  print.  This  is  an  ideal  system  for  fine  grain,  but  is  ob- 
viously much  too  critical  to  be  followed  without  particularly  care- 
ful laboratory  supervision,  so  that  strict  consistency  may  be  main- 
tained. Any  slight  variation  in  either  step  throws  the  process  off 


balance,  due  to  the  lack  of  latitude  in  the  method.  Obviously,  there 
is  certainly  a  saving  in  the  cost  of  the  dupe  negative  raw  stock  used 
in  this  method.  However,  another  element  that  enters  the  question, 
when  a  radically  different  type  of  duping  print  such  as  this  is  used, 
is  the  fact  that  the  optical  printing  department  is  very  often  called 
upon  to  dupe  a  stock  scene  received  from  another  studio.  This 
print  is  usually  the  more  orthodox  type  of  lavender,  and  it  must 
sometimes  be  mixed  in  a  series  dissolve  with  a  special  type  of  duping 
print  such  as  described  above.  Obviously  in  this  case,  one  or  the 
other  type  will  suffer  in  reproduction.  For  these  reasons,  in  studio 
optical  printing  it  is  unwise  to  stray  very  far  from  the  generally 
accepted  method  of  commercial  quantity  duping. 

The  subject  of  equipment  is  a  difficult  matter,  due  to  the  fact  that 
very  little  is  standard  except  the  general  layout  of  the  camera  and 
the  printer  facing  each  other  upon  a  lathe  bed  and  driven  in  synchro- 
nism. From  a  mechanical  point  of  view  the  quality  of  the  dupe 
depends  upon  three  factors:  (1)  the  lens;  (2}  the  quality  and  even- 
ness of  the  light;  and  (3)  uniform  speed.  Any  sharp,  clean-cutting 
lens  having  an  absolutely  flat  field  can  be  used.  A  focal  length  of 
four  inches  is  most  acceptable,  as  that  places  the  camera  at  a  good 
workable  distance  from  the  printer  head.  The  speed  need  not  be 
faster  than  //4.5.  Aside  from  the  regular  cine*  lenses,  there  are  on 
the  market  copying  lenses  that  are  excellent  for  use  in  optical  printers. 
A  well  diffused,  1000- watt,  tubular  projection  lamp  is  very  satisfac- 
tory for  a  printing  light,  and  is  strong  enough  to  permit  the  lens  to  be 
used  well  closed  down,  giving  improved  definition.  The  motor 
should  be  powerful  enough  to  drive  the  printer  without  speed  fluctua- 
tion. A  voltage  regulator  should  be  in  the  line,  and  the  speed 
should  be  controlled  by  a  rheostat  rather  than  by  change  of  pulleys 
or  gears. 

What  has  been  said  above  gives  some  idea  of  the  requisites  of  a 
simple  printer,  one  that  could  be  used  for  straight  dupes  and  regis- 
tration printing.  As  there  is  no  standard  in  optical  printers,  every 
one  has  an  individual  design — usually  a  conglomeration  of  many  ideas. 
All  optical  printers  generally  start  out  with  the  simple  layout  as  out- 
lined above,  and  are  added  to  as  the  money  is  appropriated.  If  the 
optical  printer  is  properly  designed  from  the  start,  the  additions  can 
be  made  easily,  and  will  become  integral  parts  of  the  machine. 
This,  of  course,  requires  close  cooperation  between  a  first-class  ma- 
chinist-designer and  the  printer  operator. 

58  L.DUNN  [J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

As  a  concrete  example  of  optical  printer  design,  the  printer  used 
in  the  Camera  Effects  Department  at  the  RKO  Studio  may  be  de- 
scribed. Figs.  1  to  4  show  four  different  views  of  it.  With  the  ex- 
ception of  the  wipe-over  device,  all  attachments  are  permanent  fix- 
tures. The  machine  itself  is  one  of  the  most  modern  in  design,  and 
is  extremely  efficient  for  all-around  printing  and  trick  work,  operat- 
ing with  great  ease  and  precision.  Due  to  the  fact  that  at  present 
RKO  has  but  one  optical  printer  for  all  types  of  work,  this  machine  is 

FIG.  1.     Complete  view  of  optical  printer  from  the  operating  side. 

constantly  in  use.  Another  machine,  for  the  simpler,  straight  print- 
ing, is  now  being  completed.  In  addition  to  all  straight  duping,  spe- 
cial trick  matting  shots,  multiple-exposure  work,  and  all  other  printer 
trick  work,  this  machine  is  called  upon  to  make  all  the  registration 
prints  for  process-background  work.  This  method  has  been  the 
ultimate  means  of  attaining  perfect  registration  in  the  process  com- 
posite. The  prints  are  made  upon  the  RKO  machine  at  a  printing 
speed  of  about  eighteen  feet  per  minute.  The  printer  can  run  as 
fast  as  forty-two  feet  per  minute  for  emergency  rush  work. 

Fig.  1  is  a  complete  front  view  of  the  optical  printer  from  the  oper- 
ating side.     The  lathe  bed  is  six  feet  long,  allowing  for  magnified  shots 

Jan.,  1936] 



and  reduced-aperture  work.  The  four  rheostats  mounted  upon  the 
lower  right  side  of  the  printer  are  for  controlling  the  light,  printer 
speed,  and  motor  rewind  speed.  The  printer-head  moves  vertically, 
and  the  camera-head  moves  laterally.  Both  movements  can  be 
made  by  hand  or  motor.  The  camera  can  also  be  rocked  mechani- 

In  Fig.  2  (right  end  front  view)  the  five  dials  are  indicators  for 
calibrating  the  afore-mentioned  movements,  graduated  to  0.001  inch. 

Fig.  2.     Near  view  of  the  operating  end  of  the  printer. 

Another  of  the  same  type  of  dial  (not  visible  in  the  picture)  is  used  to 
indicate  the  lens  focus,  which  is  varied  by  the  travel  of  the  lathe 
carriage.  A  is  the  camera  drive  shaft  with  a  footage  counter  mounted 
at  the  top.  This  shaft  has  a  gear-change  for  eliminating  alternate 
frames.  B  is  the  motor  rewind  control.  Film  in  the  printer  can  be 
rewound  in  either  direction  at  a  speed  of  more  than  ninety  feet  per 
minute.  C  and  D  are  controls  to  connect  or  disconnect  the  camera 
and  the  printer-head  independently  while  in  motion.  The  printer- 
head  can  be  run  in  either  direction.  R  and  F  are  the  automatic 
geared  take-ups  for  the  printer-head.  G  is  a  switchbox  for  most  of 
the  electrical  controls,  including  an  automatic  stop.  This  feature 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

causes  the  printer-head  to  stop  in  synchronism  at  any  frame  pre- 
viously notched  upon  the  edge.  This  is  handy  when  certain  frames 
in  a  scene  need  to  be  eliminated  or  repeated.  H  is  the  air-pressure 
control:  air  is  piped  to  both  sides  of  the  movement,  and  just  below 
the  printer-head.  The  air  is  used  to  prevent  "breathing"  of  old 
film,  and  for  cleaning  film  entering  the  movement. 

/  is  the  eyepiece  for  an  intercepting  prism  in  back  of  the  lens. 
When  this  prism  is  moved  in,  it  throws  the  image  upon  a  special 

Fig.  3.     Corner  view,  from  right  end  of  threading  side. 

ground  glass  showing  the  exact  line-up  of  the  camera  aperture.  This 
ground  glass  has  mounted  upon  it  a  means  for  accurately  registering 
a  film  for  line-up  purposes,  with  arrangements  for  moving  the  film 
along,  frame  by  frame.  In  this  way,  any  movement  of  the  printer 
can  be  made  to  match  a  movement  upon  another  film.  //  is  a  built-in 
film-punch,  which  places  a  notch  four  frames  from  the  frame  in  the 
aperture.  K  is  the  mounting  for  two  signal  lights.  The  left  light  is  a 
red  warning  light,  which  comes  on  when  either  camera-  or  printer- 
head  is  moved  more  than  one-thousandth  of  an  inch  from  its  normal 
line-up.  The  other  is  a  marker  light,  which  comes  on  during  a  fade 
when  the  shutter  reaches  a  predetermined  opening.  As  the  printer 

Jan.,  1936] 



light  tests  are  two-foot  fades,  this  facilitates  reading  the  correct 
shutter  opening  for  the  density  chosen.  This  same  marker  light, 
manuJky  operated,  is  used  to  indicate  the  exact  frame  where  a  dis- 
solve starts  and  ends,  enabling  the  film  editor  to  cut  in  his  dissolves 
quickly  and  accurately. 

Fig.  3  (right  end  rear  view)  shows  the  printer  from  the  threading 
side.  The  counter,  L,  has  a  large  frame-indicator,  which  aids  in  re- 
making dissolves  any  number  of  times  to  an  exact  length.  Crank 

FIG.  4.     View  of  the  threading  side  of  the  printer,  from  the  left  end. 

M  operates  the  rocking  of  the  printer-head.  This  feature  is  used  for 
giving  slight  movement  to  boat  and  airplane  interior  scenes,  and  for 
other  shots  requiring  such  motions;  and  also  for  quickly  levelling 
up  certain  scenes,  and  titles.  Mounted  upon  rods  between  the  two 
heads  is  the  wipe-over  device,  N.  Interchangeable  mattes  of  all 
kinds  mount  upon  this  device,  and  wipes  of  any  length  can  be  made. 
Many  attachments  are  available  for  making  the  various  trick  wipes 
called  for.  The  ground  glass  window  at  the  top  of  the  lamp  house  is 
a  handy  feature  for  easily  and  accurately  checking  the  film  density. 
The  lamp  employed  is  of  the  1000- watt,  tubular  projection  type,  the 
light  from  which  is  diffused  by  two  ground  glasses.  The  tachometer, 

62  L.  DUNN  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

P,  is  for  accurately  checking  the  motor  speed.  At  the  rear  end  of  the 
printer  can  be  noticed  a  metal  frame,  Q.  The  lamp  house  can  be 
readily  removed,  and  upon  this  frame  mounted  a  larger  printing 
field  which  is  focused  upon  the  printer  aperture.  This  field  can  be 
illuminated  by  a  spot  from  behind,  or  by  the  reflected  light  of  two 
spots  from  the  sides,  in  front.  Any  retouching,  matting,  or  filtering 
can  be  easily  done,  working  to  a  large  scale  upon  this  printing  field. 
Matted  shots  can  be  made  in  practically  no  more  time  than  it  takes  to 
paint  the  matte.  Shadows  and  highlights  in  stationary  shots  can 
be  intensified  or  reduced  with  the  same  ease  with  which  a  retoucher 
works  upon  a  still  picture.  Stationary  or  moving  clouds  can  be 
doubled  in  scenes  with  great  ease. 

Fig.  4  (left  end  rear  view)  illustrates  how  the  printer-head  move- 
ment is  mounted.  The  front  of  the  movement  is  flush  with  the 
front  of  the  printer-head,  permitting  the  use  of  hard  mattes  in  front 
of  the  film.  The  water  cell,  R,  helps  to  reduce  the  heat  from  the 
lamp  on  the  film.  Behind  the  water  cell  are  mounted  the  light- 
diffusing  screens.  The  flanges  shown  can  be  easily  interchanged  for 
reels.  Hand  cranks  are  on  either  side  of  the  printer-head  for  con- 
venience in  threading.  The  movement  is  a  standard  Bell  &  Howell 
pilot-pin  movement,  with  the  rear  pressure-plate  cut  away.  A  spe- 
cial feature  to  be  found  in  dupes  made  upon  this  machine  is  the  repro- 
duction of  the  original  key  numbers,  both  movements  having  been 
altered  for  this  feature.  The  advantage  of  these  key  numbers  to  the 
film  editor  in  synchronizing  and  cutting  in  the  dissolves  can  readily 
be  seen.  The  camera  lens,  T,  slides  into  and  out  of  its  mount 
smoothly  and  without  revolving,  always  returning  exactly  to  its  origi- 
nal line-up.  This  is  an  advantage  for  quick  reducing  or  enlarging, 
and  for  certain  zoom  up  and  out-of -focus  dissolves.  At  the  back  of 
the  lens-mount  is  located  the  intercepting  prism  mentioned  previ- 
ously. Below  the  mount  is  the  bracket  holding  the  matte  device 
rods.  This  bracket  has  vertical  and  horizontal  adjustments,  enabling 
the  mattes  to  be  slid  into  and  out  of  the  scene  during  the  photo- 
graphing. Although  this  printer  may  appear  somewhat  complicated, 
the  important  feature  of  it  is  its  ease  of  operation,  due  to  its  special 
features  and  the  accessibility  of  all  controls.  A  great  quantity  of 
work  can  be  run  through  it  in  a  surprisingly  short  time. 

It  will  be  of  interest  to  outline  some  of  the  special  trick  work  done 
upon  the  optical  printer.  During  the  last  few  years  tricky  wipe-offs 
and  intricate  transitions  have  greatly  increased  in  popularity.  The 


transition,  in  the  sense  in  which  it  is  generally  referred  to,  is  an  inter- 
woven series  of  short  impressionistic  and  graphic  scenes.  This  effect 
has  become  a  very  popular  means  to  pass  over  an  important  point  in 
the  story  quickly  and  definitely,  usually  as  a  means  of  indicating  a 
lapse  of  time.  The  transition  is  compiled  upon  the  optical  printer. 
A  definition  of  the  wipe-off  can  be  "a  very  short  mechanically  effected 
transition  from  one  time  or  place  to  another,  used  in  lieu  of  the  more 
conventional  lap  dissolve."  Tricky  variations  of  the  wipe-off  are 
usually  found  in  musicals,  comedies,  and  some  action  dramas. 

Trick  wipe-offs  are  many  and  varied,  and  are  usually  limited  only 
by  the  ingenuity  of  those  who  devise  them  and  the  means  at  hand  to 
produce  them.  The  ultimate  success  of  such  effects  depends  usually 
upon  how  appropriately  they  are  inserted  into  the  picture.  The  wipe- 
ofl  is  most  effective  when  carefully  adapted  to  the  action  and  tempo 
of  the  scenes  involved.  One  of  the  first  pictures  to  utilize  the  trick 
wipe-off  throughout  was  a  short  called  So  This  Is  Harris.  Following 
this  came  Melody  Cruise  and  Flying  Down  to  Rio,  all  these  pictures 
employing  the  trick  wipe-off  in  various  forms  in  preference  to  lap  dis- 

Many  odd  and  interesting  problems  present  themselves  to  the 
optical  printing  department  of  a  major  studio.  Very  often  the  man 
in  charge  of  the  work  is  called  upon  to  salvage  a  scene  that  is  unusable, 
due  to  some  unfortunate  occurrence  during  the  filming  of  the  pro- 
duction. The  following  is  a  typical  example  of  how  the  printer  can 
save  the  studio  many  dollars:  In  filming  a  recent  war-aviation  pic- 
ture a  crashed  plane  was  supposed  to  burst  into  flames  just  as  the 
pilot  climbed  from  the  cockpit  and  reached  the  ground.  It  so  hap- 
pened that  the  plane  did  not  flare  up  until  the  pilot  had  left  the  cock- 
pit, reached  the  ground,  and  had  crawled  out  of  the  scene.  This 
way,  the  scene  naturally  lacked  the  "thrill,"  and  was  therefore 
counted  a  loss  and  scheduled  for  a  retake,  which  involved  quite  an 
expenditure.  The  optical  printer  was  given  an  opportunity  to  see 
what  it  could  do  to  save  the  scene,  so  a  test  was  made,  dissolving  to  a 
split  screen  around  the  man  at  the  moment  he  touched  the  ground. 
In  this  dissolve,  the  action  of  the  plane  was  moved  ahead  about 
twenty  feet  to  the  point  at  which  it  burst  into  flames,  thus  eliminating 
the  dead  footage.  However,  the  area  that  included  the  man's  action 
continued  on  normally,  the  split  screen  being  made  with  a  soft  blend 
that  was  imperceptible. 

Another  example  of  a  simple  job  that  saved  much  money  occurred 

64  L.  DUNN  [J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

in  a  recent  picture  in  which  an  oil-truck  moving  into  an  important 
scene  had  an  objectionable  name  upon  it.  By  means  of  a  fine  grease 
pencil  mark  placed  upon  a  glass  in  front  of  the  optical  printer  aper- 
ture, the  name  was  slightly  blurred,  enough  to  prevent  its  being  recog- 
nized. The  glass  was  slid  along  frame  by  frame  to  match  the  move- 
ment of  the  truck. 

Jobs  of  this  type  present  themselves  regularly,  and  prove  more  and 
more  the  importance  of  the  optical  printer  to  modern  motion  picture 
making.  What  the  future  holds  for  this  branch  of  trick  cinematog- 
raphy is  hard  to  predict,  but  as  studio  executives  become  more  and 
more  familiar  with  its  limitless  artistic  and  money-saving  possibili- 
ties, as  briefly  outlined  here,  it  is  certain  that  they  will  take  more 
interest  in  this  branch  of  their  Camera  Effects  Department. 

(A  reel  of  film  was  projected,  showing  an  assortment  of  optical  printer  effects  from 
past  RKO  pictures,  in  order  to  afford  an  idea  of  the  work  that  can  be  done  on  the  device 
described  above.) 


MR.  CRABTREE  :  What  is  the  slowest  printing  speed  that  you  would  be  willing 
to  tolerate? 

MR.  DUNN:  The  average  speed  is  about  20  feet  per  minute,  and  the  slowest 
speed  we  should  want  to  tolerate  would  be  about  six  feet  per  minute. 

MR.  CRABTREE:  We  all  know  that  definition  greatly  influences  the  graininess 
of  the  result  in  duping.  In  other  words,  if  the  image  is  thrown  very  slightly  out 
of  focus,  the  graininess  is  greatly  diminished.  I  was  wondering  whether  you  de- 
liberately throw  it  out  of  focus,  or  whether  you  aim  at  the  ultimate  in  definition 
in  making  the  dupes? 

MR.  DUNN:  We  aim  at  the  ultimate  in  definition — just  as  sharp  as  we  can  pos- 
sibly get  the  dupe.  One  of  the  main  reasons  is  that  if  a  dissolve  were  made  slightly 
out  of  focus  to  reduce  the  graininess,  there  would  be  a  noticeable  jump  when  it 
was  cut  into  the  original.  Definition  is  very  important,  and  what  definition  loss 
you  see  is  due  partly  to  the  graininess  and  partly  to  the  optical  system. 

MR.  CRABTREE:  Do  you  recommend  making  the  lavender  to  a  lower  degree  of 
contrast  than  the  average  positive  print,  or  to  a  higher  degree  of  contrast? 

MR.  DUNN:  There  are  different  practices  in  Hollywood.  Some  studios  use  a 
lavender  of  higher  than  normal  gamma,  and  some  use  lower.  It  usually  depends 
a  lot  upon  the  set-up  of  the  equipment,  the  quality  of  the  lens,  and  the  laboratory 
facilities  at  hand.  We  find  that  using  a  softer  lavender  and  a  softer  negative 
duping  stock  affords  more  latitude  to  the  duping  process,  and  when  a  quantity  of 
work  is  run  through  all  the  time,  the  latitude  is  very  important. 

MR.  CRABTREE:  The  softer  you  develop  your  lavender,  of  course,  the  greater 
must  be  the  contrast  of  the  negative? 

MR.  DUNN:  The  contrast  is  built  up  by  the  optical  printer.  The  light  trans- 
mission builds  up  the  contrast  to  a  much  greater  degree  than  in  contact  printing. 


It  is  built  up  to  such  a  degree  that  really  our  greatest  difficulty  is  that  it  generally 
varies  to  a  higher  gamma  rather  than  a  lower. 

MR.  CRABTREE:  Do  you  print  from  the  lavender  print  on  the  optical  printer? 
Also,  at  what  stage  do  you  put  your  trick  stuff  in — when  making  the  lavender 
print  from  the  original  negative,  or  when  making  the  dupe  negative  from  the 

MR.  DUNN:  That  depends  entirely  upon  the  trick  effect  that  is  to  be  made. 
Some  effects  necessitate  work  upon  the  lavender  at  the  time  it  is  made  from  the 
original  negative,  and  then  again  when  the  lavender  is  photographed,  depending 
upon  whether  we  have  to  work  with  a  positive  or  a  negative.  In  other  words,  if 
we  have  to  block  out  while  printing  the  original  negative,  the  results  naturally 
will  be  clear  film;  and  if  we  block  out  while  photographing  the  lavender,  the  re- 
sults will  be  black.  So  it  depends  upon  the  type  of  effect  needed.  In  most  cases, 
it  is  during  the  last  step,  photographing  the  lavender. 

MR.  DEPUE:  How  was  the  trick  effect  accomplished  in  the  demonstration  reel 
when  the  picture  folded  off  or  folded  down? 

MR.  DUNN:  That  is  an  effect  that  we  have  made  only  once.  Some  of  the  effects 
are  brainstorms,  and  one  has  to  go  almost  into  a  trance  to  make  them ;  and  after 
they  are  finished  it  is  hard  to  tell  just  how  they  were  done.  That  effect  was  done 
with  a  single  frame.  Although  some  of  you  might  have  noticed  that  that  was  a 
single  frame,  I  do  not  believe  that  the  average  public  would.  The  scene  following 
the  effect  is  blocked  out  to  fit  the  first  scene's  frame  sliding  out.  In  other  words, 
it  is  matted  out  to  conform  to  the  positions  of  the  frame  as  it  will  slide  out.  Then 
that  frame  is  put  into  a  special  holder  and  lined  up  to  normal  position,  and  slid 
out  mechanically,  synchronized  with  the  previous  matting.  It  happens,  I  be- 
lieve, in  about  a  foot  and  a  half  of  film,  so  the  single  frame  does  not  seem  to  be 
noticeable  in  most  cases. 

MR.  CRABTREE  :  Assuming  that  you  print  both  the  lavender  and  the  dupe  nega- 
tive in  the  optical  printer  as  you  have  indicated,  you  have  a  choice  of  two  proce- 
dures: first,  to  develop  the  lavender  to  a  high  gamma  and  the  negative  to  a  rela- 
tively low  gamma ;  or,  second,  to  develop  the  lavender  to  a  medium  gamma  and 
the  negative  to  a  higher  gamma  than  in  the  first  case.  Of  those  two  procedures 
which  do  you  prefer? 

MR.  DUNN:  We  don't  employ  either  procedure.  The  procedure  we  employ 
is  not,  as  I  said  in  the  paper,  entirely  desirable,  but  we  have  to  use  it  on  account  of 
the  consistency  and  the  quantity  of  work,  and  the  rush  with  which  it  has  to  be 
gotten  out.  We  make  our  lavender  to  a  lower  gamma  than  in  an  ordinary  pro- 
jection print,  and  develop  the  negative  to  a  lower  gamma  than  normal.  So  it  is 
really  softer  on  both  ends,  the  contrast  being  built  up  by  the  optical  printer.  The 
ordinary  production  positive  gamma,  we  might  say,  as  used  at  RKO,  is  about 
2.20  or  2.30,  and  our  lavender  goes  to  1.70.  The  original  negative  is  developed  to, 
I  believe,  0.68  and  our  dupe  negative  to  about  0.55,  so  that  the  gamma  is  lower 
than  normal  on  both  ends.  That  is  really  a  feature  that  is  not  entirely  desirable, 
but  the  optical  printer  builds  up  so  much  contrast  that  it  is  necessary. 

MR.  CRABTREE:  With  regard  to  definition,  it  is  of  extreme  importance  when 
making  comparisons  to  focus  the  image  repeatedly  upon  the  screen.  You  have  to 
have  a  telescope  at  the  projector  and  continuously  focus  the  image  in  order  to 
make  really  worth-while  comparisons  with  regard  to  graininess. 

66  L.  DUNN 

MR.  DUNN:  That  is  right. 

MR,  CRABTREE  :  Does  the  laboratory  develop  the  lavender  and  the  dupe  nega- 
tive for  you  separately,  or  do  they  like  to  run  the  negative,  for  instance,  with  the 
regular  run  of  negatives,  and  the  lavender  with  the  regular  run  of  positives? 

MR.  DUNN:  They  like  to  do  it  in  the  simplest  way,  naturally;  and  we  find  that 
the  simpler  we  can  make  it  for  the  laboratory,  the  less  trouble  we  have,  unless  the 
laboratory  is  right  under  our  control,  which  it  is  not,  in  our  case.  For  consistency 
and  evenness  I  have  tried  to  adjust  my  system  so  that  the  lavender  develops  the 
same  speed  as  the  ordinary  daily  production  print,  and  the  dupe  negative  develops 
the  same  speed  as  the  production  negative.  As  I  said  in  the  paper,  that  is  not 
quite  desirable,  but  we  get  better  general  results  and  greater  consistency. 

To  do  this  naturally  necessitated  quite  a  lot  of  experimentation  with  various 
raw  stocks  in  order  to  make  them  fit  the  conditions.  As  we  were  working  to  a 
certain  developing  time,  the  only  factor  that  we  could  vary  was  the  type  of  raw 
stock,  and  we  have  arrived  at  a  raw  stock  combination  that  is  quite  satisfactory. 
It  seems  that  we  can  not  use  any  other  as  successfully,  but  I  have  tested  other 
stocks,  and  have  found  that  we  were  using  a  pretty  good  set-up  as  far  as  stock 
graininess  is  concerned. 

The  only  thing  that  would  improve  our  graininess  considerably  would  be  to  use 
a  special  developer,  paraphenylene,  for  example,  for  negative  development. 

MR.  CRABTREE:  That  is  why  I  asked  the  question  as  to  the  minimum  speed 
that  you  would  tolerate.  I  suppose  if  you  could  get  results,  probably  you  would 
go  down  to  one  frame  a  second,  perhaps? 

MR.  DUNN:  No,  we  should  not,  because  we  have  the  studio  problem  to  take  into 
consideration.  We  should  not  be  able  to  get  the  work  out  in  time. 

MR.  KIENNINGER:  How  close  do  you  place  the  diffusion  to  the  negative? 

MR.  DUNN:  About  eight  inches,  I  should  say,  back  of  the  negative.  It  is  well 
clear  of  the  negative,  so  that  it  can  be  any  kind  of  ground  glass,  coarse  or  fine. 

MR.  KIENNINGER:   Do  you  have  to  go  back  that  far? 

MR.  DUNN:  No,  we  do  not  have  to,  but  we  have  not  found  any  reason  to  come 
closer,  and  it  gives  us  more  room  to  thread  the  printer  and  put  in  mattes. 

MR.  KIENNINGER:  What  is  your  optical  printer  factor  or  gamma  compared 
with  the  contact  printer  gamma? 

MR.  DUNN:  About  the  difference  between  3.0  and  1.5.  I  should  say  it  would 
almost  double  the  contrast. 


Summary. — The  problem  of  wide-range  reproduction  in  theaters  is  discussed 
with  reference  to  the  amplifier  output  power  capacity;  the  importance  of  accurate 
adjustment  of  equipment;  special  installation  technic;  acoustic  diagnosis  for  posi- 
tioning of  high-frequency,  mid-range,  and  low-frequency  units;  volume  setting; 
and  diagnosis  of  acoustic  treatment  of  backstage  interference. 

The  purpose  of  any  sound  reproducing  system  in  a  theater  is  to 
enable  the  sound  portion  of  a  talking  picture  to  be  reproduced  in  such 
a  manner  that  the  full  dramatic  effects  desired  may  be  produced 
in  the  audience.  In  the  early  days  of  sound  pictures  there  were  two 
distinct  limitations  that  prevented  the  system  from  completely  ful- 
filling this  requirement:  first,  a  limited  frequency  range;  and, 
second,  a  limited  loudness  or  volume  range.  While  there  were,  of 
course,  other  forms  of  distortion  present  they  were,  in  most  in- 
stances, of  less  commercial  importance  than  the  two  just  mentioned. 
From  an  engineering  standpoint  these  older  systems  might  have 
been  termed  "restricted-range  systems." 

In  contrast  to  these  are  the  "wide-range"  systems  with  which  this 
paper  deals  and  in  which  both  frequency  and  volume  ranges  have 
been  very  considerably  increased.  We  feel  that  we  now  have  a  sys- 
tem, the  range  of  which  is  adequate  to  reproduce  all  the  qualities  of 
the  human  voice  and  falls  much  less  short  of  complete  reproduction 
of  an  orchestra  than  did  the  older  systems. 

It  is  obvious  that  an  effective  extension  of  the  volume  and  frequency 
range  provides  the  picture  director  with  a  tool  that  will  greatly  as- 
sist him  in  bringing  out  inflections  and  qualities  of  the  voice  that  were 
before  largely,  if  not  entirely,  lost.  Likewise,  the  extension  of  the 
volume  range  provides  him  with  a  means  for  achieving  dramatic 
effects  which  before  could  be  only  approximated. 

With  reference  to  the  extension  of  the  frequency  range,  the  data 

*  Presented  at  the  Spring,  1935,  Meeting  at  Hollywood,  Calif. 
**  Electrical  Research  Products,  Inc.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 



J.  P.  MAXFIELD  AND  C.  FLANNAGAN       [j.  s.  M.  p.  E. 

usually  presented  take  the  form  of  a  steady-state  frequency  charac- 
teristic. Attainment  of  a  satisfactory  curve  of  this  kind  is,  however, 
not  the  only  requirement,  and  it  might  be  interesting  to  point  out 
some  of  the  factors  that  are  important  to  good  performance.  While 
it  is  certainly  requisite  that  all  the  components  of  each  sound  shall 
be  reproduced  in  their  correct  amplitudes,  it  is  also  desirable  that  the 
sound  shall  be  reproduced  with  the  right  duration.  Resonant  ele- 
ments introduce  transients,  recognized  as  a  prolongation  of  some 
sounds  beyond  their  natural  duration,  so  that  they  overlap  the  follow- 
ing sounds,  thus  distorting  quality.  In  the  present  advanced  state 



Maximum  theater  volume  in  1000  cu.  ft. 
FIG.  1.     Relation  between  capacity  of  amplifier  and  size  of  auditorium. 

of  the  art  this  is  not  often  so  in  the  electrical  design.  Such  prolonga- 
tion occurs  occasionally  in  the  case  of  loud  speakers  of  inadequate 
design  and  frequently  in  auditoriums  where  the  backstage  area  per- 
mits marked  standing-wave  patterns.  Such  effects  impair  the  per- 
formance of  the  best  sound  systems. 

A  further  requirement  of  the  system  is  that  there  be  no  non-linear 
distortion,  which  distortion  is  evidenced  by  the  introduction  of  com- 
ponents that  are  not  present  in  the  original  sound.  In  other  words, 
there  must  be  a  linear  relationship  between  the  amplitude  of  the  in- 
put and  that  of  the  output  in  all  parts  of  the  system. 

Jan.,  1936]  WlDE- RANGE  REPRODUCTION  69 


This  leads  naturally  to  a  consideration  of  the  power  output  of  the 
amplifier  necessary  to  supply  auditoriums  of  various  sizes.  A  con- 
siderable amount  of  work1-2  has  been  done  along  this  line  which  makes 
it  possible  to  set  the  amplifier  requirements  rather  definitely.  Fig.  1 
shows  a  curve,  the  ordinates  of  which  represent  the  power  output  ca- 
pacity of  the  amplifier  and  the  abscissas  of  which  represent  the  cubical 
contents  of  the  largest  auditorium  for  which  this  amplifier  is  regarded 
as  commercially  satisfactory  with  the  present  loud  speakers. 

The  question  of  the  power  required  for  wide-range  reproduction  is 
rather  interesting.  If  a  system  already  installed  be  modified  to  per- 
mit wide-range  reproduction  without  consideration  of  the  amplifier 
power  capacity,  well  recorded  music  will  sound  slightly  louder  than  it 
does  on  the  standard  system.  On  the  other  hand,  the  improvement 
in  naturalness,  brought  about  by  extending  the  range,  leads  one  to  feel 
that  he  is  listening  to  the  orchestra  itself  rather  than  a  reproduction 
of  it,  and  the  immediate  reaction  is  a  feeling  that  the  loudness  is  in- 
sufficient. It  is  interesting  that  this  improvement  in  quality  appears 
to  transfer  the  mind  of  the  listener  from  an  artificial  standard  to  the 
standard  of  the  real  original  performance.  In  view  of  this  effect,  it 
has  been  found  desirable  to  increase  the  power  capacity  available  for 
the  wide-range  system  as  compared  with  the  old  standard  system. 
In  theaters  already  equipped  with  systems  of  the  old  type,  observa- 
tions were  made  to  determine  the  adequacy  of  existing  amplifiers  be- 
fore the  wide-range  modification.  It  was  found  desirable  in  many 
cases  to  modify  or  replace  the  amplifiers  to  insure  conformance  with 
the  requirements  shown  in  Fig.  1.  In  theaters  not  previously  wired 
for  sound,  higher  powered  amplifiers  than  would  normally  be  em- 
ployed in  restricted-range  systems  were  installed. 

Wide-range  systems  appear  to  have  sufficient  power  to  reproduce 
adequately  anything  now  recorded  upon,  or  likely  to  be  recorded 
upon,  film  in  the  near  future.  Whether  or  not  they  have  sufficient 
reserve  to  meet  any  future  demand  is,  of  course,  impossible  to  foretell 


In  order  to  attain  the  greatest  dramatic  effect  from  this  improved 
equipment,  it  has  been  necessary  to  develop  a  very  definite  technic  of 
installation.  The  procedure  is  of  importance,  first,  in  coordinating 

70  J.  P.  MAXFIELD  AND  C.  FLANNAGAN       [j.  s.  M.  p.  E. 

the  operation  of  the  various  parts  of  the  equipment,  one  with  an- 
other; and,  second,  in  acoustically  draping  the  backstage  space  to 
avoid  standing-wave  interferences. 

As  a  preliminary  to  the  description  of  this  procedure,  a  brief  state- 
ment regarding  the  equipment  may  be  of  interest.  The  equipment 
consists,  essentially,  of  the  sound-head  for  translating  the  sound- 
track into  electrical  impulses,  an  amplifier  system  to  amplify  these 
weak  impulses,  and  a  loud  speaker  system  to  translate  the  electric 
currents  back  into  sound.  The  main  part  of  the  description  will  deal 
with  the  loud  speaker  equipment,  although  it  has  been  necessary  to 
make  improvements  in  all  parts  of  the  system  in  order  that  it  may  be 
capable  of  transmitting  to  the  loud  speakers  the  increased  volume 
and  frequency  range. 

The  loud  speaker  system  differs  materially  from  the  earlier  com- 
mercial theater  types  mainly  in  that  there  are  three  sets  of  loud 
speakers,  one  for  the  low  frequencies,  one  for  the  mid-range,  and  one 
for  the  extremely  high  frequencies.  In  addition  to  these  three  sets  of 
speakers,  a  network  is  necessary  for  splitting  the  output  current  of 
the  amplifier  into  three  frequency-bands,  one  for  each  set  of  loud 
speakers.  The  ranges  covered  by  these  three  sets  of  loud  speakers 
are  approximately  as  follows: 

Low-frequency  set  Up  to  300  cycles 

Mid-range  set  300  to  about  3000  cycles 

High-frequency  set  3000  cycles  and  up 

It  will  be  seen  from  a  consideration  of  this  type  of  system  that  a 
definite  problem  is  found  in  arranging  the  system  to  avoid  bad  inter- 
ference within  the  frequency  ranges  in  which  the  various  sets  of  loud 
speakers  overlap.  This  is  particularly  true  because  the  electrical 
network  that  divides  the  amplifier  output  into  the  three  frequency- 
bands  is  not  of  the  sharp  cut-off  type,  and  therefore  permits  consid- 
erable overlapping  of  the  various  sets  of  speakers.  The  sharpness  of 
this  cut-off,  in  a  commercial  system,  is  of  necessity  a  compromise 
between  expense  and  effectiveness.  The  sharpness  afforded  by  this 
system  has  been  found  adequate  for  good  quality  provided  the 
proper  installation  procedure  is  followed. 


The  special  installation  technic  is  carried  out  for  the  purpose  of 
insuring  that  the  various  parts  of  the  reproducing  equipment  co- 

Jan.,  1936]  WlDE-RANGE  REPRODUCTION  71 

operate   properly   with   one   another.     This   technic   has   naturally 
divided  itself  into  the  following  series  of  operations: 

(1)  Acoustic  diagnosis  of  theater  auditorium. 

(2)  Positioning  the  mid-range  horns  to  afford  best  sound  distribution. 

(3)  Positioning  and  volume  setting  of  the  low-frequency  units. 

(4)  Diagnosis  and  acoustic  treatment  of  backstage  interferences. 

(5)  Positioning  and  volume  setting  of  high-frequency  units. 

(6)  Final  check  of  system  on  commercial  product. 


If  expense  were  no  object,  the  acoustic  diagnosis  would  be  made 
with  measuring  instruments,  many  of  which  have  been  described  in 
the  literature.3  However,  it  is  frequently  impracticable  to  make  the 
necessary  measurements,  and  under  such  conditions  the  reverbera- 
tion time  and  its  frequency  characteristic  are  computed  from  a  survey 
of  the  size  and  shape  of  the  auditorium  and  from  the  nature  of  the 
floor,  walls,  seats,  hangings,  etc.  This  reverberation  time  becomes 
the  starting  point  of  the  theater  analysis. 

In  the  application  of  the  wide-range  systems  to  the  theater,  there 
are  other  acoustic  properties  besides  the  average  reverberation  time 
which  are  of  great  importance.  Again,  for  practical  reasons,  these 
effects  have  been  divided  into  two  groups :  those  caused  by  the  front- 
stage  sound  in  the  auditorium  and  those  caused  by  the  conditions 
backstage.  All  discussion  of  the  backstage  troubles  will  be  left  to  a 
later  portion  of  the  paper,  and  the  present  discussion  will  deal  only 
with  the  frontstage  effects. 

These  special  effects  refer  to  concentrated  reflections  from  large, 
flat,  or  curved  surfaces,  such  as  the  back  wall,  a  curved  ceiling  or 
dome,  the  front  of  a  deep  balcony,  etc.  As  is  well  known,4  the  rever- 
beration time  for  satisfactory  reproduction  lies  between  two  limits 
which  are  rather  widely  separated.  In  practice,  very  few  houses,  if 
any,  are  found  to  be  too  dead.  Therefore,  it  has  been  customary  to 
specify  these  limits  as  the  time  of  reverberation  for  optimal  reproduc- 
tion and  as  the  maximal  time  of  reverberation  acceptable  for  com- 
mercially good  quality.  In  addition  to  determining  the  reverbera- 
tion time,  which  is  an  index  of  general  liveness,  the  acoustic  analysis 
determines  the  presence  of  echoes,  "slaps,"  multiple  reflections,  etc., 
from  undamped,  curved,  flat  surfaces.  In  theaters  having  such  de- 
fects, which  have  not  been  corrected  by  acoustic  treatment,  careful 
diagnosis  by  ear,  after  the  system  has  been  installed,  frequently  per- 
mits positioning  the  loud  speakers  to  minimize  the  defects.  Such 

72  J.  P.  MAXFIELD  AND  C.  FLANNAGAN       [j.  s.  M.  P  E. 

diagnosis  consists  in  exploring  the  whole  audience  area  by  ear  while 
reproducing  some  form  of  speech  with  the  loud  speakers  on  the  stage. 
It  has  been  found  possible,  under  these  conditions,  to  locate  the  so- 
called  "slap"  or  echo  areas;  and,  in  most  cases,  a  visual  inspection  of 
the  position  of  the  sound-source,  the  slap  area,  and  the  geometry  of 
the  house  leads  immediately  to  detecting  the  sound  path  causing  the 
difficulty.  However,  a  considerable  amount  of  skill  is  involved. 


The  next  step  of  the  procedure,  therefore,  is  to  position  the  mid- 
range,  or  horn,  speakers  in  such  a  manner  that  their  sound  is  distrib- 
uted to  the  audience  area  without  bad  interference  from  echoes  and 
slaps.  In  the  majority  of  houses,  the  reverberation  time  of  which 
lies  within  acceptable  limits,  this  is  possible  without  additional  acous- 
tic treatment  Since  the  horn  speakers  are  directional  to  a  large  de- 
gree, it  is  possible  to  direct  the  sound  into  the  audience  area  in  such  a 
manner  that  very  little  direct  sound  from  the  horns  reaches  the  trouble- 
some reflecting  areas.  Naturally,  in  the  case  of  a  curved  back  wall, 
it  is  necessary  either  to  sacrifice  good  sound  in  some  of  the  back  seats 
or  to  apply  acoustic  treatment  to  the  wall  immediately  above  the 
heads  of  the  audience. 

Since  the  majority  of  theaters  have  a  higher  reverberation  time 
than  optimal,  and  are,  therefore,  livelier  than  desirable,  the  technic 
of  avoiding  "slap"  by  concentrating  the  sound  upon  the  audience 
area  has  automatically  introduced  an  improvement,  namely,  an 
apparent  decrease  in  the  reverberation  of  the  house.  Because  the 
ear  interprets  the  liveness  of  a  reproduction  by  the  ratio  of  the  time 
integral  of  the  reverberant  sound  to  the  intensity  of  the  direct  sound,5 
any  means  of  increasing  the  direct  sound  or  of  decreasing  the  rever- 
berant sound  tends  to  decrease  the  liveness.  By  concentrating  the 
direct  sound  from  the  horns  upon  the  audience  area,  a  maximum  of 
direct  sound  is  attained  at  the  listener's  ear.  In  addition,  since  the 
audience  usually  constitutes  the  most  effective  damping  in  the  theater, 
the  reflected  sound  that  finally  reaches  the  livelier  part  of  the  theater, 
to  become  reverberation,  is  thereby  decreased.  For  both  these  rea- 
sons, therefore,  a  house  can  be  made  to  appear  under  reproducing 
conditions,  deader  than  it  would  be  for  a  real  performance  for  which 
most  of  the  sound  sources  are  relatively  non-directional.  This  is  one 
of  the  reasons  why  the  maximal  acceptable  time  of  reverberation  is 
as  high  as  it  is  for  reproduced  speech. 

Jan.,  1936]  WlDE- RANGE  REPRODUCTION  73 

One  interesting  effect  has  been  noticed  in  connection  with  setting 
the  horns,  namely,  that  a  much  more  accurate  setting  can  be  ob- 
tained by  so  positioning  them,  initially,  that  they  definitely  include 
the  error  to  be  avoided.  They  are  then  angled  or  moved  slightly  un- 
til this  error  disappears.  This  implies  that  the  ear  can  more  accu- 
rately determine  the  removal  of  an  error  than  the  approach  to  it. 
Whether  this  would  be  true  if  the  recording  and  its  reproduction  were 
perfect  is  not  known,  but  it  is  certainly  true  under  the  present  practi- 
cal conditions. 


Now  that  the  horns  have  been  properly  set,  the  next  step  of  the 
procedure  is  the  addition  of  the  low-frequency  units.  Early  in  the 
wide-range  work  a  phase  relationship  was  looked  for  between  the 
lower-frequency  and  mid-range  units,  and  an  effect  was  found  that 
was  mistaken  for  a  real  phase  relationship.  Later  work,  however, 
indicated  that  this  effect  had  many  properties  that  did  not  agree  with 
real  vector  phasing,  and  the  exact  nature  of  the  effect  is  not  com- 
pletely known.  The  presence  of  real  vector  phasing  is  audible,  but 
the  slight  change  of  quality  brought  about  by  it  is  neither  disagree- 
able nor  is  it  noticeable  to  the  majority  of  the  public.  On  the  other 
hand,  the  important  effect,  that  is,  the  one  previously  mistaken  for 
real  phasing,  produces  a  marked  difference  in  quality  according  to  the 
correctness  or  incorrectness  of  the  geometrical  and  electrical  relations 
between  the  mid-range  and  the  low-frequency  units.  The  effect  of 
improper  relationship  is  easily  noticed,  and  is  disliked  by  the  majority 
of  the  public.  In  the  so-called  unphased  conditions,  the  sound  is 
distinctly  disagreeable;  whereas  in  the  so-called  phased  position,  it 
is  said  by  the  layman  to  be  pleasing  to  listen  to. 

It  has  been  found  that  for  a  horn  of  a  given  length  there  are  a  series 
of  fore  and  aft  positions  at  which  the  baffle  may  be  placed  for  good 
quality.  This  is  on  the  assumption  that  the  mid-range  and  the  low- 
frequency  units  are  electrically  poled  identically;  that  is,  that  the 
current  supplied  to  them  produces,  in  both  sets  of  units,  movements  of 
the  diaphragms  in  the  same  direction.  If  the  polarity  of  either  set  of 
units  be  reversed,  a  new  series  of  positions  are  found  for  the  baffle 
half-way  between  the  points  lying  upon  the  previously  mentioned 
series.  It  is  no  wonder,  therefore,  that  this  effect  was  mistaken  at 
first  for  vector  phasing. 

In  the  early  technic,  loud  speakers  were  set  to  reproduce  correctly 

74  J.  P.  MAXFIELD  AND  C.  FLANNAGAN       [j.  s.  M.  p.  E. 

for  a  point  on  the  floor  of  the  house,  and  the  balcony  was  regarded  as 
of  secondary  importance.  However,  in  several  installations  where 
two  observers  were  available,  one  was  placed  in  the  balcony  and  one 
on  the  floor  of  the  house.  It  was  surprising  to  find  that  both  these 
observers  chose  the  same  phasing  positions  in  spite  of  the  fact  that 
in  some  cases  the  observer  in  the  balcony  should  have  been  in  a  posi- 
tion 180  degrees  out  of  phase  with  the  position  of  the  observer  on  the 
floor.  In  other  words,  this  effect  is  not  a  real  sound-vector  phasing 
effect,  but  appears  to  have  something  to  do  with  the  diffraction  pat- 
tern set  up  about  the  top  edge  of  the  baffle  and  the  bottom  edge  of  the 
horn.  This  is  further  corroborated  by  the  fact  that  the  so-called 
phasing  position  is  independent  of  the  vertical  distance  between  the 
lower  edge  of  the  horn  mouth  and  the  top  edge  of  the  baffle. 


The  backstage  acoustic  difficulties  are  brought  about  mainly  by  the 
radiation  from  the  back  of  the  low-frequency  units  and  by  the  mid- 
range  sound  reflected  into  the  backstage  area  by  the  screen.  This 
sound  is  reflected  from  the  various  walls  of  the  backstage  area,  and 
some  of  it  returns  to  the  units  in  such  phase  relation  as  to  add  to  the 
sound  then  being  radiated.  Under  these  conditions  marked  stand- 
ing-wave patterns  are  set  up.  The  commonest,  and  usually  the  most 
marked,  of  these  patterns  is  that  existing  between  the  low-frequency 
units  and  the  rear  stage  wall.  In  order  to  minimize  this  pattern  the 
baffle  is  usually  inclined  slightly  with  respect  to  the  vertical  in  such  a 
manner  that  the  sound  returning  from  the  back  wall  and  striking  the 
baffle  is  reflected  slightly  upward,  thereby  avoiding  a  sharp  standing- 
wave  pattern  between  two  hard,  parallel  surfaces.  In  spite  of  this 
precaution,  a  rather  severe  pattern  is  usually  set  up,  and  acoustic 
absorption  material  is  necessary  to  counteract  its  bad  effects. 

It  is  well  known6  that  acoustic  damping  material  is  most  effective 
in  a  standing-wave  pattern  at  the  position  where  the  air  particle  ve- 
locity is  greatest.  This  position  on  the  wave  is  the  position  of  mini- 
mal sound  to  the  ear,  since  the  maximal  velocity  position  is  the  posi- 
tion of  minimal  pressure  variation. 

In  order  to  diagnose  the  position  of  this  velocity  maximum  it  is 
necessary  only  to  move  the  head  slowly  from  the  back  wall  to  the 
baffle  while  the  system  is  reproducing  male  speech.  During  this  pro- 
cedure the  positions  are  noted  at  which  the  so-called  "boominess"  of 
the  sound  is  least.  These  positions  of  least  "boominess"  are  the 

Jan.,  1936]  WlDE-RANGE  REPRODUCTION  75 

points  at  which  damping  material  will  be  most  effective.  From  a 
commercial  standpoint  it  is  fortunate  that  the  minimum  nearest  the 
baffle  is  usually  the  sharpest  one,  and,  therefore,  constitutes  the  most 
effective  position  for  the  draping  material. 

The  draping  material  used  is  unimportant,  provided  that  it  is  soft 
and  flexible  and  has  an  absorption  equivalent  to  Ozite,  */4  to  Vz  inch 
thick.  Two  thicknesses  of  heavy  velour  spaced  one  inch  apart  have 
been  found  quite  satisfactory. 

Having  found  the  proper  position  for  the  drape,  which  is  usually 
called  the  main  drape,  it  is  hung  immediately.  It  is  now  necessary 
again  to  explore  the  backstage  for  additional  standing-wave  patterns 
which  sometimes  arise  between  the  low-frequency  units  and  the  side- 
walls  or  between  the  low-frequency  units  and  the  ceiling.  With  the 
main  drapes  in  place,  it  is  occasionally  found  that  the  sound,  as  heard 
in  the  auditorium,  either  lacks  "presence,"  that  is,  appears  to  come 
from  some  distance  behind  the  screen,  or  that  it  seems  as  if  consider- 
able non-linear  distortion  were  present.  Under  these  circumstances 
it  is  necessary  to  explore  the  backstage  area,  particularly  the  region 
between  the  bottom  of  the  horn  mouths  and  the  top  of  the  baffle,  for 
the  presence  of  patterns.  This  is  done,  as  in  the  previous  case,  by 
moving  the  head  slowly  about  in  this  area  while  speech  is  being  repro- 
duced. In  this  case,  instead  of  getting  sharp  maxima  and  minima  of 
intensity,  a  condition  is  found  in  which  the  head  moves  from  a  region 
of  badly  garbled  speech  to  one  of  relatively  clean,  clear,  intelligible 
speech.  As  before,  drapes  should  be  hung  at  the  position  of  least 
garbling;  in  other  words,  at  the  position  of  maximal  clarity. 

The  importance  of  careful  backstage  draping  can  not  be  too  vigor- 
ously stressed,  because  most  of  the  troubles  of  the  early  installations  of 
wide-range  systems  were  brought  about  by  complicated  backstage 
patterns.  These  troubles  were  mainly  removed  when  this  pattern 
was  properly  diagnosed  and  the  necessary  drapes  hung. 


It  will  be  seen  that  up  to  this  point  the  system  has  been  operated 
without  the  high-frequency  units,  and  that  it  is  ready  for  commercial 
use  except  for  the  addition  of  these  units.  It  has  been  found  by  ex- 
perience that  the  positioning  technic  for  these  is  similar  to  that  for 
the  baffle  with  respect  to  the  mid-range  units.  The  positioning  of  the 
high-frequency  units  is  of  great  importance  as  regards  the  quality 
that  will  be  obtained  from  the  system.  The  high-frequency  units 

76  J.  P.  MAXFIELD  AND  C.  FLANNAGAN       [J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

show  a  definite  series  of  fore  and  aft  positions,  with  respect  to  the 
mouth  of  the  mid-range  horns,  at  which  the  sound  quality  is  pleasing. 
If  the  polarity  of  the  high-frequency  units  be  reversed,  a  new  series  of 
positions  are  found  lying  half-way  between  the  positions  of  the  first 
series.  This  is  a  rather  startling  result,  because  the  air-path  differ- 
ence to  the  screen  from  the  diaphragm  of  the  mid-range  units  and 
from  the  diaphragm  of  the  high-frequency  units  is  frequently  as 
great  as  fourteen  feet.  This  distance  corresponds  roughly  to  forty 
times  the  distance  between  the  positions  at  which  the  high-frequency 
units  sound  good.  Since  the  dividing  network  is  not  of  the  sharp  cut- 
off variety,  there  is  considerable  overlap  between  the  mid-range  and 
high-frequency  units  and  it  is  readily  seen  that  this  positioning  effect 
can  not  possibly  be  real  vector  phasing. 

Having  positioned  the  high-frequency  units  by  ear  during  the  re- 
production of  an  adequate  test-film,  the  only  remaining  step  is  to 
regulate  their  intensities  so  that  they  blend  properly  with  the  rest 
of  the  reproduction.  With  this  done,  a  final  check  is  made  with  the 
commercial  product  available  in  the  theater. 


Reproducing  equipment  designed  and  installed  to  fulfill  the  fore- 
going requirements  has  been  in  use  in  more  than  twelve  hundred 
theaters.  In  some  theaters  it  has  been  in  operation  for  over  two 
years.  As  would  be  expected  in  a  theater  group  of  such  size,  prac- 
tically all  types  of  auditoriums  are  represented.  Under  these  circum- 
stances the  problem  of  attaining  and  maintaining  optimal  perform- 
ance through  installation  and  service  of  the  equipment  has  been  of 
much  importance. 

The  equipment,  as  developed  and  installed,  has  proved  itself  very 
flexible  under  these  varied  practical  conditions  of  field  operation. 
It  has  been  possible  to  use  the  system  in  houses  of  widely  varying 
acoustic  properties  and  to  achieve  in  these  houses  the  full  dramatic 
possibilities  of  which  the  equipment  is  capable.  This,  of  course,  does 
not  mean  that  all  the  houses  have  been  found  satisfactory  without  the 
help  of  acoustic  treatment.  On  the  other  hand,  it  does  mean  that 
many  houses,  which,  on  the  basis  of  the  old  system,  were  regarded  as 
very  difficult  acoustically,  have  been  successfully  equipped  with  the 
wide-range  system  with  no  acoustic  treatment  of  the  auditorium. 

The  adoption  of  this  installation  technic  has  produced  in  the 
theaters  a  quality  varying  between  narrow  limits  from  one  theater 

Jan.,  1936]  WlDE-RANGE  REPRODUCTION  77 

to  another.  This  should  be  of  material  assistance  to  the  recording 
directors  who  have  to  make  products  to  be  played  in  theaters  through- 
out the  country. 

Although  the  average  releases  do  not  include  material  that  com- 
pletely shows  the  capabilities  of  wide-range  systems,  there  are  some 
that  do,  and  a  steady  improvement  in  this  respect  is  rapidly  becom- 
ing general.  As  this  is  written,  releases  are  being  shown  that  can  not 
be  presented  to  full  advantage  on  restricted-range  systems. 

Exhibitors  are  aware  of  the  superiority  of  wide-range  systems  as  is 
evidenced  by  their  willingness  to  install  new  equipment  even  in  these 
times  of  low  box-office  receipts.  The  public  is  only  partially  aware 
of  it,  but  is  gradually  appreciating  those  theaters  that  provide  better 
dramatic  value  in  their  sound.  This  appreciation  will,  of  course, 
be  accelerated  as  the  sound  quality  of  the  average  release  is  improved 
and  the  picture  director  takes  greater  advantage  of  the  dramatic 
possibilities  available  to  him. 


1  WOLF,  S.  K.,  AND  SETTE,  W.  J.:    "Acoustic  Power  Levels  in  Sound  Picture 
Reproduction,"  /.  Acoust.  Soc.  Amer.,  2  (Jan.,  1931),  No.  3.  p.  384. 

2  FLETCHER,    H.:     "Auditory    Perspective — Basic    Requirements,"    Electrical 
Engineering,  53  (Jan.,  1934),  No.  1,  p.  9. 

3  STANTON,  G.  T.,  SCHMID,  F.  C.,  AND  BROWN,  W.  J.:  "Reverberation  Measure- 
ments in  Auditoriums,"  /.  Acoust.  Soc.  Amer.,  6  (Oct.,  1934),  No.  2,  p.  95. 

4  WATSON, F. R. :  "Acoustics  of  Buildings,"  Jo hn  Wiley  &  Sons.  New  York  ( 1923). 

6  ALBERSHEIM,  W.  J.,  AND  MAXFIELD,  J.  P.:  "An  Acoustic  Constant  of  En- 
closed Spaces  Correlatable  with  Their  Apparent  Liveness,"  Meeting  of  Acoust. 
Soc.  Amer.  (May,  1932). 

6  SABINE,  W.  C.:   "Collected  Papers  on  Acoustics,"  Harvard  Univ.  Press,  1927. 


MR.  TIMMER:   What  is  the  frequency  range  for  the  three  units? 

MR.  MAXFIELD:  The  lowest  frequency  is  about  55  cycles  per  second,  and  the 
highest  one  is  somewhere  above  10,000,  so  far  as  the  horns  themselves  are  con- 
cerned. The  modern  amplifiers  fulfill  that  requirement. 

MR.  SETMEIRER:  In  the  Journal  of  the  Acoustical  Society,  Eiker  and  Strutt 
report  increases  in  loudness  where  the  reproducing  units  have  characteristics 
differing  in  level  by  as  much  as  12  db.  Have  you  come  across  any  relations  simi- 
lar to  that  in  the  overlapping  of  the  characteristics  of  the  various  horns? 

MR.  MAXFIELD  :  No.  In  general,  the  addition  of  the  bass  has  increased  the 
loudness  by  about  what  would  be  expected  on  an  energy-addition  basis.  I  read 
with  some  interest  the  paper  of  Eiker  and  Strutt,  and  made  a  rough  check  with 


some  of  our  theater  systems.  We  did  not  find  the  unexpected  increase  that  they 
mentioned.  However,  Eiker  and  Strutt  used  loud  speakers  widely  separated  in 
space,  whereas  in  the  theater  system  described  that  is  not  the  case. 

MR.  KELLOGG:  In  the  discussion  at  the  Acoustical  Society  meeting,  Dr.  Strutt 
and  others  concluded  that  it  was  necessary  that  the  loud  speakers  be  separated, 
but  we  could  find  no  justification  for  that  in  tests  that  were  run  at  Camden.  Dr. 
Fletcher  cited  the  following  example,  which  seemed  to  me  to  explain  what  Eiker 
and  Strutt  reported :  If  the  entire  spectrum  of  music  or  speech  is  cut  in  two,  with 
low-pass  and  high-pass  filters,  at  such  a  point  that  the  total  loudness  contributed 
by  each  part  is  about  equal  to  that  of  the  other,  then,  when  the  two  are  put  to- 
gether, the  loudness  of  the  combination  is  about  9  db.  greater  than  that  of  either 
half  alone.  That  being  true,  I  should  expect  that  the  addition  of  the  bass  unit, 
of  which  Mr.  Maxfield  spoke,  would  contribute  in  the  combination  more  volume 
than  we  should  judge  it  would  by  hearing  the  bass  alone. 

MR.  MAXFIELD:  As  I  said  before,  the  filter  or  split  circuit  is  not  a  sharp  cut-off 
filter,  nor  in  the  old  systems  were  the  low  frequencies  completely  missing.  They 
were  merely  down  in  intensity,  as  compared  with  the  higher  ones.  I  do  not  be- 
lieve we  are  dealing  here  with  quite  the  situation  that  applies  in  the  Strutt  paper, 
or  in  the  experiment  that  Fletcher  discussed.  Fletcher  was  using  sharp  cut-off 
filters,  and  I  believe  that  is  the  reason  why  he  found  a  much  greater  effect  than 
we  do.  I  believe  we  have  found  a  small  difference  occasionally,  but  we  never  had 
the  measuring  instruments  with  us  in  the  theater  to  make  a  careful  quantitative 

MR.  BROCKWAY:  Is  the  tendency  of  the  recording  reverberation  in  the  film  to 
cut  down  the  optimal  reverberation  time  in  the  theaters,  or  does  that  become 
noticeable  at  all? 

MR.  MAXFIELD:  That  is  rather  a  long  story,  but  we  have  found  in  connection 
with  recording  reverberation  that  the  greater  the  liveliness  of  the  theater  in  which 
the  sound  is  to  be  reproduced,  the  more  reverberation  should  be  recorded  in  the 
original  sound.  In  other  words,  it  is  a  question  of  making  the  reproduction  appear 
to  be  an  extension  of  the  auditorium  in  which  one  is  listening,  and  the  extension 
should  appear  to  exist  immediately  behind  the  screen,  i.  e.,  in  the  space  that  is 
imagined  to  be  filled  by  the  three  dimensions  of  the  picture. 

Fortunately,  the  "liveness"  range  of  the  houses  that  are  acceptable  from  an 
intelligibility  standpoint  is  sufficiently  narrow  so  that  a  single  average  of  record- 
ing can  be  made  which  will  take  care  of  the  majority  of  the  houses  satisfactorily. 


C.  C.  DASH** 

Summary. — Results  of  investigations  on  sources  of  direct  current  for  the  non- 
rotating,  high-intensity  reflecting  arc  are  presented.  Data  are  given  on  the  operating 
characteristics,  including  efficiency  and  power-factor. 

The  introduction  of  the  non-rotating,  high-intensity  reflecting 
arc  has  presented  a  problem  to  the  electrical  manufacturers  in  the 
production  of  a  satisfactory  source  of  direct  current  for  use  with  this 
arc.  Its  operating  characteristics,  which  have  been  discussed  in 
earlier  papers,  are  quite  different  from  those  of  the  previous  types 
used  in  motion  picture  projection.  The  new  arc  is  much  more  sus- 
ceptible to  changes  of  voltage  in  the  d-c.  source  than  the  old  arc,  and 
hence  must  be  handled  more  carefully,  and  more  precautions  must  be 
taken  in  selecting  the  current  supply  equipment. 

(A)  D-c.  power  service  from  central  station 

(B)  A-c.  to  d-c.  converting  equipment 
( 1 )     Non-rota  ting  equipment : 

(a)     Hot  cathode  tube  rectifiers 
(6)     Copper-oxide  rectifiers 
(2}     Rotating  equipment : 

(a)  Synchronous  converters 

(b]  Motor-generator  sets 

(1)  Generator   for   each   lamp,    drooping   characteristic,    no 


(2)  Generator,  flat -compounded  using  ballast 


When  d-c.  service  is  obtained  from  a  central  station  the  auxiliary 
equipment  used  with  the  arc  need  be  only  properly  designed  ballast 
rheostats  having  a  sufficient  voltage  drop  to  limit  the  current  to  the 
proper  value  at  the  correct  arc  voltage.  In  the  average  theater 

*  Presented  at  the  Spring,  1935,  Meeting  at  Hollywood,  Calif. 
**  Hertner  Electric  Co.,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 


80  C.  C.  DASH  [j.  s.  M.  p.  E. 

installation  the  voltage  delivered  by  the  central  station  usually  in- 
creases at  about  nine  o'clock  in  the  evening  and  it  is  necessary  to 
have  some  easily  operated  regulating  device  upon  the  ballast  rheostat 
so  that  the  resistance  can  be  changed  in  order  to  compensate  for  this 
increase  in  supply  voltage.  When  considering  the  over-all  efficiency 
of  using  direct  current  from  a  central  station,  it  must  be  borne  in 
mind  that  the  cost  per  kilowatt  hour  for  direct  current  from  such  a 
source  is  usually  much  higher  than  that  paid  per  unit  when  the  power 
is  obtained  from  a-c.  mains. 

For  an  arc  voltage  of  35  volts  and  a  current  of  50  amperes,  the 
total  power  drawn  from  the  d-c.  line  at  115  volts  is  5750  watts,  of 
which  1750  would  be  utilized  in  the  lamp  and  4000  consumed  in  the 
ballast  resistance  in  the  form  of  heat.  The  over-all  efficiency,  there- 
fore, is  30.4  per  cent.  The  inrush  of  current  when  the  arc  is  struck, 
using  this  form  of  supply,  is  but  very  little  greater  than  the  normal 
operating  value,  and  does  not  exceed  ten  to  fifteen  per  cent  more  than 
the  normal  operating  current. 

The  power  equipment  in  the  central  station  or  in  a  central  system 
usually  consists  of  a  multiplicity  of  types  and  sizes  of  generators. 
In  some  instances  storage  batteries  are  floated  across  the  d-c.  line, 
so  that  there  is  practically  no  ripple  and  the  current  is  practically 
true  direct  current.  As  the  noise  in  an  arc  is  a  function  of  the  ripple 
in  the  d-c.  supply,  and  inasmuch  as  there  is  no  ripple  with  such  an 
arrangement,  there  is  practically  no  hum  in  the  arc. 

The  current  through  the  arc  is  very  steady,  due  to  the  large  ballast 
drop,  but  the  results  attained  with  a  meter  for  measuring  the  steadi- 
ness of  the  light  indicate  considerable  variation  of  the  luminous 
intensity  upon  the  screen  due  to  the  fact  that  the  arc  voltage  can  vary 
considerably  without  a  compensating  change  in  the  current,  and 
thereby  affect  the  light  output.  The  operating  characteristic  when 
working  on  the  d-c.  power  line  is  not  important  to  the  operator  as 
long  as  the  power  source  remains  steady  and  the  voltage  does  not 
fluctuate  suddenly. 

Non-Rotating  Equipment 

(a)  Hot  Cathode  Tube  Rectifier— The  hot  cathode  tube  rectifier 
uses  no  ballast  resistance  between  the  tube  and  the  lamp.  These 
rectifiers  are  made  to  operate  from  three-  or  two-phase  supplies,  and 
may  be  operated  on  single  phase.  The  over-all  efficiency  of  a  hot 




cathode  tube  rectifier  that  was  tested,  using  an  arc  voltage  of  35  and 
an  arc  current  of  50  amperes,  was  65.5  per  cent.  The  power-factor 
when  supplying  the  above-mentioned  load  was  65.6  per  cent.  The 
inrush  of  current  when  the  arc  was  struck  varied  between  75  and  95 
amperes,  or  an  average  of  85  amperes  for  the  50-ampere  arc.  These 
readings  were  taken  with  an  aperiodic  meter.  The  volt-ampere  per- 
formance of  this  type  of  rectifier  is  shown  in  Fig.  1. 

The  ripple  in  the  direct  current  produced  by  the  rectifier  has  a  fre- 
























.      ^1 




?            10           20          30         40           50          eo           70 


FIG.  1.     Volt-ampere  characteristic  of  the  hot  cathode  tube 

quency  of  240  cycles,  the  transformers  being  connected  in  the  open 
delta  arrangement.  The  rms.  voltage  of  the  ripple  when  the  rectifier 
delivers  50  amperes  at  35  volts  is  4.25.  .  When  operating  without  load, 
the  rms.  voltage  of  the  ripple  is  14.5.  The  result  is  that  the  ripple 
produces  noise  in  the  arc  of  such  frequency  that  it  may  cause  inter- 

The  current  in  the  arc  varies  between  46  and  60  amperes  when  the 
rectifier  is  adjusted  to  supply  50  amperes  at  35  volts.  Part  of  this 
change  is  due  to  the  characteristic  of  the  arc,  but  most  of  it  is  due  to 
fluctuations  in  the  a-c.  line  voltage.  In  the  hot  cathode  tube  rectifier, 
the  d-c.  output  is  magnetically  connected  to  the  a-c.  input  so  that 


C.  C.  DASH 

[J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

fluctuations  in  the  a-c.  line  voltage  are  carried  directly  through  the 
rectifier,  causing  magnified  fluctuations  in  the  screen  illumination. 
In  the  case  of  gradual  changes  of  the  a-c.  voltage,  correction  can  be 
made  by  changing  the  taps  on  the  rectifier  transformer;  but  when  the 
changes  occur  suddenly  they  can  not  be  compensated  for ;  and  when 
the  voltage  increases,  the  tubes  and  the  carbons  become  overloaded, 
resulting  in  decreased  tube  life  as  well  as  increased  carbon  consump- 
tion and  a  flare  upon  the  screen. 

The  question  of  tube  life  is  very  uncertain.  The  average  esti- 
mated life  is  1000  hours,  so  that  figures  applying  to  the  operating 
cost  of  the  hot  cathode  rectifier  should  include  the  tube  cost  in  order 





30  40  50 

FIG.  2.     Volt-ampere  characteristic  of  the  copper-oxide  rectifier. 

that  they  may  be  on  a  comparable  basis  with  the  costs  of  other  types 
of  equipment.  If  the  arc  is  not  properly  handled,  a  surge  may  occur 
and  damage  the  tube. 

(b)  Copper-Oxide  Rectifier. — The  copper-oxide  rectifier  recently 
placed  upon  the  market  also  operates  without  any  ballast  resistance 
between  the  rectifier  and  the  arc.  The  over-all  efficiency  of  a  copper- 
oxide  rectifier  that  was  tested,  supplying  a  50-ampere  arc  at  35  volts, 
was  65.5  per  cent,  including  the  fan  and  relay  losses.  The  power- 
factor  when  supplying  a  normal  load  was  93.6  per  cent;  and  the  in- 
rush of  current  when  the  arc  was  struck,  using  the  same  equipment 
as  was  used  in  former  tests  of  this  nature,  averaged  95  amperes. 

Fig.  2  shows  the  volt-ampere  characteristic  of  the  copper-oxide 
rectifier.  The  rms.  ripple  voltage  is  1.2  volts,  the  frequency  in  this 
case  being  360  cycles.  The  ripple  causes  considerable  noise  in  the  arc, 

Jan.,  1936) 



but  it  is  difficult  to  give  any  comparative  values  of  the  noise  with  the 
two  types  of  rectifiers.  The  observations  showed  that  this  arc  was 
not  as  noisy  as  the  arc  produced  by  direct  current  supplied  by  the  hot 
cathode  rectifier.  In  operation,  the  arc  current  and  voltage  seemed 
to  be  steadier  in  that  the  changes  were  slower  than  the  corresponding 
fluctuations  in  the  hot  cathode  rectifier.  This  type  of  rectifier  can  not 
be  operated  without  a  ventilating  system  because  the  high  tempera- 
ture that  is  developed  is  extremely  detrimental  to  the  life  of  the  oxide 
film.  The  copper-oxide  rectifier  transmits  a-c.  line  voltage  fluctua- 
tions through  to  the  arc  just  as  does  the  other  type  of  rectifier. 

Rotating  Equipment 

(a)  The  Synchronous  Converter. — The  synchronous  converter  does 
not  lend  itself  readily  to  this  application  because  the  low  voltage 
required    for    the    non- 
rotating      high-intensity 

reflecting  lamp  necessi- 
tates a  d-c.  output  at 
42-45  volts  and  an  a-c. 
input  to  the  rectifier  at 
28  volts.  This  presents 
a  very  serious  problem 
in  slip-ring  and  a-c. 
brush  design  in  order  to 
keep  the  cost  of  the 
machine  within  commer- 
cial limits.  It  is  neces- 
sary also  to  use  a  static 
transformer  in  order  to 
bring  the  existing  line 
voltage  to  the  28-volt 
value  required  for  the 
converter.  We  do  not  know  of  any  synchronous  converters  being 
offered  for  use  with  this  type  of  arc. 

(b)  Motor-Generators. — Motor-generator    sets    of    various    types 
have  been  used  for  supplying  the  direct  current  to  the   projection 
arcs  since  the  advent  of  the  motion  picture.     In  the  early  days,  a 
shunt-wound  generator  having  a  fast-drooping  volt-ampere   char- 
acteristic, such  as  shown  in  Fig.  3,  was  used.     This  generator  was  very 
successful  with  the  old  style  vertical  carbon  arc  having  an  arc  voltage 
























0           10           20           30           40           50' 

FIG.  3.     Fast-drooping  characteristic  of  early 
shunt-wound  generator. 

84  C.  C.  DASH  [j.  s.  M.  P.  E. 

of  approximately  55  volts.  The  first  of  these  generators  was  built  to 
operate  one  lamp  only;  and  when  it  was  desired  to  make  the  change- 
over, the  arc  for  the  second  lamp  was  "stolen"  from  the  first,  the  two 
arcs  being  connected  in  parallel  with  no  ballast  resistance  in  the  arc 
circuits.  The  instant  the  arc  was  struck  on  the  second  projector, 
the  arc  on  the  first  projector  would  be  extinguished.  Such  a  condi- 
tion was  not  satisfactory  from  an  operating  standpoint,  with  the 
result  that  later  developments  raised  the  possible  operating  voltage 
of  the  generator  so  that  two  arcs  could  be  simultaneously  operated 
in  series  during  the  period  of  change-over.  The  old  series  arc  sets 
were  very  efficient  inasmuch  as  they  utilized  the  entire  copper  ca- 
pacity of  the  generator  at  rated  load.  The  magnetic  circuit,  how- 
ever, had  to  be  of  such  proportions  as  to  carry  sufficient  magnetic 
flux  to  produce  the  required  open-circuit  voltage ;  consequently,  the 
material  costs  of  these  machines  were  a  little  higher  than  those  of 
constant- voltage  machines  for  the  same  operating  voltage  and  normal 
full-load  current.  The  over-all  efficiency  from  line  to  generator  was 
high,  due  to  the  absence  of  ballast  resistance  in  the  projection  arc 

When  used  with  the  non-rotating,  high-intensity  lamp,  this  type  of 
generator  must  be  designed  for  a  lower  operating  voltage  than  was 
desirable  when  it  was  used  with  the  old  style  open  arc.  It  also  has  to 
be  designed  so  that  within  the  operating  range  of  voltage,  the  current 
will  tend  to  increase  slightly  with  decreased  arc  voltage.  This  is 
necessary  in  order  to  assure  any  stability  of  the  d-c.  arc,  and  is  one  of 
the  characteristics  of  the  horizontal  arcs  wherein  they  differ  from  the 
vertical  arcs  formerly  used. 

It  has  been  found  with  the  shunt-wound  type  of  generator  using 
no  ballast  resistance  between  the  generator  and  the  arc,  that  unless  a 
reverse  series  field  is  used  to  produce  the  constant-current  effect, 
making  it  differentially  compound,  it  is  difficult  to  attain  perfect 
commutation  and  long  life  of  the  commutator.  In  order  to  maintain 
the  current  approximately  constant  with  this  type  of  machine  without 
a  reverse  series  field,  it  is  necessary  to  shift  the  brushes  in  the  direc- 
tion of  rotation  so  that  the  armature  reactions  are  demagnetizing.  If 
not  carried  too  far,  this  would  provide  a  better  commutating  position 
than  the  no-load  neutral  point  on  a  non-interpole  machine;  but  to 
gain  this  result,  the  brush-shift  has  to  be  greater  than  is  desirable  to 
attain  good  commutation,  and  the  coils  undergoing  commutation 
would  then  be  outside  the  commutating  field.  Poor  commutation 

Jan.,  1936]  D-C.  SOURCES  FOR  REFLECTING  ARC  85 

results  also  from  insufficient  saturation  of  the  magnetic  circuit,  since 
the  latter  is  saturated  at  the  open-circuit  voltage  while  at  the  operat- 
ing voltage  the  main  pole  flux  is  weak.  In  one  type  of  motor-genera- 
tor set  that  was  quite  popular  several  years  ago,  the  commutation  was 
materially  improved  and  made  satisfactory  by  an  adjustable  interpole, 
the  position  of  which  could  be  shifted  so  that  its  field  was  directly  over 
the  coil  undergoing  commutation  when  the  brushes  were  shifted  to 
attain  a  practically  constant  current. 

Unsatisfactory  commutation  is  not  always  evident  when  the 
generator  is  first  put  into  operation.  A  burning  apparently  occurs 
beneath  the  brush,  which  does  not  cause  visible  sparking  and  does  not 
manifest  itself  until  the  machine  has  been  in  service  for  some  time, 
when  the  commutator  begins  to  blacken  and  trouble  begins. 

When  the  non-rotating,  high-intensity  reflecting  arc  was  first  pro- 
posed it  was  found  possible  to  operate  it  directly  across  the  terminals 
of  a  constant- voltage  generator  and  obtain  a  steady  arc.  It  was 
found,  however,  that  additional  stability  of  the  arc  could  be  gained  by 
using  a  small  ballast  resistance  in  the  arc  circuit  with  a  constant- 
voltage,  d-c.  source.  While  the  arc  operating  directly  across  the 
generator  was  perfectly  stable  under  laboratory  conditions,  it  was 
soon  discovered  that  under  operating  conditions,  and  because  of  the 
wide  variation  in  ideas  as  to  what  constituted  proper  arc  voltage,  the 
operation  was  not  so  successful. 

The  over-all  efficiency  of  the  series  type  of  dual  generator  unit 
(using  two  generators  driven  by  a  single  motor)  built  for  use  with  the 
non-rotating,  high-intensity  arc,  averages  60  per  cent  when  delivering 
50  amperes  at  35  volts.  This  presupposes  that  the  field  circuit  of 
the  generator  that  is  not  supplying  current  to  the  arc  is  open,  and  is 
thus  not  consuming  power  needlessly.  The  power-factor  averages  82 
per  cent  on  normal  load.  The  inrush  of  current  to  the  arc  when 
struck  is  77  amperes.  The  commutator  ripple  is  a  very  complex 
wave,  but  is  practically  negligible,  resulting  in  an  extremely  quiet  arc. 
As  the  two  generators  are  driven  by  a  single  motor,  the  first  arc  will 
show  a  diminution  in  light  when  the  second  arc  is  struck,  due  to  the 
increased  slip  of  the  motor.  When  operating  one  arc  continuously, 
the  current  varies  from  48  to  53  amperes,  the  arc  voltage  varying 
from  35  to  38  volts  when  maintaining  a  constant  arc  length. 

Where  shunt-wound  generators  having  drooping  characteristics 
are  used  to  supply  current  in  the  modern  theater  it  is  customary  to 
use  one  generator  for  each  lamp.  In  some  cases  the  two  generators 


C.  C.  DASH 

[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

are  driven  by  a  single  motor.  The  connections  to  the  lamp  switches 
are  made  in  such  a  manner  in  some  cases  that  the  field  circuit  of  the 
generator  is  not  energized  while  the  arc  is  off;  when  the  lamp  switch 
is  closed,  the  field  is  energized  just  before  the  arc  is  struck.  The 
output  voltage  decreases  as  the  temperature  of  the  field  windings 
increases,  the  decrease  being  most  rapid  during  the  first  ten  to  fifteen 
minutes  of  operation.  In  order  to  minimize  this  effect,  in  occasional 
installations  the  field  circuits  of  the  two  machines  are  kept  closed 
even  when  the  machine  is  not  delivering  current  to  the  arc.  The 
idle  machine  delivers  a  high  open-circuit  voltage,  causing  excessive 





30         40        50         60         70 


90        100 

FIG.  4.     Volt-ampere  characteristic  of  flat-compounded  generator 
of  double-arc  capacity. 

copper  loss  in  the  shunt  field  coils  as  well  as  a  high  iron  loss,  and  the 
generator  runs  much  hotter  than  normal.  Although  operating  in 
this  manner  lessens  the  change  that  occurs  in  the  output  current  and 
voltage  due  to  the  temperature  changes  of  the  field  windings,  it 
results  in  a  lowering  of  the  over-all  efficiency  of  the  set  from  60  to  53.7 
per  cent. 

The  flat-compounded  generator  can  be  designed  for  the  best 
operating  characteristic  both  as  regards  voltage  regulation  and  com- 
mutation. The  magnetic  circuit  can  be  designed  so  that  a  fair  degree 
of  saturation  is  attained  under  normal  operating  loads.  The  interpole 
field  can  be  proportioned  so  as  to  neutralize  the  armature  reaction 
and  also  provide  a  commutating  field  of  the  proper  strength  for 
perfect  commutation.  The  brush  position  can  be  regulated  so  that 

Jan.,  1936]  D-C.  SOURCES  FOR  REFLECTING  ARC  87 

it  is  squarely  in  the  commutating  field.  This  type  of  generator  is 
generally  understood  by  the  average  electrical  maintenance  man. 
Incidentally,  it  will  also  carry  a  heavy  overload,  should  occasion  arise, 
whereas  the  drooping  characteristic  unit  is  limited  to  practically  its 
rated  amount. 

After  a  long  series  of  tests  using  various  generator  voltages  with 
corresponding  values  of  series  resistance,  it  was  found  that  a  generator 
having  a  very  flat  volt-ampere  characteristic  at  42  volts,  with  suf- 
ficient ballast  resistance  to  maintain  the  proper  arc  voltage  of  35  volts, 
would  be  very  stable  in  operation  (Fig.  4).  For  the  best  results 
from  a  machine  of  this  type,  the  design  must  be  such  that  the  com- 
mutator ripple  is  reduced  to  a  minimum,  and  that  the  copper  load- 
ing in  the  armature,  interpole,  and  series  field  coils  is  very  low;  in 
other  words,  the  resistance  drops  must  be  practically  negligible. 
The  over-all  efficiency  from  power  line  to  lamp  of  a  constant-voltage 
machine  of  this  type  when  delivering  50  amperes  at  an  arc  voltage 
of  35  volts  is  60  per  cent,  including  the  rheostat  drop.  The  power- 
factor  in  the  case  of  single  arc  loading  with  one  lamp  operating  is 
83  per  cent.  The  inrush  of  current  to  the  arc  when  struck,  using 
the  42-volt  generator  with  a  suitable  ballast  and  without  auxiliary 
equipment,  is  95  amperes. 

In  the  investigations  of  commutator  ripple,  it  was  found  that  when 
an  armature  was  used  in  which  the  slots  were  parallel  to  the  armature 
shaft,  the  frequency  and  magnitude  of  the  ripple  were  practically  inde- 
pendent of  the  number  of  commutator  bars ;  that  is,  an  armature  with 
36  slots,  72  bars,  and  72  coils  of  three  turns  each  gave  practically 
the  same  amount  of  commutator  ripple  as  an  armature  with  36  slots, 
108  bars,  and  108  coils  of  two  turns  each,  the  frequency  of  the  ripple 
in  both  cases  being  identical.  When,  however,  the  armature  slots 
were  skewed  one  slot  pitch  on  the  periphery  of  the  armature,  the 
commutator  ripple  was  reduced  very  materially  and  arc  noise  was 
almost  entirely  eliminated.  In  fact,  unless  the  surrounding  condi- 
tions are  such  that  there  was  absolute  quiet,  the  noise  of  the  arc  could 
not  be  heard;  whereas  quite  an  audible  sound  was  produced  when  the 
arc  was  supplied  with  current  by  a  generator  having  straight  armature 
slots.  The  ripple  voltage  in  the  skew  slot  armature  was  about  one- 
eighth  of  that  of  the  straight  slot  armature,  other  conditions  being 
the  same.  A  feature  of  the  low- voltage  machine  is  that,  although  the 
arc  may  be  susceptible  to  variations  of  voltage  and  current,  the 
variations  are  such  that  the  resultant  of  the  several  factors  remains 

88  C.  C.  DASH 

substantially  constant,  as  is  evidenced  by  the  practically  constant 
illumination  of  the  screen. 

A-c.  line  voltage  fluctuations  have  no  effect  upon  the  output  of 
the  motor-generator  set  unless  the  voltage  drops  to  such  a  value  that 
the  motor  slip  is  abnormal.  This  would  mean  a  reduction  in  a-c.  volt- 
age of  probably  35  or  40  per  cent  before  any  perceptible  change  would 
occur.  The  speed  of  the  rotating  parts  being  maintained  practically 
constant,  resulting  in  a  constant  output  to  the  projection  lamps,  there 
is  no  magnetic  connection  between  the  input  and  the  output  of  the 
motor-generator  set. 



Summary. — A  brief  review  of  the  development  of  16-mm.  sound-film  projection 
and  the  possible  progress  in  industrial,  educational,  and  non-theatrical  uses. 

The  purpose  of  this  paper  is  to  review  briefly  the  progress  made  in 
the  development  of  16-mm.  projection,  the  effect  upon  it  of  the  intro- 
duction of  sound,  and  to  determine  what  trends  are  discernible  in  this 
rapidly  moving  industry. 

Originating  as  a  hobby  for  amateurs,  16-mm.  films  during  the 
initial  period  of  growth  found  their  largest  market  in  the  home  field 
Despite  remarkable  developments  that  projected  its  utility  into 
35-mm.  domains,  in  the  minds  of  many  who  have  not  followed  its  prog- 
ress closely,  16-mm.  motion  pictures  are  still  thought  of  in  terms  of 
imitation  rather  than  as  successor  to  the  larger  films. 

Some  five  years  ago,  in  an  effort  to  demonstrate  the  professional 
possibilities  of  16-mm.  pictures,  the  writer  displayed  a  new  projec- 
tor at  a  convention  of  the  Society  held  at  Washington,  D.  C.  It  was 
pointed  out  then  that  the  trend  of  design  must  give  consideration  to 
the  professional  rather  than  to  the  home  field.  As  indication  of  this 
trend,  a  picture  was  projected  with  the  machine  that  was  displayed 
that  almost  filled  a  theatrical  screen  14  feet  in  width,  using  only  a  250- 
watt,  20-volt  standard  incandescent  projection  lamp,  the  projector 
being  some  70  feet  from  the  screen. 

It  is  of  particular  interest  to  review  the  progress  that  has  been  made 
since  that  demonstration.  Considering  projection  only,  the  most 
important  improvement  has  been  in  illumination.  Projection  lamp 
design  has  made  remarkable  progress.  Lamps  of  1000-watt  capacity 
are  now  available  for  16-mm.  use.  Optics  and  film-moving  mecha- 
nisms are  far  more  efficient  than  formerly.  Without  any  substantial 
increase  in  size  or  weight  of  equipment,  the  illumination  today  has 

*  Presented  at  the  Spring,  1935,  Meeting  at  Hollywood,  Calif. 
**  Ampro  Corp.,  Chicago,  111. 


90  A.  SHAPIRO  [J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

definitely  reached  the  auditorium  stage.  Five  years  ago,  it  was  a 
novelty  to  project  a  theatrical-size  picture  in  an  auditorium  having  a 
capacity  of  500  persons.  Today  it  is  commonplace,  and  numerous 
instances  can  be  found  where  the  16-mm.  projector,  formerly  referred 
to  as  the  "little  brother  of  the  35,"  is  being  operated  in  projection 
booths  in  place  of  the  larger  equipment. 

With  this  advance  in  illumination,  the  field  of  usefulness  of  16-mm. 
projection  has  rapidly  increased.  Industry,  which  had  long  realized 
the  value  of  35-mm.  films  for  sales  and  business  purposes,  found  the 
improved  16-mm.  equipment  much  more  convenient  than  the  heavier 
and  more  cumbersome  35-mm.  projectors.  In  education,  where  ex- 
tensive libraries  of  teaching  films  had  been  developed  as  visual  aids, 
the  16-mm.  equipment  was  quickly  accepted  as  the  more  desirable  in 
view  of  its  lack  of  fire  hazards,  lighter  weight,  and  ease  of  operation. 
In  non-theatrical  fields,  such  as  churches,  clubs,  lodges,  and  social 
groups,  the  16-mm.  equipment  has  increasingly  become  the  favored 
standard  for  auditorium  projection. 

With  the  advent  of  sound,  it  looked  at  first  as  though  the  16-mm. 
industry  had  found  a  real  stumbling  block.  It  seemed  incredible 
that  satisfactory  sound  could  be  photographed  and  reproduced  on  the 
16-mm.  film,  which  operated  at  two-fifths  the  speed  of  the  35-mm. 
It  seemed  impossible  that  the  complicated  mechanism  of  sound  re- 
production could  be  added  in  a  compact  and  light-weight  portable 
form  to  16-mm.  equipment  and  at  the  same  time  achieve  comparable 
sound  effects. 

A  short  period  followed  in  which  the  industry  was  frankly  per- 
plexed. It  tried  to  effect  a  compromise  by  using  synchronized  disk 
records  on  an  attached  turntable  for  the  sound.  This  did  not  prove 
to  be  a  happy  solution,  and  it  was  soon  realized  that  16-mm.  sound 
reproduction  would  have  to  march  in  the  footsteps  of  the  35-mm.  with 
the  sound  on  the  film,  just  as  it  did  in  projection. 

Early  work  with  16-mm.  sound-film  had  not  been  encouraging 
from  the  standpoint  of  sound  quality.  The  limitations  of  film  size 
and  the  slower  linear  speed  for  light-beam  scanning  resulted  in  sub- 
stantial losses  in  16-mm.  sound  reproduction  as  compared  to  35-mm. 
Radio  had  set  a  definite  standard  for  sound  quality,  and  it  was  gener- 
ally conceded  that  16-mm.  sound  would  not  be  satisfactory  until  it 
reached,  and  preferably  exceeded,  the  quality  attainable  with  radio 
reproducers  of  the  best  grade. 

Meanwhile  the  revolution  that  sound  had  created  in  the  35-mm. 

Jan.,  193G]  TRENDS  IN  16-MM.  PROJECTION  91 

field  had  its  reverberations  in  the  16-mm.  field.  Insistent  demands 
arose  from  the  industrial,  educational,  and  non-theatrical  fields  that 
16-mm.  equipment  provide  the  advantages  of  sound  as  well  as  the 
picture.  Even  the  home  field  became  to  some  extent  dissatisfied 
with  home  movies  without  sound,  and  home  talkies  gave  promise  of 
large  outlets  for  the  industry. 

Happily  for  16-mm.  movies,  progress  in  sound  recording  advanced 
rapidly.  With  the  advent  of  high-fidelity  recording,  with  its  greatly 
enlarged  range  of  frequencies,  in  combination  with  great  advances  in 
optical  reduction  printing,  the  losses  of  16-mm.  sound-film  became  of 
lesser  significance.  Continued  improvements  finally  made  it  possible 
to  provide  a  quality  of  sound  with  16-mm.  film  comparable  to  the  best 
reproduction  on  high-class  radio  sets.  A  frequency  range  of  50  to 
7000  cycles  became  possible,  while  output  capacities  of  15  watts  or 
more,  with  negligible  distortion,  proved  adequate  for  auditorium  use. 

Where  is  16-mm.  sound-film  most  extensively  used  at  the  present 
time  ?  It  is  quite  safe  to  say  that  industry  is  by  far  the  largest  user. 
Such  representative  large  corporations  as  Chrysler  Motors,  Fire- 
stone Tire  &  Rubber  Company,  Portland  Cement  Company,  Hormel 
Company,  General  Motors  Corporation,  and  hundreds  of  others  too 
numerous  to  mention,  are  utilizing  16-mm.  sound  for  many  pur- 
poses. It  is  being  used  as  a  sales  medium  to  consumers,  as  a  training 
medium  for  dealers  and  salesmen,  and  as  an  educational  medium  for 
employee  instruction.  The  production  of  these  industrial  16-mm. 
sound  pictures  has  become  a  large  industry  in  itself,  and  a  constantly 
increasing  supply  of  film  for  such  purposes  is  being  made. 

The  educational  field,  which  had  already  recognized  the  silent 
picture  as  one  of  the  most  valuable  aids  to  visual  education,  recog- 
nizes in  the  sound  picture  a  still  more  effective  aid.  However,  the 
library  of  educational  sound-films  is  still  relatively  small.  The  educa- 
tional field  is  only  awaiting  the  increasing  of  this  library  to  take  on 
16-mm.  sound  in  an  extensive  way.  Even  with  the  present  small 
library,  hundreds  of  schools  are  already  equipped  with  16-mm.  sound 
projectors  in  the  expectation  that  sound  libraries  will  quickly  and 
greatly  increase. 

The  addition  of  sound  to  16-mm.  film  has  given  the  church,  the 
club,  and  other  non- theatrical  fields  a  great  stimulus.  Circulating 
libraries  of  16-mm.  sound-film  are  now  operating  in  a  number  of  large 
cities,  and  rental  rates  are  but  slightly  higher  than  for  silent  films. 
About  1000  subjects  of  entertainment  character  are  now  available, 

92  A.  SHAPIRO  [J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

and  this  number  will  undoubtedly  increase  rapidly.  This  will,  in 
turn,  greatly  increase  the  demand  for  equipment. 

The  home  talkie  field,  likewise,  is  dependent  to  a  considerable 
extent  upon  the  further  development  of  suitable  libraries  of  rental 
sound-film.  The  introduction  of  a  16-mm.  sound  camera  for  ama- 
teurs has  stimulated  a  corresponding  demand  for  sound  projectors. 
The  higher  cost  of  such  equipment,  however,  has  prevented  its  more 
general  use.  With  lower  costs,  based  upon  designs  particularly 
adapted  for  home  use,  this  field  will  no  doubt  broaden  considerably. 

We  come,  now,  to  a  consideration  of  what  lies  ahead  for  16-mm. 
sound.  We  have  seen  how  it  quickly  outgrew  its  original  limitations, 
and  with  its  increased  light  power,  advanced  into  35-mm.  territory 
for  industrial,  educational,  and  non-theatrical  purposes.  In  these 
fields,  it  unquestionably  has  tremendous  unexploited  possibilities, 
but,  can  it  not  go  farther? 

What  about  the  theatrical  field?  Has  16-mm.  projection  a  destiny 
in  the  thousands  of  moderate-size  theaters?  The  answers  to  these 
questions  seem  to  depend  upon  two  factors:  one,  the  ability  of 
16-mm.  equipment  designers  to  improve  their  products  further;  the 
other,  the  attitude  of  film  producers  toward  furnishing  their  releases 
on  16-mm.  sound-film,  so  as  to  enlarge  the  available  entertainment 
film  library. 

The  rapid  progress  made  to  date  in  16-mm.  equipment  design  and 
illumination  gives  every  promise  that  the  first  factor  will  be  attained. 
Already  hundreds  of  performances  are  daily  being  given  on  16-mm. 
equipment  to  groups  up  to  1000  persons,  showing  pictures  upon  large 
screens.  In  most  cases,  the  audience  is  hardly  aware  that  the  equip- 
ment used  is  not  35-mm.  The  lamp  manufacturers  have  for  some 
time  given  serious  consideration  to  improving  the  illumination  fur- 
ther, and  experimenting  with  such  lamps  will  undoubtedly  result  in  a 
tremendous  gain  in  16-mm.  illumination.  Likewise,  sound  improve- 
ment has  already  enabled  16-mm.  equipment  to  fill  the  requirements  of 
moderate-size  theaters. 

With  regard  to  the  second  factor,  the  producers  have  so  far  been 
apathetic  to  releasing  prints  on  16-mm.  sound-film.  This  has  not 
only  retarded  the  16-mm.  growth  in  the  theatrical  field,  but  has 
hampered  the  growth  in  the  non-theatrical  and  other  fields  requiring 
entertainment  film.  Whatever  the  reasons  for  this  attitude  may  be, 
it  is  certainly  not  justified  upon  the  basis  of  a  comparison  of  operating 
factors  between  35-  and  16-mm.  films. 

Jan.,  1936]  TRENDS  IN  10-MM.  PROJECTION  93 

For  example,  compare  the  factor  of  safety  between  the  two  films. 
While  35-mm.  film  of  a  non-inflammable  type  can  be  obtained,  by  far 
the  greater  amount  used  is  extremely  inflammable.  Many  cities 
recognize  the  fire  hazard  this  provokes,  and  require  fire-proofed 
booths  for  35-mm.  projection.  All  16-mm.  film  is  non-inflammable  or 
slow  burning.  Its  safety  has  been  recognized,  so  that  no  restrictions 
prevent  its  use,  even  in  the  open.  As  an  instance  of  this  great  ad- 
vantage, it  is  cited  that  in  many  schools  children  operate  the  16-mm. 
equipment.  This  can  hardly  be  said  of  35-mm.  film,  which  has  a 
definite  fire  hazard. 

Again,  the  16-mm.  equipment  requires  no  special  prolonged  train- 
ing for  competent  operation.  Again  citing  the  experience  in  schools, 
it  is  found  that  such  equipment  is  generally  operated  by  the  teachers 
or  by  their  pupils.  Its  small  size  and  weight  enable  it  to  be  easily 
transported,  thus  encouraging  its  use  in  many  places.  This  is  a  defi- 
nite increase  in  its  utility  for  road  shows  and  circuit  entertainments. 
Its  simplicity  results  in  substantial  operating  economies. 

Another  factor  that  offers  an  interesting  comparison  is  the  cost  of 
distribution.  A  1600-ft.  reel  of  16-mm.  film  weighs  5  pounds,  and 
such  a  reel  can  deliver  an  uninterrupted  program  lasting  44  minutes. 
A  1000-ft.  reel  of  35-mm.  film  weighs  about  6  pounds  and  can  deliver  a. 
program  lasting  only  11  minutes.  In  other  words,  the  weight  of  a 
similar  program  is  more  than  four  times  as  great  on  35-mm.  film  as 
on  16-mm.  film.  What  a  tremendous  saving  in  shipping  alone,  be- 
sides the  savings  in  container,  packaging,  handling,  etc. 

Finally,  there  is  the  economy  of  equipment.  Not  only  is  16-mm. 
sound  equipment  far  less  expensive  than  35-mm.;  but,  in  addi- 
tion, the  theater  can  very  often  get  along  with  one  16-mm.  projector, 
whereas  it  would  require  two  35-mm.  equipments.  Since  the  1600-ft. 
reel  of  16-mm.  film  can  deliver  a  program  equal  to  that  of  four  35-mm. 
reels,  the  projector  need  be  re-threaded  only  once  during  an  eight-reel 
program.  This  is  not  objectionable  in  the  smaller  houses,  which,  with 
35-mm.  film,  would  require  two  projectors;  otherwise,  there  would 
be  seven  interruptions  in  an  eight-reel  program. 

These  considerations  of  lower  costs  are  of  vital  importance  to  large 
numbers  of  the  smaller  theaters  located  in  outlying  sections.  Their 
operating  expenses  have  become  disproportionate  to  their  reduced  in- 
comes, forcing  a  number  to  close.  In  spite  of  considerable  improve- 
ment in  the  theater  business,  some  3000  small  houses  are  still  closed. 
In  many  cases,  the  lower  cost  of  16-mm.  sound-film  would  enable 

94  A.  SHAPIRO 

such  theaters  to  reopen  upon  a  profitable  basis.  This,  in  turn,  would 
increase  the  revenue  of  the  film  producers,  who  are  now  limited  as  to 
the  number  of  theaters  that  can  profitably  take  their  releases. 

To  summarize,  it  would  appear  that  the  immediate  expansion  of 
the  16-mm.  sound  market  lies  in  industry,  education,  and  non-theatri- 
cal fields.  Film  sources  to  supply  these  fields  are  growing  rapidly. 
Industrial  film  producers  are  increasing  their  16-mm.  sound  produc- 
tions, several  universities  are  producing  16-mm.  sound  educational 
pictures,  and  entertainment  libraries  are  growing  to  supply  the  non- 
theatrical  and  home  fields. 

The  future  trend,  with  regard  to  the  smaller  theaters,  is  problemati- 
cal. It  will  require  producer  cooperation  as  well  as  improved  equip- 
ment design.  With  such  cooperation,  the  smaller  theaters  with 
capacities  of  approximately  600  persons  and  screens  about  18  feet  in 
width,  which  represent  about  70  per  cent  of  the  total  theaters  in  this 
country,  can  operate  upon  a  more  profitable  basis  than  by  using 
35-mm.  sound-film. 

All  indications  point,  however,  to  the  trend  of  16-mm.  sound  to- 
ward professional  pursuits.  It  has  outgrown  the  home  field  as  a 
major  outlet.  It  is  destined  more  and  more  to  be  used  as  a  tool  for 
industry,  as  an  effective  aid  for  education,  and  as  a  flexible  medium 
for  cultural  and  recreational  activities. 




During  the  Spring  Convention  at  Hollywood,  Calif.,  May  20-24,  1935,  a  sympo- 
sium on  new  motion  picture  apparatus  was  held,  in  which  various  manufacturers  of 
equipment  described  and  demonstrated  their  new  products  and  developments.  Some 
of  this  equipment  is  described  in  the  following  pages;  the  remainder  will  be  published 
in  subsequent  issues  of  the  Journal. 

In  the  motion  picture  studios  there  are  a  number  of  lamps  that  may  be  classified 
under  the  general  term  of  "spot  lamp."  For  the  purpose  of  this  paper,  this 
classification  may  be  divided  into  two  groups,  i.  e.,  the  condenser  type  and  the 
reflector  type.  The  condenser  type  embodies  a  source  of  illumination,  the  light 
from  which  is  collected  by  means  of  a  single  condensing  lens,  usually  of  the  plano- 
convex form,  and  means  are  provided  for  focusing  the  light-source  in  relation 
to  the  lens  in  order  to  vary  the  divergence  of  the  projected  beam.  The  ratings  of 
these  lamps  range  from  250  to  2000  watts,  utilizing  filament  globes;  and,  in 
carbon  arc  equipment,  from  35  to  115  amperes. 

In  the  group  of  lamps  designated  as  the  reflector  type  will  be  found  the  lamps 
embodying  light-sources  in  combination  with  glass  or  metal  reflectors,  usually 
of  the  paraboloid  form.  It  is  the  present  practice  of  the  motion  picture  studios 
to  use  lamps  of  the  reflector  type  provided  with  incandescent  globes,  with  re- 
flectors ranging  in  diameter  from  18  to  36  inches.  Carbon  arc  equipment  of  the 
reflector  type  includes  the  Sun  arcs,  the  majority  of  which  have  reflectors  24  or 
36  inches  in  diameter,  although  one  major  studio  employs  several  Sun  arcs  using 
60-inch  reflectors. 

The  characteristic  common  to  both  the  previously  mentioned  groups  is  that  they 
may  be  used  to  project  a  beam  of  light,  the  divergence  of  which  may  be  varied 
from  a  narrow  angle,  for  the  "spot,"  to  an  angle  sufficiently  wide  to  "flood"  a 
considerable  area.  By  altering  the  angle  of  divergence  of  the  projected  light- 
beam,  the  area  covered  by  the  beam  and  the  intensity  within  the  beam  may  be 
increased  or  decreased  according  to  requirements. 

In  attempting  to  improve  any  product  three  considerations  come  to  one's 
attention:  first,  the  incapacity  of  the  existing  product  to  meet  the  demands  im- 

*  Presented  at  the  Spring,  1935,  Meeting  at  Hollywood,  Calif. 
**  Mole-Richardson,  Inc.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 




[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

posed  upon  it;  second,  the  extension  of  the  usefulness  of  the  product  into  new 
fields  of  use ;  and,  third,  increasing  the  efficiency  of  the  product  itself. 

The  lamp  under  consideration  in  this 
paper — the  MR  Type  210  Junior  Solarspot, 
shown  in  Fig.  1 — has  been  designed  to 
function  primarily  as  a  spot  lamp  for  use 
in  photographing  motion  pictures.  It  is 
not  an  adaptation  of  equipment  used  in 
another  field  of  illumination,  but  embodies 
in  its  design  characteristics  for  overcoming 
the  inability  of  existing  equipment  to  fulfill 
the  demands  imposed  upon  it  and  provides 
a  control  of  the  light-beam  that  widens  the 
utility  of  the  lamp  as  a  tool  of  the  cinema- 
tographer.  The  advantages  achieved  in  this 
design  have  been  largely  effected  by  more 
efficiently  utilizing  the  light  from  the  2000- 
watt  G48  CIS  bipost  type  of  filament  globe 
used  in  this  equipment  as  the  light-source. 

Spot  lamps  of  the  condenser  type  have  the 
advantage  of  good  control  over  the  projected 
beam.  Using  a  2000-watt  lamp  as  the 
source,  the  beam  can  be  converged  to  an 
angle  of  8  degrees  and  flooded  out  to  an 
angle  as  great  as  45  degrees,  although 
at  such  wide  divergence  the  intensity  of 
illumination  is  low.  The  disadvantage  of 
spot  lamps  using  the  tungsten  filament 
globes  is  their  inefficient  utilization  of  the 

The  power  radiated  by  the  2000-watt  globe 

is  nearly  3  hp.,  a  considerable  portion  of  which  is  radiated  at  wavelengths  lying 
below  the  visible  range.  That  is  to  say,  in  other  words,  that  the  2000-watl 
lamp  radiates  a  lot  of  heat.  The  amount  of  heat  radiated  is  such  that  even 

FIG.  1.     MR  Type  210, 
Junior  Solarspot. 

FIG.  2.     Construction  of  typical  2000-watt  condenser 
type  studio  spot. 

Jan.,  1936] 



though  plano-convex  lenses  are  made  of  heat-resisting  glass,  their  size  in  prac- 
tical application,  and  to  prevent  excessive  breakage,  seems  to  be  limited  to  a 
diameter  of  8  inches  and  a  focal  length  of  15  inches. 


FIG.  3.  Intensity  distribution  of  condenser  type  spot 
lamp,  with  8-inch  diameter,  15-inch  focus  condenser; 
source:  120-volt,  2000-watt,  G-48  bipost  incandescent 

Fig.  2  illustrates  the  layout  of  a  typical  2000-watt  condenser  type  studio  spot. 
Behind  the  globe  is  a  spherical  mirror  which  is  used  to  collect  the  light  that  would 
otherwise  be  unprojected  and  to  reflect  it  so  as  to  form  an  image  between  the  coils 
of  the  filament  grid.  Tests  reveal 
that  when  such  a  mirror  is  used  in  the 
combination  shown  in  Fig.  2,  good  ad- 
justment will  increase  the  intensity  of 
the  beam  by  approximately  60-75  per 
cent  above  that  afforded  by  a  globe 
without  such  a  reflector.  With  a  beam 
divergence  of  8  degrees  in  the  spot  lamp 
illustrated,  it  is  possible  to  effect  such 
a  collection  of  direct  and  reflected  light 
upon  the  condenser  lens  of  only  32  de- 
grees. When  such  a  combination  is 
used  for  flooding,  with  a  beam  diver- 
gence of  45  degrees,  the  angle  of  the 
collected  light  is  increased  to  71  de- 
grees, but  the  intensity  of  the  beam  is 
so  low  that  it  is  not  of  great  photo- 
graphic use.  Fig.  3  shows  the  angular 
distribution  of  candle-power  from  a 
2000-watt  studio  spot  for  beam  divergences  of  8,  18,  30,  and  44  degrees. 

The  inherent  fault  of  the  condenser  type  of  spot  lamp  for  use  with  high-wattage 
globes  is  its  incapacity  to  collect  a  large  proportion  of  the  light  emitted  by  the 

FIG.  4.  Reflector  type  of  lamp 
equipped  with  parabolic  mirror, 
showing  angles  of  collection  for  spot 
and  flood  positions. 



[J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

source.  Short-focus,  wide-aperture  condenser  lenses  would  correct  the  difficulty; 
but  for  the  plano-convex  type  of  condenser,  lenses  of  suitable  focal  length  would 
be  so  thick  as  to  cause  great  losses  in  transmission,  and  the  breakage  hazard, 
which  is  now  rather  objectionable,  would  be  greatly  increased  due  to  the  thickness 
of  the  lenses. 


4      O     4      6      12     16 

FIG.  5.  Intensity  distribution  of  reflec- 
tor type  of  spot  lamp,  with  18-inch  para- 
bolic reflector  and  spill  ring;  source:  120- 
volt,  2000-watt,  G48  bipost  incandescent 

The  reflector  types  of  lamp  have  the  advantage  over  the  previously  described 
condenser  spot  lamps  of  collecting  from  the  source  a  larger  angle  of  light.  A 
schematic  drawing  of  a  lamp  equipped  with  a  parabolic  mirror  18  inches  in  diame- 
ter and  having  a  focal  length  of  77/8  inches  is  shown  in  Fig.  4.  The  layout  shows 
the  lamp  adjusted  for  a  narrower  beam  of  8  degrees,  in  which  case  light  within  an 

Jan.,  1936] 



angle  of  121  degrees  is  collected  from 
the  bulb.  The  dotted  lines  show  the 
position  when  the  light  is  flooded  to 
an  angle  of  24  degrees,  in  which  case 
the  angle  of  collection  of  the  mirror  is 
110  degrees.  All  the  light  from  the 
front  of  the  globe  is  lost,  since,  with 
the  super-speed  film  in  present  use,  it  is 
necessary  to  apply  spill  rings  to  prevent 
any  unprojected  light  from  falling  upon 
the  set  that  may  cause  overexposure. 
This  optical  combination  is  most  effec- 
tive for  narrow  beam  divergences  in  the 
lamps  using  2000-watt,  G48  CIS  globes  FlQ  6  Showing  angles  of  collec. 

as  the  source.  tion  of  light  in  the  18-inch  Sunspot 

Lamps  of  this  type  will  spot  down  to        lamp  equipped  with  mirror, 
a  divergence  of  8  degrees  without  pro- 
jecting filament  images  that  are  seriously  objectionable.      When  such  narrow  di- 

8      4-       O      A       8      12 

FIG.  7.  Intensity  distribution  of  reflector  type 
of  spot  lamp  with  18-inch  aplanatic  metal  reflector  and 
spill  ring;  source:  120- volt,  2000-watt,  CIS  bipost  in- 
candescent lamp. 



[J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

vergences  are  required,  lamps  of  this  type  are  most  effective;  but  the  effective- 
ness is  lost  when  they  are  flooded  due  to  the  characteristics  of  the  parabolic  reflec- 
tors. When  the  source  is  placed  inside  the  focus  of  the  reflector  the  intensity  at 
and  near  the  center  of  the  beam  drops  much  more  rapidly  than  at  the  edges  of  the 
beam.  This  condition  begins  as  soon  as  the  globe  is  moved  in  from  the  focal  point, 
and  becomes  more  and  more  pronounced  as  the  divergence  increases;  until, 
when  the  divergence  is  great  enough,  the  projected  light  forms  a  "doughnut," 
which  has  no  illuminating  value  in  motion  picture  photography.  Diffus- 
ing mediums  can  correct  the  bad  distribution  somewhat,  but  at  the  expense  of 
much  loss  of  illumination.  Fig.  5  shows  the  intensity  distribution  of  this  type 
of  equipment  for  divergences  of  8, 16,  and  20  degrees. 

To  overcome  this  fault  of  the  parabolic  mirror  when  used  for  projecting  other 
than  narrow  beams,  there  are  in  use  in  the  motion  picture  industry  stamped  metal 

FIG.  8.     MR  210  Junior  Solarspot  lamp,  equipped 
with  concentric  plano-convex  Fresnel  lens. 

mirrors,  the  curvature  of  which  is  primarily  parabolic,  but  having  a  plurality  of 
facets.  This  type  of  mirror  design  injects  an  element  of  diffusion  which  im- 
proves the  distribution  of  intensity  in  the  projected  beam.  Fig.  6  shows  an  18- 
inch  Sun  spot  in  which  such  a  mirror  is  installed,  and  the  angle  of  collection  of  the 
light.  For  the  14-degree  divergence  the  angle  of  collection  is  130  degrees,  and 
for  the  24-degree  flood  position  it  is  124  degrees.  While  mirrors  of  this  design 
may  be  constructed  from  a  number  of  small  pieces  of  glass,  a  form  of  reflector 
frequently  used  in  Europe,  such  construction  is  not,  in  our  opinion,  satisfactory. 
The  amount  of  handwork  involved  in  producing  such  a  reflector  in  our  country 
would  make  its  cost  prohibitive.  Such  reflectors  have  always  tended  to  deterio- 
rate rapidly,  the  silver  peeling  at  the  edges  of  the  facets.  The  faceted  metal 
mirrors  used  in  the  Hollywood  studios  are  finished  to  a  high  degree,  and  are  chro- 
mium plated.  Their  reflectivity  is,  of  course,  limited  by  the  reflectivity  of  the 
chromium-plated  surface.  Their  particular  virtue  is  the  smoothness  of  distribu- 




lion,  for  divergences  from  14  to  24  degrees.  The  angular  distribution  of  an  18- 
inch  Sun  spot  employing  a  faceted  metal  mirror  and  a  2000-watt  G48  CIS  Mazda 
globe  is  shown  in  Fig.  7  for  angles  of  14  (the  narrowest  divergence),  18,  24,  and  30 

In  the  motion  picture  industry  it  is  seldom  necessary  to  project  a  spot  beam 
narrower  than  10  degrees,  which  provides  a  spot  of  light  about  eight  feet  in  diame- 
ter at  a  distance  of  fifty  feet.  It  is,  however,  desirable  to  be  able  to  flood  a  lamp 
to  a  divergence  as  great  as  40  degrees,  provided  that  the  projected  beam  at  this 

FIG.  9.  Intensity  distribution  of  Junior  Solarspot; 
source:  120-volt,  2000-watt,  G48  CIS  bipost  incandes- 
cent lamp. 

wide  angle  is  of  sufficient  intensity  to  be  of  photographic  use.  For  the  conditions 
under  which  spot  lamps  are  used,  it  is  desirable  that  the  beam  have  its  highest 
intensity  at  the  center  and  that  the  edges  be  soft  so  as  to  permit  overlapping 
the  beams  of  several  such  lamps  without  building  up  high  intensities  in  the  areas 

The  MR  Type  210  Junior  Solarspot  lamp,  illustrated  in  Fig.  8,  is  supplied  with  a 
lens  of  the  type  known  as  the  concentric  plano-convex  Fresnel.  A  lens  of  this 
type  can  be  made  quite  large  in  diameter,  of  short  focal  length,  and  of  relatively 

102  APPARATUS  SYMPOSIUM  [j.  s.  M.  P.  E. 

thin  section.  This  lens  was  designed  particularly  to  fulfill  the  requirements  of 
the  Junior  Solarspot;  and  when  used  in  combination  with  a  2000-watt  G48  Cl3 
Mazda  globe  will  project  a  spot  beam  having  a  divergence  of  8  degrees,  and  a  flood 
beam  of  44  degrees.  The  lens  is  manufactured  of  a  superior,  heat-resisting  glass 
of  high  mechanical  strength.  Referring  to  Fig.  8,  at  the  rear  of  the  globe  is  pro- 
vided a  spherical  mirror  of  the  proper  radius  and  aperture  diameter,  provided 
with  two  simple  adjustments.  This  lamp  utilizes  a  2000-watt  G48  CIS  bipost 
Mazda  globe.  Such  globes  are,  by  their  nature,  virtually  prefocusing;  and 
when  once  the  adjustments  in  the  lamp  are  set,  globes  may  be  mounted  or  dis- 
mounted, and  only  slight  readjustments  of  the  spherical  mirror  are  required  to 
attain  high  efficiency  of  projection.  The  wide-aperture,  short-focus  lenses  permit 
combined  collection  of  the  radiation  from  the  globe  and  the  spherical  mirror 
within  an  angle  of  74  degrees  in  the  position  for  an  8-degree  divergence,  and  of  104 
degrees  when  the  lamp  is  used  in  its  maximum  flood  position  for  a  divergence  of 
44  degrees.  The  short-focus  Fresnel  lens  contributes  to  the  over-all  efficiency  of 
the  unit,  but  only  careful  attention  to  the  design  of  the  lens  has  made  possible  the 
excellent  distribution  provided  by  the  equipment  over  a  wide  range  of  beam 

Fig.  9  shows  the  angular  distribution  of  the  Junior  Solarspot  for  beam  diver- 
gences of  8,  18,  24,  30,  and  40  degrees.  It  will  be  noted  that  the  wide  range  of 
distribution  and  the  degree  of  intensity  attained  by  this  new  equipment  adapts  it 
to  a  wide  range  of  use  in  motion  picture  photography.  For  instance,  with  this 
lamp  a  person  may  be  covered  from  head  to  foot  at  a  distance  of  ten  feet.  A 
spot  that  can  be  flooded  to  this  degree  and  to  such  an  intensity  makes  a  very  use- 
ful lamp  for  general  lighting.  The  fact  that  the  projected  spot  at  all  times  has 
soft  diffusing  edges  permitting  areas  to  be  overlapped  without  showing  rings  or 
bands  of  lights,  especially  adapts  it  to  back-lighting;  and  the  wide  range  of  in- 
tensity within  the  various  beams  is  particularly  advantageous  for  such  purposes. 

Much  experimentation  has  been  done  with  an  iris  shutter  applied  to  the  lamp. 
By  closing  the  iris  and  adjusting  the  focus  of  the  lamp,  a  wide  range  of  intensity 
may  be  attained  for  a  given  beam  divergence  for  any  type  of  photography  de- 
manding that  the  spectral  composition  be  maintained  constant,  as  for  color 
photography.  Control  of  intensity  by  an  iris  is  most  desirable,  in  avoiding  the 
use  of  diffusing  screens  which  have  the  characteristic  of  absorbing  certain  wave- 
lengths and  otherwise  causing  spectral  imbalance. 


A.  B.  SCOTT** 

The  S.  C.  K.  projector  (Fig.  10)  is  intended  for  continuous  projection  from  a 
large  loop  of  film  during  long  periods  of  time.  The  machine  is  equipped  with  a 
single  magazine  into  which  is  built  the  non-rewind  device.  Pictures  may  be  pro- 

*  Presented  at  the  Spring,  1935,  Meeting  at  Hollywood,  Calif. 
**  S.  C.  K.  Corporation,  Hollywood,  Calif. 

Jan.,  1936] 



jected  upon  a  reflecting  screen  in  the  usual  way  or  upon  a  translucent  sand  blown 
glass  screen.  For  the  latter  type  of  projection  the  various  elements  in  the  sound 
reproduction  system  can  be  rearranged  in  thirty-five  seconds.  The  machine  is 
provided  with  an  automatic  cut-off,  which,  in  case  the  film  breaks,  stops  all  mov- 
ing parts  as  well  as  the  light  and  the  sound,  before  the  film  travels  eight  frames. 

The  average  film  is  worn  badly  when  it  has  been  shown  a  maximum  of  125 
times  under  ordinary  projection  conditions,  due  to  three  principal  factors,  namely 
scratches  resulting  from  the  imperceptible  slippage  and  friction  of  the  film,  ex- 
cessive heating,  and  finally,  wear  on  the  perforations.  In  this  machine,  slippage 

FIG.  10.    S.  C.  K.  automatic  daylight  continuous,  35-mm. 

and  friction  are  minimized.  When  the  machine  is  going  at  the  full  speed  of  90 
feet  per  minute,  it  is  possible  to  put  a  finger  between  any  two  layers  of  the  film . 
Heating  is  lessened  by  a  special  fan  which  draws  the  heat  out  of  the  projection 
chamber  and  blows  a  cooling  draft  of  air  upon  the  film  after  it  passes  through  the 
projection  chamber  and  before  it  is  rewound.  Wear  and  tear  of  the  perforations 
at  the  intermittent  movement  are  completely  eliminated,  as  no  sprocket  of  any 
kind  is  used.  These  three  unique  patented  features  make  it  possible  to  keep  ordi- 
nary film  in  excellent  condition  for  a  minimum  of  three  thousand  showings. 
This  machine  is  manufactured  with  a  single  picture  projecting  head  or  with  a 

104  APPARATUS  SYMPOSIUM  [j.  s.  M.  p.  E. 

triple  head.  This  triple-head  automatic  machine  can  be  used  on  the  marquee  of 
a  theater  for  projecting  trailers  on  three  screens  simultaneously,  so  that  they  are 
visible  from  any  direction.  If  there  is  any  excuse  for  trailers  it  is  to  have  them  on 
the  outside  of  the  theater  to  induce  people  to  enter,  and  not  to  bore  them  after 
they  have  paid  their  admission. 

By  another  very  simple  device  attached  to  the  three-head  machine,  two  trailers 
can  be  run,  with  an  automatic  sign  telling  the  public  which  picture  is  being  shown 
at  the  present  time  and  which  is  the  coming  attraction. 


A.  C.  JENKING** 

The  "Diffusionlite  system,"  the  term  applied  to  this  form  of  illumination, 
was  discovered  more  or  less  accidentally  after  repeated  efforts  to  get  away  from 
the  use  of  expensive  condensers  or  diffusers  during  a  long  period  of  years  of  con- 
structing large  projecting  and  enlarging  cameras.  It  was  found  that  by  using  a 
mirror  at  the  front  of  the  lamp  and  projecting  all  the  light  upon  an  electrolytically 
treated  aluminum  surface  the  result  was  excellent.  The  light  reflected  from  the 
myriads  of  microscopic  brilliant  facets  formed  a  beam  of  illumination  that  was 
uniform,  well  distributed,  and  without  perceptible  "spot"  or  "center"  or  figura- 
tion, yet  remarkable  in  its  brilliancy  and  penetration.  The  resulting  enlarge- 
ments were  more  beautiful  than  any  we  had  produced  before.  This  led  us  to 
seek  a  means  of  employing  the  same  principle  for  studio  lighting.  An  object 
could  then  be  photographed  with  a  perfectly  diffused  light  without  having  to 
interpose  glass  or  silk  screens  and  thus  lose  considerable  brilliancy. 

Fig.  11  shows  the  500-watt  PS-40  lamp,  which,  at  the  proper  voltage,  has  a  life 
of  1000  hours.  Upon  the  bulb  is  deposited,  by  evaporation,  a  metallic  reflecting 
surface  of  high  efficiency.  The  mirror-coated  area  is  calculated  to  have  just  the 
right  diameter  and  curvature  and,  owing  to  the  thinness  of  the  glass,  is  to  all 
purposes  a  front-surface  mirror,  throwing  directly  upon  the  reflector  uniform 
illumination  without  "hot-spot,"  rings  or  images  of  the  filament.  The  tests  of 
these  mirrors  show  a  reflection  coefficient  greater  than  80  per  cent. 

It  was  only  after  many  experiments  and  tests  that  the  process  was  brought 
to  a  point  where  the  mirrors  could  be  guaranteed  to  stay  upon  the  bulbs  and 
retain  their  full  reflection  characteristics  for  the  entire  life  of  the  lamps.  These 
requirements  have  been  met  even  in  the  case  of  the  2-kw.  lamps  used  in  the  spots. 
The  brick-colored  coating  upon  the  outside  surface  is  a  refractory  material, 
placed  there  to  protect  the  mirror  which  is  so  thin  that  it  can  be  measured  only 
by  optical  means. 

The  lamp  bulb  is  hung  in  the  housing  so  that  no  direct  rays  escape.  The  mir- 
ror reflects  back  all  the  forward  rays,  and  thus  all  rays  emitted  from  the  filament 

*Presented  at  the  Spring,  1935,  Meeting  at  Hollywood,  Calif. 
**Vitachrome,  Inc.,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 

Jan.,  1936]  APPARATUS  SYMPOSIUM  105 

are  diffused  by  reflection  from  the  countless  facets  of  the  electrolytically  treated 
bowl.  The  curvature  of  the  diffusion  bowl  has  been  carefully  calculated  to  gain 
a  high  degree  of  efficiency  and  to  avoid  entrapping  any  light.  Tests  have  shown 
that  excellent  diffusion  is  attained  with  a  loss  of  only  5  or  6  per  cent  of  light. 
There  is  a  definite  improvement  in  the  brilliancy,  without  glare  or  "burning" 
the  picture.  The  500- watt  model  has  the  greatest  general  use  in  all  fields  of 
photography  as  well  as  motion  pictures,  in  which  this  size  is  not  used  for  close- 

Fig.  11.  500- watt,  PS-40  lamp  with  metallic  reflecting 
surface  deposited  upon  bulb;  collapsible  telescopic  stand 
and  angle  adjustment. 

ups  or  key  lighting.  The  2000-watt  lamp  is  designed  for  general  lighting  of  larger 
sets.  Both  lamps  are  otherwise  patterned  alike,  and  have  been  especially  designed 
and  built  from  the  base  up  for  their  purpose. 

The  500-watt  model,  while  very  sturdily  built,  is  extremely  light,  weighing 
only  22  pounds.  It  can  be  disassembled  very  quickly  by  removing  the  telescopic 
stem  from  the  castered  tripod  base.  A  half  dozen  of  such  lamps  can  then  easily 
be  stowed  in  the  rear  of  a  Ford  coupe.  A  frictionally  held  joint  is  incorporated 
between  the  bottom  of  the  hood  and  top  of  the  supporting  stem,  permitting  bend- 


ing  the  lamp  backward  or  forward  into  any  position,  without  having  to  adjust 
set-screws,  etc.  A  ten-step  rheostat  is  constructed  within  the  hood  of  each  lamp. 
This  dimmer  eliminates  the  necessity  of  screens  for  reducing  the  light-intensity. 
It  is  durably  built  and  will  last  indefinitely,  working  quietly  and  smoothly. 

In  order  to  demonstrate  the  various  properties  of  the  lamp,  it  may  be  projected 
upon  a  screen.  If  an  object  is  placed  immediately  in  front  of  the  lamp,  no  per- 
ceptible shadow  is  cast;  and  as  the  object  is  moved  toward  the  screen,  a  very 
indefinite  shadow  begins  to  form  without  at  any  time  becoming  a  hard  shadow 
unless  the  object  is  right  up  against  the  screen. 

The  lamp  provides  admirable  modeling  light,  with  good  diffusion  and  softness, 
coupled  with  a  penetrating,  sparkling  brilliancy  that  may  be  appreciated  by  look- 
ing directly  into  it.  The  light  is  easy  on  the  eyes,  because  there  is  no  direct  ray. 


The  regular  monthly  meeting  of  the  Section,  held  on  November  13th,  at 
Public  School  No.  11,  New  York,  N.  Y.,  was  well  attended,  and  indicated  the 
extent  to  which  interest  in  motion  pictures  for  educational  purposes  is  being 
shown  in  the  New  York  area.  Miss  R.  Hochheimer  acted  as  Chairlady  of  the 
evening,  introducing  as  speakers  Dr.  J.  M.  Sheehan,  Assistant  Superintendent 
of  New  York  Schools,  Mrs.  J.  H.  Kohan,  Vice-President  of  the  United  Parents 
Association,  and  Dr.  Albert  Brand,  of  Cornell  University.  A  number  of  pictures 
were  projected  illustrating  the  nature  of  the  subjects  used  and  the  technic  fol- 
lowed in  visual  instruction  in  the  classroom. 

As  the  result  of  the  recent  elections,  the  officers  of  the  Section  for  the  year 
1936  will  be  as  follows: 

L.  W.  DAVEE,  Chairman 

D.  E.  HYNDMAN,  Sec.-Treas.  M.  C.  BATSEL,  Manager 

H.  GRIFFIN,  Manager 


At  a  meeting  held  on  November  21st  at  the  Electrical  Association,  Chicago, 
111.,  Mr.  H.  A.  DeVry  presented  a  paper  on  the  subject  of  "Science  Involved  in 
a  Film  Reel."  The  meeting  was  well  attended,  and  after  the  discussion  of  Mr. 
DeVry's  paper,  the  results  of  the  election  of  officers  of  the  Section  for  1936  were 
announced  as  follows: 

C.  H.  STONE,  Chairman 

S.  A.  LUKES,  Sec.-Treas.  O.  B.  DEPUE,  Manager 

B.  E.  STECHBART,  Manager 


At  a  meeting  held  on  October  4th  at  the  Pathe  Studio,  Hollywood,  a  pres- 
entation on  the  subject  of  lighting  equipment  was  given  by  Mr.  P.  Mole,  fol- 
lowed by  an  additional  paper  on  the  same  subject,  but  with  special  reference  to 
the  performance  of  incandescent  lamps  and  their  applications,  by  Mr.  R.  G. 
Linderman.  Mr.  E.  Huse  spoke  on  the  subject  of  "Practical  Applications  of 
the  New  Pola  Screens  in  Cinematography."  Several  reels  of  films  shot  with 
the  Pola  Screens  by  cameramen  of  Hollywood  were  projected,  illustrating  very 
effectively  the  action  of  the  screens. 




At  a  meeting  held  at  the  Hotel  Pennsylvania,  New  York,  N.  Y.,  on  December 
4th,  extensive  consideration  was  given  to  the  subject  of  revising  the  Standards 
Booklet  on  the  basis  of  suggestions  and  criticisms  made  during  the  past  six 
months  or  so  and  particularly  in  connection  with  Mr.  G.  Friedl's  visit  to  Europe 
in  the  interest  of  16-mm.  sound-film  standardization. 

In  addition,  in  view  of  the  confusion  that  might  result  from  the  fact  that  there 
will  exist  in  commercial  use  two  nominal  lengths  of  film,  namely,  1000  and  2000 
feet,  the  application  of  the  word  reel  should  be  restricted  only  to  the  metal  appli- 
ance upon  which  the  film  is  wound.  In  other  words,  a  reel  of  film  should  no 
longer  be  defined  as  "approximately  1000  feet  of  film,"  and  the  Committee 
formally  took  action  to  delete  that  definition  from  the  Glossary  of  the  Society. 

Voting  ballots  are  being  mailed  to  the  Members  of  the  Committee  for  their 
action  upon  this,  as  well  as  upon  the  question  of  formally  adopting  the  2000-ft. 
length  of  film  as  an  additional  standard. 


Reprints  of  Standards  of  the  SMPE  and  Recommended  Practice  may  be  obtained 
from  the  General  Office  of  the  Society  at  the  price  of  twenty-five  cents  each. 

Copies  of  Aims  and  Accomplishments,  an  index  of  the  Transactions  from  Octo- 
ber, 1916,  to  June,  1930,  containing  summaries  of  all  the  articles,  and  author  and 
classified  indexes,  may  be  obtained  from  the  General  Office  at  the  price  of  one 
dollar  each.  Only  a  limited  number  of  copies  remains. 

Certificates  of  Membership  may  be  obtained  from  the  General  Office  by  all 
members  for  the  price  of  one  dollar.  Lapel  buttons  of  the  Society's  insignia  are 
also  available  at  the  same  price. 

Black  fabrikoid  binders,  lettered  in  gold,  designed  to  hold  a  year's  supply  of  the 
JOURNAL,  may  be  obtained  from  the  General  Office  for  two  dollars  each.  The 
purchaser's  name  and  the  volume  number  may  be  lettered  in  gold  upon  the  back- 
bone of  the  binder  at  an  additional  charge  of  fifty  cents  each. 

Requests  for  any  of  these  supplies  should  be  directed  to  the  General  Office  of 
the  Society  at  the  Hotel  Pennsylvania,  New  York,  N.  Y.,  accompanied  by  the 
appropriate  remittance. 




Volume  XXVI  FEBRUARY,  1936  Number  2 



A  New  Method  of  Increasing  the  Volume  Range  of  Talking 

Motion    Pictures N.    LEVINSON  111 

Mechanical  Reversed-Bias  Light- Valve  Recording 

E.  H.  HANSEN  AND  C.  W.  FAULKNER  117 

The  Motion  Picture  Theater  Shape  and  Effective  Visual  Re- 
ception   B.    SCHLANGER  128 

Elimination  of  Splice  Noise  in  Sound-Film.  .  .  .E.  I.  SPONABLE  136 

Principles  of  Measurements  of  Room  Acoustics.  .  .  E.  C.  WENTE  145 

Servicing  Sound  Motion  Picture  Reproducing  Equipment.  .  .  . 

C.  C.  AIKEN  154 

Visual   Accompaniment R.   WOLF  158 

The  Use  of  Films  in  the  U.  S.  Army M.  E.  GILLETTE  173 

Motion  Pictures  in  the  Army  Air  Corps.  .  .  .G.  W.  GODDARD  183 

Note  on  the  Measurement  of  Photographic  Densities  with  the 

Barrier  Type  of  Photocell B.  C.  HIATT  AND  C.  TUTTLE  195 

Motion  Picture  Film  Processing  Laboratories  in  Great  Britain 
I.  D.  WRATTEN  204 

Spring  Convention  at  Chicago,  111.— April  27-30,  1936 216 

Society  Announcements 220 





Board  of  Editors 
J.  I.  CRABTREE,  Chairman 

O.  M.  GLUNT  A.  C.  HARDY  L.  A.  JONES 


Subscription  to  non-members,  $8.00  per  annum;  to  members,  $5.00  per  annum, 
included  in  their  annual  membership  dues;  single  copies,  $1.00.  A  discount 
on  subscriptions  or  single  copies  of  15  per  cent  is  allowed  to  accredited  agencies. 
Order  from  the  Society  of  Motion  Picture  Engineers,  Inc.,  20th  and  Northampton 
Sts.,  Easton,  Pa.,  or  Hotel  Pennsylvania,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Published  monthly  at  Easton,  Pa.,  by  the  Society  of  Motion  Picture  Engineers. 

Publication  Office,  20th  &  Northampton  Sts.,  Easton,  Pa. 
General  and  Editorial  Office,  Hotel  Pennsylvania,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Entered  as  second  class  matter  January  15,  1930,  at  the  Post  Office  at  Easton, 
Pa.,  under  the  Act  of  March  3,  1879.     Copyrighted,  1936,  by  the  Society  of 
Motion  Picture  Engineers,  Inc. 

Papers  appearing  in  this  Journal  may  be  reprinted,  abstracted,  or  abridged 
provided  credit  is  given  to  the  Journal  of  the  Society  of  Motion  Picture  Engineers 
and  to  the  author,  or  authors,  of  the  papers  in  question.  Exact  reference  as  to 
the  volume,  number,  and  page  of  the  Journal  must  be  given.  The  Society  is 
not  responsible  for  statements  made  by  authors. 

Officers  of  the  Society 

President:   HOMER  G.  TASKER,  3711  Rowland  Ave.,  Burbank,  Calif. 
Past-President:  ALFRED  N.  GOLDSMITH,  444  Madison  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Executive  Vice-President:    SIDNEY  K.  WOLF,  250  W.  57th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Engineering  Vice-President:   LOYD  A.  JONES,  Kodak  Park,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
Editorial  Vice-President:  JOHN  I.  CRABTREE,  Kodak  Park,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
Financial  Vice-President:   OMER  M.  GLUNT,  463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Convention  Vice-President:  WILLIAM  C.  KUNZMANN,  Box  6087,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 
Secretary:  JOHN  H.  KURLANDER,  2  Clearfield  Ave.,  Bloomfield,  N.  J. 
Treasurer:  TIMOTHY  E.  SHEA,  463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 


MAX  C.  BATSEL,  Front  &  Market  Sts.,  Camden,  N.  J. 
LAWRENCE  W.  DAVEE,  250  W.  57th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
ARTHUR  S.  DICKINSON,  28  W.  44th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
HERBERT  GRIFFIN,  90  Gold  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

ARTHUR  C.  HARDY,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology,  Cambridge,  Mass. 
EMERY  HUSE,  6706  Santa  Monica  Blvd.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
GERALD  F.  RACKETT,  823  N.  Seward  St.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
CARRINGTON  H.  STONE,  205  W.  Wacker  Drive,  Chicago,  111. 



Summary. — Lack  of  adequate  volume  range  is  one  of  the  greatest  liandicaps  to 
achieving  greater  realism  in  sound  motion  pictures.  A  method  of  intercutting  vari- 
able-density and  variable-width  recordings  is  described  which  results  in  an  8-db.  in- 
crease in  effective  volume  range. 

One  of  the  chief  handicaps  toward  achieving  greater  realism  in  talk- 
ing motion  pictures  is  the  lack  of  an  adequate  volume  range  to  repro- 
duce faithfully  the  wide  variations  that  occur  in  dialog  and  music. 

The  volume  difference  between  the  surface  noise  of  the  average  film 
record  and  the  maximum  signal  that  can  be  reproduced  from  such  a 
record  is  about  40  decibels.  This  range  is  inadequate  for  recording  the 
gradations  of  volume  required  for  dialog  and  is  entirely  inadequate 
for  the  proper  dramatic  presentation  of  music. 

Due  to  this  limitation  of  range  it  is  necessary  to  record  upon  film  at 
a  normal  dialog  level  only  8  or  10  decibels  below  100  per  cent  modula- 
tion of  the  recording  device.  This  allows  an  increase  of  only  10 
decibels  in  volume  for  scenes  in  which  shouting  takes  place,  and  also 
for  the  opening  and  closing  title  music  of  a  picture  or  a  high- volume 
singing  sequence.  If  the  recording  level  is  dropped  in  order  to  gain  a 
greater  range  for  these  sounds,  then  the  film  surface  noise  becomes  ob- 
jectionable in  the  normal  dialog  recordings. 

To  illustrate  the  point,  assume  a  volume  range  of  40  decibels  for  a 
good  film  recording  using  10-db.  noise  reduction.  If  the  modulation 
level  for  normal  dialog  is  10  decibels  below  100  per  cent  modulation, 
the  film  surface  noise  in  the  theater  will  be  only  30  decibels  below  the 
dialog  level.  The  surface  noise  from  films  recorded  in  this  manner  is 
usually  not  objectionable  in  the  average  theater,  as  it  is  just  masked 
by  the  audience  and  the  theater  noise.  If,  however,  the  normal 
modulation  is  reduced  to  a  level,  say,  15  decibels  below  100  per  cent 

*  Presented  at  the  Fall,  1935,  Meeting  at  Washington,  D.  C. 
**  Warner  Bros.-First  National  Studios,  Burbank,  Calif. 


112  N.  LEVTNSON  [j.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

modulation,  then  the  gain  of  the  theater  amplifier  must  be  increased 
5  decibels  for  the  same  effective  acoustic  level  of  the  dialog.  The 
acoustic  level  of  the  surface  noise  is  likewise  increased  5  decibels  so 
that  it  is  only  25  decibels  below  the  normal  speech  level.  It  is  no 
longer  masked  by  theater  and  audience  noise,  and  becomes  very  ob- 
jectionable in  the  average  theater. 

Thus  the  elimination  of  surface  noise  in  normal  speech  recordings 
requires  that  the  speech  be  recorded  at  such  a  high  percentage  of 
modulation  that  no  leeway  in  volume  range  remains  for  recording 
speech  and  music  that  require  additional  range  for  the  best  dramatic 

One  method  of  increasing  the  apparent  volume  range  of  variable - 
density  recordings  is  the  so-called  "squeeze  track."  In  this  method 
of  recording,  the  normal  dialog  track  is,  for  example,  only  one-half  the 
maximum  width  allowable  on  the  release  print.  Loud  musical  se- 
quences are  released  on  the  full  width  of  the  sound-track,  with  a  re- 
sultant increase  in  level  of  6  decibels.  This  method  is  very  effective 
but,  unfortunately,  when  the  track  is  reduced  to  one-half  the  width, 
the  level  of  the  signal  is  reduced  by  6  decibels  but  the  film  surface 
noise  is  reduced  by  only  3  decibels.  This  is  due  to  the  random 
nature  of  the  film  background  noises  which,  therefore,  must  be 
added  vectorially,  with  a  resultant  change  proportional  to  the  square- 
root  of  the  change  in  width  of  the  track.  Thus  we  gain  in  this 
method  of  recording  an  effective  increase  in  volume  range  of  3 
decibels,  assuming  that  the  surface  noise  for  the  normal  dialog,  or 
during  periods  of  no  sound,  is  held  at  a  constant  level.  Greater 
increases  in  volume  range  are  possible  but  this  example  illustrates 
the  current  commercial  practice. 

Another  method  in  general  use  of  increasing  the  volume  range  of 
film  recordings  is  that  of  increasing  the  transmission  of  variable- 
density  sound-track  during  periods  when  high  volumes  are  required. 
It  is  general  practice,  at  present,  to  maintain  an  unmodulated  visual 
diffuse  print  transmission  for  variable-density  recordings  of  approxi- 
mately 20  per  cent,  this  value  of  print  transmission  resulting  in  mini- 
mum distortion  and  most  pleasant  reproduction  of  the  recorded 
sound.  As  is  well  known,  the  output  level  of  a  variable-density 
record  varies  with  the  print  transmission;  so  if  it  is  desired  to  reduce 
the  output  level,  the  print  may  be  darkened,  or  if  it  is  desired  to  in- 
crease the  output  level,  the  print  may  be  lightened.  Such  a  change 
in  print  transmission  is  accompanied  by  a  change  of  quality  that  is 

Feb.,  1936]  INCREASING  THE  VOLUME  RANGE  113 

quite  small,  within  the  limits  of,  say,  16  to  30  per  cent  transmission. 
When  the  print  transmission  is  changed  beyond  these  points,  however, 
the  quality  begins  to  suffer. 

The  method  described  above  is  widely  used  to  increase  the  effective 
volume  range  of  film  recordings.  Opening  title  music  may  be  printed 
for  a  visual  print  transmission  of,  say,  40  per  cent,  with  the  result  that 
when  reproduced  in  the  theater  it  is  7.8  decibels  louder  than  the  nor- 
mal dialog.  Since  the  surface  noise  is  objectionable  only  during 
periods  of  low  modulation  or  no  modulation,  this  procedure  of  increas- 
ing the  print  transmission  increases  the  effective  volume  range  of  film 
recordings  by  approximately  6  decibels.  Any  impairment  of  sound 
quality  that  may  result  in  order  to  attain  the  loudness  required  is 
more  than  compensated  by  the  increased  effectiveness  and  dramatic 
value  of  the  sound. 

The  method  to  be  described  in  this  paper  not  only  achieves  this  in- 
crease in  volume  range,  but  it  does  so  without  the  slightest  impair- 
ment in  quality.  It  is  accomplished  by  intercutting  variable-density 
recordings  with  variable-width  recordings;  variable-density  record- 
ings being  used  when  normal  volume  is  required,  and  variable-width 
when  high  volumes  are  required. 

The  unmodulated  portion  of  a  variable-width  recording  consists  of 
a  sound-track,  one  half  of  which  is  opaque  and  the  other  half  trans- 
parent. Its  normal  unmodulated  transmission,  therefore,  is  approxi- 
mately 50  per  cent,  or  2*/2  times  the  optimal  unmodulated  transmis- 
sion for  variable-density  track.  This  difference  in  unmodulated 
transmission  results  in  producing  a  variable-width  track  of  the  same 
percentage  of  modulation  at  a  level  approximately  8  decibels  higher 
than  that  of  the  variable-density  track  when  run  on  the  same  repro- 
ducing system  with  the  same  gain.  Thus,  by  intercutting  variable- 
density  and  variable- width  recordings,  an  extension  of  the  range  of 
8  decibels  is  provided,  without  changing  the  fader  setting,  for  the 
most  effective  and  dramatic  reproduction  of  sound. 

This  idea  has  been  found  to  be  very  practicable,  and  of  great  value 
in  dramatic  and  musical  sequences.  It  has  been  further  enhanced  by 
intercutting  "squeeze  track"  and  variable-width  track,  with  a  re- 
sultant 11-db.  increase  in  maximum  volume  for  the  same  noise  level  in 
the  theater. 

The  release  of  such  prints  has  demonstrated  that  many  theaters  are 
equipped  with  power  amplifiers  of  inadequate  capacity  for  handling 
the  increased  volume  range.  Before  the  full  possibilities  of  the  sys- 

114  N.  LEVINSON  [J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

tern  can  be  realized,  additional  amplifier  capacity  must  be  provided  in 
these  theaters  or  more  efficient  loud  speakers  must  be  developed.  In 
spite  of  the  inadequacy  of  theater  equipment,  the  system  has  shown 
itself  to  have  great  possibilities  for  enhancing  the  realism  and  natural- 
ness of  sound  pictures. 


The  ratio  between  the  output  of  a  variable-density  sound-track  of  20  per  cent 
visual  diffuse  transmission  and  a  variable-width  track  of  the  same  percentage  of 
modulation,  when  reproduced  with  the  same  gain,  is  derived  as  follows: 

Variable-Width  Recording 

Standard  width  of  track  0.070  inch 

Diffuse  density  of  opaque  portion  1.3 

Projection  density  of  opaque  portion  1.3  X  1.3  =  1.69 

Projected  transmission  density  of  opaque  portion  2.04  per  cent 

Diffuse  density  of  transparent  portion  0.06 

Projection  density  of  transparent  portion  0.078 

Projected  transmission  density  of  transparent  portion  83.4    per  cent 

Percentage  change  in  projected  transmission  for  50  per  cent 

modulation:  (83.4-2.04)  X  0.50  40.68 

40.68  X  0.070  X  K  ( =  Intensity  of  illumination  X  height  of 

slit)  2.85K    modulated 

light  flux  output 

Variable-Density  Recording 

Standard  theater  reproducing  aperture  0.084  inch 

Mean  diffuse  density  of  print  (20  per  cent  transmission)  0.70 

Mean  projection  density  of  print  (20  per  cent  transmission)         0.91 
Mean  projection  transmission  density  of  print  (20  per  cent 

transmission)  12.3  per  cent 

Variable-Density  Recording 

(For  50  Per  Cent  Modulation) 

Maximum  projected  transmission  of  print  18.45  per  cent 

Minimum  projected  transmission  of  print  6.15  per  cent 

Percentage  change  in  projected  transmission  for  50  per  cent  12.3    per  cent 

modulation:  (18.45-6.16)  X  0.084  X  K  1.032K 

2.85  K  (variable-width  track  output)  2.76 

1.032  K  (variable-density  track  output) 

20  log  2.76  =  ratio  of  loudness  of  variable-width  track  to 
variable-density  track  of  the  same  percentage  of  modu- 
lation 8.8  decibels 

Feb.,  1936]  INCREASING  THE  VOLUME  RANGE  115 


MR.  FRANK:  One  of  the  producers  is  releasing,  or  has  in  the  past  released,  pic- 
tures in  two  different  types  of  release  print,  a  Class  A  print  and  a  Class  B  print, 
one  of  which  had  an  increased  volume  range.  Do  other  producers,  or  does  the 
industry  as  a  whole,  intend  to  release  regular  pictures  in  two  different  kinds  of 
print,  one  the  standard  release  print  to  be  used  on  equipment  such  as  we  now  find 
in  the  theaters  in  general,  and  the  other  only  where  adequate  reserve  power  is 

CHAIRMAN  FRAYNE  :  I  believe  the  studio  to  which  you  refer  is  Metro-Gold  wyn- 
Mayer,  and  that  was  in  connection  with  the  musical,  Naughty  Marietta.  The 
studio,  at  the  time,  attempted  to  turn  out  two  different  prints,  on  a  trial  basis,  but 
the  experiment  was  not  quite  successful  because  of  confusion  at  the  exchanges, 
and  because  of  the  objections  of  some  houses  to  receiving  Class  B  prints.  I  have 
not  heard  of  any  other  studio  contemplating  such  a  device  at  the  present  time,  at 
least  so  far  as  getting  different  volume  outputs  from  film  is  concerned. 

MR.  FRANK:  Is  it  the  intent,  then,  of  Warner  Bros.,  for  instance,  to  release 
pictures,  particularly  those  with  musical  selections,  under  the  new  system,  without 
regard  for  the  theater  that  does  not  have  adequate  reserve  power? 

PRESIDENT  TASKER:  I  do  not  know  whether  I  can  speak  for  the  West  Coast 
studio,  but  I  should  imply  from  this  paper  and  from  conversations  with  Major 
Levinson  that  it  was  intended  to  make  use  of  the  increased  volume  range,  whether 
or  not  the  theater  was  capable  of  taking  advantage  of  it. 

CHAIRMAN  FRAYNE:  The  question  as  to  what  volume  range  we  actually  get 
from  variable-density  track  is  very  much  undecided.  It  depends  a  good  deal  upon 
who  makes  the  measurement,  and  I  believe  in  order  to  facilitate  matters  we  ought 
to  have  a  definition  of  what  we  mean  by  signal-to-noise,  or  volume  range,  of  a  film. 
If  we  define  volume  range  as  the  difference  in  output  between  a  fully  modulated 
1000-cycle  signal  and  the  noise  level  of  the  unmodulated  track,  then  actual  mea 
surements  indicate  that  a  volume  range  of  approximately  40  decibels  without  any 
noise  reduction  can  be  obtained  from  average  film  processing.  If  we  refer  to  the 
average  mixing  level,  assumed  to  be,  say,  10  decibels  below  clash,  then,  of  course, 
that  figure  drops  to  30  decibels.  But  since  recording  practices  vary  a  great  deal, 
it  would  seem  that  the  former  definition  of  volume  range  should  be  given  more 
weight.  As  to  the  8-db.  increase  in  output  of  the  variable-width  over  the  variable- 
density  track,  this  is  theoretically  correct,  based  upon  the  average  transmission  of 
variable- width  track  and  the  average  transmission  of  variable-density  track. 

MR.  EVANS:  The  question  of  volume  range  and  noise  level  has  come  up  before 
the  Sound  Committee,  and  attempts  have  been  made,  without  much  result,  to 
define  what  was  meant  by  volume  range.  There  are  two  or  three  concepts  that 
apparently  should  be  noted.  One  assumes  *hat  the  noise  level  is  measured  on  a 
flat  system,  giving  one  result.  Another  is  that  the  noise  level  is  measured  on  a 
system  whose  characteristic  is  that  of  the  ear,  giving  an  entirely  different  result. 
Still  another,  termed  effective  volume  range— and  it  seemed  to  some  members  of 
the  Committee  that  that  concept  should  be  defined — concerned  the  ratio  of  the 
loudest  to  the  lowest  sounds  that  it  was  good  practice  to  record.  Volume  range 
should  be  so  defined  that  we  can  all  talk  the  same  language.  So  far  it  has  not  been. 

PRESIDENT  TASKER:  It  seems  highly  desirable  that  we  should  arrive  at  a  com- 
mon understanding  of  what  is  meant  by  volume  range.  Of  these  three  proposals, 

116  N.  LEVINSON 

the  last  is  perhaps  the  least  easily  specified,  and  involves  the  most  opinion  and 
good  judgment.  The  second,  likewise,  depends  upon  a  factor  that  is  easily  mis- 
understood and  is  not  easy  to  reproduce  promptly  with  measuring  apparatus.  It 
would  seem  to  me,  therefore,  that  the  first  was  the  one  that  ought  to  be  most 
seriously  considered  as  a  standard  of  reference.  In  any  case,  the  definition  will  be 
more  or  less  arbitrary. 

It  must  be  realized  that  the  third  concept  states  what  we  are  trying  to  attain 
and  what  we  are  concerned  about.  We  are  concerned  with  the  ratio  between  what 
we  dare  to  put  upon  the  film  as  a  maximum,  and  what  we  may  put  upon  it  as  a 
minimum.  Once  having  specified  the  range  between  the  maximum  recording 
signal  and  the  surface  noise  under  some  easily  specified  condition,  then  all  our 
thinking  might  be  referred  to  that  figure.  Consequently,  I  should  like  to  propose 
that  the  first  of  those  be  the  one  adopted. 

MR.  EVANS:  The  Sound  Committee,  in  studying  the  question,  felt  that  our 
definitions  should  be  consistent  with  similar  definitions  in  the  radio  field.  Radio 
engineers  have  encountered  the  same  problem,  so  we  are  trying  to  determine 
what,  if  anything,  the  Institute  of  Radio  Engineers  has  done  in  the  way  of  defining 
such  terms. 



Summary. — Many  methods  have  been  applied  recently  for  increasing  the  volume 
range  of  recordings.  Some,  such  as  the  push-pull  system,  require  mechanical  and 
electrical  modification  of  existing  apparatus  in  order  to  utilize  their  advantages.  In 
an  effort  to  produce  prints  capable  of  standard  reproduction,  with  increased  signal-to- 
noise  ratio,  the  mechanical  reversed-bias  method  has  been  used  at  the  Twentieth  Cen- 
tury-Fox Film  Studios.  Briefly,  it  is  a  method  of  reverse-biasing  a  valve  so  that  the 
valve  aperture  is  increased  by  the  biasing  current  to  a  degree  sufficient  to  prevent  clash. 
Further  modification  provides  for  a  combination  of  standard  biasing  up  to  a  certain 
percentage  of  modulation  and  mechanical  reverse-biasing  from  that  point  on,  resulting 
in  an  increase  of  8  to  12  decibels  over  the  usual  methods  in  signal-to-noise  ratio. 

Recent  developments  of  sound  recording  and  reproduction  have 
indicated  a  growing  appreciation  of  the  necessity  for  more  nearly  con- 
forming to  the  original  sound  level  and  frequency  range.  Wide- 
range  and  high-fidelity  developments  have  sufficiently  expanded  the 
frequency  range  to  improve  the  illusion  of  reality  considerably,  but 
no  method  yet  in  commercial  use  provides  a  volume  range  of  the  de- 
sired extent.  It  has  been  felt  that  a  range  of  approximately  55  deci- 
bels from  the  surface  noise  to  the  peak  level  would  provide  a  true 
sound  volume  perspective. 

Since  the  inception  of  sound  pictures  an  attempt  has  been  made  to 
achieve  expansion  and  compression  of  volume  by  means  of  the  fader, 
cued  by  the  projectionist.  This  means  is  entirely  unsatisfactory,  due 
to  the  requirements  of  manual  cueing,  and  requires  that  the  operator 
be  able  to  give  his  undivided  attention  to  his  cues,  be  alert  at  every 
showing,  to  have  a  genuine  interest  in  his  work,  and  a  sense  of  show- 
manship. From  sad  experience  it  has  been  found  necessary  to  pro- 
duce prints  containing  therein  all  the  necessary  volume  variations, 
and  a  reproducing  system  having  a  capacity  sufficient  to  encompass 
this  range  of  volume.  With  reference  to  the  latter,  much  considera- 

*  Presented  at  the  Fall,  1935,  Meeting  at  Washington,  D.  C. 
**  Twentieth  Century-Fox  Film  Corp.,  Hollywood,  Calif, 



E.  H.  HANSEN  AND  C.  W.  FAULKNER      [J.  s.  M.  p.  E. 

tion  is  being  given  nowadays  to  the  fact  that  there  are  very  few 
houses  capable  of  reproducing  even  speech  levels  without  some  trace 
of  volume  distortion.  There  are  many  1200-seat  houses  in  which  the 
maximum  undistorted  output  is  less  than  three  watts. 

While  the  studio  is  vitally  interested  in  reproduction,  it  must  first 
place  its  own  house  in  order  and  provide  a  negative  of  optimal  char- 
acteristics and  capacity.  In  studio  production,  we  find  two  kinds  of 
mixers:  those  of  the  first  school  believe  in  setting  their  own  peak 
levels  and  allowing  sounds  from  the  source  to  modulate  and  mix  them- 
selves; those  of  the  second  group  have  become  afflicted  with  what  is 
commonly  known  as  the  "mixer's  itch."  Experience  has  shown  it  to 
be  possible  for  both  kinds  of  mixers  to  achieve  excellent  results,  al- 
though it  appears  that  in  general  those  of  the  former  group  turn  out 
consistently  better  pictures. 

FIG.   1.     Diagram  of  the  noise-reduction  unit. 

It  is  customary  in  production  to  record  dialog  peaks  approximately 
10  decibels  below  clash.  This  is  supposed  to  be  sufficient  to  take  care 
of  dialog  peak  transients  and  the  volume  differential  between  normal 
dialog  and  a  brass  band,  airplane  motor,  or  the  firing  of  a  16-inch  gun. 
Some  sounds,  of  course,  are  so  loud  as  to  be  unpleasant  to  hear,  even 
should  the  facilities  be  provided  for  recording  and  reproducing  them, 
and  we  should  not  care  to  reproduce  them  in  their  original  intensities. 
There  is,  however,  need  for  a  30-  to  40-db.  differential  between  nor- 
mal dialog  and  peak  volume.  It  might  well  be  that  during  the  repro- 

Feb.,  1936]          REVERSED-BlAS  LlGHT- VALVE  RECORDING 


duction  of  an  entire  picture  the  peak  capacity  would  be  reached  for 
only  a  few  seconds,  but  the  improved  effectiveness  of  the  picture  as  a 
whole  would  warrant  the  greater  range. 

The  limiting  factor  in  standard  recording  is  either  that  of  over- 
shooting the  oscillograph  armature  or  the  clash  of  valve  ribbons. 
This  happens  before  photographic  and  amplifier  distortion  occurs,  and 
places  a  psychological  handicap  upon  the  mixer.  The  mixer's  atti- 
tude is  to  play  safe,  and  his  involuntary  muscular  reaction  is  to  reduce 

FIG.  2.     Wiring  diagram  of  recorder  control  cabinet. 

the  level.  The  optimal  arrangement  would  be  to  set  the  mixer  at  the 
normal  dialog  level  and  allow  the  peak  sounds  to  reach  their  limits 
without  restriction.  With  certain  abnormally  loud  sounds  the  flatten- 
ing of  the  film  response  curve  would  be  the  only  safety-valve  provided. 
Many  methods  have  been  applied  during  the  past  two  or  three 
years  for  increasing  volume  range  of  the  system.  Some  of  these,  such 
as  the  push-pull  system,  require  the  mechanical  and  electrical  modi- 
fication of  existing  apparatus  in  order  to  utilize  their  advantages  in 
theater  reproduction.  In  an  effort  to  produce  prints  capable  of 
standard  reproduction,  with  increased  signal-to-noise  ratio,  the  me- 
chanical reversed-bias  method  has  been  used  on  certain  productions  at 


E.  H.  HANSEN  AND  C.  W.  FAULKNER      [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 


the  Twentieth  Century-Fox  Film  Studios.  Briefly,  it  is  a  method  of 
reverse-biasing  a  valve  so  that  the  valve  aperture  is  increased  by  the 
biasing  current  to  a  degree  sufficient  to  prevent  clash.  Further  modi- 
fication provides  for  a  combination  of  standard  biasing  up  to  a  certain 
percentage  of  modulation  and  mechanical  reverse-biasing  from  that 
point  on,  resulting  in  an  increase  of  8  to  12  decibels  over  the  usual 

methods  in  signal-to-noise  ratio. 
In  lining  up  a  standard  valve 
for  recording,  it  might  be  well  to 
describe  briefly  the  circuit  of  the 
noise-reduction  unit,  as  shown  in 
Fig.  1 .  Four  amplifier  tubes  are 
used,  the  fifth  tube,  V-5,  being 
the  1000-cycle  test  oscillator.  An 
oscillator  of  the  tuned-plate  type 
generating  a  frequency  of  20,000 
cycles  (V-2)  is  used  to  feed  the 
push-pull  stage,  V-3  and  V-4,  the 
output  of  the  latter  being  recti- 
fied by  the  copper-oxide  unit  to 
produce  direct  biasing  currents 
for  the  valve.  The  push-pull 
stage  is  modulated  by  the  volt- 
age drop  across  R-5,  which 
is  derived  from  a  second  copper- 
oxide  rectifier  in  the  output 

Valve  spacing  as  a  function  of     circmt  of  V-l.      V-l  is  merely  a 
the  biasing  current. 

speech  amplifier  of  the  conven- 
tional transformer-coupled  type.  The  output  or  biasing  current  from 
the  copper-oxide  rectifier  (57M744)  is  approximately  proportional  to 
the  voltage  drop  across  R-5.  It  will  be  noticed  with  reference  to  the 
grid  circuits  of  V-3  and  V-4,  that  the  polarity  of  the  voltage  drop 
across  R-5  is  opposed  to  that  of  the  bias  voltage  applied  through 
P-3;  thus,  as  the  rectified  signal  voltage  across  R-5  is  increased,  the 
grids  become  more  positive  until  at  the  shoulder  of  the  IP-Eg  curve 
the  a-c.  output  of  V-3  and  V-4  is  zero. 

After  the  main  recording  amplifiers  have  been  properly  adjusted, 
the  1000-cycle  test  oscillator  is  turned  on,  with  a  signal  of  approxi- 
mately —  4  db.  applied  to  the  input  of  the  valve  transformer  T-l 
(Fig.  2).  With  this  signal  applied  to  the  valve,  a  pair  of  head-phones 

FIG.  3. 

Feb.,  1936]          REVERSED-BlAS  LlGHT- VALVE  RECORDING 


is  inserted  into  J-2  and  the  simplex  resistor  P-3  is  adjusted  until  the 
tone  heard  is  minimal.  When  this  adjustment  has  been  made,  the 
phones  are  removed  and  an  attempt  is  made  to  determine  the  clash 
point  of  the  valve.  This  may  be  done  in  several  ways,  the  one  most 
commonly  used  being  to  listen  directly  to  the  valve.  For  valves  of 
the  permanent  magnet  type  tuned  to  10,000  cps.,  this  has  been  found 


FIG.  4.  Relation  of  valve  spacing  to 
biasing  current  for  a  6-db.  margin,  up  to  an 
applied  level  of  +14  decibels. 

to  be:  for  the  0.5-mil  valve,  +2  db.;  for  the  1-mil  valve,  +8  db.; 
for  the  2-mil  valve,  +14  db.  The  noise-reduction  unit  is  then  ready 
for  adjustment. 

Assume  that  the  valve  is  spaced  1  mil,  the  desired  noise-reduction 
is  8  decibels,  and  that  the  margin  between  signal  input  and  valve  spac- 
ing is  6  decibels.  First,  obtain  the  clash  level,  which  will  be  approxi- 
mately +8  decibels.  Desiring  an  8-db.  noise  reduction,  the  input 
signal  is  decreased  by  8  db.,  or  to  zero  level,  at  which  point  the  bias 
from  the  noise-reduction  unit  (K-l)  should  be  turned  on  and  in- 


E.  H.  HANSEN  AND  C.  W.  FAULKNER      [j.  s.  M.  P.  E. 

creased  by  means  of  P-3  until  a  second,  or  biased  clash,  results.  The 
difference  between  the  original  spacing  and  the  biased  spacing  will  de- 
termine the  reduction  of  noise,  which  in  this  case  should  be  8  decibels. 
Letting  the  bias  current  flow  through  the  valve,  provision  should  now 
be  made  for  the  6-db.  margin  between  the  signal  input  and  the  valve 
spacing.  The  original  clash  level  being  +8  decibels,  an  input  sig- 
nal set  at  +2  decibels  would  cancel  the  biasing  current  6  decibels  be- 
low the  original  level.  The  cancellation  is  done  by  turning  on  K-8 
and  adjusting  the  gain  of  the  noise-reduction  amplifier  by  means  of 
P-2  and  P-L 

FIG.  5.  Negative  film  characteristic.  At  A,  with  a  0.5-mil  valve,  the  ex- 
citer lamp  is  adjusted  for  a  negative  density  of  0.3.  As  the  exposure  at  any 
step  is  1.4  that  of  the  preceding  step,  B  represents  the  exposure  with  a  1-mil 
valve  (lamp  adjustment  remaining  unchanged),  C  for  2  mils,  and  D  for  4  mils. 
For  a  margin  of  6  decibels  between  valve  width  and  signal  strength,  E  repre- 
sents the  lowest  density  used. 

In  order  to  modify  the  noise-reduction  system  for  operation  with  th^ 
reversed  valve,  referring  to  Fig.  1,  changes  5,  6,  and  8  were  made.  By 
reversing  the  voltage  drop  across  R-5,  making  it  additive  to  the  bias 
applied  through  P-3,  and  returning  the  grids  of  V-3  and  V-4  to  the 
positive  leg  of  the  filament,  we  attain  the  condition  of  zero,  or  a 
slightly  positive  bias  of  the  modulator  stage,  V-3  and  V-4.  Conse- 
quently, current  flows  in  the  grid  circuit  of  V-3  and  V-4,  lowering  the 
tube  input  impedance  and,  in  turn,  the  impedance  looking  into  T-4 
from  the  20,000-cycle  oscillator,  V-2,  thus  causing  a  decrease  in  am- 
plitude of  the  oscillator  output. 

When  a  negative  voltage  is  applied  to  V-3  and  V-4,  the  tube  input 
impedance  increases,  causing  a  decrease  in  the  reflected  impedance 
into  the  primary  circuit  of  T-4,  and  the  output  of  the  oscillator  in- 
creases. We  therefore  have  the  condition  that,  when  the  maximum 

Feb.,  19.36]          RRVERSED-BlAS  LlGHT- VALVE  RECORDING 


biasing  current  is  required  at  the  valve,  the  modulator  stage,  V-3  and 
I'-/,  is  supplied  with  a  negative  bias  (voltage  drop  across  R-5)  of 
sufficient  magnitude  to  work  the  tubes  at  the  center  of  the  straight  - 
line  portion  of  the  Ip—  Vg  curve.  The  impedance  reflected  into  the 
primary  of  T-4  is  decreased ;  the  amplitude  of  oscillation  is  increased ; 
and  a  maximum  of  current,  limited  by  the  carrying  capacity  of  the 
tubes  V-3  and  V-4  of  the  modulator  stage,  is  supplied  to  the  valve. 
•  Referring  to  change  7,  the  polarity  of  the  bias  supplied  to  the  valve 
must  be  such  as  to  cause  the  valve  to  open ;  hence  the  reversal  of  the 
leads  of  J-l,  which  are  the  light- valve  simplex  circuits. 


Attenuation  of  Film  sound  Record  for  various  valve  spaclnga 

-20  :  S :  in  - 





FIG.  6.     Attenuation  as  a  function  of  frequency  for  valve  spacings  of  0.5, 

1.0,  and  2.0  mils. 

With  this  arrangement,  as  the  signal  input  is  increased  the  amount 
of  bias  to  the  valve  is  accordingly  increased,  and  the  valve  spacing 
will  be  approximately  proportional  to  the  signal  input  up  to  the  over- 
load point  of  V-3  and  V-4.  Provision  is  made  for  the  6-db.  margin 
by  adjusting  the  gain  of  the  noise-reduction  amplifier,  V-l,  until  for 
any  given  a-c.  signal  input  to  the  valve,  the  bias  supplied  through  the 
noise-reduction  unit  will  be  sufficient  to  open  the  valve  to  a  spacing 
that  will  accommodate  a  signal  of  twice  the  applied  voltage  before 

Fig.  3  shows  the  valve  spacing  in  mils  corresponding  as  to  the  bias- 
ing current  in  milliamperes.  Fig.  4  shows  the  relation  of  the  valve 
spacing  for  a  6-db.  margin,  with  applied  power  up  to  +14  decibels. 
Fig.  5  is  the  negative  film  characteristic  for  a  0.5-mil  valve.  The 
exciter  lamp  is  set  to  produce  a  density  of  0.3  on  the  negative 


E.  H.  HANSEN  AND  C.  W.  FAULKNER   [j.  s.  M.  p.  E. 





FIG.  7. 



Diagram  of  the  optical  leverage. 

(A ,  Fig.  5) .  Each  step  is  1 .4  times  the  exposure  of  the  preceding  step. 
Point  B  represents  the  exposure  with  a  1-mil  valve  for  the  previous 
value  of  exciter  lamp  current;  C  and  D,  the  exposure  from  a  2-  and  a 
4-mil  valve,  respectively.  Using  a  margin  of  6  decibels  between  the 
valve  width  and  the  signal  strength,  E  represents  the  lowest  density 
used.  Figs.  4  and  5  have  been  plotted  up  to  a  level  of  +14  decibels. 
However,  satisfactory  processing  is  possible  with  higher  levels, 
showing  increased  volume  ranges  over  the  conventional  methods. 

Fig.  6  shows  the  attenuation  as  a  function  of  the  valve  spacing, 
for  spacings  of  0.5,  1.0,  and  2.0  mils.  Although  the  attenuation 
appears  to  be  serious,  in  practice  the  ear  does  not  detect  the  attenua- 

FIG.  8.  Negative  film  characteristic.  At  A,  with  a  1-mil  valve,  the  ex- 
citer lamp  is  adjusted  for  a  negative  density  of  0.5.  By  means  of  an  A- 
battery,  the  valve  is  biased  for  a  10-db.  noise  reduction  (B).  The  bias  sup- 
plied by  the  noise-reduction  unit  being  opposite,  and  more  than  sufficient  to 
cancel  the  initial  bias,  the  valve  is  opened  an  amount  wider  than  the  initial 
spacing  determined  by  the  rectified  current  from  the  noise-reduction  unit.  C 
represents  the  exposure  for  a  2-mil  spacing;  D,  4  mils;  and  E  represents 
the  lowest  density  used  with  a  margin  of  6  decibels  between  valve  width 
and  signal. 

Feb.,  1 <»:;<; 



tion  as  would  be  indicated  by  these  curves,  due  to  the  optical  leverage 
shown  in  Fig.  7. 

It  was  felt  that  since  the  advantages  gained  through  the  simple 
mechanical  reversed-current  valve  were  so  noticeable,  a  further  in- 
crease might  result  if  double  biasing  were  used.  In  this  arrangement 
reversed  bias  is  reduced  to  a  spacing  of  approximately  1  mil,  and  then 
standard  biasing  is  applied  from  this  spacing  down  to  whatever  value 




FIG.  9.     Valve  spacing  with  positive 
tive  biases. 

of  noise  reduction  is  desired.  It  is  therefore  possible  to  achieve  both 
the  maximum  of  standard  noise  reduction  plus  the  advantage  of  the 
reversed  bias.  In  the  operation  of  a  double-bias  valve  the  good  fea- 
tures of  both  the  standard  and  reversed  bias  are  used. 

Referring  to  Fig.  1,  note  8,  an  external  battery  is  used  to  bias  the 
valve  for  an  8-db.  closure,  while  the  polarity  of  the  bias  from  the  noise- 
reduction  unit  is  opposite,  so  as  to  open  the  valve.  Unlike  the  nor- 
mal or  standard  set-up,  the  valve  does  not  retain  its  original  opening 


E.  H.  HANSEN  AND  C.  W.  FAULKNER      [j.  s.  M.  p.  E. 

once  it  has  attained  it,  with  clash  occurring  when  the  higher  signal  is 
applied;  rather,  the  bias  increases  with  the  signal  strength  up  to  the 
overload  point  of  V-3  and  V-4,  permitting  the  valve  to  accommodate 
a  signal  of  greater  amplitude. 

Referring  to  Fig.  8,  it  will  be  seen  from  the  negative  H&D  curve 
that  film  distortion  will  not  occur  until  the  valve  has  been  opened  to 
approximately  2l/z  mils  and  fully  modulated.  This  is  a  typical  nega- 

0  CO  100  ISO  200  280  900 

FIG.  10.     Valve  spacing  with  negative  and  positive  biases 
for  6-db.  margin,  up  to  an  applied  level  of  +14  decibels. 

tive  H&D  curve  for  double  biasing.  Using  a  valve  spacing  of  1  mil, 
the  exciter  lamp  is  set  to  produce  a  density  of  0.5  on  the  negative 
(A,  Fig.  8).  By  means  of  an  external  or  system  A  -battery  the  valve 
is  biased  for  a  noise  reduction  of  10  decibels  (B,  Fig.  8).  The  bias 
applied  by  the  noise-reduction  unit  being  opposite  in  polarity  and 
more  than  sufficient  to  cancel  the  initial  bias,  the  valve  is  opened 
wider  than  the  original  spacing.  This  spacing  will  be  determined  by 
the  amount  of  rectifier  current  from  the  noise-reduction  unit.  C, 
Fig.  8,  represents  the  exposure  from  a  valve  spaced  2  mils;  D,  the  ex- 

Feb.,  1936]          REVERSED-BlAS  LlGHT- VALVE  RECORDING  127 

posure  from  a  valve  spaced  4  mils ;  and  E,  the  lowest  density  used  with 
a  margin  of  6  decibels  between  valve  width  and  signal. 

Fig.  9  shows  the  valve  spacing  in  mils  when  positive  and  negative 
biases  are  applied.  The  normal  spacing  in  this  case  is  1  mil.  Fig. 
10  shows  the  valve  spacing  in  mils  plotted  against  applied  power 
levels  up  to  +14  decibels.  In  the  search  for  methods  of  achieving 
greater  levels  it  must  always  be  borne  in  mind  that  an  increase  in 
noise  reduction  is  equivalent  to  a  corresponding  increase  in  the  load- 
carrying  value  of  the  negative. 

In  general,  the  following  are  the  advantages  of  the  double-biased 
valve : 

(1)  Approximately  10  decibels'  higher  level  on  the  film  than  with  the  standard 

(2)  Less  attentuation  at  the  high  frequencies  for  the  same  modulation  of  the 
negative,  as  compared  with  that  of  the  reversed  valve. 

(5)  Less  power  necessary  than  with  the  reversed  valve,  for  the  same  value  of 
modulation  of  the  negative. 

(4)     Less  distortion  from  valve  bowing,  for  a  given  modulation  of  the  negative. 



Summary. — The  shape  of  the  motion  picture  theater  should  be  determined  both 
in  the  horizontal  and  vertical  sense,  chiefly  by  certain  basic  factors  of  the  physiology 
of  the  eye  and  the  laws  of  visual  reception.  Recognition  of  these  factors  in  designing 
the  theater  produces  a  theater  form  of  minimal  depth,  concentrating  the  seating  as 
much  as  possible  with  the  vertical  dimension.  Visual  acuity  and  the  subtended 
angles  of  the  viewed  image  are  analyzed  as  they  affect  the  theater  form. 

One  of  the  valuable  features  of  the  motion  picture  lies  in  the  fact 
that  the  spectator  can,  at  will,  be  placed  exceedingly  close  to,  or  at 
any  desired  position  in  relation  to  the  action  upon,  the  screen,  thus 
transplanting  him  from  the  theater  to  the  actual  time  and  locale  of 
the  story  that  is  unfolding.  This  effect  is  not  fully  achieved  at  the 
present  time  because  of  the  prevalent  forms  of  the  motion  picture 
theater.  If  the  spectator  were  at  the  actual  scene,  the  position  of  the 
objects  in  view  would  be  vividly  impressed  upon  him  by  means  of 
the  amount  of  detail  discernible  and  by  the  large  proportion  of  the 
field  of  view  occupied  by  the  object.  The  spectator  in  the  theater 
must  experience  an  equally  vivid  impression.  But  in  the  theater  the 
image  upon  the  screen  from  most  viewing  points  occupies  a  compara- 
tively smaller  portion  of  the  area  of  the  spectator's  field  of  view,  less 
detail  is  discernible,  and,  thereby,  the  original  force  of  the  particular 
scene  as  the  director  envisioned  it  is  diminished. 

The  view  of  the  screen  from  any  seat  in  the  theater  should,  as 
nearly  as  possible,  transmit  to  the  retina  of  the  spectator's  eye  the 
same  picture  recorded  upon  the  retina  of  his  eye  as  though  he  were 
at  the  actual  scene,  with  his  eye  occupying  the  same  position  as  the 
camera  lens.  The  physiology  of  the  eye  should  be  studied  to  deter- 
mine whether  such  correspondence  of  visual  reception  be  possible, 
if  not  from  all,  at  least  from  almost  all,  the  seats  in  the  theater.  In 

*  Presented  at  the  Fall,  1935,  Meeting  at  Washington,  D.  C. 
**  New  York,  N.  Y. 



the  present  theater  form,  such  desirable  reception  is  experienced  from 
a  comparatively  small  number  of  seats. 

More  specifically,  visual  acuity,  the  geometry  of  optics,  and  an 
analysis  of  the  distinct  and  indistinct  fields  of  view  must  be  considered 
in  this  problem.  Lack  of  recognition  of  the  fundamental  physiological 
aspects  of  vision  in  motion  picture  theater  design  has  resulted  in 
structures  in  which  a  major  portion  of  the  seating  capacity  is  un- 
suitable for  effective  visual  reception.  Many  other  factors  of  second- 
ary importance,  such  as  acoustics  and  projection,  have  been  recog- 
nized and  studied  with  fair  success.  Yet  the  more  important  physio- 
logical elements  of  visual  reception  have  been  largely  neglected. 

It  is  known  that  if  one  sits  too  far  to  one  side  of  the  screen,  the 
picture  becomes  distorted.  This  fault  has  been  apparent,  and  an 
effort  has  been  made  to  avoid  such  viewing  positions  when  designing 
the  theaters.  The  factors  dealt  with  in  this  paper  relate  more  speci- 
fically to  the  ratio  of  the  screen  size  to  the  viewing  distances.  The 
thesis  here  will  be  that  too  many  seats  are  located  too  far  from  the 
screen  for  a  given  size  of  screen. 

The  disadvantages  of  excessive  viewing  distances  are  not  as  ap- 
parent to  the  viewer  as  is  side-seat  distortion,  except  in  that  the  viewer 
usually  tries  to  find  a  seat  at  a  distance  from  the  screen  that  is  satis- 
factory to  him;  and  repeatedly,  on  subsequent  visits,  he  seeks  the 
same  point  of  view.  A  chart  made  to  record  the  locations  of  the  seats 
chosen  by  the  first  half  of  the  audience  attending  each  show,  averaged 
over  a  number  of  theaters  and  a  number  of  shows,  would  provide  an 
indication  of  the  limits  of  the  viewing  distances  within  which  the 
most  satisfactory  reception  occurs.  Such  an  area  can  be  accurately 
plotted  now  that  the  physiology  of  the  instrument  of  reception, 
namely,  the  eye,  is  well  understood. 

To  set  the  limits  of  the  distance,  it  is  necessary  first  to  determine 
the  maximal  size  of  the  audience,  which  must  be  determined  by  the 
maximal  size  of  screen,  which,  in  turn,  is  determined  by  the  pres- 
ent width  of  film.  If  the  visual  acuity,  apparent  screen  size,  and 
distortion  are  properly  considered  in  motion  picture  theater  design, 
the  seating  capacity,  using  35-mm.  film,  should  not  exceed  much 
more  than  2000  chairs.  It  might  be  noted  that  an  increase  in  the 
width  of  the  film  would  not  necessarily  warrant  greater  seating 
capacity,  because  such  increase  might  be  made  more  for  improving 
the  proportions  of  the  picture — making  it  wider — than  for  increasing 
the  size  of  the  elements  in  the  screen  image.  The  height  of  the  picture, 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

and  therefore  the  size  of  its  elements,  could  be  and  would  be  the  same 
as  it  is  now.  The  need  of  a  screen  and  a  width  of  film  to  accommodate 
many  more  than  2000  seats  may  be  disregarded,  as  recent  statistics 
on  seating  capacities  have  indicated. 

The  limit  of  seating  capacity  is  determined  by  the  maximal  view- 
ing distance  for  a  given  size  of  screen.  As  the  size  of  the  screen 
increases,  to  accommodate  increasing  viewing  distances,  the  magnifica- 
tion finally  causes  graininess  to  appear  in  the  image,  and  the  distor- 
tion of  the  picture  seen  from  areas  near  the  screen  becomes  worse. 
The  limits  of  the  35-mm.  film  are  thus  determined.  It  is  therefore 
obvious  that  it  becomes  necessary  to  reduce  the  viewing  distance 
and  the  screen  size,  and  endeavor  to  place  the  greatest  number  of 
seats  within  the  viewing  distance  so  limited.  Such  an  arrangement 
would  minimize  the  graininess  of  the  image  and  the  side-seat  distor- 

FIG.  1.  Longitudinal  section  of  auditorium,  showing  seating  arrangements 
for  (.4)  limited  viewing  distance,  approximately  3*/2  times  the  screen  width ;  and 
(B)  usual  arrangement  in  existing  auditoriums,  with  viewing  distances  up  to  5 
times  the  screen  width. 

tion  of  the  theater.  Fig.  1  is  a  longitudinal  section  of  an  auditorium, 
indicating  one  method  of  achieving  this. 

An  investigation  was  made  for  the  purpose  of  establishing  a  proper 
ratio  of  maximal  viewing  distance  to  screen  size,  of  which  the  visual 
acuity  of  the  viewer  and  the  apparent  size  of  the  screen  image  to  him 
are  the  determining  factors.  This  ratio  in  nearly  all  existing  motion 
picture  theaters  ranges  from  5  to  7  times  the  screen  width.  A  ratio 
of  3x/2  to  4  was  chosen  in  constructing  Fig.  1. 

Visual  acuity  is  the  ability  to  distinguish  fine  detail,  and  is  measured 
in  terms  of  the  angle  of  vision  at  which  the  detail  in  question  becomes 
indiscernible.  Helmholtz  observed  that  under  best  conditions  this 
angle  is  about  one  minute  and  four  seconds.  Weber  fixed  it  at  one 
minute  and  thirteen  seconds  to  two  minutes  and  thirty-three  seconds, 
subject  to  the  intricacy  of  the  pattern.  More  recently,  Luckiesh  and 
Moss,  and  Freeman  have  made  extensive  tests  taking  into  considera- 


tion  the  exposure  time,  the  viewing  distance,  and  the  relative  con- 
trasts. In  one  of  Luckiesh's  tests,  one  minute  and  fifteen  seconds 
was  the  limiting  angle  for  a  test-object  placed  at  a  distance  of  320 
centimeters  from  the  eye. 

The  ratios  3*/2  and  4  correspond  to  limiting  angles  of  3  minutes, 
15  seconds  and  2  minutes,  45  seconds,  respectively.  The  angle  was 
determined  by  selecting  very  small  important  details  in  a  number  of 
motion  picture  scenes  and  measuring  the  sizes  of  such  details  upon 
the  screen  and  the  distances  at  which  they  could  still  be  seen  clearly. 

It  is  recommended  that  a  certain  margin  be  allowed  for  extreme 
distances,  low  contrast  in  the  image,  and  rapid  exposures.  In  such 
cases  the  visual  acuity  angle  has  to  be  as  great  as  four  minutes. 
Actual  auditorium  tests  should  be  made  to  establish  the  margin  more 

It  might  be  argued  that  close-up  shots  in  cinematography  cir- 
cumvent the  need  for  great  acuity  with  more  distant  shots.  That 
is  not  so,  because  with  the  increase  in  size  of  the  close-up,  there  is  a 
corresponding  increase  in  the  number  of  details  to  be  discerned.  The 
need  for  a  larger  margin  for  the  acuity  angle,  and  correspondingly 
shorter  viewing  distances,  becomes  more  evident  when  it  is  realized 
that  many  important  details  upon  the  screen  have  contrast  values 
of  25  to  50  per  cent,  and  sometimes  less.  Smaller  contrast  values, 
with  shorter  viewing  distances,  are  far  more  desirable  than  unnatural, 
sharp  contrasts  used  to  make  longer  viewing  distances  possible. 

Ideal  visual  reception  of  motion  pictures  is  not  achieved  merely 
by  limiting  the  viewing  distance  for  visual  acuity  only.  The  visual 
angle  for  the  viewer,  subtended  by  an  image  upon  the  screen,  and  the 
"visual"  angle  for  the  camera  lens,  subtended  by  the  object  being 
photographed,  should,  under  ideal  conditions,  be  the  same.  The 
field  of  view  in  each  case  must  be  similarly  occupied,  so  that  the 
proportion  of  the  field  of  view  occupied  by  the  object  of  interest  will 
be  the  same  when  viewing  the  image  of  the  object  upon  the  screen 
as  it  would  be  if  the  object  were  viewed  from  the  lens  of  the  camera. 

To  achieve  such  an  effect,  the  viewing  distance  would  have  to  be 
limited  to  an  impracticable  extent,  unless  a  multiple-screen  theater 
were  feasible.  Note  in  Fig.  2,  showing  horizontal  viewing  angles, 
that  A,  at  a  distance  of  3  times  the  width  of  the  screen,  subtends  a 
horizontal  angle  of  20  degrees,  and  a  proportionate  (3:4)  vertical 
angle  of  15  degrees.  This  makes  it  necessary  for  the  camera  lens  to 
encompass  an  angle  of  no  more  than  15  degrees  for  an  image  of  full 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

screen  height,  if  the  viewing  distance  (in  the  theater)  is  about  three 
times  the  screen  width.  If  the  camera  is  placed  closer  to  the  object 
than  that,  as  it  quite  often  is,  the  full  effect  of  the  close-up  is  not 
realized  in  the  theater  because  of  the  limited  visual  angle  of  the  spec- 
tator. Although  it  might  be  impracticable  to  duplicate  in  the  theater 
the  angle  subtended  by  the  lens  of  the  camera,  it  becomes  necessary 
to  limit  the  viewing  distance  to  at  least  that  determined  by  the 
proposed  ratios,  as  a  practicable  compromise. 

What  form  of  theater  would  be  best  adapted  to  the  physical  re- 
quirements of  effective  visual  reception?  Fig.  1  presents  a  possible 
method  of  locating  the  viewing  points  within  the  more  desirable 
limits.  One  of  the  aims  of  this  design  is  to  place  as  many  seats  as 
possible  in  the  vertical  plane  at  the  particular  viewing  distance  most 

FIG.  2.  Plan  of  viewing  angles,  showing  difference  in  proportion  of  screen 
image  subtended  from  points  distant  from  the  screen  by  (^4)  3  times  the  screen 
width  and  (B)  four  times  the  screen  width. 

satisfactory  for  visual  reception.  The  vertical  limits  were  fixed  by 
placing  the  highest  spectator  so  that  his  eye  would  subtend  an  angle  of 
20  degrees,  as  a  maximum,  between  a  line  from  the  eye  drawn  to  the' 
bottom  of  the  screen  and  a  line  projected  horizontally  from  the  eye. 
Likewise,  the  spectator  placed  lowest  in  the  auditorium  was  so  located 
that  an  angle  of  20  degrees  would  be  subtended  to  the  top  of  the 
screen.  These  limits  are  determined  by  the  posture  assumed  by  the 
spectator  in  order  to  enjoy  reasonable  comfort  in  viewing  the  screen. 
To  increase  the  height  within  which  seats  may  be  placed,  the  size  of 
the  screen,  and,  correspondingly,  the  viewing  distance,  must  be 
increased.  The  limit,  as  stated  before,  is  determined  by  the  maximal 
permissible  magnification  of  the  35-mm.  film. 

The  theater  form  described  here  can  be  translated  into  a  feasible 
structural  design.  The  upper  levels  of  seating  are  conveniently 
accessible  to  the  street  grade.  The  highest  level  of  seating  occurs 

Feb.,  1936]          THEATER  SHAPE  AND  VISUAL  RECEPTION  133 

where  the  front  portion  of  the  first  balcony  is  usually  found.  This 
vertical  disposition  is  made  possible  by  making  the  orchestra 
level  sufficiently  low  and  yet  within  the  limits  of  comfortable  upward 

On  the  longitudinal  section  (Fig.  1),  the  light  lines  indicate  the  usual 
theater  form,  the  depth  of  which  is  most  unsuitable  for  proper  visual 
reception.  A  great  many  theaters  have  viewing  distances  greater 
than  that  illustrated  in  Fig.  1 .  In  the  present  usual  theater,  the  spec- 
tators occupying  distant  viewing  points  are  forced  to  become  audience- 
conscious,  because  a  large  part  of  their  field  of  vision  is  shared  by 
the  heads  and  shoulders  of  spectators  seated  in  front  of  them.  The 
improved  form  shown  here  is  broken  into  smaller,  intimate  groups  of 
seats,  making  the  spectator  less  audience-conscious  and  permitting 
the  screen  to  predominate  in  his  field  of  vision,  all  of  which  assists 
decidedly  in  creating  the  desired  illusion. 


MR.  CRABTREE  :  Has  the  lower  floor  a  reverse  slope,  in  conformance  with  your 
previous  recommendations,  or  a  half  reverse  slope? 

MR.  SCHLANGER:  It  is  an  improved,  moderately  pitched,  reversed  slope.  A 
number  of  theaters  have  been  built  employing  the  principle  of  the  reversed  slope 
and  have  given  quite  satisfactory  results.  A  slight  modification  of  the  origi- 
nal design  has  been  made  to  correct  for  the  neck-strain  experienced  in  the  first  few 

In  the  original  design,  the  screen  was  placed  somewhat  higher  than  was  later 
found  necessary.  A  choice  had  to  be  made  between  a  high  screen,  causing  up- 
ward-looking and  neck-strain  in  the  first  few  rows,  completely  without  obstruc- 
tion ;  and  a  compromise  design  of  a  lower  screen,  eliminating  neck-strain,  but  with 
a  tolerable  amount  of  obstruction.  Upon  investigating  a  great  number  of  theaters 
having  the  ordinary  floor  slope,  I  found  that  the  comparatively  low  screen  level 
and  an  intolerable  amount  of  obstruction  prevailed. 

Two  methods  of  approach  can  be  followed  in  designing  the  floor.  One  is  to  pro- 
vide a  clear  view  for  each  person  over  the  heads  of  those  in  front  of  him ;  the  other 
is  to  disregard  the  need  for  a  clear  view  and  depend  upon  seeing  the  screen  occa- 
sionally between  the  heads  of  those  in  front.  The  ordinary  theater  floor  is  based 
entirely  upon  the  latter  arrangement  and,  as  a  result,  the  view  of  one-third  to  the 
entire  height  of  the  screen  is  obstructed  by  preceding  heads. 

The  reversed  floor  described  here  is  designed  so  that,  in  the  worst  instance,  no 
more  than  one-fourth  of  the  screen  would  be  obstructed  by  the  heads,  a  degree 
of  obstruction  that  proves  to  be  tolerable.  The  pitch  is  more  moderate  than  that 
of  the  usual  floor,  making  walking  upon  it  less  difficult.  The  reversed  floor  not 
only  reduces  the  degree  of  obstruction,  but  helps  to  bring  more  seats  within  the 
desirable  seating  area  by  making  possible  desirable  upper  levels  of  seating  within 
correct  viewing  distances. 

134  B.  SCHLANGER  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

With  limited  viewing  distances,  the  ability  to  obtain  a  clear  view  of  the  screen 
increases;  that  is,  the  greater  the  viewing  distance,  the  greater  the  obstruction, 
as  can  be  demonstrated  by  holding  a  finger  in  front  of  the  eye.  As  the  finger  is 
moved  nearer  the  eye,  it  obstructs  more  and  more  of  the  view. 

With  limited  viewing  distances  and  the  obstruction  lessened,  the  orchestra  floor 
can  be  rather  flat.  The  rise  of  the  floor  as  we  approach  the  screen  brings  those  in 
the  front  rows  nearer  the  high  point  of  the  screen.  The  ordinary  theater  floor, 
starting  at  a  low  point  and  changing  direction  as  we  move  away  from  the  screen, 
immediately  rises  upward,  infringing  upon  the  valuable  vertical  plane  of  seating. 
It  rises  so  rapidly  that  the  upper  levels  of  seating  are  forced  upward  too  rapidly 
and,  as  a  result,  into  levels  in  the  vertical  plane  that  are  no  longer  useful.  In 
the  proposed  plan  advantage  is  taken  of  space  below  the  ordinary  orchestra  level, 
leaving  greater  upper  areas  for  additional  desirable  seats. 

The  suggestion  of  using  this  low  area  is  based  on  the  fact  that  the  farther  we 
move  from  the  plane  of  an  object  to  be  viewed,  the  higher  we  can  see  upon  the 
plane  without  raising  the  head  or  using  other  mechanical  means.  We  just  natu- 
rally see  higher  when  we  move  farther  away.  We  can  place  our  seats  in  the  or- 
chestra at  points  distant  from  the  screen  at  lower  levels  than  we  find  in  the  usual 
orchestra  and  yet  enjoy  an  upward  vision  of  the  screen  that  is  comfortable. 
Moving  toward  the  screen  the  upward  vision  becomes  restricted,  and  the  floor, 
therefore,  must  turn  upward  to  compensate  for  the  loss. 

At  least  five  or  six  theaters  have  been  built  with  reversed  floors.  The  latest  is 
the  Fix  Theater,  at  White  Plains,  N.  Y.  The  first  theaters  so  designed,  the  Button 
and  the  Thalia  Theaters  in  New  York,  and  one  in  Mexico,  which  latter  I  have  not 
personally  had  the  pleasure  of  seeing,  have  proved  quite  successful. 

MR.  CRABTREE:  As  I  understand,  you  have  so  arranged  the  geometry  of  the 
theater  that  a  line  perpendicular  to  the  screen  would  lie  midway  between  the 
upper  and  the  lower  floors,  dividing  the  distortion  equally  between  the  two  levels. 

MR.  SCHLANGER:  Yes.  The  last  head  on  the  orchestra  floor  subtends  an 
angle  to  the  screen  of  twenty  degrees,  chosen  as  the  maximum  for  comfortable 
upward  vision.  The  visual  angle  in  the  last  row  of  the  balcony  is  such  that  the 
spectator  can  view  the  picture  while  his  back  rests  comfortably  against  the  back 
of  the  chair.  He  will  not  have  to  bend  forward  to  see  downward.  In  the  inter- 
mediate level  we  have  practically  an  ideal  condition.  We  can  look  straight  ahead 
without  the  least  adjustment  of  the  body. 

MR.  CRABTREE:  What  is  the  extent  of  the  picture  distortion  in  the  two  po- 

MR.  SCHLANGER:  The  picture  distortion  in  both  positions  is  far  less  than  what 
is  known  to  be  tolerable. 

MR.  CRABTREE:  Also,  you  have  shortened  the  depth  of  each  balcony  as  com- 
pared with  the  average  theater. 

MR.  SCHLANGER:  Yes.  The  balconies  are  at  such  a  distance  from  the  screen 
as  to  be  within  the  area  recommended  in  this  paper.  If  they  were  deepened,  they 
would  extend  beyond  that  area.  There  are  therefore  two  upper  levels  instead  of 
one,  and  just  so  many  more  seats  within  the  proper  viewing  limits.  The  usual 
upper  level  in  existing  theaters  is  a  great  deal  higher,  and  should  not  be  compared 
with  this  design. 

In  the  usual  theater,  shown  superimposed  in  Fig.  1  over  the  proposed  design, 


the  seating  capacity  is  approximately  the  same.  In  other  words,  I  have  succeeded 
in  placing  the  same  number  of  seats  within  the  shorter,  desirable  viewing  distance, 
which  was  the  object  of  this  work.  The  seating  capacity  is  limited  only  by  the 
properties  of  the  35-mm.  film. 

MR.  CRABTREE  :  Is  all  this  calculated  upon  the  assumption  that  the  height  of  a 
person  above  his  seat  is  fixed?  I  seem  always  to  be  unfortunate  enough  to  find  a 
giant  seated  ahead  of  me;  and  when  I  move  to  another  seat,  I  find  another  giant. 
Would  it  not  be  possible,  perhaps,  to  make  the  seats  adjustable  so  that  in  such  a 
case  a  lever  could  be  pulled  and  the  seat  raised?  It  is  a  very  annoying  situation. 

MR.  SCHLANGER:  Originally  I  considered  the  idea  of  being  able  to  look  over 
the  head  of  the  person  in  front,  and  I  found  a  number  of  disadvantages  which  I 
have  mentioned  before.  A  certain  tolerance  has  been  allowed  so  that  the  person 
ahead  would  not  occupy  more  than  one-fourth  of  the  height  of  the  screen.  In 
most  present  theaters  the  whole  screen  is  blotted  out  completely  from  the  rear 
rows.  In  some  of  the  largest  theaters  in  New  York  having  the  ordinary  type  of 
floor,  spectators  in  the  last  fifteen  or  twenty  rows  can  not  see  the  screen  without 
having  to  keep  shifting  to  see  between  heads. 

MR.  CRABTREE:     Yes,  the  public  is  being  cheated  if  there  is  any  obstruction. 

MR.  SCHLANGER:  I  agree.  It  is  a  tremendously  difficult  problem  to  eliminate 
obstruction  completely  on  the  orchestra  floor  without  resorting  to  some  means  of 
individual  chair  adjustment,  and  there  is  always  a  practical  objection  to  anything 
of  that  sort.  In  the  original  reverse  type  of  floor  full  clearance  was  possible  pro- 
vided the  chairs  were  built  with  head-rests  to  take  care  of  neck-strain,  but  that  was 



Summary. —  Various  methods  of  eliminating  splice  noise  in  sound-films  are  dis- 
cussed. A  new  machine  is  described  that  operates  upon  the  punch-press  principle, 
utilizing  an  opaque  cellulose  acetate  adhesive  tape  to  mask  out  sound  splices. 

The  necessity  of  doing  something  to  eliminate  splice  noises  was 
realized  very  early  in  the  practical  development  of  the  sound-on-film 
system.  In  one  of  the  notebooks  of  the  Case  Research  Laboratory, 
dated  February  13,  1926,  the  following  appears: 

"Mr.  Case  has  observed  and  been  bothered  for  some  time  by  the  click  produced 
when  splices  go  through  our  projection  machine.  Not  only  does  the  positive  splice 
make  a  click  but  the  negative  splice  sounds  when  printed  through  on  to  the  posi- 
tive. In  order  to  correct  this  trouble  Mr.  Case  suggests  a  graded  splice;  that  is,  a 
splice  occupying  possibly  more  length,  or  at  least  grading  in  density  up  to  a  maxi- 
mum, and  then  grading  down  gradually  so  as  not  to  give 
the  complete  change  which  will  produce  a  click. 

"The  same  trouble  could  be  avoided  by  having  a  shutter 
operated  by  the  film  which  would  close  before  a  splice 
passed  the  slit.  This  could  also  be  accomplished  by  having 
a  control  on  the  light  itself. 

"Mr.  Case  believes  that  these  suggestions  are  very  im- 
portant, and  will  be  especially  so  in  sound  picture  pro- 
duction where  it  is  necessary  to  put  together  a  large 
number  of  scenes.  He  intends  to  apply  for  a  patent 
covering  these  ideas." 

n  n  n  n  n 

ft  n  n  n  i* 


FIG.  1.  Paint- 
out:  (A)  Correct 
method,  quiet;  (B) 
too  short,  will  click ; 
(C)  too  long,  keeps 
sound  off. 

In  Case's  first  experiments  he  used  India  ink 
applied  to  the  gelatin  side  of  the  film  to  produce 
a  gradual  change  of  density  at  the  splice.  This 
was  not  entirely  satisfactory  due  to  the  time  required  for  drying 
after  the  gelatin  was  wetted  by  the  ink,  and  to  the  ink  cracking  after 
it  had  dried. 

A  short  time  later  it  was  found  that  a  quick-drying  black  lacquer, 

*  Presented  at  the  Fall,  1935,  Meeting  at  Washington,  D.  C. 
**  20th  Century-Fox  Film  Corp.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 



which  softened  the  film  base  slightly,  could  be  used  to  paint  out 
splices  by  applying  it  with  a  small  brush  to  the  celluloid  side  of  the 
film  in  the  manner  shown  in  Fig.  1.  This  method,  which  was  de- 
scribed in  the  Fox-Case  Corporation's  Movietone  Bulletin  of  January, 
1928,  is  still  in  use  today,  although  its  execution  in  some  of  the  com- 
mercial laboratories  leaves  much  to  be  desired.  Fig.  2  shows  clearly 
the  defects  of  such  a  method — more  noise  is  frequently  introduced  by 

FIG.  2.     Good  and  poor  commercial  paint-outs. 

FIG.    3.     Punch-out  and  resulting  print- through. 

poor  painting-out  than  would  occur  with  an  unpainted  splice.  Vari- 
ous opaquing  materials,  and  all  sorts  of  stencils,  rollers,  stamps,  and 
other  means  for  applying  such  materials  have  been  tried  from  time  to 
time,  but  none  has  worked  practically,  largely  due  to  uneven  covering, 
or  running- under  effects. 

In  the  early  part  of  1928  (U.  S.  Patent  No.  1,785,215)  a  method  of 
handling  negative  sound  splices  was  devised  which  consisted  in  punch- 
ing out  a  triangularly  shaped  portion  of  the  sound-track  at  the  splice 



[J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

(Fig.  3) .  When  the  negative  was  printed  the  punch-out  would  allow 
sufficient  exposure  of  the  print  to  form  a  black  image,  of  such  shape  as 
to  eliminate  noise  when  the  film  was  reproduced.  This  method  has 
proved  very  practicable  and  is  still  in  regular  use 
today  although  the  dimensions  of  the  hole  vary 
somewhat,  as  shown  in  Fig.  3.  The  hole  in  the 
negative  represents  a  narrow-based  triangular 
punch;  .the  print  was  made  from  one  having  a 
longer  base.  A  typical  tool  for  making  the 
punch-outs  is  shown  in  Fig.  4,  and  consists  of  a 
punch  and  die  arrangement  mounted  in  a  con- 
venient manner  for  hand  operation. 

In  addition  to  the  variations  in  the  dimensions 
of  the  triangular  hole  (Fig.  5),  several  other 
shapes  of  holes  are  in  use  at  the  present  time 
(Fig.  6),  all  affording  fairly  satisfactory  results 
when  the  tools  are  perfectly  sharp  and  in  good 
adjustment  so  as  to  punch  cut-outs  free  from 
ragged  edges.  This  method  of  punching  out  splices  has  the  dis- 
advantage of  weakening  the  film  and  making  it  susceptible  to  tearing 
or  breaking  in  the  printers.  Also,  as  a  result  of  extending  the  fre- 
quency range  of  the  reproducers,  the  length  of  the  blooped  section 
is  not  sufficient  to  suppress  the  noise  entirely  unless  it  is  used  in  con- 
junction with  some  sort  of  cut-off  in  the  low-frequency  range. 

Another  method  of  handling  negative  when  only  sound-track  is  in- 

FIG.  5.     Dimensions  of  punch-outs. 

volved  is  to  use  a  modified  splicer  that  makes  a  patch  at  an  appreciable 
angle  to  the  direction  of  film  travel  (Fig.  7) .  Obviously,  the  length  of 
the  oblique  section  in  the  sample  shown  at  the  right  of  Fig.  7  is  not 

Feb.,  1936] 



sufficient  to  be  of  any  great  practical  value.  In  the  case  of  a  film  hav- 
ing both  sound  and  picture,  a  special  patch,  shown  at  the  left,  has  been 
tried,  which  runs  across  the  film  between  the  picture  frames,  then 
travels  obliquely  across  the  sound-track,  and  again  perpendicularly 
to  the  edge  of  the  film  at  the  sprocket  holes.  Such  a  patch  requires 
a  special  splicer,  is  difficult  to  make  properly,  and  hence  is  not  en- 
tirely practicable. 
Another  method  of  treating  splices  wg,s  worked  out  several  years 

FIG.  6.     Three  print-through  shapes. 

FIG.  7.     Angle  splices. 

ago,  the  general  arrangement  of  which  is  shown  in  Fig.  8.  A  special 
gate  was  provided  containing  a  small  lamp  behind  an  aperture  so 
positioned  that  when  the  light  was  flashed  on,  the  positive  stock 
would  be  exposed,  through  the  celluloid,  over  the  sound-track  area. 
The  sound  negative  was  notched  near  the  splice,  this  notch  operating 
a  contact  switch  that  lighted  the  small  lamp  behind  the  special  printer 
gate,  as  well  as  serving  to  control  the  exposure  in  the  sound  printing 
aperture.  This  type  of  device  produced  a  variable-density  mask  such 



[J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

FIG.  8.     Patch-flashing  gate. 

as  is  shown  in  Fig.  9.  The  masking  could  be  controlled  both  as  to 
position  and  density  as  well  as  length  of  exposure,  by  properly  choos- 
ing the  location  and  the  length  of  the  control  notch.  The  procedure, 
of  course,  solved  only  the  problem  of  handling  negative  patches. 
Later,  as  a  result  of  the  practice  of  re-recording  practically  all  original 
sound  into  a  final  negative  free  from  patches,  the  method  was  aban- 

A  very  satisfactory  way  of  blocking  out  positive  patches  was  de- 
veloped and  described  by  Crabtree  and  Ives, l  utilizing  a  special  form 
of  opaque  patch,  shown  at  the  top  of  Fig.  10,  which  could  be  cemented 
over  a  film  splice  by  means  of  the  special  registering  clamp  block 

FIG.  9.     Variable-density  mask  produced  by  patch-flash- 
ing gate. 

Feb.,  1936] 



shown.  Crabtree  and  Ives  thoroughly  investigated  the  require- 
ments and  design  of  the  blooping  patch  and  recommended  a  patch 
about  one  inch  in  length,  shaped  as  shown.  Such  a  patch  was  found 
to  be  practically  inaudible  above  25  cycles.  The  main  disadvantage 
of  the  method  is  the  time  required  to  apply  the  patches. 

Recently,  with  the  availability  of  opaque  cellophane  adhesives,  it 
was  decided  to  try  to  find  a  way  to  use  this  material  in  some  form  of 
punch  and  die  machine.  The  problem  was  discussed  with  T.  J. 
Walsh  of  the  National  Cine*  Laboratories,  New  York,  N.  Y.,  who  had 

FIG.  10.     (Upper)  Patch  with  and  without  finger  tab.     (Lower)  Regi- 
stration block,  showing  film  and  patch  in  position  on  pins. 

also  been  considering  the  problem,  and  who  built  the  model  machine 
shown  in  Fig.  11.  The  machine  is  operated  by  means  of  a  hand  lever 
which,  upon  being  depressed,  feeds  a  section  of  the  adhesive  material 
into  position,  cuts  the  patch  by  means  of  a  very  accurate  punch  and 
die,  and  finally  presses  the  cut-out  portion  directly  into  intimate  con- 
tact with  the  spliced  film,  which  has  been  inserted  and  registered  in 
position  at  the  base  of  the  machine.  The  opaque  adhesive  material 
is  carried  upon  a  perforated  paper  support  in  such  a  manner  that  the 
adhesive  tape  is  left  free  to  be  cut  out  by  the  punch  (Fig.  12),  the  per- 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

FIG.  11.     Machine  for  utilizing  opaque  cellophane  adhesive. 

forated  paper  preventing  successive  layers  of  the  tape  from  stick- 
ing, and  providing  an  accurate  feeding  method.  The  resultant  block- 
ing-out patch  adheres  firmly  to  the  film  (Fig.  13)  and,  when  a  sharp 
punch  is  used,  has  smooth,  clean  edges.  The  hardened  punch  and  die 
should  maintain  their  cutting  edges,  since  the  material  to  be  cut  is 
thin  cellophane  or  cellulose  acetate.  It  was  found  that  a  patch  about 
1.125  inches  long  and  3  mils  in  thickness  affords  most  satisfactory 

FIG.  12. 

Paper  support  used  in  new 

Feb.,  H»M<;| 



FIG.  13.     Sample  of  cello- 
phane patch. 

results,  and  seems  to  eliminate  splice  noises  of  frequency  higher  than 
20  cps. 

Tests  made  in  both  the  East  and  the  West  Coast  Fox  studios  indi- 
cate that  the  device  will  prove  practicable 
and  comparatively  fast  in  operation.  Plans 
are  being  made  to  produce  the  machine  in 
quantities  and  to  make  it  available  to  the 


1  CRABTREE,  J.  I.,  AND  IVES,  C.  E.:  "A  New 
Method  of  Blocking  Out  Splices  in  Sound-Film," 
J.  Soc.  Mot.  Pict.  Eng.,  XIV  (March,  1930),  No.  3. 
p.  349. 


MR.  CRABTREE:  Is  the  patch  cemented  with  a 
regulation  cement,  or  with  an  adhesive  such  as  is 
used  on  surgical  plaster? 

MR.  SPONABLE  :  An  adhesive  tape  fairly  new  on  the  market,  under  the  name  of 
Scotch  Tissue,  uses  a  special  cement,  the  composition  of  which  the  manufacturer 
.  does  not  care  to  disclose.  The  tape  is  very  adhesive,  and  is  quite  satisfactory  for 
re-recordings.  It  is  possible  to  strip  the  patch  off  with  a  knife,  even  after  it  has 
set  for  a  considerable  time.  The  cement  and  the  opaque  material  are  all  self- 
contained  in  the  carrier  roll  mounted  upon  the  machine.  The  thickness  of  the 
patch  is  about  3  mils. 

MR.  STROCK:  In  the  flashing  arrangement,  do  you  rely  upon  the  speed  of  the 
film  and  the  resistance  of  the  lamp  to  provide  the  gradation? 

MR.  SPONABLE:     Yes. 

MR.  LESHING:  Flashing  in  the  printer  would  seem  quite  satisfactory  if  the 
possibility  of  broken  splices  were  eliminated ;  but  the  moment  the  splice  breaks, 
due  to  the  fact  that  the  flashing  mechanism  is  actuated  by  the  notch  at  the  splice, 
the  point  of  the  flash  is  changed  automatically,  perhaps  to  the  extent  of  one  per- 
foration hole,  or  two,  or  three.  For  that  reason  I  believe  that  an  adhesive  ma- 
terial such  as  the  Scotch  Tissue,  which  can  be  applied  easily,  is  superior  from  a 
practical  standpoint  to  flashing  by  the  notch.  The  new  tissue  is  being  applied  as 
splicing  material  to  keep  the  film  patches  from  separating  during  processing. 

MR.  SPONABLE:  Mr.  Leshing's  criticism  of  the  flashing  printer  probably  has 
some  justification.  We  felt  that  with  properly  made  patches,  the  chances  of 
breaking  would  be  small.  Even  though  a  break  did  occur,  the  flashed  patch  was 
wide  enough  to  cover  at  least  one  splicing. 

MR.  SMITH:  Are  the  patches  used  on  release  prints  for  theaters,  or  only  in  the 
studio  at  the  present  time? 

MR.  SPONABLE:  At  the  present  time  our  principal  interest  in  building  the 
machine  was  for  use  in  studio  re-recording.  Undoubtedly  it  could  be  very  useful 
in  the  film  exchanges.  Incidentally,  the  main  precaution  to  be  taken  in  using  the 
machine  is  not  to  press  the  lever  down  when  there  is  no  film  in  it:  the  patch  will 

144  E.  I.  SPONABLE 

be  stuck  upon  the  aperture  plate  and  will  have  to  be  cleaned  off  before  the  ma- 
chine can  be  used  again. 

MR.  SMITH:  In  many  prints  from  exchanges,  especially  second-runs,  the 
patches  are  very  bad:  they  are  inaccurate,  and  cause  a  distinct  splice  click.  In 
the  theater  there  is  no  means  of  getting  rid  of  the  click  except  by  lacquering,  and  in 
many  cases  the  projectionist  has  not  the  time  to  lacquer  so  many  patches.  If  the 
exchanges  would  use  something  of  this  kind,  it  would  be  a  great  assistance. 

MR.  SPONABLE:    I  believe  it  would  be  satisfactory  for  that  purpose. 

MR.  CRABTREE:  I  wish  to  congratulate  Mr.  Sponable  on  revealing  this 
mechanism,  with  the  thought  that  probably  every  one  here  has  some  equally 
valuable  gadget  which  could  be  described  for  the  benefit  of  the  members. 


E.  C.  WENTE** 

Summary. — The  acoustic  characteristics  of  a  room  can  in  great  part  be  evaluated 
from  a  knowledge  of  the  rate  with  which  sound  in  the  room  dies  down  when  emission 
from  the  source  ceases.  The  physical  principles  underlying  the  relationship  are 
briefly  discussed.  It  is  shown  by  specific  examples  that  we  can  obtain  valuable  ad- 
ditional information  about  acoustics  of  a  room  by  recording  the  sound  level  at  one  or 
more  points  in  the  room  when  the  frequency  of  the  sound  is  continuously  varied. 

The  function  of  a  motion  picture  sound  system  is  to  transmit  an 
acoustic  facsimile  of  sound  generated  in  a  studio  to  an  audience  in  a 
theater.  This  transmission  occurs  over  a  series  of  acoustical,  mechani- 
cal, optical,  and  electrical  paths,  distortion  along  any  one  of  which 
will  impair  the  quality  of  the  received  sound.  The  distortion  along 
any  part  of  the  route,  except  those  from  the  source  to  the  microphone 
and  from  the  loud  speaker  to  the  listener,  can  be  determined  from  a 
measurement  of  the  transmission  efficiency  at  a  number  of  discrete 
frequencies  distributed  throughout  the  audio-frequency  range. 
Transmission  along  the  acoustic  paths  is  of  such  a  totally  different 
character  that  here  a  measurement  of  such  type  is  of  no  practical 
value.  For  the  proper  adjustment  of  the  acoustical  paths  reliance 
has  been  placed  principally  upon  aural  judgments.  We  can  tell 
something  about  the  character  of  sound  transmission  within  a  room 
if  we  know  its  reverberation  time,f  or,  what  is  equivalent,  the  rate 
of  decay  of  the  transient  tone  when  a  steady  tone  is  interrupted  at  the 
source.  But  whatever  the  reverberation  time  may  be,  the  quality 
and  level  of  the  sound  at  different  parts  of  a  room  may  vary  between 
quite  wide  limits.  The  determination  of  the  acoustics  of  a  room 
by  measurement  of  the  reverberation  time  is  analogous  to  the  deter- 
mination of  the  characteristics  of  an  electrical  transmission  line  by 

*  Presented  at  the  Spring,  1935,  Meeting  at  Hollywood,  Calif. ;   re-presented 
at  the  Fall,  1935,  Meeting  at  Washington,  D.  C. 

**  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories,  Inc.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

f  This  is  the  time  required  for  the  average  sound  energy  initially  in  a  steady 
state  to  decrease  to  one-millionth  of  its  initial  value. 



E.  C.  WENTE 

[J.  S.  M.P.  E. 

measurement  of  the  transient  current  at  the  receiving  end  when  a 
voltage  is  interrupted  at  the  sending  end,  a  method  sometimes  used 
before  convenient  electrical  audio -frequency  oscillators  became  avail- 
able, but  which  is  not  nearly  so  satisfactory  as  a  measurement  of  the 
transmission  vs.  frequency  characteristic. 

Transmission  of  signals  over  an  ordinary  electrical  line  differs  from 
the  transmission  of  sound  between  points  in  a  room  in  two  important 
respects:  the  transients  are  of  much  longer  duration  and,  because 
of  the  fact  that  the  air  in  a  room  is  capable  of  oscillating  at  an  ex- 
ceedingly large  number  of  different  resonant  modes  within  the  audio- 
frequency range,  the  transient  oscillations  have  practically  the  same 
frequency  as  the  steady-state  tone.  It  is  for  these  reasons  that  mea- 
surements of  transient  oscillations  have,  on  the  whole,  been  of  more 
practical  value  in  the  study  of  the  acoustics  of  rooms  than  in  the  study 

rv>  *  01 

O  0  O  0 






^^—  -v> 



62.5   250  500   1000    2000  4000       6000    8000   9500 


FIG.   1.     Recorded  frequency  characteristic  of  sound  transmission  in  a  room 
when  the  frequency  is  varied  rapidly. 

of  the  characteristics  of  electrical  systems.  Since  data  on  transient 
oscillations  have  only  a  limited  value  even  in  the  case  of  sound  in 
rooms,  while  a  measurement  of  the  transmission  vs.  frequency  char- 
acteristic has  been  found  to  be  a  convenient  and  accurate  method  of 
evaluating  the  practical  performance  of  an  electrical  system,  it  is 
worth  while  to  investigate  the  possibilities  of  determining  the  char- 
acter of  sound  transmission  between  points  in  a  room  by  a  more 
direct  method. 

A  few  measurements  will  convince  any  one  that,  in  general,  no 
useful  information  can  be  obtained  from  measurement  of  the  trans- 
mission at  a  number  of  discrete  frequencies,  for  the  values  will  be 
found  to  vary  by  many  decibels  with  only  a  slight  shift  in  the  fre- 
quency. More  practical  results  are  obtained  if  the  instantaneous 
pressure  levels  are  recorded  while  the  frequency  of  the  source  is  varied 
continuously.  The  high-speed  level  recorder,  previously  described, 
is  particularly  suitable  for  making  such  records.  The  method  of 

Feb.,  1936] 



procedure  in  these  measurements  is  to  generate  at  one  point  in  a  room 
a  tone  of  constant  strength,  but  varying  continuously  in  frequency, 
and  record  at  a  second  point  the  sound  pressure  level  by  means  of  a 
microphone  and  the  level  recorder.  When  the  recorder  is  set  to 
operate  at  low  speed,  the  readings  represent  the  levels  of  the  power 
averaged  over  a  relatively  long  time-interval.  If,  then,  the  frequency 
is  changed  rather  rapidly  during  the  recording,  the  readings  will 
represent  levels  of  power  averaged  over  a  relatively  wide  frequency- 




930          940          950          960          970 


990         1000 

FIG.  2.  Recorded  frequency  characteristic  of  sound  transmission  in 
a  room  when  the  frequency  is  varied  slowly:  (A)  live  room;  (B) 
damped  room. 

interval.  Fig.  1  shows  a  transmission  curve  obtained  between  two 
points  in  a  room  under  these  conditions.  The  frequency  was  varied 
at  a  rate  such  as  to  cover  the  whole  designated  range  in  about  l1/^ 
minutes.  A  transmission  characteristic  of  this  type  will  show  whether 
speech  or  music  transmitted  between  the  two  points  will  have  the 
proper  balance  between  the  high-  and  the  low-frequency  components. 
If  the  high  frequencies  predominate,  the  sound  will  be  characterized 
by  shrillness;  and  if  the  low  frequencies  overbalance,  the  sound  will 
have  a  muffled  quality.  Other  quality  characteristics  are  indicated 
when  there  is  a  rise  or  a  depression  in  the  transmission  curve  at 


E.  C.  WENTE 

[J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

intermediate  frequencies.  Similarly,  measurements  in  the  studio 
can  show  something  about  the  character  of  sound  reproduction  that 
would  result  from  various  placements  of  the  pick-up  microphone. 

The  transmission  curve  obtained  in  the  manner  just  described  does 
not  tell  a  sufficiently  complete  story  to  enable  us  to  say  whether  the 
transmission  between  the  sending  and  receiving  points  for  speech  or 


2.06  1.38 



















200  250  300  350 


FIG.  3.  Relation  between  irregularity  of  transmission  vs.  frequency 
characteristic  and  reverberation  time;  capacity  of  room,  10,000  cubic 

music  will  be  the  best  possible,  or  even  satisfactory.  As  far  as  we 
can  tell  from  these  curves,  the  room  might  be  entirely  too  dead 
acoustically  for  music,  or  so  live  that  received  speech  would  be 
quite  unintelligible.  Nevertheless,  if  records  taken  in  this  manner 
show  an  improper  balance,  we  are  safe  in  concluding  that  transmission 
over  the  measured  path  will  not  be  satisfactory. 

Now  let  the  operating  speed  of  the  recorder  be  set  to  a  high  value 
and  the  frequency  be  varied  slowly  while  the  positions  of  the  micro- 
phone and  the  loud  speaker  and  other  conditions  are  kept  unchanged. 

Feb.,  1936] 



Under  these  conditions  the  recorder  will  indicate  levels  of  sound  pres- 
sure averaged  over  a  small  frequency-interval.  A  portion  of  a  curve 
so  obtained  is  shown  in  the  upper  part  of  Fig.  2.  The  frequency  range 
here  given  is  only  100  cycles,  extending  from  900  to  1000  cps.  Al- 
though the  total  change  in  frequency  is  only  10  per  cent,  we  find  that 
the  curve  has  innumerable  peaks  and  valleys  and  that  the  transmis- 
sion varies  through  a  range  of  at  least  40  decibels.  If,  upon  measure- 
ment, we  should  find  any  part  of  an  electrical  communication  channel 


900  910  920  930          940  950          960  970  980  990         1000 


FIG.  4.     Transmission  vs.  frequency  characteristics  to  live  and  to  dead 
parts  of  a  room. 

to  have  a  characteristic  as  irregular  as  this  one,  we  should  probably 
conclude  that  the  system  would  be  incapable  of  transmitting  speech 
intelligibly.  As  a  matter  of  fact  we  should  be  correct  in  our  conclu- 
sion, for  this  curve  was  taken  in  a  room  that  was  acoustically  so 
reverberant  that  it  was  almost  impossible  to  carry  on  a  conversation 
between  the  sending  and  the  receiving  points. 

Following  these  measurements  the  room  was  given  an  acoustic 
treatment  by  the  introduction  of  sound-absorbing  materials  such 
that  the  transmission  as  judged  by  aural  observation  was  practically 
ideal.  All  other  conditions  were  kept  the  same.  The  transmission 
characteristic  now  obtained  over  the  same  frequency  range  is  shown 

150  E.  C.  WENTE  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

in  the  lower  part  of  Fig.  2.  It  will  be  noted  that  there  are  relatively 
few  large  dips  and  that  the  number  and  extent  of  the  small  irregulari- 
ties are  greatly  reduced.  The  change  in  the  reverberant  quality  of 
the  room  is  thus  seen  to  be  easily  observable  from  the  change  in  the 
character  of  these  transmission  curves.  This  change  in  character 
can  be  measured  and  related  to  the  reverberant  quality  of  the  room, 
or,  more  accurately,  to  the  reverberant  quality  of  the  sound  trans- 
mission between  any  two  points  within  the  room.  One  method  of 
evaluating  the  degree  of  irregularity  of  the  curve  in  a  given  frequency- 
interval  is  to  take  the  sum  of  the  pressures  of  all  the  minimum  points 
and  subtract  the  result  from  the  sum  of  the  pressures  of  all  the 
maximum  points.  In  Fig.  3,  values  so  obtained  for  a  100-cycle  band- 
width are  plotted  against  the  reverberation  time  of  the  room.  The 
observed  points  are  seen  to  lie  well  along  a  smooth  curve. 

We  might  well  ask,  if  there  is  such  a  close  correlation  between 
reverberation  time  and  the  degree  of  irregularity  in  the  transmission 
curves,  why  not  simply  measure  the  reverberation  time,  which  can  be 
accomplished  within  a  few  minutes  by  means  of  the  high-speed  level 
recorder.  The  values  plotted  in  Fig.  3  were  obtained  in  a  room  in 
which  the  sound  was  fairly  uniformly  distributed,  and  both  loud 
speaker  and  microphone  were  as  far  removed  as  possible  from  the 
neighborhood  of  absorbing  surfaces.  The  reverberation  time  when 
measured  at  various  points  in  a  room  will  have  about  the  same  value, 
for  it  is  determined  primarily  by  the  rate  of  decay  of  the  sound  density 
averaged  throughout  the  whole  room;  but  the  degree  of  irregularity 
of  the  transmission  to  different  points  in  the  room  can  vary  mark- 
edly, as  it  depends  upon  the  configuration  of  the  room  and  the  distri- 
bution of  the  sound-absorbing  surfaces.  The  difference  is  illustrated 
by  the  curves  of  Fig.  4,  which  were  obtained  with  two  different  micro- 
phone placements  in  the  same  room.  For  the  upper  curve  the  micro- 
phone was  located  in  a  part  of  the  room  where  most  of  the  surfaces 
were  acoustically  hard;  and  for  the  lower  curve,  in  a  part  of  the  room 
where  the  absorption  was  relatively  high.  Measurements  of  the 
reverberation  times  at  the  two  points  would  yield  the  same  value 
although  the  forms  of  the  decay  curves,  which  could  be  determined 
with  a  high-speed  level  recorder,  might  show  characteristic  differences. 

The  reverberation  time  of  a  room  is  independent  of  the  directional 
characteristic  of  the  loud  speaker  used  as  the  source  of  sound.  The 
character  of  the  sound  received  from  a  loud  speaker  in  an  auditorium 
does,  however,  depend  upon  its  directivity.  By  measurement  of 

Feb.,  1936] 



the  degree  of  irregularity  in  the  transmission  curve,  with  a  particular 
loud  speaker  set  in  a  particular  way,  a  much  better  idea  is  obtained 
of  the  reverberant  quality  of  the  sound  that  is  received  when  the  loud 
speaker  is  used  under  the  same  conditions  for  the  reproduction  of 
speech  or  music.  Similarly,  with  the  recorder  set  to  operate  at  slow 
speed,  curves  taken  at  various  parts  of  the  room  with  a  particular 
speaker  set-up  will  show  the  levels  and  the  degree  of  balance  between 
the  high  and  the  low  frequencies  of  speech  or  music  received  at  vari- 
ous parts  in  an  auditorium. 

Various  other  acoustic  effects  may  be  determined  from  transmission 




I5OO     2000  3000  4000  5000 


FIG.  5.     Transmission  vs.  frequency  characteristic  between  points  in  a 
room  when  a  reflecting  surface  is  placed  near  the  microphone. 

curves.  When  a  microphone  is  placed  near  a  reflecting  surface  there 
will  be  noticeable  interference  between  the  direct  and  the  reflected 
sound,  which  may  give  to  the  reproduced  sound  a  muffled  quality. 
The  lower  curve  of  Fig.  5  is  a  transmission  curve  taken  at  a  slow  re- 
corder speed  when  a  reflecting  surface  was  placed  near  the  microphone. 
The  difference  in  path  between  the  direct  and  the  reflected  sound  was 
about  15  inches.  The  upper  curve  was  obtained  under  similar 
conditions,  but  without  the  reflector.  A  comparison  of  the  two  curves 
shows  that  the  reflector  produces  periodic  variations  in  the  trans- 
mission, which  must  have  a  noticeable  effect  upon  sound  quality. 

Although  the  curve  of  Fig.  2(B),  which  is  representative  of  a  room 
having  good  acoustic  characteristics,  is  relatively  smooth  when  com- 


E.  C.  WENTE 

u:s.  M.  p.  E. 

pared  with  that  of  Fig.  2(A),  the  transmission  characteristic  is  much 
more  irregular  than  that  of  most  electrical  communication  channels. 
The  fact  that  speaking  conditions  are  good  in  spite  of  these  irregulari- 
ties is  to  be  explained  partly  by  the  nature  of  speech,  which  is  never 


?  50 

0  40 


>  20 





















780  790  800  810  820          830  8- 


FIG.  6.  Transmission  vs.  frequency  characteristics  under  various  re- 
ceiving conditions:  (.4)  single  microphone;  (B)  six  microphones  con- 
nected in  parallel;  (C)  six  microphones,  each  provided  with  rectifier; 
output  circuits  of  rectifiers  connected  in  series. 

sustained  sufficiently  long  to  set  up  a  steady-state  sound  field, 
and  partly  by  a  phenomenon  in  binaural  hearing.  Because  of  the 
spatial  separation  of  our  ears,  the  sound  pressures  at  the  two  ears  will, 
in  general,  be  different  both  in  magnitude  and  in  phase.  If  trans- 
mission measurements  are  made  with  two  microphones  at  the  receiv- 
ing end  connected  in  series  and  separated  by  the  same  distance  as 

Feb.,  19.WI  MEASUREMENT  OF  ROOM  ACOUSTICS  1  .").*> 

our  ears,  we  shall  find  that  the  transmission  vs.  frequency  relation 
is  as  irregular  in  character  as  it  is  when  the  measurements  are  made 
with  a  single  microphone,  because  the  resultant  voltage  is  propor- 
tional to  the  vector  sum  of  the  pressures  at  the  two  microphones.  It 
is  an  experimental  fact,  however,  that  the  loudness  sensation  is  in- 
dependent of  the  phase  relation  between  the  pressures  at  the  two 
ears.  If,  for  instance,  the  two  ears  are  stimulated  by  sound  pressures 
of  the  same  frequency,  the  loudness  is  the  same  when  they  are  in 
opposite  phase  as  when  they  are  in  phase.  We  can,  therefore,  more 
nearly  simulate  binaural  reception  in  the  transmission  measurements 
by  using  two  microphones,  each  provided  with  a  rectifier,  the  output 
circuits  of  which  are  connected  in  series  to  the  level  recorder;  for 
in  this  case  the  resultant  voltage  will  be  practically  independent  of 
the  phase  relation  of  the  pressures  at  the  two  microphones.  The 
contrast  between  binaural  and  monaural  reception  is  accentuated 
if  the  measurements  are  made  with  a  greater  number  of  microphones. 
The  upper  curve  of  Fig.  6  shows  the  transmission  characteristic  ob- 
tained when  a  single  microphone  is  used  at  the  receiving  end.  The 
middle  curve  was  obtained  when  the  single  microphone  was  replaced 
by  six  microphones  connected  in  parallel.  The  irregularities  in  the 
transmission  characteristics  are  seen  to  be  of  the  same  order  of  mag- 
nitude in  the  two  cases.  The  lower  curve  was  obtained  when  each 
of  the  six  microphones  was  provided  with  a  rectifier  and  the  output 
circuits  of  the  rectifiers  connected  in  series  to  the  level  recorder. 
This  curve  is  obviously  smoother  than  either  of  the  other  two,  from 
which  we  conclude  that  in  going  from  monaural  to  binaural  listening 
in  a  room,  the  effect  is  similar  to  that  produced  by  a  reduction  in  the 
reverberation  time  of  the  room.  However,  comparison  between  Figs. 
2(B)  and  6(C)  shows  that  the  reduction  in  the  irregularities  obtained 
by  increased  absorption  and  by  multiple  microphones  with  rectifiers 
is  not  exactly  of  the  same  character :  in  one  case  the  rate  of  decay  of 
sound  in  the  room  is  altered  and  in  the  other  it  is  not.  It  is  well 
known  that  when  sound  is  reproduced  by  microphone  and  loud 
speaker,  the  reproduced  sound  has  a  more  reverberant  quality  than 
when  perceived  directly  by  binaural  listening  in  the  source  room. 
To  reduce  this  quality  it  has  been  common  and  good  practice  to  in- 
crease the  damping  of  the  source  room  beyond  the  optimal  for  direct 
listening.  It  is,  however,  not  possible  by  this  expedient  to  get  ob- 
jectively quite  the  same  change  in  the  reverberant  quality  as  is 
achieved  subjectively  by  binaural  hearing. 


C.  C.  AIKEN** 

Summary. — -An  outline  of  the  problems  encountered  in  theaters  following  the  in- 
stallation of  sound  equipment,  and  the  determination  of  standards  of  performance. 
The  methods  and  value  of  gathering  experimental  data  on  the  operation  of  equipment 
in  the  field,  both  for  servicing  and  laboratory  practice,  are  discussed,  as  well  as  the 
effects  of  variations  in  recording  and  in  the  tastes  of  the  public,  both  from  the  exhibit- 
ors' and  the  public's  point  of  view,  and  the  effect  of  intelligent  servicing  upon  the  box- 

After  sound  motion  picture  reproducing  equipment  is  installed 
in  a  theater,  the  following  problems  are  faced : 

(1)  Maintaining  high-quality  reproduction. 

(2)  Avoiding  faulty  operation  and  failures. 

(3)  Adjusting  to  changing  recordings. 

(4)  Adjusting  to  changing  standards. 

(5)  Modernizing  when  feasible. 

(6)  Gaining  experience  leading  to  further  improvement. 

The  maintenance  of  high-quality  reproduction  depends  largely  upon 
the  same  factors  that  are  involved  in  design : 

(a)   The  beam  from  the  exciter  lamp  must  be  uniform,  steady  in  intensity,  of 

the  proper  size,  and  vibrationless. 

(&)    The  movement  of  the  film  must  be  free  from  variation  in  linear  speed, 
weaving,  or  fluttering. 

(c)  The  electrical  system  must  be  free  from  extraneous  noise  or  distortion, 

and  must  have  sufficient  amplification  and  a  proper  frequency  response 

( d)  The  conversion  from  electrical  impulses  to  sound  waves  must  be  without 

extraneous  noise  or  distortion. 

(e)  The  sound  waves  must  be  directed  so  as  to  provide  uniform  results 

throughout  the  auditorium,  without  allowing  the  room  itself  to  intro- 
duce objectionable  factors. 

The  standards  of  performance  and  the  methods  of  measuring  items 
(a)  to  (d)  are  determined  in  the  laboratory  in  connection  with  the 
design.  By  extremely  close  contact  between  the  field  and  the  labora- 

*  Presented  at  the  Spring,  1935,  Meeting  at  Hollywood,  Calif. 
**  RCA  Manufacturing  Co.,  Camden,  N.  J. 



tory  groups,  the  initial  standards  and  methods  and  the  subsequent 
changes  are  made  known  and  put  into  operation  in  the  field. 

The  final  criterion  of  quality  is  the  human  ear ;  but  among  various 
persons  the  response  of  the  ear  varies  enormously.  Audiometer 
tests  show  a  variation  of  as  much  as  40  db.  among  individuals.  For 
a  given  person,  the  ear  responds  differently  from  hour  to  hour.  To 
avoid  having  such  variation  introduce  inconsistencies,  the  standards 
set  up  in  the  laboratory,  in  so  far  as  possible,  are  expressed  in  terms 
of  objective  measurements  rather  than  subjective  sensations. 

In  many  cases,  the  objective  laboratory  methods  have  been  found 
to  be  directly  applicable  to  field  use,  providing  accurate,  stable  stand- 
ards for  the  maintenance  of  high-quality  reproduction.  In  cases 
when  the  ear  must  be  relied  upon  without  the  aid  of  objective  mea- 
surements, it  is  necessary  to  devise  special  tests  by  means  of  which 
defects  in  reproduction  are  caused  to  be  accentuated  so  that  the 
trained  ear  can  readily  detect  them  regardless  of  the  listener's  state 
of  fatigue.  In  this  respect  it  is  important  that  the  field  engineer 
develop  an  acute  sense  of  hearing  by  long  and  continuous  training. 
He  must  have  an  excellent  standard  of  comparison  and  must  have 
had  long  experience  listening  to  reproduction  under  many  conditions 
if  he  is  to  be  able  to  diagnose  equipment  accurately  to  determine 
whether  it  is  in  the  best  of  condition  or  not. 

The  field  practice  to  be  followed  in  correcting  faulty  functioning  and 
failures  is  determined  by  experience.  The  proper  procedure  is  the 
one  that  works  best  by  actual  test.  Systematic  accumulation  of  ex- 
perience by  a  large  field  force  in  thousands  of  theaters  forms  the  best 
possible  basis  upon  which  to  lay  the  foundations  for  these  procedures. 
In  the  same  way  that  the  design  of  equipment  changes  from  year  to 
year  as  new  and  better  methods  are  developed,  field  procedures  go 
through  an  ever-improving  evolution. 

Closely  allied  with  the  application  of  field  experience  to  field  prac- 
tice is  the  application  of  field  experience  to  engineering  and  research. 
Theory  and  practice  are  prone  to  diverge  unless  theory  is  constantly 
checked  against  actual  results.  The  sound  motion  picture  art  can 
not  develop  at  the  speed  it  should  unless  it  takes  full  advantage  of 
its  experience.  By  watching  the  leaders  of  the  industry,  smaller 
companies  are  prevented  from  diverging  too  far  from  the  path  of 
sound  progress,  but  for  the  good  of  the  motion  picture  business  as  a 
whole,  the  larger  companies  may  not  neglect  to  follow  the  products 
of  their  development. 

156  C.  C.  AIKEN  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

The  recordings  of  some  producers  are  lacking  in  the  bass;  others 
over-emphasize  the  bass  notes  and  in  some  the  high-frequency  re- 
sponse is  so  garbled  as  to  make  it  necessary  to  reduce  the  highs.  As 
a  rule,  a  satisfactory  compromise  best  suited  for  the  product  being 
shown  at  the  time  can  be  found.  But  for  best  performance,  changes 
in  the  reproducer  characteristics  are  required  to  be  made  when  the 
majority  of  features  shown  in  a  theater  are  obtained  from  a  different 
producer  or  when  a  change  is  made  in  the  recording  characteristics. 

Fads  introduced  in  the  march  toward  perfect  reproduction  carry 
us  too  far,  first  in  one  direction  and  then  in  another.  At  one  time 
popular  opinion  required  crisp  speech  of  optimal  intelligibility;  and, 
at  another  time,  booming,  roaring,  low-frequency  response  was  de- 
manded. As  a  matter  of  good  business  policy  it  is  necessary  to  ad- 
just the  theater  equipment  in  accordance  with  the  prevailing  tastes, 
and  to  change  them  as  the  tastes  vary. 

In  spite  of,  or,  perhaps  because  of,  the  vicissitudes  of  the  show 
business,  progress  has  been  rapid.  New  tastes,  new  developments, 
new  requirements  have  made  obsolete  in  a  few  years  the  early  theater 
equipment  (and  should  have  made  obsolete  much  of  the  recording 
apparatus),  demanding  either  the  purchase  of  new  and  modern  equip- 
ment or  a  major  and  almost  equally  expensive  though  less  effective 
renovation  of  the  old  equipment.  As  improvements  become  avail- 
able, they  can,  and  should,  be  made  in  order  that  the  existing  installa- 
tions may  be  kept  as  modern  as  possible. 

So  far  the  problem  has  been  viewed  largely  from  the  standpoint  of 
the  technician.  Exhibitors  are  interested  in  the  problem  from  an 
entirely  different  standpoint :  that  of  dollars  and  cents.  Here  is  the 
problem  of  expressing  an  intangible  "quality  of  reproduction"  in 
terms  of  tangible  ' 'box-office  receipts."  The  many  variables,  e.  g., 
entertainment  value  of  pictures  shown,  general  business  conditions, 
amount  and  kind  of  advertising,  etc.,  make  a  quantitative  analysis 
impossible  or  inaccurate.  Certain  facts  can,  however,  be  established 
from  which  to  draw  conclusions,  and  by  checking  such  conclusions 
against  a  sufficiently  large  number  of  experiences,  determine  their 

Most  important  of  all  factors  to  the  exhibitor  is  the  maintenance  of 
high-quality  reproduction.  In  every  audience  there  is  an  increas- 
ingly large  percentage  of  music  lovers  and  critical  listeners.  Rarely 
do  they  analyze  the  sound  equipment  when  it  is  "off  color,"  but 
rather  do  they  say,  "I  did  not  enjoy  that  picture,"  or  "Her  voice  is 


not  so  good,"  blaming  the  actor  or  the  producer  and  discouraging 
their  friends  from  attending  the  theater.  This  reacts  to  the  detri- 
ment of  not  only  the  one  exhibitor,  but  slightly  "off  color"  sound  in 
neighboring  theaters  can  cause  a  general  degeneration  of  interest 
in  pictures  and  adversely  affect  the  attendance  at  all  theaters.  An 
exhibitor  should  pray,  "Let  my  competitor  have  obviously  poor  sound 
or  very  good  sound,  but  let  him  not  have  fairly  good  sound  which  will 
eliminate  the  thrill  of  a  glorious  voice." 

The  experience  of  many  exhibitors  has  proved  that  music  lovers 
and  critical  listeners  are  found  as  frequently  in  the  poorer  districts  as 
on  Broadway.  Experience  has  proved,  also,  that  a  decrease  of  at- 
tendance occurs  as  a  direct  result  of  imperfect  tonal  quality.  Critical 
listeners  and  music  lovers  are  the  first  to  lose  interest.  The  poorer 
the  quality  the  larger  is  the  number  of  patrons  affected.  Many 
patrons  will  have  lost  their  show-going  habit  before  noticeable  dis- 
satisfaction becomes  evident. 

We  have  already  named  the  factors  that  enter  into  the  maintenance 
of  high-quality  reproduction.  Projectionists  have  risen  splendidly 
to  the  difficult  job  of  operating  and  caring  for  reproducer  apparatus 
so  as  to  minimize  the  possible  change  of  quality  between  service  calls. 
That  such  change  of  quality  does  occur  is  attested  by  the  fact  that  no 
manufacturer  of  sound  motion  picture  apparatus  has  long  existed  who 
did  not  set  up  and  maintain  a  policy  of  periodic  service.  From  the 
exhibitor's  point  of  view  the  bankruptcy  of  a  manufacturer  is  sad; 
but  the  exhibitor  is  much  more  concerned  with  the  fact  that  the  imme- 
diate cause  of  the  bankruptcy  lies  in  the  theater,  and  not  in  the  factory. 

Because  of  the  impossibility  of  expressing  the  subjective  quality  of 
sound  in  per  cent,  the  discussion  thus  far  has  been  qualitative,  not 
quantitative.  Quantitative  study  can  be  made  by  comparing  the  cost 
of  routine  service  against  the  loss  in  box-office  receipts  occasioned  by 
impaired  quality  of  reproduction.  If  the  loss  in  box-office  receipts 
just  balances  the  investment  in  a  periodic  service  call,  the  result  of  the 
investment  is  increased  satisfaction,  security  from  interruption,  and 
peace  of  mind  for  the  exhibitor  for  no  net  change  in  his  finances.  If 
the  period  between  routine  calls  is  too  great,  the  decrease  in  box- 
office  revenue  exceeds  the  cost  of  additional  service,  and  the  reputa- 
tion and  net  profit  of  the  theater  will  suffer.  A  surprisingly  small 
percentage  increase  in  daily  attendance  is  required  to  balance  the 
cost  of  periodic  service. 

R.  WOLF** 

Summary. — The  principles  of  producing  "Visual  Accompaniments"  to  musical 
renditions  for  the  theater  are  briefly  described,  as  follows;  (1)  natural  scenes  for  por- 
traying the  "musical  mood"  of  the  musical  composition;  (2}  the  changing  and  blend- 
ing of  beautiful  paintings  to  interpret  the  mood,  known  as  the  Savage  Method;  and  (3) 
the  use  of  abstract  color  forms  as  a  means  of  interpretation.  The  technic  followed  in 
applying  the  two  latter  methods  is  described  in  detail. 

In  the  days  of  the  silent  motion  picture  it  was  customary  to  furnish 
background  music  as  an  accompaniment  to  the  picture.  In  the  larger 
theaters  using  orchestras,  it  developed  quite  naturally  that  the  or- 
chestra opened  the  performance  with  a  musical  composition  played 
with  the  house  fully  lighted  and  the  curtain  down ;  in  smaller  theaters 
very  frequently  only  a  piano  was  used  for  this  purpose. 

With  the  advent  of  sound  pictures,  however,  there  developed  a 
general  tendency  to  depend  upon  the  picture  and  its  accompanying 
sound  alone.  Spoken  dialog  became  all-important,  and  the  musical 
accompaniment  was  eliminated.  This  is  unfortunate,  because  music 
has  a  universal  appeal.  Occasionally,  attempts  have  been  made  to 
supply  this  lack  of  music  from  records  unaccompanied  by  visual  ac- 
tion, but  this  has  been  found  to  be  unsatisfactory  to  the  audience. 

Believing  that  good  music  has  a  place  in  the  motion  picture  theater 
program,  the  work  described  below  was  undertaken.  It  has  been 
designated  by  the  broad  title  of  "Visual  Accompaniment."  The 
favorable  audience  reception  to  the  results  of  this  work,  to  our  mind, 
has  justified  our  expectations.  This  accompaniment  is  somewhat 
abstract  in  its  nature  and  is  determined  by  the  music,  unlike  the  usual 
sound  picture  in  which  whatever  music  is  used  is  dictated  by  the  ac- 
tion. To  meet  the  needs  of  the  motion  picture  theater,  basically, 
this  means  the  creation  of  a  motion  picture  film  embodying  excellent 
sound  recording  of  a  suitable  musical  composition,  accompanied  upon 

*  Presented  at  a  Meeting  of  the  Atlantic  Coast  Section  at  New  York,  N.  Y., 
Jan.  9,  1935. 

**  Electrical  Research  Products,  Inc.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 


the  screen  by  a  visual  interpretation  in  mobile  color.  Visual  accom- 
paniment films,  as  described  in  this  paper,  can  be  used  advantage- 
ously by  any  properly  equipped  motion  picture  theater. 

The  interpretation  of  music  in  color  is  by  no  means  new.  Con- 
siderable work  in  this  field  has  been  done  from  time  to  time.  The 
first  comprehensive  treatment  of  this  subject  is  probably  contained 
in  a  book,  Experiments  Concerning  the  History  of  Harmony  in  Painting 
Generally  and  Color  Harmony  Specifically,  with  Comparisons  to  Music 
and  Many  Practical  References,  by  Johann  Leonard  Hoffman,  pub- 
lished in  Halle  in  1786.  In  1894,  Alexander  Wallace  Rimington  con- 
structed an  apparatus  for  color  accompaniment  to  music.  Other 
modern  investigators  of  this  subject  include  H.  Beau  and  Bertrand- 
Taillet,  Herman  Schroeder,  Hans  Bartolo  Brand,  Emil  Petschnig, 
Alexander  Skrjabin,  Alexander  Laszlo,  and  many  others.  Skrjabin 
designed  a  color  piano  and  wrote  special  compositions  for  this  instru- 
ment, of  which  his  Prometheus  was  performed  in  New  York  in  1916; 
be  it  said,  however,  with  little  public  success.  Even  now  there  is  in 
New  York  a  school  that  conducts  a  regular  course  in  the  relationship 
of  music  and  color.  Considerable  work  is  also  being  done  at  present 
with  color  organs,  with  which  an  individual  performer  gives  his  im- 
pressions in  color  of  suitable  musical  compositions. 

However,  all  these  efforts  are  concerned  primarily  with  the  com- 
bination and  interpretation  of  music  and  color  alone,  giving  little,  if 
any,  regard  to  form.  In  our  development  work  we  have  found  it  ad- 
visable to  pay  some  attention  to  form.  As  already  mentioned,  we 
begin  in  each  case  with  a  well  known  musical  selection,  recorded  with 
exceptionally  good  quality,  and  produce  upon  a  motion  picture  film 
a  visual  accompaniment  in  one  of  the  following  three  ways : 

(1)  Natural  scenes  are  used  to  portray  the  'musical  mood'  of  the  composition. 
For  example,  Mendelssohn's  Fingal's  Cave  is  interpreted  by  natural  scenes  of  sea 
and  rocky  shore,  depicting,  in  the  ever-changing  form  of  the  waves,  the  mood  of 
the  music.     The  photography,  of  course,  is  in  natural  color. 

(2)  Beautiful  paintings  constantly  changing  and  blending  are  used  to  interpret 
the  mood  of  the  music.     This  method,  conceived  by  the  eminent  painter  and 
sculptor,  Eugene  F.  Savage,  will,  in  this  paper,  be  referred  to  as  the  "Savage 
Method."     The  basis  of  this  treatment  is  to  create  motion  pictures  in  natural 
colors  from  miniature  stage  sets  which  are  correct,  not  only  from  the  standpoint 
of  composition  and  color,  but  also  as  works  of  high  artistic  merit.     The  body  of 
the  paper  is  devoted  to  discussing  this  method  in  detail. 

(3)  Abstract  color  forms  are  used  to  interpet  the  musical  composition.     This 
will  be  referred  to  as  the  "Abstract  Method,"  and  while  described,  will  not  be 
discussed  in  as  much  detail  as  the  "Savage  Method." 

160  R.  WOLF  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 


Pictures  made  by  the  method  described  under  (1)  have  been  re- 
leased commercially  under  the  title  of  Musical  Moods.  This  method 
is  the  most  conservative  of  the  three  to  be  described.  A  suitable 
nature  scene  is  photographed  in  natural  colors.  Considerable  extra 
footage  is  taken  and  the  final  picture  is  the  result  of  careful  cutting  as 
well  as  of  depicting  a  scene  appropriate  to  the  music. 


The  description  of  this  method  will  be  based  upon  the  visual  ac- 
companiment to  Schubert's  Unfinished  Symphony.  There  is  no 
authentic  record  of  the  composer's  visual  conception  of  this  work. 
Program  notations  by  eminent  musicians  and  critics  covering  many 
years  have  agreed  upon  some  symbolism,  however,  although  in  very 
general  terms. 

The  life  and  early  death  of  Franz  Schubert  come  to  mind  in  the 
Unfinished  Symphony  and  are  carried  through  the  visual  accompani- 

"At  the  opening  chords,  or  narrative,  we  are  led  into  a  gracious  and  beautiful 
world  of  mountain  heights  and  castles,  mirrored  in  the  depths  of  a  river,  which  is 
seen  beyond  a  sculptured  balustrade  and  varied  foliage.  With  the  romantic  love 
motif,  two  figures  appear,  seated  under  a  spreading  tree  by  the  water's  edge. 
The  warm  and  engaging  atmosphere  of  the  setting  gives  way  to  a  somber  tone, 
the  rapture  of  the  music  is  brusquely  interrupted,  a  sudden  storm  overwhelms  the 
scene.  As  it  clears,  the  man  stands  by  the  sea  gazing  at  the  heights  as  though 
challenged  by  them.  Two  muses  move  across  the  face  of  the  moon  above  him, 
encouraging  his  aspirations. 

"The  scene  changes  to  one  of  sheer  barren  heights.  He  has  given  all  and 
gained  the  heights,  but  is  stopped  by  a  trumpet  blast  sounding  his  mortal  and 
inexorable  doom.  A  storm  of  stressful  and  clamorous  music  whirls  about  him, 
lightning  threatens  him  from  above,  waves  reach  for  him  from  below,  until  a 
rainbow  appears  with  its  promise  of  respite. 

"The  scene  fades  to  a  pastoral  valley.  The  man  kneels  by  the  river;  his 
strength  is  spent.  The  muses  appear  again,  and  give  direction  to  his  destined  end. 
In  the  last  scene  he  is  prone,  overwhelmed  by  his  efforts  and  vanished  hopes.  He 
lies  upon  the  brink  of  a  chasm  into  which  the  river  is  falling.  The  ascending 
vapors  carry  his  last  aspirations  heavenward ;  the  muses  gather  over  him  in  the 
vapor,  and  with  the  brusque  chords  of  the  closing  music,  take  him  with  them  up- 
ward and  out  of  the  picture." 

The  music,  as  is  always  the  case,  is  first  recorded  and  carefully 
timed.  Significant  passages  are  noted  and  timed.  In  this  way,  a 
general  layout  sheet  is  compiled.  It  should  be  noted  here  that  no 

Feb.,  1936] 





attempt  is  made  at  close  synchronization  of  music  and  action.  How- 
ever, a  few  key  points  in  music  and  action  are  made  to  synchronize 
generally.  Fig.  1  shows  the  general  layout  sheet.  Finished  water 

color  sketches  of  the  important  scenes  are  then         


The  preliminary  work  having  thus  been  com- 
pleted, it  is  necessary  to  prepare  the  settings  for 
the  miniature  stage.  This  stage  is  shown  sche- 
matically in  Fig.  2.  A  set  of  planes  are  provided, 
lettered  A  to  F.  In  the  actual  stage,  these  planes 
are  oil  paintings  upon  acetate  sheeting.  Care 
must  be  taken  in  laying  out  these  paintings  from 
the  original  sketches  so  that  the  proper  perspec- 
tive, which  necessitates  changes  in  dimensions  as 
the  planes  progress  up-stage,  is  taken  into  con- 

Moving  clouds  and  scenes  are  painted  upon  long 
strips  of  acetate  sheeting  and  wound  upon  rollers. 
These  rollers  can  be  mounted  so  as  to  move  the 
painting  either  vertically  or  laterally.  Movement, 
as  well  as  its  acceleration  and  deceleration,  is  con- 
trolled by  mechanical  means.  The  fact  that  in 
some  cases  a  total  travel  of  the  scene  of  5  inches 
is  distributed  over  500  frames  of  film  gives  an  idea 
of  the  required  refinement  of  the  mechanical 

In  Act  I  a  sculptured  balustrade  also  is  moved 
across  the  stage,  frame  by  frame,  mechanically 
controlled  in  a  manner  similar  to  the  control  of 
the  rollers.  The  various  movements,  of  course, 
must  be  calculated  not  only  for  the  positions  of 
the  planes,  but  also  for  their  relative  speeds  with 
respect  to  each  other.  The  effect  desired  is  a 
changing  panoramic  view  as  an  observer  walks 
along  the  banks  of  a  river.  Various  effects,  such 
as  a  water  ripple  caused  by  an  unseen  fountain, 
are  obtained  with  especially  built  effect  machines,  also  operated 
frame  by  frame.  Some  of  the  figures  are  modelled  in  relief  upon  the 
acetate  sheets.  When  only  a  relatively  short  movement  of  an 
element  of  a  scene  is  desired,  the  element  is  painted  upon  an  acetate 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

sheet,  mounted  upon  a  "traveller,"  or  frame,  fastened  to  a  carriage 
suspended  from  an  overhead  rail.  "Universal"  frames  permit  lateral 
and  vertical  movements  to  be  made  either  separately  or  simultane- 
ously in  combination. 

The  main  lighting  units  consist  of  three-circuit — red,  blue,  and 
white — top  and  bottom  strips.  These  strips  are  equipped  with 
Holophane  diffusing  lenses  to  provide  substantially  even  illumina- 

20   Inches  30 

FIG.  2.     Dimensions  of  miniature  stage. 

tion  upon  each  plane.  The  units  are  so  designed  and  placed  that  the 
"spill"  between  planes  is  negligible.  Each  circuit  is  separately  con- 
trolled by  means  of  a  multi-point  rheostat,  affording  a  variation  of 
light  intensity  from  zero  to  full  in  increments  too  small  to  be  perceived 
by  the  eye  as  definite  steps.  In  addition  to  these  main  units,  sepa- 
rately controlled  spotlights,  both  white  and  colored,  are  used  when- 
ever necessary.  Each  light  circuit  is  designated  by  a  number. 

The  various  movements  upon  the  stage,  as  well  as  the  lights,  are 
manually  controlled.      A  regular  routine  for  the  sequence  of  these 

Feb.,  1936]  .     VISUAL  ACCOMPANIMENT  163 

movements  is  established.  The  average  time-interval  between 
exposures  during  which  all  movements,  light  settings,  and  exposures 
have  to  be  made,  is  12  seconds.  With  simple  action,  time-intervals 
of  three  seconds  between  exposures  are  not  uncommon. 

The  three-color  Technicolor  process  is  used  to  photograph  the  pic- 
ture. The  exposures  are  of  the  order  of  three  seconds  per  frame. 
Correct  exposure  is  determined  by  means  of  test-strips  of  the  actual 
scene  to  be  taken.  The  permissible  contrast  ratios  are  also  deter- 
mined by  means  of  these  test-strips. 

FIG.  3.     Arrangement  of  camera  and  tunnel  leading  to 
plane  A  of  stage. 

For  exposure  control,  an  electrical  timing  circuit  was  used  during 
the  early  part  of  the  work.  The  time  was  controlled  by  a  condenser 
discharge  circuit,  suitable  resistances  in  which  determined  the  desired 
time  periods.  This  circuit  was  arranged  to  work  over  a  range  of 
V*  second  to  6  seconds.  An  Ilex  shutter  was  placed  in  front  of  the 
lens  and  the  camera  was  equipped  with  a  single-frame  advancing  de- 
vice. Through  suitable  relays  operating  the  shutter  release  and  the 
camera-tripping  device,  the  exposure  and  advancement  of  the  film 
to  the  next  frame  became  automatic  when  one  control-button  was 
pressed.  This  control-button  was  located  at  the  stage,  and  its  op- 
eration formed  the  last  link  in  the  chain  of  operations  of  scene  move- 
ments between  exposures  for  each  frame. 

During  the  later  part  of  the  work,  the  electrical  timing  device  and 
Ilex  shutter  were  replaced  by  a  high-ratio  reduction  gear,  and  the 
regular  camera  shutter  was  used.  However,  the  automatic  control- 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

button  operating  the  stop-motion  camera  attachment  was  retained. 
Fundamental  design  work  indicates  that  many,  if  not  all,  of  the  move- 
ments, as  well  as  the  light  changes,  can  be  controlled  mechanically, 
thus  making  it  possible  to  photograph  a  given  scene  entirely  auto- 

The  camera  is  placed  approximately  21  feet  in  front  of  the  A  plane 
shown  in  Fig.  2.  The  space  between  the  camera  and  the  A  plane  is 
totally  enclosed  in  a  dull  black  painted  tunnel  (Fig.  3).  All  stage 
fixtures,  as  well  as  the  floor  and  the  ceiling,  are  also  painted  dull 
black.  Black  curtains  enclosing  the  back  and  stretched  across  the 



TOP         g1£o 

3      1   5 

WHITC.     1    Oit/e 



BOTTOM      eco 

9      \   // 

*fH/rc     1   BLi/e 

TOP      \     *5 
rof      1    KEO 

n    j  /9 


«"        & 

23     1   25 

ww«r»   1    «L(/« 


TOP      *g 

J2     1  34 

WHITS     \    BLUS. 


FIG.  4.     Light  positions ;  Act  I,  Unfinished  Symphony. 

front  of  the  stage  from  ceiling  to  floor,  with  a  light-tight  opening 
fastened  about  the  mouth  of  the  tunnel,  are  also  used.  This  arrange- 
ment permits  using  the  apparatus  in  the  rear  of  a  large  room  without 
interference  from  daylight.  It  was  found  that  the  tunnel  between 
the  camera  and  the  stage  was  important  to  avoid  reflections  upon  the 
acetate  sheet  in  the  A  plane.  Fig.  3  is  a  general  view  of  the  set-up. 

It  would  have  been  possible  to  work  with  much  smaller  paintings 
and  a  much  shorter  camera  distance  if  only  the  Technicolor  process 
were  contemplated.  However,  it  was  desirable  for  experimental 

Feb.,  1936] 



purposes  to  employ  other  color  processes  as  well.  The  focal  length 
of  the  only  lens  available  for  one  of  these  processes,  and  the  fact  that 
the  lens  could  not  be  stopped  down,  made  the  rather  large  dimensions 

Now  to  return  to  the  description  of  the  production  of  the  Visual 
Accompaniment  for  the  Unfinished  Symphony:  It  was  decided  that 
five  acts  were  necessary  to  illustrate  the  composition.  An  act,  in 
this  connection,  means  a  complete  change  of  scenery,  requiring  en- 
tirely new  stage  settings.  The  elements  available  for  the  production 
were  still  paintings,  moving  paintings,  special  effects,  and  light  and 
color  changes.  From  the  general  layout  sheet  (Fig.  1)  detail  layouts 
are  made  for  each  scene.  These  layouts  are  timed  in  seconds  and  in 
frames.  An  action  layout  covers  the  stage,  and  a  layout  for  light 
changes  covers  both  light-intensity  and  color  changes. 

STOP   0          /          t          3          4          5         6          7         «          9         K>         //        tZ         O        U        /5 











—  « 




sec  /» 

f«»  flfvr  


FIG.  5.     Action  chart;  Act  I,  Unfinished  Symphony. 

As  a  typical  example,  consider  Act  I.     This  act  extended  over  122 
seconds,  or  2928  frames.     It  called  for  the  following  stage  settings: 

(1)  Moving  clouds  in  plane  A,  requiring  a  roller. 

(2)  A  sculptured  balustrade  in  plane  B,  mounted  upon  a  movable  platform. 

(3)  Painted  scenery  in  plane  Cl/t,  requiring  a  roller. 

(4)  Painted  effects,  such  as  swan  and  boats,  requiring  a  "traveler,"  in  plane  D. 

(5)  Background  clouds,  moving  across  the  scene  and  upward,  in  plane  Z)1/:. 
requiring  a  "universal." 

(6)  A  general  background  in  plane  E,  requiring  a  still  frame. 

Fig.  4  shows  the  light  layout.     The  figures  and  letters  refer  to  the 
control  circuits.     The  lights  required  were: 

(1 )  Top  and  bottom  strips,  plane  A . 

(2)  Top  strip,  plane  Al/t. 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

(5)  Top  strip,  plane  C. 

(4)  Top  strip,  plane  E. 

(5)  Spotlight  in  front  of  and  below  plane  A,  shining  upon  part  of  plane  A 
through  an  opening  in  the  tunnel. 

(6)  Two  spotlights  upon  stage  right,  directly  in  front  of  plane  A . 

(7)  Spotlight  upon  stage  left,  in  front  of  plane  A . 

(8)  Small  sharp  spot,  G,  upon  stage  left,  to  illuminate  statues  upon  balustrade. 

(9)  Spotlights  upon  stage  left,  shining  on  plane  Al/z- 

(10)  Spotlight  upon  stage  left,  shining  on  plane  C. 

(11)  Spotlight  upon  stage  right,  shining  on  plane  E. 

(12)  Spotlight  between  planes  C  and  E,  shining  upon  plane  E. 

(13)  Effect  spot  between  planes  Dl/z  and  E,  to  produce  effect  of  water  ripple 
upon  plane  E. 

The  action  and  light  changes  were  divided  into  15  periods  of  192 
frames  each.  Fig.  5  shows  the  action  chart,  and  Fig.  6  the  general 
light  action  layout,  the  figures  in  which  represent  the  rheostat  set- 
tings :  24  represents  maximal  light  for  the  strips,  and  48  for  the  spots. 

Fig.  5  indicates  that  plane  A  is  operated  throughout  the  take  at  a 
speed  of  10  inches  for  192  frames  up  to  the  beginning  of  period  11, 
and  15  inches  for  192  frames  from  period  11  to  the  end.  A  suitable 
smooth  acceleration  distributed  over  period  10  has  to  be  made  in 
this  case.  Plane  B  (the  balustrade)  is  operated  at  a  speed  of  9J/4 
inches  for  192  frames  from  the  beginning  of  the  action  to  the  end  of 
period  11,  and  then  stopped,  inasmuch  as  by  that  time  the  balustrade 
is  out  of  the  picture.  Plane  C1/*  is  operated  at  a  speed  of  89/ie  inches 























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































FIG.  6.     Light  Chart;   Act  I,  Unfinished  Symphony. 

Feb.,  1936]  VISUAL  ACCOMPANIMENT  167 

for  192  frames  to  the  end  of  period  13,  and  stopped.  Plane  D  is  oper- 
ated a  total  of  20  inches  for  576  frames  from  period  ll/2  to  4l/2,  and 
stopped,  to  be  operated  again  15l/2  inches  for  576  frames  over 
periods  10, 11,  and  12,  and  stopped.  Plane  Dl/2  is  operated  21  inches 
for  576  frames  over  periods  10,  11,  and  12,  and  stopped.  The  water 
ripple  is  operated  at  a  speed  of  2x/2  seconds  per  revolution  (time  being 
screen  time)  from  the  beginning  of  the  action  to  the  end  of  period  11, 
and  stopped. 

Fig.  6  shows  the  light  changes  for  each  192  frames.  Main  strip  9, 
for  instance,  does  not  change  from  an  original  setting  of  15  for  the 
first  192  frames.  From  frame  192 
to  384  the  light  increases  from  15 
to  20;  and  from  frame  384  to  576, 
from  20  to  24.  From  frame  576 
to  768  it  decreases  from  24  to  12, 
and  remains  at  that  value  to  frame 
1 152.  From  frame  1 152  to  frame 
1344  the  light  decreases  from  12  to 
6,  and  remains  at  that  value  to 

frame  1728.    From  frame  1728  to 

£  -ir\nr\  -^    t  e  FIG.    7.     Control    desk    and   frame 

frame  1 920  it  decreases  from  6  to  counter. 

0,  and  remains  at  0  to  frame  2496. 

From  frame  2496  the  light  increases  from  0  to  18,  From  frame  2688 
to  2928  the  light  decreases  from  18  to  4.  The  last  period  extends  over 
240  frames  to  cover  the  lap  dissolve. 

The  act  was  rehearsed  by  setting  significant  scenes.  The  light 
settings,  as  well  as  the  positions  of  the  various  paintings,  were  noted. 
It  became,  then,  a  relatively  simple  matter  to  work  out  the  light  and 
color  transitions  between  the  scenes. 

The  photographing  of  a  scene  is  controlled  from  a  desk  at  which  the 
light  action  and  movement  charts  are  kept.  The  light  changes  are 
read  out  as  they  occur.  At  the  desk  an  electrical  counter  connected 
with  a  push  button  on  the  stage  is  installed  to  show  which  frame  is 
being  photographed.  Fig.  7  shows  the  desk  and  counter. 

A  few  figures  on  the  economics  of  producing  the  visual  accompani- 
ment for  Schubert's  Unfinished  Symphony  might  be  appropriate. 
The  personnel  required  consisted  of 

2  Artists  to  make  the  paintings 
1  Camera  crew 

3  Operators  for  scene  movements  and  light  settings 

168  R.  WOLF  [j.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

1  Operator  at  the  control  desk 

1  General  supervisor  to  coordinate  and  direct  the  various  activities 

In  an  elapsed  time  of  325  working  hours,  4400  man-hours  (not 
counting  the  time  of  the  camera  crew)  were  required  to  complete  the 
production.  These  man-hours  can  be  broken  down  as  follows : 

Operation  Man-Hours 

Making  sketches  240 

Painting  1200 

General  preparation  590 

Rehearsals  1030 

Taking  the  picture  1340 

Total  4400. 

It  is  interesting  to  note  that  of  208  hours'  actual  working  time  spent 
for  taking  the  picture,  only  66  Y2  hours  represent  shooting  time,  and 
141 */2  hours  were  used  for  setting  up  and  making  light  adjustments. 

Further  studies  and  fundamental  design  indicate  that  with  com- 
plete mechanization  of  the  equipment  and  reduction  in  size  of  the 
paintings,  the  schedule  would  not  exceed : 

Operation  Man-Hours 

Making  sketches  240 

Painting  600 

Rehearsals,  etc.  250 

Taking  the  picture  10 

Total  1100 


The  '  'abstract  method"  differs  considerably  from  the  Savage 
method,  both  as  to  fundamentals  and  practical  realization.  The 
basic  thought  underlying  it  is  that  music  suggests  color  to  many  per- 
sons. The  opposite  concept,  that  color  suggests  music,  is  also  not  un- 
known. It  is  futile  to  discuss  theories  of  this  method,  because  there  are 
as  many  theories  as  there  are  commentators  on  the  subject.  Instead, 
a  few  premises  used  in  the  production  to  be  described  will  be  stated  : 

(1 )  Color  is  suggested  by  the  "musical  mood"  of  the  composition :  light  colors  for 
gay  tunes,  and  dark  colors  for  somber  themes. 

(2)  Color  is  combined  with  abstract  forms  suggestive  of  the  rhythm  of  the 
music.     Both  form  and  color  must  be  correct  from  an  artistic  point  of  view. 

(5)  Close  synchronization  of  music,  form,  and  color  must  be  established. 

In  order  to  produce  the  visual  accompaniment  by  this  method,  it  is 

Feb.,  1936] 




necessary  to  associate  a  color-film  with  previously  recorded  music. 
Part  of  Ponchielli's  Dance  of  the  Hours  was  chosen  as  a  suitable  com- 
position for  this  method.  Mrs.  Josephine  M.  Wolf,  an  artist  who  has 
made  an  extensive  study  of  musical  themes  in  color,  was  chosen  to 
create  a  set  of  paintings  giving  her  interpretation  of  the  composition 
in  abstract  form  and  color.  The  artist  required  that  some  of  the 
forms  used  in  the  paintings  must  appear  to  move  in  synchronism  with 
the  music  and  also  that  the  intensity  of  the  light  must  change. 

In  the  picture  upon  the  screen  would  appear  colored  forms  of  ab- 
stract shape.  These  forms  change  with  the 
music,  in  shape  as  well  as  in  color.  Through 
lap-dissolves  or  wipe-offs,  new  sets  of  figures 
and  colors  would  appear,  again  to  be  followed 
by  different  designs.  When  the  main  theme 
of  the  music  would  repeat,  the  designs  and 
colors  would  also  repeat,  although  not 
necessarily  in  exactly  the  same  shape  or 
hue.  The  whole  picture  would  follow  the 
music  closely,  giving  to  the  audience  an 
impression  rather  than  something  definite 
to  follow,  thereby  further  subordinating  the 
picture  to  the  music. 

To  furnish  the  apparent  movement  of 
forms,  it  was  decided  to  make  use  of  a 
curious  phenomenon  that  had  been  ob- 
served some  time  ago.  If  a  number  of 
lighted  areas  of  different  intensities  are 
projected  upon  a  screen  simultaneously 
from  different  projectors,  and  the  illumina- 
tion of  one  of  these  areas  is  changed  at  a 
fair  rate,  the  size  of  the  area  seems  to 
increase  with  an  increase  in  intensity  and  to 
decrease  in  size  with  a  decrease  in  intensity. 
By  using  suitable  shapes  of  areas  any  ap- 
parent desired  motion  can  be  created.  By 
using  different  colors  for  the  light  areas  the  apparent  motion 
increases.  An  illusion  of  stereoscopic  depth  can  be  accomplished  by 
skillful  use  of  this  phenomenon. 

To  carry  out  the  idea,  a  set-up  is  made  using  three   spotlights 
equipped  with  lantern  slide  projection  attachments  and  a  screen  made 


h — 

FIG.  8.  Projector  set-up 
for  Dance  of  the  Hours;  ab- 
stract method. 



fj.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

of  flashed  opal  glass.  A  sketch  showing  the  set-up  is  shown  in  Fig.  8, 
where  A,  B,  and  C  denote  the  projectors.  The  lantern  slides  used 
with  these  projectors  are  made  as  follows :  The  artist  makes  the  de- 
sign complete  in  water  colors  upon  sheets  about  8  by  10  inches. 
These  designs  are  translated  into  their  essential  components ;  that  is, 
a  scene  consists,  for  example,  of  a  background,  a  foreground,  and 
light  rays.  Fig.  9  shows  three  such  components  for  a  typical 
scene.  The  outlines  of  the  components  are  carefully  traced  upon  a 
sheet  of  heavy  white  paper,  and  any  essential  design  features  are  also 
lightly  sketched  in.  The  designs  on  the  paper  are  cut  out,  and  the 
separate  parts  are  glued  to  black  cardboard,  one  to  each  card- 
board. Inasmuch  as  the  designs  are  cut  out  of  the  same  paper,  there 
is,  of  course,  no  difficulty  in  maintaining  the  correct  relationship  of 
the  parts.  The  assembled  cardboards  are  numbered  and  marked  in 
a  uniform  manner. 

These  cardboards,  with  their  white  paper  cut-outs,   are  photo- 
graphed.    For  simplicity,  a  Leica  camera  giving  a  picture  1  by  iy2 

FIG.  9.     Components  for  a  typical  scene  for  Dance  of  the  Hours;    abstract 


inches  upon  motion  picture  film  is  used.  The  film  used  is  positive 
stock,  which  is  developed  to  as  high  a  contrast  as  attainable. 

From  these  negatives  lantern  slides  are  made  by  projection  print- 
ing. Inasmuch  as  three  projectors  are  used,  the  existing  parallax 
has  to  be  taken  into  account  when  making  the  slides.  The  slides 
also  are  developed  to  maximum  contrast,  leaving  the  glass  clear  at  the 
unexposed  portions.  They  are  then  hand-colored,  using  transparent 
aniline  dyes. 

The  projectors  are  three  Kliegl  spotlights  equipped  with  slide 
carriers  and  15-inch  projection  lenses.  The  lamps  used  are  1000- 
watt,  120-volt  spotlights,  carefully  mounted  with  mirror  reflectors. 
Means  are  provided  to  adjust  the  positions  of  the  projector  lenses 
slightly  to  compensate  for  small  irregularities  in  the  slides  and  the 


slide  carriers.  The  projection  angles  are  3°24'  lateral,  5°  19'  vertical. 
The  lamps  in  the  projectors  are  connected  through  dimmers,  per- 
mitting a  voltage  variation  of  57  to  118  volts,  corresponding  to  15  to 
140  foot-candles  measured  at  the  screen. 

Close  synchronization  of  music  and  picture  appeared  to  be  a  diffi- 
cult problem.  By  using  the  following  method,  however,  it  was 
solved  rather  simply :  A  score  of  the  composition  is  carefully  marked 
for  action  and  light  changes.  This  score  is  used  as  a  general  guide. 
A  Movieola  is  set  up  with  a  sound-track  and  a  roll  of  film  carrying 
frame  marks,  and  is  operated  barely  fast  enough  to  permit  following 
the  tune.  At  each  predetermined  important  point  a  mark  is  made 
upon  the  frame -marked  film  with  grease  pencil,  and  wipes  and  fades 
are  marked  with  lines  progressing  over  succeeding  frames,  the  whole 
action  being  carefully  laid  out  in  this  manner.  The  sound-track  and 
marked  film  are  then  run  at  the  correct  speed.  The  film,  if  correctly 
marked,  will  show  each  important  point  as  it  passes  by.  Corrections, 
if  necessary,  are  easily  made  at  this  time.  This  film  is  used  to  make  an 
action  layout  directly  in  frames. 

From  these  data  a  general  layout  sheet  is  compiled,  each  scene  con- 
sisting of  a  separate  projector  set-up.  The  action  during  a  scene  is 
controlled  entirely  by  changing  the  dimmers. 

A  Technicolor  three-color  camera  is  used  to  photograph  the  picture 
projected  upon  the  opal  glass  screen  on  the  side  away  from  the  pro- 
jectors, running  at  a  speed  of  one  frame  per  second.  No  difficulty 
was  experienced  in  providing  the  necessary  action  by  dimmer  changes 
at  this  speed.  Stop-motion  is  used  at  a  few  points  where  the  thermal 
lag  of  the  filaments  would  not  permit  the  required  rapid  change  for 
fast  action  at  a  constant  camera  speed  of  one  frame  per  second. 

Further  fundamental  design  work  on  this  method  indicates  that  it 
will  not  be  necessary  to  project  the  picture  upon  an  opal  glass  screen, 
nor  will  colored  lantern  slides  be  required.  The  original  drawing 
made  by  the  artist  can  be  used.  This  drawing  should  be  made  upon 
heavy  water-color  paper,  with  brilliant  opaque  water  colors.  The  de- 
sign is  again  translated  into  its  essential  components,  and  black-and- 
white  lantern  slides  are  made.  However,  these  slides  are  not  colored. 
The  design  itself  is  used  as  the  object  to  be  photographed,  illuminated 
through  the  slides  in  the  projectors.  This  method  would  also  permit 
the  use  of  colored  light  in  the  projectors. 

The  light-intensity  should  not  be  controlled  with  dimmers,  but  with 
iris  diaphragms  mounted  at  the  projectors.  In  this  way  the  color- 

172  R.  WOLF 

temperature  of  the  lamps  is  not  changed,  which  helps  materially  in 
obtaining  good  color  values. 

Effect  attachments  to  the  projectors,  such  as  rotating  color-wheels, 
flame  effects,  etc.,  are  too  numerous  to  be  mentioned.  By  using  them 
skillfully,  very  striking  and  beautiful  effects  can  be  accomplished  with 
the  abstract  method  of  visual  accompaniment.  To  date  the  abstract 
method  has  been  used  only  experimentally,  and  no  commercial  re- 
leases of  films  made  by  this  method  have  been  made. 

Admitting  that  there  is  a  place  for  good  music  in  motion  picture 
programs,  it  is  believed  that  the  present-day  high-quality  reproduc- 
tion may  fill  a  much-needed  want.  This  is  particularly  true  if 
an  artistic  visual  accompaniment  to  the  music  is  provided  upon 
the  screen.  It  is  therefore  expected  that  this  new  art  combining 
fine  music  faithfully  reproduced  and  "Visual  Accompaniment" 
will  fill  a  gap  in  the  amusement  field  and  provide  for  the  audiences 
of  motion  picture  theaters  a  very  worth-while  supplemental  form 
of  entertainment. 

Several  demonstration  films  illustrating  two  of  the  forms  of  visual  accompaniment 
were  projected  after  the  presentation  of  the  paper  as  follows:  Musical  Moods — "Fin- 
gal's  Cave"  (Mendelsohn),  "Italian  Caprice"  (Tschaikowsky),  "Barcarole"  from 
"Tales  of  Hoffman"  (Offenbach);  Savage  Method — "Unfinished  Symphony" 
(Schubert),  "Les  Preludes"  (Liszt). 


Summary. — An  outline  of  the  use  and  production  of  educational  motion  pictures  in 
the  United  States  Army,  together  with  a  discussion  of  their  use  in  conjunction  with  the 
"Applicatory  Method"  of  instruction. 

The  Army's  interest  in  motion  pictures  began  shortly  before  the 
World  War  when  the  Medical  Corps  produced  and  experimented  with 
the  use  of  pictures  on  social  hygiene  and  other  medical  subjects.  As 
is  well  known,  the  Signal  Corps  made  hundreds  of  thousands  of  feet 
of  film  during  the  World  War  in  visually  recording  important  events 
and  activities.  This  material,  together  with  subsequent  additions, 
probably  constitutes  the  largest  and  most  valuable  collection  of  his- 
torical pictures  in  the  government  service.  Entertainment  pictures 
were  widely  used  during  the  War  by  welfare  agencies  within  the  Army. 
Since  the  War,  the  Army  Motion  Picture  Service,  directed  by  the 
Adjutant  General's  Department,  took  over  this  work  and  now  oper- 
ates a  chain  of  post  theaters  in  which  feature  pictures,  obtained 
through  regular  booking  channels,  are  regularly  shown.  This  is  an 
important  activity  contributing  to  the  contentment  and  high  morale 
of  service  personnel,  especially  in  the  more  isolated  stations. 

It  is  not  so  well  known,  however,  that  the  Army  was  one  of  the 
pioneers  in  the  use  of  motion  pictures  upon  a  large  scale  for  educa- 
tional purposes.  In  addition  to  the  Medical  Corps  films  just  men- 
tioned, sixty-three  reels  of  military  training-films  were  produced  by 
the  Signal  Corps  during  the  War;  and  many  other  reels,  such  as  the 
animated  Elements  of  the  Automobile,  were  made  by  commercial 
agencies  specifically  for  military  uses.  The  production  program  was 
in  full  swing  at  the  time  the  armistice  was  signed  in  November,  1918, 
with  more  than  a  hundred  reels  of  pictures  on  military  training  sub- 
jects in  use. 

The  value  of  this  material  as  a  training  adjunct  was  recognized; 

*  Presented  at  the  Fall,  1935,  Meeting  at  Washington,  D.  C. 
**  U.  S.  Army,  Washington,  D.  C. 


174  M.  E.  GILLETTE  [j.  s.  M.  P.  E. 

but  immediately  following  the  World  War  the  pressure  for  readjust- 
ment in  the  service  stopped  all  new  production  and  precluded  further 
extensive  experimentation,  although  the  war-time  subjects  continued 
in  circulation.  No  new  subjects  were  produced  until  about  1928, 
when  a  renewed  interest  in  visual  education  brought  about  the  adop- 
tion of  a  definite  program  of  production  and  the  establishment  of 
rules  governing  the  initiation  and  conduct  of  training-film  produc- 
tion projects.  The  Signal  Corps  was  designated  as  the  agency 
charged  with  technical  production  matters,  with  the  various  branches 
of  the  service  collaborating  in  determining  picture  content  and  scope. 

In  1930,  the  Signal  Corps  acquired  a  sound  recording  channel,  and 
through  the  cooperation  of  the  motion  picture  industry,  arranged  for 
training,  over  a  period  of  years,  a  few  selected  officers  in  sound  mo- 
tion picture  production  methods.  Three  officers  have  received  this 
training  to  date,  the  first  completing  the  course  in  June,  1931.  In 
1931  and  1932  a  few  silent  films  were  revised  and  off-stage  monolog 
was  added  to  make  the  films  more  effective.  Since  then  additional 
sound  subjects,  both  natural  sound  and  the  monolog  types,  have 
been  undertaken.  A  total  of  twelve  sound  training-films  have  been 
released,  and  seven  additional  subjects  are  now  in  various  stages  of 

A  brief  examination  of  the  main  steps  in  the  course  of  a  training- 
film  project  may  be  of  interest.  The  chief  of  a  branch  of  service,  such 
as  the  Chief  of  Infantry,  Chief  of  Cavalry,  etc.,  decides  that  a  training 
film  upon  a  certain  subject  should  be  produced.  Application  is  made 
to  the  War  Department  for  approval  of  the  project.  Approval 
granted,  the  Chief  designates  an  officer,  usually  a  specialist  in  the 
subject  to  be  covered,  to  prepare  the  scenario  and  act  as  technical  di- 
rector for  the  picture.  The  completed  scenario  is  submitted  to  the 
War  Department  and  referred  to  the  Chief  Signal  Officer  for  comments 
regarding  feasibility  of  production  from  a  photographic  and  technical 
standpoint  and  for  recommendations  as  to  its  position  in  the  produc- 
tion schedule.  These  preliminaries  completed,  details  are  then 
worked  out  as  to  the  place  and  dates  for  performing  the  field  photog- 
raphy. The  Army  has  no  production  stage  facilities  but  must  rely 
upon  suitable  terrain  or  other  background  requirements  available  at 
one  or  more  of  its  numerous  stations.  Film  processing,  animation, 
editorial,  and  similar  tasks  are  carried  on  at  the  Signal  Corps  Pho- 
tographic Laboratory  at  Washington,  D.  C. 

The  field  production  unit  consists  of  the  director,  designated  by 

Feb.,  1936]  FILMS  IN  U.  S.  ARMY  175 

the  Chief  Signal  Officer,  cameramen,  recordist,  and  other  assistants 
from  the  Signal  Corps  Photographic  Laboratory.  The  officer  who 
prepared  the  original  script  is  usually  designated  to  act  as  technical 
director  or  advisor  besides  acting  as  liaison  officer  in  arranging  for  the 
use  of  troops,  equipment,  and  so  forth.  Leading  characters  and 
troops  are  supplied  by  the  interested  branch. 

Upon  completion  of  the  field  photography,  editorial  and  related 
work  is  carried  on  at  the  Signal  Corps  Photographic  Laboratory  until 
the  picture  is  ready  for  presentation  to  representatives  of  the  inter- 
ested branch  and  to  the  Plans  and  Training  Division  of  the  War  De- 
partment. Upon  approval,  release  prints  are  made  and  distributed 
to  the  nine  Corps  Area  Headquarters,  the  three  foreign  departments, 
the  service  schools,  etc.,  so  that  distribution  of  prints  for  exhibition 
purposes  is  decentralized.  Several  additional  prints  are  retained  at 
Washington  to  meet  additional  demands.  The  Signal  Corps  makes 
use  of  commercial  equipment  exclusively,  and  the  production  and 
processing  methods  are  copied,  as  closely  as  the  limited  funds  and 
personnel  will  permit,  from  similar  processes  or  methods  in  general  use 
in  the  motion  picture  industry. 

The  term  "educational  motion  pictures,"  is  frequently  used  within 
the  Army,  as  elsewhere,  to  refer  to  general  interest,  propaganda, 
travelog,  and  record  types  of  pictures,  as  well  as  to  instructional 
films.  One  hears  occasional  references  even  to  entertainment  pic- 
tures in  this  category.  Such  a  meaning  is  regarded  too  broad  and 
vague  for  Army  purposes.  It  is  desirable  to  limit  the  term  to  pictures 
produced  specifically  for  instructional  purposes,  which  pictures  will 
hereafter  be  referred  to  as  training-films.  The  remarks  that  follow 
are  restricted  to  a  discussion  of  methods  of  presentation  and  the  pro- 
duction technic  applicable  to  military  training-films,  which,  because 
of  their  general  nature,  may  be  of  interest  to  others  interested  in  the 
production  of  instructional  films. 

According  to  service  manuals,  the  ultimate  purpose  of  all  military 
training  is  effectiveness  in  war,  with  a  view  to  maintaining  the  domes- 
tic peace  and  international  security  of  our  people.  It  follows  there- 
fore, that  training-films  must  contribute  effectively  to  this  objective. 
Interest  is  therefore  restricted  to  subjects  having  direct  military 
value,  and  such  high  specialization  makes  it  necessary  that  military 
personnel  perform  the  directorial  and  editorial  phases  of  the  work. 

The  Army's  training  methods  are  based  upon  the  applicatory  sys- 
tem of  instruction,  in  which  individuals  or  organizations  under  in- 

176  M.  E.  GILLETTE  [j.  s.  M.  p.  E. 

struction  are  required  to  apply  the  principles  or  methods  to  an  as- 
sumed or  outlined  situation.  There  are  six  steps  or  phases  of  this 
system : 

(1)  Preparation  on  the  part  of  the  instructor. 

(2)  Explanation. 

(5)  Demonstration  or  illustration. 

(4)  Application  or  practice,  to  acquire  skill  in  execution. 

(5)  Examination  or  test,  to  determine  progress  or  proficiency. 

(6)  Discussion,  to  correct  methods  of  execution. 

There  are  no  "royal  roads  to  learning"  or  "get-rich-quick  shortcuts" 
in  this  educational  system  which,  in  the  majority  of  cases,  requires 
physical  as  well  as  mental  exertion  by  the  soldier  to  attain  proficiency 
in  military  subjects.  Obviously,  training-films  can  not  be  used  as 
the  only  means  of  instruction  in  the  system  but  must  be  fitted,  as  a 
part,  into  the  educational  method.  Their  role  must  be  that  of  an 
aid  or  tool  in  the  hands  of  an  instructor,  and  never  that  of  a  teaching 
robot  usurping  all  the  functions  of  the  instructor,  as  extreme  enthusi- 
asts may  sometimes  contend.  Our  training-films,  designed  for  use 
as  aids  in  one  or  more  of  the  steps  listed  above,  can  be  made  to  shorten 
the  explanations  or  demonstration  phases  materially,  as  well  as  to 
afford  more  vivid  and  compelling  presentations  than  would  be  pos- 
sible by  other  means. 

It  must  be  borne  in  mind,  however,  that  all  subjects  are  not  equally 
suitable  for  motion  picture  treatment.  On  the  other  hand,  many 
subjects  lend  themselves  admirably  to  such  purposes,  and  are  more 
effective  in  motion  pictures  than  in  any  other  form.  In  general,  it 
is  regarded  desirable  to  restrict  subjects  selected  for  motion  picture 
treatment  to  technical  subjects  and  technic  in  which  there  is  but  one 
set  of  facts  or  one  correct  method  of  performance.  Functioning  and 
nomenclature  of  weapons  and  equipment  fall  into  the  first  group, 
while  pictures  showing  approved  methods  of  employing  weapons,  of 
drilling  and  other  exercises,  fall  into  the  second  classification.  Con- 
troversial subjects  or  those  susceptible  of  solution  by  more  than  one 
applicatory  method  are  regarded  as  less  suitable  because  of  the  diffi- 
culties of  presentation  and  the  danger  of  imparting  the  impression 
that  there  is  but  one  approved  solution.  Let  us  now  ascertain  just 
where  training-films  can  fit  into  the  applicatory  system. 

(1)  The  first  step  is  preparation  on  the  part  of  the  instructor  for  his 
duties.  Military  instructors  are  usually  selected  because  of  their  pro- 
ficiency or  experience  in  certain  subjects.  They  have  access  to  mili- 

Feb.,  1936]  FILMS  IN  U.  S.  ARMY  177 

tary  texts,  manuals,  and  regulations  with  which  to  refresh  their 
memories  and  otherwise  prepare  themselves  for  the  class  period. 
These  publications  contain  a  mass  of  detailed  information  which  it  is 
impracticable  to  cover  thoroughly  in  pictures.  Training-films  are  of 
little  value  in  preparing  the  peace-time  instructor  for  his  duties  but 
in  war-time  when  thoroughly  trained  instructors  are  scarce,  pictures 
will  undoubtedly  become  of  more  value  in  the  first  step. 

(2)  Explanation  consists  of  a  word-picture  presented  in  the  ex- 
pository manner,  by  the  instructor.     Step  by  step  he  goes  over  the 
lesson,  utilizing  equipment  or  personnel  in  many  cases  to  keep  the 
class  oriented  and  aid  in  his  verbal  presentation.     The  use  of  a  re- 
corded lecture  for  this  purpose  is  physically  possible  but  is  not  an 
efficient  means,  for  various  reasons.     When  used  in  conjunction  with 
pictures  or  illustrations,  the  explanatory  phase  tends  to  become  com- 
bined with  the  demonstration  phase.   The  off-stage  voice  or  monolog 
is  a  very  efficient  means  of  presenting  a  standardized  explanation  and 
is  readily  correlated  with  diagrammatic  or  illustrative  material  to 
make  the  presentation  more  effective.     It  is  possible  to  design  pic- 
tures specifically  for  this  phase  but  it  is  frequently  difficult  to  deter- 
mine whether  a  picture  belongs  in  this  phase  or  in  the  demonstration 
phase,  due  to  a  close  intermixture  of  the  two,  as  will  be  discussed  later. 

(3)  Demonstration,  or  illustration,  may  consist  in  a  demonstration 
by  the  instructor  or  by  a  selected  group  of  highly  trained  persons,  or 
in  the  operation  of  equipment  or  weapons  by  selected  personnel.     In 
many  cases,  the  instructor  will  restate  portions  of  his  original  explana- 
tion as  the  demonstration  progresses,  in  order  to  stress  or  drive  home 
the  important  points.     Sound  motion  pictures  are  probably  of  great- 
est value  in  this  phase.     They  permit  the  use  of  a  standard  comment 
coupled  with  a  silent  picture  demonstration,  the  use  of  a  complete 
natural-sound  demonstration,  or  a  combination  of  the  two  as  best 
fits  the  subject  at  hand.     Such  pictures  provide  means  for  visually 
demonstrating  operations  to  large  groups  where  lack  of  facilities  or 
the  nature  of  the  demonstration  prohibits  the  class  from  seeing  an 
actual  demonstration.     Many  operations  are  difficult  to  perform 
without  incurring  danger  for  the  personnel  or  consuming  expensive 

As  has  been  indicated,  the  question  frequently  arises  as  to  whether 
a  certain  picture  should  be  used  with  the  second  step,  explanation,  or 
i  with  the  third  step,  demonstration.     Special  pictures  utilizing  mono- 
log  may  be  used  in  the  explanatory  step,  while  separate  pictures  using 

178  M.  E.  GILLETTE  [J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

natural  sound  or  monolog  may  be  used  for  the  demonstration.  A 
common  practice  is  to  combine  the  two  in  the  same  reel  or  reels.  One 
method  is  to  explain  the  lesson,  step  by  step  throughout  its  entire 
length,  and  then  follow  with  natural  sound,  a  monolog,  or  a  silent 
picture  demonstration.  Another  practice  is  to  explain  an  individual 
point  with  diagrams,  and  follow  immediately  with  a  demonstration 
covering  the  particular  point.  It  is  usually  desirable  to  finish  off  the 
picture  with  a  complete  demonstration,  as  a  whole,  of  all  points 
covered.  Other  variations  may  be  used  without  violating  the  basic 
principles  of  the  applicatory  system.  Standardization  of  explana- 
tion and  demonstration  can  be  attained  in  this  manner  in  a  minimum 
number  of  reels. 

(4)  In  the  fourth  step,  imitation  or  application  on  the  part  of  the 
student,  motion  pictures  are  of  no  value.     This  step  requires  mental 
and  physical  effort  in  most  cases  for  the  student  to  acquire  profi- 
ciency.    During  this  phase  it  will  often  prove  desirable  to  review 
the  demonstration  picture  several  times  to  permit  closer  examination 
of  troublesome  portions  of  the  subject.     This  device  brings  this  step 
into  intimate  relationship  with  the  next  two  steps. 

(5)  In  the  fifth  step,  examination,  sound  motion  pictures  will  fre- 
quently aid  by  providing  a  visual  yardstick  or  standard  against  which 
the  soldier's  or  the  unit's  proficiency  may  be  measured.     Pictures  de- 
signed for  use  as  aids  in  the  third  step  will  normally  serve  this  purpose. 
It  is  not  believed  that  special  pictures  designed  for  use  only  in  this 
phase  are  justified. 

(6)  The  sixth  and  last  step  is  the  discussion  to  point  out  correct  and 
incorrect  methods  of  execution.     Pictures  designed  for  use  in  the  third 
step,  demonstration,  must  always  show  the  correct  method  of  execu- 
tion.    Great  care  should  be  used  to  be  sure  that  the  students  obtain 
a  clear  visual  concept  of  the  correct  method.     Inclusion  in  the  third 
step  of  demonstrations  showing  incorrect  methods  generally  tends  to 
confuse  the  pupil  and  befog  the  salient  points.     For  these  reasons  a 
picture  designed  for  use  in  the  third  phase  is  not  entirely  suitable  for 
use  as  an  aid  in  the  last  phase.     If  motion  pictures  are  to  be  used 
effectively  in  this  phase,  they  should  be  specifically  planned  for  the 
purpose.     Such  pictures  can  unquestionably  be  made  of  considerable 
value,  but  are  regarded  as  subordinate  to  those  designed  for  the  third 
phase.     Their  production  is  not  justified  so  long  as  we  have  not  ex- 
hausted the  possibilities  of  making  demonstration  and  explanatory 
pictures  showing  correct  execution. 

Feb.,  1936]  FILMS  IN  U.  S.  ARMY  179 

According  to  the  best  pedagogical  practice,  a  course  of  instruction 
upon  a  subject  is  broken  down  into  a  series  of  lessons  or  lectures,  each 
of  which  deals  with  a  few  important  points.  Not  more  than  one  les- 
son per  day  is  the  normal  rule,  and  several  days  or  weeks  may  be  re- 
quired to  cover  a  subject  completely.  In  the  military  service,  where 
pressure  for  time  is  frequently  urgent,  two  periods  per  day  per  sub- 
ject may  be  utilized.  The  limiting  factors  in  this  respect  are  the 
powers  of  assimilation  exhibited  by  the  students  in  a  given  period  of 
time.  The  assimilation  can  be  improved  considerably  by  the  use  of 
visual  aids  but  it  is  unreasonable  to  expect  that  all  such  limitations 
can  be  overcome  so  that  a  subject  can  be  taught  in  a  single  showing. 

It  is  advisable  to  plan  training-films  in  parts  or  sections  to  fit  the 
various  lessons  of  a  course  of  instruction.  It  is  also  necessary  to  re- 
align the  courses  of  instruction  to  make  the  most  efficient  use  of  the 
training-films.  While  it  is  not  feasible  or  desirable  to  have  separate 
parts  or  reels  for  use  with  every  separate  lesson,  it  is  desirable  to  fit 
such  pictures  into  the  course  where  their  use  will  be  superior  to  other 
methods  of  instruction.  Several  lessons  may  be  consolidated  into  one 
part,  for  use  in  visual  and  aural  summarization;  or  each  part  may  be 
designed  to  demonstrate  and  explain  some  abstract  or  difficult  point 
and  otherwise  aid  in  putting  across  a  single  lesson.  Properly  used  as 
visual  aids,  training-films  should  materially  reduce  the  number  and 
length  of  the  lesson  periods  necessary  to  master  a  subject.  The  ex- 
tent to  which  these  can  be  reduced  by  the  use  of  training-films  is  a 
direct  measure  of  the  value  of  such  aids. 

In  the  Army,  as  elsewhere,  the  high  costs  of  production  and  the 
limited  facilities  for  production  have  tempted  us  to  cram  a  complete 
course  of  instruction  into  one  film,  of,  perhaps,  five  or  six  reels,  de- 
signed for  showing  in  a  single  session.  In  some  cases  only  the  high 
points  have  been  covered,  leaving  the  details  for  presentation  by 
other  methods.  In  other  instances  an  attempt  has  been  made  to 
cover  all  the  details;  which  has  resulted  in  creating  confusion  in  the 
minds  of  the  pupils  because  of  the  rapidity  and  number  of  points  pre- 
sented in  a  short  time.  This  type  of  picture  may  handicap  rather 
than  help  the  student.  The  better  method  is  believed  to  be  that  in 
which  the  subject  is  broken  down  into  sections  or  parts,  each  of  which 
contains  sufficient  detail  presented  in  such  a  manner  as  to  enable  the 
student  to  master  each  step  successively.  The  number  of  major 
points  presented  in  a  single  session  should  not  overtax  the  mental 
ability  of  the  class.  Moreover,  the  pictures  should  cover  only  the 

180  M.  E.  GILLETTE  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

work  immediately  before  the  student;  otherwise,  extraneous  or  ad- 
vanced material  would  distract  the  thoughts  and  thereby  tend  to  de- 
feat the  purpose  of  the  lesson. 

This  brings  us  to  another  major  point.  Training  films  must  be  de- 
signed for  use  in  training  a  particular  group.  Obviously,  pictures 
planned  for  audiences  of  officers  will  generally  be  beyond  the  com- 
prehension of  average  enlisted  men.  Conversely,  those  designed  for 
enlisted  men  will  frequently  appear  dull  and  uninteresting  to  officer 
classes.  The  technic  of  presentation  must  be  varied  to  suit  the  men- 
tal age  or  capacity  of  the  class  at  which  it  is  aimed. 

While  the  silent  picture  has  considerable  value  as  an  instructional 
aid,  depending  entirely  upon  vision  to  convey  its  message,  it  is  inferior 
to  the  natural  sound,  the  off-stage  voice,  or  the  monolog  pictures, 
which  reach  the  student  through  both  the  aural  and  visual  senses. 
The  use  of  off-stage  or  monolog  sound — "the  voice  that  knows  all, 
sees  all,  tells  all" — is  effective  as  a  means  of  standardizing  the  explana- 
tion, and  in  general  will  permit  the  presentation  of  a  greater  number 
of  points  in  a  given  length  of  time  than  is  possible  in  a  natural-sound 
picture.  Natural-sound  pictures  provide  the  best  means  of  repro- 
ducing a  scene  in  all  its  details  of  sound  and  action.  Whether  natu- 
ral sound  or  the  off-stage  voice  is  to  be  used  depends  upon  the  na- 
ture of  the  sound  and  whether  such  sound  or  monolog  can  be  made 
to  stress  the  desired  points  effectively,  clearly,  and  directly.  In 
many,  if  not  the  majority,  of  subjects,  a  combination  of  the  off-stage 
voice  and  the  natural  sound  will  prove  most  effective.  Monolog  in 
such  films  is  effectively  used  to  pass  over  unimportant  details  rapidly, 
to  link  together  or  explain  the  significance  of  an  event,  or  to  prepare 
the  audience  for  scenes  to  come.  It  can  be  used  also  to  summarize  or 
stress  the  lesson  points.  In  this  mixed  type  of  picture  care  must  be 
exercised  to  keep  the  audience  oriented  as  to  who  is  speaking.  A 
distinctive  off-stage  voice  coupled  with  suitable  pauses  and  intona- 
tions following  or  preceding  natural-sound  sequences  is  usually  effec- 
tive in  this  respect.  In  general,  the  interspersion  of  short  natural- 
sound  and  monolog  sequences  is  objectionable,  resulting  in  choppy 
and  confusing  presentation.  Natural-sound  sequences  containing 
no  significant  dialog  may  be  used  in  some  cases  as  background  for  the 
off-stage  voice,  but  they  must  be  subdued  and  made  subordinate  so 
that  they  will  not  mar  the  intelligibility  of  the  presentation  or  dis- 
tract the  attention  of  the  class.  Properly  handled,  this  often  proves 
the  most  effective  method  of  illustrating  certain  classes  of  material. 

Feb.,  1936]  FILMS  IN  U.  S.  ARMY  181 

The  use  of  animated  drawings  is  one  of  the  most  effective  means 
of  illustrating  certain  kinds  of  material.  Functional  processes  of 
equipment  and  weapons  can  be  demonstrated  in  this  manner.  For 
example,  a  complete  picture  of  what  occurs  in  the  recoil  mechanism 
of  a  big  gun  can  be  visually  demonstrated  by  no  other  method.  In 
making  our  animated  pictures,  several  different  methods  are  used. 
Articulated  cut-outs,  miniatures,  pointers,  moving  arrows,  and  regu- 
lar cut-outs  as  well  as  drawings  and  erasure  before  the  camera,  are 
some  of  the  devices  used  in  addition  to  the  familiar  celluloid  overlay 
system.  The  method  chosen  depends  upon  its  adaptability  and 
economy  of  execution  in  presenting  the  desired  point.  Miniatures, 
projection  backgrounds,  and  similar  devices  of  the  special-effects 
stage  could  be  effectively  used  in  many  cases  to  produce  results  at- 
tainable in  no  other  way  or  as  inexpensively. 

Many  of  the  cutting  tricks  used  successfully  in  producing  enter- 
tainment films  can  not  be  employed  in  instructional  films.  For  ex- 
ample, as  little  as  possible  should  be  left  to  the  imagination  of  the 
student.  The  presentation  should  be  in  the  expository  manner,  so 
that  the  observer  is  led  step  by  step  through  the  various  processes. 
Emotional  or  spectacular  scenes  are  highly  undesirable,  and  must  be 
avoided  except  when  their  use  illustrates  the  point  in  question. 
Many  of  the  little  tricks  used  with  success  in  building  a  story  up  to  a 
climax  may  also  be  employed  in  training-films.  Repetition  of 
sound  or  scene,  change  of  viewpoint,  and  the  tricks  of  going  into  inti- 
mate details  can  be  used  effectively. 

The  use  of  humor  is  a  questionable  point  because  it  usually  serves 
to  divert  attention.  It  is  frequently  found,  however,  that  many 
operations  or  actions  performed  in  a  serious  manner  will  provoke 
laughter  from  the  audience.  This  is  particularly  true  when  the  actor 
makes  some  slight  error  or  appears  awkward  or  self-conscious  in  his 
role.  Continued  repetition  of  a  slight  idiosyncrasy  on  the  part  of  an 
actor,  or  some  unusual  action  or  view  of  equipment  in  the  scene  also 
may  provoke  mirth  and  thereby  destroy  the  effectiveness  of  the  pic- 
ture. Unrelated  picture  or  sound  action,  such  as  trains  moving  in  the 
background,  twittering  of  birds,  and  the  like  may  prove  more  dis- 
tracting in  the  picture  than  if  the  class  were  actually  present  at  the 
scene  of  action.  Great  care  must  be  exercised,  therefore,  to  eliminate 
these  and  any  other  picture  or  sound  diversions.  Theoretically  this 
can  be  accomplished  by  restricting  the  scene  and  sound  content  to  the 
actual  instructional  requirements,  but  hi  practice  this  is  frequently 

182  M.  E.  GILLETTE 

difficult  to  accomplish  because  the  scene  and  camera  locations  must 
always  be  practical. 

All  the  various  camera,  optical  printer,  and  sound  tricks  can  be 
called  upon  to  assist  in  improving  the  effectiveness  of  the  training- 
film.  Zoom  shots  from  long  views  to  close-ups  and  the  opposite  are 
effective  in  maintaining  orientation  and  at  the  same  time  provide  op- 
portunities for  examining  minute  details.  Follow-up  shots  can  often 
be  used  effectively  to  follow  an  individual  or  an  operation  through  a 
complicated  situation.  Slow  motion  can  be  used  to  examine  opera- 
tions normally  occurring  at  speeds  too  fast  for  visual  analysis.  Stop 
motion  will  provide  opportunities  for  examining  details  at  any  point 
of  the  action,  and  time-lapse  photography  can  be  used  to  speed  up 
processes  occurring  too  slowly  for  the  eye  to  evaluate.  The  micro- 
scope and  telephoto  lenses  can  be  used  to  examine  minute  or  distant 
objects,  and  animation  can  give  life  to  abstract  theories  and  inanimate 
bodies.  Cross-cutting  of  pictures  with  animated  drawings,  used 
freely  in  training-films,  is  seldom  found  in  combined  form  in  the  en- 
tertainment field.  Cameras  operated  by  remote  control  can  afford 
intimate  scenes  of  events  in  dangerous  spots.  Cameras  placed  at 
strategic  points  provide  means  for  reproducing  an  event  or  series  of 
events  occurring  over  a  large  area,  or  at  widely  separated  points,  in  a 
closely  integrated  and  correlated  form.  The  use  of  split-screen  tech- 
nic  is  suggested  as  one  means  of  showing  two  widely  separated  opera- 
tions simultaneously.  We  can  reach  back  into  time  through  film 
libraries  and  bring  back  events  long  past,  to  illustrate  our  lessons. 
The  World  War  files  are  especially  valuable  in  this  respect.  Super- 
imposed titles,  moving  arrows,  travelling  mats,  and  similar  devices 
of  the  optical  printer  are  effective  in  focusing  attention  upon  a  particu- 
lar part  and  in  suppressing  unimportant  details.  Sound  amplifica- 
tion makes  it  possible  to  hear  sounds  of  low  intensity  and  provides  a 
ready  means  for  giving  large  classes  intimate  details  of  such  things 
as  orders  received  over  telephones,  whispered  commands,  and  distant 
noises.  All  these  and  many  more  tricks  of  the  motion  picture  art  are 
available,  and  should  be  used  where  applicable  by  the  serious  pro- 
ducer of  instructional  films. 

G.  W.  GODDARD** 

Summary. — An  outline  of  the  extensive  aerial  motion  picture  activity  now  being 
carried  out  in  the  departments  of  the  Army  Air  Corps.  The  relation  between  the 
various  Air  Corps  units  is  explained,  and  the  many  uses  to  which  motion  pictures 
are  put  in  instruction  and  training,  technical  studies,  maintenance  and  inspection  of 
aircraft,  etc.,  are  described. 

Slow-motion  pictures  have  proved  very  valuable  for  investigating  the  causes  and 
progress  of  fire  in  airplanes,  the  operation  of  parachutes,  the  effectiveness  of  demolition 
of  bombing,  etc.  Lectures  recorded  with  the  pictures  explain  the  operations  of  blind 
flying,  loading  bombing  racks,  releasing  bombs,  and  the  like.  Motion  pictures  of  vast 
territories  are  taken  quickly  by  planes  flying  en  masse. 

The  Wright  Brothers  successfully  completed  the  first  heavier-than- 
air  flight  at  Kittyhawk,  N.  C.,  in  1908.  Motion  picture  photography 
has  played  an  increasingly  important  part  in  the  development  of  avia- 
tion since  that  date.  Largely  through  the  medium  of  the  screen,  the 
people  of  the  world  have  followed  its  progress  and  have  been  educated 
to  its  tremendous  possibilities.  Prior  to  the  World  War  most  of  the 
motion  picture  films  of  aviation  developments  and  activities  were 
made  by  the  newsreel  companies,  and  all  of  these  films  have  been 
preserved  as  historical  records  for  future  generations.  As  far  as 
known,  there  was  no  other  application  of  the  motion  picture  art  in 
aviation  until  the  armies  engaged  in  the  World  War  adopted  the  mo- 
tion picture  camera  gun,  which  solved  the  problem  of  training  mili- 
tary aviators  in  aerial  gunnery  and  combat  without  expending  valu- 
able ammunition  and  subjecting  the  personnel  to  the  hazards  of  such 

The  first  camera  gun  was  equipped  with  the  standard  automatic 
motion  picture  mechanism,  a  film  magazine  which  was  readily  re- 
placed during  flight,  and  an  extremely  long  focal  length  lens  to  pro- 
duce a  large  image  of  the  target  airplane  upon  the  film.  The  camera 

*  Presented  at  the  Fall,  1935,  Meeting  at  Washington,  D.  C.     This  paper 
expresses  the  author's  views  and  are  not  necessarily  those  of  the  War  Department. 
**  Department  of  Photography,  Air  Corps  Technical  School,  Chanute  Field, 
Rantoul,  111. 


184  G.  W.  GODDARD  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

was  equipped  also  with  a  time-recording  attachment  which  recorded 
the  time  upon  the  edge  of  each  individual  frame  of  the  film;  and  thus 
with  celluloid  film  the  student  was  allowed  to  view  his  results  in  the 
negative.  The  complete  unit  was  mounted  upon  a  standard  Lewis 
machine  gun.  Later  this  was  replaced  with  a  paper  film  which  could 
be  redeveloped  into  a  positive  and  easily  handled  and  viewed  by  the 
student  gunners.  The  complete  unit  was  mounted  upon  a  gun 
tourelle  in  the  gunners'  cockpits  of  bombing  and  observation  air- 
planes. This  wartime  camera  gun  was  not  adapted  for  use  in  single- 
seat  airplanes  because  of  the  difficulty  of  mounting  it.  Several  thou- 
sand camera  guns  of  this  type  were  in  use  in  the  Army  Air  Service  at 
the  close  of  the  War,  and  hundreds  of  Air  Service  photographic  spe- 
cialists were  assigned  to  their  maintenance  and  to  the  laboratory  de- 
tails of  film  developing  and  finishing. 

Following  the  introduction  of  the  camera  gun,  the  Army  Air  Corps 
readily  recognized  the  importance  of  producing,  with  the  Air  Service 
personnel,  historical,  publicity,  and  training  motion  picture  films  ac- 
curately depicting  and  permanently  recording  the  rapid  development 
of  military  aeronautics  in  all  its  many  departments.  In  furtherance 
of  this  plan,  all  Army  Air  Service  photographic  sections  were  equipped 
with  Universal  motion  picture  cameras  of  200-ft.  capacity  and  special 
mounts  for  ground  and  aircraft  use. 

During  the  years  following  the  war,  the  early  type  of  gun  camera 
has  been  superseded  with  the  development  and  adoption  of  the  type 
G-4  camera  gun,  which  has  greatly  increased  the  efficiency  of  aerial 
gunnery.  With  this  modern  camera  gun,  a  series  of  pictures  is  taken 
of  the  target,  recording  the  aim  of  the  gunner  and  stop-watch  timing 
the  aim  at  the  instant  of  firing.  The  shape  and  size,  as  well  as  the 
weight,  of  the  G-4  motion  picture  camera  have  been  made  as  nearly  as 
possible  mechanically  to  resemble  the  Browning  0.30  caliber  machine 
gun  fitted  for  flexible  use,  so  that  the  operator  of  the  camera  gun  may 
transfer  easily  and  naturally  to  the  machine  gun  and  use  the  latter 
with  deadly  accuracy  as  a  result  of  his  motion  picture  camera  gun 

The  principal  difference  between  the  two  assemblies  is  the  absence 
of  recoil  when  using  the  camera.  The  G-4  motion  picture  gun  cam- 
era takes  pictures  at  the  rate  of  approximately  16  frames  per  second. 
Each  picture  represents  a  shot  fired,  and  records  the  aim  by  means  of 
cross-lines  in  the  optical  system  which  coincide  with  the  cross-wires 
of  the  gun  sight.  In  addition,  the  instant  of  each  camera  shot  is  re- 

Feb.,  1936]  MOTION  PICTURES  IN  AlR  CORPS  185 

corded  upon  each  picture  by  synchronizing  a  stop-watch  with  the 
motion  picture  camera  gun  shutter. 

The  G-4  camera  may  be  used  for  both  fixed  and  flexible  gunnery 
training  purposes  during  offensive  and  defensive  maneuvers.  The 
record  of  scoring  hits  may  be  studied  individually  or  in  burst  groups, 
by  an  individual  or  in  classroom  instruction,  thereby  providing 
graphic  means  for  correcting  previous  errors.  Registering  the  stop- 
watch timing  of  the  shots  makes  it  possible  to  conduct  training  pro- 
grams, including  aerial  combat  between  two  or  more  airplanes 
equipped  with  motion  picture  camera  guns,  and  record  the  time  of  the 
first  as  well  as  the  time  of  all  vital  shots  fired. 

In  addition  to  providing  for  training  the  personnel  of  observation 
and  bombardment  airplanes,  provisions  have  been  made  for  mounting 
the  camera  in  the  top- wing  section  of  single-seat  airplanes  for  training 
pursuit  personnel. 

The  G-4  camera  is  actually  a  ruggedly  constructed  motion  picture 
camera  with  its  components  so  arranged  as  to  fit  into  a  framework 
or  housing  resembling  that  of  an  aircraft  gun  and  designed  to  permit 
installation  upon  a  flexible  gun-mount  by  means  of  a  special  adapter 
assembly.  The  film  used  is  of  the  standard  35-mm.  motion  picture 
type;  it  is  35  feet  long,  has  a  leader  of  5  feet,  a  sensitized  film  of  25 
feet  for  exposures,  and  trailer  of  5  feet.  The  film  is  loaded  in  the 
camera  through  a  door  hinged  to  the  right  side  of  the  gun  camera 
body  assembly,  and  an  electrical  type  of  film  indicator,  for  either  di- 
rect or  remote  installation,  is  provided  to  show  the  operator,  by  flash- 
ing light  signals,  that  the  camera  is  operating,  and  by  continuous 
light,  that  the  film  has  been  exhausted.  The  leader  and  trailer  ends 
of  the  film  are  of  insensitive  material  and  allow  the  camera  to  be 
loaded  in  the  daylight.  The  film  proper  provides  approximately  250 
exposures,  which  are  taken  automatically  as  the  camera  trigger  is  re- 
leased at  approximately  16  exposures  per  second.  The  time-regis- 
tering device  optically  projects  a  photographic  image  of  a  stop-watch 
dial  and  full-sweep  seconds  hand  upon  the  film  below  the  main  image, 
and  thus  records  the  exact  time  at  which  each  exposure  is  taken. 
This  type  of  camera  is  being  used  also  by  the  aviation  sections  of  the 
Navy  and  Marine  Corps. 

Preceding,  and  coincidentally  with,  the  development  of  the  mo- 
tion picture  camera  gun  came  the  development  and  use  of  aerial  mo- 
tion picture  cameras.  Needless  to  say,  the  first  motion  picture  cam- 
eras used  in  aerial  work  were  of  the  ordinary  tripod  hand-cranked 

188  G.  W.  GODDARD  [j.  s.  M.  p.  E. 

military  aviation,  not  only  in  the  Army  Air  Corps  but  in  the  Naval 
Aeronautics  Branch  and  the  National  Advisory  Committee  labora- 
tories at  Langley  Field,  Hampton,  Va.  It  is  fully  recognized  that 
the  cost  involved  has  been  very  small  considering  the  results  obtained. 

The  Army  Air  Corps  maintains  still  another  aerial  photographic 
and  motion  picture  activity.  This  is  the  photographic  School  of  the 
Army  Air  Corps  Technical  School,  located  at  Chanute  Field,  Rantoul, 
111.  At  this  school  are  trained  the  Air  Corps  Photographic  officers  and 
enlisted  men,  and  all  the  many  skilled  technicians  required  for  taking, 
developing,  printing,  cutting,  and  editing  all  types  of  aerial  motion 
picture  films.  All  Army  Air  Corps  motion  pictures,  other  than  the 
engineering  and  technical  films  and  films  produced  locally  by  the 
photographic  section,  are  taken  and  produced  by  the  Photographic 
School  of  the  Air  Corps  Technical  School  in  its  complete  laboratory, 
which  is  a  department  of  the  Aerial  Photographic  School.  This  mo- 
tion picture  laboratory  is  maintained  for  the  purpose  of  training  offi- 
cer and  enlisted  photographic  personnel,  as  well  as  for  general  produc- 
tion work  of  the  Air  Corps.  Expert  motion  picture  personnel  from 
this  school  is  assigned  to  all  major  projects  of  the  Air  Corps,  where  the 
films  to  be  taken  are  not  of  direct  value  to  the  Materiel  Division. 

Sound  camera  equipment  has  been  specially  constructed  for  the  Air 
Corps  for  the  production  of  Air  Corps  motion  pictures.  The  weight 
of  such  equipment  has  been  materially  reduced  and  the  equipment  it- 
self is  transported  to  the  various  locations  in  special  school  photo- 
graphic transport  airplanes.  The  pilot  and  mechanics  on  such  mis- 
sions perform  the  roles  of  director,  cameraman,  and  sound  techni- 
cian. Adjacent  to  the  Photographic  School  at  the  Air  Corps  Techni- 
cal School  is  located  the  Communications  School,  which  cooperates 
with  the  Photographic  School  in  furnishing  the  required  radio  techni- 
cians, as  needed,  for  the  operation  and  maintenance  of  the  sound  re- 
cording equipment.  In  January,  1934,  complete  sound  camera 
equipment  was  flown  to  Rockwell  Field,  Calif.,  and  Air  Corps  flying 
personnel  completed  a  four-reel  sound  motion  picture  covering  the 
Army  Air  Corps  School  of  Aviation  activities.  Approximately  70 
per  cent  of  this  film  was  completed  in  the  air,  showing  the  duties  of 
the  personnel  engaged  in  fog  flying,  commonly  known  as  "blind" 
flying,  and  the  latest  methods  of  aerial  navigation.  The  film  was 
completed  for  the  historical  record  of  the  Army  Air  Corps,  and  has 
since  proved  to  be  very  valuable  for  instructional  purposes  in  Air 
Corps  schools,  National  Guard,  and  Air  Corps  Reserve  Units.  Last 

Feb.,  1936]  MOTION  PICTURES  IN  AlR  CORPS  189 

spring  this  film  served  a  very  useful  purpose  in  connection  with  the 
aerial  training  of  West  Point  cadets  as  recommended  in  the  findings 
of  the  Baker  Board,  appointed  by  President  Roosevelt.  Included  in 
the  present  schedule  of  motion  picture  work  is  the  project  of  the  Photo- 
graphic Department  of  the  Air  Corps  Technical  School  to  assemble 
and  edit  the  4000-ft.  sound-film  entitled  Wings  for  West  Point.  This 
film  was  photographed  last  June  at  Mitchel  Field,  Long  Island,  and 
shows  the  extent  of  aerial  military  training  given  to  the  second-class 
men  at  West  Point.  This  historic  film  follows  the  student  through  all 
his  training,  from  his  arrival  at  Mitchel  Field  to  his  departure  there- 
from. Approximately  70  per  cent  of  the  film  was  taken  in  the  air, 
showing  the  cadets  carrying  out  the  various  navigation  and  aerial 
gunnery  missions.  The  ground  sequences  of  the  film  show  in  detail 
the  cadets  inspecting  the  various  types  of  tactical  airplanes  and 
equipment,  and  also  the  routine  ground  training  during  the  training 
period.  The  scenario  for  the  film  was  prepared  by  photographic  per- 
sonnel at  the  Army  Air  Corps  Technical  School  and  the  dialog  was 
written  by  an  Air  Corps  officer  on  the  Commanding  Officer's  staff  at 
Mitchel  Field,  who  was  thoroughly  familiar  with  West  Point  training 
details.  The  modern  air-conditioned  photographic  laboratory  facili- 
ties of  the  Eighth  and  Fourteenth  photographic  sections  at  Mitchel 
Field  were  made  available  for  the  photographers  so  that  immediately 
after  each  scene  was  photographed  test  developments  could  be  ac- 
complished. The  assembly  details  of  the  West  Point  film  are  being 
accomplished  in  connection  with  the  routine  training  of  student 
photographers,  as  well  as  are  those  features  pertaining  to  chemical 
mixing,  developing,  printing,  editing,  drying  operations,  and  projec- 
tion. In  addition  to  this  work,  the  present  photographic  school 
schedule  includes  the  preparation  of  a  bombing  film  for  instructional 
purposes  at  the  Air  Corps  Tactical  School,  Montgomery,  Ala.  Ap- 
proximately 90  per  cent  of  the  film  will  include  Air  Corps  bombing 
scenes  now  in  the  files  of  the  Engineering  Division  and  the  Film 
Library,  Office,  Chief  of  Air  Corps.  The  necessary  new  sequences 
will  be  completed  by  expert  trained  aerial  cinematographers  at  the 
various  Air  Corps  photographic  sections  assigned  to  tactical  units 
concerned.  It  is  expected  that  approximately  95  per  cent  of  the  film 
will  consist  of  air  scenes  depicting  all  types  and  conditions  of  aerial 
bombardment,  and  will  prove  of  great  training  value  to  the  Tactical 
School  and  to  tactical  line  units,  the  National  Guard,  and  the  Re- 
serve Corps.  One  of  the  features  of  the  picture  will  be  the  Engineer- 

188  G.  W.  GODDARD  [j.  s.  M.  P.  E. 

military  aviation,  not  only  in  the  Army  Air  Corps  but  in  the  Naval 
Aeronautics  Branch  and  the  National  Advisory  Committee  labora- 
tories at  Langley  Field,  Hampton,  Va.  It  is  fully  recognized  that 
the  cost  involved  has  been  very  small  considering  the  results  obtained. 

The  Army  Air  Corps  maintains  still  another  aerial  photographic 
and  motion  picture  activity.  This  is  the  photographic  School  of  the 
Army  Air  Corps  Technical  School,  located  at  Chanute  Field,  Rantoul, 
111.  At  this  school  are  trained  the  Air  Corps  Photographic  officers  and 
enlisted  men,  and  all  the  many  skilled  technicians  required  for  taking, 
developing,  printing,  cutting,  and  editing  all  types  of  aerial  motion 
picture  films.  All  Army  Air  Corps  motion  pictures,  other  than  the 
engineering  and  technical  films  and  films  produced  locally  by  the 
photographic  section,  are  taken  and  produced  by  the  Photographic 
School  of  the  Air  Corps  Technical  School  in  its  complete  laboratory, 
which  is  a  department  of  the  Aerial  Photographic  School.  This  mo- 
tion picture  laboratory  is  maintained  for  the  purpose  of  training  offi- 
cer and  enlisted  photographic  personnel,  as  well  as  for  general  produc- 
tion work  of  the  Air  Corps.  Expert  motion  picture  personnel  from 
this  school  is  assigned  to  all  major  projects  of  the  Air  Corps,  where  the 
films  to  be  taken  are  not  of  direct  value  to  the  Materiel  Division. 

Sound  camera  equipment  has  been  specially  constructed  for  the  Air 
Corps  for  the  production  of  Air  Corps  motion  pictures.  The  weight 
of  such  equipment  has  been  materially  reduced  and  the  equipment  it- 
self is  transported  to  the  various  locations  in  special  school  photo- 
graphic transport  airplanes.  The  pilot  and  mechanics  on  such  mis- 
sions perform  the  roles  of  director,  cameraman,  and  sound  techni- 
cian. Adjacent  to  the  Photographic  School  at  the  Air  Corps  Techni- 
cal School  is  located  the  Communications  School,  which  cooperates 
with  the  Photographic  School  in  furnishing  the  required  radio  techni- 
cians, as  needed,  for  the  operation  and  maintenance  of  the  sound  re- 
cording equipment.  In  January,  1934,  complete  sound  camera 
equipment  was  flown  to  Rockwell  Field,  Calif.,  and  Air  Corps  flying 
personnel  completed  a  four-reel  sound  motion  picture  covering  the 
Army  Air  Corps  School  of  Aviation  activities.  Approximately  70 
per  cent  of  this  film  was  completed  in  the  air,  showing  the  duties  of 
the  personnel  engaged  in  fog  flying,  commonly  known  as  "blind" 
flying,  and  the  latest  methods  of  aerial  navigation.  The  film  was 
completed  for  the  historical  record  of  the  Army  Air  Corps,  and  has 
since  proved  to  be  very  valuable  for  instructional  purposes  in  Air 
Corps  schools,  National  Guard,  and  Air  Corps  Reserve  Units.  Last 

Feb.,  1936]  MOTION  PICTURES  IN  AlR  CORPS  189 

spring  this  film  served  a  very  useful  purpose  in  connection  with  the 
aerial  training  of  West  Point  cadets  as  recommended  in  the  findings 
of  the  Baker  Board,  appointed  by  President  Roosevelt.  Included  in 
the  present  schedule  of  motion  picture  work  is  the  project  of  the  Photo- 
graphic Department  of  the  Air  Corps  Technical  School  to  assemble 
and  edit  the  4000-ft.  sound-film  entitled  Wings  for  West  Point.  This 
film  was  photographed  last  June  at  Mitchel  Field,  Long  Island,  and 
shows  the  extent  of  aerial  military  training  given  to  the  second-class 
men  at  West  Point.  This  historic  film  follows  the  student  through  all 
his  training,  from  his  arrival  at  Mitchel  Field  to  his  departure  there- 
from. Approximately  70  per  cent  of  the  film  was  taken  in  the  air, 
showing  the  cadets  carrying  out  the  various  navigation  and  aerial 
gunnery  missions.  The  ground  sequences  of  the  film  show  in  detail 
the  cadets  inspecting  the  various  types  of  tactical  airplanes  and 
equipment,  and  also  the  routine  ground  training  during  the  training 
period.  The  scenario  for  the  film  was  prepared  by  photographic  per- 
sonnel at  the  Army  Air  Corps  Technical  School  and  the  dialog  was 
written  by  an  Air  Corps  officer  on  the  Commanding  Officer's  staff  at 
Mitchel  Field,  who  was  thoroughly  familiar  with  West  Point  training 
details.  The  modern  air-conditioned  photographic  laboratory  facili- 
ties of  the  Eighth  and  Fourteenth  photographic  sections  at  Mitchel 
Field  were  made  available  for  the  photographers  so  that  immediately 
after  each  scene  was  photographed  test  developments  could  be  ac- 
complished. The  assembly  details  of  the  West  Point  film  are  being 
accomplished  in  connection  with  the  routine  training  of  student 
photographers,  as  well  as  are  those  features  pertaining  to  chemical 
mixing,  developing,  printing,  editing,  drying  operations,  and  projec- 
tion. In  addition  to  this  work,  the  present  photographic  school 
schedule  includes  the  preparation  of  a  bombing  film  for  instructional 
purposes  at  the  Air  Corps  Tactical  School,  Montgomery,  Ala.  Ap- 
proximately 90  per  cent  of  the  film  will  include  Air  Corps  bombing 
scenes  now  in  the  files  of  the  Engineering  Division  and  the  Film 
Library,  Office,  Chief  of  Air  Corps.  The  necessary  new  sequences 
will  be  completed  by  expert  trained  aerial  cinematographers  at  the 
various  Air  Corps  photographic  sections  assigned  to  tactical  units 
concerned.  It  is  expected  that  approximately  95  per  cent  of  the  film 
will  consist  of  air  scenes  depicting  all  types  and  conditions  of  aerial 
bombardment,  and  will  prove  of  great  training  value  to  the  Tactical 
School  and  to  tactical  line  units,  the  National  Guard,  and  the  Re- 
serve Corps.  One  of  the  features  of  the  picture  will  be  the  Engineer- 

190  G.  W.  GODDARD  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

ing  Division  technical  film  made  for  research  purposes  during  the 
bombing  of  the  Pee  Dee  River  concrete  bridge  in  North  Carolina, 
showing  the  effectiveness  of  aerial  demolition  bombs  upon  steel  rein- 
forced concrete  construction. 

Occasionally,  specialized  personnel,  and  with  airplanes  of  the  mod- 
ern service  type,  are  ordered  to  the  Air  Corps  Technical  School  from 
the  tactical  units  and  other  service  schools  to  give  lectures  and  demon- 
strations to  the  school  departments.  By  order  of  the  Commanding 
Officer,  all  lectures  and  demonstrations  of  this  nature  will  be  recorded 
and  photographed  by  the  Photographic  Department  and  made  avail- 
able for  future  instruction.  Recently  a  new  type  of  attack  plane  was 
flown  to  Chanute  Field  and  a  motion  picture  film  was  made  showing 
all  the  details  of  a  lecture  given  on  it,  including  the  loading  of  ordinary 
bombs  and  parachute  bombs  upon  the  latest  type  of  bomb  racks. 
The  films  showed  also  the  method  of  release,  and  the  actual  release, 
of  the  bombs  during  flight.  The  complete  lectures,  which  were  given 
by  an  Ordnance  Officer  from  Shreveport,  La.,  were  taken  in  shorthand 
and  are  available  for  completion  of  the  sound  details  of  the  film,  which 
it  is  expected  will  be  incorporated  in  the  bombing  film  being  made  for 
the  Tactical  School.  These  examples  are  only  a  few  of  the  many 
that  demonstrate  the  practicability  and  the  need  of  maintaining  a 
modern  motion  picture  laboratory  at  the  Army  Air  Corps  Technical 

Other  films  completed  to  date  by  the  Army  Air  Corps  Technical 
School  include  the  film  made  on  the  flight  to  and  from  Alaska  and 
during  the  operations  at  Fairbanks,  when  Army  Air  Corps  photo- 
graphic planes  demonstrated  the  practicability  of  mass  photographic 
flying  and  photographed  35,000  square  miles  in  seven  hours  and 
forty-five  minutes  of  actual  time  of  photographing.  Aerial  motion 
picture  personnel  of  the  school  also  accompanied  the  Army  Air  Corps 
Cold  Weather  Test  Flight  along  the  Northern  border  in  1934  and 
photographed  the  operations  of  the  flight.  These  films  have  been 
turned  over  to  the  Engineering  Division  and  have  assisted  that  ac- 
tivity in  the  further  development  of  arctic  weather  flying  equipment. 

Civilian  instructors,  under  the  supervision  of  the  Director  of  the 
Department  of  Mechanics,  which  department  conducts  the  training 
of  all  Air  Corps  mechanics,  are  now  preparing  a  dialog  for  a  local 
training  film  covering  the  standard  procedure  of  maintaining  and  in- 
specting Army  aircraft.  The  work  is  being  accomplished  along  with 
the  routine  work  of  the  school,  and  the  photographing  will  be  done 

Feb.,  1936]  MOTION  PICTURES  IN  AlR  CORPS  191 

by  the  Department  of  Photography  during  regular  instruction  of  the 

As  previously  stated,  there  are  fourteen  photographic  sections  of  the 
Army  Air  Corps.  These  are  located  in  the  nine  Corps  Areas  in  the 
United  States  and  in  three  foreign  possessions.  The  purpose  is  to 
complete  in  the  most  economical  manner  all  photographic  training 
missions  and  miscellaneous  aerial  surveys  for  the  respective  Corps 
Area  headquarters.  Each  aerial  photographic  section  is  composed 
of  twenty  enlisted  photographers  and  technicians  under  the  command 
of  a  photographic  flying  officer.  Most  of  these  photo  section  labora- 
tories are  quite  modern  and  include  air-conditioning,  temperature- 
control,  and  dustproof  equipment.  They  have  been  constructed 
within  the  past  two  or  three  years  in  connection  with  the  general 
building  program  of  new  Air  Corps  stations.  Each  laboratory  is 
equipped  with  motion  picture  developing  equipment  and  cameras 
adaptable  for  use  in  all  service  type  airplanes  and  upon  the  ground. 
The  operators  of  the  equipment  are  thoroughly  experienced  in  both 
the  operation  of  the  camera  and  the  use  of  the  laboratory  equipment. 
These  technicians  are  thoroughly  familiar  with  local  atmospheric 
conditions  as  they  affect  aerial  and  ground  cinematography.  The 
present  arrangement  of  locating  cinematographers  in  all  the  Air  Corps 
photographic  sections  is  regarded  as  very  efficient  in  that  all  special 
happenings  in  that  vicinity  are  immediately  photographed  and  the 
developed  films  rushed  to  the  Chief  of  the  Air  Corps  for  distribution 
to  the  newsreels  and  for  the  permanent  library  of  the  Chief  of 
Air  Corps.  In  order  to  keep  the  personnel  in  proper  training,  each 
section  is  required  periodically  to  test  its  equipment  in  the  air  and  to 
mail  the  films  to  Washington,  where  they  are  closely  inspected.  A 
fresh  stock  of  film  is  carried  in  the  supply  depots  of  the  Air  Corps  and 
is  available  to  the  sections  upon  requisition.  Most  of  the  film  is  fur- 
nished in  200-ft.  lengths  for  use  in  the  standard  aerial  motion  picture 
cameras,  which  are  equipped  with  200-ft.  magazines. 

Panchromatic  No.  2  is  the  type  of  motion  picture  negative  film 
generally  used  for  aerial  motion  picture  photography  in  the  Army 
Air  Corps.  For  years  it  has  been  found  that  Panchromatic  No.  2 
produced  best  results  when  used  with  the  standard  Air  Corps  filters 
employed  in  making  still  aerial  photographs.  Although  this  film  is 
comparatively  slow-speed,  it  is  sufficiently  fast  to  permit  the  use  of 
the  K-3,  minus  blue,  and  A-25  filters.  On  clear  days,  between  the 
hours  of  8  A.M.  and  4  P.M.,  when  filters  of  the  minus  blue  and  A-2o 

192  G.  W.  GODDARD  [j.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

types  are  used,  the  lens  opening  is  set  at  //4.5,  infinity  focus,  180- 
degree  shutter  opening,  and  the  photographing  done  at  32  frames  per 
second.  The  type  of  filter  and  the  lens  opening  vary,  depending  upon 
the  atmospheric  conditions  in  certain  sections  of  the  country.  When 
using  Panchromatic  No.  2  for  low-altitude  pictures  taken  over  cities 
or  along  the  coast  line  where  there  is  a  marked  degree  of  contrast, 
filters  of  the  Aero  One  type  are  generally  used,  and  the  stop  is  reduced 
to  //8,  at  32  frames  per  second.  When  producing  aerial  motion  pic- 
tures of  this  type  the  primary  interest  lies  in  detail  rather  than  in  pic- 
torial effect;  hence  the  need  for  the  finest  possible  grain.  Our  expe- 
rience has  been  that  this  is  obtained  to  the  best  advantage  in  Pan- 
chromatic No.  2  film.  The  use  of  supersensitive  motion  picture  film 
is  resorted  to  only  for  early  morning  or  late  evening  missions,  or  un- 
der bad  weather  conditions,  when  the  light  is  extremely  poor. 

A  most  difficult  problem  is  presented  in  photographing  Army  Air 
Corps  formations  or  single  airplanes,  in  that  the  present  colors  of  the 
airplane  cover  the  two  extremes  of  contrast,  the  wings  being  painted 
bright  yellow  with  an  enamel  finish,  giving  a  high  reflection  factor,  and 
the  fuselage  being  painted  a  dark  green,  usually  without  an  enamel 
surface,  and  having  a  low  reflection  factor.  In  this  case  it  is  necessary 
to  photograph  the  formation  or  single  airplane,  and  sacrifice  the  re- 
sults in  the  distant  landscape.  The  Army  Air  Corps  recently  issued 
an  order  to  all  repair  depots  to  change  the  green  color  of  the  fuselage 
to  a  light  blue.  This  will  be  very  helpful  in  photographing  airplane 
formations  in  the  future.  Another  difficulty  encountered  in  photo- 
graphing the  latest  types  of  airplanes  has  been  occasioned  by  the  in- 
creased speeds  of  the  new  types  of  military  aircraft,  compared  with 
the  speed  of  the  present  type  photographic  airplanes.  In  photo- 
graphing single  airplanes  or  formations  in  flight,  it  is  very  necessary 
that  the  photographic  airplane  be-  able  to  outdistance  the  airplane 
being  photographed  in  order  to  move  into  position  for  satisfactory 
pictorial  composition.  In  recent  months  it  has  been  necessary  to  ar- 
range camera  installations  in  non-photographic  airplanes  in  order  to 
correct  this  condition.  It  has  been  extremely  difficult  to  make  satis- 
factory camera  installations,  as  it  generally  happens  that  the  desir- 
able positions  are  occupied  by  other  pieces  of  necessary  equipment. 
When  the  200-miles-per-hour  Martin  bombers  were  flown  over 
Alaska  it  was  necessary  to  install  the  motion  picture  camera  equip- 
ment in  the  front  cockpit  of  a  bomber  and  cut  a  hole  through  the  cellu- 
loid turret  cowling  protecting  the  forward  gunner.  A  set-up  of  this 


kind  was  used  exclusively  for  motion  picture  work  on  the  Alaskan 
flight.  The  oval  celluloid  enclosure  with  the  camera  mounting  at- 
tached provided  full  swing  of  the  camera  and  mount  to  any  desired 
position.  The  location  of  the  camera  in  the  nose  of  the  airplane  in 
this  instance  proved  very  desirable  in  that  it  was  away  from  the  mo- 
tors and  kept  free  from  oil,  which  generally  accumulates  upon  the  lens 
when  the  camera  is  mounted  at  the  rear  of  the  motors.  The  camera 
operator  on  the  Alaskan  flight  was  provided  with  a  radiophone  so 
that  it  was  possible  for  him  to  talk  to  the  pilots  of  the  planes  being 
photographed  and  give  them  necessary  instructions  as  to  the  desired 

Considerable  difficulty  is  experienced  in  the  operation  of  cameras 
in  cold  weather,  particularly  on  planes  flying  at  high  altitudes  where 
the  camera  is  exposed  to  the  wind  blast.  Constant  attention  to  the 
proper  lubrication  of  the  moving  parts  is  necessary.  Moreover,  as 
previously  indicated,  the  operator  must  be  constantly  on  the  alert  to 
prevent  oil  from  covering  the  lenses,  particularly  in  single-motored 
airplanes,  in  which  the  camera  is  mounted  directly  behind  the  radial 
motors  which  throw  off  a  fine  spray  of  oil  from  the  cylinder  heads  and 

In  connection  with  the  maintenance  and  repair  of  aerial  cameras 
and  other  equipment,  including  laboratory  equipment,  most  of  this 
is  attended  to  in  the  units  and  activities  concerned.  However,  major 
repairs  are  completed  either  at  the  factory  producing  the  equipment 
or  at  the  Materiel  Division.  Army  Air  Corps  motion  picture  cam- 
eras in  most  cases  are  operated  electrically  from  the  12-volt  airplane 
power  supply. 

Aside  from  the  historical,  publicity,  and  training  sound  motion 
pictures  required  by  the  Air  Corps,  it  is  believed  that  motion  picture 
photography  will  play  a  very  important  part  in  future  military  ob- 
servation operations.  The  speed  of  the  military  airplane  now  being 
developed  will  be  much  too  high  to  permit  the  observer  or  pilot  to 
make  pin-point  still  photographs  with  the  required  degree  of  accuracy 
or  for  the  personnel  to  carry  out  visual  observation  where  it  is  neces- 
sary to  spend  much  time  in  making  a  detailed  study.  This  will  be 
especially  true  if  missions  are  required  at  low  altitude  under  the 
clouds  in  countries  similar  to  Alaska  and  Siberia,  where  cloudy 
weather  prevails  most  of  the  time. 

It  is  believed  that  specially  designed  high-speed,  70-mm.  motion 
picture  cameras  for  observation  will  solve  this  problem,  in  that  it  will 

194  G.  W.  GODDARD 

be  possible  to  install  a  high-speed  motion  picture  camera  in  the  wing 
or  fuselage  of  an  airplane,  and  operate  it  over  the  area  to  be  photo 
graphed.  Then  after  the  film  is  printed  it  can  be  projected  upon  a 
screen  for  detailed  study  by  the  staff.  In  case  it  is  necessary  to  com 
plete  a  detailed  study  of  a  line  of  trenches,  railroad  yards,  docks,  01 
munition  depots,  it  would  be  quite  feasible  for  the  pilot  to  pass  ovei 
these  areas  at  300  mph.,  press  a  button  upon  the  control  stick,  anc 
photograph  the  entire  area  in  slow  motion.  After  the  film  is  de 
veloped  and  printed,  which  could  be  accomplished  within  one  hour 
the  film  taken  from  a  plane  travelling  at  300  miles  per  hour  could  be 
projected  upon  the  screen  at  the  normal  projection  speed,  and  afforc 
the  staff  an  opportunity  to  study  the  area  as  though  they  were  drifting 
over  the  area  at  a  speed  of  ten  miles  per  hour.  Making  the  observa 
tion  pictures  in  this  manner,  upon  70-mm.  film,  twice  the  width  o] 
the  standard  film,  would  offer  another  advantage,  in  that  it  would  be 
practicable  to  cut  one  or  more  frames  from  the  film  and  study  their 
singly  or  in  pairs  if  a  stereoscopic  study  is  desired.  With  the  presenl 
knowledge  of  fine-grain  developers,  it  is  believed  films  made  in  thii 
manner  will  afford  a  maximum  of  detail.  The  development  of  thi; 
equipment  for  air  use  would  not  present  a  very  difficult  problem 
Heavy  color  filters  would  not  be  necessary  for  this  type  of  aerial 
photography,  so  that  using  supersensitive  film  and  a  high-speed  lens 
the  combination  should  work  out  quite  satisfactorily.  Another  ad 
vantage  is  that  this  equipment  could  be  operated  by  remote  contro 
in  single-seat  planes  and  thereby  afford  a  minimal  target. 

Further,  this  same  principle  in  the  form  of  very  large  cameras 
covering  many  square  miles  of  territory,  could  be  utilized  upon  largei 
airplanes  at  great  altitudes.  Recent  aeronautical  development* 
have  conclusively  shown  that  such  planes  may  be  given  as  high  £ 
speed  as  any  other  type.  Once  in  the  air  at  great  altitudes  these 
planes  could  be  successfully  attacked  only  from  the  air,  making  then 
invulnerable  except  to  planes  carrying  the  same  weight  of  fire. 

What  has  been  said  above  is  a  somewhat  sketchy  outline  of  the 
vast  amount  of  aerial  motion  picture  activity  now  being  carried  oul 
in  the  various  departments  of  the  Army  Air  Corps.  By  far,  the  ma 
jority  of  this  work  has  and  will  continue  to  involve  technical  anc 
tactical  knowledge  and  experience  exclusive  to  the  Air  Corps,  and 
this  work  must,  therefore,  in  the  interests  of  efficiency  and  economy . 
continue  unobstructed  from  any  source  in  the  hands  of  the  agency 
most  able  to  perform  it. 



Summary. — In  discussing  the  use  of  a  photocell  for  the  measurement  of  diffuse 
density,  the  importance  of  the  optical  characteristics  of  the  cell  as  a  part  of  the  optical 
system  of  the  densitometer  is  emphasized.  Data  showing  some  of  the  discrepancies  in 
density  measurement  resulting  from  these  optical  characteristics  are  given.  It  is 
shown  that  for  two  extreme  types  of  emulsion,  the  measurement  of  diffuse  density  is 
possible  with  certain  arrangements  of  the  optical  system. 

The  barrier  type  of  photocell  has  been  used  successfully  in  many 
instances  as  a  convenient  means  for  measuring  illumination  and 
brightness.  Several  characteristics  of  this  device,  which  make  it 
suitable  for  photometry,  appear  to  make  it  equally  suitable  for  densi- 
tometry.  Simplicity,  inherent  stability,  and  spectral  response  char- 
acteristics are  the  leading  factors  which  favor  its  use  for  the  measure- 
ment of  photographic  density.  While  visual  densitometry  will  no 
doubt  remain  as  the  standard  for  a  long  time  to  come,  the  advan- 
tages of  physical  densitometry  are  so  apparent  that  the  substitution 
of  the  photocell  for  the  human  eye  is  certain  to  become  popular,  if  the 
photoelectric  results  can  be  relied  upon  to  a  reasonable  degree  of 

It  is  the  purpose  of  this  paper  to  discuss  the  influence  of  the  optical 
characteristics  of  this  type  of  cell  when  used  for  the  measurement  of 
photographic  density.  This  discussion  is  of  interest  regardless  of  the 
method  used  to  convert  the  cell  output  to  density  values.  It  is  of 
equal  importance  whether  the  cell  is  used  as  a  direct-reading  device 
with  its  output  calibrated  in  terms  of  density,  or  whether  it  is  em- 
ployed in  a  null-method  instrument  in  conjunction  with  a  calibrated 
wedge  or  other  intensity-controlling  device. 

The  reliability  of  any  densitometer  depends,  in  the  final  analysis, 
upon  the  means  of  translating  light  flux  to  numerical  density  values. 

*  Presented  at  the  Fall,  1935,  Meeting  at  Washington,  D.  C.     Communica- 
tion No.  567  from  the  Kodak  Research  Laboratories. 
**  Eastman  Kodak  Co.,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 



B.    C.    HlATT    AND    C.    TUTTLE 

[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

For  the  visual  densitometer,  the  human  eye  and  brain  match  field 
brightnesses  using  the  setting  of  a  standard  wedge  or  polarizing  prism 
to  evaluate  the  unknown  density.  For  the  physical  densitometer,  it 
is  the  current  output  of  a  photocell  which,  properly  interpreted,  will 
give  a  value  to  the  unknown  density.  The  essential  difference  be- 
tween these  two  instruments  is  that,  in  the  first  case,  the  measuring 
element,  the  eye,  is  not  connected  with  the  optical  system  in  a  man- 
ner which  will  influence  the  illumination  which  it  is  measuring ;  while 
in  the  second,  the  cell  is  a  very  definite  part  of  the  optical  system  with 

*  E  E  B  C          J) 

FIG.   1.     Optical  system  of  elementary  visual 

/f  E  £  B  C         J) 

FIG.  2.     Optical  system  of  elementary  physi- 
cal densitometer. 

a  definite  influence  upon  the  results  obtained.  An  analysis  of  two  ele- 
mentary optical  systems  for  the  measurement  of  diffuse  density  will 
perhaps  emphasize  this  difference  more  distinctly. 

Fig.  1  illustrates  the  essential  parts  of  a  visual  densitometer.  It 
consists  of  a  light-source,  A,  diffusing  material,  B,  film,  C,  the  photom- 
eter cube,  D,  and  the  eye.  A  means  of  introducing  a  comparison 
brightness  into  the  field  is  shown,  although  it  is  not  important  in  this 
analysis.  The  apertures,  E,  are  merely  to  limit  this  field.  Light  from 
the  lamp  strikes  the  diffusing  material.  Some  is  reflected,  some 
scattered,  and  some  transmitted  to  the  film.  Here  again  some  is 

Feb.,  1936]  MEASUREMENT  OF   DENSITIES  197 

reflected,  some  absorbed,  in  proportion  to  the  opacity  of  the  film;  and 
the  remainder,  passing  through  the  cube,  reaches  the  eye.  Some  of 
the  light  reflected  by  the  film  is  re-reflected  by  the  diffuser.  This 
added  component  has  very  little  effect  upon  high  densities,  but  it 
causes  the  low  densities  to  appear  somewhat  lower  than  they  actually 

The  optical  system  of  an  elementary  physical  densitometer,  shown 
in  Fig.  2,  is  essentially  the  same  as  that  of  the  visual  densitometer, 
except  that  the  photocell  is  substituted  for  the  eye  and  cube.  The  be- 
havior of  the  light  is  similar  to  that  of  the  former  system,  until  it 
passes  the  film.  Here,  however,  the  difference  between  the  cell  and 
the  eye  as  part  of  the  optical  system  becomes  evident,  and  the  optical 
characteristics  of  the  cell  have  a  decided  influence  upon  the  results. 

The  most  striking  characteristic  of  the  cell  to  be  considered  is  re- 
flection. Much  of  the  light  passing  through  the  film  is  reflected  by 
the  cell  surface,  and  again  passes  through  the  film  to  be  re-reflected  by 
the  diffuser.  The  result  is  that  low  densities  appear  to  be  higher  than 
they  actually  are.  For  example,  assume  that  the  surfaces  of  the  cell 
and  the  diffuser  each  reflect  50  per  cent  of  the  incident  light.  If  the 
light  that  passes  through  the  diffuser  is  regarded  as  100  per  cent,  then 
the  cell,  with  no  density  in  place,  will  be  affected  by  this  100  per  cent, 
plus  the  components  of  first,  second,  and  subsequent  reflections, 
amounting  to  nearly  35  per  cent.  Now,  if  a  density  with  transmission 
of  80  per  cent  is  placed  over  the  cell,  the  light  reaching  the  cell  will  be 
80  per  cent  plus  about  15  per  cent  resulting  from  reflected  compo- 
nents that  have  twice  passed  through  the  film.  Thus,  it  happens  that 
the  apparent  density  of  the  film  will  be  approximately  0.15  and  not 

Another  cell  characteristic  that  has  an  important  effect  upon  the 
results  is  the  variation  of  the  cell  response  with  the  angle  of  incidence 
of  the  light.  This  characteristic  influences  the  integration  of  light 
received  upon  the  cell  surface  from  light- scattering  materials.  A  typi- 
cal curve  of  cell  output  vs.  angle  of  incidence  is  shown  in  Fig.  3. 

A  third  characteristic,  that  of  spectral  response,  may  be  important 
in  that  the  cell  does  not  exactly  match  the  eye  in  this  respect,  and 
that  there  is  a  difference  between  individual  cells  of  the  same  or  differ- 
ent make.  However,  this  characteristic  has  little  or  no  significance  if 
the  materials  to  be  measured  are  as  spectrally  nonselective  as  the 
silver  image  of  a  photographic  film. 

A  fourth  characteristic  is  better  called  an  imperfection.    It  has  been 


B.    C.    HlATT   AND    C.    TUTTLE 

[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

noted  with  certain  cells  that  the  output  is  not  proportional  to  the 
product  of  intensity  times  illuminated  area.  Cells  exhibiting  this 
fault  have,  perhaps,  been  mistreated  during  use,  or  contain  some  flaw 
in  the  surface.  It  is  possible  to  select  a  cell  that  does  not  show  this 
fault,  but  since  it  does  exist  and  may  have  considerable  effect  upon 
results,  it  has  been  included  in  this  list. 

A  fifth  characteristic  may  be  called  fatigue  effect.    When  cells  are 
subjected  to  high  intensities,  there  is,  at  first,  a  rapid  falling  off  of 

•  0 

•  0 















"u  • 








Of  INC 


FIG.  3.     Output  of  cell  as  function  of  angle  of 
incidence  of  light. 

galvanometer  response,  gradually  lessening,  and  finally  reaching  a 
minimum.  The  recovery  time  is  much  slower,  so  that  if  the  cell  is 
first  allowed  to  reach  a  steady  state,  it  will  remain  reasonably  constant 
while  in  use. 

Combinations  of  two  or  more  of  these  characteristics  in  various  de- 
grees may  cause  idiosyncrasies  in  a  photoelectric  densitometer.  For 
this  reason,  it  is  of  interest  to  show  how  the  measured  value  of  a 
photographic  density  varies  as  the  optical  characteristics  of  such  a 
densitometer  are  changed. 

There  are  two  ways  in  which  a  physical  densitometer  may  be  cali- 

Feb.,  1936]  MEASUREMENT   OF    DENSITIES  199 

brated.  The  first  method  is  applicable  to  either  a  null-method  instru- 
ment or  one  of  the  type  described  above.  The  instrument  may  be 
calibrated  with  samples  of  film  which  have  been  measured  with  a 
visual  densitometer.  The  wedge  setting  or  meter  deflection  may  be 
marked  to  correspond  to  the  density  value  of  the  film  sample.  The 
second,  based  upon  the  fundamental  definition  of  density,  consists  in 
measuring  the  illumination  of  the  system  with  and  without  the  film  in 
place,  and  computing  the  apparent  density  from  the  formula : 

D  =  loglo  jt 

It  does  not  necessarily  follow  that  an  instrument  calibrated  by  the 
first  method  will  give  the  same  value  to  an  unknown  density  as  will  an 
instrument  calibrated  by  the  second.  Nor  is  theie  any  assurance  that 
either  instrument  will  read  correctly  a  density  of  an  unknown  emul- 
sion. Differences  in  the  optical  characteristics  of  the  eye  and  cell,  of 
the  optical  systems  used,  and  of  the  various  types  of  emulsions  are 
factors  which  may  lead  to  erroneous  results.  However,  it  may  be 
possible  to  adjust  these  factors  so  that  the  instrument  will  give  results 
for  all  types  of  emulsions  which  will  correspond  to  the  standard 
values  of  a  visual  densitometer.  Such  was  the  aim  of  this  experiment. 

The  first  step  was  to  construct  a  simple  densitometer,  similar  to 
that  shown  in  Fig.  2,  with  the  addition  of  a  lens  to  utilize  the  light 
more  efficiently  and  a  diaphragm  to  control  the  maximum  cell  output. 
A  commercial  Weston  photronic  cell  was  chosen,  and  was  cali- 
brated with  the  galvanometer  to  be  used  to  determine  the  relation 
between  light-intensity  upon  the  cell  and  galvanometer  response. 
This  relation  was  used  in  the  calculation  of  film  transmission  and  ap- 
parent density  value.  Two  types  of  emulsion  were  chosen,  fine- 
grained and  coarse-grained.  The  density  values  were  measured  with 
a  Jones  densitometer1  to  obtain  the  standard  diffuse  densities. 

Specifically,  the  aim  of  this  experiment  was  to  devise  an  optical  sys- 
tem in  which  the  density  values  for  both  fine-grain  and  coarse-grain 
film  would  correspond  to  diffuse  values  obtained  with  the  Jones  den- 
sitometer. The  results  are  shown,  therefore,  in  such  a  way  that  the 
differences  between  diffuse  and  observed  density  values  will  be  most 
clearly  indicated,  and  the  effects  of  changes  in  the  optical  system  most 
easily  recognized. 

The  first  group  of  results  is  shown  in  Fig.  4.  Here,  the  film  is  sand- 
wiched between  the  glass  window  of  the  cell  and  a  mask,  diffusing 


B.    C.    HlATT   AND    C.    TUTTLE 

[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

material  being  used  or  not  as  indicated.  There  are  three  facts  to  be 
noted  about  these  results:  First,  diffuse  density  values  are  not  ob- 
tained; second,  the  two  materials  do  not  show  the  same  discrepancies ; 
and  third,  the  results  where  no  diffusion  is  used  correspond  more 
closely  to  the  standard  density  values,  while  those  with  diffusion  are 
considerably  higher.  The  discrepancies  are  evidently  caused  pri; 
marily  by  interreflection  between  cell  surface  and  diffusing  material. 

In  an  effort  to  get  rid  of  the  effects  of  interreflection  between  film 
and  opal  glass,  the  cell  was  removed  to  a  distance  from  the  film  and 


POT     OPAL.,     riME.       GROUND 

o.t    0.4.   o.a     i.o     i.T.    1.4.    !.«.     i.e    %.o    o.x    0.4.  o.c»  o.a     i.o     i.a     i  A    i  c.     i.e    to 

FIG.  4.    Diffuse  density  (Dd)  vs.  ratio  of  apparent  to  diffuse  density  (Da/Dd) 
for  optical  system  No.  1. 

diffusing  material.  With  this  arrangement,  the  cell  would  measure 
the  brightness  of  the  film,  and  yet  be  so  placed  that  its  reflection  char- 
acteristics would  have  little  or  no  effect  upon  the  results.  The  curves 
of  Fig.  5  show  that,  for  the  fine-grain  film,  diffuse  density  values  were 
achieved  using  either  flash  or  pot  opal.  This  was  true  also  for  the 
coarse-grain  film,  but  for  a  limited  range  only.  With  no  diffusion,  the 
curves  are  considerably  higher  than  in  the  former  case.  Also,  the  effi- 
ciency of  this  system  was  very  low.  The  maximum  cell  output  with 
diffusion  in  the  light  path  was  less  than  1  per  cent  of  that  with  no 
diffusion.  This  is  an  important  factor  for  two  reasons:  First,  efficient 
use  of  light  with  high  cell  output  allows  the  use  of  a  more  rugged  type 
of  electrical  meter;  and,  second,  the  wattage  of  the  lamp  should  be 
kept  within  reasonable  limits  to  prevent  burning  the  film.  It,  there- 

Feb.,  1936] 



fore,  seemed  advisable  to  attempt  to  measure  diffuse  density  with  no 
diffusing  material  in  the  system. 

In  photographic  printing,  diffuse  density  will  result  if  the  exposure 
is  made  with  diffuse  light ;  or,  as  in  the  case  of  contact  printing,  if  the 
positive  receives  all  the  light  passing  through  the  negative,  whether 
the  incident  light  be  specular  or  diffuse.  In  a  visual  densitometer,  the 
eye  has  no  power  to  integrate  light  over  an  angle.  Therefore,  to  read 
diffuse  density,  some  diffusing  material  must  be  used.  In  a  physical 
densitometer,  however,  the  photocell  may  be  able  to  integrate  light, 



POT     OPAL,    flNt     &ROUND 






FIG.  5.    Diffuse  density  (Dd)  vs.  ratio  of  apparent  to  diffuse  density  (Da/Dd) 
for  optical  system  No.  2. 

in  a  manner  similar  to  the  positive  material  in  contact  printing,  and, 
therefore,  measure  diffuse  density  with  no  diffusing  material  in  the 

In  Fig.  4,  the  cell  was  placed  so  that  it  received  nearly  all  the  light 
passing  through  the  film,  with  the  result  that  diffuse  values  were 
actually  achieved  in  some  cases,  and  very  nearly  so  in  others.  By 
substituting  a  thin  glass  window  for  the  relatively  thick  one  originally 
protecting  the  cell,  results  were  obtained  as  shown  in  Fig.  6.  For  fine- 
grain  film,  the  density  values  are  diffuse  over  the  entire  range.  Some 
difference  in  the  characteristics  of  the  two  types  of  film  caused  the  low 
densities  of  the  coarse-grain  film  to  appear  lower  than  the  diffuse 
value.  Coarse-grain  film  is  known  to  scatter  light  more  than  fine- 


B.    C.    HlATT    AND    C.    TUTTLE 

[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

grain  film  at  low  densities.2  That  this  is  not  the  cause  for  the  present 
discrepancy  can  be  deduced  from  the  fact  that  the  curves  for  flash 
and  pot  opal  are  very  nearly  parallel  to  that  for  no  diffusion  and  show 
the  same  droop  in  the  curve  at  low  densities. 

After  measurement  of  the  reflection  characteristics  of  the  film  and 
photocell,  it  was  concluded  that  a  difference  in  the  specular  reflection 



POT     OPAL   ,    FINE.     GR.OUND 



I      I      I      I      I      I      I 

0        Ot      0.4-     0<b     O.8      I.O      I.X      I  .A      l.«      18      -Z,  0    OX     O.A    06,      0.6       1.0      1.1      1.4-     I.*     1.6 

FIG.  6.    Diffuse  density  (Dd)  vs.  ratio  of  apparent  to  diffuse  density  (Da/Dd) 
for  optical  system  No.  3. 

coefficient  of  fine-grain  and  coarse-grain  film  at  low  densities  was  re- 
sponsible for  the  discrepancy.  Accordingly,  the  glass  window  was 
removed  entirely,  with  results  shown  in  Fig.  7.  The  system  measures 
diffuse  density  for  both  fine-grain  and  coarse-grain  film  over  the  range 
of  densities  used.  However,  it  is  not  a  system  that  could  be  used  in 
practice,  since  with  no  window,  the  delicate  cell  surface  would  be  ex- 
posed to  injury.  The  only  advantage  of  removing  this  window  was 
the  elimination  of  specular  reflection  from  the  glass  surface.  It  was 
found  that  this  same  advantage  would  result  if  the  glass  surface  were 
dulled  by  grinding.  A  thin  window  with  a  finely  ground  surface  was 
placed  over  the  cell  surface.  The  results  differed  in  no  way  from 
those  shown  in  Fig.  7. 

The  above  discussion  has  illustrated  some  of  the  problems  encount- 
ered in  the  measurement  of  photographic  density  with  a  photocell. 
It  shows  that  the  characteristics,  and  even  the  positions,  of  the  com- 
ponent parts  of  the  optical  system  have  an  important  influence  upon 

Feb.,  1936] 



the  results  obtainable.  While  not  a  conclusive  proof,  it  demonstrates 
that  in  one  case  at  least,  diffuse  density,  as  defined  by  a  visual  densi- 
tometer,  can  be  measured  for  two  extreme  types  of  emulsion.  Finally, 
it  emphasizes  that  the  photocell  is  in  every  respect  a  part  of  the  opti- 
cal system  of  a  physical  densitometer,  and  must  be  so  treated  in  the 
design  of  such  an  instrument. 







0  1 










T-  F- 







X     0 

•*     0 

e>    O 

6       1 

O      1. 

X     0 

4-    0 

(•     O 

e    i 

0      1 

1      1 

4.         | 

ft       1 

e    %. 

FIG.  7.    Diffuse  density  (Z)<0  w.  ratio  of  apparent  to  diffuse  density  (Da/Dd) 
for  optical  system  No.  4. 


1  JONES,  L.  A.:   "An  Instrument  (Densitometer)  for  the  Measurement  of  High 
Photographic  Densities,"  /.  Opt.  Soc.  Amer.,  7  (March,  1923),  No.  3,  p.  231. 

2  TUTTLE,  C.:    "The  Relation  between  Diffuse  and  Specular  Density,"  /. 
Opt.  Soc.  Amer.,  12  (June,  1926),  No.  6,  p.  559;    republished,  /.  Soc.  Mot.  Pict. 
Eng.,  XX  (March,  1933),  No.  3,  p.  228. 


MR.  WHITE  :  The  limitations  that  have  been  pointed  out  in  this  paper  are  real 
limitations,  and  I  want  to  point  out  that  we  found  this  densitometer  of  value  only 
after  calibrating  the  wedge.  When  we  use  a  photometric  density  calibration  of 
the  wedge,  the  final  measured  densities  of  a  test-strip  do  not  agree  with  usually 
measured  densities  because  of  the  limitations  mentioned. 

The  only  feature  we  found  that  made  it  of  value  was  that,  with  commercial 
films,  the  range  of  graininess  was  not  great  enough  to  cause  trouble.  We  found 
one  calibration  that  would  work  to  the  necessary  precision  on  the  various  films 
of  commercial  graininess. 


I.  D.  WRATTEN** 

Summary. — Current  practices  and  equipment  in  use  in  the  motion  picture  process- 
ing laboratories  of  Great  Britain  are  described  under  the  headings:  Picture  Negative 
Development,  Positive  Development,  Development  of  Sound-  Track  Negative,  Develop- 
ing Equipment,  and  Printing. 

The  developing  and  printing  of  motion  picture  film  in  Great  Britain 
is  done  in  about  thirteen  laboratories,  only  five  of  which,  however,  are 
equipped  for  developing  picture  negative  film.  All  are  situated  in 
or  near  London. 

There  has  been  a  notable  increase  in  the  number  of  British  produc- 
tions during  recent  years,  but  the  majority  of  the  work  done  by 
most  of  the  laboratories  lies  in  printing  American  productions  for  re- 
lease in  England.  It  is  the  purpose  of  this  paper  to  describe  some 
of  the  methods  and  equipment  used  in  the  laboratories  in  this  country. 

The  smaller  laboratories  still  use  a  visual  method  of  controlling 
positive  film  development,  which  is,  of  course,  dependent  upon  per- 
sonal judgment.  The  larger  laboratories,  however,  are  now  using 
sensitometric  means  for  the  control  of  development,  similar  to  those 
used  in  Hollywood.1  For  this  purpose  the  Eastman  Type  lib 
sensitometer,2  a  time-scale  instrument  designed  especially  to  meet 
the  needs  of  the  motion  picture  laboratory,  is  recognized  in  England 
as  the  standard  motion  picture  sensitometer.  At  the  present  time 
four  laboratories  have  installed  and  are  using  such  instruments. 
Both  the  Eastman3  and  the  Martens  head  polarization  densitometers 
are  widely  used.  A  photocell  densitometer  complete  with  automatic 
curve  plotter  built  by  W.  Watson  &  Sons,  Ltd.,  London,  has  been 
installed  at  one  laboratory  and  has  given  excellent  results  over  a 
six  months'  trial  period. 

Picture  Negative  Development. — The  practice  followed  in  the  larger 

*  Presented  at  the  Spring,  1935,  Meeting  at  Hollywood,  Calif. 
**  Kodak  Ltd.,  London,  England. 




laboratories  is  to  control  the  action  of  the  developer  by  varying 
either  the  replenishing  rate  or  the  machine  speed,  according  to  the 
results  attained  by  developing,  at  frequent  intervals,  negative  film 
strips  exposed  to  the  negative  setting  of  the  type  lib  sensitometer. 
The  picture  negative  itself  is  developed  by  the  test-method.  In 
using  this  system  a  test  piece  from  each  roll  of  picture  negative  is 
developed  to  the  normal  gamma  value,  which  in  most  laboratories 
appears  to  be  in  the  neighborhood  of  0.65,  and  the  man  in  charge 
of  negative  development  then  determines  by  personal  judgment  the 
development  time  required  by  the  particular  roll  from  which  the 
test  piece  was  taken.  One  laboratory,  however,  attached  to  one 
of  the  largest  studios,  develops  all  studio  picture  negatives  to  a 
standard  gamma  of  0.65. 

The  formula  used  for  picture  negative  development  is  in  all  labora- 
tories a  borax  developer  of  the  Eastman  D-76  type,  with  slight  modi- 

FIG.  1.     Sensitometric  control  record  for  positive  film. 

fications  to  suit  the  varying  conditions  found  in  different  types  of 
continuous  developing  machines. 

Positive  Development. — In  the  smaller  laboratories  the  develop- 
ment of  positive  prints  is  still  controlled  by  the  personal  judgment  of 
the  man  in  charge  of  the  department.  By  varying  the  time  of  de- 
velopment within  certain  limits,  the  machine  operator  attempts  to 
compensate  for  developer  exhaustion  and  also  for  small  errors  in 
printer  timing.  The  larger  laboratories,  however,  control  positive 
development  by  sensitometric  means,  the  practice  being  to  maintain 
a  predetermined  gamma  by  altering  the  machine  speed  or  the  re- 
plenisher  flow  according  to  the  indications  obtained  from  sensito- 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

metric  exposures  on  strips  of  positive  film  which  are  run  through  the 
machine  at  hourly  or  half -hourly  intervals.  The  gamma  to  which 
prints  are  developed  varies  somewhat  from  laboratory  to  laboratory, 
but  it  is  safe  to  say  that  the  lowest  value  adhered  to  by  any  laboratory 
in  England  is  about  2.10,  and  the  highest,  2.40.  A  positive  control 
sheet  from  one  of  the  laboratories  is  shown  in  Fig.  1.  This  shows 
quite  clearly  that  over  a  period  of  sixteen  hours,  during  which  the 

FJG.  2.     Vinten  developing  machine. 

machine  processed  about  170,000  feet  of  film,  the  maximum  varia- 
tion of  gamma  was  from  2.28  to  2.40,  and  the  variation  in  time  of 
development  necessary  to  maintain  the  gamma  within  these  limits 
was  from  3l/z  to  3l/4  minutes. 

.  The  developing  formulas  vary  considerably,  but  nearly  all  can  be 
said  to  be  modifications  of  the  well  known  Eastman  D-16  formula, 
although  in  most  cases  the  citric  acid  contained  in  that  formula  is 


Development  of  Sound-Track  Negative. — It  is  unnecessary  to  de- 
scribe the  development  of  the  sound-tracks,  since  the  methods  used 
are  similar  to  those  already  described  for  picture  negative  and  posi- 
tive film.  It  is  usual  for  the  laboratory  to  adhere  to  the  specifica- 
tions given  either  by  the  studio  or  by  the  manufacturers  of  the  par- 
ticular sound  system. 

Developing  Equipment. — Since  the  equipment  used  for  develop- 
ing motion  picture  film  in  England  varies  considerably  in  design,  it 
is  thought  advisable  to  give  a  general  description  of  several  different 

FIG.  3.     Washing  room  for  positive  film. 

types  of  installation.  Some  of  the  laboratories  use  the  Vinten  con- 
tinuous developing  machines,  which  are  designed  so  as  to  be  readily 
adaptable  to  existing  buildings  with  the  minimum  alterations. 
For  instance,  the  machines  require  rooms  only  nine  feet  high,  and 
the  rooms  need  not  all  be  on  one  floor.  In  the  standard  machine  the 
range  of  developing  time,  from  three  to  eight  minutes,  is  effected  by 
a  change  in  speed  of  the  film  drive.  Each  machine,  assuming  that 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

a  development  time  of  four  minutes  is  required,  has  an  output  of  2250 
feet  per  hour.  Fig.  2  shows  the  developing  tanks,  on  either  side  of 
which  are  steel  columns.  Attached  to  these  columns  is  the  sprocket 
drive  shaft,  which  is  driven  by  the  vertical  chains.  The  sprocket 
shaft  slides  up  on  the  two  columns  for  the  initial  threading  up  of 
leader  film.  In  threading,  the  film  is  passed  beneath  the  weighted 
roller  of  the  first  sprocket,  with  the  emulsion  outward,  then  down  into 
the  tank  and  up  to  the  next  sprocket,  and  so  on,  a  weighted  diabolo 
hanging  in  each  loop  of  film  in  the  tank.  After  development,  the 
film  passes  into  the  next  compartment  for  rinsing  and  fixing.  The 
rinsing  and  washing  are  done  by  fine  jets  of  water  directed  upon  the 
films  as  the  latter  hangs  suspended  in  the  tanks,  as  shown  in  Fig.  3. 

FIG.  4.     Lawley  automatic  developing  machine. 

A  suction  nozzle  removes  all  surplus  water  from  the  film  before  it 
enters  the  drying  room.  In  this  room  diabolos  which  hang  in  the 
film  loops  are  placed  in  racks  which  prevent  them  from  swaying. 
Conditioned  air  for  drying  the  film  is  fed  through  ducts  along  the 
sides  of  the  room.  Most  laboratories  using  this  type  of  equipment 
employ  some  form  of  developer  circulation  and  temperature  control. 
It  is  understood  that  no  less  than  fifty-seven  of  these  developing  units 
have  been  made  by  the  manufacturers. 

An  interesting  design  is  illustrated  in  Fig.  4.  This  type  of  plant 
is  installed  in  one  of  the  largest  laboratories  attached  to  a  studio. 
The  design  makes  use  of  long  tubes  for  all  parts  of  the  process  with  the 
exception  of  the  initial  stages  of  development,  for  which  a  large  tank 
is  used,  and  the  operation  of  drying  the  film,  which  takes  place  in  the 
conventional  cabinets.  The  developer  circulation  system  is  shown  in 
the  diagram.  The  solution  passes  at  the  rate  of  twenty  gallons  per 
minute  through  a  thermostatically  operated  temperature  contrql 
tank  to  a  main  reservoir,  and  thence  to  the  tank  in  which  the  film  is 
developed.  From  there  it  passes  into  the  fcmr  developer  tubes  ancj 



is  then  pumped  through  the  temperature  control  tank.  Developer 
replenisher  solution  is  fed  from  the  inlet  side  of  the  pump.  In  the 
case  of  the  washing  tubes,  the  water  enters  at  the  bottom  of  each 
tube  and  overflows  at  the  top  into  a  suitable  gutter.  There  are  thir- 
teen of  these  tubes,  and  since  a  relatively  small  volume  of  water 
is  involved  and  the  rate  of  flow  is  rapid,  it  will  be  seen  that  this  is 
a  fairly  efficient  method  of  washing  the  film.  The  machine  drive  is 
situated  between  the  drying  cabinet  and  the  washing  tubes,  and 
is  fitted  with  a  variable-speed  gear. 

The  speed  at  which  these  machines  run  is  in  the  neighborhood  of 
sixty  feet  per  minute.     In  this  connection,  an  interesting  feature  is 

FIG.  5.     Debrie  automatic  developing  machine  for  negative  film. 

the  control  of  development  time,  which  is  done  without  altering  the 
machine  speed.  Variation  in  development  time  is  attained  by  means 
of  the  four  developer  control  tubes  and  four  corresponding  tubes 
on  the  end  containing  the  fixing  bath.  Each  developer  control  tube 
has  its  corresponding  fixing  control  tube,  and  the  pair  of  tubes  con- 
tains only  a  single  loop  of  film  between  them;  so  that  if  developing 
loop  No.  1  is  immersed  only  one  quarter  the  length  of  the  tube,  the 
loop  in  the  No.  1  fixing  control  tube  will  be  immersed  for  three  quart- 
ers of  the  tube  length.  Alterations  in  the  length  of  film  in  each  tube 
are  effected  by  pressing  a  small  lever,  which  releases  a  clutch  mecha- 
nism and  allows  the  film  to  pass  into  or  out  of  the  developer  tube. 
Indicators  show  the  length  of  the  film  loop  in  each  tube. 

A  vacuum  suction  system  removes  the  fixing  solution  from  the  film 
surface  as  the  film  passes  into  the  final  wash.  The  surface  moisture 
is  removed  in  similar  manner  before  the  film  passes  into  the  drying 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

cabinets.  At  the  entrance  of  each  drying  cabinet  is  a  sprocket;  all 
the  other  spindles  bear  rollers.  A  pivoted  arm  with  rollers  is  located 
at  the  bottom  of  each  cabinet,  by  means  of  which  the  film  tension  is 
automatically  adjusted.  Twenty  of  these  Lawley  machines  are  used 
in  the  laboratory  referred  to,  and  although  some  of  them  differ  ma- 
terially in  respect  to  the  developer  recirculation  systems  and  the  dry- 
ing methods  used,  the  fundamental  design  is  similar  in  all  cases. 

One  of  the  largest  laboratories  in  this  country  uses  Debrie  equip- 
ment.    The  developing  end  of  one  of  these  machines  is  shown  in 

FIG.  6.     Washing  tanks  and  drying  cabinets  on  Debrie  machine. 

Fig.  5,  this  particular  machine  being  used  for  developing  picture  nega- 
tive film.  The  time  that  the  film  remains  in  any  solution  is  made 
known  to  the  machine  operator  by  the  control  boards  at  the  top. 
Alterations  in  the  time  of  development  or  of  fixing  may  be  made  by 
moving  a  lever  upon  the  appropriate  control  board,  which  is  calibrated 
in  minutes  and  seconds.  The  speed  of  these  machines  is  in  the 
neighborhood  of  25  feet  per  minute  per  unit.  Fig.  6  shows  the  wash- 
ing and  drying  ends  of  fourteen  of  the  positive  machines.  A  feature 
that  is  usual  in  most  developing  installations  in  this  country  is  the 



provision  of  a  wall  dividing  the  developing  machine  into  a  dark  end 
and  a  light  end.  A  Carrier  installation  is  used  for  conditioning  the 
air  for  these  cabinets  and  also  for  controlling  the  temperature  of  the 
developing  solutions. 

While  the  various  machines  so  far  described  operate  at  a  lower  speed 
in  feet  per  minute  than  is  usual  in  the  U.  S.  A.,  one  laboratory  has 
built  three  positive  developing  machines,  each  designed  to  give  an 
output  of  from  180  to  200  feet  per  minute.  It  is  believed  that,  to 
date,  this  is  the  fastest  output  for  one  machine  operating  upon  a  com- 
mercial scale  in  any  country.  In  these  machines,  which  were  de- 

FIG.  7.     Control  room. 

signed  and  built  by  the  laboratory  itself,  the  film  is  driven  by  fric- 
tional  means  and  the  film  perforations  are  not  used.  Each  machine 
uses  260  gallons  of  developer  and  fifty  gallons  of  replenisher  solution 
for  developing  180,000  feet  of  positive  film  in  seventeen  hours.  Each 
machine  has  a  separate  circulation  system  and  temperature  control, 
and  elaborate  precautions  are  taken  to  safeguard  the  machines  against 
breakdowns  during  a  run.  So  successful  have  the  machines  been 
that  four  more  are  in  course  of  construction. 
The  control  of  development  is  the  responsibility  of  a  sensitometry 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

department,  which  controls  the  machines  according  to  curves  plotted 
from  exposures  on  the  Eastman  Type  lib  sensitometer,  passed  through 
each  machine  at  half-hourly  intervals.  Fig.  7  shows  a  corner  of  the 
control  room,  with  Eastman  densitometers  and  a  machine  indicator 
panel  bearing  the  instruments  for  indicating  the  time  of  development 
and  the  temperature.  All  instructions  dealing  with  machine  con- 
trol are  telephoned  from  the  control  room  to  the  machine  operator, 
who  has  no  responsibility  other  than  the  mechanical  care  of  the  ma- 


!             — 

-  (c 





—  -, 

_,  wn  >  w  SULB 

'  —  1  TMCRMO  STATS 



FIG.  8.     Silica  gel  air-conditioning  plant. 

Among  many  interesting  features  of  these  high-speed  units  is  the 
use  of  a  closed-circuit  silica  gel  air-conditioning  plant  for  film  drying, 
the  flow  diagram  for  which  is  shown  in  Fig.  8.  The  main  air  cir- 
cuit— passing  through  the  cabinets,  the  filter,  the  circulating  fan,  and 
back  to  the  cabinets — is  shown  in  dotted  lines  at  the  left  of  the  dia- 

At  A ,  in  the  wet-air  duct  from  the  cabinets,  a  certain  volume  of  air 
is  withdrawn  by  means  of  the  adsorption  fan  and  is  forced  through 
the  silica  gel  adsorbers  back  to  the  wet-air  duct  at  B.  That  is,  the 
silica  gel  plant  is  in  parallel  with  the  main  circuit  between  A  and  B, 
and  the  moisture  evaporated  from  the  film  in  the  cabinets  is  removed 
in  the  silica  gel  adsorbers  from  the  air  withdrawn  at  A .  A  completely 
closed  circuit  thus  results. 

In  the  duct  leading  to  the  cabinets  are  placed  wet-bulb  and  dry- 


bulb  temperature  regulators,  the  former  of  which  controls  the  vol- 
ume of  wet  air  passed  to  the  adsorbers,  while  the  latter  regulates  the 
dry-bulb  temperature  in  the  circuit  in  the  following  manner:  The 
air  entering  the  adsorbers  is  heated,  first,  by  the  heat  of  adsorption, 
which  is  greater  than,  but  mainly  due  to,  the  latent  heat  of  the  water 
vapor  removed  by  the  silica  gel  being  converted  into  sensible  heat; 

FIG.  9.     Continuous  printer  for  sound  and  picture  records. 

and,  second,  by  the  heat  left  in  the  gel  after  activation.  As  more  heat 
is  thus  generated  in  the  adsorbers  than  is  required  to  evaporate  the 
moisture  in  the  cabinets,  the  air  must  be  cooled  somewhat  before  it 
is  returned  at  B.  The  cooling  is  done  in  the  heat  exchanger,  by  at- 
mospheric air  flowing  in  counter  current  to  the  dried  air  and  exhausted 
to  the  stack  by  means  of  the  activation  fan,  the  by-pass  damper  regu- 
lating the  temperature  by  controlling  the  amount  of  dried  air  passing 
through  the  exchanger. 

214  I.  D.  WRATTEN  [j.  s.  M.  p.  E. 

There  are  four  silica  gel  adsorbers,  which  function  in  the  following 
manner :  The  air  to  be  dried  passes  through  two  of  the  adsorbers  in 
parallel,  while  the  remaining  two  are  being  activated.  The  change- 
over from  activation  to  adsorption  and  vice  versa  is,  however,  done  by 
only  one  adsorber  at  a  time,  so  that  a  very  smooth  continuous  drying 
effect  is  attained.  The  valves  controlling  the  flow  of  adsorption  air 
and  activation  air  rotate  continuously,  opening  and  closing  the  ports 
to  the  various  adsorbers  in  turn.  The  hot  air  to  any  adsorber  is  thus 
completely  shut  oif  before  adsorption  air  is  admitted. 

Activation  is  accomplished  by  atmospheric  air  heated  in  a  tubular 
gas-fired  heater.  The  air  is  drawn  in  through  the  filter  located  on 
top  of  the  heater,  and  its  temperature  is  regulated  by  a  thermostat 
at  the  outlet.  The  wet  air  from  the  adsorbers,  in  addition  to  the 
products  of  combustion,  are  exhausted  to  the  atmosphere  by  the 
activation  fan. 

Printing. — There  is  a  wide  variety  of  types  of  apparatus  used  in 
England  for  printing  motion  picture  film.  The  Bell  &  Howell  model 
D  and  the  Debrie  printer,  the  latter  being  of  the  intermittent  type 
with  a  continuous  printing  attachment  for  sound-track,  are  used  by 
two  of  the  largest  laboratories.  Another  large  laboratory  uses  a 
modified  form  of  the  Lawley  printer.  This  English  designed  printer 
is  of  the  continuous  type,  and  has  a  printing  speed  of  ninety  feet  per 
minute.  Another  make  of  printer  is  illustrated  in  Fig.  9,  which  is 
also  of  the  continuous  type.  The  double  unit  shown  prints  both  pic- 
ture and  sound  at  the  rate  of  100  feet  per  minute.  The  automatic 
light  change  is  effected  by  means  of  a  fiber  chart  70  millimeters  wide, 
which  runs  at  a  speed  one-hundredth  that  of  the  negative  to  be 
printed.  Negative  exposure  is  timed  by  running  the  picture  nega- 
tive and  the  fiber  chart  upon  a  special  machine  in  which  the  chart  and 
the  film  run  synchronously  at  their  proper  speed  relation.  A  light 
change  is  effected  by  means  of  a  punch  hole  in  the  chart,  and  the  posi- 
tion of  the  hole  relative  to  the  width  of  the  chart  determines  the 
printer  step  value.  There  are  twenty-one  light  changes. 

In  all  English  laboratories  except  those  in  which  Bell  &  Howell 
printers  are  used,  printer  light  changes  are  effected  by  means  of 
external  resistances  in  the  lamp  circuits.  It  is  customary  for  the 
laboratories  to  match  their  printers  by  means  of  simple  photographic 
photometry  in  which  film  stock  is  flashed  at  various  printer  points  and 
then  developed  and  read  on  a  densitometer. 

The  timing  of  motion  picture  film  is  done  by  visual  methods,  and 


to  assist  in  the  operation,  the  well  known  Cinex  sensitometer  is  used 
by  two  laboratories.  Sound-track  is  timed  by  density  measurement. 
Printing  rooms  are  conditioned  at  70  per  cent  relative  humidity  in 
many  of  the  laboratories. 

Conclusion. — From  this  incomplete  description  of  some  of  the  meth- 
ods and  equipment  used  by  motion  picture  laboratories  in  Great 
Britain  it  will  be  seen  that  the  tendency  is  to  follow  American  prac- 
tice generally.  It  must  be  understood,  however,  that  the  number  of 
release  prints  required  of  a  production  is  considerably  smaller  than 
would  be  the  case  in  the  U.  S.  A.,  and  that,  in  consequence,  many  of 
the  English  processing  installations  were  designed  with  a  view  to 
keeping  down  equipment  costs. 

There  is  no  doubt  that  the  adoption  of  the  more  accurate  sensito- 
metric  control  of  development  is  having  a  pronounced  effect  upon 
processing  technic,  especially  with  regard  to  developer  recirculation 
and  replenishment.  In  this  connection  it  is  fortunate  that  both  in 
the  U.  S.  A.  and  in  Great  Britain  the  Eastman  Type  lib  instrument  is 
regarded  as  the  standard  motion  picture  laboratory  sensitometer, 
since  such  a  condition  greatly  facilitates  an  exchange  of  sensitometric 
data  between  the  two  countries. 

The  author  wishes  to  acknowledge  his  indebtedness  to  Messrs. 
J.  Skittrell,  R.  Terraneau,  W.  Hitchcock,  W.  Lawley,  and  W.  Vin- 
ten,  and  the  Silica  Gel  Co.,  Ltd.,  of  London,  for  their  kindness  in 
allowing  the  use  of  the  illustrations  for  this  paper. 


1  HUSE,  E.:     "Sensitometric  Control  in  the  Processing  of  Motion  Picture  Film 
in  Hollywood,"  J.  Soc.  Mot.  Pict.  Eng.,  XXI  (July,  1933),  No.  1,  p.  54. 

2  JONES,  L.  A.:     "A  Motion  Picture  Laboratory  Sensitometer,"  /.  Soc.  Mot. 
Pict.  Eng.,  XVTI  (Oct.,  1931),  No.  4,  p.  536. 

3  CAPSTAFF,  J.  G.,  AND  PURDY,  R.  A.:     "A  Compact  Motion  Picture  Densito- 
meter,"  Trans.  Soc.  Mot.  Pict.  Eng.,  XI  (Sept.,  1927),  p.  607. 





Officers  and  Committees  in  Charge 


W.  C.  KUNZMANN,  Convention  Vice-P resident 

J.  I.  CRABTREE,  Editorial  Vice-P  resident 

O.  M.  GLUNT,  Financial  Vice-P  resident 

G.  E.  MATTHEWS,  Chairman,  Papers  Committee 

E.  R.  GEIB,  Chairman,  Membership  Committee 

W.  WHITMORE,  Chairman,  Publicity  Committee 

H.  GRIFFIN,  Chairman,  Convention  Projection  Committee 

O.  F.  NEU,  Chairman,  Apparatus  Exhibit 


C.  H.  STONE,  Chairman 

R.  P.  BEDORE  F.  P.  HECK  J.  H.  McNABB 





H.  GRIFFIN,  Chairman 

L.  R.  Cox  J.  GOLDBERG  J.  E.  MCAULEY 

H.  A.  DEVRY  S.  A.  LUKES  H.  RYAN 

Officers  and  Members  of  Chicago  Local  No.  110,  I.  A.  T.  S.  E. 


O.  F.  NEU,  Chairman 


J.  FRANK,  JR.  C.  H.  STONE 


MRS.  C.  H.  STONE,  Hostess 

assisted  by 

MRS.  B.  W.  DEPUE  MRS.  S.  A.  LUKES 






W.  C.  KUNZMANN,  Chairman 





The  Headquarters  of  the  Convention  will  be  the  Edgewater  Beach  Hotel, 
where  excellent  accommodations  and  Convention  facilities  are  assured.  A 
special  suite  will  be  provided  for  the  ladies.  Rates  for  SMPE  delegates,  Euro- 
pean plan,  will  be  as  follows: 

One  person,  room  and  bath $3 . 00 

Two  persons,  double  bed  and  bath 5 . 00 

Two  persons,  twin  beds  and  bath 5. 00 

Parlor  suite  and  bath,  for  two 10.00  and  12.00 

Room  reservation  cards  will  be  mailed  to  the  membership  of  the  Society  in  the 
near  future,  and  every  one  who  plans  to  attend  the  Convention  should  return  his 
card  to  the  Hotel  promptly  in  order  to  be  assured  of  satisfactory  accommoda- 

A  special  rate  of  fifty  cents  a  day  has  been  arranged  for  SMPE  delegates  who 
motor  to  the  Convention,  in  the  Edgewater  Beach  Hotel  fireproof  garage.  Private 
de  luxe  motor  coaches  operated  by  the  Hotel  will  be  available  for  service  between 
the  Hotel  and  the  Chicago  Loop  area. 


An  attractive  program  of  technical  papers  and  presentations  is  being  arranged 
by  the  Papers  Committee.  All  sessions  and  film  programs  will  be  held  in  the 
East  Lounge  of  the  Hotel. 


An  exhibit  of  newly  developed  motion  picture  apparatus  will  be  held  in  the 
West  Lounge  of  the  Hotel,  to  which  all  manufacturers  of  equipment  are  invited  to 
contribute.  The  apparatus  to  be  exhibited  must  either  be  new  or  embody 
new  features  of  interest  from  a  technical  point  of  view.  No  charge  will  be  made 
for  space.  Information  concerning  the  exhibit  and  reservations  for  space  should 
be  made  by  writing  to  the  Chairman  of  the  Exhibits  Committee,  Mr.  O.  F.  Neu, 
addressed  to  the  General  Office  of  the  Society  at  the  Hotel  Pennsylvania, 
New  York,  N.  Y. 


The  Semi-Annual  Banquet  and  Dance  of  the  Society  will  be  held  in  the  Ball- 
room of  the  Edgewater  Beach  Hotel  on  Wednesday,  April  29th,  at  7:30  P.M. 
Addresses  will  be  delivered  by  eminent  members  of  the  motion  picture  industry, 
followed  by  dancing  and  entertainment. 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 


Arrangements  have  been  made  for  conducted  tours  of  inspection  to  various 
laboratories,  studios,  theaters,  and  equipment  and  instrument  manufactories  in 
the  Chicago  area.  Those  firms  who  will  act  as  hosts  on  these  trips  are : 

Burton  Holmes  Films,  Inc. 
Bell  &  Howell  Company 
Chicago  Film  Laboratories,  Inc. 
Da-Lite  Screen  Company,  Inc. 
Enterprise  Optical  Manufacturing 


Herman  H.  DeVry,  Inc. 
Holmes  Projector  Company 

J.  E.  McAuley  Manufacturing 


Jam  Handy  Pictures  Corp. 
Jenkins  &  Adair,  Inc. 
National  Screen  Service,  Inc. 
Western  Electric  Company 
Wilding  Picture  Productions,  Inc. 
Society  of  Visual  Education 


A  miniature  nine-hole  golf  course,  putting  greens,  and  regulation  tennis  courts, 
maintained  by  the  Hotel,  will  be  available  to  SMPE  delegates  registered  at  the 
Hotel.  Details  will  be  available  at  the  registration  desk.  Special  diversions 
will  be  provided  for  the  ladies,  and  passes  to  local  theaters  will  be  available  to  all 
delegates  registering. 

Monday,  April  27th. 
9:00  a.m. 

10:00  a.m.-12:00  p.m. 
12:30  p.m. 

2:00  p.m.-5:00  p.m. 
8:00  p.m. 

Tuesday,  April  28th. 
10:00  a.m.-12:00  p.m. 
2:00  p.m.-5:00  p.m. 

Wednesday,  April  29th. 
10:00  a.m.-12:00  p.m. 

7:30  p.m. 



Society  business 

Committee  reports 

Technical  papers  program 

Informal  Get-Together  Luncheon  for  members,  their 

families,  and  guests.     Several  prominent  speakers 

will  address  the  gathering. 
Technical  papers  program 
Exhibition  of  newly  released  motion  picture  features 

and  shorts. 

Technical  papers  program 
Technical  papers  program 

The  evening  of  this  day  is  left  free  for  recreation, 
visiting,  etc. 

Technical  papers  program 

The  afternoon  of  this  day  is  left  free  for  recreation 
and  for  visits  to  the  plants  of  various  Chicago 
firms  serving  the  motion  picture  industry. 

Semi- Annual  Banquet  and  Dance  of  the  SMPE: 
speakers  and  entertainment. 

Feb.,  1936] 

Thursday,  April  30th. 

10:00  a.m.-12:00  p.m. 
2:00  p.m.-5:00  p.m. 


Technical  papers  program 
Technical  papers  program 
Society  business 
Adjournment  of  the  Convention 



Reprints  of  Standards  of  the  SMPE  and  Recommended  Practice  may  be  obtained 
from  the  General  Office  of  the  Society  at  the  price  of  twenty-five  cents  each. 

A  limited  number  of  reprints  remain  of  the  Report  of  the  Projection  Practice 
Committee  (Oct.,  1935)  containing  the  projection  room  layouts,  and  "A  Glossary 
of  Color  Photography."  These  may  be  obtained  upon  request,  accompanied  by 
six  cents  in  postage  stamps. 

Copies  of  Aims  and  Accomplishments,  an  index  of  the  Transactions  from  October, 
1916,  to  June,  1930,  containing  summaries  of  all  the  articles,  and  author  and 
classified  indexes,  may  be  obtained  from  the  General  Office  at  the  price  of  one 
dollar  each.  Only  a  limited  number  of  copies  remains. 

Certificates  of  Membership  may  be  obtained  from  the  General  Office  by  all 
members  for  the  price  of  one  dollar.  Lapel  buttons  of  the  Society's  insignia  are 
also  available  at  the  same  price. 

Black  fabrikoid  binders,  lettered  in  gold,  designed  to  hold  a  year's  supply  of  the 
JOURNAL,  may  be  obtained  from  the  General  Office  for  two  dollars  each.  The 
purchaser's  name  and  the  volume  number  may  be  lettered  in  gold  upon  the  back- 
bone of  the  binder  at  an  additional  charge  of  fifty  cents  each. 

Requests  for  any  of  these  supplies  should  be  directed  to  the  General  Office  of 
the  Society  at  the  Hotel  Pennsylvania,  New  York,  N.  Y.,  accompanied  by  the 
appropriate  remittance. 



At  a  meeting  of  the  Board  of  Governors  held  at  the  Hotel  Pennsylvania,  New 
York,  N.  Y.,  January  10,  1936,  the  budget  for  the  year  1936  was  drawn  up  and  a 
complete  report  rendered  by  the  Financial  Vice-President  on  the  financial  state 
of  the  Society.  In  addition,  further  details  of  the  approaching  Chicago  Conven- 
tion were  arranged  as  described  in  the  preceding  section  of  this  issue  of  the  JOUR- 

In  view  of  the  removal  of  the  President  of  the  Society,  H.  G.  Tasker,  to  the 
West  Coast,  Mr.  E.  Huse  who  was  reelected  in  the  October  balloting  to  the  Execu- 
tive Vice-Presidency  and  who  also  resides  upon  the  West  Coast,  resigned  his 
position  so  that  another  might  be  appointed  to  act  as  executive  officer  of  the 
Society  upon  the  East  Coast.  Mr.  S.  K.  Wolf,  of  New  York,  was  appointed 
Executive  Vice-President,  and  Mr.  Huse  was  reappointed  to  the  Board  to  fill  the 
vacancy  thus  created  by  Mr.  Wolf's  appointment. 


At  a  meeting  held  in  the  auditorium  of  the  Electrical  Association  of  New  York, 
a  paper,  with  demonstration,  was  presented  by  J.  A.  Miller  on  the  subject  of 
"Millerfilm  Recording."  The  system  was  originally  described  at  the  Hollywood 
Convention  last  May,  and  was  published  in  the  July,  1935,  issue  of  the  JOURNAL. 
This  presentation  included  a  number  of  improvements  that  had  been  made  on 
the  equipment  since  that  time.  The  meeting  was  well  attended,  and  the  presenta- 
tion aroused  considerable  interest  and  discussion. 


The  regular  monthly  meeting  of  the  Section  was  held  at  the  Electrical  Associa- 
tion, Chicago,  111.,  on  January  16th,  at  which  time  J.  C.  Heck  presented  a  paper 
on  the  subject  of  "Screens  and  Their  Applications  in  Theaters." 

The  meeting  was  well  attended,  and  arrangements  were  completed  for  the 
next  meeting  of  the  Section  to  be  held  on  February  13th.  Consideration  was 
given  also  to  the  activities  of  the  members  and  officers  of  the  Section  during 
the  forthcoming  Convention  of  the  Society  in  Chicago,  to  be  held  on  April  27th- 
30th,  inclusive,  as  described  in  the  preceding  section  of  this  issue  of  the  JOURNAL. 





Volume  XXVI  MARCH,  1936  Number  3 



The  Use  of  Cinematography  in  Aircraft  Flight  Testing 

F.  R.  COLLBOHM  223 

World  Motion  Picture  Markets N.  D.  GOLDEN  232 

Technical  Advances  in  Soviet  Russia A.  F.  CHORINE  240 

The  Motion  Picture  Industry  in  Japan Y.  OSAWA  243 

The  Motion  Picture  Industry  in  India G.  D.  LAL  248 

Problems  of  a  Motion  Picture  Research  Library.  .  H.  G.  PERCEY  253 
The  Historical  Motion  Picture  Exhibit  at  the  Los  Angeles 

Museum E.  THEISEN  259 

The  Motion  Picture  Collection  at  the  National  Museum 

A.  J.  OLMSTEAD  265 

The  Interrelation  of  Technical  and  Dramatic  Devices  of  Motion 

Pictures B.  V.  MORKOVIN  270 

The  Use  of  Motion  Pictures  in  Human  Power  Measurement .... 

J.  M.  ALBERT  275 

William  K.  L.  Dickson— Obituary G.  E.  MATTHEWS  279 

Officers  and  Governors  of  the  Society 282 

List  of  Members 

Alphabetical 285 

Geographical 323 

Spring,  1936,  Convention  at  Chicago,  111.,  April  27th-30th, 

Inclusive..  338 





Board  of  Editors 
J.  I.  CRABTREE,  Chairman 

O.  M.  GLUNT  A.  C.  HARDY  L.  A.  JONES 


Subscription  to  non-members,  $8.00  per  annum;  to  members,  $5.00  per  annum, 
included  in  their  annual  membership  dues;  single  copies,  $1.00.  A  discount 
on  subscriptions  or  single  copies  of  15  per  cent  is  allowed  to  accredited  agencies. 
Order  from  the  Society  of  Motion  Picture  Engineers,  Inc.,  20th  and  Northampton 
Sts.,  Easton,  Pa.,  or  Hotel  Pennsylvania,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Published  monthly  at  Easton,  Pa.,  by  the  Society  of  Motion  Picture  Engineers. 

Publication  Office,  20th  &  Northampton  Sts.,  Easton,  Pa. 
General  and  Editorial  Office,  Hotel  Pennsylvania,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Entered  as  second  class  matter  January  15,  1930,  at  the  Post  Office  at  Easton, 
Pa.,  under  the  Act  of  March  3,  1879.     Copyrighted,  1936,  by  the  Society  of 
Motion  Picture  Engineers,  Inc. 

Papers  appearing  in  this  Journal  may  be  reprinted,  abstracted,  or  abridged 
provided  credit  is  given  to  the  Journal  of  the  Society  of  Motion  Picture  Engineers 
and  to  the  author,  or  authors,  of  the  papers  in  question.  Exact  reference  as  to 
the  volume,  number,  and  page  of  the  Journal  must  be  given.  The  Society  is 
not  responsible  for  statements  made  by  authors. 

Officers  of  the  Society 

President:   HOMER  G.  TASKER,  3711  Rowland  Ave.,  Burbank,  Calif. 
Past-President:  ALFRED  N.  GOLDSMITH,  444  Madison  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Executive  Vice-P resident:    SIDNEY  K.  WOLF,  250  W.  57th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Engineering  Vice-President:   LOYD  A.  JONES,  Kodak  Park,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
Editorial  Vice-President:  JOHN  I.  CRABTREE,  Kodak  Park,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
Financial  Vice-President:   OMER  M.  GLUNT,  463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Convention  Vice-President:  WILLIAM  C.  KUNZMANN,  Box  6087,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 
Secretary:  JOHN  H.  KURLANDER,  2  Clearfield  Ave.,  Bloomfield,  N.  J. 
Treasurer:  TIMOTHY  E.  SHEA,  463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 


MAX  C.  BATSEL,  Front  &  Market  Sts.,  Camden,  N.  J. 

LAWRENCE  W.  DAVEE,  250  W.  57th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

ARTHUR  S.  DICKINSON,  28  W.  44th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

HERBERT  GRIFFIN,  90  Gold  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

ARTHUR  C.  HARDY,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology,  Cambridge,  Mass. 

EMERY  HUSE,  6706  Santa  Monica  Blvd.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 

GERALD  F.  RACKETT,  823  N.  Seward  St.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 

CARRINGTON  H.  STONE,  205  W.  Wacker  Drive,  Chicago,  111. 



Summary. — A  description  oj  some  of  the  applications  of  motion  pictures  to  test- 
ing aircraft  in  flight,  referring  particularly  to  diving  tests,  water  take-off,  landing 
speed,  and  load-deflection  tests. 

In  recent  years  the  flight  testing  of  aircraft  has  undergone  a  very 
radical  change.  A  few  years  ago  the  testing  of  a  new  airplane  con- 
sisted usually  of  one  or  more  initial  flights  during  which  the  test 
pilot  got  the  "feel"  of  the  controls  and  reported  whether  or  not  the 
airplane  flew  normally  and  felt  satisfactory  to  him.  If  something  was 
not  exactly  right,  the  difficulty  was  in  most  cases  solved  by  a  trial- 
and-error  process.  After  the  airplane  was  pronounced  satisfactorily 
flyable,  it  was  given  a  full-throttle  speed  test  which  may  or  may  not 
have  been  corrected  for  non-standard  atmospheric  conditions,  depend- 
ing upon  the  test  pilot  and  the  company  for  which  he  worked.  Usually 
this  was  sufficient,  but  in  a  few  cases  was  supplemented  by  a  test  of 
the  climbing  ability  and  ceiling  of  the  airplane. 

Today  the  flight  test  department  of  a  modern  airplane  manufac- 
turer proceeds  upon  a  highly  developed,  scientific,  and  technical  basis. 
It  is  the  aim  of  the  flight  test  engineer  to  eliminate,  or  at  least  to 
reduce  greatly,  all  the  hitherto  uncontrolled  variables  affecting  the 
characteristics  and  performance  of  an  airplane.  The  field  of  flight 
testing  has  also  become  greatly  broadened,  so  that  not  only  are  such 
things  as  speed,  climb,  ceiling,  and  landing  speed  accurately  deter- 
mined, but  also  quantitative  measures  of  stability,  maneuverability, 
efficiency,  and  many  other  related  factors  must  be  determined. 

The  search  for  greater  accuracy  and  more  coordinated  information 
early  brought  forth  the  manifold  advantages  attendant  upon  the  use 
of  motion  picture  equipment  in  flight  test  work.  The  early  tests  with 
this  equipment  were  so  successful  that  its  widespread  adoption  fol- 

*  Presented  at  the  Spring,  1935,  Meeting  at  Hollywood,  Calif. 
**  Douglas  Aircraft  Co.,  Inc.,  Santa  Monica,  Calif. 


224  F.  R.  COLLBOHM  [J.  S.  M.  P.  I 

lowed  rapidly.  The  uses  of  the  motion  picture  camera  may  be  divide 
into  three  major  groups,  all  of  which  are  closely  interrelated  and  ovei 
lapping.  First,  the  camera  is  very  much  utilized  as  a  recording  devic 
to  take  rapid,  accurate,  and  simultaneous  readings  of  many  instrt 
ments.  Second,  it  is  used  as  a  timing  device,  either  by  operating  it  a 
a  known,  fixed  speed,  or  by  photographing  the  objects  undergoin 
test  in  conjunction  with  a  timer  or  stop-watch.  Third,  the  motio 
picture  camera  has  also  been  used  as  a  direct  measuring  device  b 
making  use  of  the  geometrical  properties  of  its  optical  system. 

FIG.  1.     Set-up  of  camera  for  photographing  in- 
strument board  during  dive  test. 

Dive  Test. — An  excellent  example  of  the  utility  of  motion  pictur 
equipment  for  recording  purposes  is  illustrated  by  its  use  in  dive  tesl 
ing.  Airplanes  are  dive  tested  in  order  to  ascertain  whether  all  struc 
tural  parts  are  strong  enough  to  bear  the  loads  imposed  by  maximur 
design  air  speed  and  acceleration.  In  the  case  of  certain  types  c 
military  airplanes,  this  means  that  they  must  be  flown  vertical!; 
downward  until  they  have  reached  the  highest  speed  possible,  know: 
as  the  terminal  velocity.  When  they  have  reached  this  speed,  the; 
are  suddenly  pulled  out  of  the  dive;  the  change  in  direction  cause 



a  great  centrifugal  force  to  act  directly  outwardly  from  the  center  of 
the  turn — in  other  words,  directly  downward  with  respect  to  the 
normal  fore  and  aft  axis  of  the  airplane.  The  magnitude  of  the  force 
or  acceleration  thus  attained  is  measured  in  g  units  or  the  equivalent 
number  of  normal  level  flight  loads.  For  example,  when  the  airplane 
is  subjected  to  an  acceleration  of  lOg,  the  apparent  weight  of  every 
item  in  it  is  ten  times  its  weight  when  the  plane  is  flying  straight  and 
level.  Also,  the  loads  in  some  of  the  structural  members  will  be  ten 
times  their  loads  in  unaccelerated  flight. 

During  the  performance  of  a  test  of  this  type,  the  pilot  is  required 

FIG.  2.     Special  instruments  installed  for  photographic  recording  of  dive 

test  results. 

to  record  a  great  number  of  different  measurements,  such  as,  during 
a  dive,  the  rate  of  increase  of  speed,  the  engine  rpm.,  the  control  force 
and  the  direction,  the  elevator  angle,  and  the  trimming  tab  angle; 
at  the  start  of  the  pull-out,  the  altitude,  and  the  airspeed;  during  the 
pull-out,  the  maximum  indicated  acceleration,  the  control  force  re- 
quired, loss  of  altitude,  the  elevator  angle,  and  many  other  related 
observations.  When  it  is  realized  that  the  total  time  from  the  start 
of  a  dive  until  the  completion  of  the  pull-out  is  only  a  few  seconds,  and 
that  the  pilot  during  this  test  is  under  a  great  strain,  not  only  due  to 
the  extreme  precision  of  flying  necessary,  but  also  to  the  severe 
physiological  reactions  associated  with  the  high  accelerations,  it  may 
be  readily  understood  that  it  is  asking  too  much  of  any  pilot  to  record 
all  the  necessary  information. 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E 

It  has  been  customary  in  the  past  to  depend  upon  the  pilot's  mem 
ory  for  furnishing  the  necessary  data  after  the  completion  of  the  test 
This  method  was  necessarily  inaccurate  and  unsatisfactory,  so  that 
motion  picture  equipment  was  called  upon  to  do  the  observing.  This 
decision  resulted  in  the  development  of  special  remote  reading  in 
struments,  to  be  mounted  upon  the  airplane's  instrument  board 
together  with  the  regular  flight  test  instruments.  These  special  in- 
struments indicated  the  control  forces  exerted  by  the  pilot,  the  posi 

TIME    (|  SECOlfDS ) 

FIG.  3.     Speed- time  curve  for  water  take-off  of 
flying  boat  with  normal  load. 

tions  of  the  various  control  surfaces  of  the  airplane,  and  other  neces 
sary  measurements.  The  motion  picture  camera  was  mounted  so  as 
to  take  pictures  of  all  the  standard  and  special  instruments,  togethei 
with  a  timer,  or  clock  with  a  large  seconds  hand,  which  served  as  a 
coordinating  measurement  against  which  to  plot  the  variation  of  eacli 
of  the  other  instrument  readings  throughout  the  test  (Figs.  1  and  2) 
The  accomplishment  of  a  system  of  recording  the  data  photo 
graphically  was  not  achieved  without  having  to  solve  several  problems 
resulting  from  the  high  accelerations  that  were  involved.  As  stated 
before,  during  the  pull-up  each  item  in  the  airplane  weighs  many  times 
its  normal  weight,  including  the  escapement  in  the  clock  and  the  gov- 

Mar.,  1936]          CINEMATOGRAPHY  IN  AIRCRAFT  TESTING  227 

ernor  in  the  camera.  Much  trouble  was  at  first  encountered  in  keep- 
ing the  clock  going  at  lOg  and  in  keeping  the  motion  picture  camera 
from  slowing  down  and  overexposing  or  even  stopping  entirely.  One 
type  of  16-mm.  camera  was  finally  found  that  seemed  to  run  very 
consistently  and  at  uniform  speed,  and  it  was  found  that  if  the  clock 
were  rotated  about  its  axis  approximately  171  degrees  from  the  up- 
right position  it  would  continue  to  keep  time.  However,  if  moved 
1  degree  to  either  side  of  this  new  position,  it  would  slow  down,  and 
if  rotated  2  degrees  it  would  stop  completely. 

Water  Take-Off. — Another  type  of  test  depending  upon  the  record- 
ing capabilities  of  the  motion  picture  camera  is  the  measurement  of 
the  total  water  drag  upon  the  hull  of  a  flying  boat  at  any  instant 
during  take-off.  Here  again,  the  camera  is  depended  upon  to  record 
simultaneously  several  times  per  second,  the  readings  of  many  differ- 
ent instruments.  As  in  the  dive  analysis,  all  instrument  readings  are 
plotted  against  time,  the  common  factor.  The  water  drag  is  found  as 
follows : 

(1 )  The  rate  of  change  of  speed,  or  the  slope  of  the  speed-time  curve,  gives 
the  acceleration  at  each  instant  (Fig.  3). 

(2)  Since  the  weight  of  the  plane  is  known,  the  force  required  to  give  the 
above  acceleration  at  each  instant  is  determined  (F  =  Ma}. 

(3}  Engine  horsepower  is  calculated  from  the  readings  of  several  engine  in- 
struments, such  as  tachometers,  manifold  pressure  gauges,  carburetor  air  tem- 
perature indicators,  etc.  This  can  be  further  corrected  to  give  the  propeller 
thrust  at  each  instant  during  the  take-off. 

(4)  The  total  thrust  developed  by  the  propellers  is  divided  among  several 
factors:     the  force  required  to  accelerate  the  airplane,  the  drag  of  the  water 
upon  the  bottom  of  the  hull,  and  the  drag  of  the  air  upon  the  remainder  of  the 

(5)  Since  the  force  required  to  give  the  observed  acceleration  is  known,  it 
may  be  subtracted  from  the  calculated  thrust,  leaving  a  remainder  that  counter- 
balances exactly  the  air  and  water  drag. 

(6)  Since  the  air  drag  at  each  speed  has  been  determined  by  wind-tunnel  tests 
and  flight  tests,  it  may  be  subtracted,  thus  leaving  a  resultant  curve  of  water 
drag  vs.  velocity. 

This  type  of  test  has  proved  very  useful  in  determining  the  over- 
load performances  possible  with  flying  boats  and  has  shown  very 
close  correlation  with  model  tests  made  in  the  N.  A.  C.  A.  Model 
Towing  Basin.  Motion  pictures  are  widely  used  also  to  allow  closer 
and  more  exact  analysis  of  the  wave-forming  and  spray  character- 
istics of  flying-boat  hulls,  both  full-scale  and  in  model  tests.  This 
is  particularly  valuable  since  "slow-motion"  analysis  is  possible. 

228  F.  R.  COLLBOHM  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

Landing  Speed. — The  motion  picture  camera  is  used  as  a  timing 
device  for  measuring  the  landing  speeds  of  aircraft.  A  number  of 
methods  are  employed  for  the  test,  but  all  are  fundamentally  the 
same  as  regards  the  function  of  the  camera  equipment.  One  method 
of  determining  the  true  landing  speed  employs  a  motion  picture 
camera  mounted  upon  the  airplane  pointing  sidewise,  horizontally 
perpendicular  to  the  thrust  line.  Equally  spaced  parallel  lines  are 
painted  upon  the  airport  field  just  off  the  runway  and  perpendicular 
to  the  normal  landing  path  of  the  airplane.  During  the  landing  tests, 
the  camera  is  started  just  before  the  wheels  touch  the  ground  so  as 
to  take  pictures  of  the  parallel  lines  marked  upon  the  field  as  the  plane 
passes  by  them.  The  landings  are  so  made  that  the  wheels  touch 
the  ground  when  opposite  the  group  of  parallel  lines,  and  the  point 
of  contact  with  the  ground  at  each  landing  is  recorded.  Before  each 
landing,  the  camera  is  fully  wound,  and  between  alternate  landings  the 
speed  of  the  camera  is  checked  by  taking  pictures  of  a  stop-watch. 

The  landing  speed  of  the  airplane  may  then  be  found  as  follows:  The 
number  of  frames  on  the  film  from  the  point  at  which  one  of  the  marks  is 
lined  up  perfectly  to  the  point  at  which  the  next  mark  is  similarly  lined  up  is 
counted;  and,  since  the  number  of  frames  per  second  is  known,  and  the  distance 
between  the  lines  is  also  known,  the  speed  of  the  airplane  from  each  line  to  the 
next  one  can  be  readily  calculated.  This  speed  is  determined  between  each  pair 
of  the  six  or  eight  lines  marked  upon  the  field,  and  a  curve  is  drawn  to  show  the 
speed  and  its  variation  through  that  distance.  Since  the  point  of  contact  with 
the  ground  was  recorded,  the  speed  at  that  point  of  the  curve  is  the  actual  ground 
speed  at  the  instant  of  landing.  The  wind  speed  is  then  added  to  give  the  true 
landing  speed. 

It  is  important  to  note  that  since  the  camera  takes  pictures  of  lines 
rather  than  points,  the  attitude  of  the  airplane  has  no  effect  upon  the 
results ;  even  if  the  camera  were  not  pointing  in  a  direction  parallel  to 
the  lines  upon  the  ground,  it  would  still  indicate  when  it  was  exactly 
in  line  with  one  of  them  because  the  image  of  that  line  upon  the  film 
would  then  be  perpendicular  to  the  horizon  in  the  picture. 

Direct  Measurement. — The  use  of  the  motion  picture  camera  as  a 
direct  measuring  instrument  has  been  more  wide  spread  in  European 
countries  than  in  the  United  States,  but  its  utilization  here  for  this 
purpose  is  progressing  rapidly.  The  accuracy  of  tests  of  this  type  de- 
pends entirely  upon  precise  knowledge  of  the  geometrical  properties 
of  the  optical  system  of  the  camera.  In  other  words,  the  focal  length 
of  the  lens  and  the  distance  to  the  aperture  plate  must  be  known  to  a 
high  degree  of  precision.  This  type  of  motion  picture  test  can  prob- 


ably  be  illustrated  best  by  describing  a  method  of  determining  the 
landing  speed  of  an  airplane.  In  making  the  test,  the  camera  is 
mounted  upon  the  ground  in  the  middle  of  the  landing  runway  in 
such  a  position  that  the  plane  lands  directly  toward  the  camera,  but, 
of  course,  comes  to  a  full  stop  before  reaching  it.  The  test  consists 
simply  in  photographing  the  plane  as  it  approaches  for  the  landing  and 
until  after  the  wheels  are  on  the  ground,  with  the  camera  operating 
at  a  known  constant  speed.  The  distance  of  the  plane  from  the 

FIG.  4.     Installation  of  motion  picture  camera  in  cabin 
of  transport  airplane  for  wing  deflection  measurement. 

camera  in  each  frame  can  later  be  determined  by  simple  geometry  if 
some  prominent  dimension  of  the  plane  is  known,  such  as,  for  example, 
the  span  of  the  wings  or  the  distance  from  one  landing  wheel  to  the 
other.  Since  the  distance  between  the  plane  and  the  camera  can  be 
found  for  each  frame,  and  since  the  time  interval  between  frames  is 
known,  the  velocity  with  which  the  plane  moves  toward  the  camera 
can  be  determined  in  the  usual  manner  by  dividing  the  change  in 
distance  between  frames  by  the  corresponding  time  interval.  The 
same  procedure  has  been  used  also  to  determine  the  take-off  and  the 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

initial  climb  of  aircraft,  to  ascertain  their  capability  of  climbing  over 
a  fictitious  obstacle  at  some  specified  distance  from  the  starting  point. 
Load-Deflection  Test. — Another  test  in  which  the  camera  is  used  as 
a  measuring  device  in  a  different  manner  is  that  in  which  the  load- 
deflection  curve  of  a  wing  or  other  part  of  the  structure  is  to  be  de- 
termined in  flight.  It  has  been  customary  in  the  past  to  turn  an  air- 
plane upside  down  upon  the  ground  and  load  the  wing  with  lead  or 
sand  bags  according  to  a  calculated  or  arbitrarily  determined  distribu- 
tion, checking  the  deflection  for  various  increments  of  load.  The 
curve  of  wing  deflection  vs.  load  could  then  be  plotted  and  compared 
with  the  calculated  or  theoretical  curve.  This  kind  of  test  was 

FIG.  5.  View  through  camera,  showing  wing  tip 
scales  with  relation  to  cross-wire  in  camera,  with  plane 
on  ground. 

very  difficult  and  expensive,  particularly  with  the  larger  airplanes,  so 
it  was  decided  to  load  the  airplane  structure  in  the  air  and  measure 
the  wing  deflection  photographically  for  each  increment  of  load. 
Not  only  did  this  motion  picture  test  save  time  and  money,  but  it  also 
eliminated  any  possibility  of  error  due  to  variation  between  the  actual 
distribution  of  the  force  upon  the  wing  and  the  test  distribution  as 
applied  with  lead  or  sand  weights  upon  the  ground.  To  carry  out  the 
test,  a  standard  motion  picture  camera  with  a  special  cross-wire  built 
into  the  aperture  plate  was  very  rigidly  mounted  upon  the  center-line 
of  the  airplane  with  the  lens  pointing  directly  out  toward  the  tip  of  one 
of  the  wings  (Fig.  4).  Upon  the  wing  tip  were  mounted  two 
vertical  scales,  one  near  the  leading  edge  and  one  near  the  trailing 
edge,  with  graduations  visible  through  the  camera  lens,  A  visual 


accelerometer  was  mounted  upon  the  instrument  board  to  enable  the 
pilot  to  pull  up  the  airplane  to  any  desired  acceleration,  and  a  record- 
ing accelerometer  was  installed  at  the  center  of  gravity  of  the  airplane. 
The  plane,  which  was  fully  loaded,  was  then  flown  at  the  predeter- 
mined airspeed  and  suddenly  pulled  up  to  whatever  acceleration  was 
desired.  At  the  same  time,  the  motion  picture  camera  was  operated, 
recording  the  deflection  of  the  wing  tip,  both  front  and  rear,  by  the 
change  in  scale  position  with  reference  to  the  fixed  cross-wire  in  the 
camera  aperture  plate  (Fig.  5) .  Successive  pull-ups  were  made,  each 
slightly  higher  than  the  one  preceding,  until  the  maximum  proof  load 
was  reached,  the  camera  recording  the  wing  deflections  for  each 
pull-up.  A  plot  of  the  data  obtained  with  the  motion  picture  film  and 
the  accelerometer  records  yielded  the  load-deflection  curve  ior  the 
wing,  together  with  information  as  to  its  torsional  stiffness  by  finding 
the  difference  between  the  deflections  of  the  front  and  the  rear  scales 
upon  the  wing  tip. 


Summary. — A  discussion  of  some  of  the  difficulties  of  marketing  American-pro- 
duced films  in  foreign  countries,  with  particular  reference  to  the  problems  of  taxation, 
censorship,  government  subsidies  for  the  development  of  home  production,  quotas, 
and  contingents. 

During  the  past  few  years  the  motion  picture  map  of  the  world 
has  had  its  face  lifted  in  many  respects.  While  formerly  our  main 
problem  in  foreign  markets  was  that  of  overcoming  the  language  diffi- 
culties that  followed  closely  upon  the  introduction  of  the  sound-film, 
most  of  the  old  problems,  such  as  high  taxes,  censorship,  government 
subsidies  for  the  development  of  home  production,  quotas,  and  con- 
tingents are  still  with  us. 

In  the  early  days  of  sound,  the  dialog  in  American  films  sent  to  for- 
eign markets  was  in  the  English  language.  Foreign  audiences  mar- 
velled at  the  fact  that  the  actors  were  actually  speaking.  Of  course, 
only  those  who  understood  English  were  able  to  derive  the  most  en- 
joyment from  the  picture,  so  that  later  dialog  in  the  foreign  tongue 
was  superimposed  upon  each  scene  of  the  film,  the  American  actors 
continuing  to  speak  English.  Foreign  audiences  accepted  the  ar- 
rangement at  the  outset,  but  soon  tired  of  it  and  demanded  sound- 
films  in  their  native  tongues.  This  led  to  the  importation  to  America 
of  numerous  foreign  actors  to  do  the  speaking  for  the  American  stars. 
While  the  early  attempts  were,  at  best,  crude,  they  served  the  purpose 
of  satisfying  the  foreign  patrons  and  thus  enabling  the  American  in- 
dustry to  maintain  its  supremacy  upon  the  screens  of  the  world. 
The  next  cycle  in  dubbed  films  disclosed  the  demands  of  theater 
patrons  in  non-English-speaking  markets  for  films  having  more  action 
and  less  dialog.  By  that  time  the  art  of  dubbing  was  so  well  de- 
veloped that  a  Wallace  Berry  or  an  Ann  Harding  could  portray  screen 

*  Presented  at  the  Fall,  1935,  Meeting  at  Washington,  D.  C. 
**  Chief,  Motion  Picture  Section,  U.  S.  Bureau  of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Com- 
merce, Washington,  D.  C. 



characters  in  any  language  so  perfectly  that  even  the  foreigners  them- 
selves are  unable  to  discover  the  deception.  With  dubbing  no  longer 
a  source  of  concern  for  American  producers,  a  new  problem  in  foreign 
marketing  presented  itself  in  the  form  of  legislation  designed  to  cur- 
tail the  exhibition  of  dubbed  films,  insisting  that  all  the  dubbing  be 
done  in  local  studios  by  local  actors  and  technicians.  Thus  it  will  be 
noted  that  there  is  a  decided  trend  in  foreign  countries  toward  estab- 
lishing home  industries  with  native  actors  speaking  the  mother 
tongues.  Although  the  films  produced  thus  far  are  admittedly  of  an 
inferior  quality,  they  have  nevertheless  invariably  drawn  well  at  the 
box-offices  because  of  the  appeal  to  nationalistic  loyalty — and  despite 
the  fact  that  the  foreign  audiences  are  well  aware  that  their  home  pro- 
ductions are  not  at  all  comparable  to  those  of  American  origin.  The 
long  runs  that  such  foreign  films  are  enjoying  at  the  theaters  tend  to 
diminish  the  number  of  play-dates  for  our  American  films,  and,  as  a 
result,  influence  the  amount  of  our  business  abroad.  Reports  re- 
ceived from  Trade  Commissioners  at  the  Bureau  of  Foreign  and  Do- 
mestic Commerce  and  the  Consular  offices  of  the  State  Department 
substantiate  these  remarks  regarding  the  popularity  of  local  produc- 
tions and  their  progress.  Confronted  with  this  situation,  it  may  be 
said  to  their  credit  that  our  American  stars  and  their  dubbed  pictures 
retain  their  popularity  and  are  still  the  best  money-makers  for  all 
foreign  theater  operators. 

In  Brazil,  during  the  past  six  months,  were  exhibited  two  strictly 
domestic  feature  films  which  gained  considerable  popular  acclaim 
and  proved  highly  profitable  to  their  producer.  The  first  was  a  seven- 
reel  feature  released  during  February,  under  the  title  of  Hello,  Hello, 
Brazil.  This  picture  enjoyed  the  longest  run  of  any  feature  produc- 
tion thus  far  made  in  the  country  (five  weeks)  and  netted  the  pro- 
ducers approximately  $31,000.  Subsequently,  another  feature  film 
entitled  Students  was  released  by  the  same  producer,  which,  while  not 
as  popular  or  profitable  as  the  former,  proved  a  financial  success. 

The  motion  picture  industry  in  Argentina  during  the  past  few  years 
has  developed  comparably  to  those  in  other  countries.  A  limited 
number  of  Spanish-language  pictures  has  been  shown,  and,  judging 
from  the  cordial  reception  accorded  the  pictures,  it  is  obvious  that 
the  natural  preference  of  the  Spanish-speaking  peoples  is  for  pictures 
in  their  own  language.  During  1934,  eight  features  were  produced  in 
Argentina,  and  it  is  reported  that  so  far  during  the  current  year  the 
total  has  increased  to  twelve,  with  ten  more  in  preparation.  It  is 

234  N.  D.  GOLDEN  [J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

understood  that  all  the  Argentine  studios,  totalling  twenty-one,  are 
wired  for  the  production  of  sound  pictures.  No  local  producer  has 
failed  during  the  past  18  months,  and  it  is  estimated  that  the  Argen- 
tine production  for  1935  amounts  to  about  twenty-two  features.  It  is 
planned  to  show  these  pictures  throughout  Argentina,  and  possibly  in 
other  neighboring  countries,  the  mother  language  of  which  is  Spanish. 

In  Spain  the  film  industry  is  at  present  small,  but,  in  spite  of  finan- 
cial reverses  on  the  part  of  some  of  the  companies,  steady  progress  is 
being  made.  From  a  production  of  five  feature  films  in  1932,  the 
domestic  industry  rose  to  twenty-four  full-length  pictures  in  the  fol- 
lowing year.  Estimates  for  1935  credit  local  producers  with  from 
twenty-five  to  thirty  feature  films.  Some  of  the  Spanish  films  have 
been  successful  financially,  and  have  indicated  the  possibility  of  a 
bright  future  for  the  industry,  since  Latin  America  is  looked  to  as 
offering  a  great  export  market  for  Spanish  films  when  they  come  into 
their  own.  Production  thus  far  has  been  handicapped  by  lack  of  first- 
class  equipment  and  expert  technicians,  but  the  groundwork  is  being 
established  for  an  important  permanent  industry.  None  of  the  films 
thus  far  produced  in  Spain  deserve  particularly  high  rating,  but  they 
have  been  warmly  received  by  the  Spanish  public. 

Additional  competition  is  expected  also  from  Argentina,  where  the 
motion  picture  industry  is  developing,  as  already  noted,  and  from 
Mexico,  as  well.  Films  from  those  countries,  being  in  Spanish,  will 
undoubtedly  enjoy  an  advantage  in  Spain.  It  is  important  that  any 
films  made  in  Spain  should  also  capture  the  Spanish  psychology,  and 
in  that  respect  Spanish  films  made  in  Mexico  or  Argentina  are  re- 
garded as  more  likely  to  succeed  than  Spanish  films  made  in  the 
United  States. 

The  quality  of  the  feature  pictures  produced  locally  in  Finland 
(in  the  Finnish  language)  is  generally  regarded  as  decidedly  inferior 
to  that  of  American  and  European  productions.  The  majority  of 
the  pictures,  however,  have  had  particularly  successful  runs  because 
of  the  natural  desire  of  the  Finnish-speaking  population  of  Finland 
(almost  90  per  cent)  to  listen  occasionally  to  pictures  produced  in 
their  own  language.  That  a  greater  number  of  feature  pictures  has 
not  been  made  locally  is  due  principally  to  the  limited  capital  of  the 
producing  companies. 

We  find  that  Chinese  pictures,  with  their  typically  Chinese  settings, 
continue  to  attract  the  general  populace  in  China.  Only  in  the  case  of 
a  few  action  and  comedy  pictures  has  there  been  any  substantial  de- 


mand  recently  from  the  purely  Chinese  market  for  American  pictures. 
The  extent  to  which  the  outlying  markets  have  been  taken  over  by 
Chinese  sound  and  silent  films  may  be  realized  from  the  fact  that,  in 
Fukien  Province,  of  150  pictures  imported  into  Foochow  in  1934,  90 
per  cent  were  Chinese.  Pictures  that  showed  the  best  box-office 
returns  were  those  in  which  the  action  dominated  the  dialog.  With 
few  exceptions,  the  most  popular  actors  were  also  those  who  de- 
pended largely  upon  pantomime  rather  than  dialog  for  effects. 

There  are  approximately  40  producing  studios  in  India,  according 
to  the  most  reliable  list.  A  number  of  Indian  companies  have  made 
excellent  profits  on  their  pictures  during  the  past  year  or  so,  which 
has  caused  a  large  number  of  individuals  to  go  into  the  picture  busi- 
ness for  the  purpose  of  making  a  single  picture,  utilizing  the  leisure 
time  of  directors,  actors,  and  staff  of  the  studios,  and  picking  up 
popular  Indian  plays  upon  the  basis  of  small  royalties  or  outright 
purchase.  A  year  ago  a  run  of  two  or  three  weeks  for  an  Indian  pic- 
ture was  regarded  a  very  outstanding  event,  but  many  pictures  dur- 
ing the  past  year  have  run  two  to  three  weeks  and  in  some  cases  more. 
In  one  instance  recently  an  Indian  picture  was  shown  for  more  than 
11  weeks. 

In  Hungary,  operators  claim  that  the  Hungarian  rural  districts  de- 
mand no  other  than  Hungarian  sound-films.  Listening  to  a  strange 
language  distracts  the  attention  from  Hungarian  titles,  and  is  tire- 
some for  the  average  Hungarian  theatergoer. 

Behind  the  impetus  of  production  in  foreign  countries  of  the  world 
are  governmental  subsidies  granted  to  producers.  It  is  becoming 
increasingly  difficult  for  American  distributors  to  release  their 
pictures  abroad  because  of  heavy  burdens  imposed  upon  them. 
After  all,  each  foreign  market  will  return  only  so  much  money  on  any 
given  picture,  and  there  are  but  so  many  play-dates  available. 


Governmental  control  of  foreign  films  was  introduced  in  Germany 
in  1916  as  part  of  a  general  control  of  imported  products,  was  con- 
tinued after  the  war  as  a  protective  measure  for  the  German  film  in- 
dustry, and  proved  to  be  the  forerunner  of  similar  control  measures 
in  other  European  countries.  Among  the  various  forms,  the  best- 
known  controls  today  are  contingents  and  quotas.  Quota  laws  origi- 
nally promulgated  for  the  silent  films  have  since  been  revised  to  in- 
clude sound-films.  New  legislation  is  designed  to  stimulate  the 

236  N.  D.  GOLDEN  [j.  s.  M.  p.  E. 

growth  of  home  industries  to  be  subsidized  by  means  of  funds  col- 
lected from  the  operation  of  the  quota  systems. 

There  are  at  present  fourteen  countries  throughout  the  world  that 
have  among  their  statutes  some  form  of  quota  or  contingent  regula- 
tions affecting  the  importation  or  limiting  the  exhibition  of  American 
motion  pictures.  Five  other  foreign  countries  are  agitating  for  film- 
control  legislation,  and  in  a  number  of  other  countries  the  tax  rates 
are  so  great  that  it  is  difficult  for  American  companies  to  operate 
successfully  in  those  markets.  In  two  particular  cases,  France  and 
Mexico,  new  regulations  recently  proposed  are  so  drastic  that  if  en- 
acted they  will  virtually  force  American  producers  to  withdraw  from 
the  market  or  turn  over  their  branch-offices  to  Commissions  appointed 
to  take  charge  of  not  only  the  distribution  of  the  film  but  collecting 
and  allocating  the  money  accruing  to  the  distributors  as  rental  for 
the  films. 

In  France  the  present  film  regulations  terminate  July  1,  1936.  A 
draft  decree  has  just  been  proposed,  which,  if  made  effective,  would 
replace  the  present  regulations.  It  would  then  be  mandatory  that 
30  per  cent  of  all  feature  films  shown  quarterly  in  any  given  theater  be 
French,  and  for  all  films  such  as  newsreels  and  documentary  films  the 
proportion  would  be  not  less  than  20  per  cent.  These  percentages 
could  subsequently  be  altered — which  would  open  possibilities  in  the 
future  of  either  further  curtailment  or  increase  of  the  number  of 
foreign  films  that  might  be  exhibited.  This  draft  would  further 
create  a  National  Agency  to  which  deductions  would  be  paid  from 
the  net  receipts  of  theaters  for  authors,  composers,  and  producers  as 
their  shares  of  the  receipts.  Article  46  of  this  proposal  would  give  to 
the  Agency  absolute  powers  and  the  right  of  handling  a  large  share  of 
all  the  funds  circulating  in  the  French  motion  picture  industry.  Our 
American  distributors,  in  the  light  of  this  article,  would  not  only  be 
dependent  upon  the  Agency  for  the  payment  of  film  rentals,  but  would 
be  subject  to  the  plan  of  percentage  deductions  intended  to  meet  the 
administrative  expenses  of  the  National  Agency.  Any  surplus  of 
such  deductions  could  be  used  to  promote  the  development  of  the 
cinematographic  art  and  industry  in  France.  If  our  American  com- 
panies were  forced  to  operate  under  the  proposed  decree,  it  would  be 
tantamount  to  forcing  them  to  contribute  money  for  the  creation  of  a 
local  industry,  involving  the  danger  of  their  being  ultimately  elimi- 
nated from  the  market. 

In  Mexico  a  law  has  recently  been  proposed  that  would  create  an 


autonomous  organization  (Institute  Nacional  de  la  Industria  Cine- 
matografica)  with  a  maximum  capital  of  two  million  pesos  ($555,- 
200),  which  would  be  supplied  by  the  Federal  Treasury.  The  ob- 
ject of  the  organization  would  be  to  make  loans  to  worthy  Mexican 
producers  in  order  to  encourage  the  Mexican  industry.  The  pro- 
posal is  so  restrictive  that  a  domestic  or  foreign  company  could  not 
operate  in  Mexico  unless  it  became  a  member  of  the  organization. 
One  of  the  most  important  provisions  under  which  this  Institute 
would  operate  stipulates  that  it  would  have  full  authority  to  concede 
or  not  to  concede  permission  for  the  importation  of  foreign  pictures 
into  Mexico.  However,  before  permission  would  be  granted  for  show- 
ing foreign  films,  it  would  be  necessary  to  submit  the  films  to  the  In- 
stitute for  inspection  and  revision.  Another  section  of  the  proposal 
specifies  that  the  taxes  now  paid  on  national  and  foreign  films  as  im- 
portation and  exhibition  duties  would  be  doubled;  but  that  films 
exhibited  under  the  auspices  of  and  with  the  approval  of  the  Institute 
would  pay  only  half  the  taxes  levied  upon  other  pictures  not  so  ap- 
proved. Foreign  films  permitted  to  enter  Mexico  would  be  under- 
stood to  be  exhibited  by  authority  of  the  Institute. 

Under  the  terms  of  this  proposed  law,  American  films  might  gradu- 
ally be  eliminated  from  the  Mexican  market,  and,  so  far  as  Mexican 
business  is  concerned,  our  producers  would  be  dependent  upon  the 
benevolence  of  the  Institute.  American  representation  through  its 
own  distributing  organizations  would  be  eliminated,  since  the  distri- 
bution of  American  films  would  be  regulated  solely  by  a  governmen- 
tal agency,  the  primary  purpose  of  which  would  be  to  produce,  dis- 
tribute, and  exhibit  Mexican  films. 

As  a  result  of  the  failure  of  American  companies  in  Mexico  to  ob- 
tain relief  from  the  high  taxes  imposed  upon  them,  all  companies 
ceased  distributing  their  product  there  as  of  September  30,  1935. 
Since  then,  only  Mexican  and  European  films  have  been  shown  or 

In  Great  Britain,  too,  we  hear  rumblings  of  a  movement  for  a 
change  in  the  Quota  Act  of  1927,  which  automatically  terminates  in 
1938.  An  astonishing  document  has  recently  been  laid  before  the 
Film  Group  of  the  Federation  of  British  Industries  containing  amend- 
ments to  the  Act  of  1927.  The  main  point  suggested  in  this  document 
as  reported  by  the  British  trade  press,  is  that  at  the  termination  of 
the  existing  Act  a  new  Act  should  be  instituted  running  to  1950,  by 
the  terms  of  which  the  distribution  quota  should  rise  from  30  to  100 

238  N.  D.  GOLDEN  [j.  s.  M.  p.  E. 

per  cent  of  the  foreign  product  for  the  preceding  year.  The  exhibitor 
during  this  period  would  show  an  increasing  percentage  of  British 
product,  commencing  at  17.5  per  cent  in  1938  and  reaching  a  maxi- 
mum of  42.5  per  cent  in  1950.  The  proposal  further  provides  that 
each  distributor  should  acquire  in  any  one  year  not  fewer  British 
films  than  a  stated  percentage  based  upon  his  foreign  film  footage 
registered  during  the  previous  year,  and  that  his  total  expenditure 
upon  British  productions  should  be  not  less  than  the  same  percentage 
of  his  total  receipts  in  respect  of  foreign  material. 

This  virtually  means  that  if  a  distributor  registered  in  the  year 
1938  300,000  feet  of  foreign  film,  and  received  in  foreign  rentals 
$3,000,000  during  that  year,  for  the  year  1939  he  would  be  required 
to  register  at  least  30  per  cent  of  300,000  feet,  i.  e.,  90,000  feet  of 
British  film,  and  the  total  cost  of  such  British  film  would  have  to  be 
at  least  30  per  cent  of  $3,000,000,  or  approximately  $900,000. 

While  the  possibility  that  the  proposals  described  above  may  ac- 
tually become  laws  is  rather  remote,  the  proposals  do  give  us  a  good 
idea  of  the  trend  of  thought  of  our  foreign  competitors  and  the  ex- 
tremes to  which  they  are  resorting  in  their  efforts  to  reduce  the  screen- 
ing time  of  American-made  pictures. 


Censorship  has  been  the  cause  of  considerable  concern  to  distribu- 
tors in  foreign  markets.  Without  exception,  the  regulations  are  be- 
coming more  drastic,  even  to  the  extent  of  creating  measures  to  regu- 
late the  morals  of  the  public  during  their  attendance  at  motion  pic- 
ture theaters.  An  incident  in  point  is  a  recent  consular  report  from 
Bagdad,  Iraq,  advising  that  the  mayor  of  that  city  has  issued  an 
order  to  all  theaters  that  "during  matinee  performances  men  and 
women  must  not  sit  together,  and  that  during  night  performances 
they  may  do  so  in  boxes  and  galleries,  but  not  in  the  second-  and 
third-class  sections." 

The  purpose  of  this  paper  has  been  merely  to  point  out  some  of  the 
dangers  confronting  American  film  producers  in  a  number  of  the  for- 
eign markets.  Although  some  of  the  statements  may  seem  rather 
pessimistic,  it  is  not  intended  to  convey  the  idea  that  American  pic- 
tures will  reach  the  point  of  being  completely  removed  from  the 
screens  throughout  the  world.  Striking  a  more  cheerful  note,  it  may 
be  said  that  quality  films  will  never  be  submerged,  and  that  though 
we  may  lose  some  screening  time  as  a  result  of  local  production 


abroad,  the  pictures  of  high  entertainment  value  that  American 
producers  have  been  turning  out,  and  those  having  international 
appeal,  will  always  find  a  market  despite  any  legislative  or  national- 
istic barriers  that  may  be  erected  in  foreign  markets.  Present 
handicaps  may  mean  that  we  shall  send  fewer  pictures  abroad,  but 
such  pictures  as  we  do  send  will  return  revenues  commensurate 
with  their  superior  quality.  Time  will  supply  a  definite  answer  to 
the  questions  now  at  issue.  But  factual  studies  are  quite  convincing 
that  the  energy,  resources,  and  producing  genius  of  the  American 
industry  will  serve  to  sustain  for  us  a  strong  position  in  the  picture 
houses  of  the  world. 

A.  F.  CHORINE** 

Summary. — A  brief  description  of  recent  progress  in  motion  picture  development 
in  the  U.  S.  S.  R.  Reference  is  made  to  a  combined  machine  for  film  cutting,  sound 
mixing,  and  re-recording;  a  process  of  recording  mechanically  upon  old  film,  and 
the  use  of  such  recordings  on  location  and  for  radio  broadcasting;  a  new  continuous 
battery-operated  portable  projector;  a  photocell  involving  multiple  secondary  emission; 
recording  sound  upon  separate  film  synchronized  with  the  picture  film;  and  trans- 
mission of  sound  pictures  by  television. 

I  am  happy  to  be  present  at  this  conference  of  engineers  represent- 
ing the  highest  cinema  technic  in  the  world.  Permit  me  to  convey 
to  you  the  greetings  of  the  Chief  Soviet  Cinema  Administration  and 
all  the  scientific  and  technical  cinema  workers  of  the  U.  S.  S.  R.  I 
shall  try  to  describe  in  a  few  brief  words  the  motion  picture  develop- 
ments in  which  we  are  engaged  today. 

With  regard  to  single-film  sound  cameras,  we  are  working  upon  a 
number  of  small  improvements  in  operation,  regulation,  etc.,  one  of 
which  relates  to  an  apparatus  permitting  the  director,  the  recordist, 
and  others  to  observe  how  the  sound  is  being  recorded  while  the 
picture  is  being  shot.  The  title  of  the  picture  and  the  name  of  the 
sound  engineer,  also,  can  be  printed  automatically  upon  the  sound 
negative,  for  the  purpose  of  identification. 

We  have  constructed  another  machine  for  combined  film  cutting, 
sound  mixing,  and  re-recording.  This  machine  has  two  heads  for 
sound-film,  or  one  for  mechanically  recorded  film,  a  phonographic 
mechanism  having  two  different  speeds,  and  a  circuit  for  three 
microphones.  All  the  connections  and  combinations  of  the  films  are 
controlled  electromagnetically  from  one  keyboard. 

All  the  studios  of  the  U.  S.  S.  R.  are  now  recording  mechanically 
upon  old  film  for  the  purpose  of  obtaining  on  location  records  of  a 
large  variety  of  sounds,  folk  songs  of  the  various  nationalities,  etc. 

*  Presented  at  the  Fall,  1935,  Meeting  at  Washington,  D.  C. 
**  Ail-Union  Electrical  Trust,  Moscow,  Russia. 



The  system  has  proved  desirable  because  of  the  negligible,  or  entirely 
non-existent,  cost;  and,  in  addition,  it  permits  playing  back 
immediately  what  has  been  recorded.  To  test  the  device  the 
Leningrad  Broadcasting  System  broadcast  70  per  cent  of  their  pro- 
grams with  mechanical  recordings  on  old  film  over  a  period  of  three 
months.  The  first  recordings  were  of  entire  operas,  performed  by  the 
best  operatic  companies  in  the  Soviet  Union,  as  well  as  of  the  best 
concert  performances  and  news  events.  The  experiment  was  crowned 
with  practical  and  technical  success. 

Efforts  are  now  being  made  to  improve  the  construction  of  sound- 
reproducing  apparatus  so  as  to  reduce  the  cost  of  operation  for  both 
large  and  small  theaters. 

Great  interest  is  being  shown  in  the  Soviet  Union  in  a  movement 
to  make  sound  pictures  available  to  the  remotest  corners  of  Siberia, 
to  sections  of  the  North,  and  to  Turkestan,  and  also  to  the  reading 
rooms  of  the  collective  farms.  The  chief  requirement  for  such  installa- 
tions is  that  it  should  be  possible  to  show  pictures,  with  direct  or 
alternating  current,  at  places  where  no  commercial  supply  is  available. 
For  that  purpose  I  have  devised  a  special  system  employing  a  small 
projector  in  which  the  film  moves  continuously.  Owing  to  the  fact 
that  the  projector  does  not  have  a  pull-down  mechanism,  a  very  low- 
powered  motor  can  be  used  for  the  drive.  The  resulting  mechanical 
system  is  very  simple,  and  can  be  employed  for  mechanical  recording. 
The  entire  installation,  including  amplifier,  projection  lamp,  motor, 
etc.,  is  operated  by  a  6-volt,  starting-type  battery.  Everything  is 
reduced  to  the  utmost  simplicity.  There  is  not  even  a  photocell. 
The  apparatus  is  now  being  given  a  field-test,  at  the  conclusion  of 
which  a  description  of  the  system  will  be  published. 

A  new  type  of  photocell,  involving  multiple  secondary  emission, 
has  been  developed  for  use  in  sound  pictures  which  is  about  a 
million  times  as  sensitive  as  the  previous  cells.  Samples  of  such 
photocells  have  been  made  and  tested,  and  substituted  in  large  thea- 
ters for  all  the  tubes  in  the  amplifiers  except  the  last.  Under  labora- 
tory conditions  they  have  given  satisfactory  results.  One  short- 
coming of  the  cells  at  present  is  the  comparatively  high  voltage, 
about  2000  volts,  that  must  be  applied.  There  is  no  doubt  that 
the  system  has  a  promising  future.  I  have  just  learned  that 
Dr.  Zworykin  has  produced  a  similar  cell  in  the  RCA  Laboratories. 

A  theater  is  Leningrad  is  experimenting  in  reproducing  mechani- 
cally recorded  sound  from  a  separate  film  synchronized  with  the  pic- 

242  A.  F.  CHORINE 

ture.  Such  a  system  would  make  it  possible  to  show  foreign  pictures 
and  to  equip  silent  films  with  sound  in  very  short  order. 

Laboratory  experiments  are  now  being  concluded  on  the  trans- 
mission of  sound  pictures  by  means  of  television.  Use  is  made  of  an 
optical  disk  with  achromatic  lenses.  The  legibility  is  from  120  to 
180  lines.  In  1936,  experiments  will  be  made  in  Moscow  on  the  trans- 
mission of  films  on  a  wavelength  of  7.5  meters  (4  megacycles).  At 
the  beginning  of  the  experiment,  50  receiving  sets  with  cathode  screens 
will  be  installed  in  various  parts  of  the  city. 

Extraordinary  interest  is  being  shown  in  dubbing,  because  there 
are  no  fewer  than  seventy  minor  nationalities  in  the  Soviet  Union, 
each  having  its  own  language,  and  each  language  being  spoken  by 
great  numbers  of  persons.  A  number  of  these  nationalities  now  have 
their  own  cinema  studios.  It  is  obvious  how  very  desirable  it  is 
to  be  able  to  make  pictures  in  the  Soviet  Union  in  at  least  three  or  four 

The  Chief  Administration's  Experimental  Factory  for  Cinema 
Equipment  has  recently  produced  the  first  experimental  perforation 
machines  for  printing  and  developing  pictures.  Up  to  now,  all  such 
machines  were  obtained  abroad. 

Closing  this  brief  report,  I  extend  to  you,  in  the  name  of  the  Chief 
Administration,  headed  by  Mr.  Shumiatsky,  an  invitation  to  the 
Conference  of  Engineers  to  be  held  at  Moscow  in  the  Spring  of  1936 
in  conjunction  with  the  Cinema  Festival.  In  the  near  future  I 
intend  to  submit  to  the  Society  detailed  descriptions  of  the  apparatus 
mentioned  above. 

Y.  OSAWA** 

Summary. — A  description  of  the  status  of  motion  picture  production,  distribu- 
tion, and  exhibition  in  Japan,  mainly  from  a  commercial  point  of  view,  but  with 
brief  reference  to  some  of  the  operating  problems. 

The  motion  picture  has  in  recent  years,  in  Japan,  gradually  re- 
placed older  forms  of  public  entertainment,  such  as  Kabuki  and  other 
stage  dramas,  and  has  now  established  itself  in  a  firm  position  among 
the  leading  industries  of  the  country.  According  to  government 
statistics,  nearly  180,000,000  Japanese  visited  the  motion  picture 
houses  during  the  last  year.  It  is  quite  evident  that  the  motion 
picture  will  become  still  more  important  in  the  public  life  of  the 
Japanese  people  in  the  coming  years,  and  the  real  growth  of  the  in- 
dustry seems  now  to  have  begun. 

Nevertheless,  the  artistic  and  technical  standards  of  the  Japanese 
motion  picture  are  still  in  an  elementary  state.  There  are  many 
scientific  problems  to  be  studied  and  cinematic  experiences  to  be  ac- 
quired. This  paper  will  briefly  describe  the  present  condition  of  the 
motion  picture  industry  in  Japan,  sketching  its  various  aspects  and 


During  1934,  a  total  of  440  feature  pictures  were  produced  by  the 
Japanese  studios:  the  three  major  companies,  the  Shochiku-Shinko 
group,  Nikkatsu,  and  Daito  Eiga  producing  three-fourths  of  them; 
and  the  minor  and  independent  studios,  altogether  eight  or  ten  in 
number,  contributing  the  remaining  one-fourth.  In  the  latter  group 
are  included  the  Photo-Chemical  Laboratory,  more  commonly  known 
as  PCL,  of  Tokyo,  and  J.  O.  Studio,  Ltd.,  of  Kyoto,  which  are  the  two 
new  financial  interests  that  came  into  the  motion  picture  field  about 
three  years  ago. 

Today  an  average  Japanese  feature  picture  is  made  in  8  to  10  reels, 

*  Presented  at  the  Spring,  1935,  Meeting  at  Hollywood,  Calif, 
**  J.  Osawa  &  Co.,  Ltd.,  Kyoto,  Japan, 


244  Y.  OSAWA  [J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

whereas  until  only  a  few  years  ago  no  picture  was  regarded  as  a  "fea- 
ture" unless  it  contained  more  than  15  or  sometimes  even  20  reels. 
The  number  of  release  prints  usually  required  for  distribution  varies 
from  12  to  15,  a  sufficient  number  for  circulation  throughout  the 
country  in  the  ordinary  case.  Sometimes,  in  the  case  of  a  particu- 
larly popular  picture,  20  or  30  copies  may  be  made ;  but  such  is  the 
exception  rather  than  the  rule. 

The  yearly  consumption  of  raw  film  stock  in  Japan  is  approximately 
50,000,000  feet  of  positive  and  5,000,000  feet  of  negative.  Agfa,  Du- 
pont,  and  Eastman  are  used  principally,  Eastman  taking  a  greater 
share  of  the  business.  During  the  last  year,  two  Japanese  companies 
entered  into  manufacturing  standard  motion  picture  raw  film  upon  a 
large  scale :  namely,  Fuji  Film  Manufacturing  Company,  a  subsidiary 
of  the  Mitsui  interest,  and  Oriental  Photo  Industrial  Company,  an 
experienced  manufacturer  of  general  photographic  materials.  Both 
companies  have  already  placed  their  sample  films  upon  the  market, 
but  the  quality  is  not  yet  sufficiently  satisfactory  for  acceptance  by 
the  major  companies.  Although  they  have  not  yet  attempted  to  pro- 
duce other  than  positive  film,  it  will  still  be  some  time  before  they 
offer  serious  competition  to  imported  films. 

The  processing  laboratories  of  the  major  studios  are  generally 
rather  poorly  equipped,  with  the  old  rack  method  still  in  use,  under 
the  visual,  or  rather  temperamental  control  of  the  watchman  on  the 
floor.  However,  there  are  now  two  modern  processing  laboratories 
using  up-to-date  machine  developers  with  thermostatic  control  of  the 
chemicals  and  regular  air-conditioning  systems.  One  is  the  Far  East 
Film  Laboratory,  in  Kyoto,  which  processes  Eastman  film,  and  the 
other  that  of  the  J.  O.  Studio,  also  in  Kyoto,  which  handles  Agfa  film. 
A  new  laboratory  is  now  being  built  in  Tokyo  by  the  J.  O.  Studio, 
which  will  begin  operating  by  the  end  of  May  this  year. 

Although  the  acceptance  of  the  talking  picture  by  the  Japanese 
audience  has  been  quite  decisive,  production  has  not  kept  pace  with 
the  public  demand,  due  mainly  to  the  financial  weakness  of  the  major 
studios  and  to  the  inability  of  the  theaters  to  equip  themselves  with 
sound  apparatus.  While  many  attempts  had  been  made  since  1930  to 
produce  Japanese  "talkies,"  a  really  successful  sound  picture  was  not 
produced  until  1932.  Since  that  year  the  major  companies  have  re- 
luctantly started  producing  them,  but  with  little  progress.  It  was  not 
until  1934  that  "sound"  was  seriously  taken  up.  Although  the  prog- 
ress of  sound-film  in  Japan  has  been  very  slow  up  to  this  time,  1935 

Mar.,  1936]  MOTION  PICTURES  IN  JAPAN  245 

will  see  a  rapid  increase  in  the  production  of  talkies  and  perhaps  by 
the  end  of  1936  all  the  important  Japanese  pictures  will  be  sound 

While  the  number  of  feature  pictures  produced  in  Japan  is  rela- 
tively large,  the  quality  of  the  average  Japanese  film  has  not  yet  at- 
tained the  high  technical  and  artistic  standard  of  the  average  Ameri- 
can or  good  European  picture.  Japanese  producers  yet  have  much  to 
learn  in  the  field  of  story  and  scenario  preparation,  subject  matter 
treatment,  editing  technic,  etc.  Also,  an  equally  important  defect  is 
found  in  the  poor  working  conditions  in  the  Japanese  studios,  particu- 
larly the  inadequacy  of  supply  of  mechanical  equipment  and  appara- 
tus. The  situation  is  almost  tragic  as  regards  sound  recording. 

Nikkatsu  Studio  is  the  only  Western  Electric  licensee  in  Japan; 
and  J.  O.  Studio,  Kyoto,  is  the  only  studio  equipped  with  RCA  re- 
cording apparatus.  Other  studios,  including  Shochiku  and  PCL,  use 
their  own  sound  systems.  Other  mechanical  equipment  and  facilities 
are  also  sadly  lacking  in  most  of  the  older  studios.  Such  new  appara- 
tus as  the  zoom  lens,  perambulator,  projection  background  process, 
fully  automatic  printer,  color  process,  etc.,  are  still  in  the  realm  of 
luxury,  and  about  which  Japanese  technicians  are  allowed  only  to 

The  cost  of  an  average  Japanese  picture  is  incredibly  low.  An  aver- 
age talkie,  a  fair-sized  feature  picture  of  7000  to  SOOO  feet,  with  a 
shooting  period  of  45  days,  is  made  within  a  total  of  between  30,000 
to  50,000  yen,  including  the  story,  scenario,  salaries  of  director, 
cameramen,  talents,  musicians,  sound  engineers,  and  all  other  techni- 
cians, sets  and  costumes,  location  expenses,  royalty  for  sound  record- 
ing, etc. — in  fact,  all  the  items  that  are  necessary  in  producing  a  com- 
plete picture.  The  low  cost  of  production,  necessitated  by  the  distri- 
bution limitations  which  will  be  described  later,  is  responsible  without 
question  to  a  great  extent  for  the  poor  quality  of  the  average  Japanese 


There  are  approximately  2000  motion  picture  theaters  operating  in 
Japan  today.  Although  most  of  the  older  houses  are  very  poorly 
constructed  buildings,  the  new  theaters  are  of  very  modern  design 
with  every  up-to-date  accommodation.  They  are  air-conditioned  and 
well  furnished,  with  comfortable  chairs.  According  to  the  latest 
figures,  only  one-half  of  the  movie  theaters  in  Japan  are  now  equipped 
with  sound  reproducers,  leaving  nearly  1000  theaters  yet  to 

246  Y.  OSAWA  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

be  wired.  These  additional  installations  will  very  likely  be  made 
within  the  next  two  years.  Of  the  approximately  1000  theaters  already 
wired,  only  10  per  cent  are  equipped  with  either  Western  Electric  or 
RCA  reproducers.  About  40  theaters  have  the  Tobis-Klangfilm  sys- 
tem, and  the  remaining  85  per  cent  have  divers  other  sound  systems, 
both  American  and  Japanese,  of  rather  poor  quality. 

The  average  admission  fee  of  a  Japanese  movie  house  is  50  sen  in 
the  first-run  week  in  the  big  cities,  and  30  to  20  sen  in  the  smaller 
towns.  After  the  second  run,  the  fee  usually  drops  to  20  to  10  sen. 
Although  the  admission  fees  are  low,  a  good  first-run  theater  with  a 
"hit"  program  can  earn  a  gross  of  20,000  to  30,000  yen  in  the  first 
week.  A  very  popular  film  just  recently  earned  a  gross  of  80,000  yen 
in  a  two  weeks'  run  in  one  theater  in  Osaka,  which  was  deemed  excep- 
tionally good. 

The  program  always  consists  of  two  feature  pictures  with  one  or 
two  shorts,  thus  making  one  performance  about  three  hours  long. 
The  theater  usually  runs  four  performances  a  day. 

Japanese  movie  fans  can  be  separated  into  two  distinct  categories : 
the  class  audience  and  the  mass  audience.  There  seems  to  be  no 
middle  ground  between  them.  Therefore,  a  Japanese  picture  must  be 
either  an  exceedingly  fine  film  of  the  highest  quality,  which  will  be 
ardently  admired  by  the  student  and  the  intellectual  classes  patroniz- 
ing the  better  theaters  in  the  big  cities;  or  it  must  be  a  low-level  pic- 
ture with  much  excitement  or  pathos  which  will  win  strong  support 
from  the  lower  working  class  constituting  the  bulk  of  the  movie  audi- 
ence in  the  smaller  towns  and  in  the  country.  Among  the  former, 
such  films  as  The  Chorus  of  a  Million  produced  by  Victor  Japan  and 
J.  O.  Studio,  and  Botchan  by  PCL,  have  been  recent  successes;  for  the 
latter  class,  love  themes  or  sword  fighting  plays  (corresponding  to  the 
Wild  West  pictures)  have  always  been  popular. 

Foreign  films  are  generally  patronized  only  by  the  student  and  the 
intellectual  classes,  except  wild  animal  pictures,  which  are  very  popu- 
lar among  all  classes.  During  1934,  340  foreign  feature  pictures 
were  released  in  Japan  (80  per  cent  American  and  20  per  cent  English 
and  European),  this  number  being  the  highest  in  the  last  five  years. 

With  the  advent  of  talkies,  the  language  barrier  was  at  first  be- 
lieved to  be  a  very  serious  obstacle.  In  fact,  with  the  early  pictures, 
an  interpreter,  called  a  Benshi,  standing  upon  the  stage  in  the 
dark,  shouted  a  translation  of  the  dialog  along  with  the  original  sound, 
thus  making  it  nearly  impossible  for  either  the  original  dialog  or  the 

Mar.,  1936]  MOTION  PICTURES  IN  JAPAN  247 

translator  to  be  understood.  Now  all  foreign  films  have  their  dialog 
superimposed  upon  the  film  in  Japanese  titles,  thus  eliminating  the 
interference  of  the  Benshi.  Recently  two  or  three  attempts  have  been 
made  to  dub  the  Japanese  language  into  the  sound-track.  The  most 
successful  attempt  was  made  in  the  RKO  picture,  Flying  Devils.  Its 
result  was  very  satisfactory,  and  there  is  good  possibility  of  adapt- 
ing the  method  in  the  future  to  certain  types  of  foreign  pictures. 

The  best  received  foreign  pictures  in  Japan  during  the  last  year  were 
//  Happened  One  Night,  Footlight  Parade,  Der  Kongress  Danzt,  Le 
Pacquebot  Tenacity,  Poil  de  Carot,  etc.  The  biggest  box-office  successes 
were  King  Kong,  Tarzan  pictures,  and  Chaplin  and  Lloyd  pictures. 
Because  of  the  superior  technic  and  treatment  of  foreign  pictures, 
the  demand  for  good  foreign  films  will  continue. 


The  vital  problem  facing  the  Japanese  motion  picture  industry  to- 
day is  the  improvement  of  the  technic  and  workmanship  of  their  films, 
so  that  the  standard  will  be  raised  to  the  international  level  in  tech- 
nical quality  and  artistic  treatment.  At  present,  earnest  efforts  are 
being  made  upon  the  part  of  certain  Japanese  producers  to  cooperate 
with  some  American  companies  in  the  joint  production  of  pictures  in 
Japan.  If  such  a  scheme  materializes,  it  will  provide  excellent  oppor- 
tunity for  the  Japanese  technicians  to  learn  their  lessons  and  acquire 
new  experiences.  Such  stimulation  will  be  so  great  that  it  may  revo- 
lutionize the  entire  production  system.  At  any  rate,  the  Japanese 
motion  picture  must  develop  to  a  higher  level,  and  it  may  not  be  so 
long  before  Japan  will  also  be  contributing  to  the  other  peoples  of  the 
world  worthy  and  varied  entertainments  of  the  Orient  through  the 
medium  of  the  motion  picture. 


MR.  E.  RICHARDSON:  Mr.  Osawa,  your  people  are  so  wonderfully  successful 
with  the  brush  and  have  such  natural  technic  in  artistic  lines,  I  wondered  whether 
in  your  country  they  had  produced  cartoons  of  your  people? 

MR.  OSAWA:  Yes;  about  three  or  four  companies  are  now  trying  to  make 
Japanese  cartoons,  and  some  are  getting  a  little  bit  better.  But  although  they 
are  very  successful  in  drawing  pictures,  etc.,  the  American  system  is  not  as  well 
worked  out  as  in  the  studios,  and  as  to  the  music — we  haven't  very  good  orches- 
tras. But  I  think  the  young  boys  are  working  very  hard  on  that,  and  in  a  couple 
of  years  we  may  turn  out  some  cartoons. 

(A  very  interesting  Japanese  film  was  projected,  showing  a  number  of  motion 
picture  studios  engaged  in  production  and  some  of  their  most  celebrated  artists  in 
action;  also  a  number  of  the  most  prominent  motion  picture  theaters.) 

G.  D.  LAL** 

Summary. — A  description  of  the  status  of  motion  picture  production,  distribution, 
and  exhibition  in  India,  mainly  from  a  commercial  point  of  view,  but  with  brief 
reference  to  some  of  the  technical  problems. 

Nearly  five  years  ago  the  first  "all  talking  and  singing  picture" 
was  produced  and  exhibited  in  India.  As  sound  was  then  a  novelty, 
it  took  the  country  by  storm.  Business  conditions  generally  were 
far  from  satisfactory,  and  so,  finding  money  in  the  talking  pictures, 
everybody  rushed  into  the  business.  Within  a  year  about  twenty 
producers  had  entered  the  field;  and  by  the  end  of  the  second  year 
the  number  of  producers  had  increased  to  about  thirty-four. 

Unfortunately,  the  technical  educational  system  in  India  is  sadly 
lacking.  Contacts  with  the  rapidly  progressing  countries  of  the 
West,  especially  America,  have  been,  and  are  yet,  very  poor.  India 
has  not  been  closely  in  touch  with  western  scientific  developments. 
Thus,  when  the  motion  picture  "gold  rush"  started,  a  number  of 
adventurous  silent  producers,  theatrical  people,  and  others  began 
hastily  to  look  for  recording  outfits.  Due  to  the  fact  that  sound  was 
new  and  insufficient  technical  information  was  available,  and  being 
ignorant  of  the  complications  thereof  and  having  only  limited 
finances  at  their  disposal,  nearly  all  the  adventurers  fell  an  easy  prey 
to  the  "bootleg"  equipment  manufacturers. 

To  date,  there  are  approximately  ninety  producers  in  India  oper- 
ating completely  under  Indian  capital  and  management.  There  are 
about  thirty  sound  studios,  which,  besides  producing  their  own  inde- 
pendent pictures,  rent  their  studios  and  equipments  on  a  footage 
basis  to  the  other  producing  companies.  The  chief  centers  of  ac- 
tivity are  Bombay  and  Calcutta. 

Unacquainted  with  the  technic  of  sound,  the  Indian  writers  were 
incapable  of  planning  or  writing  their  stories  successfully.  Directors, 

*  Presented  at  the  Spring,  1935,  Meeting  at  Hollywood,  Calif. 
**  Delhi,  India. 


actors,  and  the  other  technical  hands  were,  and  still  are,  recruited 
from  the  silent  producers  and  the  theatrical  stage.  The  effect  has 
been  to  produce  pictures  that  are  jumpy,  lacking  in  continuity,  and 
too  theatrical. 

The  sound  engineers  have  come  mostly  from  the  ranks  of  radio  en- 
thusiasts or  college  graduates  whose  training  has  been  largely  of  an 
academic  nature.  As  a  result  of  their  unfamiliarity  with  the  equip- 
ment with  which  they  had  to  work,  and  not  being  well  informed  on 
the  principles  of  recording  and  its  limitations  and  complications,  the 
sound  quality  has  consistently  been  very  poor.  In  numbers  of  cases 
the  quality  has  been  worse  than  that  afforded  by  some  of  the  midget 
radio  receivers,  and  poor  laboratory  work  has  contributed  consider- 
ably to  its  insufficiency.  Although  some  of  the  studios  do  boast  of 
possessing  an  up-to-date  laboratory,  they  have  not  yet  been  able  to 
maintain  a  strict  check  on  photographic  density.  This,  of  course,  is 
due  to  the  lack  of  information  not  only  as  to  how  to  operate  the  equip- 
ment properly,  but  as  to  the  entire  processing  technic.  Even  though 
some  studios  have  managed  to  improve  the  sound  quality  in  the  film, 
it  has  been  ruined  by  the  projectionists  in  the  theaters,  who  are  none 
other  than  the  good  old  silent  "grinders."  Most  of  them  do  not 
know  even  the  fundamentals  of  electricity,  not  to  speak  of  the 
principles  of  sound  reproduction. 

According  to  one  estimate  there  are  about  600  sound  theaters  in 
India;  and  according  to  another,  there  are  somewhat  more  than  700 
all  over  India.  The  majority  of  these  are  the  old  silent  houses  or 
theatrical  halls,  and  have  not  been  suitably  treated  for  sound.  About 
a  score  or  two  have  been  properly  treated  acoustically.  Most  of 
them  contain  five  to  seven  hundred  seats,  and  nearly  all  are  equipped 
with  American-made  reproducers.  Very  recently  a  reproducer 
called  "Philisonor,"  made  by  Philips  of  Holland,  has  come  into  the 
market  and  has  been  widely  distributed.  Sales  of  this  reproducer  so 
far  seem  to  indicate  that  it  will  become  the  most  popular  reproducer 
in  the  Indian  market.  The  chief  reasons  for  the  small  number  of 
wired  houses  in  India  are  the  lack  of  electric  power  circuits,  lack  of 
system  in  organizations,  and  the  cost  of  equipment. 

Almost  all  Indian  productions  are  based  upon  religious,  mythologi- 
cal, and  historical  subjects.  Two  of  the  most  progressive  producers 
have  very  recently  begun  to  produce  social  plays.  To  produce  re- 
ligious and  mythological  pictures  effectively,  much  trick  work,  play- 
backs, rear  projection,  and  other  devices  are  required  that  have  not 

250  G.  D.  LAL  [J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

yet  been  attempted.  The  trick  work  that  has  been  attempted  so 
far  has  been,  from  the  American  point  of  view,  very  primitive  and 
ineffective.  Only  recently  a  few  rear  projection  outfits  have  been 
bought  by  some  producers,  but  no  pictures  are  reported  to  have  been 
released  in  which  "process  shots"  have  been  employed.  Two  at- 
tempts have  also  been  made  on  animated  cartoons,  which  have  been 
reported  to  be  jumpy  and  lacking  in  humor. 

Despite  the  fact  that  the  languages  and  dialects  of  India  are  very 
numerous,  the  pictures  made  in  Hindustani  have  commanded  a  very 
large  market,  the  reason  being  that  the  majority  of  the  people  in  the 
provinces  such  as  Bengal,  Madras,  Sind  (Karachi),  etc.,  having  lan- 
guages of  their  own,  yet  can  understand  Hindustani,  though  their 
own  languages  are  not  understood  outside  their  provinces.  Thus,  the 
belief  that  the  number  of  languages  and  dialects  in  India  militates 
against  the  possibilities  of  the  motion  picture  field  is  incorrect.  In 
proof  thereof,  it  might  be  interesting  to  note  that  pictures  produced 
at  a  cost  of  about  20,000  rupees  have  yielded  as  much  as  75,000  rupees 
and  more.  The  possible  receipts  can  be  envisioned  if  it  is  borne  in 
mind  that  there  are  only  700  theaters  in  India;  and  the  educated  and 
respectable  families  have  not  patronized  the  Indian  pictures  very 
much  because  they  fall  far  short  of  their  expectations.  Another 
misunderstanding,  referring  to  the  "caste  system,"  should  also  be 
corrected.  The  so-called  "untouchables"  attend  the  same  theaters, 
travel  in  the  same  trains,  street-cars,  etc.,  as  the  "touchables";  no 
segregated  corners  are  allotted  to  them,  and  they  pay  the  same  ad- 
mission fees. 

There  is  no  flat-rate  admission  system  in  India — at  least  it  has  not 
yet  been  introduced  so  far.  The  usual  charges  in  rupees  are  equiva- 
lent to  $3,  $2,  $1,  50c  and  25c.  This  classification  is  not  based  upon 
any  caste  system,  but  upon  the  social  status  of  the  individual.  In 
order  to  improve  and  build  up  the  Indian  motion  picture  industry 
four  courses  are  open:  (1)  to  send  bonafide  students  abroad  to  study 
the  various  phases  of  the  industry  in  other  countries;  (2)  to  import 
foreign  technicians  to  assist  in  practical  training  and  in  organizing 
the  industry;  (3)  to  purchase  standard  equipment  and  seek  the  in- 
formation and  training  through  them;  (4)  to  organize  a  financially 
strong  and  central  organizing  body  to  control  the  industry. 

(1)  Quite  a  number  of  our  young  men  came  to  America  and  other 
countries,  and  invariably  began  their  studies  by  joining  a  technical 
school.  Unfortunately,  there  is  no  school  that  can  possibly  provide 

Mar.,  1936]  MOTION  PICTURES  IN  INDIA  251 

broad  and  useful  practical  training  in  the  many  phases  of  this  huge 
industry;  and  because  the  boys  did  not  realize  the  complications  and 
breadth  of  the  art,  they  believed  they  could  become  experts  by  taking 
the  diplomas  of  the  schools  that  existed.  Most  of  the  boys  that  came 
out  have  gone  in  for  photography  and  sound  engineering;  they  ob- 
tained their  diplomas  and  returned  to  India  as  "Foreign  Qualified 
Technicians."  Some  of  the  boys  who  understood  the  situation  and 
realized  that  actual  practical  training  in  the  various  studios  was 
necessary,  tried  to  gain  entree  to  the  studios,  but  found  the  doors 
shut.  The  result  has  been  that  they  had  to  return  to  India  incapable 
of  being  of  much  help  to  the  industry,  although  a  little  wiser  in  the 
ways  of  the  world. 

(2)  Due  to  the  various  misunderstandings  between  the  East  and 
the  West  there  has  been  a  serious  lack  of  appreciation  of  the  actual 
conditions  of  the  East,  particularly  as  regards  living  conditions.    The 
purchasing  power  of  a  rupee  in  India  is  almost  the  same  as  that  of  the 
dollar  in  America;  but  as  the  exchange  ratio  is  roughly  three  rupees 
to  the  dollar,  it  will  be  appreciated  that  to  pay  the  American  techni- 
cian his  American  salary  in  dollars  in  India  becomes  prohibitive. 

(3)  It  is  most  surprising,  indeed,  that  the  various  manufacturers 
of  standard  equipment  in  America  have  not  yet  taken  stock  of  the 
Indian  market.     Indian  import  duties  and  other  local  tariffs  are  very 
high,  amounting  in  some  instances  to  30  or  40  per  cent.     Naturally, 
the  producers  find  it  difficult  to  pay  the  high  prices  for  standard 
equipment  and  to  pay  the  royalties,  in  addition. 

To  expect  technical  information  or  other  training  from  the  major 
equipment  companies  is  out  of  the  question  unless  India  is  their 
customer;  and  even  those  Indian  firms  that  have  been  using  some  of 
the  standard  equipment  and  recording  channels  have  not  been  able 
to  obtain  results  because  of  their  inexperience  and  lack  of  technical 
information.  Apparently  the  outfits  are  working  satisfactorily,  as 
they  (i.  e.,  the  manufacturers)  "have  no  complaints"  and  "have  sold 
'so  many'  outfits."  But  those  who  have  seen,  heard,  and  watched 
the  results  know  how  satisfactory  they  have  been. 

(4)  One  of  the  chief  reasons  why  capital  was  shy  and  why  most  of 
the  public-spirited  men  kept  aloof  from  the  Indian  motion  picture 
industry  was  the  lack  of  confidence  in  the  technical  personnel  and 
their  organizers.     Furthermore,  there  has  been  a  tremendous  waste 
in  production,  which  was,  and  still  is,  due  to  the  inexperience  of  the 
present  day  directors  and  technicians,  and  the  absence  of  really 

252  G.  D.  LAL 

clever  and  responsible  men  to  suggest  workable  plans  and  schemes. 
What  has  made  the  situation  worse  has  been  the  entrance  into  the 
field  of  the  self-styled  "Foreign  Qualified  Technician"  and  some  un- 
desirable hands  that  have  come  into  the  business. 

The  cost  of  producing  an  average  length  feature,  containing  about 
10  or  11  1000-ft.  reels  (sometimes  as  many  as  16),  is  in  the  neighbor- 
hood of  10,000  rupees.  Unfortunately,  no  serious  attempt  has  been 
made  to  collect  such  data  and  it  is  almost  impossible  to  quote  definite 

Since  the  advent  of  sound,  American  pictures  have  been  patronized 
less  than  have  the  English  pictures,  the  simple  reason  being  that  the 
pictures  sent  to  India  were  of  jazz  and  underworld  life,  full  of  typical 
American  slang  and  humor,  which  nobody  outside  America  can  under- 
stand or  appreciate.  But  such  pictures  as  Cleopatra,  Queen  Chris- 
tina, and  their  like  are  very  popular  even  among  the  uneducated. 

It  is  certainly  very  gratifying  and  creditable  that  India  has  made 
slow  but  steady  progress  in  spite  of  the  odds  against  her.  She  has 
been  struggling  along,  groping  in  the  dark,  accomplishing  whatever 
has  been  accomplished  by  trial  and  error.  Only  recently  an  Indian 
picture  has  been  accepted  for  exhibition  at  the  International  Arts 
Exhibition  to  be  held  in  Vienna.  India  has  the  talent,  and  has 
everything  in  her  favor  in  the  way  of  story  material,  locations,  work- 
men, and  so  forth.  What  are  lacking  are  more  honest,  sincere,  and 
experienced  Indian  boys  to  study  the  industry  abroad  and  become 
the  pioneers  in  organizing  the  industry.  It  is  hoped  that  before  long 
a  better  understanding  and  cooperation  will  be  established  between 
the  East  and  the  West  which  will  eventually  yield  better  business  to 
the  American  manufacturers  and  assist  in  building  up  our  industry. 
Thus  we  shall  have  not  only  more  friendly  business  relations,  but  a 
more  authentic  understanding  of  the  East  will  be  gained.  Also,  the 
producers  here  in  Hollywood  will  not  have  to  send  out  expensive  ex- 
peditions to  the  East  or  the  Far  East,  or  to  Africa,  for  background 
shots  which  could  very  safely  be  entrusted  to  producers  or  individuals 
in  India. 


H.  G.  PERCEY** 

Summary. — The  organization  and  equipment  of  the  research  department  at 
Paramount  Studios  are  described.  The  difference  in  the  problems  of  research  on 
historical  and  modern  photoplays  is  explained,  with  specific  examples  from  current 

In  the  days  when  Jesse  Lasky  and  Cecil  B.  DeMille  operated  a 
little  motion  picture  studio  on  Vine  Street  in  Hollywood,  there  was 
employed  as  a  reader  in  the  Story  Department  an  actress  who  had 
"trod  the  boards"  from  Minnesota  to  Louisiana  and  from  New  York 
to  California.  Because  of  her  wide  experience  and  excellent  memory, 
the  production  staff  formed  the  habit  of  asking  her  what  the  butler 
had  worn  in  this  play,  or  whether  the  desk  in  that  one  was  Governor 
Winthrop,  or  Mission.  One  day,  as  the  company  flourished,  they 
decided  to  have  their  stories  reviewed  in  New  York,  and  this  actress, 
Elizabeth  McGaffey,  persuaded  them  to  give  her  a  dictionary,  the 
National  Geographic  Magazine,  and  a  public  library  card,  and  allow 
her  to  start  a  research  department.  This  eventful  happening  took 
place  in  1914. 

It  grew  slowly  at  first,  with  an  occasional  magazine  added:  the 
London  News,  because  of  the  War;  the  Architectural  Record,  for  the 
Art  Department;  and  a  few  books  for  each  picture.  In  fact,  for  many 
years  the  chief  growth  of  the  department  was  in  connection  with 
important  pictures.  No  additions  to  the  department  have  excelled 
the  splendid  architectural  material  on  Spain  purchased  for  Spanish 
Dancer.  For  Ten  Commandments  were  purchased  the  La  Sainte 
Bible  with  the  Tissot  illustrations,  the  Encyclopaedia  of  Religion  and 
Ethics,  and  many  commentaries  on  the  Bible;  for  Old  Ironsides,  fine 
boat  books ;  while  for  The  Patriot,  some  rare  Russian  historical  mate- 
rial was  added,  including  the  two-volume  set  published  to  commemo- 
rate the  coronation  of  Tsar  Nicholas  II. 

*  Presented  at  the  Spring,  1935,  Meeting  at  Hollywood,  Calif. 
**  Paramount  Productions,  Inc.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 


254  H.  G.  PERCEY  [j.  s.  M.  P.  E 

Today,  there  are  8100  books  and  bound  magazines,  and  a  picture 
file  greater  than  that  of  the  Los  Angeles  Public  Library.  The  collec 
tion,  though  still  built  ostensibly  around  productions,  has  been  aug- 
mented by  a  great  many  standard  reference  sets  of  encyclopedias,  the 
Yale  University  Pageant  of  America,  Peoples  of  All  Nations,  Countries 
of  the  World,  Lands  and  Peoples,  Manners  and  Customs  of  Mankind 
History  of  the  Nations,  and  the  Smithsonian  Institution  Scientific 
Series.  The  library  subscribes  also  for  the  more  important  magazine 
indexes,  thus  making  available  for  use  a  large  stock  of  bound  and 
current  periodicals,  including  Asia,  Architectural  Forum,  Arts  ana 
Decoration,  House  and  Garden,  Travel,  many  foreign  weeklies,  anc 
various  news  magazines. 

Although  the  work  of  the  department  was  at  first  restricted  tc 
little  more  than  finding  out  what  had  been  used  for  the  stage  play, 
or  what  the  sheriff's  badge  of  the  eighteen-eighties  was  like  for  a 
"western,"  gradually  not  only  the  production  units,  but  all  the  de- 
partments, learned  to  depend  upon  research  to  help  solve  their  prob- 
lems. Regardless  of  our  over-zealous  publicity  departments'  stories, 
the  librarians  have  never  claimed  infallibility,  nor  deserved  it.  Given 
enough  time,  and  enough  money,  they  can  usually  find  satisfactory 
material ;  but  when  a  director  sends  in  an  order  from  a  set,  with  the 
breathless  messenger  hanging  over  our  shoulders  while  we  try  to  find 
a  picture  of  a  wedding  ring  used  in  Spain  in  the  seventeenth  century, 
the  battle  is  lost.  No  other  department  in  the  studio  is  used  by  so 
many  persons,  and  for  so  many  purposes.  Bing  Crosby  wishes  to 
pick  out  the  moustache  he  will  wear  in  Mississippi.  The  Art  Director 
wants  to  see  the  interior  of  an  old  English  stable  for  Peter  Ibbetson; 
for  the  latter  picture  the  Costume  Designer  must  to  see  the 
hat  worn  by  a  little  boy  with  an  Eton  suit  in  1819.  The  Censorship 
Department  has  been  warned  that  the  life  of  a  character  in  a  forth- 
coming picture  resembles  that  of  some  noted  diplomat,  so  biographical 
material  must  be  found.  The  interior  view  of  a  church  for  slaves  is 
wanted  by  King  Vidor  for  So  Red  the  Rose.  The  Drapery  Department 
needs  yacht  flags  and  insignia  for  The  Big  Broadcast  of  1935.  How  to 
address  an  informal  note  to  an  English  countess  is  the  problem  of  the 
Foreign  Department,  while  the  Legal  Department  wishes  to  check 
upon  a  play  bearing  a  title  similar  to  one  recently  purchased  by  the 
company.  A  letter  received  by  the  Fan  Mail  Department  asks  the 
nationality  of  the  adventuress  in  Lives  of  a  Bengal  Lancer;  and  some 
one  else  wishes  the  name  of  the  musical  instrument  used  to  charm 

Mar.,  1936]         PROBLEMS  OF  A  MOTION  PICTURE  LIBRARY  255 

the  snake.  The  unit  business  manager  wants  the  name  of  a  Turkish 
technical  advisor  for  The  Last  Outpost.  A  real  spider  spinning  a 
real  web  is  wanted  by  the  Special  Effects  Department ;  and  an  engi- 
neer from  the  Sound  Department  asks  whether  it  is  true  that  a 
waterspout  can  be  broken  by  shooting  a  cannon  into  it. 

Our  greatest  problems,  and  the  most  interesting,  arise  in  making 
historical  pictures.  An  excellent  example  is  Ttie  Crusades.  The 
preliminary  work  was  done  on  it  a  whole  year  ago,  when  histories  of 
the  Third  Crusade,  and  biographies  of  Richard  the  Lion  Hearted  were 
located.  In  July,  Harold  Lamb,  whose  scholarly  but  readable  books 
upon  the  subject  have  made  him  an  authority,  was  assigned  to  write 
an  original  story.  Our  work  with  him  proved  to  be  of  great  length, 
but  fascinating,  relating  to  the  costumes  of  kings  and  queens,  lords 
and  ladies,  minstrels  and  priests;  army  life,  military  tactics,  and 
battle  cries;  the  manner  of  saluting  an  officer,  and  paying  homage 
to  a  king;  marriage  customs  of  the  twelfth  century  in  France, 
and  religious  customs  among  the  Saracens.  How  much  of  Windsor 
Castle  was  built  at  that  time,  and  how  was  it  furnished?  Not  only 
Mr.  Lamb,  but,  in  his  wake,  art  director,  set  dresser,  sketch  artists, 
and  technicians,  all  plied  us  with  questions.  One  point  alone  may 
serve  to  illustrate  what  pains  are  taken  to  be  exactly  correct, 
and  yet  how  difficult  it  often  is  to  find  information  upon  what  seems 
to  be  rather  simple.  There  is  a  scene  in  the  script  in  which  Richard 
visits  the  smithy  to  see  how  his  new  sword  is  progressing,  and  himself 
strikes  a  few  blows  with  the  hammer.  While  he  is  thus  engaged,  a 
messenger  summons  him  back  to  the  castle,  to  greet  Philip  Augustus 
of  France,  an  unexpected  guest.  The  same  evening  the  smith  de- 
livers the  finished  sword.  Could  a  sword  be  tempered,  polished,  and 
finished  so  quickly?  First  we  searched  the  material  on  arms  and 
armor;  then  the  books  on  the  arts  and  crafts  of  the  Middle  Ages, 
narratives  of  the  time,  and  even  historical  novels  and  children's 
stories.  In  the  magazine  indexes  we  found  countless  articles  on  the 
history  and  manufacture  of  swords,  but  none  that  answered  the  ques- 
tion. We  tried  the  Huntington  Library,  and  the  University  libraries; 
finally,  even  the  Library  of  Congress,  but  their  great  resources  con- 
tained no  such  data.  Through  an  army  officer,  we  found  the  name  of 
the  firm  that  had  made  the  last  issue  of  cavalry  sabers,  but  even  they 
could  not  tell  us  how  long  it  had  taken  them,  let  alone  how  long  it 
might  have  taken  an  armorer  of  the  twelfth  century.  The  Chief  of 
Ordnance  sent  us  the  government  specifications  for  swords,  which 

256  H.  G.  PERCEY  [j.  s.  M.  p.  E. 

proved  very  amusing  to  the  DeMille  unit,  but  of  no  help.  Just  as  we 
had  about  given  up  hope,  two  articles  appeared  in  magazines  regard- 
ing the  work  of  Kenneth  Lynch,  a  metal  craftsman,  with  a  forge  in 
Long  Island  City.  A  letter  to  him  brought  the  information  that  he 
had  made  some  of  the  swords  for  The  Crusades,  and  that  he  believed 
that  at  that  time  it  would  have  taken  three  men  one  day's  work  to 
make  a  sword. 

The  costume  problem  is  a  grave  one,  and  is  still  quite  unrecog- 
nized by  many  directors.  We  have  all  the  great  authorities,  including 
Racinet,  Planche,  Hottenroth,  Rosenberg,  and  Giafferri;  uniform 
regulations,  books  on  coiffures,  fashion  magazines,  and  countless 
others;  but  the  costume  must  please  not  only  the  designer  but  the 
director  and  the  star.  The  designer  may  not  want  the  Spanish  cos- 
tume of  the  province  in  which  the  story  is  written,  but  one  worn  in 
Argentina,  or  depicted  by  Sargent  in  El  Jaleo.  The  director  may 
know  that  the  Alaskan  Indians  wear  something  closely  resembling 
a  "Mother-Hubbard,"  but  one  can  not  blame  him  for  not  putting  such 
an  outfit  upon  a  supposedly  languorous  lady.  A  masculine  star 
would  not  wear  knee  breeches  in  a  Revolutionary  War  picture,  be- 
cause he  thought  them  unbecoming. 

Competent  technical  advisors  are  indispensable  in  connection  with 
pictures,  the  locale  of  which  is  supposed  to  be  in  a  foreign  country  or 
which  is  concerned  with  some  special  subject,  such  as  the  army  or 
navy,  aviation  or  engineering.  Occasionally,  one  will  misrepresent  his 
capabilities,  but  there  are  so  many  nationalities  represented  on  the 
payroll  of  any  studio  that  it  is  not  difficult  to  find  such  information. 
There  are  countless  questions  of  customs  and  procedure  that  are 
not  answered  in  books;  infinite  details  of  costume,  which  make  all 
the  difference  between  right  and  wrong  to  the  natives  of  a  country, 
but  would  never  be  noticed  by  Americans.  For  every  good  technical 
person  employed,  our  knowledge  of  the  country  is  enriched,  but  un- 
fortunately, we  receive  all  the  criticisms  of  the  incompetent  ones. 

On  the  average  modern  American  picture,  the  work  is  seldom  ex- 
haustive. For  Stolen  Harmony,  we  sent  for  city  or  state  police  uni- 
forms and  equipment  from  four  states,  only  to  find  there  was  hardly 
a  glimpse  of  them  left  when  the  picture  was  finished.  Prison  pictures 
worry  us  a  little,  because  with  the  new  prison  reforms  prevalent  in 
so  many  of  the  states,  we  do  not  always  find  the  stripes  and  chains 
that  are  usually  associated  with  the  punishment  of  criminals. 

Mar.,  1936  J         PROBLEMS  OF  A  MOTION  PICTURE  LIBRARY  257 

A  part  of  the  work  that  we  find  particularly  enjoyable  is  that  done 
with  some  of  the  musical  composers.  For  instance,  before  Ralph 
Rainger  began  composing  the  music  for  Rose  of  the  Rancho  he  spent 
hours  looking  at  pictures  and  reading  books  upon  the  customs  of 
early  California — life  on  the  big  ranches,  the  fiestas,  the  dances — 
everything  but  the  music. 

There  is  no  end  to  the  work  that  can  be  done,  nor  to  the  material 
that  can  be  used  in  a  research  department.  We  once  made  a  survey 
of  the  employees  to  find  out  where  we  could  get  specialized  informa- 
tion quickly.  The  employees  have  been  particularly  valuable  in 
connection  with  European  War  stories,  because  practically  every 
branch  of  foreign  service  is  represented,  and  also  for  small  amounts  of 
translation  that  are  often  needed  quickly,  such  as  a  German  sign  in 
a  train,  or  a  Spanish  letter.  None  of  the  research  departments  has 
the  equipment  to  do  scientific  research,  but  that  is  a  goal  toward 
which  we  can  work. 

There  is  a  nation-wide  movement,  now  well  organized,  that  is 
going  to  have  a  decided  effect  upon  motion  pictures,  and  by  the  very 
nature  of  it,  upon  the  growth  of  research  departments  in  the  industry 
—Motion  Picture  Appreciation — which  is  being  studied  in  the  public 
schools  in  connection  with  the  English  classes.  When  we  realize 
that  there  are  no  fewer  than  thirty  million  children  and  adolescents  in 
the  schools  of  the  United  States,  it  must  be  evident  that  teaching  them 
not  only  discrimination  but  criticism  as  well,  is  bound  to  influence  a 
number  of  factors  that  today  many  persons  feel  are  of  little  conse- 
quence. One  of  the  English  teachers  in  a  Junior  High  School  told 
us  that  surveys  made  a  year  ago  and  again  this  spring  had  shown  a 
surprisingly  great  increase  in  the  attendance  at  recommended  pic- 
tures. The  Women's  Clubs,  the  Parent-Teachers  Associations,  the 
Theater  Managers,  the  Public  Libraries,  are  all  doing  their  best  to 
help.  Pamphlets  are  issued  on  a  few  of  the  specially  recommended 
films  such  as  David  Copperfield,  one  hundred  and  twenty-four  thou- 
sand of  which  are  being  circulated.  The  Public  Libraries  give  out 
book-marks  referring  to  these  and  some  of  the  historical  pictures, 
suggesting  other  books  on  the  same  or  similar  subjects,  readable 
histories,  biographies,  and  novels.  All  this  leads  to  an  intelligent 
demand  for  better  entertainment,  more  accurately  presented;  and 
perhaps  the  research  departments  will  soon  come  into  their  own. 

258  H.  G.  PERCEY 


MR.  CRABTREE:  Is  your  equipment  restricted  to  books,  or  do  you  have  file 
records  of  photographs,  clippings,  etc?  Also,  do  you  have  a  directory  of  persons 
in  Hollywood  who  can  tell  you  what  is  worn  in  France  or  Ireland  or  other  coun- 
tries? It  would  seem  that  such  a  person  would  be  able  to  put  you  right  about 
costumes  in  much  shorter  time  than  by  reading  a  book. 

Miss  PERCEY  :  That  is  true,  and  we  do  try  to  get  them ;  but  we  must  investi- 
gate them  very  carefully,  because  very  often  they  have  not  been  abroad  for  a 
long  time — sometimes  years — and  when  they  go  to  the  wardrobe  department  to 
pick  out  a  policeman's  uniform,  for  example,  the  one  they  pick  out  is  hopelessly 
out  of  date. 

Yes,  we  have  a  directory  of  research  experts.  But,  as  in  everything  else,  it  is 
always  something  that  we  do  not  have  that  is  asked  of  us.  We  have  also  a  very 
large  clipping  and  photograph  file.  We  have  practically  no  scientific  books. 
The  library  has  been  built  around  the  motion  pictures  we  have  made,  and  not 
around  the  future  needs  of  the  staff  or  the  studio.  In  time  to  come,  perhaps, 
we  shall  have  at  least  the  important  scientific  encyclopedias  and  similar  material, 
which  should  be  owned  by  the  studio  and  not  by  individuals  in  the  sound  or  other 

I  was  very  much  interested  in  the  films  taken  with  polarized  light,  because  one 
of  our  difficulties  is  that  of  supplying  photographs  to  be  used  in  pictures  as  back- 
ings outside  windows.  When  filming  a  scene  in  France,  for  instance,  a  photo- 
graph typifying  French  scenery  may  be  required,  and  our  great  trouble  is  that 
often  we  have  no  such  photographs,  but  have,  instead,  very  good  rotogravure 
prints.  With  the  polarizing  filters,  it  will  be  possible  to  enlarge  the  prints  satis- 
factorily, I  believe. 

MR.  CRABTREE:  Yes,  we  get  as  good  reproductions  from  mat  prints  as 
from  glossy  prints. 

Miss  PERCEY:  That  is  very  interesting.  It  will  help  to  solve  some  of  our 

PRESIDENT  TASKER:  That  is  another  example  of  how  the  Society  mutually 
assists  the  various  persons  in  the  industry. 

MR.  CRABTREE:  It  supports  Professor  Morkovin's  statement  that  the  more 
each  man  knows  of  the  other  man's  problems,  the  more  valuable  he  is  to  the 
industry.  A  specialist  these  days  must  be  a  jack  of  all  trades,  with  an  extra 
knowledge  of  his  particular  subject.  Miss  Percey,  how  many  persons  are  em- 
ployed in  your  department? 

Miss  PERCEY:  We  have  only  five  in  the  Research  Library  at  Paramount 
Studio.  One  of  our  exchange  men  came  to  the  studio  not  long  ago  and  looked 
around  almost  with  disgust.  Having  read  the  accounts  of  the  enormous  research 
staff  that  Mr.  DeMille  used  on  Cleopatra  and  The  Crusades,  he  was  horrified  when 
he  saw  my  rather  limited  library,  and  only  five  of  us.  He  said,  "I  thought  you 
had  at  least  300  persons  employed." 


E.  THEISEN  ** 

Summary. — The  development  of  the  historical  motion  picture  exhibit  at  the  Los 
Angeles  Museum  sponsored  by  the  Society  is  described,  from  1930  when  the  first 
gallery  was  opened.  The  various  contributions  of  the  pioneers  represented  in  the 
exhibit  are  discussed,  and  a  description  of  the  various  accessions  and  the  policies  of 
the  Museum  in  displaying  these  collections  is  given. 

The  historical  exhibit  of  motion  picture  relics  at  the  Los  Angeles 
Museum  is  being  brought  together  so  that  the  relics  may  not  become 
scattered  or  lost.  The  records  and  apparatus  of  many  of  the  arts, 
and  even  many  of  the  traditions  incidental  to  their  development  have 
been  lost  because  of  a  lack  of  interest  in  preserving  the  material  or 
putting  it  into  suitable  and  safe  depositories.  Even  now,  scarcely 
more  than  forty  years  since  the  motion  picture  began,  many  of  the 
records  and  much  of  the  mechanical  paraphernalia  have  been  lost. 
However,  the  Society  of  Motion  Picture  Engineers  and  the  Los  An- 
geles Museum,  in  collaboration,  have  sponsored  the  activity  of  pre- 
serving as  many  relics  and  memorabilia  of  the  motion  picture  as 

Because  many  of  the  motion  picture  pioneers  did  not  realize  the 
importance  of  their  researches,  they  did  not  preserve  their  devices  in- 
tact, but,  instead,  removed  sprockets,  gears,  or  parts  of  the  devices 
for  use  in  further  experimentation,  with  the  result  that  the  original 
equipment  was  gradually  dismantled.  Time  after  time,  in  the  search 
for  the  original  equipment,  such  was  found  to  be  the  case.  Fires, 
the  death  of  the  pioneer,  and  lack  of  funds  are  other  reasons  for  the 
destruction  and  scattering  of  the  records. 

Realizing  all  this,  the  idea  of  a  motion  picture  museum  was  crystal- 

*  Presented  at  the  Spring,  1935,  Meeting  at  Hollywood,  Calif, 
**  Los  Angeles  Museum,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 


260  E.  THEISEN  [j.  s.  M.  p.  E. 

lized.  The  Motion  Picture  Division  of  the  Los  Angeles  Museum  was 
organized  in  January,  1930,  with  Earl  Theisen  Honorary  Curator. 
On  December  10,  1931,  the  Board  of  Governors  of  the  Society  of  Mo- 
tion Picture  Engineers  appointed  a  Committee  known  as  the  Museum 
Committee,  whose  duty  it  was  to  aid  in  bringing  together  the  relics 
of  the  motion  picture.  The  Los  Angeles  Museum  was  chosen  as  a  de- 

The  initial  exhibit  in  the  Museum  at  that  time  was  a  collection  of 
approximately  1200  specimens  of  film,  representing  the  entire  history 
of  the  motion  picture.  The  collection  included  actual  clippings 
from  original  films  of  pioneers  and  from  notable  photoplays  from  year 

FIG.  1.     S.  M.  P.  E.  motion  picture  exhibit,  Los  Angeles  Museum. 

to  year,  color,  sound,  and  the  various  processes,  each  being  repre- 
sented by  separate  specimens  bound  between  glass  plates  for  preser- 
vation, and  accompanying  each  specimen  was  a  historical  notation. 

In  the  collection,  which  is  still  on  display,  may  be  seen  raw  stock 
made  by  Eastman  in  1890,  and  motion  pictures  made  by  W.  K.  L. 
Dickson  for  Edison  in  1889.  There  are  numerous  examples  of  the 
earliest  films  to  be  projected  upon  screens,  including  those  of  Wood- 
ville  Latham,  the  Lumiere  Brothers,  the  Biograph,  and  others.  Speci- 
mens of  hand-colored  motion  pictures  made  in  1898  may  also  be 
seen.  There  are  also  specimens  of  stop-motion,  and  motion  pictures 
by  miniatures,  of  the  same  period. 

There  is  one  specimen  on  display  that  corresponds  to  the  main  title 
of  current  pictures.  It  is  a  film  in  which  are  two  frames  of  title  bear- 


ing  the  statement,  "Copyrighted  by  T.  A.  Edison,  1897."  It  was 
inserted  five  feet  from  the  start  of  the  film  so  as  not  to  be  torn  away 
as  a  result  of  the  practice  at  that  time  of  removing  the  short  sections 
of  the  film  that  were  damaged  by  the  starting  of  the  projector.  In 
the  collection  are  also  specimens  of  such  noted  pictures  as  The  Great 
'I'  rain  Robbery,  The  Birth  of  a  Nation,  and  others.  There  are  samples 
of  sound-films  made  by  Ernst  Ruhmer  as  early  as  1904,  and  animated 
cartoons  made  by  J.  Stewart  Blackton  as  early  as  1900. 

The  specimens  are  displayed  by  means  of  backlighting  in  an  open- 
air  case  arrangement,  so  that  the  film  specimens  will  not  be  heated 
above  70  degrees.  This  collection  of  motion  picture  film  specimens 
was  first  begun  by  Earl  Theisen  in  1924,  and  includes  samples  ob- 
tained from  all  over  the  world. 

Since  1930,  when  the  Motion  Picture  Museum  idea  was  crystal- 
lized, there  has  been  constant  activity  in  assembling  the  available 
relics.  The  Los  Angeles  Museum  has  furnished  assistance  and  dis- 
play facilities,  while  the  sponsorship  of  the  Society  of  Motion  Picture 
Engineers,  under  the  guidance  of  the  Historical  and  Museum  Com- 
mittee, has  aided  considerably  in  bringing  together  the  material. 

Many  notable  private  collections  have  been  deposited  with  the  Los 
Angeles  Museum,  and  many  records  of  the  motion  picture  pioneers 
are  represented.  On  display  may  be  seen  a  model  of  "The  Black 
Maria,"  the  first  Edison  studio.  This  model  was  made  from  specifi- 
cations furnished  by  W.  K.  L.  Dickson,  who  made  the  original  studio 
for  Edison  in  the  early  1890's.  Besides  this  model  there  are  other 
models  showing  a  present-day  sound  stage  with  all  its  appurtenances. 
There  is  also  a  model  showing  how  a  glass  matte  process  "shot"  is 
photographed.  Plans  have  been  promulgated  for  adding  to  the 
miniature  models  in  this  display  as  and  when  they  can  be  made. 

Particular  attention  is  being  given  toward  bringing  together  the 
mechanical  equipment.  Projectors  and  cameras  made  by  a  number 
of  pioneers  have  already  been  acquired,  and  have  been  treated  to  pre- 
vent corrosion  and  destruction  before  placing  on  display.  This 
equipment,  after  being  received  at  the  Museum,  is  carefully  cleaned, 
the  rust  is  removed,  and  it  is  so  treated  as  to  prevent  the  formation  of 
new  rust. 

Many  archives  have  also  been  gathered  both  for  preservation  and 
display.  The  catalogs  issued  by  the  Biograph  Company  showing 
photographs  from  the  first  Biograph  films  have  been  acquired 
from  the  collection  of  George  E.  Van  Guysling.  Mr.  Van  Guysling, 

262  E.  THEISEN  [j.  S.  M.  p  E. 

who  was  Manager  of  the  Biograph  Company  during  the  years  1904 
to  1907,  saved  many  of  the  records  of  the  Biograph  Company.  For 
the  most  part  these  have  been  placed  with  the  Los  Angeles  Museum; 
some  have  been  put  into  display  cases,  while  the  other  material  has 
been  placed  in  the  Museum  storeroom  for  safe-keeping.  A  store- 
room of  about  3000  square  feet  has  been  set  aside  for  this  purpose. 

Mr.  J.  Stuart  Blackton  has  made  available  material  from  the  old 
Vitagraph  Company.  In  the  Blackton  collection  may  be  seen,  among 
other  things,  the  drawings  from  which  was  made  the  Vitagraph  trade- 
mark. Mr.  Blackton  also  supplied  a  Biograph  mutoscope  "peep 
show,"  of  1908.  In  this  mutoscope  may  be  seen  a  complete  picture 
showing  the  members  of  the  Patents  Company.  One-half  of  the  men 
shown  in  the  picture  have  since  died.  The  motion  picture  is  not 

FIG.  2.  Old  slide  of  about  1831-32,  on  display  in  the  S.  M.  P.  E.  exhibit. 
Only  a  small  portion  could  be  projected  at  a  time.  The  slide  was  painted 
in  panorama,  so  that  motion  of  the  train  would  be  simulated  as  the  slide 
was  passed  through  the  lantern.  Candles  were  used  in  the  magic  lantern 
for  illumination. 

upon  film,  but  upon  the  mutoscope  cards  which  flipped  past  the  line 
of  vision  and  thus  integrated  the  progressive  motion  of  the  successive 
photographs  upon  the  cards. 

Other  pioneers  have  supplied  photographs,  hand-bills,  and  other 
memorabilia  from  the  Kalem,  Lubin,  Essanay,  Selig,  and,  in  fact,  all 
the  more  widely  known  early  motion  picture  companies.  Much  of 
this  material  is  in  the  form  of  hand-bills,  as  in  the  case  of  a  collection 
of  Edison  programs  during  the  period  of  1909  to  1911  furnished  by 
Herbert  Prior,  an  Edison  leading  man  at  that  time.  These  hand-bills 
bear  descriptions  of  the  pictures,  photographs,  and,  in  later  hand- 
bills, listings  of  the  casts. 

Records  on  display  at  the  Museum  indicate  that  the  motion  pic- 
ture players  first  began  to  receive  publicity  in  1910.  A  copy  of  the 
Sunday  Post  Dispatch  of  St.  Louis  carried  a  feature  article  on  May  20, 
1910,  announcing  for  the  first  time  "that  the  IMP  Girl  is  really  Flor- 
ence Lawrence,"  This,  according  to  available  records,  was  the 


publicity  given  to  a  motion  picture  player,  and  was  brought  about 
through  the  enterprise  of  Carl  Laemmle,  for  whom  Florence  Lawrence 
was  working  at  the  time. 

The  Motion  Picture  Story  Magazine,  which  was  first  published  in 
February,  1911,  by  J.  Stuart  Blackton  as  the  Patent  Company's 
publication,  carried  stories  about  the  players.  One  of  the  early  pic- 
tures in  which  Edison  gave  credit  to  a  cast  was  a  700-ft.  picture  en- 
titled The  International  Heart-Breaker,  released  on  December  11,  1911. 
Examples  of  all  this  "star"  publicity  may  be  seen  on  display  in  the 
Museum  exhibit. 

The  Museum  also  has  on  display,  from  the  George  E.  Van  Guysling 
collection,  hand-bills  from  motion  pictures  made  in  Los  Angeles  in 
1906.  One  hand-bill  issued  by  the  Biograph  Company  from  their 
Los  Angeles  office,  2623  Pico  Street,  dated  June  17,  1906,  announces 
a  picture  entitled  A  Daring  Hold- Up  in  Southern  California.  An 
earlier  picture  had  been  made  on  June  10,  1906.  There  is  also  on 
display  an  announcement  from  the  Billboard  Magazine  of  that  time, 
of  the  opening  at  Los  Angeles  of  a  branch  of  the  American  Biograph 
Co.  As  indicated  by  the  Los  Angeles  City  Directory,  the  Biograph 
Company  remained  in  Los  Angeles  continually  from  that  date  until 
the  dissolution  of  the  company.  There  is  a  popular  tradition  that 
the  first  motion  pictures  were  made  in  Los  Angeles  by  Colonel  W.  N. 
Selig  in  1908.  David  Horsley  is  credited  with  making  the  first  pic- 
tures in  Hollywood  in  October,  1911. 

These  hand-bills,  along  with  suitable  photographs,  are  displayed 
in  swinging  frames  permitting  the  visitors  to  the  museum  to  study 
the  exhibit  closely.  Also  in  the  swinging  frames  are  many  patent 
papers  and  other  documents.  Upon  the  walls  are  framed  and  auto- 
graphed pictures  of  many  of  the  motion  picture  pioneers,  including 
Edison,  Eastman,  and  others.  Framed  nickelodeon  posters  hang 
upon  the  wall. 

Upon  display  in  the  gallery  is  an  attempt  to  show  how  the  idea 
of  motion  pictures  began  more  than  250  centuries  ago  and  evolved  up 
to  the  present  time.  A  photograph  is  shown,  supplied  by  Will  Day 
of  London,  of  a  boar  having  two  distinct  sets  of  legs,  the  original 
drawing  of  which,  upon  the  wall  of  a  cave  at  Altmira,  Spain,  dates 
back  to  approximately  25,000  B.C.  The  drawing  was  evidently  an 
attempt  by  the  artists  of  that  time  to  represent  motion  pictorially. 
Preserved  in  the  Museum  files  are  records  of  many  attempts  to  pro- 
duce motion  pictures  before  photography  was  available,  an  example  of 

264  E.  THEISEN 

which  was  the  magic  lantern.  On  display  are  magic  lanterns  ex- 
ploying  either  candles  or  kerosene,  and  many  beautifully  hand- 
painted  slides,  arranged  in  narrative  sequence  with  the  idea  of  telling 
a  story.  For  instance,  the  travel  lecture,  Through  the  Holy  Land, 
depicts  in  succession  the  various  interesting  sights  of  the  Holy  Land, 
intended  to  be  accompanied  by  suitable  explanatory  discussion.  As 
an  example  of  the  "story  slides,"  there  is  The  Orphan's  Dream,  in 
which  is  depicted  in  a  series  of  three  slides  the  story  of  the  little  or- 
phan going  to  Heaven  and  seeing  the  angels.  The  first  slide,  known 
as  the  "foundation  slide,"  showed  the  orphan  asleep  upon  a  couch;  the 
second  slide  was  superimposed  in  the  upper  right-hand  corner  and 
gradually  slid  into  view  upon  the  screen,  thus  introducing  the  idea  of 
the  angels  appearing  to  the  orphan. 

Besides  the  historical  material  upon  display,  material  has  been  de- 
signed to  explain  the  current  motion  picture  processes,  such  as  the 
making  of  an  animated  cartoon,  the  coloring  of  motion  pictures,  the 
lighting  technics,  etc.  In  these  displays,  wherever  possible,  actual 
examples  of  the  successive  steps  of  the  processes  are  shown,  along 
with  suitable  labels. 

The  Historical  and  Museum  Committee  and  the  Los  Angeles  Mu- 
seum are  particularly  interested  in  preserving  the  history  of  the  mo- 
tion picture  as  it  unfolds.  With  this  purpose,  various  companies 
and  leaders  of  the  cinema  are  encouraged  to  send  literature,  para- 
phernalia, and  other  items  that  portray  evolutionary  progress.  A 
number  of  magazines  send  complimentary  subscriptions  so  that  a  com- 
plete file  of  current  events  is  preserved. 

At  this  time  it  is  fitting  that  a  plea  be  made  for  further  acces- 
sions and  for  the  cooperation  of  those  who  may  have  in  their  posses- 
sion any  historical  motion  picture  material.  Persons  having  such 
material  owe  posterity  a  duty.  Motion  picture  relics  must  be  pre- 
served, and  since  there  is  little  commerical  value  attached  to  the 
relics,  it  follows  that  this  material  should  be  deposited  with  the  Mo- 
tion Picture  Museum.  Credit  is  always  given  to  the  donors  upon  labels 
describing  the  exhibits.  ,In  certain  instances  where  it  is  inadvisable 
to  make  the  material  an  outright  gift  to  the  Museum,  recall  privileges 
may  be  granted. 



Summary. — The  Smithsonian  Institution  was  created  in  1846  by  act  of  Congress 
according  to  the  terms  of  the  will  of  James  Smithson,  of  England,  who  bequeathed 
his  property  to  the  U.  S.  Government  for  the  purpose  of  founding  at  Washington  an 
establishment  for  increasing  and  diffusing  knowledge  among  men,  and  to  be  known 
as  the  Smithsonian  Institution.  The  Section  of  Photography  is  a  part  of  the  Divi- 
sion of  Graphic  Arts.  It  constitutes  in  its  exhibits  a  history  of  photography,  both 
still  and  motion,  as  represented  by  12,180  specimens.  The  present  paper  describes 
some  of  these  exhibits  in  relation  to  their  historical  aspects. 

Recently  I  was  advised  that  the  Board  of  Governors  of  the  Society 
had  sanctioned  the  Smithsonian  Institution  as  a  depository  of  motion 
picture  material,  thus  authorizing  in  the  East  a  depository  for  the 
exhibition  and  display  of  such  equipment.  Museums  grow  slowly 
and  exhibit  and  care  for  what  has  passed  into  history.  We  speak  of 
material  over  50  years  old  as  being  of  museum  age,  under  which  rule 
motion  picture  apparatus  is  just  approaching  maturity,  as  I  believe 
the  beginnings  of  the  motion  picture  industry  were  some  40  years  ago. 
However,  early  machines,  methods,  and  processes  are  rapidly  passing, 
and  no  time  should  be  wasted  in  collecting  the  material  and  placing 
it  where  it  will  be  cared  for  and  be  safe.  Of  all  museums,  national, 
state,  or  city,  the  national  is  on  a  most  enduring  foundation.  The 
section  of  photography,  covering  both  still  and  motion  pictures,  is 
some  sixty  years  old;  and  here  a  tribute  should  be  paid  to  its  founder, 
Thomas  W.  Smillie,  who  had  the  wisdom  to  make  the  beginning  and 
whose  chief  interest  it  was  during  the  forty -eight  years  in  which  he 
served  the  Institution. 

It  is  my  purpose  to  review  briefly  the  motion  picture  material  now 
in  the  collection,  and  to  invite  you  to  inspect  it.  Toys  embodying 
the  principle  of  persistence  of  vision  as  a  factor  in  creating  an  illusion 
of  motion  date  back  to  1830.  We  have  a  combination  toy  zoetrope 

*  Presented  at  the  Fall,  1935,  Meeting  at  Washington,  D.  C. 
"*  Smithsonian  Institution,  Washington,  D.  C. 


266  A.  J.  OLMSTEAD  [J.  S.  M.  p.  E, 

dated  1876,  from  the  U.  S.  Patent  Office,  the  inventor  of  which  states 
that  it  can  be  used  as  a  paper  collar-box  after  the  termination  of  its 
period  of  usefulness  as  a  toy.  Other  zoetropes  or  "Whirligigs  of 
Life"  are  shown,  some  employing  mirrors  and  some  lenses  in  their 
construction.  The  periphantoscope  whirls  before  a  mirror,  thus 
differing  in  construction  from  the  zoetropes  in  that  the  reflection  is 
viewed  through  slotted  openings,  a  whole  library  of  carefully  drawn 
disks  being  provided  to  afford  a  variety  of  entertainment.  The 
phantoscope  provides  a  semblance  of  motion  by  allowing  a  series  of 
prints  bound  tightly  together  at  one  edge  to  flip  successively  under 
the  thumb  at  the  opposite  edge.  These  are  some  of  the  devices  of  the 
premovie  days,  mainly  for  the  purpose  of  providing  amusement  for 
children  and  adults. 

The  Eadweard  Muy bridge  collection  is  very  complete.  Muy bridge 
began  his  historic  experiments  in  1872  in  an  effort  to  settle  a  dispute 
as  to  whether  a  trotting  horse  had  all  four  feet  off  the  ground  at  any 
part  of  its  stride.  His  work  and  his  photographs  of  the  horse,  taken 
with  twenty-four  cameras,  form  a  historic  episode  in  the  art,  and 
proved  this  to  be  true.  Following  his  work  in  California,  Muybridge 
was  given  a  grant  of  forty  thousand  dollars  by  the  University  of 
Pennsylvania  to  carry  further  his  study  of  human  and  animal  motion, 
the  culmination  of  which  work  embodied  the  publication  of  some 
eight  hundred  photogravure  plates  of  a  wide  variety  of  subjects,  for 
which  he  received  world-wide  recognition.  The  work  was  all  done 
with  dry  plates,  exposed  serially  in  a  battery  of  cameras — not  a  single 
camera  and  single  point  of  view,  as  we  now  take  motion  pictures. 
The  zoopraxi scope  was  Muybridge's  instrument  for  projecting  the 

In  1887  Wallace  Gould  Levison,  a  member  of  the  Brooklyn  Acad- 
emy of  Science,  constructed  a  camera,  included  in  the  collection  of  the 
Smithsonian,  that  would  expose  twelve  plates  in  less  than  a  second. 
These  plates  were  placed  upon  the  periphery  of  a  drum  and  exposed 
by  an  electrically  operated  shutter.  This  camera  recorded  motion 
from  one  point  of  view,  thus  differing  in  principle  and  practice  from 
Muybridge's  multiple-camera  method. 

Film  came  upon  the  market  about  1888,  and  was  a  big  aid  in  the 
solution  of  the  movie  camera  and  projector  problems.  Of  Edison's 
material  the  most  important  in  the  collection  is  a  projection  kineto- 
scope,  the  lamp  house  of  which  contains  a  lime  light:  electricity  was 
not  then  so  available  as  now.  There  are  also  two  cameras  and  a 


light-testing  machine  accredited  to  Edison ;  and  a  synchronizer,  dated 
1908,  in  which  an  effort  was  made  to  synchronize  an  Edison  talking 
machine  with  a  motion  picture  film.  The  machine  was  operated  by 
a  battery,  and  to  keep  the  picture  and  speech  together,  the  operator 
kept  the  green  light  burning,  the  red  being  an  indication  of  "out  of 
time."  It  has  been  said  that  with  the  present  means  of  sound  repro- 
duction and  amplication,  this  machine  would  give  excellent  results 
with  old  film  and  records.  The  great  difficulty  at  the  time  was 
not  that  of  keeping  the  sound  and  picture  together,  but  that  the 
sound  was  weak  and  the  needle  scratched  badly. 

One  of  the  first  projectors  to  be  used  commercially,  the  eidoloscope, 
was  invented  by  Woodville  Latham,  and  was  used  in  April,  1895,  to 
give  public  exhibitions  in  New  York,  N.  Y.  It  was  probably  the 
third  machine  of  its  kind  that  was  constructed,  and  was  used  by  Le- 
Roy  Latham,  a  son  of  Woodville  Latham,  to  give  exhibitions  at  Nor- 
folk, Newport  News,  and  Richmond.  A  later  machine,  patented  in 
1902,  maintained  the  loop  and  included  an  intermittent  movement 
with  an  improved  shutter.  The  instrument  stands  in  a  case  in  the 
Museum  by  itself,  and  was  shown  at  the  sesquicentennial  exposition 
at  Philadelphia. 

In  connection  with  the  eidoloscope  I  well  remember  the  first  visit 
of  Eugene  A.  Lauste  to  the  motion  picture  exhibit.  He  greeted  this 
machine  with  affection  and  much  feeling,  saying  that  he  did  not  know 
that  one  existed,  and  that  he  had  helped  to  build  the  machine  as  well 
as  design  it. 

The  Jenkins  material  at  present  fills  one  section  of  a  wall  case. 
Fifteen  years  ago  a  small  part  of  this  collection  formed  the  beginning 
of  the  Museum's  exhibit  of  motion  picture  apparatus.  The  Muy- 
bridge  material  was  added  later. 

The  Jenkins  exhibit  is  most  complete :  it  includes  equipment  dating 
from  Jenkins'  experiments  and  processes  to  the  final  aerial  map- 
ping camera,  one  of  his  last  jobs.  The  list  is  a  long  one  and  I  shall 
only  mention  the  items  in  a  general  way:  early  motion  picture 
cameras  and  projectors;  later  equipment  for  radio  transmission  of 
photographs;  television  and  motion  picture  equipment;  high-speed 
motion  picture  cameras  for  analysis  of  motion ;  apparatus  for  trans- 
mitting weather  maps  by  radio  to  ships  at  sea;  and,  finally,  the  aerial 
mapping  camera  already  mentioned. 

Edward  Amet,  of  Waukegan,  111.,  did  some  early  work  on  projec- 
tion. We  have  three  of  his  models:  (7)  a  demonstration  model  to 

268  A.  J.  OLMSTEAD  [j.  s.  M.  P.  E. 

prove  that  a  motion  picture  could  be  taken  and  projected;  (2)  one 
made  in  1894-95,  of  which  some  500  were  made  and  sold;  (3)  one 
made  for  the  market  in  1900,  employing  a  claw. 

Of  the  work  of  Marvin  and  Casler  we  have  three  cameras  and  one 
projector.  The  machines  are  large  and  cumbersome;  the  camera 
was  driven  by  a  2-hp.  motor,  and  the  film  was  23/4  inches  wide,  with- 
out perforations.  It  was  exposed  at  the  rate  of  forty  a  second.  The 
camera  that  they  constructed  worked,  and  did  not  infringe  existing 
patents.  The  design  was  largely  due  to  the  genius  of  Casler.  The 
prints  were  first  shown  in  a  peep-hole  machine  known  as  the  muto- 
scope,  and  later  positives  were  projected  with  a  machine  known  as 
the  bio  graph.  The  work  of  these  two  men  resulted  in  the  formation 
in  1896,  of  the  great  Biograph  Company  that  made  motion  picture 
history  for  the  next  20  years,  invading  England  and  France  and  con- 
structing studios  and  laboratories. 

Standing  at  the  corner  of  the  exhibit,  and  in  actual  operation,  we 
have  one  of  the  mutoscopes  mentioned  above,  which  was  shown  by 
the  U.  S.  Post  Office  Department  at  the  St.  Louis  Exposition  in  1904. 

Eberhardt  Schneider  is  represented  by  two  early  printers,  three 
perforators,  four  film  polishers  and  rewinds,  five  projector  heads  and 
five  cameras,  all  of  his  invention  and  manufacture. 

Most  important  and  of  great  interest  in  this  collection  is  a  frame  of 
film  specimens  dating  from  1895. 

Recently  there  have  been  acquired  from  the  Bell  Telephone  Labo- 
ratories a  collection  of  fifty-nine  specimens  of  the  early  work  of 
Eugene  A.  Lauste,  of  whose  contributions  to  the  modern  sound  picture 
art  too  much  can  not  be  said.  Lauste's  work  began  in  the  eighties : 
in  1889  he  was  with  Edison,  and  later  with  Woodville  Latham  (1894), 
designing  and  building  the  eidoloscope,  used  for  public  performances 
in  1895.  He  was  first  to  record  sound  and  scene  upon  the  same  film, 
his  English  patent  being  dated  August,  1906.  Lacking  vacuum  tube 
amplification,  he  was  unable  to  operate  his  loud  speakers  with  satis- 
factory volume.  His  work  in  recording  sound  was  far  in  advance  of 
the  science  of  reproduction. 

To  mention  a  few  of  the  more  important  models:  1908-9,  sound 
reproducer;  1910-11,  camera  and  projector  for  sound  and  scene; 
1911-12,  sound  recorder;  1912-13,  sound  and  scene  projector. 
Added  to  this  material  later  was  a  most  valuable  collection  of  photo- 
graphs and  manuscripts,  carefully  arranged  by  Mr.  Lauste  over  a 
period  of  years,  descriptive  of  his  work  and  that  of  many  of  his  con- 


temporaries  in  the  early  days  of  motion  picture  development.  Mr. 
Lauste  had  the  pleasure  of  seeing  his  exhibit  arranged  upon  the 
shelves  of  the  Smithsonian  a  few  short  weeks  before  his  death  on 
June  26,  1935. 

Last,  but  not  least,  in  October,  1923,  this  Society— the  Society  of 
Motion  Picture  Engineers — presented  the  Institution  with  a  histori- 
cal collection,  consisting  of  some  15  specimens  of  film  strips  and 
screen-plates  of  which  I  shall  mention  a  few :  McDonough-Joly  screen- 
plate  ;  Fenske  Aurora  screen-plate ;  Thames  plates ;  Kelley  line-screen ; 
Krayn  screen;  Omnicolor  plate;  Ives  chromoscope  slides;  and  Bio- 
graph,  Brewster,  Prizma,  and  Technicolor  film  strips. 

In  preparing  this  paper  I  have  discovered  the  list  of  the  historical 
motion  picture  material  now  in  the  collection  is  a  sizable  one,  and,  in 
conclusion,  will  as  a  summary  mention  the  names  of  some  the  in- 
ventors whose  work  is  now  represented :  Muybridge,  Levison,  Edison, 
Latham,  Jenkins,  Amet,  Marvin  and  Casler,  Schneider,  and  Lauste — 
all  names  that  appear  large  in  motion  picture  history. 



Summary. — The  dramatic  technic  of  motion  pictures  is  determined  by  the  cinema 
mechanics  and  by  the  way  the  actual  world  is  shaped  through  the  medium  of  lens  and 
microphone.  The  technician  must  be  guided  in  his  work  by  an  understanding  of  the 
dramatic  purposes  and  meanings  of  the  devices  used  and  by  a  knowledge  of  the  fun- 
damentals of  cinematic  dramaturgy.  Some  of  the  requisites  for  attaining  a 
harmonious  blend  of  all  the  cinematic  powers  and  possibilities,  and  the  differences 
between  mere  stage  productions  and  motion  picture  productions  are  pointed  out. 

Dramatic  art,  whether  it  be  literary,  stage,  or  screen  drama,  works 
upon  the  emotions  of  the  readers  and  audiences  by  twofold  processes, 
opposed  to  each  other,  yet  harmoniously  balanced  : 

One  takes  them  away  from  the  vexations  of  their  actual  life  into 
the  realm  of  make-believe.  It  fascinates  by  imaginary  transformation 
of  life,  and  transports  by  the  spark  of  unreality. 

The  other  process  makes  believable  the  impossible  and  the  strange. 
By  an  illusion  of  life-likeness  it  stirs  the  interest,  arouses  sympathetic 
emotions,  and  plays  upon  the  keyboard  of  the  past  experience  of  the 
readers  and  spectators.  Drama  gives  the  excitement  and  thrill  of 
first-hand  experience  without  making  the  reader  or  spectator  pay 
the  price  for  his  experience. 

The  form  of  drama  most  expressive  in  its  means,  most  adequate 
for  conveying  the  complex  experience  of  our  dynamic  age,  is  the 
cinematic  drama,  the  motion  picture.  Unprecedented  in  history  by 
any  other  form  of  artistic  expression,  cinematic  means,  since  their 
inception  a  little  more  than  half  a  century  ago,  have  been  continuously 
and  cumulatively  enriched  by  the  work  of  national  and  international 
geniuses  of  science  and  technic.  The  fields  directly  or  indirectly 
related  to  the  cinema  have  been  enhancing  the  powers  of  cinematic 
expression :  sound,  light,  electricity,  chemistry,  all  branches  of  photo- 
graphy, radio,  television,  etc.  This  scientific  and  technical  contribu- 


tion  keeps  perfecting  the  cinematic  tools  and  their  ability  to  capture 
and  reproduce  human  experience  with  precision,  sensitiveness,  and 
vigor.  At  the  same  time,  the  cinema  has  benefited  from  the  growing 
richness  and  finesse  of  all  the  arts  that  constitute  its  ingredients  and 
contributors:  literature,  legitimate  theater  stagecraft,  painting, 
sculpture,  architecture,  music,  and  ballet. 

Not  unlike  modern  witchcraft,  the  cinema  creates  in  the  mind  of 
the  spectator  an  illusion  of  living  through  the  life  experiences  of  char- 
acters. It  achieves  this  by  means  of  sympathy  with  or  for  characters 
and  their  vicissitudes,  and  by  empathy,  or  unconscious  repetition  in 
the  spectator's  muscles  and  body  of  the  movements  and  actions  of 

In  order  to  produce  this  hypnotic  illusion,  cinema  has  mastered  its 
material  and  tools  and  made  them  malleable,  and  has  learned  to 
organize  its  material  into  a  variety  of  stimuli  working  upon  the  hu- 
man nerves  of  eyes  and  ears  and  indirectly  upon  the  nerves  of  the 
other  senses.  The  material  for  the  visual  stimuli  is  provided  by  the 
actors,  their  bodies,  feelings,  and  thoughts;  by  the  costumes,  make-up, 
furniture,  settings,  and  other  props  of  all  epochs  and  descriptions; 
by  composition  of  lines  and  masses,  clarified  and  reenforced  by  camera 
angles  and  distances,  and  by  distribution  of  light  and  shadows:  the 
material  for  aural  stimuli  is  provided  by  sounds,  noises,  dialog,  and 
music.  All  these  stimuli  are  organized  emotionally  into  peculiar, 
dramatic  patterns.  The  cinematic  stimuli,  as  the  Greek  KIV^OL 
indicates,  work  essentially  by  means  of  movements,  large  and  small, 
from  the  mere  drooping  of  the  eyelids  to  spectacular  battles  and 
chases  and  the  play  of  emotions  behind  them  as  the  motivating  forces. 
The  dramatic  expressiveness  and  powers  of  the  cinema  are  increased 
by  the  technical  progress,  the  perfection  of  technical  equipment, 
camera,  lighting,  optical  printer,  processes,  sound  equipment,  color, 

The  scenario  writer  and  the  director,  who  translate  the  story  into 
cinematic  terms,  have  to  learn  to  think  cinematically,  to  become 
cinema  conscious.  Like  a  good  musician  who  hears  the  music  while 
reading  the  notes,  the  director  while  reading  the  story,  or  its  adapta- 
tion, must  visualize  it  in  actions,  movements,  and  sounds  with  dialog 
added  for  punch  and  clarity.  Technical  devices  of  the  cinema  and 
their  effects  play  the  same  role  for  the  scenario  writer  and  director 
as  do  words  for  the  writer  of  fiction.  The  richer  and  more  expressive 
the  vocabulary  of  words,  idioms,  metaphors,  and  associations  com- 

272  B.  V.  MORKOVIN  [j.  s.  M.  p.  E. 

manded  by  a  fiction  writer,  the  greater  the  facility  and  freedom  of 
imagination  in  his  writing.  Likewise  with  the  scenario  writer  and 
the  director;  in  order  to  express  effectively  the  dramatic  situations 
and  the  mental  states  of  the  characters,  they  must  have  at  their 
finger  tips  a  large  "catalog"  of  dramatic  effects  and  all  the  psycho- 
logical capabilities  of  numerous  technical  devices  of  camera,  light, 
and  sound,  and  must  know  also  when  and  how  to  use  them.  If  they 
are  not  skilled  in  the  cinematic  technic  and  are  not  cinema  conscious, 
they  will  depend  entirely  upon  the  technicians  for  their  cinematic 
resources.  They  will  not  create  an  imaginative  cinematic  drama; 
they  will  merely  transpose  the  story  scene  by  scene  into  terms  of 
camera  and  microphone  with  the  customary  dialog.  They  will  use 
literary  and  stage  technic  instead  of  the  cinematic  technic  of  move- 
ment and  interaction  of  characters. 

In  translating  stories  into  motion  pictures,  scenario  writers  and 
directors  should  adhere  to  rules  governing  their  construction  into 
scenes  and  sequences  that  are  in  accordance  with  the  essential 
technical  nature  of  cinema.  Cinematic  devices  produced  by  the 
camera  and  the  microphone  or  by  cutting  must  not  be  strung  to- 
gether mechanically.  The  attempt  to  do  so  by  directors  who  are 
not  trained  cinematically  is  equivalent  to  translating  from  one 
language  into  another  without  possessing  a  knowledge  of  grammar 
and  syntax  and  trying  to  put  together  in  a  haphazard  way  the  words 
looked  up  in  the  dictionary. 

The  eyes  and  ears  unconsciously  register  and  coordinate  in  the  brain 
the  different  aspects  of  visual  and  aural  experience.  Being  parts  of 
one  head,  eyes  and  ears  blend  their  experiences  automatically,  each 
reenforcing  the  other.  The  cinematic  eye — the  lens,  and  cinematic 
ear — the  microphone,  do  not  proceed  automatically  to  register  and 
coordinate  the  material  they  record.  The  brains  behind  them,  the 
cinematographer,  the  sound  engineer,  and  the  director,  make  a  great 
and  deliberate  effort  to  weld  different  visual  and  aural  effects  and 
orchestrate  them  effectively,  as  it  were,  into  a  technical  and  dramatic 

The  "filmic"  world  by  no  means  is  a  reproduction  of  the  real  world. 
It  is  artificial  and  technical,  through  and  through.  It  has  its  own 
space  and  time;  in  conveying  moods  and  delineating  characters  and 
events,  it  uses  its  short-hand  language  of  suggestions,  contrasts, 
comparisons,  and  symbolism.  Working  with  prearranged  illusions, 
it  is  sometimes  more  realistic  and  vivid  than  reality  itself.  A  force- 


ful  film  can  be  produced  only  by  a  smoothly  flowing  continuity  built 
in  a  dramatically  crescendo.  For  that  purpose  the  director  and  editor 
should  know  how  to  guide  the  spectator's  thoughts  and  feelings  into 
a  total  dramatically  unified  impression;  how  to  tell  the  story  skill- 
fully in  pictures  and  sound,  with  well  timed  atmospheric  effects 
accomplished  by  the  various  technical  devices.  The  attention  of  the 
spectator  is  guided  and  directed  by  the  distribution  of  light,  converg- 
ing lines  and  emphasis  by  contrast,  by  close-ups,  by  sound,  inanimate 
objects,  dramatic  clash,  by  increased  or  decreased  tempo.  A  cine- 
matically  trained  director  having  all  the  cinematic  resources  at  the 
tip  of  his  finger,  effectively  organizes  them  and  builds  his  drama  as 
an  engineer  with  a  thorough  knowledge  of  his  materials,  combining 
them  according  to  the  purpose  he  wishes  to  achieve.  He  keeps  the 
spectator's  emotions  at  close  grips  with  the  unfolding  cinematic 
drama,  stirring  them  profoundly  at  the  climax,  and  sending  the 
spectator  home  after  settling  the  main  issues  of  the  hero's  predica- 

The  progress  achieved  by  the  technicians  and  engineers  contributes 
immensely  to  the  dramatic  progress  and  effectiveness  of  motion 
pictures.  The  expressive  power  at  the  disposal  of  the  writers  and 
directors  depends  upon  the  precision,  sensitiveness,  flexibility,  and 
efficiency  of  the  equipment,  and  upon  the  ability  to  control  the  condi- 
tions under  which  the  equipment  is  used.  The  work  is  accomplished 
by  minutely  dividing  the  labor  of  the  technical  workers  and  the  func- 
tions of  the  contrivances  and  instruments  used.  Each  of  these  instru- 
ments and  devices  produces  different  effects.  The  minute  speciali- 
zation of  the  work  of  each  technician  and  each  instrument  increases 
the  difficulty  of  adjusting  and  harmonizing  each  phase  of  the  work 
with  all  the  others. 

The  integration  of  all  these  effects  into  a  practical  unity  resembles, 
in  a  way,  the  solving  of  a  jigsaw  puzzle.  And  yet  the  success  of  a 
picture  and  its  ability  to  gain  and  hold  the  spectator's  attention 
spontaneously  are  not  immediately  due  to  the  splendid  technical 
devices,  but  to  the  fact  that  the  picture  creates  an  impression  of  having 
been  made  out  of  one  piece  and  the  single  effects  entirely  submerged 
by  the  whole. 

Because  of  the  need  of  harmoniously  blending  all  the  technical  de- 
vices to  produce  a  unified  dramatic  effect,  it  is  necessary  that : 

(1)    The  technicians  have  a  fundamental  knowledge  of  other  technical  media. — 

274  B.  V.  MORKOVIN 

camera,  sound,  light,  composition,  set  construction,  etc.,  since  these  are  inter- 
dependent and  intertwined. 

(2}  The  work  of  the  technicians,  in  order  to  be  in  harmony  with  the  aims  of 
the  director,  must  be  guided  by  an  understanding  of  the  dramatic  purposes  and 
meanings  of  the  devices  they  use  and  by  the  knowledge  of  fundamentals  of  the 
dramatic  structure. 

The  unprecedented  progress  of  the  American  motion  picture  in- 
dustry has  secured  its  world  leading  position.  If  this  position  is  to 
be  maintained,  it  is  not  sufficient  to  organize  the  progress  in  each  of 
its  fields,  technical  and  dramatic,  separately;  both  fields  should  be 
more  closely  interrelated,  and  the  progress  in  technical  machinery 
and  devices  should  be  utilized  more  fully  for  psychological  and  dra- 
matic effects.  This  would  at  the  same  time  eliminate  a  good  deal  of 
the  production  waste  caused  by  the  hit-and-miss  methods.  For  this 
purpose  are  required: 

(1)  Research  into  the  interrelation  of  the  technical,  psychological,  and  dra- 
matic aspects  of  cinematic  devices. 

(2}  Research  into  the  laws  and  technic  of  blending  the  effects  of  the  various 
optical  and  auditory  devices  into  the  new  values  and  dramatic  possibilities  arising 
from  their  combination. 

(5)  Opportunity  for  technicians  and  engineers  to  study  the  fundamentals  of 
other  and  adjacent  technics,  cinematic  dramaturgy,  and  the  dramatic  and  psy- 
chological effects  of  the  various  technical  devices. 

(4)  To  provide  facilities  for  the  dramatic  workers  of  the  industry,  scenario 
writers,  directors,  editors,  and  others  to  study  the  fundamentals  of  motion  pic- 
ture technic  and  to  experiment  with  it. 

The  industry  must  eliminate  the  haphazard  methods  of  hit  and 
miss  in  organizing  its  production.  The  nature  of  the  cinema 
as  an  interrelation  between  the  dramatic  and  the  technical  aspects 
should  be  thoroughly  understood  and  scientifically  and  experimentally 
elucidated.  When  that  is  done,  the  difference  between  the  motion 
picture  industry  and  the  sausage  or  the  automobile  industry  will  be 
clearly  seen.  New  untouched  and  unlimited  potentialities  of  motion 
picture  science,  technic,  and  art  will  be  opened.  Then  industry  will 
have  the  technical  and  dramatic  super-experts,  who  will  understand 
the  laws  of  blending  harmoniously  all  the  cinematic  media,  recognize 
the  technical  and  dramatic  powers  and  possibilities  of  the  cinema, 
and  how  to  use  them  in  every  changing  situation.  This  research  and 
study  should  be  organized  by  the  studios  for  their  members  with  the 
cooperation  of  the  various  educational,  engineering,  scientific,  and 
dramatic  bodies  versed  in  the  subject. 


J.  M.  ALBERT** 

Summary. — A  brief  description  of  the  application  of  motion  pictures  to  the  study 
of  the  motions  of  operatives  in  factories,  etc.  Eight-mm.  film  is  used,  and  means  are 
provided  for  studying  and  analyzing  the  motions  either  at  various  speeds  of  projection 
or  frame  by  frame. 

The  object  of  this  paper  is  to  acquaint  the  motion  picture  engineer 
with  some  of  the  problems  that  confront  the  industrial  engineer,  and 
how  the  development  of  motion  picture  equipment  for  use  in  such 
work  is  assisting  to  solve  these  problems. 

All  items  of  cost  must  be  measured  by  some  recognized  unit,  and 
once  the  measuring  unit  is  established,  its  evaluation  in  terms  of 
dollars  is  simple.  Therefore,  if  the  work  of  the  industrial  engineer  is 
to  be  accurate,  all  items  of  cost  including  labor  cost  must  be  reduced 
to  a  unit-of-measurement  terminology. 

Until  such  a  unit  was  developed  by  Chas.  E.  Bedaux  some  years  ago, 
industry  had  no  uniform  and  accurate  scale  by  which  to  measure  the 
expenditure  of  human  effort.  Men  were  hired  by  the  year,  the  month, 
day,  hour,  or  piece  for  a  certain  sum,  and  their  efforts  were  measured 
by  what  they  produced  in  terms  of  pounds,  feet,  gallons,  etc.  As  a 
historical  record  of  cost  this  method  enabled  the  business  man  to 
know  whether  during  the  past  year  he  had  made  a  profit  or  a  loss, 
but  it  did  not  tell  him  why,  nor  did  it  provide  him  with  any  means  of 
controlling  his  expenditures. 

In  order  to  control  costs  it  is  necessary  to  know,  not  only  the  actual 
costs,  but,  far  more  important,  what  the  costs  should  have  been. 
Having  established  standards  of  production  for  each  operation  in  the 
plant,  the  setting  of  standard  costs  is  quite  simple.  The  Bedaux 
Unit,  or  B,  is  the  unit  for  measuring  human  effort.  It  is  the  work  pro- 
duced by  a  normal  workman,  working  at  a  normal  rate  under  normal 
conditions,  in  one  minute.  Sixty  Bedaux  Units  constitutes  a  standard 

*  Presented  at  the  Spring,  1935,  Meeting  at  Hollywood,  Calif. 
**  Chas.  E.  Bedaux  Co., 


276  J.  M.  ALBERT  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

normal  hour's  work.  This  is  standard  performance,  and  is  required  of 
every  worker  in  the  plant  in  order  that  he  earn  his  base  pay.  To  de- 
termine the  standard  performance  correctly  and  exactly  two  funda- 
mental activities  must  be  initiated,  and  several  variable  factors  must 
be  determined:  (^4)  time  studies,  and  (B)  motion  studies.  Before  the 
development  of  light,  portable  motion  picture  equipment,  time  and 
motion  had  to  be  studied  separately.  Time  studies  were  made  with 
the  stop-watch.  Motion  studies  were  made  by  observation.  The  two 
were  not  synchronized,  and  the  human  factor  entered  into  both  to  a 
greater  or  less  degree,  depending  upon  the  natural  skill  and  the  ac- 
quired training  of  the  persons  making  the  studies. 

The  motion  picture  photograph  obviated  this  difficulty,  accurately 
and  permanently,  but  there  still  remained  several  important  modifica- 
tions or  improvements  to  be  made  in  the  equipment  itself.  It  was 
found,  for  example,  that  the  ordinary  8-mm.  spring-driven  Cine 
Kodak  was  not  timed  accurately  enough  for  time  studies.  Having  but 
one  speed,  which  had  a  tendency  to  vary  slightly  in  relation  to  the 
tension  of  the  spring,  constant  winding  was  necessary,  which  made  it 
rather  awkward  to  use.  Having  no  slow-speed  attachment,  its  value 
for  motion  and  job  analysis  was  very  limited.  Requiring  considerable 
space  for  the  spring  mechanism,  etc.,  it  did  not  hold  sufficient  film 
for  our  purpose. 

The  equipment  developed  for  time  and  motion  study  consists  of  an 
8-mm.  Cine  Kodak  with  a  lens  working  at  object  distances  of  2  feet. 
It  is  electrically  driven,  on  any  a-c.  or  d-c.  circuit  of  voltage  up  to  130, 
the  speed  being  regulated  in  part  by  a  central  rheostat  at  the  back  of 
the  motor,  but  principally  by  a  centrifugal  governor.  The  camera 
exposes  1000  frames  of  Super  Sensitive  film  per  minute  at  normal 
speed,  and  4000  frames  at  high  speed.  This  gives  us  an  exposure 
possibility  of  1/30  of  a  second  for  slow-motion  work.  It  has  been  found 
that,  here  in  California,  on  clear  brilliant  days,  little,  if  any,  artificial 
lighting  is  required.  In  any  case,  only  one  or  two  ordinary  photo- 
flood  lamps  and  reflectors  are  required,  set  up  at  the  proper  distance 
and  angle  relative  to  the  operation  to  be  studied. 

Eight-mm.  Super  Sensitive  film  is  put  up  in  16-mm.  reels.  One 
half  the  width  of  the  film  is  exposed  at  a  time,  the  roll  is  then  threaded 
for  running  in  the  reverse  direction,  and  the  other  half  is  then  exposed. 
The  Bedaux  measurement  camera  is  designed  to  carry  a  maximum  of 
100  feet  of  16-mm.  film,  or  200  feet  of  8-mm.  width.  This  provides 
16  minutes'  running  time  at  standard  speed,  which  is  ample  to  cover 

Mar.,  1936]        PICTURES  IN  HUMAN  POWER  MEASUREMENT  277 

practically  any  operating  cycle.  In  fact,  most  cycles  are  so  short  that 
only  a  few  feet  of  film  are  required  for  each  one.  Each  cycle  is,  of 
course,  identified  by  photographing  its  number  and  symbol  from  a 
number  plate,  after  the  study  of  the  cycle  is  completed. 

The  photographic  technic  is  but  little  more  exacting  than  that 
required  of  a  good  amateur.  However,  the  technic  of  the  industrial 
engineer  is  considerably  more  professional  than  that.  He  is  not  con- 
cerned with  the  facial  make-up,  or  expression  of  the  face  of  the  sub- 
ject, at  any  rate.  'He  wants  an  accurate  story  of  time  and  motion. 
But  the  sets  can  not  be  staged.  They  must  be  the  actual  operations 
performed  in  the  shop  and  the  factory  under  ordinary  working  condi- 
tions. The  movements  of  the  hands  must  be  seen,  of  the  feet,  the 
body,  the  manipulation  of  the  machine,  and  the  machine  itself  in 

In  addition  to  modifying  the  camera,  it  was  likewise  necessary  to 
alter  and  improve  the  projector.  Knowing  the  taking  speed  to  a 
split  second  was  of  little  value  unless  the  projection  speed  could  be 
controlled.  This  was  done  by  equipping  the  projector  with  a  speedom- 
eter, a  rheostat  for  controlling  the  motor  speed,  and  a  frame  counter. 
With  these  attachments  we  are  able  to  project  film  at  speeds  of  50  to 
150  per  cent  of  the  normal  running  speed.  By  throwing  a  switch,  the 
motor  is  cut  out,  and  each  frame  can  be  projected  as  a  still  picture 
by  means  of  a  hand-crank.  In  addition,  a  method  of  loop  projection 
has  been  developed.  The  film  is  cut  at  the  end  of  an  operation  or 
cycle  photographed,  and  the  two  ends  are  joined  together  to  form 
a  loop,  which  can  be  projected  over  and  over  again,  slowed  down  or 
speeded  up,  or  projected  a  frame  at  a  time  with  the  aid  of  the  hand- 
crank,  bringing  the  process  or  the  machine  and  the  operator  literally 
into  the  laboratory. 

Each  frame  is  studied  and  analyzed.  The  analysis  is  transferred 
to  an  analysis  sheet,  where  the  study  is  continued.  Wasted  time 
of  either  hand,  or  both  hands,  is  shown  on  the  analysis  sheet  lined  in 
red.  Steps  are  taken  to  eliminate  as  largely  as  possible  all  waste  time 
and  unnecessary  motion.  A  corrected  operation  is  formulated, 
photographed,  and  analyzed,  and  the  workers  are  trained  to  use  the 
corrected  method  by  projecting  the  new  loop.  The  loops,  and  the 
analysis  sheet  taken  from  them,  become  permanent  records  of  the 
machine,  the  process,  and  the  time  and  motion  involved.  Each  loop 
is  filed  in  a  humidifier  cabinet  with  a  card  upon  which  has  been 
catalogued  the  description  and  number  of  the  loop. 

278  J.  M.  ALBERT 

These  film  loop  records  constitute  a  complete  record  of  operations 
and  equipment  of  great  value  to  the  industrialist.  They  bring  time 
and  motion  studies  together  for  analysis,  and  enable  the  sequence  of 
motions  to  be  studied  and  improved.  Their  use  in  job  training  for 
new  employees  must  be  obvious.  Experienced  operators  who 
ordinarily  are  required  to  train  the  new  workers  may  now  remain  at 
their  work,  while  the  new  workers  are  trained  in  the  best  accepted 
method  by  means  of  the  film  loops. 

In  the  case  of  the  large  manufacturer  whose  plants  may  be  located 
at  various  geographical  points,  duplicate  loops  sent  to  these  scattered 
plants  or  assembly  stations  show,  in  a  language  impossible  to  misin- 
terpret, the  management's  approved  method  of  operation;  and  as 
new  and  improved  methods  are  developed,  loops  taken  of  the  new 
process  may  be  exchanged  by  the  various  plants.  By  the  use  of  the 
loops,  accurate  Bedaux  units,  or  B  values,  are  set  with  a  minimum 
of  time  and  motion  study.  The  system  has  been  well  received  by 
labor,  for  the  reason  that  it  improves  the  accuracy  of  labor  measure- 
ment and  the  establishment  of  correct  fatigue  allowances,  and  is 
regarded  as  an  outstanding  contribution  to  the  field  of  industrial 
engineering.  This  equipment  has  been  in  actual  use  in  applying 
Bedaux  measurement  and  production  control  for  the  past  year,  and 
has  made  for  itself  a  permanent  place  in  time  and  motion  studies  and 
in  job  analysis.  It  has  enabled  us  to  measure  and  set  accurate  stand- 
ards for  types  of  work  which  heretofore  offered  considerable  technical 
difficulties  for  visual  observation. 



W.  K.  Laurie  Dickson  was  born  in  France,  of  Scotch  parentage,  at 
Chateau  St.  Buc,  Minihic-sur-Ranse  in  1860.  He  came  to  the  United 
States  from  England  in  1879,  and  two  years  later  was  given  a  position 
by  Thomas  A.  Edison  in  the  Edison  Electric  Works,  Goerk  St.,  New 
York,  N.  Y.,  where  he  worked  upon  the  standardization  of  electrical 
apparatus.  Four  years  later,  in  1885,  he  was  transferred  to  Mr. 
Edison's  private  research  laboratory  at  Newark,  N.  J. 

During  the  year  1887  he  began  work  under  Edison's  supervision 
at  the  new  laboratory  building  at  Orange,  N.  J.,  upon  a  method  of 
combining  photography  with  the  phonograph,  or  as  Edison  expressed 
it,  "to  devise  an  instrument  that  should  do  for  the  eye  what  the 
phonograph  does  for  the  ear,  and  that,  by  a  combination  of  the  two, 
all  motion  and  sound  could  be  recorded  and  reproduced  simultane- 
ously. ' ' 

The  experiments  progressed  rather  slowly  for  lack  of  a  suitable 
photographic  recording  material  until  December,  1888,  when  Dick- 
son  obtained  experimental  samples  of  a  thin,  transparent,  reliable 
photographic  film  from  George  Eastman  at  Rochester,  N.  Y.  Several 
types  of  intermittent  movement  had  previously  been  tried  out,  and 
a  modified  Maltese  cross  was  adopted  in  the  Autumn  of  1888. 

Rapid  progress  was  made  with  the  design  of  the  camera  or  "kineto- 
graph"  during  the  Spring  and  Summer  of  1889.  A  fast  negative  emul- 
sion was  used  at  first,  both  for  the  negatives  and  the  prints,  but  later 
a  slow  positive  film  was  made  available  for  printing.  Several  widths 
of  film  and  picture  sizes  were  used  before  the  l3/g-inch  film  width  and 
the  1  X  3/4-inch  picture  size  were  adopted  in  1889.  These  film  and 
picture  sizes  remained  the  standard  for  the  entire  motion  picture  in- 
dustry for  many  years,  until  the  introduction  of  the  photographic 
sound-track,  about  1928,  forced  the  adoption  of  a  smaller  picture 

On  October  6,  1889,  Edison  returned  to  his  laboratory  from  an 
extended  visit  of  several  weeks  in  Europe.  It  was  on  that  occasion 




[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

that  Dickson  demonstrated  for  him  the  kineto-phonograph.  This 
instrument  consisted  of  a  peep-hole  kinetoscope  modified  to  project 
a  small  picture  from  the  continuously  moving  film.  The  pictures  were 
synchronized  with  a  phonograph  record. 

Edison  did  not  believe  at  that  time  that  the  whole  idea  would  be 
more  than  a  passing  fad,  and,  therefore,  the  continuous-motion 
kinetoscope  was  designed  and  sold  as  a  peep-hole  device  and  its 

William  Kennedy  Laurie  Dickson, 

audience  was  restricted  to  one  person  at  a  time.  The  film  as  finally 
adopted  toward  the  end  of  1889  had  two  rows  of  perforations,  four 
to  each  picture,  and  these  specifications  have  been  used  for  motion 
pictures  for  the  past  45  years. 

Dickson  also  devised  equipment  for  developing  and  printing  the 
film.  He  built  the  first  motion  picture  studio  in  1891-92,  which  came 
to  be  known  as  the  "Black  Maria,"  because  of  its  tar-paper  exterior 
covering.  It  was  constructed  upon  a  turntable  so  arranged  that  the 


entire  structure  could  be  rotated  so  as  to  follow  the  sun.  A  section 
of  the  roof  was  made  to  fold  back  to  admit  direct  sunlight  on  the 
actors.  Most  of  the  subjects  photographed  were  single  acts  of  leading 
vaudeville  stars  of  that  period — 1889-95.  Each  motion  picture 
print  was  forty-seven  feet  long,  and  was  released  through  Messrs. 
Raff  and  Gammon  of  New  York,  who  were  agents  for  the  kinetoscope. 

Dickson's  work  between  the  years  1887  and  1895,  therefore,  em- 
braced almost  every  phase  of  development  of  the  motion  picture, 
with  the  exception  of  a  practical  projection  device  developed  by 
Thomas  Armat  in  1895-96.  Summarized,  these  developments  in- 
cluded an  intermittent  camera  using  perforated  film  !3/8  inches  wide, 
sprocket  wheels,  a  friction  pulley,  and  a  tension  gate;  a  developing 
outfit;  a  printer  and  a  non-intermittent  viewing  device.  He  also 
synchronized  several  pictures  with  the  phonograph,  and  directed  and 
produced  the  first  motion  pictures  that  were  shown  commercially. 

Although  he  left  Edison's  employ  in  1895,  he  always  praised  his 
chief,  and  gave  him  and  George  Eastman  the  major  credit  for  invent- 
ing the  principal  elements  of  the  motion  picture  as  it  is  known  today. 

In  1933  at  the  request  of  the  Historical  Committee  of  this  Society, 
Mr.  Dickson  prepared  a  detailed  account  of  his  work  and  illustrated 
it  with  several  interesting  hand  sketches  and  photographs.1  This 
account  included  a  discussion  of  his  association  with  the  American 
Mutoscope  and  Biograph  Company,  and  the  famous  Patents  Com- 
pany that  was  formed  in  1908.  It  describes  also  some  of  his  experi- 
ences as  a  cameraman  in  Italy,  where  he  was  the  first  to  make  motion 
pictures  of  the  Pope,  and  his  photography  of  the  Boer  War. 

On  October  16,  1933,  W.  K.  L.  Dickson  was  elected  to  Honorary 
Membership  in  the  Society.  By  his  death  on  September  30,  1935, 
we  have  lost  a  distinguished  colleague  whose  contributions  to  the 
birth  of  motion  pictures  were  real  and  lasting. 



1  DICKSON,  W.  K.  L.:  "A  Brief  History  of  the  Kinetograph,  the  Kineto- 
scope, and  the  Kineto- Phonograph,"  J.  Soc.  Mot.  Pict.  Eng.,  XXI  (Dec.,  1933), 
No.  6,  p.  435. 



L.  A.  JONES  S.  K.  WOLF  J.  I.  CRABTREE 

Engineering  Vice-P resident     Executive  Vice-P resident        Editorial  Vice-President 



O.  M.  GLUNT 
Financial  Vice-P  resident 


W.    C.    KUNZMANN 

Convention  Vice-President 



J.    H.    KURLANDER 


T.  E.  SHEA 




A.  C.  HARDY 








L.  W.  DAVEE 

Chairman,  Atlantic 

Coast  Section 

C.  H.  STONE 

Chairman  Mid- West 



Chairman,  Pacific 

Coast  Section 

L.  W.  DAVEE,  Chairman 

H.  G.  TASKER,  Past-Chairman 
D.  E.  HYNDMAN,  Sec.-Treas. 

M.  C.  BATSEL,  Manager 
H.  GRIFFIN,  Manager 

C.  H.  STONE,  Chairman 

E.  J.  COUR,  Past-Chairman 
S.  A.  LUKES,  Sec.-Treas. 

O.  B.  DEPUE,  Manager 
B.  E.  STECHBART,  Manager 

G.  F.  RACKETT,  Chairman 

E.  HUSE,  Past-Chairman  C.  W.  HANDLEY,  Manager 

H.  W.  MOYSE,  Sec.-Treas.  K.  F.  MORGAN,  Manager 

(For  addresses  of  officers  and  governors,  see  the  reverse  of  the  contents  page} 


AALBERG,  J.  O.  (M) 

157  S.  Martel  St.,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
ABRAMS,  S.  (A) 

10th  &  Allegheny  Aves.,  Philadelphia, 

ABRIBAT,  M.  (M) 

Kodak  Pat  he  Research  Laboratory, 

Vincennes  (Seine),  France. 
ADATTE,  A.  L.  (4) 

Pathe  Exchange,  Inc.,  Bound  Brook, 

AHLUWALIA,  B.  S.  (M) 

c/o  K.  Singh,  Canal  Deputy,  Col- 
lector PWD,  Jubbulpore,  India. 
AIKAWA,  S.  (^4) 

Sendai  Radio  Broadcasting  Station, 
32  Kita-Ichiban-Cho,  Sendai,  Ja- 
AIKEN,  C.  C.  (A) 

1 1  Wedgewood  Walk,  Merchant ville, 

ALBECKER,  C.  A.  (A) 

1753  S.   Bedford  St.,  Los  Angeles, 

ALBERT,  G.  (A) 

6    Rue    Guil    Raume    Cell,    Paris, 

ALBIN,  F.  G.  (4) 

United   Artists  Studio   Corp.,    1041 
N.  Formosa  Ave.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
ALDERSON,  R.  G.  (^4) 

13  Manor  Drive,  Mill  Hill,  London, 

N.  W.  7,  England. 
ALDRIDGE,  K.  W.  (A) 

39  Stearns  Road,  Watertown,  Mass. 
ALEXANDER,  D.  M.  (M) 

1830  Wood  Ave.,  Colorado  Springs, 

ALEXANDER,  J.  M.  (4) 

Audio  Pictures,  Ltd.,  358-362  Ade- 
laide St.,  West,  Toronto,  Ontario, 
ALLER,  J.  (M) 

P.  O.  Box  1000,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
ALLEY,  G.  L.  (A) 

Princeton,  Missouri. 
ALLSOP,  R.  (F) 

Nalova,  19  Chelmsford  Ave.,  Lind- 
field,  Sydney,  N.  S.  W.,  Australia. 
ALTIERE,  E.  S.  A.  (A) 

31  Woodman  St.,  Providence,  R.  I. 
ALTMAN,  F.  E.  (4) 

Hawk  Eye  Works,  Eastman  Kodak 

Co.,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
AMATI,  L.  (A) 

Inst.    of    Physical    Chemistry,    Via 

Loredan  4,  Padova,  Italy. 
AMES,  M.  H.  (A) 

1343  Thayer  Ave.,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
ANDERS,  H.  (A) 

Jam  Handy  Picture  Service,  2821  E. 

Grand  Blvd.,  Detroit,  Mich. 
ANDERSON,  E.  L.  (4) 

U.  S.  S.  Herbert  160,  c/o  Postmaster, 

New  York,  N.  Y. 
ANDRES,  L.  J.  (M) 

6811     Ridgeland     Ave.,     Apt.     3, 

Chicago,  111. 
Aocm,  C.  (A) 

R.  Konishi  &  Co.,  No.  1  3-Chome 
Muromachi  Nihonbashiku,  Tokyo, 
AOYAMA,  K.  (A) 

No.  389  Kyodo-Machi  Setagaya-Ku, 

Tokyo,  Japan. 

Lauria  86,  Barcelona,  Spain. 

*  Italic  letters  in  parentheses  indicate  grade  of  membership : 
(H)  Honorary  Member  (M)  Active  Member 

(F)  Fellow  (A)  Associate  Member 




[J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

ARAKI,  J.  K.  (A) 

P.  O.  Box  513,  Honolulu,  Hawaii. 
ARMAND,  V.  (A) 

Famous    Players    Canadian    Corp., 
Ltd.,    Capitol    Theater    Building, 
Winnipeg,  Canada. 
ARMAT,  T.  (H) 

1063  31st  St.,  Washington,  D.  C. 
ARMSTRONG,  H.  L.  (A) 

Allentown,  N.  J. 
ARNOLD,  P.  (M) 

AgfaAnsco  Corp.,  Binghamton,  N.  Y. 
ARNSPIGER,  V.  C.  (A) 

Electrical   Research  Products,  Inc., 
250  West   57th  St.,   New  York, 
N.  Y. 
ARORA,  P.  N.  (A) 

Film  City  Sound  Studios  India  Ltd., 
160  Tardio  Road,  Bombay,  India. 
ASANO,  S.  (A) 

7-12  1  Chome  Fujimicho,  Kojima- 

chiku,  Tokyo,  Japan. 
ASCHEL,  H.  (A) 

G.  M.  Film,  12  Rue  Carducci,  Paris, 

ATKINSON,  R.  B.  (^4) 

6706     Santa     Monica     Blvd.,     Los 

Angeles,  Calif. 
ATKINSON,  S.  C.  (A) 

Regina    Photo    Supply,    Ltd.,    1924 

Rose  St.,  Regina,  Sask.,  Canada. 
AUGER,  E.  (^4) 

RCA     Manufacturing     Co.,      Inc., 

Camden,  N.  J. 
AUSTRIAN,  R.  B.  (A) 

RCA  Manufacturing  Co.,  Inc.,  411 

Fifth  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
AYERS,  A.  P.,  JR.  (A) 

49  Pratt  St.,  Glastonbury,  Conn. 
AVIL,  G.  (A) 

16600  Westmoreland  Road,  Detroit, 

BACHMAN,  C.  J.  (M) 

870  Broad  St.,  Newark,  N.  J. 
BADGLEY,  F.  C.  (F) 

Canadian  Government  Motion  Pic- 
ture Bureau,  Ottawa,  Canada. 

BAKER,  G.  W.  (M) 

20  McEldowny  St.,  Chicago  Heights, 

BAKER,  J.  O.  (M) 

4311  W.  Maple  Ave.,  Merchantville, 

BAKER,  R.  J.  (A) 

1911     Kalakaua     Ave.,     Honolulu, 

BAKER,  T.  T.  (A) 

12  E.  86th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
BAKER,  W.  R.  G.  (F) 

General    Electric    Co.,    Bridgeport 

BAKHSHI,  M.  N.  (A) 

P.  O.  Box  5511,  Bombay,  India. 
BALI,  D.  N.  (A) 

c/o  R.  Rallia  Ram  Bali  Magistrate, 
Dinga  Dist  Gujrat,  Punjab,  India. 
BALL,  J.  A.  (F) 

Drawer  B,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
BALLANTYNE,  R.  S.  (^4) 

219  N.  16th  St.,  Omaha,  Nebr. 
BALTIMORE,  D.  M.  (A) 

315  Washington  St.,  Elmira,  N.  Y. 
BAMFORD,  W.  B.  (A) 

614  10th  Avenue,  Belmar,  N.  J. 
BANKS,  C.  (M) 

Industrial  &  Educational  Films, 
N.  Z.,  c/o  Technical  Publications, 
Ltd.,  22-24  Brandon  St.,  P.  O. 
Box  1572,  Wellington,  C.  1,  New 
BARBER,  C.  E.  (A) 

Box  1334,  Oklahoma  City,  Okla. 
BARKELEW,  J.  T.  (A) 

413  Edison  Bldg.,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
BARKMAN,  C.  (A) 

Strand  Theater,  Cumberland,  Md. 
BARROWS,  T.  C.  (M) 

Metropolitan       Theater,       Boston, 

BARZEE,  G.  W.  (^4) 

Western  Electric  Co.,  Caixa  Postal 

494,  Sao  Paulo,  Brazil. 
BASS,  C.  (M) 

Bass  Camera  Co.,  179  W.  Madison 
St.,  Chicago,  111. 

Mar.,  1930] 



BATCHELOR,  J.  C.  (A) 

515    Madison    Ave.,     New    York, 

N.  Y. 
BATSEL,  M.  C.  (F) 

RCA  Manufacturing  Co.,  Inc.,  Cam- 
den,  N.  J. 
BATTLE,  G.  H.  (A) 
805  Davenport  Road,  Toronto,  On- 
tario, Canada. 
BAUER,  E.  L.  (A) 

121  Goldengate  Ave.,  San  Francisco, 

BAUER,  K.  A.  (A) 

Carl  Zeiss,  Inc.,  485  Fifth  Ave.,  New 

York,  N.  Y. 
BAUMANN,  H.  C.  (.4) 

829  Emerson  Ave.,  Elizabeth,  N.  J. 
BEACH,  F.  G.  (A) 

105  West  40th  St.,  Room  511,  New 

York,  N.  Y. 
BEAN,  D.  P.  (A) 

The   University   of    Chicago    Press, 

5750  Ellis  Avenue,  Chicago,  111. 
B  BARMAN,  A.  A.  (^4) 

Fox  Film  Corp.,  444  West  56th  St., 

New  York,  N.  Y. 
BECKER,  A.  (4) 

500  Pearl  St.,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 
BEDORE,  R.  P.  (A) 

1750  N.  Springfield  Ave.,  Chicago, 

BEERS,  N.  T.  (M) 

420  Clinton  Ave.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
BEGGS,  E.  W.  (M) 

Westinghouse       Lamp       Company, 

Bloomfield,  N.  J. 
BEHR,  H.  D.  (,4) 

135-07  234th  Place,  Laurelton,  L.  I., 

N.  Y. 
BELL,  A.  E.  (A) 

48    Conyingham    Ave.,    West    New 

Brighton,  S.  L,  N.  Y. 
BELLINGER,  C.  E.  (A) 

5614     Chippewa     St.,     St.     Louis, 

BENDHEIM,  E.  McD.  (A) 

19-22   22nd   Drive,   Astoria,   L.    I., 
N.  Y. 


Motion  Picture  Division,  U.  S.  De- 
partment of  Agriculture,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. 
BENNETT,  R.  C.  (M) 

4327  Duncan  Ave.,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 
BERG,  A.  G.  (A) 

Hotel  Carteret,  208  West  23rd  St., 

New  York,  N.  Y. 
BERG,  B.  (A) 

Fox  Film  Corp.,   1401  N.  Western 

Ave.,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
BERNDT,  E.  M.  (M) 

112  East  73rd  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
BERTIN,  H.  (M) 

79    Boulevard    Haussmann,     Paris, 

BEST,  G.  M.  (A) 

c/o  Warner  Bros.  Studios,  Burbank, 

BETTELLI,  F.  J.  (A) 

728  Vine  St.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
BETTS,  W.  L.  (M) 

Bell    Telephone  Laboratories,    Inc., 

463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Prakash     Pictures,     Visawa     Road, 

Andheri,  Bombay,  India. 
BIBEN,  B.  F.  (A) 

5011  Wynnfield  Ave.,  Philadelphia, 

BIDDY,  R.  (A) 

2995  Taylor  St.,  Detroit,  Mich. 
BIELICKE,  W.  F.  (F) 

Astro-Gesellschaft  m.  b.  H.,  Berlin- 
Neuckolln,  Lahnstr.  30,  Germany. 
BIELICKE,  W.  P.  (M) 

127  West  63rd  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
BIRD,  C.  L.  L.  (A) 

228  Franklin  St.,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 
BISHOP,  G.  A.,  JR.  (A) 

77  Conant  St.,  Fall  River,  Mass. 

BlTTMANN,  H.  (A) 

Via  Umbria  7,  Rome,  Italy. 
BLAIR,  G.  A.  (F) 

Eastman  Kodak  Co.,  343  State  St., 
Rochester,  N.  Y. 



[J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

BLAKE,  E.  E.  (A} 

Kodak,  Ltd.,  63,  Kingsway,  W.  C.  2, 

London,  England. 
BLANCK,  R.  M.  (M) 

Calle     Mallorca     201,     Barcelona, 

BLANCO,  E.  (A) 

Diego  De  Leon  39,  Madrid,  Spain. 
BLENKARNE,  P.  C.  (A) 

Chancery  Chambers,  O'Connell  St., 

Auckland,  N.  Z. 

1618  Argyle,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
BLINN,  A.  F.  (A) 

1220  North  Sycamore  Ave.,  Holly- 
wood, Calif. 
BLIVEN,  J.  E.  (M) 

P.  O.  Box  91,  New  London,  Conn. 
BLOOM,  R.  B.  (A) 

1105  Conewango  Ave.,  Warren,  Pa. 
BLOOMBERG,  D.  J.  (If) 

RCA  Manufacturing  Company,  Inc., 
411    Fifth    Avenue,     New    York, 
N.  Y. 
BLOOMER,  K.  V.  (A} 

Mount  Kisco  National  Bank,  Mount 

Kisco,  N.  Y. 

National  Theater  Supply  Co.,  1317 

Vine  St.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
BOEHM,  H.  L.  (M) 

Lackierergasse  1,  Vienna,  IX,  Aus- 
BOLTON,  W.  A.  (A) 

205  Haines  Ave.,  Barrington,  N.  J. 
BOMAN,  A.  (^4) 

508  Summit  Ave.,  Union  City,  N.  J. 
BONN,  L.  A.  (M) 

Chappaqua,  N.  Y. 
BORBERG,  W.  (A) 

26-80     30th  St.,  Astoria,  L.  I.,  N.  Y. 
BORGESON,  L.  G.  (A) 

680   Santa   Barbara   St.,    Pasadena, 

BOURNE,  R.  E.  (A] 

1150      Burnaby      St.,      Vancouver, 

BOYLEN,  J.  C.  (M) 

Asst.    Editor    of    Publications,    Ca- 
nadian Pacific  Ry.  Co.,  Montreal, 
P.  Quebec,  Canada. 
BRADFORD,  A.  J.  (F) 

12110     Kentucky     Ave.,     Detroit, 

BRADLEY,  J.  G.  (.4) 

The  National  Archives,  Washington, 

D.  C. 
BRADSHAW,  A.  E.  (M) 

902  Sheridan  Ave.,  Tacoma,  Wash. 
BRADSHAW,  D.  Y.  (M) 

Fox  Hearst  Corporation,  460  West 

54th  St.,  New  York,  N  Y. 
BRADY,  R.  F.  (A) 

Pathescope  Co.  of  America,  Inc.,  33 

West  42nd  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
BRADY,  S.  S.  (4) 

Hewlett  Ave.,  East  Patchogue,  L.  I., 

N.  Y. 
BRAGGIO,  J.  C.  (A) 

International  Telephone  &  Telegraph 
Corp.,  Defensa  143,  Buenos  Aires, 
BRENEMAN,  G.  H.  (A} 

234  Franklin  St.,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Brenkert  Light  Projection  Co.,  7348 

St.  Aubin  Ave.,  Detroit,  Mich. 
BREWSTER,  J.  R.  (4) 

12  Howland  St.,  Cambridge,  Mass. 
BREWSTER,  P.  D.  (F) 
Brewster  Color  Film  Corp.,  58  First 

St.,  Newark,  N.  J. 
BRICHTA,  J.  C.  (A) 

11    Vojdesska    11,   Prague,    Czecho- 
BROADHEAD,  D.  T.  (A) 

Box  183,  Wellsville,  N.  Y. 
BROCK,  G.  (M) 

528    Riverside    Drive,    New    York, 

N.  Y. 
BROCKWAY,  W.  W.  (M) 

8910  David  Ave.,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
BROOKS,  G.  E.  (A) 

Box  95,  Longton,  Kansas. 

Mar.,  1936] 



BROWN,  J.  C.  (M) 

704  South  Spring  St.,  Los  Angeles, 

BROWN,  S.  D.  (4) 

528  Euclid  St.,  Santa  Monica,  Calif. 
BUB,  G.  L.  (A) 

U.  S.  Army  Motion  Picture  Service, 
2nd    &    Arsenal    St.,     Bldg.    3, 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 
BUCEK,  H.  (A) 

41  Schubertstr,  Moedling,  Austria. 
BUDDE,  H.  (M) 

Room    707,    Ambassador    Building, 

St.  Louis,  Mo. 
BUDDEN,  P.  H.  (M) 

Commonwealth    Film    Laboratories, 
Ltd.,  60  Wilton  St.,  Surrey  Hills, 
Sydney,  Australia. 
BUENO,  P.  G.  (A) 

S.  I.  C.  E.,  Apartado  990,  Madrid, 

BUENSOD,  A.  G.  (M) 

Buensod-Stacey  Air  Conditioning, 
Inc.,  60  E.  42nd  St.,  New  York, 
N.  Y. 

BURCHETT,  C.  W.  (M) 

Box  491,  San  Francisco,  Calif. 
BUREL,  L.  H.  (A) 

Villa  Canaris  Blancs,  St.  Jean  Cap 

Ferret,  A.  M.,  France. 
BURGUNDY,  J.  J.  (A) 

2434  Prospect  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
BURNAP,  R.  S.  (F) 

RCA  Radiotron  Co.,  Harrison,  N.  J. 
BURNAT,  H.  (A) 

70  Rue  Lauriston,  Paris,  16e,  France. 
BURNETT,  J.  C.  (F) 

Burnett-Timken    Research    Labora- 
tory, Alpine,  N.  J. 
BURNS,  J.  J.  (A) 

31    Ridley    Gardens,    Toronto,    On- 
tario, Canada. 
BURNS,  S.  R.  (F) 

International    Projector    Corp.,    90 

Gold  Street,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
BUSCH,  G.  A.  (M) 

76  Hillside  Ave.,  Teaneck,  N.  J. 

BUSCH,  H.  (A) 

1306  So.   Michigan  Ave.,   Chicago, 

BUSCH,  L.  N.  (M) 

Kodak     Aktiengesellschaft,     Fried- 
richshagenerstrasse      9,       Berlin- 
Copenick,  Germany. 
BUSH,  A.  J.  (4) 

144  Nicholas  Road,  Chorlton-Cum- 

Hardy,  Manchester,  England. 
BUSHBY,  T.  R.  W.  (A) 

2    Davellen    Oakley    Road,    North 

Bondi,  N.  S.  W.,  Australia. 
BUSSE,  F.  (F) 

I.  G.  Farbenindustrie,  Kamerawerk, 
Tegernseerlandstr.      161,     Muen- 
chen,  Germany. 
BUSSELL,  E.  J.  (A) 

6342   West   6th    St.,    Los   Angeles, 

BUSICK,  D.  W.  (M) 

2534  Vineyard  Ave.,   Los   Angeles, 

BUTTOLPH,  L.  J.  (F) 

General  Electric  Vapor  Lamp  Co., 

410  8th  St.,  Hoboken,  N.  J. 
BYRNE,  W.  W.  (A) 

2054  East  67th  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

CABIROL,  C.  (M) 

Pathescope,  Ltd.,  5  Lisle  St.,  Leices- 
ter Sq.,  London,  W.  C.  2,  England. 
CADDIGAN,  J.  L.  (M) 

58  Barkeley  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 
CAHILL,  F.  E.,  JR.  (M) 
Warner   Bros.    Theaters,    Inc.,    321 

West  44th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
CAMERON,  J.  R.  (F) 
Woodmont,  Conn. 
CANADY,  D.  R.  (M) 

19570  So.  Sagamore  Road,  Fairview 

Village,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 
CANTOR,  O.  E.  (A) 

48  Linden  Terrace,  Leonia,  N.  J. 
CANTRELL,  W.  A.  (A) 

503  East  Prescot  Road,  Knotty  Ash, 
Liverpool,  England. 



[J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

CAPSTAFF,  J.  G.  (F) 

Eastman  Kodak  Co.,  Kodak  Park, 

Rochester,  N.  Y. 
CARLSON,  A.  (A) 

250    S.    Elmwood    Ave.,    Burbank, 

CARLSON,  F.  E.  (A) 

General  Electric   Co.,   Eng.    Dep't., 

Nela  Park,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 
CARPENTER,  A.  W.  (^4) 

United    Research    Corp.,    Burbank, 

CARPENTER,  E.  S.  (M) 

Escar  Motion  Picture  Service,  Inc., 
10008  Carnegie  Ave.,   Cleveland, 
CARPENTER,  H.  J.  (A) 

Parkview  Apts.,  Suite  E,  Brandon, 

Manitoba,  Canada. 
CARRERE,  J.  G.  (A) 

Studios  De  Neuilly,  42  Bis  Blvd.  du 
Chateau,      Neuilly      sur      Seine, 
CARSON,  W.  H.  (F) 

The  Barclay,  111  E.  48th  St.,  New 

York,  N.  Y. 
CARTER,  J.  C.  (A) 

Linde  Air  Products   Co.,  205  East 

42nd  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
CARTER,  W.  S.  (A) 

381  Third  Avenue,  Ottawa,  Canada. 
CARULLA,  R.  (M) 

1254  East  31st  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
CARVER,  E.  K.  (F) 

Manufacturing  Experiments  Dep't., 
Eastman  Kodak  Co.,   Rochester, 
N.  Y. 

1726  75th  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
CATTELL,  R.  E.  (A) 

26  Broadway,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
CAUMONT,  N.  (A) 

32-36  150th  Place,  Flushing,  N.  Y. 
CAVE,  G.  A.  (M) 

1771  Hillcrest  Ave.,  Glendale,  Calif. 
CAVE,  R.  T.  (A) 

10850    Bloomfield    St.,    No.    Holly- 
wood, Calif. 

CECCARINI,  O.  O.  (M) 

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer  Studios,  Cul- 
ver City,  Calif. 
CECCHI,  U.  (A) 

Cinemeccanica    S.    A.,    Viale    Cam- 
pania 25,  Milan,  Italy. 
CELESTIN,  W.  E.  (M) 

Keller-Dorian  Color  Film  Co.,  522 

Fifth  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
GENDER,  E.  O.  (M) 

National  Theater  Supply  Co.,  1560 

Broadway,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
CHAMBERS,  G.  A.  (M) 

Eastman    Kodak    Co.,    6706    Santa 
Monica  Blvd.,  Hollywood,   Calif. 
CHAMPION,  C.  H.  (F) 

Chas.    Champion   &    Co.,    Ltd.,    60 
Wardour     St.,     London,     W.     1, 
CHANG,  S.  C.  (A) 

Star  Motion  Picture  Co.,  Ltd.,  744 

Rue  Bourgeat,  Shanghai,  China. 
CHAPMAN,  A.  B.  (A) 

RCA    Victor    Company,    Sante    Fe 

Building,  Dallas,  Texas. 
CHAPMAN,  C.  T.  (A) 

1212  Noyes  St.,  Evanston,  111. 
CHASE,  L.  W.  (A) 

Eastman    Kodak    Co.,    6706    Santa 
Monica  Blvd.,  Hollywood,   Calif. 
CHATTER JEE,  R.  N.  (A) 

RCA  Institute,  75  Varick  St.,  New 

York,  N.  Y. 
CHEFTEL,  A.  M.  (M) 

22    Rue     de     Civry,     Paris,     Xvie, 

CHERETON,  A.  B.  (A) 

3251  Monterey  Ave.,  Detroit,  Mich. 
CHIBAS,  J.  E.  (A) 

Calle   25    y    G — Vedado,     Havana, 

CHILDS,  J.  A.  (A) 

Box  211,  Waterville,  Maine. 
CHORINE,  A.  F.  (M) 

Apartment    38,    Blochin    Str.    4-3, 
Leningrad,  U.  S.  S.  R. 

Mar.,  1936] 



CHOW,  K.  (A) 
288  Bubbling  Well  Road,  Shanghai, 


23  Rue  Preschez,  St.  Cloud,  France. 
CHURCH,  A.  E.  (A) 

4(5  Haverford  Ave.,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
CIFRE,  J.  S.  (M) 

181  Wessagussett  Road,  North  Wey- 

mouth,  Mass. 
CLARK,  J.  P.  (M) 

1228  Vine  St.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
CLARK,  L.  E.  (M) 
2327     Glendon     Ave  ,     West     Los 

Angeles,  Calif. 
CLARK,  W.  (F) 

Research  Laboratory,  Eastman  Ko- 
dak Co.,  Rochester,  N   Y. 
CLARKE,  W.  H.  (A) 

29    Glede    Road,    Cheam,    Surrey, 

CLEVELAND,  H.  B.  (4) 

1808  Catalina  Ave.,  Berkeley,  Calif. 


714    Underwood    Bldg.,    San    Fran- 
cisco, Calif. 
COHAN,  E.  K.  (M) 

Columbia  Broadcasting  System,  Inc., 
485    Madison    Ave.,    New    York, 
N.  Y. 
COHEN,  C.  (A) 

1821  Roselyn  St.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
COHEN,  J.  (A) 

1250  51st  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
COHEN,  J.  H.  (M} 
Atlantic     Gelatine     Co.,     Hill     St., 

Woburn,  Mass. 
COHEN,  S.  (A) 

1456  Chew  St.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
COLE,  F.  H.,  JR.  (A) 

1358  S.   Grand  Ave.,   Los  Angeles, 

COLEMAN,  E.  W.  (A) 

Fox-West  Coast  Theaters,  988  Mar- 
ket St.,  San  Francisco,  Calif. 
COLES,  F.  A.  (A) 

Bell    Telephone   Laboratories,   Inc., 
463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

COLLINS,  D.  W.  (A) 

1350  Whitney  Ave.,  Hamden,  Conn. 
COLLINS,  M.  E.  (A) 

Box  108,  Camden,  N.  J. 
COMI,  E.  G.  (A) 

">3  Favre  St.,  Mattapan,  Mass. 
COMSTOCK,  T.  F.  (A) 

Pathescope  Co.  of  America,  Inc.,  33 
West  42nd  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

CONTNER,  J.  B.  (M) 

Blue  Seal  Sound  Devices,  Inc.,  723 

Seventh  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
COOK,  A.  A.  (M) 

Bausch  &  Lomb  Optical  Co.,  Roches- 
ter, N.  Y. 
COOK,  E.  D.  (A) 

10  Media  Road,  Colwick,  N.  J. 
COOK,  H.  R.,  JR.  (A) 

68  Harrington  Ave.,  Westwood,  N.  J. 
COOK,  O.  W.  (M) 

Eastman  Kodak   Company,   Kodak 

Park  Works,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
COOK,  W.  B.  (F) 

Kodascope  Libraries,  33  West  42nd 

St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
COOLIDGE,  P.  E.  (M) 

58  Berkley  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 
COOPER,  J.  A.  (A) 

1909  Metropolitan  Bldg.,  Toronto  2, 

Ontario,  Canada. 
COOPER,  M.  F.  (A) 

269    Kingston  Road,  Merton  Park, 

London,  S.  W.  19,  England. 
COPLEY,  J.  S.  (-4) 

P.  O.  Box  6087,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 
CORBIN,  R.  M.  (M) 

Kodak  Japan,  Ltd.,  3  Nishiroku 
Chome  Ginza,  Kyobashi,  P.  O. 
Box  28,  Tokyo,  Japan. 


131  Avenue  de  Suffren,  Paris, 

CORRIGAN,  J.  T.  (M} 

1819  G  St.,  N.  W.,  Washington, 
D.  C. 

COTTET,  A.  (A) 

7  Av  de  La  Porte  Chaumont,  Paris, 
Xixo,  France. 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

COURCIER,  J.  L.  (M) 
c/o  J.  E.  Brulatour,  Inc.,  6700  Santa 

Monica  Blvd.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
COURMES,  M.  (A) 

9  Rue  Jacques  Dulud,  Neuilly-Sur- 

Seine,  France. 
COUSINS,  V.  M.  (A) 

Bell   Telephone   Laboratories,    Inc., 

463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
COWLING,  H.  T.  (A) 
4700    Connecticut    Ave.,     N.    W., 

Washington,  D.  C. 
Cox,  L.  R.  (A) 

111  N.  Canal  St.,  Chicago,  111. 
COZZENS,  L.  S.  (M} 

Dupont  Film  Mfg.  Co.,  Parlin,  N.  J. 

Bell   Telephone   Laboratories,    Inc., 

463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Research  Laboratory,  Eastman  Ko- 
dak Company,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
CRABTREE,  T.  H.  (4) 
Bell   Telephone   Laboratories,    Inc., 

463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
CRANE,  J.  E.  (4) 

2316  So.  Highland  Ave.,  Hollywood, 


CRAWFORD,  W.  C.  (4) 
46    Gorget   Ave.,    Glasgow,    W.    3, 


CRENNAN,  O.  V.  (^4) 
200  Eastchester  Road,  New  Rochelle, 

N.  Y. 
CROSS,  C.  E.  (A) 

Cinesound  Productions,  Ltd.,  Ebley 
St.,  Waverley,  Sydney,  Australia. 
CROSS,  W.  E.  (A) 

Hotel  Hurth,  Portsmouth,  Ohio. 
CROWE,  H.  B.  (A) 

Ritz   Theater,    Elizabethton,   Tenn. 
CUNNINGHAM,  O.  J.  (4) 

15381  Brewster  Road,  E.  Cleveland, 


2409   Sixth   St.,    Coytesville,   N.   J. 

CUNNINGHAM,  T.  D.  (^4) 

732  Mt.  Vernon  Ave.,  Haddonfield, 

CURLE,  C.  E.  (A) 

19  Fairview  Drive,  Battery  Heights, 

Chattanooga,  Tenn. 
CURTIS,  E.  P.  (F) 

Eastman  Kodak  Co.,  343  State  St., 
Rochester,  N.  Y. 


Paramount   News,    544  West  43rd 
St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

DAEHR,  H.  (A) 

I.  G.  Farbenindustrie  Aktiengessel- 
schaft.,    Kine    Technical     Dept., 
Berlin,  S.  O.  36,  Germany. 
DALOTEL,  M.  (M) 
29   Rue   Pasteur,    Colombes,   Seine, 

DAN,  D.  Y.  (A) 

Shanghai    Sound    Picture    Co.,    27 

Fusan  Road,  Shanghai,  China. 

5  Westbourne  Crescent,  Hyde  Park, 

W.  2,  London,  England. 
DANIELSON,  D.  (4) 

1002     North     Main     St.,     Russell, 

DARBY,  E.  (^4) 

2    Maidstone    Park    Rd.    S.    E.    1, 

Auckland,  New  Zealand. 
DASH,  C.  C.  (M) 

Hertner   Electric    Co.,    12690   Elm- 
wood  Ave.,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 
DAVEE,  L.  W.  (F) 

Electrical  Research  Products,   Inc., 
250  West  57th  St.,   New  York, 
N.  Y. 
DAVIDGE,  L.  C.  (F) 

Roy    Davidge    Film    Laboratories, 
R.  400,  5225  Wilshire  Blvd.,  Holly- 
wood, Calif. 
Davis,  D.  R.  (A) 

RCA  Victor  Company,  1704  Wyan- 
dotte  St.,  Kansas  City,  Mis- 

Mar.,  1936] 



DAVIS,  J.  B.  (A) 
3  Riggs  Court,  N.  W.,  Washington, 

D.  C. 

Davis,  S.  I.  (A) 
425    Montview    Place,    Wilkinburg, 


6819   Simpson   Ave.,    North   Holly- 
wood, Calif. 
Paris  Studio  Cinema,  50  Quai  Point 
du      Jeur,      Billancourt,      Seine, 
DEBRIE,  A.  (F) 

111-113     Rue     St.     Maur,     Paris, 

DEFEO,  L.  (Af) 

Roma    Villa    Medioevale    Torlonia, 
via  Lazzaro  Spallanzani  La,  Rome, 

1909  Buttonwood  St.,  Philadelphia, 

DEGHUEE,  C.  M.  (A) 

101   Liberty  Ave.,   Mineola,   L.   I., 

N.  Y. 

2446   Rydal   St.,    Crafton   Heights, 

Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
DELVALLE,  G.  A.  (A) 

RCA     Manufacturing     Co.,      Inc., 

Camden,  N.  J. 
DEMALLIE,  R.  B.  (M) 

Kodak     Japan,     Ltd.,     3-Nishiro- 

kuchome,  Ginza,  Tokyo,  Japan. 
DEMOS,  G.  (4) 

1428  N.  Ogden   Drive,   Hollywood, 

DENAPOLI,  A.  C.,  JR.  (M) 

2826  Decatur  Ave.,  Bronx,  N.  Y. 
DENK,  J.  M.  (A) 

2829  Holt  St.,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
DENNEY,  W.  (A) 
223  West    18th  St ,    Kansas   City, 

DENSMORE,  R.  E.  (A) 

5244     Melrose     Ave.,     Hollywood, 

61    Albert    St.,    Toronto,    Ontario, 

DE  PEREZ,  J.  (A) 

Sta.  Maria  La  Redonda  61,  Dep't  P, 
Mexico,  D.  F. 

DEPUE,  B.  W.  (M) 
Burton     Holmes     Lectures,      Inc., 
7510  No.  Ashland  Ave.,  Chicago, 

DEPUE,  O.  B.  (F) 

7512  North  Ashland  Ave.,  Chicago, 


The  Gevaert  Co.  of  America,   Inc., 
423  West  55th  St.,   New  York, 
N.  Y. 

DETMERS,  F.  H.  (A) 

5656  Fountain  Ave.,   Los  Angeles, 

DE  URGOITI,  R.  M.  (M) 

Filmofono,  S.  A.,  4  Plaza  del  Callao, 
Madrid,  Spain. 

DEUTSCHER,  D.  (4) 
33  Prospect  Ave.,  Lynbrook,  L.  I., 

N.  Y. 

DEVOE,  E.  M.  (4) 
956  E.  156th  St.,  Bronx,  N.  Y. 

DEVRY,  H.  A.  (F) 

1111  Center  St.,  Chicago,  111. 

DICKINSON,  A.  S.  (F) 
Motion   Picture   Producers   &   Dis- 
tributors   of    America,    Inc.,    28 
West     44th      St.,      New      York, 
N.  Y. 

DICKINSON,  E.  A.  (A) 

10  Hawthorne  Place,  East  Orange, 

DioiEE,  L.  J.  J.  (A) 

Societe  Kodak- Pathe,  39  Ave.  Mon- 
taigne, Paris,  France. 

DILLEMUTH,  H.  G.  (.4) 

79     Ivyhurst     Road,     Eggertsville, 
N.  Y. 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

DIMMICK,  G.  L.  (4) 

RCA  Manufacturing  Co.,  Inc.,  Eng. 

Bldg.  5,  Camden,  N.  J. 
DINGA,  E.  W.  (A) 
4514  43rd  St.,   Long   Island   City, 

N.  Y. 
Dix,  H.  W.  (F) 

Austin  &  Dix,  120  Broadway,  New 

York,  N.  Y. 
DOBSON,  G.  (M) 

494  Dwas  Line  Road,  Clifton,  N.  J. 
DOBSON,  H.  T.  (A) 

99  Normandy  Blvd.,  Toronto,  On- 
tario, Canada. 
DODDRELL,  E.  T.,  JR.  (A) 

151  Wainui  Road,  Kaiti,  Gisborne, 

New  Zealand. 
DOIRON,  A.  L.  (A) 

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer  Studios,  Cul- 
ver City,  Calif. 
DONALD,  J.  McL.  (4) 

Cutone    Precision    Engineers,    Ltd., 
542     Manukau     Road,     Epsom, 
Auckland,  New  Zealand. 
DOWNES,  A.  C.  (F) 

National    Carbon    Company,    Inc., 

Box  6087,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 
DREHER,  C.  (F) 

RKO  Studios,  Inc.,  780  Gower  St., 

Hollywood,  Calif. 
DUBRAY,  J.  A.  (F) 

Bell  &  Howell  Co.,  716  No.  La  Brea 

Ave.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
DUDIAK,  F.  (A) 

Fairmont  Theater,  Fairmont,  West 

DUFFY,  C.  J.  (A) 

86  Franklin  St.,  Providence,  R.   I. 
DUISBERG,  W.  H.  04) 

Patent    Research,    Inc.,  521    Fifth 

Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
DUNNING,  C.  H.  (F} 

Dunning  Process  Co.,  932  No.  La 

Brea  Ave.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
DUNNING,  O.  M.  (4) 

Thomas   A.    Edison,    Inc.,    Orange, 

DURST,  J.  A.  (4) 

2216  5th  Ave.,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
DUSMAN,  H.  C.  (A) 

213  N.  Calvert  St.,  Baltimore,  Md. 
DWYER,  A.  J.  (A) 

4327  Duncan  Ave.,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 
DWYER,  R.  J.  (A) 

180  Spruce  Ave.,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
DYKEMAN,  C.  L.  (Af) 

Dyke  Cinema  Products  Co.,  133-12 

228th  St.,  Laurelton,  N.  Y. 
DYSON,  C.  H.  (A) 

47  New  St.,  Brighton  Beach,  Mel- 
bourne, S.  5,  Australia. 

EAGER,  M.  (A) 

75    Abbott    Rd.,    Wellesley    Hills, 

ECKLER,  L.  (M) 

Agfa    Ansco     Corp.,     Binghamton, 

N.  Y. 
EDER,  F.  B.  (M) 

Avenida  5,  De  Outubro,  201  R.-C. 

Do,  Lishoa,  Portugal. 
EDISON,  T.  M.  (A) 

Thomas     A.     Edison,     Inc.,     West 

Orange,  N.  J. 
EDOUART,  A.  F.  (M} 

Paramount  Publix  Corp.,  5451  Mara- 
thon St.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
EDWARDS,  G.  C.  (F) 

49  Trafalgar  Sq.,  Lynbrook,  L.  I., 

N.  Y. 
EDWARDS,  N.  (4) 

23  William  St.,  South  Yarra,  S.  E.  1, 

EGROT,  L.  G.  (M) 

52  Avenue  Des  Charmes,  Vincennes 

(Seine),  France. 
EHLERT,  H.  H.  (A) 

H.  E.  R.  Laboratories,  Inc.,  457  West 

46th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
EICH,  F.  L.  (A) 

128   S.    Laurel   Ave.,    Los   Angeles, 

ELDERKIN,  J.  K.  (M) 

J45  Valley  St.,  Belleville,  N.  J. 

Mar.,  1936] 



ELLIS,  E.  P.  (A) 

19  Curtis  Place,  Maple  wood,  N.  J. 
ELLIS,  F.  E.,  JR.  (A) 

717  W.  Wells  St.,  Milwaukee,  Wis. 
ELLISON,  M.  (M) 

1402    3-4    Edgecliff,    Los    Angeles, 

ELMER,  L.  A.  (M) 

Bell   Telephone    Laboratories,    Inc., 

463  West  St..  New  York,  N.  Y. 
ELWELL,  C.  F.  (M) 

Chestnut  Close,  Kingswood,  Surrey, 

EMERSON,  M.  (4) 

3217  Corlear  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
EMLEY,  R.  H.  (A) 

134  Rodney  Ave.,  New  Brunswick, 

EMMER,  J.  E.  (A) 

Y.  M.  C.  A.  Downtown,  Room  641, 

St.  Louis,  Mo. 
ENDERLE,  J.  (.4) 

268  Western  Ave.,  Albany,  N.  Y. 
ENGL,  J.  B.  (F) 

97    Bismarkstrasse,    Berlin-Charlot- 

tenburg,  Germany. 
ENGLE,  J.  W.  (A) 

Box  7,  Merrick,  N.  Y. 
ESHELMAN,  G.  M.,  JR.  (A) 

Hartville,  Ohio. 
ESSIG,  A.  G.  (A) 

924  Foulkrod  St.,  Philadelphia.  Pa. 
ESTEL,  G.  A.,  JR.  (A) 
3407   E.    Eighth   St.,    Des    Moines, 


EVANS,  G.  W.  (A) 

455  Duquesne  Drive,  Mount  Leba- 
non, Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
EVANS,  P.  H.  (F) 

Vitaphone    Corporation,    1277   East 

14th  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
EVANS,  R.  (F) 

Division  of  Motion  Pictures,  U.  S. 
Dept.  of  Agriculture,  Washington, 
D.  C. 
EVANS,  R.  M.  (F) 

Kodak  Research  Laboratory,  East- 
man Kodak  Co.,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 

Archibald    Nettlefold    Productions, 
The  Studios,  Hurst   Grove,  Wal- 
ton-on-Thames,  England. 
FALQUET,  A.  (A) 

Kodak  S.  P.  z.  o.  o.,  5  Place  Napo- 
leon, Warsaw,  Poland. 
FAMULENER,  K.  (4) 
590    Fort    Washington    Ave.,    New 

York,  N.  Y. 
FAN,  W.  S.  (4) 

United    Photoplay    Services,    Ltd., 
Passage  No.   1980  Avenue  Joffre 
House  No.  1,  Shanghai,  China. 
FARNHAM,  R.  E.  (F) 

General    Electric    Co.,    Nela    Park, 

Cleveland,  Ohio. 
FARRAND,  C.  L.  (F) 

United    Research    Corp.,    Burbank, 

FARVER,  B.  R.  (A) 

711  18th  Ave.,  Honolulu,  Hawaii. 

145  W.  55th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
FAUST,  A.  (A) 

Recreation    Office,    Schofield    Bks., 

Honolulu,  T.  Hawaii. 
FAZALBHOY,  Y.  A.  (A) 

Putla  Mansion,  Darabshaw  Rd.,  Off 
Napean   Sea    Road,    Bombay,    6, 

515  Walnut  Drive,  Glendale,  Calif. 
FENIMORE,  R.  W.  (M) 

2332  Tuxedo  St.,  Detroit,  Mich. 
FERGUSON,  D.  C.  (A) 

P.  O.  Box  7,  Memphis,  Tenn. 
FERNANDEZ,  M.  A.  (A) 

Ave.  Rep.  Argentina  91-93,  Mexico, 

D.  F.,  Mexico 
FERRENA,  W.  C.  (A) 

P.  O.  Box  111,  Honolulu,  Hawaii. 
FIELD,  A.  (A) 

37  Rue  Condorcet,  Paris,  France. 
FIELD.  W.  J.  (A) 

45-11  43rd  Ave.,  Long  Island  City, 
N.  Y. 



[J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

FIELDS,  G.  B.  (4) 

5638  Holmes  St.,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 
FINARDI,  E.  V.  (A) 
44   Viale  Vittorio   Emanuele,    Ber- 
gamo, Italy. 
FINN,  J.  J.  (M) 

580  Fifth  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
FISCH,  L.  B.  (M) 

526  West  26th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
FISHER,  A.  (M ) 

570    Lexington    Ave.,    New    York, 

N.  Y. 
FISHOFF,  L.  A.  (^4) 

142       Blvd.     Versailles,     Suresnes 

(Seine),  France. 
FITZPATRICK,  J.  M.  S.  (A) 

Kodak,  Ltd.,  Wealdstone,  Middle- 
sex, England. 
FLACK,  F.  (M) 

M-G-M  Studios  Precision  Machine 

Shop,  Culver  City.  Calif. 
FLANAGAN,  J.  T.  (M) 

Tri-State  Motion  Picture  Co.,  620 
Superior  Ave.,   West,   Cleveland, 

Electrical  Research  Products,  Inc., 
250  West  57th  St.,   New  York, 
N.  Y. 

Fleischer  Studios,    1600   Broadway, 

New  York,  N.  Y. 
FLINT,  A.  (M) 

8  Jochum  Avenue,  Larchmont,  N.  Y. 
FLINT,  A.  B.  (4) 

31  Rathay  St.,  Vic  Park  W.,  Aus- 
FLORY,  L.  P.  (M) 

Boyce-Thompson  Institute,  1086  N. 

Broadway,  Yonkers,  N.  Y. 
FOLEY,  T.  E.  (A) 

Box  682,  Kelowna,  B.  C.,  Canada. 
FOOTE,  P.  C.  (A) 

Bell  &  Howell  Co.,  4045  No.  Rock- 
well St.,  Chicago,  111. 
FORD.W.  B.  (A) 

3    Belmont    House,    Candover    St., 
London,  W.  1,  England. 

FOREMAN,  S.  (A) 

5837     Gregory     Ave.,     Hollywood, 

FORSYTH,  S.  L.  (4) 

100  Clay  Avenue,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
FOSTER,  L.  L.  (A) 

Capitol    Theater    Supply    Co.,    28 

Piedmont  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 
FOSTER,  W.  D.  (F) 

Kinatome  Patents  Corp.,  45  North 

Broad  St.,  Ridgewood,  N.  J. 

Kings  Theater,  Gisborne,  New  Zea- 

89    Notre    Dame    East,    Montreal, 

P.Q.,  Canada. 
FOUTE,  G.  P.  (A) 

143  East  24th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
FRACKER,  E.  G.  (M) 

Bell   Telephone   Laboratories,    Inc., 
463      West      St.,      New     York, 
FRANK,  J.,  JR.  (M) 

RCA  Manufacturing  Co.,  Inc.,  Cam- 
den,  N.  J. 
FRANTZ,  G.  F.  (A) 

417  Ogden  St.,  Denver,  Colo. 
FRASCH,  H.  H.  (A) 

4228  W.  Normandy,  Dallas,  Texas. 
FRAYNE,  J.  G.  (F) 

Electrical  Research  Products,   Inc., 
7046      Hollywood      Blvd.,      Los 
Angeles,  Calif. 
FRAZIER,  L.  (^4) 

713l/2  Keeler  St.,  Boone,  La. 
FREEDMAN,  A.  E.  (T7) 

De   Luxe   Laboratories,    Inc.,    441- 
461   West  55th  St.,   New  York, 
FREEMAN,  A.  B.  (4) 

2425  N.  54th  St.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
8956    Dicks    St.,    W.     Hollywood, 

FREIMANN,  F.  (70 

Electro  Acoustic  Products  Co.,  2131 
Bueter  Road,  Fort  Wayne,  Ind. 

Mar.,  1936] 



FRENCH,  R.  R.  (Af) 

40  West  97th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
FREUND,  K.  (4) 

12730    Hanover    St.,    Los    Angeles, 

FRIEDL,  G.,  JR.  (Af) 

Electrical  Research  Products,   Inc., 
250    W.    57th    St.,    New    York, 
N.  Y. 
FRIEND,  H.  H.  (Af) 

Cinaudagraph  Corp.,  2109  43rd  Ave., 

Long  Island  City,  N.  Y. 
FRITTS,  E.  C.  (F) 

Eastman  Kodak  Co.,  343  State  St., 

Rochester,  N.  Y. 
FUNATSU,  H.  K.  (A) 

P.  O.  Box  1194,  Honolulu,  Hawaii. 
FUNK,  J.  J.  (A) 

1350  Elurdale  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

GAGE,  H.  P.  (F) 

Corning  Glass  Works,  Corning,  N.  Y. 
GAGE,  O.  A.  (Af) 

Corning  Glass  Works,  Corning,  N.  Y. 
GAGLIARDI,  G.  (4) 

385  Pleasant  Ave.,  Grantwood,  N.  J. 
GALLO,  R.  (A) 

Quigley    Publications,    1790    Broad- 
way, New  York,  N.  Y. 
GANSTROM,  R.  G.  (4) 

31117  Plymouth  Road,  R  2,  Wayne, 

GARDINER,  F.  R.  (A) 

165    North    High    St.,     Columbus, 

GARLING,  W.  F.  (Af) 

RCA     Photophone     Ltd.,     Electra 
House,     Victoria     Embankment, 
London,  W.  C.  2,  England. 
GASKI,  T.  J.  (A) 

26  Henry  Ave.,  Palisade  Park,  N.  J. 

16  Northolm   Edgware,    Middlesex, 

GATY,  J.  P.  (A) 

62-10    Woodside    Ave.,    Woodside, 
L.  I.,  N.  Y. 

GAVER,  E.  M.  (A) 

Jam   Handy   Picture  Service,   6227 

Broadway,  Chicago,  111. 
GEIB,  E.  R.  (F) 

National    Carbon    Company,    Inc., 

Box  6087,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 
GELB,  L.  (A) 

205  Beach  73rd  St.,  Arverne,  Queens, 

N.  Y. 

GELMAN,  J.  N.  (M) 
c/o  National  Theater  Supply  Co., 
1637  Central  Parkway,  Cincinnati, 
GENOCK,  E.  P.  (4) 

28     Dorset     Road,     Merton     Park, 

Surrey,  S.  W.  19,  England. 
GENT,  E.  W.  (Af) 

Bell    Telephone  Laboratories,   Inc., 

463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
GEORGE,  H.  H.  (A) 

1006  N.  Elcentro  Ave.,  Los  Angeles, 


GEORGENS,  G.  R.  (M) 
3109  17th  St.,  N.  E.,  Washington, 

D.  C. 
GERCKE,  C.  (A) 

1421  East  28th  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

1191  Coney  Island  Ave.,  Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 

GERMAN,  W.  J.  (Af) 
J.  E.  Brulatour,  Inc.,  154  Crescent 

St.,  Long  Island  City,  N.  Y. 

Paris  Studio  Cinema,  50  Quai  Pont 
du     Jeur,      Billancourt     (Seine), 
GEYER,  W.  (M) 

Am.  Treptower  Park  59,  Berlin,  So. 

36,  Germany. 
GIBBONS,  J.  M.  (A) 

825  Nantasket  Ave.,  Allerton,  Mass. 
GIBSON,  G.  H.  (A) 
J.   E.   Brulatour,   Inc.,   6700  Santa 
Monica  Blvd.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
GIESKIENG,  M.  W.  (4) 

1704  Wyandotte  St.,  Kansas  City, 



[J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 


J.  L.  Nerlien,  Ltd.,  Nedre  Slotsgate 

13,  Oslo,  Norway. 
GILBERT,  F.  C.  (M) 

150  Penn  Ave.,  Crestwood,  N.  Y. 
GILES,  R.  H.  (M) 

3044    West    159th    St.,    Cleveland, 

GILL,  K.  (A) 

Regent    Theater,    Te    Aroha,    New 

GILLETTE,  M.  E.  (M} 

2832  Van  Ness  St.,  N.  W.,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. 
GILMOUR,  J.  G.  T.  (A) 

Visual  Instruction  Section,  General 
Electric  Co.,  Schenectady,  N.  Y. 
GILSDORF,  W.  R.  (A) 

2112  Payne  Ave.,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 
GITHENS,  A.  S.  (A) 

623     N.     Columbus    Ave.,     Mount 

Vernon,  N.  Y. 
GLASSER,  N.  (M) 

Warner  Bros.  Theaters,  932  F  St., 

N.  W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 
GLAUBER,  S.  (4) 

2062  East  37th  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
GLEASON,  C.  H.  (A) 

14  North  Hancock  St.,  Lexington, 


789    Saint    Marks    Ave.,  Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 
GLUNT,  O.  M.  (F) 

Bell    Telephone  Laboratories,   Inc., 

463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
GOEBEL,  J.  J.  (A) 

1375      Brooklyn     Ave.,     Brooklyn, 

GOGATE,  G.  G.  (A) 

169  Vincent  Road,  Dadar  Bombay, 

14,  India. 
GOLDEN,  N.  D.  (A) 

Motion  Picture  Section,  Bureau  of 
Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce, 
Dept.  of  Commerce,  Washington, 
D.  C. 


5255     Virginia     St.,     Los     Angeles, 

GOLDHAMER,  S.  A.  (A) 

1920  Bloor  W.,   Apt.    11,   Toronto, 

Ontario,  Canada. 
GOLDIN,  H.  (A) 

Northern   Electric    Co.,   Ltd.,    1261 
Shearer  St.,  Montreal,  P.  Quebec, 
GOLDMAN,  M.  (A) 

1417  Avenue  K,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 


United    Research    Corp.,    Burbank, 

GOLDSMITH,  A.  N.  (F) 

444  Madison  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
GOODMAN,  A.  (A) 

Service  Division,  RCA  Manufactur- 
ing Co.,  Inc.,  Camden,  N.  J. 
GOOKIN,  F.  M.  (A) 

22  Eddy  St.,  N.  Attleboro,  Mass. 
GORDON,  I.  (^4) 

104  Bittman  St.,  Akron,  Ohio. 
GOSHAW,  I.  R.  (M) 

c/o    Warner    Bros.    Pictures,    Inc., 

Burbank,  Calif. 
GOVE,  K.  G.  (A) 

P.  O.  Box  468,  Scotch  Plains,  N.  J. 
GRAHAM,  H.  04) 

546  Lincoln  St.,  Denver,  Colo. 
GRASS,  R.  L.  (A) 

1064  East  28th  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
GREEN,  N.  B.  (F) 

Eastman   Kodak   Co.,    Eng.    Dept., 

Camera  Wks.,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
GREEN,  R.  B.  (A) 

Moller     Apartments,     Hagerstown, 

GREENE,  C.  L.  (F) 

2722     Harriet     Ave.,     Minneapolis, 

GREENE,  P.  E.  (A) 

112  No.  Munn  Ave.,  East  Orange, 

GREGORY,  C.  L.  (A) 

76  Echo  Ave.,  New  Rochelle,  N.  Y. 

Mar.,  193G] 



GRIFFIN,  H.  (F) 

International    Projector    Corp.,    -90 

Gold  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
GRIFFITH,  L.  M.  (M) 

8000  Blackburn  Ave.,  Los  Angeles, 

GRIFFITHS,  P.  H.  (M) 

Briar  Lea,  NorbreckRd.,  Blackpool, 

Lanes.,  England. 
GRIGNON,  F.  J.  (A) 

1416  Troy  Ave.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
GROTE,  W.  G.  (A) 

Paramount  Productions,  Inc.,  5451 
Marathon  St.,  Hollywood,   Calif. 
GROVER,  H.  G.  (M) 

570  Lexington  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
GROVES,  I.  R.  (A} 

34  Hobart  Ave.,  Summit,  N.  J. 

1968  S.  Vermont  Ave.,  Los  Angeles, 

GUERIN,  B.  C.,  JR.  (A) 

80  Love  Lane,  Shanghai,  China. 
GUERRERO,  E.  S.  (Af) 

433 1/2  N.  Figueroa  St.,  Los  Angeles, 


P.  O.  Box  411,  Los  Banos,  Calif. 


201  N.  Occidental  Blvd.,  Los  Ange- 
les, Calif. 
GUPTA,  D.  K.  (A) 

41  Hazra  Road,  Calcutta,  India. 
GUTH,  A.  (A) 

21311    Murdoch    Ave.,    St.    Albans, 
Hollis,  L.  I.,  N.  Y. 

HACKEL,  J.  (M) 

53  W.  57th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
HAEFELE,  N.  C.  (M) 

417  St.  Paul  St.,  Baltimore,  Md. 
HALBERTSMA,  N.  A.  (4) 

Philips'  Glowlampworks,  Ltd.,  Eind- 
hoven, Holland. 
HALL,  F.  M.  (M) 

Bell  &  Howell  Co.,  11  West  42nd  St., 
New  York.  N.  Y. 

HALPIN,  D.  D.  (A) 

19  West  44th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
HAMILTON,  D.  W.  (A) 

362    Maxwell    Road,    Pollokshields, 

Glasgow,  Scotland. 
HAMILTON,  S.  H.  (A) 

633  W.  Murphy  St.,  Lima,  Ohio. 
HAMILTON,  V.  P.  (A) 

Bell     &     Howell     Company,     1801 

Larchmont  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 
HAMPTON,  L.  N.  (M) 

246  E.  Tremont  Ave.,  Bronx,  N.  Y. 
HANDA,  D.  (A) 

c/o  S.  R.   Handa  Roads  Engineer, 

Jaipur  State,  Rajputana,  India. 
HANDA,  G.  C.  (A) 

D.  96,  Model  Town,  Lahore,  Punjab, 

HANDLEY,  C.  W.  (M) 

1960  West   84th   St.,   Los  Angeles, 

HANNA,  C.  R.  (F) 

Westinghouse    Elec.    &    Mfg.    Co., 

East  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
HANNAN,  J.  H.  (A) 

P.  O.  Box  41,  Golden,  Colo. 
HANSEN,  E.  H.  (M) 

6059    Santa    Monica    Blvd.,    Holly- 
wood, Calif. 
HARCUS,  W.  C.  (M) 

14410   Burbank   Blvd.,    Van   Nuys, 

HARDINA,  E.  (A) 

Warner   Bros.    Pictures,    Inc.,    1277 

East  14th  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
HARDING,  H.  V.  (A) 

186  Pinehurst  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
HARDMAN,  W.  F.  (A) 

St.      Charles     Hotel,      Pierre,     So. 

HARDY,  A.  C.  (F) 

Mass.    Inst.    of    Technology,    Cam- 
bridge, Mass. 
HARLEY,  J.  B.  (A) 

Bell    Telephone  Laboratories,   Inc., 
463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 



[J.  S.  M.  p.  E- 

HARLOW,  J.  B.  (M) 

Electrical  Research  Products,   Inc., 
250   West   57th   St.,    New   York, 
N.  Y. 
HARPER,  E.  R.  (M) 

650     North     Bronson     Ave.,     Los 

Angeles,  Calif. 

320  62nd  St.,  Oakland,  Calif. 
HARRIS,  C.  E.  (A) 

108  Seaman  Ave.,  Baldwin,  N.  Y. 
HARRIS,  E.  (^4) 

338  Walmer  Road,  Toronto,  Ontario, 

HARRISON,  H.  C.  (F) 

94  Bayview  Ave.,  Port  Washington, 

L.  I.,  N.  Y. 
HART,  K.  R.  M.  (A) 

P.  N.  Russell  School  of  Eng.,  Uni- 
versity   of    Sydney,    N.    S.    W.. 
HARUKI,  S.  (.F) 

Fuji    Photo    Film    Company,     Nr. 

Odahara,  Kanaga waken,  Japan. 
HARVEY,  A.  E.  (A) 

Harvey  Amusement  Co.,  Newman, 

HAYTHORNE,  R.  N.  04) 

The  National  Archives,  Washington, 

D.  C. 
HEACOCK,  F.  C.  (A) 

434  N.  Parkman  Ave.,  Los  Angeles, 

HECK,  F.  P.  (M) 

Da-Lite  Screen  Co.,  Inc.,  2723  N. 

Crawford  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 
HEIDEGGER,  H.  F.  (A) 

1158  Schenectady  Ave.,   Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 
HELBLING,  W.  E.  (A) 

Western  Electric   Co.  Orient,  Ltd., 

P.  O.  Box  234,  Tokyo,  Japan. 
HELLO  WELL,  T.  (A) 

50  Clyde  St.,  Bondi  North,  Sydney, 

N.  S.  W.,  Australia. 
HENABERY,  J.  E.  (A) 

8310  35th  Ave.,   Jackson   Heights, 
L.  I.,  N.  Y. 

HENEY,  J.  E.  (M) 

127  Centennial  Ave.,  Cranford,  N.  J. 
HENKEL,  J.  F.  (A) 

53-06  70th  St.,  Maspeth,  N.  Y. 
HENNESSY,  W.  W.  (A) 

250  Mamaroneck  Ave.,  White  Plains, 

N.  Y. 
HENSMAN,  H.  G.  (A) 

3025    Cardiff    Ave.,    Los    Angeles, 


Bell    Telephone  Laboratories,   Inc., 

463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
HERTNER,  J.  H.  (M) 

12690    Elmwood    Ave.,    Cleveland, 

HESS,  H.  P.  (A) 

5  Klusstr.,  Zurich  7,  Switzerland. 
HEWSON,  J.  H.  (A) 

478      Sunnyside      Ave.,       Ottawa, 

HIATT,  A.  (M) 

Pathe  News,  Inc.,  35  West  45th  St., 

New  York,  N.  Y. 
HICKMAN,  C.  N.  (A) 

35-36    79th    St.,    Jackson    Heights, 

L.  I.,  N.  Y. 
HICKMAN,  K.  (F) 

Eastman  Kodak  Co.,  Kodak  Park, 

Rochester,  N.  Y. 
HIGGINS,  T.  G.  (A) 

69  Gouett  St.,  Randwick,  Sydney, 

HILL,  M.  H.  (A) 

Butler's,     Inc.,     415     Market     St., 

Wilmington,  Del. 

86  Takabancho  Meguro-Ku,  Tokyo, 

HIRZEL,  A.  (A) 

2011    Bancroft   Parkway,   Wilming- 
ton, Del. 
HOAD,  T.  C.  (A) 

118   Beresford   Ave.,    Toronto,    On- 
tario, Canada. 
HOCH,  W.  C.  (A) 

1030   Monument    St.,    Pacific    Pali- 
sades, Calif. 

Mar.,  1936] 




65  West  95th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
HODGSON,  W.  (A) 

Regent   Theater,   Wairoa,    Hawke's 

Bay,  New  Zealand. 
HOFFMAN,  L.  B.  (M) 

Mitchell    Camera    Corp.,    665    N. 
Robertson  Blvd.,  W.   Hollywood, 
HOGE,  F.  D\  (F) 

Bell   Telephone   Laboratories,    Inc., 
463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 


1166  Alicia  Ave.,  West  Englewood, 

HOLDEN,  H.  C.  (M) 

c/o  Leo  Eiserman,  Grandview  Ave., 

Fairfield,  Conn. 

Hotel   Alexander,   250   West    103rd 
St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

HOLMAN,  A.  J.  (M) 

57   North   22nd   St.,    East   Orange, 

HOLSLAG,  R.  C.  (M) 

120    West    228th    St.,    New    York, 

N.  Y. 

HOPKINS,  J.  J.  (M) 
29-41    167th   St.,    Flushing,    L.    I., 

N.  Y. 
HOPKINS,  T.  L.  (A) 

929  Randolph  St.,  N.  W.,  Apt.  2, 

Washington,  D.  C. 
HOPPIN,  C.  (A) 

145    Bis    Rue    D'Alesia,    Paris,    14, 

HORNIDGE,  H.  T.  (M) 

Kiddle    Margeson    &  Hornidge,    36 

West  44th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
HORNSTEIN,  J.  C.  (M} 

630  Ninth  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
HORSTMAN,  C.  F.  (M) 

Radio-Keith-Orpheum    Corp.,    1560 

Broadway,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
HOTCHKISS,  F.  H.  (M) 

Societe     de     Materiel     Acoustique, 
1  Blvd.  Haussmann,  Paris,  France. 

HOWELL,  A.  S.  (F) 

Bell  &  Howell  Co.,  4045  N.  Rockwell 

St.,  Chicago,  111. 
Hsu,  S.  F.  (A) 
Star  Motion  Picture  Co.,  Ltd.,  744 

Rue  Bourgeat,  Shanghai,  China. 
HUBBARD,  B.  J.  (M) 

340     Westmont     Ave.,     Westmont, 


HUBBARD,  R.  C.  (F) 
669  So.  5th  Ave.,  Mount  Vernon, 

N.  Y. 
HUDSON,  G.  (A) 

Ilford  Limited,  Selo  Works,  Brent- 
wood,  Essex,  England. 
HUDSON,  W.  (A) 

2165  So.  83rd  St.,  West  Allis,  Wis. 
HULAN,  A.  G.  (A) 

5607  Merrimac  Ave..  Dallas,  Texas. 
HUMPHREY,  G.  H.  (A) 

Adcraft  Film  Co.,  1312  Oswego  St., 

Utica,  N.  Y. 
HUNT,  F.  L.  (F) 

Bell   Telephone   Laboratories,    Inc., 
463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
HUNT,  H.  H.  (A) 

2312  Cass  St.,  Detroit,  Mich. 
HUSE,  E.  (F) 

Eastman    Kodak    Co.,    6706    Santa 

Monica  Blvd.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
HYNDMAN,  D.  E.  (F) 

Eastman  Kodak  Co.,  350  Madison 
Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

INGMAN,  T.  M.  (M) 

6100  Glen  Oaks,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
IRBY,  F.  S.  (M) 

151  E.  83rd  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
IVES,  F.  E.  (H) 

1753  No.  15th  St.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
IVINS,  C.  F.  (A) 

Pathescope    Co.    of    America,    Inc., 
33    West    42nd    St.,    New    York, 
N.  Y. 
IWAO,  W.  F.  (A) 

P.  O.  Box  386,  Waipahu,  Oahu,  Ter. 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E 

JACHONTOW,  E.  G.  (M) 

Karpovka   19,   Apt.   41,   Leningrad, 

22,  U.  S.  S.  R. 
JADAV,  B.  V.  (A) 

Motion    Picture    Society    of    India, 
Kitab  Mahal,  192  Hornby  Road, 
Fort  Bombay,  India. 
JAMES,  F.  E.  (M) 

General  Electric  Co.,  5201  Sante  Fe 

Ave.,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
JAMIESON,  H.  V.  (M) 

2212  Line  Oak  Co.,  Dallas,  Texas. 
JARRETT,  G.  J.  (M) 

Metropolitan   Motion    Picture    Co., 
1745    Grand   Blvd.,    E.,    Detroit, 
JAY,  R.  L.  (M) 

Jay's  Film  Service,   17  Blythswood 
Square,  Glasgow,  C.  2,  Scotland. 
JECKELL,  W.  H.  R.  (A) 

805   Davenport  Rd.,   Toronto,    On- 
tario, Canada. 
JEFFERY,  F.  A.  (^4) 

9  Giles  St.,   Toorak,  Adelaide,  So. 


Company    B,    17th    Infantry,    Fort 

Crook,  Nebr. 
JERMAIN,  H.  F.  (M) 

130  Johnson  Ave.,  Teaneek,  N.  J. 
JOACHIM,  H.  E.  A.  (M} 

Zeiss-Ikon  A.  G.,  Schandauerstr.  76, 

Dresden,  A.  21,  Germany. 
JOHN,  W.  E.  (M) 

Standard  Bank  of  S.  A.  Ltd.,  North- 
umberland Ave.,  London,  W.  C.  1, 
JOHNSON,  B.  W.  (A) 

45-11  43rd  Ave.,   Apt.   3-C,   Long 

Island  City,  N.  Y. 
JONES,  J.  G.  (F) 

Eastman  Kodak  Co.,  Kodak  Park, 

Rochester,  N.  Y. 
JONES,  L.  (A) 

106-28  95th  St.,  Ozone  Park,  L.  L, 
N.  Y. 

JONES,  L.  A.  (F) 

Research  Laboratory,  Eastman  Ko- 
dak Co.,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
JONES,  L.  G.  (A) 

4l2l/2  Willaman  Drive,  Los  Angeles, 

JOY,  D.  B.  (F) 

National  Carbon  Co.,  Inc.,  Fostoria, 

JOY,  J.  M.  (M} 

12      Fairview      Ave.,      Nepperhan 

Heights,  Yonkers,  N.  Y. 
JUDGE,  P.  E.  (A) 

22  Fay  Avenue,  Peabody,  Mass. 

KALLMAN,  K.  (A) 

229  West  20th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
KALMUS,  H.  T.  (F) 

Drawer  B,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
KAMEI,  K.  (A) 

396-2   Miyananoue   Morigu,    Nishi- 

nomiya-City,  Japan. 
KANO,  J.  H.  (A) 

1495  Araiziku  Omori-Ku  2,  Tyome, 

Tokyo,  Japan. 
KAPLAN,  L.  ( M) 

Panama  Canal  Dept.,  Motion  Pic- 
ture    Service,     Quarry     Heights, 
Canal  Zone. 
KARATZ,  T.  (M) 

38    Glenwood    Ave.,     Minneapolis, 

KASAI,  K.  (A] 

7,  Matsueda-cho,  Kanda-ku,  Tokio, 

KAYE,  L.  K.  (A) 

Vernon     House,     Park     Place,     St. 
James  St.,  London,  S.  W.  1,  Eng- 
KEITH,  C.  R.  (M) 

Electrical  Research  Products,  Inc., 
250  W.  57th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
KELBER,  M.  (A) 

5  Ave.   du   Colonel  Bonnet,    Paris, 

16e,  France. 
KELLER,  A.  C.  (4) 

Bell    Telephone  Laboratories,   Inc., 
463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Mar.,  1936] 



KELLEY,  J.  H.  (A) 
223   West    18th   St.,    Kansas   City, 


KELLOGG,  E.  W.  (A) 
RCA  Manufacturing  Co.,  Inc.,  Cam- 
den,  N.  J. 
KENDE,  G.  (M) 

210  Sixth  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
KERKOW,  H.  (A} 
270    Riverside    Drive,    New    York, 

N.  Y. 
KERMAN,  E.  W.  (A) 

1477  Cory  Drive,  Dayton,  Ohio. 
KERRIN,  J.  A.  (4) 

138   Deloraine   Ave.,   Toronto,   On- 
tario, Canada. 
KERSHAW,  C.  (F) 

A.   Kershaw  &  Son,   200   Harehills 

Lane,  Leeds,  England. 
KERST,  W.  D.  (A} 

Bell  &  Howell  Co.,  11  West  42nd  St., 

New  York,  N.  Y. 
KEUFFEL,  C.  W.  (Jlf) 

Keuffel  &  Esser  Co.,  3rd  &  Adams 
St.,  Hoboken,  N.  J. 

KlENNINGER,  J.  F.  (Jlf) 

Drawer  B,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
KILTON,  G.  C.  (A] 

901  Hamlin  St.,  N.  E.,  Washington, 
D.  C. 

KlMBALL,  H.  R.  (M) 

3847  Goldwyn  Terrace,  Culver  City, 

KlMBERLEY,  P.  (M) 

National   Screen    Service,    Ltd.,    25 
Denmark  St.,  W.   C.  2,  London, 
KING,  H.  V.  (A) 

British  Lion  Studios,   Beaconsfield, 

Bucks,  England. 
KING,  P.  A.  (A) 

Box  117,  Irondale,  Ala. 
KING,  R.  P.  (A) 

1059  Finan  St.,  Honolulu,  T.  Hawaii. 
KING,  T.  P.  (A) 

280  Martenze  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

332  Stratford  Road,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

KLEBER,  J.  O.  (M) 

15  West  16th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
KLEERUP,  B.  J.  (M} 

Society  for  Visual  Education,  327  S. 

La  Salle  St.,  Chicago,  111. 
KNOX,  H.  G.  (F) 

Electrical  Research  Products  Corp., 
250  West   57th  St.,    New  York, 
Kocsis,  P.  (A) 

74  Van  Cortlandt  Park,  S.,  Bronx, 

KOHLER,  J.  J.  (A) 

4542    44th    St.,    Sunnyside,    L.    I., 

KONDO,  T.  (A) 

951     Zoshigaya     Cho     7     Chome, 

Toshima-Ku,  Tokyo,  Japan. 
KOSSMAN,  H.  R.  (A) 

Andre  Debrie,  Inc.,  115  West  45th 
St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

KOTTE,  J.  J.  (A) 

Philips'     Glowlampworks,     Cinema 

Dept.,  Eindhoven,  Holland. 
KRAEMER,  G  1.  (M) 

16  Rue   de   Chateaudun,   Asnieres, 
Seine,  France. 


Filmtechnik,      Friedrichstrasse     46, 

Berlin,  S.  W.  68,  Germany. 
KREHLEY,  G.  A.  (4) 

4  B  4  Palisades  Towers,  Palisades 

Park,  N.  J. 
KREUZER,  B.  (M) 

RCA  Manufacturing  Co.,  Inc.,  411 

Fifth  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
KRUGERS,  G.  E.  A.  (M) 

P.  O.  Box  817,  Hong  Kong,  China. 
KRUSE,  W.  F.  (A) 

1820  Eye  St.,  N.  W.,  Washington, 
D.  C. 

KUNZMANN,  W.  C.  (F) 

National  Carbon  Co.,  Inc.,  Box  6087, 
Cleveland,  Ohio. 

KURLANDER,  J.  H.  (F) 

283  Hillside  Ave.,  Nutley,  N.  J. 
KURTZ,  J.  A.  (A) 

97  Brooklyn  Ave.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 


Consolidated  Amusement  Co.,  Ltd., 
P.  O.  Box  2425,  Honolulu,  Hawaii. 
LAIR,  C.  (M) 

Kodak-Pathe,  30  Rue  des  Vignerons, 

Vincennes,  France. 
LAKEWITZ,  F.  S.  (4) 

3360  154th  St.,  Flushing,  L.  L,  N.  Y. 
LAL,  G.  D.  (M) 

The  Gramophone,  Ltd.,  Civil  Lines, 

Delhi,  India. 
LAMB,  E.  E.  (M) 

Bell  &  Howell  Co.,  320  Regent  St., 

London,  W.  1,  England. 
LAMB,  R.  T.  (A) 

382  Summit  Ave.,  Leonia,  N.  J. 
LAMBERT,  K.  B.  (F) 

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer  Studios,  Cul- 
ver City,  Calif. 
LAN,  W.  S.  (4) 

1980  Ave.  Joffre,  Shanghai,  China. 
LANE,  A.  L.  (M) 

4205  La  Salle   Ave.,    Culver   City, 

LANE,  G.  (M} 

Audio  Productions,  Inc.,  250  West 

57th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
LANE,  W.  H.  (M) 

189    Patterson    Ave.,    Ottawa,    On- 
tario, Canada. 
LANG,  A.  (A) 

105  Arden  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
LANGFORD,  L.  P.  (M) 

11733  Edgewater  Drive,  Lake  wood, 

LANSING,  D.  W.  (A} 

RCA  Manufacturing  Co.,  Inc.,  Cam- 
den,  N.  J. 
LAPAT,  E.  P.  (A) 

1618  E.  15th  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
LAPORTE,  N.  M.  (F) 

Paramount     Publix      Corp.,      1501 

Broadway,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
LARSEN,  P.  J.  (F) 

United    Research    Corp.,    Burbank, 

LARSON,  I.  J.  (A) 

420  Lowell  St.,  Manchester,  N.  H. 

LARUE,  M.  W.  (A) 

6157  N.  Artesian  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 
LAWLEY,  H.  V.  (M) 

The  Lawley  Apparatus  Co.,  Ltd.,  26 
Church    St.,    Charing    X    Road, 
London,  W.  1,  England. 
LAWRENCE,  J.  F.  (A) 

96  Ohio  St.,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 

23,  Rue  de  Tournon  Paris,  6,  France. 
LAY,  M.  W.  (A) 

The  United  Photoplay  Services,  Ltd., 
Passage  No.  1980,  Avenue  Joffre, 
House  No.  1,  Shanghai,  China. 
LEARN ARD,  H.  P.  (4) 

Consolidated  Amusement  Co.,  Hono- 
lulu, Hawaii. 
LECOQ,  J.  (.4) 

116  Rue  de  la  Convention,   Paris, 

15E,  France. 
LEE,  A.  A.  (A) 

Gaumont  British   Picture   Corp.   of 
America,    1600    Broadway,    New 
York,  N.  Y. 
LEISHMAN,  E.  D.  (M) 

Radio  Keith  Pictures,  Ltd.,   P.   O. 

Box  454,  Calcutta,  India. 
LENIGAN,  T.  E.  (4) 

160-15    7th  Ave.,  Beechhurst,  Long 

Island,  N.  Y. 
LENTZ,  H.  R.  (A) 

4502  Saturne  St.,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
LENZ,  F.  (A) 

116-40  227th  St.,  St.  Albans,  L.  L, 

N.  Y. 
LEROY,  C.  (A) 

Hotel  Belmont,  East  40th  &  Euclid 

Ave.,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 
LESHING,  M.  S.  (F) 

Fox  Film  Corp.,   1401  N.  Western 

Ave.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
LESLIE,  F.  (A) 

33  Champs  Elyesee,  Paris,  France. 
LESTER,  H.  M.  (A) 

1  Pershing  Square,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
LEVENTHAL,  J.  F.  (F) 

175  Varick  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Mar.,  1936] 




1761  No.  Van  Ness  Ave.,  Hollywood, 

LEWBEL,  S.  (A) 

184    South     King    St.,     Honolulu, 

LEWIN,  G.  (M) 

1573  E.  35th  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  J. 
LEWIS,  B.  C.  (A) 

Northern  Electric  Co.,  1261  Shearer 

St.,  Montreal,  Canada. 
LEWIS,  W.  W.  (A) 

3030    Cabrillo   St.,    San    Francisco, 

LICHTE,  H.  (F) 

Tautenburgerstr.  33,   Berlin,   Lank- 
witz,  Germany. 


205  Edison  Bldg.,   5th  and   Grand 

Aves.,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
LINGG,  A.  (4) 

c/o  I.   G.    Farbenindustrie    Aktien- 
gesellschaft,  Camerawerk,  Tegern- 
seerlandstr.     161,    Munich,    Ger- 
LINS,  P.  A.  (M) 

Madison  Mart,   Inc.,  403   Madison 

Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
LIPMAN,  H.  H.  (M) 

74  Van  Braam  St.,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
LITTLE,  W.  F.  (F) 

Electrical  Testing  Lab.,  80th  St.  & 
East  End  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

LlVADARY,  J.  P.  (4) 

2028    Cahuenga    Ave.,    Hollywood, 

LlVERMAN,  C.  (A) 

9  Rue  Paul  Feval,  Paris,  France. 
LOHR,  J.  F.  (M) 

Gyarmat     U    52,     Budapest,     VII, 

LOOTENS,  C.  L.  (M} 

933  Seward  St.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
LOTT,  H.  O.  (A) 

25-15  Ditmars  Blvd.,   Long  Island 

City,  N.  Y. 
LOY,  L.  C.  (A) 

2018  llth  St.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

LUBAO,  R.  (A} 

9  Grove  St.,  W.  Somerville,  Mass. 
LUCAS,  G.  S.  C.  (M) 

British  Thomson-Houston  Co.,  Ltd., 

Rugby,  England. 
LUCID,  F.  J.,  JR.  (A) 

Paramount  Productions,  Inc.,  Holly- 
wood, Calif. 
LUDLAM,  J.  M.  (A) 

U.  S.  S.  Whitney,  San  Diego,  Calif. 
LUKE,  E.  (M) 

Kenton  House,  Upper  Shirley  Road, 

Croydon,  Surrey,  England. 
LUKES,  S.  A.  (M) 

6145  Glenwood  Ave.,   Chicago,  111. 
LUMIERE,  L.  (H) 

156  Blvd.  Bineau  A.  Neuilly,  Paris, 


I.  G.  Farbenindustrie   Aktiengesell- 
schaft,  Berlin,  S.  O.  36,  Germany. 
LUNDAHL,  T.  (M) 

253  Cumberland  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
LUNDIE,  E.  S.  (.4) 

c/o  The  Vitaphone  Corp.,  1277    E. 
14th  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

LUTTER,  H.  (A) 

59  Peck  Avenue,  Newark,  N.  J. 
LYON,  L.  H.  (A) 

c/o  Atlas  Powder  Co.,  Wilmington, 

MAAS,  A.  R.  (A) 

A.  R.  Mass  Chemical  Co.,  308  E. 

Eighth  St.,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
MACDONALD,  A.  F.  (A) 

9  Seventh   Ave.,    Haddon   Heights, 

MACILVAIN,  K.  H.  (A) 

41   Nassau   Ave.,    Malverne,   L.   I., 

N.  Y. 
MACLEOD,  J.  S.  (M) 

Metro  -  Goldwyn  -  Mayer     Pictures, 
1540  Broadway,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
MACLEOD,  K.  A.  (A) 

933    Heliotrope    Drive,    Hollywood, 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

MACNAIR,  W.  A.  (F) 

Bell   Telephone   Laboratories,    Inc., 

463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
MACOMBER,  W.  W.  (A) 

Box  3304,  Chicago,  111. 
MAIRE,  H.  J.  (M} 

5640  Kingsessing  Ave.,  Philadelphia, 

MALHTRA,  M.  N.  (A) 

Jai   Krishanian  St.,   Machhi   Hatta 

Bazar,  Lahore,  India. 
MANCHEE,  A.  W.  (M) 

91  Prospect  St.,  East  Orange,  N.  J. 
MANHEIMER,  J.  R.  (M) 

E-J  Elec.  Installation  Co.,  227  East 

45th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
MANN,  R.  G.  (A) 

Pathe  News,  35  West  45th  St.,  New 

York,  N.  Y. 
MANPOH,  K.  (-4) 

c/o  J.  O.  Studio,  Ltd.,  Uzumassa, 

Kyoto,  Japan. 
MAR,  S.  T.  (A) 

73/245    Rue    Bourgeat,    Shanghai, 


151-22   85    Drive,    Jamaica,    L.    I., 

N.  Y. 

30  Rue  de  la  Garenne  Sevres,  Seine 

et  Oise,  France. 
MARETTE,  J.  (F) 

Pathe   Cinema,   8  Rue  Leconte   de 

Lisle,  Paris,  France. 

2837    Minna   Ave.,  Oakland,  Calif. 
MARKS,  L.  (^4) 

Independent    Theater    Supply    Co., 
354  West   44th   St.,    New   York, 
N.  Y. 
MARSH,  H.  N.  (A) 

Technical  Division,  Hercules  Powder 

Co.,  Wilmington,  Del. 
MARSHALL,  F.  R.  (A) 

109  Gates  Ave.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
MASAOKA,  K.  (A) 

82    Shimokamotakagicho    Sakyoku, 
Kyoto,  Japan. 

MASON,  C.  (A) 

702  Bloomfield  Ave.,  Nutley,  N.  J. 
MASTER,  R.  P.  (A) 

312  W.  34th  St..  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Kinutamura    Kitatamagun,    Tokyo, 

Prefecture,  Japan. 
MATHEWSON,  E.  G.  (.4) 

141  Fourth  St.,  New  Toronto,  On- 
tario, Canada. 
MATHOT,  J.  A.  (M) 

Eclair  Tirage,  34A  42  Av.  d'Enghein, 
Epinay  Sur  Seine,  Seine,  France. 
MATHUR,  R.  D.  (A) 

c/o  Gauri  Daval,  Ganesh  Flour  Mills 

Co.,  Ltd.,  Lyallpur,  India. 

5-848  Kitazawa  Setagayaku,  Tokyo, 


U.  S.  Army  Motion  Picture  Service, 
Bldg.  3,  2nd  &  Arsenal  Sts.,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 

1449   N.   Spaulding   Ave.,    Chicago, 

MATTHEWS,  G.  E.  (F) 

Research  Laboratory,  Eastman  Ko- 
dak Co.,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
MAURAN,  J.  (A) 

537  Statler  Bldg.,  Boston,  Mass. 
MAURER,  J.  A.  (A) 

320  West  83rd  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
McAuLEY,  J.  E.  (F) 

554  W.  Adams  St.,  Chicago,  111. 

MCBURNEY,  J.  W.  (M) 

41      Floral     Avenue,     Binghamton, 
N.  Y. 


144  7th  Ave.,  Highland  Park,  New 

Brunswick,  N.  J. 

137  Rawdon  St.,  Brantford,  Ontario, 

McCoRD,  C.  T.  (A) 

187  Madeira  Ave.,  Chillicothe,  Ohio. 

Mar.,  1936] 



MCCROSKEY,  H.  E.  (M) 

5451     Marathon     St.,     Hollywood, 


1833  S.  Vermont  Ave.,  Los  Angeles, 

MCDOWELL,  J.  B.  (A) 

Agfa,  Ltd.,  1-4  Lawrence  St.,  High 
Street,  London,  W.  C.  2,  England. 
McGiNNis,  F.  J.  (A) 

Box  2387,  Palm  Beach,  Fla. 

MCGLINNEN,  E.  J.  (A) 

Fox  Theater,  Detroit,  Mich. 
McGuiRE,  J.  (A) 
398  Huron  Ave.,   Ottawa,   Ontario, 

McGuiRE,  P.  A.  (F) 

International    Projector    Corp.,    90 

Gold  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
McKEE,  T.  A.  (A) 

1518  Wilder  Ave.,  Honolulu,  Hawaii. 

MCKINNEY,  H.  J.  (A) 

National  Theater  Supply  Co.,   211 

Columbus  Ave.,  Boston,  Mass. 
MCLARTY,  H.  D.  (A) 

145  Kinsey  Ave.,  Kenmore,  N.  Y. 
MC.LEMORE,  J.  R.  (A) 

828  Gates  Ave.,  Norfolk,  Va. 

McMASTER,  D.  (F) 

Kodak,  Ltd.,  Wealdstone,   Middle- 
sex, England. 
McMATH,  R.  R.  (M) 

Motors  Metal  Mfg.  Co.,  5936  Mil- 
ford  Ave.,  Detroit,  Mich. 
McNABB,  J.  H.  (F) 

Bell  &  Howell  Co.,  1801  Larchmont 
Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

McNAMARA,   D.  T.  (A) 

7  Baker  Ave.,  East  Lexington,  Mass. 
McRAE,  D.  (10 

99  Melrose  St.,  Melrose,  Mass. 
MECHAU,  E.  (F) 

Albrechtstrasse,     60A,    Berlin,    Su- 

dende,  Germany. 
MEES,  C.  E.  K.  (F) 

Eastman  Kodak  Co.,  Kodak  Park, 
Rochester,  N.  Y. 

MEHTA,  H.  S.  (M) 

c/o    Dr.    Deshmukh    Lane,    Third 
Floor,  Lilawati  Terrace,  Bombay, 
4,  India. 

General  Delivery,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
MESSITER,  H.  M.  (A) 

P.  O.  Box  165,  Scarsdale,  N.  Y. 
METZGER,  M.  (4) 

Associated     Screen      News,      Ltd., 
Western  Ave.  &  Delcarie  Blvd., 
Montreal,  Quebec,  Canada. 
MEYER,  H.  (F} 

6372   Santa   Monica    Blvd.,    Holly- 
wood, Calif. 

1788  Amsterdam  Ave.,  New  York, 

N.  Y. 
MILI,  G.  (A) 

Westinghouse  Lamp  Co.,  Bloomfield, 

MILLER,  A.  J.  (M) 

1460  Jefferson  St.,  West  Englewood, 

MILLER,  A.  W.  (A) 

47  Westfield  Ave.,  E.,  Roselle  Park, 


MILLER,  J.  A.  (F) 
46-27    193rd   St.,    Flushing,    L.    I.. 

N.  Y. 
MILLER,  O.  E.  (A) 

452  Electric  Ave.,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
MILLER,  R.  (A) 

1045  S.  Liberty  St.,  Salem,  Oregon. 
MILLER,  R.  A.  (M) 

Bell   Telephone    Laboratories,    Inc., 

463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
MILLER,  R.  L.  (A} 

7635    Grand    River    Ave.,    Detroit, 

MILLER,  R.  P.  (4) 

926  Cordova  St.,  Burbank,  Calif. 
MILLER,  V.  E.  (A) 

1247    N.    Detroit    St.,    Hollywood, 

MILLER,  W.  C.  (F) 

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer,  Culver  City, 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

MlNNERLY,  N.  H.  (A) 

158-03     Sanford     Ave.,      Flushing, 

N.  Y. 
MINO,  T.  J.  (A) 

c/o  M.  Numoto,  1063  Yukigaya  Cho, 

Omori  Ku,  Tokyo,  Japan. 
MISENER,  G.  C.  (M) 

100    Beverley    Heights,   Rochester, 

N.  Y. 
MISTRY,  D.  L.  (M) 

24    Nepean    Road,    Malabar    Hill, 

Bombay,  6,  India. 
MISTRY,  M.  L.  (M) 

24    Nepean    Road,    Malabar    Hill, 

Bombay,  6,  India. 
MITCHELL,  G.  A.  (F) 

666    No.    Robertson    Blvd.,    West 

Hollywood,  Calif. 
MITCHELL,  G.  S.  (M} 

Academy  of  Motion  Picture  Arts  & 
Sciences,  Suite  1201,  Taft  Bldg., 
Hollywood,  Calif. 
MITCHELL,  M.  N.  (^4) 

116  1st  Street,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
MITCHELL,  R.  F.  (F) 

4230  N.  Winchester  Ave.,  Chicago, 

MOLE,  P.  (F) 

Mole-Richardson,    Inc.,    941    North 
Sycamore  Ave.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
MOLS,  P.  M.  (4) 

10564  Bradbury  Road,  Los  Angeles, 

MONKS,  C.  H.  (,4) 

Pitts  Bay  Road,  Bermuda. 
MOORE,  T.  (M) 

The  Westchester,  Washington,  D.  C. 
MORENO,  R.  M.  (M) 

Dupont    Film    Mfg.    Corp.,    Parlin, 

MORGAN,  K.  F.  (F) 

Electrical  Research  Products,  Inc., 
7046      Hollywood      Blvd.,      Los 
Angeles,  Calif. 
MORRAL,  F.  R.  (A) 

Provenza  361,  Barcelona,  Spain. 
MORRIS,  L.  P.  (A) 

1532  West  4th  St.,  Marion,  Ind. 

MORTON,  T.  (4) 

Kodak,  Ltd.,  Postafiok  146,  Buda- 
pest, IV,  Hungary. 
MOSKOWITZ,  J.  H.  (A) 

Amusement  Supply  Co.,  341  West 

44th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
MOTWANE,  V.  G.  (M) 

192  Hornby  Road,  Fort,  P.  O.  Box 

459,  Bombay,  India. 
MOYSE,  H.  W.  (F) 

Smith   &   Aller,    Ltd.,    6656   Santa 

Monica  Blvd.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
MUELLER,  E.  (A) 

Hofzeili  14,  Vienna,  19,  Austria. 
MUELLER,  W.  A.  (M) 

5011  No.  Ambrose  Ave.,  Hollywood,, 

MULLER,  C.  (A) 

87-60    113th    St.,    Richmond    Hill, 

L.  I.,  N.  Y. 
MULLER,  J.  P.  (M) 

3425    Locust     St.,     Kansas     City, 

MURDOCH,  S.  E.  (A} 

3  Cabramatta  Rd.,   Mosman,  Syd- 
ney, N.  S.  W.,  Australia. 
MURPHY,  G.  D.  (A) 

R.  F.  D.  No.  3,  Rockville,  Md. 
MURRAY,  A.  P.  (4) 

1702    Centre    St.,    West    Roxbury, 

MYERS,  W.  D.  (A) 

P.  O.  Box  703,  Wheeling,  W.  Va. 

NADELL,  A.  (M) 

494  Hendrix  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
NAGASE,  T.  (M) 

D.  Nagase  &  Co.,  Ltd.,  7  Itachibori- 
Minamidori-Nishiku,     1     Chome, 
Osaka,  Japan. 
NARBUT,  L.  A.  (A). 

555  Pleasant  St.,  Norwood,  Mass. 
NARIAN,  S.  (A) 

East  India  Importing  Co.,  230  Fifth 

Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
NATAN,  B.  I.  (A) 

6  Rue  Francoeur,  Paris,  France. 

Mar.,  1936] 



NEILL,  C.  B.  (A) 

724  Roselawn  Ave.,  S.  Hills,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 
NELSON,  E.  W.  (A) 

3910  Wellington  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 
NELSON,  O.  (M) 

National  Cash  Register  Co.,  Dayton, 

NEU,  O.  F.  (M) 

Neumade  Products  Corp.,  442  West 

42nd  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Sonotone  Corporation,  19  West  44th 

St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
NICHOLSON,  R.  F.  (F) 

Phi  Gamma  Delta  Club,  106  West 
56th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

NlCKOLAUS,  J.  M.  (F) 

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer  Studios,  Cul- 
ver City,  Calif. 
NIELSEN,  J.  F.  (4) 

United    Research    Corp..    Burbank, 

NIEMANN,  H.  P.  (A) 

American  Askania  Corp.,   1603  So. 

Michigan  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 
NIEPMANN,  C.  H.  (M) 

Kandem  Electrical  Ltd.,  711  Fulham 
Road,  London,  S.  W.  6,  England. 
NIGAM,  C.  S.  (A) 

East  India  Film  Co.,  Regent  Park 

Tollygunge,  Calcutta,  India. 
NIVISON,  W.  S.  (A) 

410  West  24th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
NIXON,  I.  L.  (F) 

Bausch  &  Lomb  Optical  Co.,  Roches- 
ter, N.  Y. 
NORLING,  J.  A.  (M) 

Loucks  &  Norling,  245  West  55th 

St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
NORRISH,  B.  E.  (M) 

5155  Western  Ave.,  Montreal,  Que- 
bec, Canada. 
NORTON,  R.  (4) 

2013  No.  63rd  St.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
NORWOOD,  D.  W.  (M) 

Chanute  Field,  Rantoul,  111. 

OAKLEY,  N.  F.  (M) 

Dupont    Film    Mfg.    Corp.,    Parlin 

O'BOLGER,  R.  E.  (M) 

Eastman  Kodak  Co.,  24  Yuen  Ming 

Yuen  Road,  Shanghai,  China. 
O'BRIEN,  B.  C.  (A) 

10  Fairview    Heights,    Rochester, 
N.  Y. 

O'BRIEN,  M.  D.  (A) 

417  Park  Ave.,  Merrick,  N.  Y. 
OHTA,  V.  (A) 

1  Tsukudocho  Ushigomeku,  Tokyo, 

O'KEEFE,  G.  A.  (A) 

404  East  55th  St..  New  York.  N.  Y. 
OLDHAM,  C.  (A) 

11  Russell  Road,  Norwich,  Conn. 
O'LEARY,  J.  S.  (A) 

69  Greenfield  Ave.,  Ardmore,  Pa. 
OLIVER,  W.  J.  (A) 

328A  8th  Ave.,  West  Calgary,  Al- 
berta, Canada. 
OLLINGER,  C.  G.  (4) 

1810  Clark  Bldg.,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
OLMSTEAD,  L.  B.  (A) 

United    Research    Corp.,    Burbank, 

OLSON,  O.  E.  (A) 

Local    164   IATSE,   344   Commerce 

Bldg.,  Milwaukee,  Wis. 
ORAM,  E.  (A) 

51    Lawrence    Gardens,    Mill    Hill, 

N.  W.  7,  London,  England. 
ORBAN,  R.  F.  (M) 

Bucaresti,  Str.  Nic.  Balcescu,  2-IV, 

OSAWA,  Y.  (M) 

J.  Osawa  &  Co.,  Ltd..  Sanjo  Kobashi, 

Kyoto,  Japan. 
OSBORNE,  A.  W.  (M} 

"Hilton"     North     Drive,     Ruislip, 

Middlesex,  England. 
OSMAN,  D.  E.  (A) 

46  Whitchurch  Gardens,   Edgware, 
Middlesex,  England. 



U.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

OSTER,  E.  (A) 

Columbia     Pictures     Corp.,      1433 
Gower  St.,  Camera  Dept.,  Holly- 
wood, Calif. 
OSWALD,  C.  G.  (A) 

149  East  36th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
OWENS,  F.  H.  (A) 

2647  Broadway,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
OWNBY,  L.  C.  (A) 

121  Goldengate  Ave.,  San  Francisco, 

PACENT,  L.  G.  (F) 

Pacent  Engineering  Corp.,  79  Madi- 
son Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

508  Winthrop  Ave.,  Jackson,  Mich. 
PADEN,  C.  B.  04) 

146  Leaven  worth  St.,  San  Francisco, 


PALMER,  M.  W.  (M) 
468    Riverside    Drive,    New    York, 

N.  Y. 
PARKINS,  C.  F.  (M) 

Studio  Film  Laboratories,  Ltd.,  80 
Wardour     St.,     London,     W.     1, 
PARLEY,  W.  C.  (A) 

RCA  Photophone,  Ltd.,  57  Charles 

St.,  Cardiff,  Wales. 
PARRIS,  R.  C.  (A) 
Pocasset,  Mass. 
PARRISH,  H,  C.  (A) 

State  Shopping  Block,  Market  St., 
4th    Floor,    Sydney,    N.    S.    W., 
PARSHLEY,  C.  W.  (A) 

University      Theater,      Cambridge, 

PATEL,  K.  K.  (A) 

1598  Raipur  Zadken,  St.  Ahmedabad, 

PATEL,  M.  B.  (A) 

Krishna    &     Gujrat    Studios,     162 
DadarRd.,  Dadar,  Bombay,  India. 
PATTON,  G.  E.  (M} 

51   Eastbourne  Ave.,  Toronto,   On- 
tario, Canada. 

PAULINI,  E.  T.  (A) 

2471  University  Ave.,  Bronx,  N.  Y. 
PECK,  W.  H.  (A) 

51  Vesey  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
PERRY,  C.  (4) 

P.  O.  Box  351,  Manila,  Phillipine 

PERRY,  H.  D.  (A) 

870  Broad  St.,  Newark,  N.  J. 
PERSE,  I.  S.  (A) 

Capitol     Motion     Picture     Supply 
Corp.,  630  Ninth  Ave.,  New  York, 
N.  Y. 
PETERSON,  F.  W.  (M) 

c/o   I.   G.   Farbenindustrie    Aktien- 
gesellschaft  Kinetechnische  Abteil- 
ung,  Berlin,  S.  O.  36,  Germany. 
PETTERS,  W.  K.  (A) 

3820  Benton  St.,  N.  W.,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. 

Bell   Telephone   Laboratories,    Inc., 

463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
PFEIFF,  C.  (If) 

131-55  229th  St.,  Laurelton,  L.  I., 

N.  Y 
PHATAK,  R.  K.  (A) 

c/o  V.  N.  Ambdekar,  14  Ghatks- 
parwata's  Bldg.,  Mugbhat  Gir- 
gaon,  Bombay,  India. 

PHELPS,  L.  G.  (M) 

Phelps-Films,  Inc.,  27  Harmon  St., 

New  Haven,  Conn. 
PHILIPP,  J.  F.  (A) 

Crosene  Corporation,  52  Vanderbilt 

Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
PHILLIPS,  J.  H.,  JR.  (A) 

1455  Gordon  St.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
PHILLIPPS,  L.  C.  (F) 

Hotel  President,  907  West  2nd  St., 

Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
PINTO,  O.  D.  (A) 

Caixa  Postal  3296,  Rio  de  Janeiro, 


219  Harvard  St.,  Brookline,  Mass. 

Mar.,  1936] 




c/o    Dr.    Silverman,     142    Camden 
Road,  London,  N.  W.  1,  England. 
POHL,  W.  E.  (4) 

Drawer  B,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
PONDE,  D.  B.  (A) 

Roerich  Museum,  Room  605,  103rd 
St.  &  Riverside  Drive,  New  York, 
N.  Y. 
PONTIUS,  R.  B.  (A) 

Jesus  College,  Oxford,  England. 
POOLE,  G.  F.  (A) 
30    McCullough    St.,    Pollocshields, 

Glasgow,  Scotland. 
POPOVICI,  G.  G.  (M) 

2975  Marion  Ave.,  Bronx,  N.  Y. 
PORTER,  G.  C.  (A) 

Box  1,  Wortendyke,  N.  J. 
PORTER,  L.  C.  (F} 

General    Electric    Co.,    Engineering 
Dept.,     Nela     Park,     Cleveland, 
PRATT,  J.  A.  (A) 

Room  932,  Earle  Bldg.,  Washington, 

D.  C. 

PRAUTSCH,  J.  H.  (A) 
Technicolor  Motion  Picture   Corp., 
823   N.   Seward   St.,   Hollywood, 
PREDDEY,  W.  A.  (A) 

187  Golden  Gate  Ave.,  San  Fran- 
cisco, Calif. 
P.    O.    Box    4372,     Chestnut    Hill, 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Royal     Photographic     Society,     35 
Russel  Square,  London,  W.  C.  1, 

Societe  Francaise  de  Photographic, 
Rue  de  Clichy  51,  Paris,  9  erne, 

Deutsche  Kinotechnische,  Gesell- 
schaft,  Stallschreiberstr.  33,  Hog- 
gachtungsvoll,  Berlin,  S.  W.  19, 

PRICE,  A.  F.  (M) 

Bell   Telephone   Laboratories,    Inc., 

463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
PRICE,  G.  W.  (A) 
2406    Montclair    Ave.,     Cleveland, 

PRILIK,  M.  R.  (4) 

2007  Davidson  Ave.,  Bronx,  N.  Y. 
PRINCE,  L.  S.  (4) 

261  Seaman  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Pu,  M.  N.  (A) 

Burmese  Favourite  Co.,  51  Sule 
Pagoda  Road,  Rangoon,  Burma, 

PULLER,  G.  (4) 

32  Park  Ave.,  Port  Washington, 
L.  L,  N.  Y. 

QUICK,  C.  J.  (M) 
49  Vaughan  St.,   Ottawa,   Ontario, 

QUINLAN,  W.  (M} 

Fox  Film  Corp.,  1401  Northwestern 
Ave.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 


M.  Rabinowitz  &  Sons,  Inc.,   1373 

Sixth  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
RACKETT,  G.  F.  (F) 

Drawer     B,      Hollywood     Station, 

Hollywood,  Calif. 
RAMSAYE,  T.  (F) 

Motion  Picture  Herald,  1790  Broad- 
way, New  York,  N.  Y. 
RAMSEY,  R.  W.  (A) 

Carolina      Hotel,      Winston-Salem, 

N.  C. 

RANKIN,  J.  D.  (A) 
Tarkio,  Missouri. 
RASMUSSEN,  R.  T.  (M) 

Beaded    Screen    Corp.,    Roosevelt, 

N.  Y. 
RAVEN,  A.  L.  (M) 

Raven  Screen  Corp.,  147  East  24th 

St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
RAY,  M.  (A) 

1906  Avenue  M,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 



[J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

RAY,  R.  H.  (If) 

Ray-Bell  Films,  Inc.,  2267  Ford  Rd., 

St.  Paul,  Minn. 
RAYTON,  W.  B.  (F) 

Bausch  &  Lomb  Optical  Co.,  Roches- 
ter, N.  Y. 
READ,  E.  A.  (A) 

1128  Clarendon  Ave.,  N.  W.,  Canton, 

REEB,  O.  G.  L.  (M) 

Berlin,  0. 17,  Rotherstr.,  20-23,  Ger- 
REEVES,  A.  (M) 

Hollywood   Motion   Picture   Equip- 
ment  Co.,   Ltd.,   645  N.   Martel 
Ave.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
REICHARD,  E.  H.  (A) 

25  Fulton  St.,  Weehawken,  N.  J. 
REIFSTECK,  C.  N.  (F) 

Engineering    Dept.,     RCA    Manu- 
facturing Co.,  Inc.,  Camden,  N.  J. 
REITH,  A.  J.  (A) 

12  Codman  Hill  Ave.,   Dorchester, 


907     N.     Edinbourgh,     Hollywood, 

RENIER,  A.  H.  (4) 

Renier  Mfg.  Co.,  940  N.  21st  St., 

Milwaukee,  Wisconsin. 
RENKE,  A.  (A) 

45  Horatio  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
RENWICK,  F.  F.  (F) 

Ilford  Limited,  Ilford,  Essex,  Eng- 
REPP,  W.  H.  (M} 

Projection    Optics    Co.,    Inc.,    330 

Lyell  Ave.,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
REYNOLDS,  J.  L.  (M) 

Electrical  Research  Products,  Inc., 
250  West  57th  St.,   New  York, 
N.  Y. 
RICHARD,  A.  J.  (M) 

544  West  43rd  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
RICHARD,  J.  (A) 

Washington  Apartments,  Vancouver, 
B.  C.,  Canada, 


Mole-Richardson,  Inc.,  941  N.  Syca- 
more Ave.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 

3  Tudor  Lane,  Scarsdale,  N.  Y. 

5725   Windsor   Place,    Philadelphia, 

RlCHTER,  A.  (A) 

920  Kelly  St.,  Bronx,  N.  Y. 
RICKARDS,  H.  B.  (A) 

2900  E.  Gd.  Blvd.,  Detroit,  Mich. 
RICKER,  M.  (M) 

United    Research    Corp.,    Burbank, 

RlDGWAY,  D.  W.  (4) 

780  Gower  St.,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
RIES,  P.  D.  (A) 

National   Carbon   Co.,   Inc.,   Room 
1229,  30  East  42nd  St.,  New  York, 
N.  Y. 
RIFKIN,  J.  L.  (M) 

3444  Knox  Place,  Bronx,  N.  Y. 
RILEY,  R.  (A) 

823  Seward  St.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
RINALDY,  E.  S.  (A) 

Chester,  N.  J. 

RlSEWICK,  W.  J.  (A) 

358    Adelaide    St.,    W.,     Toronto, 

Ontario,  Canada. 
RIST,  K.  (A) 

3210  Avenue  P,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
Rizzo,  C.  (A) 

255  N.  13th  St.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
ROBERT,  A.  R.  (4) 

Rambla    de     Cataluna     69,    Barce- 
lona, Spain. 
ROBERTS,  F.  W.  (4) 

1365   E.    14th  St.,   Apartment  3D, 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
ROBILLARD,  P.  M.  (M) 

RCA   Photophone,  Inc.,    411    Fifth 

Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
ROCHOWICZ,  S.  (4) 

Chimielna     29     M.     29,     Warsaw, 

Mar.,  1936] 



ROCK,  J.  B.  (A) 

1228  E.   McMillan  St.,   Cincinnati, 

ROCKVAM,  A.  O.  (A) 

790  Clinton  Ave.,  Newark,  N.  J. 
ROCKWELL,  H.  P.,  JR.  (A) 

Weston  Electrical  Instrument  Corp., 
614  Frelinghuysen  Ave.,  Newark, 

RODWELL,  L.  A.  (4) 

47-17  39th  St.,  Long  Island  City, 
N.  Y. 

ROGALLI,  N.  J.  (A) 

2753  Cruger  Ave.,  1,  Bronx,  N.  Y. 
ROGER,  H.  (A) 

Sandy  Hook,  Conn. 
ROGERS,  F.  B.  (M) 
404  East  55th  St.,  Apt.  15A,  New 

York,  N.  Y. 
ROGERS,  F.  B.  (A) 

404  East  55th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
ROGERS,  J.  E.  (M) 

"Cluny,"  Deacon  Hill  Road,  Elstree 

(Herts),  England. 
ROLAND,  E.  C.  (A) 

Ilex  Optical  Co.,  726  Portland  Ave., 

Rochester,  N.  Y. 
ROLLINS,  F.  S.,  JR.  (A) 

372  W.  250th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
ROSE,  S.  G.  (M) 

527  West    Fourth   St.,    Davenport, 

ROSEMAN,  I.  (M) 

Kodak  A.  G.,  Markgrafenstrasse  7-6, 

Berlin,  Germany. 

H.  E.  R.  Laboratories,  Inc.,  457  West 
46th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 


Zimmerstrasse  35,  Berlin,  S.  W.  68, 

Ross,  A.  (A) 
363  Vincent  Ave.,  Lynbrook,  L.  I., 

N.  Y. 
Ross,  C.  (M) 

Motion  Picture  Lighting  &  Equip- 
ment Co.,  244  West  49th  St., 
New  York,  N.  Y. 

Ross,  C.  H.  (A) 

6508     80th  Ave.,   Glendale,   L.   I., 

N.  Y. 
Ross,  E.  (M) 

United    Research    Corp.,    Burbank, 

Ross,  O.  A.  (M) 

198  Broadway,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Rossi,  P.  (A) 

Piazza  Rondini  48,  Rome,  Italy. 
ROSSITER,  D.  R.  (M) 

442  North  Illinois  St.,  Indianapolis, 

ROUSE,  J.  J.  (M) 

Kodak  Australasia  Pty.,  Ltd.,   379 
George   St.,   Sydney,    N.   S.    W., 
ROWSON,  S.  (F) 

62  Shaftesbury  Ave.,  London,  W.  1, 

RUBIN,  H.  (F) 

Paramount  Publix  Corp.,  Paramount 

Bldg.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
RUBLY,  H.  C.  (A) 

890    Ridgewood    Road,     Millburn, 

RUDOLPH,  W.  F.  (M) 

Paramount  Productions,  Inc.,  5451 

Marathon  St.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
RUOT,  M.  (F) 

Kodak,    Ltd.,    Kingsway,    London, 

E.  C.  2,  England. 
RUSSELL,  K.  B.  (A) 

3632  Detroit  Ave.,  Toledo,  Ohio. 
RUSSELL,  W.  F.  (M) 

Hall  &  Connolly,  Inc.,  24  Van  Dam 

St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
RUTH,  C.  E.  (A) 

282  W.  Palm  St.,  Altadena,  Calif. 


Roosevelt  Hotel,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
RYAN,  H.  (A) 

8053  S.  Paulina  St.,  Auburn  Park 

Sta.,  Chicago,  111. 
RYDER,  L.  L.  (M} 

Paramount      Publix      Corp.,      5451 
Marathon  St.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 


RCA  Manufacturing  Co.,  Inc.,  Bldg. 

5,  Room  308,  Camden,  N.  J. 
SAEKI,  R.  E.  (A) 

22  Kuritaya,  Kanagawa-Ku,  Yoko- 
hama, Japan. 
SAILLIARD,  J.  H.  (A) 

Bell   Telephone   Laboratories,    Inc., 

463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
SALVING,  S.  (A) 

2070  East  22nd  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
SAMUELS,  I.  (M) 

Automatic  Devices  Co.,  737  Hamil- 
ton St.,  Allentown,  Pa. 
SANDSTONE,  J.  (^4) 

Ford  Hotel,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 
SANDVIK,  O.  (F) 

Research  Laboratory,  Eastman  Ko- 
dak Co.,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
SANTEE,  H.  B.  (F) 

Electrical  Research  Products,   Inc., 
250  West   57th  St.,   New  York, 
N.  Y. 
SARGENT,  R.  (A) 

Automatic  Film  Laboratories,  Ltd., 
513    Dowling    St.,    Moore    Park, 
Sydney,  Australia. 
SATTAN,  G.  D.  (A) 

125       Terrace      Ave.,      Hasbrouck 

Heights,  N.  J. 

1023  S.  Wabash  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 
SAVINA,  J.  F.  (A) 

7  Jay  St.,  Cambridge,  Mass. 
SAWYER,  J.  W.  (^4) 

14  Groveland  Ave.,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 
SCANLON,  E.  J.  (A) 

40x/2  Lyman  St.,  Holyoke,  Mass. 
SCARLETT,  J.  J.  Y.  (A) 

West    Buttlands,    Woodside    Road, 
Beaconfields  (Bucks),  England. 

SCHABBEHAR,  E.  A.  (4) 

358  Village  Ave.,  Rockville  Centre, 

N.  Y. 

SCHAEFER,  J.  M.   (M) 

Balaban  &  Katz  Theaters,  408  N. 
Ashland  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

SCHAEFFER,  F.  H.  (A) 

De  Luxe  Laboratories,  Inc.,  441  West 
55th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

SCHARMANN,  P.  G.  (A) 

1181  Broadway,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
SCHEIBELL,  G.  B.  (4) 

Wired  Radio,  Inc.,  Ampere,  N.  J. 


67  West  44th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
SCHMID,  F.  (M) 

C.  P.  Goerz  American  Optical  Co., 
317    East   34th    St.,    New   York, 
N.  Y. 
SCHMIDT,  W.  A.  (F) 

Agfa     Ansco     Corp.,     Binghamton, 

N.  Y. 
SCHMIDT,  W.  E.  (A) 

Ritz  Theater,  Scranton,  Pa. 
SCHMINKEY,  H.  K.  (A) 

821      Wellington     St.,      Baltimore, 

SCHMITZ,  E.  C.  (M) 

Kodak  Co.,  39  Avenue  Montaigne, 

Paris,  France. 
SCHMITZ,  W.  J.  (A) 

61  Oakdale  Blvd.,  Royal  Oak.  Mich. 
SCHOTOFER,  C.  H.  (A) 

836  North  34th  St.,  Camden,  N.  J. 
SCHROTT,  P.  R.  von  (A) 

Getreidemarkt,  9,  Vienna,  IV,  Aus- 


34-14  Parsons  Blvd.,  Flushing,  L.  I., 

N.  Y. 
SCOTT,  D.  W.  (M) 

52  Clark  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
SCOTT,  W.  B.  (A) 

National  Carbon  Co.,  Inc.,  Carbon 
Sales    Division,    2118    Carbide   & 
Carbon  Bldg.,  Chicago,  111. 
SCRIVEN,  E.  O.  (F) 

Bell   Telephone    Laboratories,    Inc., 

463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
SEASE,  V.  B.  (F) 

Parlin,  N.  J. 
SEIFFERT,  S.  A.  (^4) 

P.  O.  Box  65,  Easton,  Pa. 

Mar.,  1936] 




Moviola     Co.,     1451     Gordan    St., 

Hollywood,  Calif. 
SHAFER,  L.  J.  (.4) 

703  Finance  Bldg..  Cleveland,  Ohio. 

147  Cooper  St.,  Peoria,  111. 

Prabhat  Film  Co.,  Prabhat  Kagar, 

Poona,  India. 
SHAPIRO,  A.  (Af) 

Ampro    Corporation,    2839-51    No. 

Western  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 
SHEA,  T.  E.  (F) 

Bell   Telephone    Laboratories,    Inc., 

463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
SHEARER,  B.  F.  (A) 

2318  2nd  Ave.,  Seattle,  Wash. 
SHEPPARD,  S.  E.  (F) 

Eastman  Kodak  Co.,  Kodak  Park, 

Rochester,  N.  Y. 
SHIELDS,  W.  B.  (A) 

War    Dept.,    Signal    Corps.,    Photo- 
graphic   Lab.,     The    Army    War 
College,  Washington,  D.  C. 

1128    Higashi    2-Chome,    Magome- 

machi,  Omoriku,  Tokyo,  Japan. 
SHIRAS,  A.  (A) 

4841  Ellsworth  Ave.,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
SHIRODKAR,  G.  N.  (^4) 

Hardoli  House,  Hindu  Colony,  Da- 

dar,  Bombay,  India. 

1665  Morris  Ave.,  Bronx,  N.  Y. 
SHORNEY,  C.  R.  (A) 

59   Grenadier   Road,    Toronto,    On- 
tario, Canada. 
SHOTWELL,  H.  H.  (A} 

1008  South  Boulevard,  Greenwood, 

SHULTZ,  E.  P  (A) 

1016    No.    Sycamore    Ave.,    Holly- 
wood, Calif. 
SIEGEL,  J.  (A) 

1522  N.  Maraposa  St.,  Hollywood, 

SIGNOR,  G.  H.  (A) 

101  Palmer  Ave.,  Kenmore,  N.  Y. 
SILENT,  H.  C.  (F) 

Electrical  Research   Products,   Inc., 
7048    Hollywood     Blvd.,     Holly- 
wood, Calif. 
SINCLAIR,  A.  T.  (A) 

RCA     Photophone,     Ltd.,     Electra 
House,     Victoria     Embankment, 
London,  W.  C.  2,  England. 
SKINNER,  C.  R.  (A) 

290  Turk  St.,  San  Francisco,  Calif. 
SKITTRELL,  J.  G.  (M) 

Olympic     Kinematograph     Labora- 
tory, School  Road,  London,  W.  10. 
SLY,  E.  C.  (M) 

627    First    Ave.,    N.    Minneapolis, 

SMACK,  J.  C.  (A) 

S.  S.  White  Dental  Mfg.  Co.,   152 

West  42nd  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
SMITH,  A.  C.  (A) 

Cinesound     Productions,     Ltd.,     65 
Elbley  St.,  Waverley,  N.  S.   W., 
SMITH,  F.  (A) 

1346  Clay  Ave.,  Bronx,  N.  Y. 
SMITH,  H.  B.  (M) 

42    Cooper    St.,    West    Springfield, 

SMITH,  I.  (A) 

147    Columbia    Road,     Dorchester, 

SMITH,  J.  E.  (M) 

P.  O.  Box  3046,  Washington,  D.  C. 
SMITH,  J.  W.  W.  (A) 

Ilford,    Ltd.,    Cine    Service    Dept., 
National     House,    Wardour    St., 
London,  W.  1,  England. 
SMITH,  K.  R.  (A) 

272  Frances  St.,  Teaneck,  N.  J. 
SMITH,  R.  A.  (A) 

635  No.  7th  St.,  Milwaukee,  Wis. 
SMOLINSKJ,  B.  P.  (A) 

6206   Winans    Drive,    Los    Angeles, 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

SOHONI,  B.  A.  (Af) 

Deccan     Electric,     931     Sadashiv, 

Poona  2,  India. 
Soi,  B.  M.  (A) 

22  Darya  Ganj,  Delhi,  India. 

SOLOW,  S.  P.  (A) 

2720    Hudson   Blvd.,    Jersey    City, 

SONTAGH,  J.  R.  (A) 

178  Yale  Road,  Audubon,  N.  J. 
SOPER,  W.  E.  (A) 

P.  O.  Box  245,  Ottawa,  Canada. 
SPACE,  K.  F.  (A) 

111    de    Russey    St.,    Binghamton, 

N.  Y. 
SPAIN,  C.  J.  (M) 

Electrical  Research  Products,  Inc., 
7046    Hollywood     Blvd.,     Holly- 
wood, Calif. 
SPARKS,  F.  (A) 

Amalgamated  Theaters,  Ltd.,  Queen 
St.,    Auckland,    Cl.,    New    Zea- 
SPENCE,  J.  L.,  JR.  (F) 

Akeley  Camera,  Inc.,  175  Varick  St., 
New  York,  N.  Y. 

SPONABLE,  E.  I.  (F) 
277    Park    Ave.,    Apartment    2W, 

New  York,  N.  Y. 
SPRADLING,  J.  W.  (A) 

Box  282,  Burt,  Iowa. 
SPRAGUE,  A.  (A) 

Regent    Theater    Apts.,    Main    St., 
St.  John,  New  Brunswick,   Can- 
SPRAY,  J.  H.  (F) 

Ace  Film  Laboratories,  Inc.,  1277  E. 

14th  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
STAFFORD,  J.  W.  (A) 

10317  Rossbury  Place,  Los  Angeles, 


Eastman  Kodak  Co.,  Kodak  Park, 
Rochester,  N.  Y. 

STECHBART,  B.  E.  (F) 

Bell  &  Howell  Co.,  1801  Larchmont 

Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 
STEDEROTH,  F.  F.  (A) 

41     Watessing     Ave.,     Bloomfield, 

STEED,  R.  C.,  JR.  (A) 

Nuhaka,  Gisborne,  New  Zealand. 
STEELE,  L.  L.  (M) 

S.  M.  Chemical  Co.,  514  West  57th 

St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
STEELY,  J.  D.  (A) 

801  Third  St.,  Marietta,  Ohio. 
STEINER,  R.  (4) 

51     West     10th    St.,    New    York, 

N.  Y. 
STEINER,  W.  J.  F.  (A) 

4     Villa      Eugene-Manuel,      Paris, 

STEINHOF,  E.  G.  (M} 

145  W.  55th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

23  Cooley  Place,  Mt.  Vernon,  N.  Y. 
STODTER,  C.  S.  (M) 

War    Dept.,    Signal    Corps    Photo- 
graphic   Lab.,    Fort    Humphries, 
D.  C. 
STOLLER,  H.  M.  (F) 

Bell   Telephone   Laboratories,    Inc., 

463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
STONE,  C.  H.  (M) 

Suite  1020,  205  W.  Wacker  Drive, 

Chicago,  111. 
STONE,  J.  H.  (A) 

31    Reid    Ave.,    Port    Washington, 


STONE,  W.  P.  (A) 
Asheboro,  N.  C. 
STORTY,  F.  J.  (4) 

Loew's  Palace  Theater,  Washington, 

D.  C. 
STRETCH,  A.  T.,  JR.  (4) 

207  Academy  St.,  Trenton,  N.  J. 
STRICKLER,  J.  F.  (M} 

2900    East    Grand    Blvd.,    Detroit, 

Mar.,  1936] 




226  Millwood  Rd.,  Toronto,  Ontario, 

STROCK,  R.  O.  (M) 

Eastern  Service  Studios,  Inc.,  35-11 

:;:>th  Ave.,  Astoria,  L.  I.,  N.  Y. 
STRONG,  H.  H.  (F) 

Strong  Electric  Co.,  2501  LaGrange 

St.,  Toledo,  Ohio. 
STRUSS,  K.  (F) 

1343    North    Orange    Grove    Ave., 

Hollywood,  Calif. 
STUBBS,  J.  A.  (4) 

2343  9th  St.,  Boulder,  Colo. 

10th  &  Allegheny  Ave.,  Philadelphia, 

SUBEDAR,  P.  C.  (A) 

168  Vincent  Road,  Dadar,  Bombay, 

14,  India. 
SUGIURA,  R.  (Jlf) 

H.  Konishi   &   Co.,    18   Honcho  2- 
Chome,    Nihonbashi-Ku,    Tokyo, 
SUMNER,  S.  (M) 

1434     Massachusetts     Ave.,     Cam- 
bridge, Mass. 
SUNDE,  H.  E.  (A) 

RCA  Manufacturing  Co.,  Inc.,  Bldg. 

2,  Floor  41,  Camden,  N.  J. 
SUTARIA,  S.  F.  (A) 

Lalit  Kunj,  Amboli  Road,  Andheri, 

SWARTZ,  E.  M.  (M) 

Keystone    Mfg.    Co.,    228    A    St., 

Boston,  Mass. 
SWETT,  W.  C.  (M) 

705     Hollywood     Security     Bldg., 

Hollywood,  Calif. 
SWIST,  T.  P.  (A) 

306  Lowell  St.,  Manchester,  N.  H. 

TALWAR,  R.  C.  (A) 

500  Riverside  Drive,  New  York,  N. Y. 
TAMAMURA,  K.  (.4) 

7  ligura  Katamachi,  Azabu-Ku, 
Tokyo,  Japan. 

TANAKA,  E.  (A) 

Katamachi  Omuro,  Ukyoku,  Kyoto, 

TANN,  W.  L.  (4) 

3420    89th    St.,    Jackson    Heights, 

N.  Y. 
TANNBY,  J.  A.  (M) 

Sales  on  Sound  Corp.,  1600  Broad- 
way, New  York,  N.  Y. 
TAPLIN,  J.  (A) 

4  Tappan  Road,  Wellesley,  Mass. 
TASKER,  H.  G.  (F) 

United    Research    Corp.,    Burbank, 


1737  N.  Campbell  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 
TEITEL,  A.  (A) 

Protecto  Films,  Inc.,  105  West  40th 

St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Western    Electric     Co.     of    Spain. 
Plaze  de  Catalun    22,  Barcelona, 
TENDULKAR,  H.  D.  (M) 

25  Bhan   Daji   Bhwan   Bhan   Daji 
Road,     Matunga,     Bombay,     19, 
TERPENING,  L.  H.  (M) 

224  East  23rd  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

c/o  George  Humphries  &  Co.,  71-77 
Whitfield    St.,    London,    W.     1, 
TERRY,  R.  V.  (Af) 

Bell   Telephone   Laboratories,   Inc., 

463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
TETZLAFF,  E.  F.  (4) 

4  Shady  Way,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
THALLMAYER,  H.  J.  (4) 

Kreindlgasse  17,  Vienna,  XIX,  Aus- 
THAYER,  W.  L.  (A) 

Paramount  Publix  Corp.,  5451  Mara- 
thon St.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 
THEISEN,  W.  E.  (M) 

8649  Lookout  Mt.  Rd.,  Los  Angeles 



[J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

THEREMIN,  W.  (.4) 

Ste   Lianofilm,    12   Rue    Danicourt, 

Malakoff,  Seine,  France. 
THOMAS,  A.  R.  (A) 

Princess  Theater,  Shelbyville,  Tenn. 
THOMAS,  J.  L.  (A) 

13360  Lauder  Ave.,  Detroit,  Mich. 
THOMAS,  W.  F.  (A) 

352    Drexel    Ave.,    South,    Detroit, 

THOMPSON,  F.  B.  (A) 

1611  N.  Sierra  Bonita  Ave.,  Holly- 
wood, Calif. 

B.  M.  A.  Bldg.,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 
THOMPSON,  V.  E.  (A) 

1016  North  Cole  Ave.,  Los  Angeles, 

THOMPSON,  W.  S.  (A) 

c/o    The    Vitaphone     Corp.,     1277 

E.  14th  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.Y. 
TICKNER,  A.  J.  (A) 

452  N.  Los  Robles  Ave.,  Pasadena, 

TIMMER,  A.  L.  (A) 

Leeuweriklaan  5,   Eindhoven,    Hol- 
TIZIAN,  S.  L.  (A) 

282  Cypress  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
TORNEY,  R.  G.  (A) 

218  Sadashiv  Peth,  Poona,   No.  2, 

TORNOVSKY,  I.  M.  (^4) 

RCA  Victor  Co.  of  China,  P.  O.  Box 

1802,  Shanghai,  China. 
TOTH,  A.  F.  (A) 

1628  First  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
TOUZE,  G.  (M) 

Pathe  Pictures,  Ltd.,  103  Wardour 

St.,  London,  W.  1,  England. 
TOWNSEND,  L.  M.  (A) 

125    Merchants    Road,    Rochester, 

TREACY,  C.  S.  (A) 

United    Research    Corp.,    Burbank, 


Via  Ardea  11,  Rome,  Italy. 

TRIMBLE,  L.  S.  (A) 

5301  West  Blvd.,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 

1059  Briar  Way,  Palisade,  N.  J. 

60       Misono-Machi,      Kamata-Ku, 

Tokyo,  Japan. 
TUCK,  F.  A.  (M) 

111  Kingshill  Ave.,  Kenton  Harrow, 
Middlesex,  England. 

TUCKERMAN,  L.  P.  (A) 

3518  Farragut  Rd.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
TULPAN,  S.  (.4) 

H.  E.  R.  Laboratories,  Inc.,  437  West 

46th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
TURNBULL,  A.  D.  (M) 

Northern   Electric   Co.,   Ltd.,    1261 

Shearer  St.,  Montreal,  Canada. 
TURVEY,  C.  F.  (A) 

3173  18th  St.,  N.  W.,  Washington, 

D.  C. 
TUTTLE,  C.  M.  (F) 

Research  Laboratory,  Eastman  Ko- 
dak Co.,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
TUTTLE,  H.  B.  (M) 

Eastman  Kodak  Co.,  343  State  St., 

Rochester,  N.  Y. 
TYLER,  K.  (A) 

1217      Newkirk      Ave.,      Flatbush, 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

UNDERBILL,  C.  R.,  JR.  (^4) 

708  2nd  Ave.,  Westmont,  Johnstown. 

UNDERBILL,  J.  L.  (M) 

R.  C.  A.  Photophone,  Ltd.,  Film 
House,  Wardour  St.,  London, 

VALLEN,  E.  J.  (A) 

225  Bluff  St.,  Akron,  Ohio. 

Philips  Cine  Sonor,  Inc.,  Eindhoven. 

VAN  VLEET,  F.  S.  (A) 

1217  Grant  Ave.,  York,  Nebr 

Mar.,  1936] 



VAUGHAN,  R.  (M) 

Filtncraft  Laboratories,  35-39  Mis- 
senden   Rd.,    Camperdown,    Syd- 
ney, Australia. 
VENARD,  C.  L.  (A) 

702  S.  Adams  St.,  Peoria,  111. 
VERLINSKY,  V.  (4) 

Amkino   Corp.,   723   Seventh   Ave., 

New  York,  N.  Y. 
VICTOR,  A.  F.  (F) 

Victor  Animatograph  Co.,  242  West 

55th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
VIETH,  L.  (A) 

Bell    Telephone    Laboratories,    Inc., 

463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
VINSEN,  S.  E.  (A) 

25  Bourke  St.,  Kilbirnie,  Wellington, 

New  Zealand. 
VOLCK,  A.  G.  (M) 

9441    Wilshire    Boulevard,    Beverly 

Hills,  Calif. 
VOLF,  C.  A.  (A) 

48  West  48th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

WADDELL,  J.  H.  (A) 

18  Curtiss  Place,  New  Brunswick, 


Kromocolor,  Inc.,  Hackensack  P.O., 

New  Jersey. 
WADE,  F.  H.  (A) 

537  59th  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
WAGNER,  B.  (A) 

856  South  16th  St.,  Newark,  N.  J. 
WAGNER,  V.  C.  (A) 

908    North    4th    Ave.,     Knoxviile, 

WALL,;.  M.  (F) 

J.  M.  Wall  Machine  Co.,  101  Court 

St.,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 
WALL,  W.  I.  (A) 

309  West  109th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
WALLER,  F.  (M) 

R.  F.  D.  3,  Huntington,  L.  I.,  N.  Y. 
WALTER,  H.  L.  (A) 

Bell   Telephone   Laboratories,    Inc., 
463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

WALTERS,  H.  (A) 

136  N.  Windsor  Ave.,  Atlantic  City, 

WARD,  E.  J.  (M) 

553  Denise  Road,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
WARD,  J.  S.  (F) 

Electrical  Research   Products,   Inc., 
250   West   57th   St.,    New   York, 
N.  Y. 

Taylor,  Taylor  &  Hobson,  Strough- 

ton  St.,  Leicester,  England. 

Aktiengesellschaft  Fur  Film  Fabrika- 
tion,  Victoria-Strasse  13-18,  Ber- 
lin-Tempelhof,  Germany. 
WATKINS,  R.  H.  (A) 

P.  O.  Box  233,  Winona,  Minn. 
WATKINS,  S.  S.  A.  (F) 

Western  Electric  Co.,  Bush  House, 
Aldwych,     London,     W.     C.     2, 
WATSON,  E.  M.  (A) 

Lamp     Development     Laboratories, 
General  Electric  Co.,  Nela  Park, 
Cleveland,  Ohio. 
WATSON,  J.  S.,  JR.  (F) 

6  Sibley  Place,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
WEBER,  C.  M.  (F) 

Weber   Machine    Corp.,    55   Bengal 

Terrace,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
WEBBER,  A.  C.  (A) 

"Devonia"     1,    Addiscombe    Close, 

Kenton,  Middlesex,  England. 
WEIL,  N.  (A) 

P.  O.  Box  1472,  Atlanta,  Ga. 
WELMAN,  V.  A.  (M) 

207  Finance  Bldg.,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 
WENTE,  E.  C.  (F) 

Bell   Telephone   Laboratories,    Inc., 

463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
WENZ,  A.  (A) 

1305    Dorchester    Road,    Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 
WENZEL,  M.  (A) 

2509  So.  State  St.,  Chicago,  111. 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

WERNLEIN,  C.  E.  (4) 

United    Research    Corp.,    Burbank, 

WEST,  A.  B.  (A) 

21  Oak  St.,  Lexington,  Mass. 

721  So.   Genesee  St.,  Los  Angeles, 

WESTON,  J.  C.  (A) 

66-20  53rd  Ave.,   Maspeth,   L.   I., 

N.  Y. 

Research  Laboratories,  Eastman  Ko- 
dak Co.,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
WHEELER,  E.  A.  (A) 

116  Clifford  St.,  Gisborne,  New  Zea- 
WHEELER,  W.  L.  (4) 

Tokomaru  Bay,  New  Zealand. 
WHITE,  D.  R.  (F) 

Redpath  Laboratory,  Dupont  Film 

Mfg.  Corp.,  Parlin,  N.  J. 

Western  Electric  Co.,  195  Broadway, 

New  York,  N.  Y. 
WIDDOWS,  C.  G.  (4) 

20     Malthouse     Sq.,     Beaconsfield, 

Bucks,  England. 
WIGGIN,  L.  J.  (A) 

38-35    208th    St.,    Bayside,    L.    I., 

N.  Y. 
WILD,  G.  (M) 

2    Place    Jean  -  Baptiste  -  Clement, 

Paris,  18E,  France. 
WILD,  S.  J.  (A) 

545    Valle    Vista    Ave.,     Oakland, 

WILDING,  W.  A.  (A) 

398  East  Avenue,  Pawtucket,  R.  I. 
WILDUNG,  F.  H.  (If) 

708  Butternut  St.,  N.  W.,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. 
WILLARD,  T.  W.  (A) 

130     W.     46th     St.,     New    York, 

N.  Y. 
WILLIAMS,  A.  T.  (M) 

Weston  Electrical  Instrument  Corp., 
Frelinghuysen  Ave.,  Newark,  N.  J. 

WILLIAMS,  G.  A.  (A) 

21  Linden  Gardens,  London  W.  2 

WILLIAMS,  S.  B.  (4) 

366      Clermont      Ave.,      Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 
WILLIAMSON,  T.  H.  (4) 

18  Priory  Court,  West  Hampstead, 

London,  N.  W.  6,  England. 
WILLIFORD,  E.  A.  (/O 

National   Carbon   Co.,   Inc.,   30   E. 

42nd  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
WILLIS,  F.  C.  (M) 

Passaic      Ave.,      RFD,      Caldwell, 
N.  J. 

WlLLMAN,  R.  C.  (M) 

RCA  Manufacturing  Co.,  Inc.,  Cam- 
den,  N.  J. 
WILMOT,  H.  T.  (A) 

c/o     Edwin     Carewe     Productions, 
1040  No.  Las  Palmas,  Hollywood, 
WILSON,  C.  K.  (M) 

The  Vitaphone  Corp.,  1277  East  14th 

St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
WILSON,  S.  K.  (A) 

12  Whitehall  Rd.,  Harrow,  Middle- 
sex, England. 

WlNKELMAN,  H.  (A) 

1233    Wheeling    Ave.,     Zanesville, 

WlNKLER,  F.  W.  (A) 

Box  757,  Massapequa,  Long  Island, 

N.  Y. 
WINN,  C.  B.,  JR.  (A) 

421  East  J  St.,  Ontario,  Calif. 

WlNTERMAN,  C.  (M) 

Topical     Films     Co.,     Ltd.,     Brent 
Laboratories,  No.  Circular  Road, 
London,  N.  W.  2,  England. 
WISE,  A.  G.  (M) 

8970  West   24th   St.,   Los  Angeles, 

WlSSMANN,  J.  (.4) 

Rockland    Ave.,    New    Springville, 

S.  I.,  N.  Y. 
WITT,  E.  H.  (A) 

355  E.  197th  St.,  Euclid,  Ohio. 

Mar.,  1936] 



WJTTELS,  J.  M.  (A) 

2222     Harriet     Ave.,     Minneapolis, 


WOLCOTT,  E.  A.  (M) 
2065V4  Hillhurst  Ave.,  Hollywood, 

WOLF,  S.  K.  (F) 

Electrical  Research  Products,  Inc., 
250  West  57th  St.,   New  York, 
N.  Y. 
WOLFE,  W.  V.  (A) 

304  S.   Canon   Dr.,   Beverly   Hills, 

WOLFERZ.  A.  H.  (M) 

Weston  Electric  Instrument  Corp., 
614  Frelinghuysen  Ave.,  Newark, 
WOLFF,  E.  H.  (A) 

17,     Audley    Road,     Hauger     Hill, 

Baling,  London,  W.  5,  England. 
WONG,  H.  S.  (.4) 

P.  O.  Box  1931,  Shanghai,  China. 
WONG,  T.  (A) 

Eastman    Kodak    Co.,     185    Yuen 
Ming  Yuen  Rd.,  Shanghai,  China. 
WOOD,  E.  W.  (A} 

15    34th  St.,  Woodcliff,  N.  J. 
WOOD,  W.  H.  (A) 

522  E.  14th  St.,  Bartlesville,  Okla- 
WOODWARD,  E.  K.,  JR.  (A) 

New    Palama    Theater,    Honolulu, 

WORRALL,  G.  H.  (A) 

Mitchell    Camera    Corp.,    665    N. 
Robertson  Blvd.,  West  Hollywood, 
WORSTELL,  R.  E.  (A) 

General    Electric    Co.,    Engineering 
Dept.,     Nela     Park,     Cleveland, 
WRATTEN,  I.  D.  (F) 

Kodak,    Ltd.,    Kingsway,    London, 

WRIGHT,  A.  (4) 

Palais    Pictures,    St.    Kilda    S.    2, 
Melbourne,  Australia. 

WUTKE,  L.  M.  (A) 

1938   Victoria   Ave.,    Los   Angeles, 

WYATT,  C.  (A) 

Portia  St.,  Stratford,  N.  Z. 
WYND,  C.  L.  A.  (M) 

Eastman  Kodak  Co.,  Kodak  Park, 
Rochester,  N.  Y. 

YAGER,  H.  B.  (M) 

61  Morton  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
YAHR,  M.  J.  (A) 

108  Richey  Ave.,  W.  Collingswood, 

YASUI,  S.  (A) 

Katabiragaoka    Uzamasa    Ukyoku, 

Kyota,  Japan. 
YECK,  F.  A.  (A) 

17  Howard  Place,  Jersey  City,  N.  J. 
YESENSKIY,  A.  P.  (A) 

V.  J. — IF  Naval  Air  Station,  San 

Diego,  Calif. 
YOUNG,  H.  A.  (A) 

818  55th  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
YOUNG,  M.  G.  (A) 

6511  Willoughby  Ave.,  Hollywood, 

YOUNGER,  C.  A.  (A) 

107  Ravenhurst  Ave.,  Staten  Island, 
N.  Y. 

ZANETTI,  E.  (4) 

355  West  34th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
ZATORSKY,  E.  F.  (4) 

Seward  Hotel,  Seward  Ave.,  Detroit, 

ZAUGG,  A.  (A) 

1830  Ridgeley  Drive,  Los  Angeles, 

ZELONY,  E.  M.  (M) 

220  West  42nd  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
ZEPPELIN,  H.  V.  (A) 

Western     Electric     Co.     of     Spain, 
Plaza  de  Cataluna  22,  Barcelona, 
ZERK,  O.  U.  (M) 

3206  Palmolive  Bldg.,  Chicago,  111. 

322                                     LIST  OF  MEMBERS 

ZlEBARTH,  C.  A.  (Af)  ZUBER,  J.  G.  (M) 

1801  Larchmont  Ave.,  Chicago,  111.  Bell  &  Howell  Co.,  1801  Larchmont 

ZIPSER,  S.  (A)  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

1019  Farnam  St.,  Los  Angeles,  Calif.  ZUMAR,  A.  B.  (4) 

ZOELTSCH,  W.  F.  (A)  178    Goulburn    Ave.,    Ottawa,    On- 

921    Bergenline   Ave.,    Union    City,  tario,  Canada. 

(Arranged  geographically) 


KING,  P.  A.  U) 


AALBERG,  J.  O.  (M) 
ALBECKER,  C.  A.  (A) 
ALBIN,  F.  G.  (A) 
ALLER,  J.  (M) 
AMES,  M.  H.  (A) 
ATKINSON,  R.  B.  (A) 
BALL,  J.  A.  (F) 
BARKELEW,  J.  T.  (A) 
BAUER,  E.  L.  (A) 
BERG,  B.  (A) 
BEST,  G.  M.  (A) 
BLINN,  A.  F.  (A) 
BORGESON,  L.  G.  (A) 
BROCKWAY,  W.  W.  (M) 
BROWN,  J.  C.  (M) 
BROWN,  vS.  D.  (A) 
BURCHETT,  C.  W.  (M) 
BUSICK,  D.  W.  (M) 
BUSSELL,  E.  J.  04) 
CARLSON,  A.  (^4) 
CARPENTER,  A.  W.  (A) 
CAVE,  G.  A.  (M) 
CAVE,  R.  T.  (A) 
CECCARINI,  O.  O.  (M) 
CHAMBERS,  G.  A.  (M) 
CHASE,  L.  W.  (A ) 
CLARK,  L.  E.  (M) 
CLEVELAND,  H.  B.  (A) 


COLE,  F.  H.,  JR.  (A) 
COLEMAN,  E.  W.  (A) 
COURCIER,  J.  L.  (M) 
CRANE,  J.  E.  (A) 
DAVIDGE,  L.  C.  (F) 

DEMOS,  G.  (A ) 
DENK,  J.  M.  (A) 
DENSMORE,  R.  E.  (A ) 
DETMERS,  F.  H.  (A ) 
DOIRON,  A.  L.  (A ) 
DREHER,  C.  (F) 
DUBRAY,  J.  A.  (F) 
DUNNING,  C.  H.  (F) 
DURST,  J.  A.  (A) 
EDOUART,  A.  F.  (M) 
EICH,  F.  L.  (A) 
ELLISON,  M.  (M) 
FARRAND,  C.  L.  (F) 
FLACK,  F.  (M) 
FOREMAN,  S.  (A) 
FRAYNE,  J.  G.  (F) 
FREUND,  K.  (A) 
GEORGE,  H.  H.  (A) 
GIBSON,  G.  H.  (A ) 

GOLDFARB,  H.    (M) 

GOSHAW,  I.  R.  (M) 
GRIFFITH,  L.  M.  (M) 
GROTE,  W.  G.  (A) 
GUERRERO,  E.  S.  (M) 

GUNDELFINGER,  A.   M.    ( 

HANDLEY,  C.  W.  (M) 
HANSEN,  E.  H.  (M) 
HARCUS,  W.  C.  (M) 
HARPER,  E.  R.  (M) 
HARVEY,  A.  E.  (A) 
HEACOCK,  F.  C.  (A) 
HENSMAN,  H.  G.  (A) 
HOCH,  W.  C.  (A) 




[J.  S.  M.  p.  E. 

HOFFMAN,  L.  B.  (M) 
HUSE,  E.  (F) 
INGMAN,  T.  M.  (M ) 
JAMES,  F.  E.  (If) 
JONES,  L.  G.  (A) 
KALMUS,  H.  T.  (F) 

KlENNINGER,  J.  F.  (M) 
KlMBALL,  H.  R.  (M} 

LAMBERT,  K.  B.  (F) 
LANE,  A.  L.  (M) 
LARSEN.  P.  J.  (F) 
LENTZ,  H.  R.  (4) 
LESHING,  M.  S.  (F) 
LEWIS,  W.  W.  (A) 

LlNDERMAN,  R.  G.   (M) 
LlVADARY,  J.  P.  04) 

LUCID,  F.  J.,  JR.  (A) 

LUDLAM,  J.  M.  (A) 

MAAS,  A.  R.  (A) 
MACLEOD,  K.  A.  (A) 

McCROSKEY,  H.  E.  (M) 

MEYER,  H.  (F} 
MILLER,  R.  P.  (A) 
MILLER,  V.  E.  (A) 
MILLER,  W.  C.  (F) 
MITCHELL,  G.  A.  (F) 
MITCHELL,  G.  S.  (M ) 
MOLE,  P.  (F) 
MOLS,  P.  M.  (A) 
MORGAN,  K.  F.  (F) 
MOYSE,  H.  W.  (F) 
MUELLER,  W.  A.  (M ) 

NlCKOLAUS,  J.  M.  (F) 

NIELSEN,  J.  F.  (A) 
OLMSTEAD,  L.  B.  (^4) 
OSTER,  E.  (4) 
OWNBY,  L.  C.  (A) 
PADEN,  C.  E.  (A) 
PHILLIPS,  J.  H.,  JR.  (A) 
PHILLIPPS,  L.  C.  (F) 
POHL,  W.  E.  (A) 
PRAUTSCH,  J.  H.  (A) 
PREDDEY,  W.  A.  04) 
QUINLAN,  W.  (Af) 

RACKETT,  G.  F.  (F) 
REEVES,  A.  (M) 
RICKER,  M.  (M) 
RIDGWAY,  D.  W.  (A) 

RlLEY,  R.  (A) 

Ross,  E.  (M) 
RUDOLPH,  W.  F.  (M) 
RUTH,  C.  E.  (A) 


RYDER,  L.  L.  (If) 
SHULTZ,  E.  P.  (4) 
SIEGEL,  J.  04) 
SILENT,  H.  C.  (F) 
SKINNER,  C.  R.  04) 
SMOLINSKI,  B.  P.  04) 
SPAIN,  C.  J.  (M} 
STAFFORD,  J.  W.  (A ) 
STRUSS,  K.  (F) 
SWETT,  W.  C.  (M) 
TASKER,  H.  G.  (F) 
THAYER,  W.  L.  04) 
THEISEN,  W.  E.  (Jf) 
THOMPSON,  F.  B.  04) 
THOMPSON,  V.  E.  04) 
TICKNER,  A.  J.  04) 
TREACY,  C.  S.  (A) 
TRIMBLE,  L.  S.  04) 
VOLCK,  A.  G.  (M) 
WERNLEIN,  C.  E.  04) 
WILD,  S.  J.  04) 
WILMOT,  H.  T.  (A) 
WINN,  C.  B.,  JR.  (A) 
WISE,  A.  G.  (M) 
WOLCOTT,  E.  A.  (Jf) 
WOLFE,  W.  V.  (4) 

WORRALL,  G.  H.  (A) 

WUTKE,  L.  M.  (A) 
YESENSKIY,  A.  P.  (^4) 
YOUNG,  M.  G.  (A) 
ZAUGG,  A.  04) 
ZIPSER,  S.  04) 

ALEXANDER,  D.  M.  (M) 

Mar.,  1936J 



FRANTZ,  G.  F.  (A) 
GRAHAM,  H.  (-4) 
HANNAN,  J.  H.  (X) 
STUBBS,  J.  A.  (A) 


AYERS,  A.  P.,  JR.  (A) 
BAKER,  W.  R.  G.,  (F) 
BLIVEN,  J.  E.  (Jlf) 
CAMERON,  J.  R.  (F) 
COLLINS,  D.  W.  (4) 
HOLDEN,  H.  C.  (Jlf) 
OLDHAM,  C.  (4) 
PHELPS,  L.  G.  (M} 
ROGER,  H.  (A) 

HILL,  M.  H.  (A) 

HlRZEL,  A.  (A) 

LYON,  L.  H.  (A) 
MARSH,  H.  N.  (A) 

District  of  Columbia 

ARMAT,  T.  (H] 
BENNETT,  D.  (M) 
BRADLEY,  J.  G.  (A) 
CORRIGAN,  J.  T.  (M ) 
COWLING,  H.  T.  (A) 
DAVIS,  J.  B.  (A) 
EVANS,  R.  (F) 
GEORGENS,  G.  R.  (Jlf) 
GILLETTE,  M.  E.  (Jlf) 
GLASSER,  N.  (M) 
GOLDEN,  N.  D.  (A) 
HAYTHORNE,  R.  N.  (4 
HOPKINS,  T.  L.  (A) 
KILTON,  G.  C.  (A) 
KRUSE,  W.  F.  (A) 
MOORE,  T.  (Jlf) 
FETTERS,  W.  K.  (4) 
PRATT,  J.  A.  (A) 
SHIELDS,  W.  B.  (A) 
SMITH,  J.  E.  (Jlf) 
STODTER,  C.  S.  (Jlf) 
STORTY,  F.  J.  (A) 

TURVEY,  C.  F.  (Jlf) 

WlLDUNG,  F.  H.  (Jlf) 


McGiNNis,  F.  J.  (A) 

WEIL,  N.  (A) 


ANDRES,  L.  J.  (M) 
BAKER,  G.  W.  (Jlf) 
BASS,  C.  (Jlf) 
BEAN.  D.  P.  (A} 
BEDORE,  R.  P.  (A) 
BUSCH,  H.  (A) 
CHAPMAN,  C.  T.  (A) 
Cox,  L.  R.  U) 
DEPUE,  B.  W.  (Jlf) 
DEPUE,  O.  B.  (F} 
DEVRY,  H.  A.  (F) 
FOOTE,  P.  C.  04) 
FUNK,  J.  J.  (A) 
GAVER,  E.  M.  (A) 
HAMILTON,  V.  P.  (A) 
HECK,  F.  P.  (Jlf) 
HOWELL,  A.  S.  (F) 
KLEERUP,  B.  J.  (Jlf) 
LARUE,  M.  W.  (A) 
LUKES,  S.  A.  (Jlf) 
MACOMBER,  W.  W.  (A) 
McAuLEY,  J.  E.  (F) 
MCNABB,  J.  H.  (F) 
MITCHELL,  R.  F.  (F) 
NELSON,  E.  W.  (4) 

NlEMANN,  H.  P.  (A) 

NORWOOD,  D.  W.  (Jlf) 
RYAN,  H.  (A) 

SCHAEFER,  J.  M.  (Jlf) 

SCOTT,  W.  B.  (A) 
SHALKHAUSER,  E.  G.  (Jlf) 
SHAPIRO,  A.  (Jlf) 
STECHBART,  B.  E.  (F} 
STONE,  C.  H.  (Jlf) 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

VENARD,  C.  L.  (A) 
WENZEL,  M.  (A) 
ZERK,  O.  U.  (M) 
ZUBER,  J.  G.  (M) 


MORRIS,  L.  P.  (A) 
ROSSITER,  D.  R.  (M) 


ROSE,  S.  G.  (M) 
SPRADLING,  J.  W.  (A) 


BAKER,  H.  W.  (M) 
BROOKS,  G.  E.  (A) 
DANIELSON,  D.  04) 

FRAZIER,  L.  04) 


CHILDS,  J.  A.  (A) 


BARKMAN,  C.  04) 
DUSMAN,  H.  C.  (A) 
GREEN,  R.  B.  04) 
HAEFELE,  N.  C.  (M) 
MURPHY,  G.  D.  (A) 
SCHMINKEY,  H.  K.  (A ) 


ALDRIDGE,  K.  W.  04) 
BARROWS,  T.  C.  (M) 
BISHOP,  G.  A.,  JR.  04) 
BREWSTER,  J.  R.  04) 
CADDIGAN,  J.  L.  (M ) 
CIFRE,  J.  S.  (M) 
COHEN,  J.  H.  (M ) 
COMI,  E.  G.  04) 

COOLIDGE,  P.  E.  (A) 
EAGER,  M.  (A) 
FOSTER,  L.  L.  04) 
GIBBONS,  J.  M.  04) 
GLEASON,  C.  H.  (A) 
GOOKIN,  F.  M.  (A) 
HARDY,  A.  C.  (F) 
JUDGE,  P.  E.  04) 
LUBAO,  R.  (A} 
MAURAN,  J.  (4) 

McKlNNEY,  H.  J.   (A) 
MCNAMARA,  D.  T.  (A) 

McRAE,  D.  (Af) 
MURRAY,  A.  P.  04) 
NARBUT,  L.  A.  (A) 
PARRIS,  R.  C.  04) 
PARSHLEY,  C.  W.  (A) 
REITH,  A.  J.  04) 
SAVINA,  J.  F.  (A) 
SCANLON,  E.  J.  (A ) 
SMITH,  H.  B.  (M) 
SMITH,  I.  (A) 
SUMNER,  S.  (M) 
SWARTZ,  E.  M.  (M) 
TAPLIN,  J.  04) 
WEST,  A.  B.  (A) 


ANDERS,  H.  04) 
AVIL,  G.  (A) 
BIDDY,  R.  04) 
BRADFORD,  A.  J.  (F) 
CHERETON,  A.  B.  04) 
FENIMORE,  R.  W..(M) 
GANSTROM,  R.  G.  (-4) 
HUNT,  H.  H.  (A) 
JARRETT,  G.  J.  (M) 
LOY,  L.  C.  (A) 

MCGLINNEN,  E.  J.   (A) 

MCMATH,  R.  R.  (M) 
MILLER,  R.  L.  04) 
PACHOLKE,  F.  04) 
RICHARDS,  H.  B.  (A} 
SCHMITZ,  W.  J.  (A) 
STRICKLER,  J.  F.  (M) 
THOMAS,  J.  L.  (A ) 

Mar.,  1936] 



THOMAS,  W.  F.  (A) 
ZATORSKY,  E.  F.  (A) 


GREENE,  C.  L.  (F) 
KARATZ,  T.  (M) 
RAY,  R.  H.  (M) 
SLY,  E.  C.  (M) 
WATKINS,  R.  H.  (A) 
WITTELS,  J.  M.  (4) 

SHOTWELL,  H.  H.  (A) 


ALLEY,  G.  L.  (A) 
BELLINGER,  C.  E.  (A) 
BENNETT,  R.  C.  (M) 
BUB,  G.  L.  (A) 
BUDDE,  H.  (M) 
DAVIS,  D.  R.  (A) 
DENNEY,  W.  (4) 
DWYER,  A.  J.  (A) 
EMMER,  J.  E.  (A) 
FIELDS,  G.  B.  (A) 

GlESKIENG,  M.  W.  (4) 

KELLEY,  J.  H.  (-4) 
MULLER,  J.  P.  (M) 
RANKIN,  J.  D.  (A) 
THOMPSON,  L.  (-4) 


BALLANTYNE,  R.  S.  (^4 
JENNINGS,  D.  V.  (A) 
VAN  VLEET,  F.  S.  (A) 

New  Hampshire 

LARSON,  I.  J.  (-4) 
SWIST,  T.  P.  (-4) 

New  Jersey 

ADATTE,  A.  L.  (-4) 
AIKEN,  C.  C.  (A) 

ARMSTRONG,  H.  L.  (A) 
AUGER,  E.  (A) 
BACHMAN,  C.  J.  (M) 
BAKER,  J.  O.  (M) 
BAMFORD,  W.  B.  (A) 
BATSEL,  M.  C.  (F) 
BAUMANN,  H.  C.  (-4) 
BEGGS,  E.  W.  (M) 
BOLTON,  W.  A.  (A ) 

BOMAN,  A.   (4) 

BREWSTER,  P.  D.  (F) 
BURNAP,  R.  S.  (F) 
BURNETT,  J.  C.  (F) 
BUSCH,  G.  A.  (AT) 

BUTTOLPH,  L.  J.   (F) 

CANTOR,  C.  E.  (4) 
COLLINS,  M.  E.  04) 
COOK,  E.  D.  (A) 
COOK,  H.  R.,  JR.  (A) 
COZZENS,  L.  S.  (M) 
CUNNINGHAM,  T.  D.  (A ) 
DELVALLE,  G.  A.  (A ) 
DICKINSON,  E.  A.  04) 
DIMMICK,  G.  L.  (A ) 
DOBSON,  G.  (M ) 
DUNNING,  O.  M.  04) 
EDISON,  T.  M.  (A) 
ELDERKIN,  J.  K.  (M) 
ELLIS,  E.  P.  04) 
EMLEY,  R.  H.  (A) 
FOSTER,  W.  D.  (F) 
FRANK,  J.,  JR.  (M) 
GAGLIARDI,  G.  04) 
GASKI,  T.  J.  (A) 
GOODMAN,  A.  (^4) 
GOVE,  K.  G.  04) 
GREENE,  P.  E.  (A) 
GROVES,  I.  R.  (A) 
HENEY,  J.  E.  (M) 

HOHMEISTER,  F.   04) 
HOLMAN,  A.  J.   (M) 
HUBBARD,  B.  L.   (M) 
JERMAIN,  H.  F.  (M) 

KELLOGG,  E.  W.  (A) 
KEUFFEL,  C.  W.  (M) 
KREHLEY,  G.  A.  (A} 

KURLANDER,  J.  H.  (F) 



[J.  S  M.  P.  E. 

LAMB,  R.  T.  (A) 
LANSING,  D.  W.  (A) 
LOOTENS,  C.  L.  (M) 
LUTTER,  H.  (A) 
MACDONALD,  A.  F.  04) 
MANCHEE,  A.  W.  (M ) 
MASON,  C.  04) 


MILI,  G.  (A) 
MILLER,  A.  J.  (Af) 
MILLER,  A.  W.  (A) 
MORENO,  R.  M.  (M) 
OAKLEY,  N.  F.  (M) 
PERRY,  H.  D.  (A) 
PORTER,  G.  C.  C4) 
REICHARD,  E.  H.  (A) 
REIFSTECK,  C.  N.  (F) 
RINALDY.  E.  S.  (-4) 
ROCKVAM,  A.  O.  (4) 
ROCKWELL,  H.  P.,  JR.  (^4 

RUBLY,H.  C.  (A) 

SACHTLEBEN,  L.  T.  (4) 
SATTAN,  G.  D.  (A) 

SCHEIBELL,  G.  B.  (4) 
SCHOTOFER,  C.  H.   (;4) 

SEASE,  V.  B.  (F) 
SMITH,  K.  R.  (A) 
SOLOW,  S.  P.  (A) 
SONTAGH,  J.  R.  (A) 
STEDEROTH,  F.  F.  04) 
STRETCH,  A.  T.,  JR.  (4) 
SUNDE,  H.  E.  (A) 
WADDELL,  J.  H.  (A) 
WAGNER,  B.  00 
WALTERS,  H.  (4) 
WHITE,  D.  R.  (F} 
WILLIAMS,  A.  T.  (M) 
WILLIS,  F.  C.  (Af) 
WILLMAN,  R.  C.  (M) 
WOLFERZ,  A.  H.  (M) 
WOOD,  E.  W.  04) 
YOHR,  M.  J.  (A) 
YECK,  F.  A.  (A) 

ZOELTSCH,  W.  F.  04) 

New  York 

ALTMAN,  F.  E.  (4) 
ANDERSON,  E.  L.  04) 
ARNOLD,  P.  (M) 
ARNSPIGER,  V.  C.  (A} 
AUSTRIAN,  R.  B.  04) 
BAKER,  T.  T.  0*) 
BALTIMORE,  D.  M.  04) 
BATCHELOR,  J.  C.  04) 
BAUER,  K.  A.  (A) 
BEACH,  F.  G.  (A) 
BEARMAN,  A.  A.  (A) 
BECKER,  A.  04) 
BEERS,  N.  T.  (M) 
BEHR,  H.  D.  04) 
BELL,  A.  E.  (A) 
BENDHEIM,  E.  McD.  04) 
BERG,  A.  G.  01) 
BERNDT,  E.  M.  (M) 
BETTS,  W.  L.  (M) 
BIELICKE,  W.  P.  (M) 
BIRD,  C.  L.  L.  04) 
BLAIR,  G.  A.  (F) 
BLOOMBERG,  D.  J.  (M) 
BLOOMER,  K.  V.  04) 
BONN,  L.  A.  (M ) 

BORBERG,  W.  04) 

BRADSHAW,  D.  Y.  (M) 
BRADY,  R.  F.  (A) 
BRADY,  S.  S.  (-4) 
BRENEMAN,  G.  H.  04) 
BROADHEAD,  D.  T.  04) 
BROCK,  G.  (Jf) 
BUENSOD,  A.  G.  (M) 
BURGUNDY,  J.  J.  04) 
BURNS,  S.  R.  (F) 
BYRNE,  W.  W.  (A) 
CAHILL,  F.  E.,  JR.  (M ) 
CAPSTAFF,  J.  G.  (F) 
CARSON,  W.  H.  (F) 
CARTER,  J.  C.  (A} 
CARULLA,  R.  (M) 
CARVER,  E.  K.  (F) 
CATELL,  R.  E.  (A) 
CAUMONT,  N.  04) 
CELESTIN,  W.  E.  (M) 

Mar.,  1936] 


GENDER,  E.  O.  (M) 
CHURCH,  A.  E.  (A) 
CLARK,  W.  (F) 
COHAN,  E.  K.  (M) 
COHEN,  J.  (4) 
COLES,  F.  A.  (4) 
COMSTOCK,  T.  F.  (A) 

CONTNER,  J.  B.  (M) 

COOK,  A.  A.  (M) 
COOK,  O.  W.  (M) 
COOK,  W.  B.  (F) 
COUSINS,  V.  M.  04) 
CRABTREE,  J.  I.  (F) 
CRABTREE,  T.  H.  (.4) 
CRENNAN,  O.  V.  (A) 
CURTIS,  E.  P.  (F) 


DAVEE,  L.  W.  (F) 
DEGHUEE,  C.  M.  (A) 
DENAPOLI,  A.  C.f  Jr.  (M ) 
DEVOE,  E.  M.  (A) 
DICKINSON,  A.  S.  (F) 
DILLEMUTH,  H.  G.  04) 
DINGA,  E.  W.  (A) 
Dix,  H.  W.  (F) 
DUISBERG,  W.  H.  (A) 
DWYER,  R.  J.  (A) 
DYKEMAN,  C.  L.  (M) 
ECKLER,  L.  (M) 
EDWARDS,  G.  C.  (F) 
EHLERT,  H.  H.  (A) 
ELMER,  L.  A.  (M) 
EMERSON,  M.  04) 
ENDERLE,  J.  04) 
ENGLE,  J.  W.  (.4) 
EVANS,  P.  H.  (F) 
EVANS,  R.  M.  (F) 
FAMULENER,  K.  (4) 
FIELD,  W.  J.  U) 
FINN,  J.  J.  (M) 
FISCH,  L.  B.  (Jkf) 
FISHER,  A.  (M) 

FLINT,  A.  (M) 
FLORY,  L.  P.  (M) 
FORSYTH,  S.  L.  (A) 
FOUTE,  G.  P.  (A) 
FRACKER,  E.  G.  (M) 
FREEDMAN,  A.  E.  (F) 
FRIEDL,  G.,  JR.  (M} 
FRENCH,  R.  R.  (M) 
FRIEND,  H.  H.  (M) 
FRITTS,  E.  C.  (F) 
GAGE,  H.  P.  (F) 
GAGE,  O.  A.  (M) 
GALLO,  R.  (A) 
GATY.J.  P.  04) 
GELB,  L.  (A) 
GENT,  E.  W.  (M) 
GERCKE,  C.  (4) 
GERMAINE,  M.  (.4) 
GERMAN,  W.  J.  (M) 
GILBERT,  F.  C.  (M) 
GILMOUR,  J.  G.  T.  (A) 

GlTHENS,  A.  S.   (A) 

GLAUBER,  S.  (A) 
GLUNT,  O.  M.  (F) 
GOLDMAN,  M.  (4) 
GOLDSMITH,  A.  N.  (F) 
GRASS,  R.  L.  (A) 
GREEN,  N.  B.  (F) 
GREGORY,  C.  L.  04) 
GRIFFIN,  H.  (F) 
GRIGNON,  F.  J.  (A) 
GROVER,  H.  G.  (JO 
GUTH,  A.  04) 
HACKEL,  J.  (M) 
HALL,  F.  M.  (M) 
HALPIN,  D.  D.  (A) 
HAMPTON,  L.  N.  (M) 
HARDINA,  E.  (A ) 
HARDING,  H.  V.  (A) 
HARLEY,  J.  B.  (A) 
HARLOW,  J.  B.  (M) 
HARRIS,  C.  E.  (A) 
HARRISON,  H.  C.  (F) 
HEIDEGGER,  H.  F.  (A) 
HENABERY,  J.  E.  (A) 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

HENKEL,  J.  F.  (4) 
HENNESSY,  W.  W.  (A) 
HIATT,  A.  (M) 
HICKMAN,  C.  N.  (A) 

HlCKMAN,  K.  (F) 

HOGE,  F.  D.  (F) 
HOLSLAG,  R.  C.  (M) 
HOPKINS,  J.  J.  (M) 
HORNIDGE,  H.  T.  (M) 

HORNSTEIN,  J.  C.  (M) 
HORSTMAN,  C.  F.  (M) 
HUBBARD,  R.  C.  (F) 

HUMPHREY,  G.  H.  (A) 
HUNT,  F.  L.  (F) 
HYNDMAN,  D.  E.  (F) 
IRBY,  F.  S.  (M) 
IVINS,  C.  F.  (A) 
JOHNSON,  B.  W.  (A) 
JONES,  J.  G.  (F) 
JONES,  L.  (A) 
JONES,  L.  A.  (F) 
JOY,  J.  M.  (M) 
KALLMAN,  K.  (A) 
KEITH,  C.  R.  (M) 
KELLER,  A.  C.  (A) 
KENDE,  G.  (Af) 
KERKOW,  H.  (A) 
KERST,  W.  D.  (A) 
KING,  T.  P.  (A) 
KLEBER,  J.  O.  (M) 
KNOX,  H.  G.  (F) 
Kocsis,  P.  (A) 
KOHLER,  J.  J.  (A) 
KOSSMAN,  H.  R.  (A) 
KREUZER,  B.  (M) 
KURTZ,  J.  A.  (A) 
LAKEWITZ,  F.  S.  (A) 
LANE,  G.  (M) 
LANG,  A.  (A) 
LAPAT,  E.  P.  (A) 
LAPORTE,  N.  M.  (F) 
LAWRENCE,  J.  F.  (A) 
LEE,  A.  A.  (A) 
LENIGAN,  T.  E.  (A) 

LENZ,  F.  (A) 
LESTER,  H.  M.  (A) 
LEVENTHAL,  J.  F.  (F) 
LEWIN,  G.  (M) 
LINS,  P.  A.  (M) 
LITTLE,  W.  F.  (F} 
LOTT,  H.  O.  (A) 

LUNDAHL,  T.  (M) 

LUNDIE,  E.  S.  (A) 
MACILVAIN,  K.  H.  (A) 
MACLEOD,  J.  S.  (Af) 
MACNAIR,  W.  A.  (F) 
MANHEIMER,  J.  R.  (Af) 
MANN,  R.  G.  (A} 
MARKS,  L.  (A) 
MARSHALL,  F.  R.  (A) 
MASTER,  R.  P.  (A) 
MATTHEWS,  G.  E.  (F) 
MAURER,  J.  A.  (A) 

MCBURNEY,  J.  W.  (M) 

McGuiRE,  P.  A.  (F) 
MCLARTY,  H.  D.  (A) 
MEES,  C.  E.  K.  (F) 
MESSITER,  H.  M.  (A) 
MILLER,  J.  A.  (F) 
MILLER,  O.  E.  (A) 
MILLER,  R.  A.  (M) 
MINNERLY,  N.  H.  (A) 

MlSENER,  G.  C.  (M) 

MITCHELL,  M.  N.  (A) 
MOSKOWITZ,  J.  H.  (A} 

MULLER,  C.  (A) 

NADELL,  A.  (Af) 
NARIAN,  S.  (A) 
NEU,  O.  F.  (M) 

NlCHOLIDES,  E.   C.  (A) 

NICHOLSON,  R.  F.  (F) 
NIVISON,  W.  S.  (A) 
NIXON,  I.  L.  (F) 

NORLING,  J.  A.  (Af) 

O'BRIEN,  B.  C.  (A) 

O'BRIEN,  M.  D.  (4) 
O'KEEFE,  G.  A.  (A} 

OSWALD,  C.  G.  (A) 
OWENS,  F.  H.  (A) 
PACENT;  L.  G.  (F) 

Mar.,  1936] 



PALMER,  M.  W.  (M) 
PAULINI,  E.  T.  (4) 
PECK,  W.  H.  (A) 
PERSE,  I.  S.  (A) 
PFEIFF,  C.  (Af) 
PHILIPP,  J.  F.  (A) 
PONDE,  D.  B.  (A) 
POPOVICI,  G.  G.  (M) 
PRICE,  A.  F.  (M) 
PRILIK,  M.  R.  (A) 
PRINCE,  L.  S.  (A) 
PULLER,  G.  (A) 
RAMSAYE,  T.  (F) 
RASMUSSEN,  R.  T.  (M) 
RAVEN,  A.  L.  (M) 
RAY,  M.  (A) 
RAYTON,  W.  B.  (F) 
RENKE,  A.  (A) 
REPP,  W.  H.  (M) 
REYNOLDS,  J.  L.  (M) 
RICHARD,  A.  J.  (M) 
RICHTER,  A.  (A) 
RIES,  P.  D.  (A) 
RIFKIN,  J.  L.  (M) 
RIST,  K.  (A) 
ROBERTS,  F.  W.  (A) 

ROBILLARD,  P.  M.  (M) 

RODWELL,  L.  A.  (A) 

ROGALLI,  N.  J.  (A) 

ROGERS,  F.  B.  (A) 
ROGERS,  F.  B.  (A) 
ROLAND,  E.  C.  (A) 
ROLLINS,  F.  S.,  JR.  (A) 
Ross,  A.  (A) 
Ross,  C.  (Af) 
Ross,  C.  H.  (A) 
Ross,  O.  A.  (M) 
RUBIN,  H.  (F) 
RUSSELL,  W.  F.  (Af) 
SAILLIARD,  J.  H.  (4) 
SALVING,  S.  (A) 
SANDVIK,  O.  (F) 
SANTEE,  H.  B.  (F) 

SAWYER,  J.  W.  (A) 

SCHAEFFER,  F.  H.  (A) 
SCHARMANN,  P.  G.  (4) 
SCHMID,  F.  (Af) 

SCHMIDT,  W.  A.  (F) 


SCOTT,  D.  W.  (M} 
SCRIVEN,  E.  O.  (F) 
SHEA,  T.  E.  ( F) 
SHEPPARD,  S.  E.  (F) 
SHNIPKIN,  D.  (4) 
SIGNOR,  G.  H.  (A) 
SMACK,  J.  C.  (4) 
SMITH,  F.  (A) 
SPACE,  K.  F.  (A) 
SPENCE,  J.  L.,  JR.  (F) 
SPONABLE,  E.  I.  (F) 
SPRAY,  J.  H.  (F) 
STAUD,  C.  J.  (Af) 
STEELE,  L.  L.  (M) 
STEINER,  R.  (4) 
STEINHOF,  E.  G.  (M) 
STOLLER,  H.  M.  (F) 
STONE,  J.  H.  (A) 
STROCK,  R.  O.  (Af) 
TALWAR,  R.  C.  (A) 
TANN,  W.  L.  (A) 
TANNEY,  J.  A.  (M) 
TEITEL,  A.  (A) 
TERPENING,  L.  H.  (Af) 
TERRY,  R.  V.  (M) 
TETZLAFF,  E.  F.  (A) 
THOMPSON,  W.  S.  (A) 
TIZIAN,  S.  L.  (A) 
TOTH,  A.  F.  (A) 
TOWNSEND,  L.  M.  (A) 

TUCKERMAN,  L.  P.  (A) 

TULPAN,  S.  (A) 
TUTTLE,  C.  M.  (F) 
TUTTLE,  H.  B.  (Af) 
TYLER,  K.  (A) 
VERLINSKY,  V.  (4) 
VICTOR,  A.  F.  (F) 
VIETH,  L.  (A) 
VOLF,  C.  A.  (A) 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

WADE,  F.  H.  (A) 
WALL,  J.  M.  (F) 
WALL,  W.  I.  (A) 
WALLER,  F.  (M) 
WALTER,  H.  L.  (A) 
WARD,  E.  J.  (M) 
WARD,  J.  S.  (F) 
WATSON,  J.  S.,  JR.  (F) 
WEBER,  C.  M.  (F) 
WENTE,  E.  C.  (F) 
WENZ,  A.  (A) 
WESTON,  J.  C.  (A) 
WIGGIN,  L.  J.  (A) 

WlLLARD,  T.  W.  (A) 

WILLIAMS,  S.  B.  (4) 
WILLIFORD,  E.  A.  (F) 
WILSON,  C.  K.  (M) 
WINKLER,  F.  W.  (A} 

WlSSMANN,  J.  (A) 

WOLF,  S.  K.  (F) 
WYND,  C.  L.  A.  (M) 
YAGER,  H.  B.  (M) 
YOUNG,  H.  A.  (4) 
YOUNGER,  C.  A.  (A) 
ZANETTI,  E.  (A) 
ZELONY,  E.  M.  (M} 

North  Carolina 

RAMSEY,  R.  W.  (A) 
STONE,  W.  P.  (A) 


CANADY,  D.  R.  (M) 
CARLSON,  F.  E.  (4) 
CARPENTER,  E.  S.  (If) 
COPLEY,  J.  S.  (A) 
CROSS,  W.  E.  (A) 
CUNNINGHAM,  O.  J.  (.4) 
DASH,  C.  C.  (M) 
DOWNES,  A.  C.  (70 
ESHELMAN,  G.  M.,  JR.  (A) 
FARNHAM,  R.  E.  (F) 
FLANAGAN,  J.  T.  (M) 
GARDINER,  F.  R.  (A) 
GEIB,  E.  R.  (70 

GELMAN,  J.  N.  (M) 
GILES,  R.  H.  (M) 
GILSDORF,  W.  R.  (A) 
GORDON,  I.  (A) 
HAMILTON,  S.  H.  (A) 
HERTNER,  J.  H.  (If) 
JOY,  D.  B.  (F) 
KERMAN,  E.  W.  (A} 
KUNZMANN,  W.  C.  (F) 
LANGFORD,  L.  P.  (M) 
LEROY,  C.  (A) 
McCoRD,  C.  T.  (A) 
NELSON,  O.  (M) 
PORTER,  L.  C.  (70 
PRICE,  G.  W.  (A) 
READ,  E.  A.  (A) 
ROCK,  J.  B.  (A) 
RUSSELL,  K.  B.  (A) 
SHAFER,  L.  J.  (A) 
STEELY,  J.  D.  (A) 
STRONG,  H.  H.  (70 
VALLEN,  E.  J.  (A) 
WATSON,  E.  M.  (A) 
WELMAN,  V.  A.  (M) 

WlNKELMAN,  H.  (A) 

WITT,  E.  H.  (A) 

WORSTELL,  R.  E.  (4) 


BARBER,  C.  E.  (A) 
WOOD,  W.  H.  (A) 


MILLER,  R.  (A) 


ABRAMS,  S.  (A) 
BETTELLI,  F.  J.  (A) 
BIBEN,  B.  F.  (A) 
BLOOM,  R.  B.  (4) 
BLUMBERG,  H.  (.4) 
CLARK,  J.  P.  (M) 
COHEN,  C.  (A) 
COHEN,  S.  (A) 
DAVIS,  S.  I.  (A) 

Mar.,  1936] 

DEIVERNOIS,  P.  J.  (4) 
ESSIG,  A.  G.  (A) 
EVANS,  G.  W.  (A) 
FREEMAN,  A.  B.  (4) 
HANNA,  C.  R.  (F) 
IVES,  F.  E.  (tf) 
LIPMAN,  H.  H.  (M) 
MAIRE,  H.  J.  (M} 
NEILL,  C.  B.  (A) 
NORTON,  R.  (4) 
O'LEARY,  J.  S.  (A) 
OLLINGER,  C.  G.  (A) 
PRESGRAVE,  C.  (4) 
Rizzo,  C.  (A) 
SAMUELS,  I.  (M) 
SCHMIDT,  W.  E.  (4) 
SEIFFERT,  S.  A.  (A) 
SHIRAS,  A.  (A) 
STUPRICH,  P.  (4) 
UNDERBILL,  C.  R.,  JR.  (A) 

Rhode  Island 

ALTIERB,  E.  S.  A.  (A) 
DUFFY,  C.  J.  (A} 
WILDING,  W.  A.  (^4) 

South  Dakota 
HARDMAN,  W.  F.  (4) 


CROWE,  H.  B.  (A) 
CURLE,  C.  E.  (A) 
FERGUSON,  D.  C.  (4) 
THOMAS,  A.  R.  (A} 
WAGNER,  V.  C.  (A) 


CHAPMAN,  A.  B.  (4) 
FRASCH,  H.  H.  (A) 
HULAN,  A.  G.  (A) 
JAMIESON,  H.  V.  (M) 


McLEMORE,  J.  R.  (A) 




BRADSHAW,  A.  E.  (M) 
SHEARER,  B.  F.  (A) 

West  Virginia 

DUDIAK,  F.  (A) 
MYERS,  W.  D.  (A) 


ELLIS,  F.  E.,  JR.  (4) 
HUDSON,  W.  (4) 
OLSON,  O.  E.  (4) 
RENIER,  A.  H.  (A) 
SMITH,  R.  A.  (A) 

BRAGGIO,  J.  C.  (A) 


ALLSOP,  R.  (F) 
BUDDEN,  P.  H.  (M) 
BUSHBY,  T.  R.  W.  (A) 
CROSS,  C.  E.  (A) 
DYSON,  C.  H.  (4) 
EDWARDS,  N.  (A) 
FLINT,  A.  B.  (A) 
HART,  K.  R.  M.  (A) 
HELLO  WELL,  T.  (4) 
HIGGINS,  T.  G.  (A) 
JEFFERY,  F.  A.  (4) 
MURDOCH,  S.  E.  (^4) 
PARRISH,  H.  C.  (A) 
ROUSE,  J.  J.  (M) 
SARGENT,  R.  (4) 
SMITH,  A.  C.  (A) 
VAUGHAN,  R.  (M) 
WRIGHT,  A.  (A) 


BOEHM,  H.  L.  (M} 
BUCEK,  H.  (A) 
MUELLER,  E.  (A) 

SCHROTT,  P.  R.  VON  (A) 




Lf.  S.  M.  P.  E. 


MONKS,  C.  H.  (A) 


BARZEE,  G.  W.  (4) 
PINTO,  O.  D.  (4) 


ALEXANDER,  J.  M.  (A) 
ARMAND,  V.  (A) 
ATKINSON,  S.  C.  (A) 
BADGLEY,  F.  C.  (F) 
BATTLE,  G.  H.  (A) 
BOURNE,  R.  E.  (4) 
BOYLEN,  J.  C.  (M) 
BURNS,  J.  J.  (A) 
CARPENTER,  H.  J.  (4) 
CARTER,  W.  S.  (A) 
COOPER,  J.  A.  (A) 
DOBSON,  H.  T.  (A) 
FOLEY,  T.  E.  (A} 

GOLDHAMER,  S.  A.  (A) 
GOLDIN,  H.  (A) 

HARRIS,  E.  (A) 
HEWSON,  J.  H.  (A) 
HOAD,  T.  C.  (A) 
JECKELL,  W.  H.  R.  (A) 
KERRIN,  J.  A.  (A) 
LANE,  W.  H.  (M) 
LEWIS,  B.  C.  (A) 
MATHEWSON,  E.  G.  (.4) 
McGuiRE,  J.  (A) 
METZGER,  M.  (4) 
NORRISH,  B.  E.  (M) 
OLIVER,  W.  J.  (A) 
PATTON,  G.  E.  (M) 
QUICK,  C.  J.  (M) 
RICHARD,  J.  (4) 
RISEWICK,  W.  J.  (A) 
SHORNEY,  C.  R.  (-4) 
SOPER,  W.  E.  (A) 
SPRAGUE,  A.  (A) 

TURNBULL,  A.  D.  (M) 
ZUMAR,  A.  B.  (A) 

Canal  Zone 

KAPLAN,  L.  (M) 


CHANG,  S.  C.  (A) 
CHOW,  K.  (A) 
DAN,  D.  Y.  (A) 
FAN,  W.  S.  (A) 
GUERIN,  B.  C.,  JR.  (A) 
Hsu,  S.  F.  (A) 
KRUGERS,  G.  E.  A.  (M) 
LAN,  W.  S.  (A) 
LAY,  M.  W.  (A) 
MAR,  S.  T.  (A) 

O'BOLGER,  R.  E.  (M) 
TORNOVSKY,  I.  M.  (A) 

WONG,  H.  S.  U) 
WONG,  T.  (A) 


CHIBAS,  J.  E.  (A) 

BRICHTA,  J.  C.  (A) 


ALDERSON,  R.  G.  (A) 
BLAKE,  E.  E.  (A) 
BUSH,  A.  J.  (A) 
CABIROL,  C.  (M} 
CANTRELL,  W.  A.  (A) 
CHAMPION,  C.  H.  (F) 
CLARKE,  W.  H.  (A) 
COOPER,  M.  F.  (A) 
DANCE,  H.  R.  (A) 
ELWELL,  C.  F.  (M) 
FITZPATRICK,  J.  M.  S.  (A) 
FORD,  W.  B.  (A) 
GARLING,  W.  F.  (M) 
GENOCK,  E.  P.  (4) 
GRIFFITHS,  P.  H.  (M) 

Mar.,  1936] 



HUDSON,  G.  (,4) 
JOHN,  W.  E.  (M) 
KAYE,  L.  K.  (A) 

KlMBERLEY,  P.  (  M ) 

KING,  H.  V.  (A) 
LAMB,  E.  E.  (M) 
LAWLEY,  H.  V.  (M) 
LUCAS,  G.  S.  C.  (M) 
LUKE,  E.  (M) 
MCDOWELL,  J.  B.  (4) 

McMASTER,  D.  (F) 
NlEPMANN,  C.  H.  (M) 

ORAM,  E.  (A) 
OSBORNE,  A.  W.  (M) 
OSMAN,  D.  E.  (A) 
PARKINS,  C.  F.  (M) 
PONTIUS,  R.  B.  (A) 
RENWICK,  F.  F.  (F) 
ROGERS,  J.  E.  (M) 
ROWSON,  S.  (F) 
Ruox,  M.  (F) 
SCARLETT,  J.  J.  Y.  (A) 
SINCLAIR,  A.  T.  (4) 
SKITTRELL,  J.  G.  (Af) 
SMITH,  J.  W.  W.  (A) 
TOUZE,  G.  (M) 
TUCK,  F.  A.  (M) 
UNDERBILL,  J.  L.  (M) 
WATKINS,  S.  S.  A.  (F) 
WEBBER,  A.  C.  (A) 
WIDDOWS,  C.  G.  (A) 
WILLIAMS,  G.  A.  (A) 
WILSON,  S.  K.  (4) 

WlNTERMAN,  C.  (M) 

WOLFF,  E.  H.  (A) 
WRATTEN,  I.  D.  (F) 


ABRIBAT,  M.  (M) 
ALBERT,  G.  (A) 
ASCHEL,  H.  (4) 
BERTIN,  H.  (M) 
BUREL,  L.  H.  (A) 

BURNAT,  H.  (A) 

CARRERE,  J.  G.  (A) 
CHEFTEL,  A.  M.  (M) 

COTTET,  A.  (A) 

COURMES,  M.  (A) 
DE  BRETAGNE,  J.  (4) 
DEBRIE,  A.  (F) 
DIDIEE,  L.  J.  J.  (A) 
EGROT,  L.  G.  (M) 
FIELD,  A.  (A) 
FISHOFF,  L.  A.  (A) 
HOPPIN,  C.  (A) 
HOTCHKISS,  F.  H.  (M) 
KELBER,  M.  (A) 
KRAEMER,  G.  I.  (M) 
LAIR,  C.  (M) 
LECOQ,  J.  (4) 
LESLIE,  F.  (A) 


MARESCHAL,  G.  (4) 
MARETTE,  J.  (Af) 
MATHOT,  J.  A.  (M) 
NATAN,  B.  I.  (A) 
SCHMITZ,  E.  C.  (M) 
STEINER,  W.  J.  F.  (A) 
WILD,  G.  (M) 


BIELICKE,  W.  F.  (F) 
BUSCH,  L.  N.  (M) 
BUSSE,  F.  (F) 
DAEHR,  H.  (4) 
ENGL,  J.  B.  (F) 
GEYER,  W.  (M) 
JOACHIM,  H.  E.  A.  (M) 
LICHTE,  H.  (F) 

LlNGG,  A.  (A) 

MECHAU,  E.  (F) 



[J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

REEB,  O.  G.  L.  (Af) 

ROSEMAN,  I.  (Af) 
ROSENTHAL,  A.  (.4) 



ARAKI,  J.  K.  (A) 
BAKER,  R.  J.  (4) 
FARVER,  B.  R.  (4) 
FAUST,  A.  U) 
FERRENA,  W.  C.  (4) 
FUNATSU,  H.  K.  (A) 
IWAO,  W.  F.  (A) 
KING,  R.  P.  (A) 
LEARNARD,  H.  P.  (4) 
LEWBEL,  S.  (-4) 
MCKEE,  T.  A.  (4) 
WOODWARD,  E.  K.,  JR.  (.4) 


HALBERTSMA,  N.  A.  (<4) 
KOTTE,  J.  J.  (A) 
TIMMER,  A.  L.  (A) 
VAN  BREUKELEN,  J.  (-4) 


LOHR,  J.  F.  (M) 
MORTON,  T.  (A) 


AHLUWALIA,  B.  S.  (M) 
ARORA,  P.  N.  04) 
BAKHSHI,  M.  N.  04) 
BALI,  D.  N.  (A) 
FAZALBHOY,  Y.  A.  04) 
GOGATE,  G.  G.  (4) 
GUPTA,  D.  K.  04) 
HANDA,  D.  (A) 
HANDA,  G.  C.  04) 
JADAV,  B.  V.  (A) 
LAL,  G.  D.  (Af) 
LEISHMAN,  E.  D.  (M) 

MALHTRA,  M.  N.  (A) 
MATHUR,  R.  D.  (.4) 
MEHTA,  H.  S.  (M) 
MISTRY,  D.  L.  (M) 
MISTRY,  M.  L.  (M) 
MOTWANE,  V.  G.  (M) 

NlGAN,  C.  S.  (A) 

PATEL,  K.  K.  (.4) 
PATEL,  M.  B.  (A) 
PHATAK,  R.  K.  (A) 
Pu,  M.  N.  U) 
SHIRODKAR,  G.  N.  (A) 
SOHONI.  B.  A.  (Af) 
Soi,  B.  N.  (A) 
SUBEDAR,  P.  C.  (A) 

SUTARIA,  S.  F.  (A) 

TENDULKAR,  H.  D.  (Af) 
TORNEY,  R.  G.  04) 


AMATI,  L.  (A) 

BlTTMANN,  H.  (A) 

CECCHI,  U.  04) 
DE  FEO,  L.  (M) 
FINARDI,  E.  V.  (A) 
Rossi,  P.  (A) 
TRENTINO,  V.  (-4) 


AlKAWA,  S.  (A) 

Aocm,  C.  (A) 

AOYAMA,  K.  (A) 

ASANO,  S.  (-4) 
CORBIN,  R.  M.  (Af) 
DE  MALLIE,  R.  B.  (Af) 
HARUKI,  S.  (F) 
HELBLING,  W.  E.  (A) 

HlRASAWA,  I.  (A) 

KAMEI,  K.  (A) 
KANO,  J.  H.  04) 
KASAI,  K.  (A) 
KONDO,  T.  (4) 
MANPOH,  K.  (.4) 
MASAOKA,  K.  (-4) 
MASUTANI,  R.  (4) 
MATSUZAWA,  M.  (4) 

Mar.,  1936  J 



MINO,  T.  J.  (A) 
NAGASE,  T.  (Af) 
OHTA,  V.  (A) 
OSAWA,  Y.  (Af) 
SAEKI,  R.  E.  (4) 
SHIMAZAKA,  K.  (.4) 
SUGIURA,  R.  (Af) 
TANAKA,  E.  (4) 
YASUI,  S.  (A) 


DE  PEREZ,  J.  (A) 
FERNANDEZ,  M.  A.  (A) 

New  Zealand 

BANKS,  C.  (M) 
BLENKARNE,  P.  C.  (A) 
DARBY,  E.  (A) 
DODDRELL,  E.  T.,  JR.  ( 
DONALD,  J.  McL.  (4) 
FOUNTAIN,  A.  (4) 
GILL,  K.  (A) 
HODGSON,  W.  (A) 
SPARKS,  F.  (A) 
STEED,  R.  C.,  JR.  (A) 
VINSEN,  S.  E.  (A) 
WHEELER,  E.  A.  (A} 
WHEELER,  W.  L.  (A) 
WYATT,  C.  (A) 

GIHBSSON,  L.  (4) 

Philippine  Islands 
PERRY,  C.  (A} 


FALQUET,  A.  (4) 
ROCHOWICZ,  S.  (-4) 

EDBR,  F.  B.  (Af) 


ORB  AN,  R.  F.  (Af) 


CHORINE,  A.  F.  (Af) 
JACHONTOW,  E.  G.  (Af) 


CRAWFORD,  W.  C.  (^4) 
HAMILTON,  D.  W.  (4) 
JAY,  R.  L.  (M) 
POOLE,  G.  F.  (A) 


ARAGONES,  D.  (Af) 
BLANCK,  R.  M.  (M) 
BLANCO,  E.  (4) 
BUENO,  P.  G.  (A) 
DE  URGOITI,  R.  N.  (Af) 
MORRAL,  F.  R.  (4) 
ROBERT,  A.  R.  (4) 
TEJERO-SANZ,  M.  (4) 
ZEPPELIN,  H.  V.  (A) 

HESS,  H.  P.  (A) 

PARLEY,  W.  C.  (A) 





Officers  and  Committees  in  Charge 


W.  C.  KUNZMANN,  Convention  V ice-President 
J.  I.  CRABTREE,  Editorial  Vice-President 
O.  M.  GLUNT,  Financial  Vice-President 
G.  E.  MATTHEWS,  Chairman,  Papers  Committee 
E.  R.  GEIB,  Chairman,  Membership  Committee 
W.  WHITMORE,  Chairman,  Publicity  Committee 
H.  GRIFFIN,  Chairman,  Projection  Committee 
O.  F.  NEU,  Chairman,  Apparatus  Exhibit 


C.  H.  STONE,  Chairman 

R.  P.  BEDORE      .  F.  P.  HECK  J.  H.  McNABB 


H.  A.  DE¥RY  S.  A.  LUKES  C.  G.  OLLINGER 



H.  GRIFFIN,  Chairman 

L.  R.  Cox  J.  GOLDBERG  J.  E.  McAuLEY 

H.  A.  DE¥RY  S.  A.  LUKES  H.  RYAN 

Officers  and  Members  of  Chicago  Local  No.  110,  I.  A.  T.  S.  E. 


O.  F.  NEU,  Chairman 

J.  FRANK,  JR.  C.  H.  STONE 

MRS.  C.  H.  STONE,  Hostess 

assisted  by 

MRS.  B.  W.  DEPUE  MRS.  S.  A.  LUKES 






W.  C.  KUNZMANN,  Chairman 





The  Headquarters  of  the  Convention  will  be  the  Edgewater  Beach  Hotel, 
where  excellent  accommodations  and  Convention  facilities  are  assured.  A 
special  suite  will  be  provided  for  the  ladies.  Rates  for  SMPE  delegates, 
European  plan,  will  be  as  follows: 

One  person,  room  and  bath •. $3 . 00 

Two  persons,  double  bed  and  bath 5. 00 

Two  persons,  twin  beds  and  bath 5 . 00 

Parlor  suite  and  bath,  for  two 10. 00  and  12. 00 

Room  reservation  cards  will  be  mailed  to  the  membership  of  the  Society  in  the 
near  future,  and  every  one  who  plans  to  attend  the  Convention  should  return  his 
card  to  the  Hotel  promptly  in  order  to  be  assured  of  satisfactory  accommodations. 

A  special  rate  of  fifty  cents  a  day  has  been  arranged  for  SMPE  delegates  who 
motor  to  the  Convention,  in  the  Edgewater  Beach  Hotel  fireproof  garage.  Pri- 
vate de  luxe  motor  coaches  operated  by  the  Hotel  will  be  available  for  service  be- 
tween the  Hotel  and  the  Chicago  Loop  area. 


An  attractive  program  of  technical  papers  and  presentations  is  being  arranged 
by  the  Papers  Committee.  All  sessions  and  film  programs  will  be  held  in  the 
East  Lounge  of  the  Hotel. 


An  exhibit  of  newly  developed  motion  picture  apparatus  will  be  held  in  the 
West  Lounge  of  the  Hotel,  to  which  all  manufacturers  of  equipment  are  invited  to 
contribute.  The  apparatus  to  be  exhibited  must  either  be  new  or  embody  new 
features  of  interest  from  a  technical  point  of  view.  No  charge  will  be  made 
for  space.  Information  concerning  the  exhibit  and  reservations  for  space  should 
be  made  by  writing  to  the  Chairman  of  the  Exhibits  Committee,  Mr.  O.  F.  Neu, 
addressed  to  the  General  Office  of  the  Society. 


The  Semi-Annual  Banquet  and  Dance  of  the  Society  will  be  held  in  the  Ball- 
room of  the  Edgewater  Beach  Hotel  on  Wednesday,  April  29th,  at  7:30  P.M. 
Addresses  will  be  delivered  by  eminent  members  of  the  motion  picture  industry, 
followed  by  dancing  and  entertainment. 


Arrangements  may  be  made,  upon  request  at  the  registration  desk,  to  visit 
and  inspect,  in  small  groups,  various  laboratories,  studios,  and  equipment  man- 

340  SPRING  CONVENTION  [J.  S.  M.  P.  E. 

factories  in  the  Chicago  area.     Firms  that  have  extended  invitations  to  such 
groups  are: 

Burton  Holmes  Films,  Inc.  J.  E.  McAuley  Manufacturing 
Bell  &  Howell  Company  Company 

Chicago  Film  Laboratories,  Inc.  Jam  Handy  Pictures  Corp. 

Da-Lite  Screen  Company,  Inc.  Jenkins  &  Adair,  Inc. 

Enterprise  Optical  Manufacturing  National  Screen  Service,  Inc. 

Company  Western  Electric  Company 

Herman  H.  DeVry,  Inc.  Wilding  Picture  Productions,  Inc. 

Holmes  Projector  Company  Society  of  Visual  Education 


To  list  all  the  points  of  interest  in  and  about  Chicago  would  require  too  much 
space,  but  among  them  may  be  mentioned  the  following: 

Field  Museum  of  Natural  History  Oriental  Institute 

Adler  Planetarium  and  Astronomical  John  G.  Shedd  Aquarium 

Museum  Lincoln  Park  Aquarium 

Art  Institute  Lincoln  Park  Zoological  Gardens 

Museum  of  Science  and  Industry  Chicago  Zoological  Gardens 

Chicago  Historical  Society  Grant  Park 

Academy  of  Science  University  of  Chicago 

Lincoln  Park  Loyola  University 
Northwestern  University 

Complete  information  concerning  and  directions  for  visiting  these  places  will 
be  available  at  the  Hotel. 


A  miniature  nine-hole  golf  course,  putting  greens,  and  regulation  tennis  courts, 
maintained  by  the  Hotel,  will  be  available  to  SMPE  delegates  registered  at  the 
Hotel.  Details  will  be  available  at  the  registration  desk.  Special  diversions 
will  be  provided  for  the  ladies,  and  passes  to  local  theaters  will  be  available  to  all 
delegates  registering. 


Monday,  April  27th. 

9:00  a.m.  Registration 

Society  business 
10:00  a.m.-12:00  p.m.        Committee  reports 

Technical  papers  program 

12:30  p.m.  Informal  Get-Together  Luncheon  for  members,  their 

families,  and  guests.     Several  prominent  speakers 
will  address  the  gathering. 

2:00  p.m.-5:00  p.m.          Technical  papers  program 

8:00  p.m.  Exhibition  of  newly  released  motion  picture  features 

and  shorts. 

Mar.,  1936]  SPRING  CONVENTION  341 

Tuesday,  April  28th. 

10:00  a.m.-12:00  p.m.        Technical  papers  program 
2:00  p.m.-5:00  p.m.          Technical  papers  program 

The  evening  of  this  day  is  left  free  for  recreation, 
visiting,  etc. 

Wednesday,  April  29th.  9 

10:00  a.m.-12:00  p.m.        Technical  papers  program 

The  afternoon  of  this  day  is  left  free  for  recreation 
and  for  visits  to  the  plants  of  various  Chicago 
firms  serving  the  motion  picture  industry. 

7:30  p.m.  Semi-Annual  Banquet  and   Dance  of  the  SMPE: 

speakers  and  entertainment. 

Thursday,  April  30th. 

10:00  a.m.-12:00  p.m.        Technical  papers  program 
2:00  p.m.-5:00  p.m.          Technical  papers  program 
Society  business 
Adjournment  of  the  Convention 


The  time  allotted  for  presentation  of  papers  at  the  next  meeting  has  been  re- 
stricted by  the  Board  of  Governors  of  the  Society.  Morning  sessions  will  begin 
at  10:00  A.M.  and  close  promptly  at  12:00  noon.  Afternoon  sessions  will  begin 
at  2:00  P.M.  and  close  promptly  at  5:00  P.M.  It  is,  therefore,  very  important  that 
all  authors  consider  carefully  the  problem  of  presenting  their  papers  in  the  most 
effective  manner.  The  following  suggestions  represent  useful  ideas  which  every 
author  should  read  and  apply  when  delivering  his  paper. 

(1)  Arrangement   of  Material. — Manuscripts  prepared   for  publication   are 
seldom  suitable  for  oral  presentation.     The  paper  should  convey  clearly  to  the 
listener:     (a)  the  purpose  of  the  work;    (6)  the  experimental  method;    (c)  the 
results  obtained;   and  (d)  conclusions.     The  nature  of  the  material  and  the  time 
available  for  presentation  will  determine  the  emphasis  to  be  placed  upon  each 
subdivision.     The  author  should  make  certain,  by  trial  with  his  watch,  that  the 
essential  points  can  be  adequately  presented  in  the  time  allotted  to  the  paper. 

(2)  Statement  of  Purpose. — Orient  the  audience  clearly  as  to  the  nature  and 
purpose  of  the  work.     A  lengthy  historical  review  is  generally  out  of  place. 

(3)  Technic. — Describe  the  experimental  method  employed  so  as  to  indicate 
the  principles  involved.     Omit  details  of  apparatus  or  procedure  unless  there  is 
some  particularly  novel  development.     Such  data  may  belong  in  the  published 
paper  but  may  bore  the  audience. 

(4)  Statement  of  Results. — Present  the  results  graphically,  preferably  with 
diagrams.     Lantern  slides  are  more  clearly  seen  than  hand-drawn  charts.     The 
slides  should  be  of  standard  size  (3.25  X  4  inches)  and  should  project  clearly 
upon  the  screen.     Regardless  of  who  has  made  the  charts  or  slides,  try  them  from 
the  point  of  view  of  the  audience  before  presenting  them  at  the  meeting.     Do  not 


read  tables,  a  procedure  that  wastes  time  and  destroys  interest;  but  point  out 
the  general  trend  of  the  data.  Whenever  possible,  the  results  of  research  should 
be  shown  by  means  of  motion  pictures,  for  which  adequate  projection  facilities 
will  be  available. 

(5)  Conclusions. — Summarize  the  evidence  and  discuss  the  importance  of  the 
results  or  conclusions  to  the  particular  field  of  research  involved. 

(6)  Manner  of  Presentation. — Do  nol^read  from  a  manuscript  verbatim,  unless 
the  material  has  been  written  expressly  for  oral  presentation.     Speak  directly  to 
the  audience  in  a  clear,  loud  voice.     Do  not  face  the  blackboard  or  the  screen  while 
speaking.     Articulate  distinctly. 

Many  exceptions  to,  and  modifications  of,  the  suggestions  given  above  may 
apply  in  particular  instances.  Nevertheless,  general  adherence  to  the  points 
brought  out  will  go  far  toward  eliminating  the  valid  criticisms  which  have  been 
aimed  at  our  programs. 

Acknowledgment  is  made  to  the  Society  of  American  Bacteriologists  and  the 
American  Chemical  Society  for  many  of  the  ideas  incorporated  in  these  sugges- 

G.  E.  MATTHEWS,  Chairman,  Papers  Committee 


Reprints  of  Standards  of  the  SMPE  and  Recommended  Practice  may  be  obtained 
from  the  General  Office  of  the  Society  at  the  price  of  twenty-five  cents  each. 

A  limited  number  of  reprints  remain  of  the  Report  of  the  Projection  Practice 
Committee  (Oct.,  1935)  containing  the  projection  room  layouts,  and  "A  Glossary 
of  Color  Photography."  These  may  be  obtained  upon  request,  accompanied  by 
six  cents  in  postage  stamps. 

Copies  of  Aims  and  Accomplishments,  an  index  of  the  Transactions  from  October, 
1916,  to  June,  1930,  containing  summaries  of  all  the  articles,  and  author  and 
classified  indexes,  may  be  obtained  from  the  General  Office  at  the  price  of  one 
dollar  each.  Only  a  limited  number  of  copies  remains. 

Certificates  of  Membership  may  be  obtained  from  the  General  Office  by  all 
members  for  the  price  of  one  dollar.  Lapel  buttons  of  the  Society's  insignia  are 
also  available  at  the  same  price. 

Black  fabrikoid  binders,  lettered  in  gold,  designed  to  hold  a  year's  supply  of  the 
JOURNAL,  may  be  obtained  from  the  General  Office  for  two  dollars  each.  The 
purchaser's  name  and  the  volume  number  may  be  lettered  in  gold  upon  the  back- 
bone of  the  binder  at  an  additional  charge  of  fifty  cents  each. 

Requests  for  any  of  these  supplies  should  be  directed  to  the  General  Office  of 
the  Society  at  the  Hotel  Pennsylvania,  New  York,  N.  Y.,  accompanied  by  the 
appropriate  remittance. 





Volume  XXVI  APRIL,  1936  Number  4 


Report  of  the  Committee  on  Laboratory  Practice 345 

Rapid  Processing  Methods.  .  .  .H.  PARKER  AND  J.  I.  CRABTREE     406 

Equipment  for  Developing  and  Reading  Sensitometric  Tests.  . 

D.  R.  WHITE     427 

Reports  of  the  Research  Council  of  the  Academy  of  Motion 

Picture  Arts  and  Sciences : 
On  Progress  in  Setting  Up  Laboratory  Controls  to  Improve 

Release  Print  Quality 441 

Compilation  of  Answers  to  Questionnaire  on  Release  Print 

Laboratory  Practice 450 

Committees  of  the  Society 462 

Spring  Convention  at  Chicago,  111.,  April  27-30,  1936 467 

Papers  and  Presentations 474 

Society  Announcements 484 





Board  of  Editors 
J.  I.  CRABTREE,  Chairman 

O.  M.  GLUNT  A.  C.  HARDY  L.  A.  JONES 


Subscription  to  non-members,  $8.00  per  annum;  to  members,  $5.00  per  annum, 
included  in  their  annual  membership  dues;  single  copies,  $1.00.  A  discount 
on  subscriptions  or  single  copies  of  15  per  cent  is  allowed  to  accredited  agencies. 
Order  from  the  Society  of  Motion  Picture  Engineers,  Inc.,  20th  and  Northampton 
Sts.,  Easton,  Pa.,  or  Hotel  Pennsylvania,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Published  monthly  at  Easton,  Pa.,  by  the  Society  of  Motion  Picture  Engineers. 

Publication  Office,  20th  &  Northampton  Sts.,  Easton,  Pa. 
General  and  Editorial  Office,  Hotel  Pennsylvania,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Entered  as  second  class  matter  January  15,  1930,  at  the  Post  Office  at  Easton, 
Pa.,  under  the  Act  of  March  3,  1879.     Copyrighted,  1936,  by  the  Society  of 
Motion  Picture  Engineers,  Inc. 

Papers  appearing  in  this  Journal  may  be  reprinted,  abstracted,  or  abridged 
provided  credit  is  given  to  the  Journal  of  the  Society  of  Motion  Picture  Engineers 
and  to  the  author,  or  authors,  of  the  papers  in  question.  Exact  reference  as  to 
the  volume,  number,  and  page  of  the  Journal  must  be  given.  The  Society  is 
not  responsible  for  statements  made  by  authors. 

Officers  of  the  Society 

President:   HOMER  G.  TASKER,  3711  Rowland  Ave.,  Burbank,  Calif. 
Past-President:  ALFRED  N.  GOLDSMITH,  444  Madison  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Executive  Vice-President:    SIDNEY  K.  WOLF,  250  W.  57th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Engineering  Vice-President:   LOYD  A.  JONES,  Kodak  Park,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
Editorial  Vice-President:   JOHN  I.  CRABTREE,  Kodak  Park,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
Financial  Vice-President:   OMER  M.  GLUNT,  463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Convention  Vice-President:  WILLIAM  C.  KUNZMANN,  Box  6087,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 
Secretary:  JOHN  H.  KURLANDER,  2  Clearfield  Ave.,  Bloomfield,  N.  J. 
Treasurer:  TIMOTHY  E.  SHEA,  463  West  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 


MAX  C.  BATSEL,  Front  &  Market  Sts.,  Camden,  N.  J. 

LAWRENCE  W.  DAVEE,  250  W.  57th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

ARTHUR  S.  DICKINSON,  28  W.  44th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

HERBERT  GRIFFIN,  90  Gold  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

ARTHUR  C.  HARDY,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology,  Cambridge,  Mass. 

EMERY  HUSE,  6706  Santa  Monica  Blvd.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 

GERALD  F.  RACKETT,  823  N.  Seward  St.,  Hollywood,  Calif. 

CARRINGTON  H.  STONE,  205  W.  Wacker  Drive,  Chicago,  111. 

See  p.  462  for  Technical  Committees 


Summary. — A  descriptive  report  of  current  methods  of  handling  photosensitive 
materials  in  motion  picture  laboratories;  a  rt'sum.'  of  practical  methods  of  manipulat- 
ing raw  stock,  picture  negative,  sound-track  negative,  duplicating  picture  and  sound 
negative,  regular  positive  prints,  master  positive  prints,  and  special  films  in  the  various 
laboratories  of  the  United  States.  In  addition  are  presented  descriptions  of  equip- 
ment in  current  use  and  the  general  arrangement  and  appointments  of  processing 

I.  Introduction 

II.  Layout  of  a  processing  laboratory 

(A)    Governing  factors 

(1)  Location 

(2)  Capacity  or  total  footage  output 

(3)  Efficiency  in  construction 

(4)  Efficiency  of  operation 

(5)  Cleanliness 

(6)  Safety 

(a)  Fire  protection  equipment 

(i)     Sprinkler  systems 
(ii)     Fire  alarm  systems 
(Hi)     Partitioning,  exits,  and  fire-resisting  appliances 

(b)  Electrical  equipment 

(i)     Equipment  for  hazardous  and  non-hazardous  locations 
(ii)     Protection  of  equipment  to  prevent  fires 

(7)  General 

(a)  Operation 

(b)  Illumination 

(c)  Air-conditioning 

III.  History  of  raw  stock 

(A)    Storage  of  raw  stock  in  laboratory 

(1)     Type  of  storage  room 

(a)  Humidity 

(b)  Temperature  (wet-bulb  and  dry-bulb) 

IV.  Method  of  comparing  emulsions 

(A)    Standards  selected 

(1)     Exposure 

*  Presented  at  the  Fall,  1935,  Meeting  at  Washington,  D.  C. 



(2)  Sensitometry  and  processing  (developing) 

(5)  Densitometry  and  plotting  characteristic  curves 

(4)  Interpretation  of  curves 

(5)  Evaluation  of  curves 

V.  Printing 

(A)  Types  of  printers 

(1)  Contact  (step  and  continuous) 

(a)  Double  system 

(b)  Single  system 

(2)  Optical 

(a)  Picture  step  (reduction) 

(b)  Continuous  sound  reduction 

(3)  Trick  and  special 

(B)  Maintenance  of  printers 

(1)  Electrical  circuits 

(2)  Printing  lamps  (illumination  sources) 

(3)  Machine  drives  (footage  speeds) 

(4)  Printer  light-change  system 

(5)  Printer  matching 

(C)  System  of  printing 

(7)     General  procedure 

(a)  Method  of  timing 

(b)  Manner  of  printing 
(2)     Title  making  and  printing 

(a)  Superimposed  titles 

(b)  Title  insert  printing 

VI.  Processing 

(A)  Types  of  machines 

(1)     Design  and  construction 
(2}     Footage  speeds 

(B)  Development 

(1)  Formulas 

(a)  Original  and  replenisher  supply 

(i)     Negative  type 
(ii)     Positive  type 
(Hi)     Sound-track  types 
(w)     Special  types 

(b)  Mix  and  method  of  agitation 

(c)  Temperature  control 

(2)  Machine  footage  speeds  and  development  times 

(3)  Control  methods  (maintenance  of  constant  density  and  gamma) 
(a)     Negative  control 


(b)  Positive  control 

(c)  Sound-track  control 

(d)  Duplication  control 

(e)  Specialized  control 

(C)  Fixation  and  hardening 

(1)  Formulas 

(2)  Temperature  control 
(5)     Time  of  fixation 

(D)  Wash  water 

(1)  Fresh  water  supply 

(a)  Source 

(b)  Mode  of  purification 

(2)  Time  of  washing 

(a)  Preceding  fixation 

(b)  Succeeding  fixation 

(3)  Temperature  control 

(E)  Drying  conditions 

(1)  Type  of  air-conditioning  system 

(a)  Method  of  circulating  (refer  to  VI,  A) 

(b)  Velocity  of  air  (refer  to  VI,  A) 

(2)  Temperature  control  (wet-bulb  and-dry-bulb) 
(5)     Humidity 

(4)  Time 

(F)  Film  treatment 

(1)  For  lubrication 

(2)  For  lubrication  and  preservation 

VII.  Method  of  Inspection 

(A)  Negative 

(B)  Prints 

VIII.  General  air-conditioning 

(A)    Laboratory  building 

(1)  Storage  vaults 

(2)  Printing  rooms 


Specific  phases  of  motion  picture  film  development  were  discussed 
in  reports  by  the  Committee  on  Laboratory  and  Exchange  Practice  at 
two  previous  Conventions  of  the  Society.  This  year  the  Committee 
was  divided  into  two  separate  Committees — the  Exchange  Practice 
Committee  and  the  Laboratory  Practice  Committee. 

348      REPORT  OF  LABORATORY  PRACTICE  COMMITTEE     [j.  s.  M.  P.  E. 

After  careful  consideration  the  newly  organized  Laboratory  Practice 
Committee  decided  it  would  be  best  to  present  to  the  Society  a  tutorial 
report  of  the  current  methods  of  handling  photosensitive  materials 
in  motion  picture  laboratories.  As  no  general  information  on  labora- 
tory procedure  had  ever  been  published  before,  it  was  felt  that  a  gen- 
eral summary  of  current  laboratory  practice  might  well  serve  as  a 
helpful  reference  and  would  eventually  lead  to  the  Society's 
making  recommendations  and  suggestions  that  would  increase 
the  ease  of  laboratory  manipulation  and  improve  both  the  photo- 
graphic quality  on  the  screen  and  the  sound  quality  in  the  theater. 

The  following  pages  contain  a  resume  of  some  practical  methods  of 
manipulating  picture  negative,  sound-track  negative,  duplicating 
picture  and  sound  negative,  regular  positive  prints,  master  positive 
prints,  and  special  films  in  the  various  laboratories  of  the  United 


There  is  probably  no  concrete  method  governing  the  layout  of 
ideal  floor  plans  for  a  motion  picture  processing  laboratory,  but 
rather,  the  special  arrangements  that  are  chosen  depend  upon  the 
proportion  of  the  different  types  of  work  that  are  done,  the  variations 
in  the  processes  that  are  employed,  and  several  other  factors.  In  the 
planning  some  prime  factors  to  be  considered  are  the  desirability  of 
location;  the  total  capacity  or  total  footage;  the  efficiency  of  con- 
struction, as  to  building,  floor  plans,  and  equipment;  the  operating 
efficiency  for  maximum  and  minimum  capacities  within  overhead  ex- 
penditure; the  cleanliness  of  each  department;  the  safety  factors;  and 
the  general  problem  of  operation,  illumination,  and  air-conditioning. 

The  location  depends  upon  the  availability  of  a  site  in  proximity 
to  the  source  of  business  and  the  source  of  power,  raw  materials,  water, 
and  other  services.  The  total  capacity  or  footage  output  is  usually 
gauged  upon  the  basis  of  present  and  future  prospects  for  business. 
The  most  efficient  construction  avoids  unnecessary  walls,  partitions, 
and  inconvenient  room  shapes,  and  careful  consideration  is  given  to 
partitions  in  relation  to  the  building  structure  and  between  rooms, 
vaults,  and  sections  where  film  is  stored.  Attention  is  given  to  piping, 
electrical  conduits,  and  ventilation  duct  layouts  to  minimize  the 
cost  of  installation  and  construction.  The  flow  of  materials  is  so 
arranged  that  the  plant  can  be  operated  efficiently  and  economically. 
Film  should  not  be  allowed  to  accumulate  in  any  one  place,  and  to 


avoid  such  accumulation  suitable  means  of  transportation  from  point 
to  point  are  provided.  When  possible,  the  layout  of  the  plant  is  such 
that  each  operation  on  the  film  follows  in  sequence,  with  the  shipping 
department  easily  accessible  to  an  exit  but  near  the  final  handling 

Extreme  cleanliness  must  be  observed  if  the  ultimate  in  clean 
negatives  and  prints  is  to  be  attained.  Walls  and  floor  surfaces 
should  be  treated  with  paints  or  other  materials  that  will  collect  a 
minimum  of  dust  and  dirt.  Few  laboratories  are  air-conditioned 
throughout  the  entire  building,  but  when  they  are,  their  problem  of 
cleanliness  is  lessened  considerably. 

A  detailed  description  of  sprinkler  systems,  fire-alarm  systems, 
partitioning,  exits,  fire-resisting  appliances,  electrical  equipment  in 
hazardous  and  non-hazardous  locations,  and  protection  of  electrical 
equipment  to  avoid  fire  hazards  does  not  seem  necessary  in  this 
report,  as  the  choice  of  type  and  the  installation  of  such  equipment 
must  be  approved  and  accepted  by  the  National  Board  of  Fire  Under- 
writers and  must  conform  to  the  National  Electrical  Code,  the  local 
fire  ordinances,  and  the  electrical  codes  and  factory  laws  as  applied  to 
the  motion  picture  industry.  The  codes  govern  the  safety  factors, 
but  often  the  manager  of  the  laboratory  assumes  additional  precau- 
tions for  the  protection  of  the  plant  and  personnel  and  to  reduce  the 
insurance  costs. 

The  general  problems  of  operation,  illumination,  and  air-con- 
ditioning are  discussed  in  more  detail  in  connection  with  the  following 
descriptions  of  operating  methods. 


Immediately  upon  the  receipt  of  any  type  of  raw  stock  (regular 
printing  positive,  duplicating  negative,  master  positive,  and  special 
emulsions)  the  majority  of  motion  picture  laboratories  store  it  in  a 
special  room  or  storage  vault  set  aside  for  the  purpose.  Before  the 
raw  stock  is  placed  in  the  storage  vault  it  is  generally  uncased,  and 
the  taped  cans  stored  in  an  upright  position  in  specially  designed 
racks.  In  a  few  laboratories  these  rooms  are  air-conditioned,  but  in 
the  majority  of  laboratories  they  are  simply  ventilated,  and  conse- 
quently the  condition  of  the  air  in  the  storage  room  approximates 
general  indoor  atmospheric  conditions.  Usually  the  dry-bulb  tem- 
perature ranges  from  65°  to  80°F.,  and  the  relative  humidity  ranges 
from  30  to  approximately  70  per  cent.  Most  laboratories  have  small 


vaults  just  off  the  printing  room  that  are  air-conditioned  like  the 
printing  room.  The  film  is  given  to  the  printers  after  it  is  untaped, 
uncanned,  and  the  black  paper  removed.  In  laboratories  where  a 
conditioned  room  or  a  conditioned  vault  is  not  adjacent  to  the 
printing  room,  the  film  is  taken  directly  from  storage.  Frequently, 
at  the  beginning  of  the  working  day,  sufficient  film  is  uncanned  to 
supply  the  printers  for  that  day  or  for  an  eight-hour  period. 


As  a  standard  of  exposure  for  emulsion  comparison  and  for  control 
tests  a  number  of  laboratories  now  employ  the  Eastman  type  IIB 

FIG.  1.     Eastman    115    sensitometer;     for    exposing    sensitometric 
strips  on  all  photosensitive  materials. 

sensitometer  (Fig.  1)  for  sensitometric  testing,  and  in  some  cases 
various  types  of  step  tablet  sensitometers  (Fig.  2).  For  practical 
visual  print  comparison  a  carefully  maintained  continuous  or  step 
printer  is  sometimes  employed  using  a  selected  picture  negative  as 
the  light  modulator. 

The  master  printer  for  printing  the  negative  selected  as  a  standard 
of  reference  for  picture  quality  is  often  given  special  attention. 
Special  care  is  taken  to  keep  the  current  supplied  to  the  lamp  constant, 


and  the  lamp  is  carefully  inspected  for  defects  and  seasoned  before 
use  so  as  to  assure  uniformity  of  illumination  at  the  gate.  The 
uniformity  of  speed  of  the  machines  is  also  carefully  checked. 
The  care  of  printers  and  printing  mechanisms  will  be  discussed 

Upon  receipt  of  a  new  emulsion  number  of  any  raw  stock  it  is  ac- 
cepted practice  to  impress  upon  10-  to  25-ft.  lengths  taken  from 
one  to  five  rolls  (selected  at  random)  of  the  new  and  the  former 
coatings,  two  to  five  sensitometered  strips  on  the  sensitometer  using 
the  positive  or  negative  set-up,  according  to  the  film  being  used. 

FIG.  2.     Eastman  model  X  step  tablet  sensitometer;   for  exposing  sensitometric 
strips  on  all  photosensitive  materials. 

Obviously,  the  positive  set-up  is  used  for  those  photosensitive  mate- 
ials  that  have  positive  film  characteristics,  and  the  negative  set-up 
'or  those  that  have  negative  types  of  characteristics.  Six-  to  100-ft. 
engths  of  both  the  new  and  the  former  emulsions  are  printed  on  the 
selected  printer  from  the  selected  negative  accepted  as  a  standard 
of  reference.  The  prints  on  all  strips  are  made  at  the  step  setting  that 
was  correct  for  the  former  coating.  All  sensitometric  strip  ex- 
>osures  and  prints  are  then  developed  together  by  the  appropriate 
development  process,  either  negative  or  positive,  for  the  time  that 
produced  the  desired  gamma,  density,  and  photographic  quality  that 
was  adjudged  satisfactory  on  the  former  coating.  Then  the  step 
Densities  on  the  sensitometered  strip  are  read  on  a  suitable  densitonj- 


eter  (Figs.  3,  4,  and  5  illustrate  some  of  the  types  available)  and 
plotted  by  the  recognized  method  described  by  Jones.1  From  the 
plotted,  averaged,  sensitometered  strips  the  difference  in  gamma  and 
density  speed  can  be  ascertained  for  the  predetermined  development 
time,  and  by  visual  judgment  the  timer  can  discern  the  change  of 
printer  point,  if  any,  necessary  to  produce  the  same  density  in  the  new 
emulsion  as  was  obtained  in  the  former  emulsion.  Often  a  re  test  is 
made  at  the  new  printer  point  assignment,  and  the  new  emulsion  is 

FIG.  3.  Eastman  direct-reading  densitome- 
ter;  for  reading  densities  on  all  types  of 
films  and  plates. 

developed  for  the  time  necessary  to  produce  in  it  a  gamma  equivalent 
to  the  gamma  of  the  former  emulsion,  which  is  the  gamma  that  the 
laboratory  has  determined  to  be  the  most  suitable  to  obtain  the  best 
quality.  This  procedure  is  of  particular  importance  in  testing  posi- 
tive printing  stock,  as  release  prints  must  be  held  to  fairly  close  toler- 
ances to  obtain  uniform  screen  quality. 

Often,  after  having  completed  the  above-described  tests  of  the  new 
positive  raw  stock,  prints  are  made  of  a  production  negative  in  work 
upon  a  1000-ft.  roll  of  the  new  and  a  1000-ft.  roll  of  the  former  emul- 
sion. From  this  final  test,  by  visual  inspection,  a  printer  point  rating 
and  a  development  time  are  assigned  to  the  new  emulsion  so  that 

April,  1936] 


prints  made  with  the  new  emulsions  will  match  approximately  the 
quality  obtained  with  the  former  emulsion.  Sometimes  laboratories 
depend  upon  their  sensitometric  tests,  and  assign  printer  point 
settings  for  positive  emulsions  by  drawing  perpendiculars  from  the 
point  of  unit  density  on  the  straight -line  portion  of  the  plotted  char- 

(Courtesy  of  Electrical  Research  Products,  Inc.) 

FIG.  4.     Photoelectric  cell  densitometer ;    for  reading 
sound-track  densities. 

acteristic  curves  to  the  abscissa,  or  log  E  axis,  to  determine  the  log  E 
difference  between  the  new  and  former  emulsions.  A  difference  in 
log  E  of  0.05  at  equal  gammas  is  equal  to  a  change  of  about  Bell  & 
Howell  model  D  printer  point.  This  log  E  difference  for  printer  point 
difference  varies  considerably  from  laboratory  to  laboratory,  as  each 
laboratory  tends  to  design  its  own  printer  step  difference  when  con- 
structing printer  light  step  resistance  control  panels. 

354      REPORT  OF  LABORATORY  PRACTICE  COMMITTEE     [j.  s.  M.  P.  E. 

Positive  emulsions  from  coating  to  coating  are  generally  within 
the  tolerance  of  laboratory  manipulation  for  density  and  gamma, 
and,  therefore,  only  slight  changes  in  printer  point  ratings  are  neces- 
sary. If  the  new  emulsion,  however,  is  slightly  higher  or  slightly 
lower  in  gamma  than  it  should  be,  as  compared  with  the  previous 
emulsion,  it  is  usually  assigned  a  development  time  that  will  produce 
a  gamma  within  the  tolerance  set  by  the  laboratory.  Gammas  of 

(Courtesy  of  Electrical  Research  Products,  Inc.) 

FIG.  5.     KS-6466  densitometer ;    for  reading  densities  on  all  types  of 
films  and  plates. 

positive  prints  vary  from  1.9  to  2.3,  but  fall  in  the  majority  of 
laboratories  within  the  range  of  2.0  to  2.2.  Most  laboratories  en- 
deavor to  maintain  with  positive  prints  a  uniformity  of  gamma  con- 
trol from  day  to  day  of  2.0  to  2.2  or  ±0.1.  Some  endeavor  to  main- 
tain the  control  within  ±0.05.  The  printer  point  variation  is  usually 
held  within  ±0.5  printer  point,  but  some  laboratories  approve  prints 
that  have  variations  from  day  to  day  of  ±  1  Bell  &  Howell  printer 
point,  or  the  equivalent  of  ±0.05  in  log  E  exposure  value  at  a  density 

of  unity. 

(A)     Types  of  Printers 

Practically  all  laboratories,  regardless  of  their  footage  production, 
have  several  types  of  printers  available  for  either  routine  release 


printing  or  special  printing.  Upon  the  introduction  of  sound  into 
the  motion  picture  industry,  several  laboratories  decided  that  it  was 
expedient  and  economical  to  make  a  few  mechanical  changes  in  their 
standard  printing  equipment  to  handle  the  sound  printing  problems, 
and  this  accounts  to  some  extent  for  the  variation  in  the  types  of 
printers  being  used. 

Standard  types  of  continuous  and  intermittent  printers  for  image 
transfer  are  in  use,  but  generally  each  laboratory  makes  a  few  changes 
in  its  printers  to  suit  specific  operating  conditions  and  to  offer  greater 
ease  of  manipulation.  The  scope  of  this  report,  however,  does  not 
permit  describing  in  detail  the  modifications  that  are  made  in  design 
although  an  attempt  will  be  made  to  cover  more  or  less  schematically 
the  major  changes. 

For  printing  35-mm.  sound-track  and  picture  negative  the  ma- 
chine most  commonly  used  is  the  Bell  &  Howell  model  D  printer. 
Some  of  these  printers  are  used  just  as  manufactured,  but  most  of 
them  are  modified  in  some  way,  particularly  in  the  light-change 
mechanism.  It  is  sometimes  more  efficient  and  economical  to  use 
single-operation  printers,  that  is,  printers  in  which  the  sound-track 
negative  and  the  picture  negative  are  printed  simultaneously.  Falling 
into  this  class  are  modified  Bell  &  Howell  printers,  Duplex  step 
printers,  and  special  printers  designed  and  constructed  in  accordance 
with  the  specifications  of  the  particular  laboratory. 

In  laboratories  employing  Bell  &  Howell  continuous  printers 
(Fig.  6)  that  have  been  revamped  so  as  to  print  the  sound-track  and 
the  picture  negative  simultaneously,  a  finished  sound  print  is  the  result 
of  passing  the  picture  negative,  the  sound  negative,  and  the  positive 
raw  stock  continuously  through  the  printer.  In  the  case  of  one  notable 
modification,  the  picture  printing  takes  place  on  the  sixty-four-tooth 
standard  sprocket  with  the  aperture  so  masked  that  the  sound  area 
is  left  unexposed  and  the  sound  printing  takes  place  on  a  sprocket 
corresponding  to  the  upper  feed  sprocket.  This  sprocket  has  been 
replaced  with  a  specially  designed  thirty- two  tooth,  hollow-center 
printing  sprocket  suitably  masked  for  sound  printing  and  provided 
with  the  necessary  shoe  mechanism.  The  casting  of  the  machine  has 
been  extended  to  provide  for  an  additional  sprocket  above  the  sound 
printing  sprocket  in  order  that  the  strain  of  pulling  the  films  from  the 
flanges  is  not  imposed  upon  the  sprocket  on  which  the  sound  printing 
takes  place.  The  drive  of  this  modified  printer  has  been  completely 
rebuilt  so  that  the  machine  is  now  driven  directly  from  a  fractional 


April,  1936] 


horsepower  semisynchronous  motor.  A  flywheel  has  been  mounted 
upon  the  shaft  of  the  sound  printing  sprocket  to  insure  steady  motion. 
Printer  mechanisms  and  light-change  boards  are  constructed  to  per- 
mit printing  forward  and  backward,  thus  avoiding  the  necessity  of 
rewinding  the  negative  after  each  printing.  On  some  machines  of 

FIG.  8.     Bell   &    Howell   continuous   sound   and    picture 
production  printer. 

this  type  use  is  made, of  the  standard  Bell  &  Howell  picture  shutter 
light-change  mechanism,  while  others  utilize  specially  designed  resis- 
tance boards  for  the  light-changes.  Details  of  various  types  of  light- 
change  mechanisms  will  be  outlined  later. 

Modified  Duplex  step  printers  (Fig.  7)  for  simultaneously  step 
printing  the  picture  negative  and  continuously  printing  the  sound- 
track negative  are  in  use.  The  adaptation  is  accomplished  by  attach- 


ing  to  and  offsetting  below  the  step  picture  printing  head  of  the  Du- 
plex printer  a  continuously  operated  sound  printing  head  in  which  the 
film  is  pulled  over  a  curved  gate  with  a  balanced  shoe  mechanism. 
The  sound  printing  head  is  run  synchronously  with  the  step  printing 
head  at  a  speed  of  approximately  thirty-five  to  forty  feet  per  minute. 
Both  the  picture  and  the  sound-track  light-change  mechanisms  are 
controlled  by  standard  resistance  boards  modified  in  accordance  with 
specifications  of  the  laboratories. 

Where  continuous  operation  has  approached  its  maximum,  printers 
have  been  engineered  so  that  the  sound-track  and  the  picture  negative 
light-changes  are  controlled  by  specially  prepared  mattes  that  vary 
the  light  aperture  opening  for  printing  both  sound  and  picture. 
These  mattes  are  prepared  for  the  timing  of  each  reel  of  picture  nega- 
tive and  sound-track  negative  printed.  By  automatically  increasing 
or  decreasing  the  intensity  of  the  exposing  lamp  by  means  of  a  govern- 
ing mechanism,  these  printers  will  permit  using  the  matte  timed 
to  accompany  a  given  sound-track  or  picture  negative  at  various  foot- 
age speeds. 

The  new  Bell  &  Howell  single-operation  continuous  sound-track 
and  picture  printer  (Fig.  8)  for  printing  both  picture  and  track  in  one 
operation  is  now  being  used  in  a  number  of  laboratories.  Details  of 
these  printers  have  been  previously  published  in  the  JOURNAL.2  The 
light-change,  scene  for  scene,  is  controlled  by  specially  prepared  mattes 
that  vary  the  light  aperture  in  the  manner  previously  described. 
Details  of  the  design  and  operation  of  this  printer  and  of  the  con- 
tinuous model  D  printer,  in  which  the  sound-track  and  the  picture  are 
printed  in  separate  operations,  can  be  obtained  from  the  manufac- 
turer. Several  Depue  continuous  sound-track  and  picture  printers 
using  light-change  resistance  boards  for  timing  are  in  use. 

A  few  laboratories  are  using  printers  that  are  no  longer  manu- 
factured, but  by  far  the  great  majority  use  printers  of  the  type  de- 
scribed above.  All  the  printers  mentioned  so  far  are  used  for  stand- 
ard release  printing  work. 

Quad  printers  are  sometimes  used  for  printing  news  releases  to  in- 
crease the  efficiency  and  decrease  the  time  of  production.  These  quad 
printers  are  groups  of  four  printers  driven  by  the  same  source  of  power, 
and  may  be  combination  step  picture  printers  and  sound-track 
continuous  printers,  or  continuous  picture  and  sound  printers  in  which 
the  sound-track  and  the  picture  are  printed  simultaneously.  The 
negatives,  both  sound-track  and  picture,  are  run  through  all  four  ma- 


chines,  thus  producing  four  complete  prints  with  each  pass  of  a  nega- 
tive. The  light-change  mechanisms  are  carefully  matched,  step  for 
step,  for  each  individual  head  in  the  battery  of  four,  so  that  uniform 
prints  may  be  obtained. 

Printers  equipped  with  so-called  "five-way  gates"  eliminate  negative 
rewinding  and  speed  up  production.  These  "five-way  gates"  are 
movable  masks  in  the  printing  aperture,  which  change  position  and 
permit  the  sound-track  to  be  printed  first  along  one  edge  of  the  posi- 
tive and  then  along  the  other,  as  the  sound-track  position  reverses 
when  the  negative  is  printed  backward. 

Each  laboratory  has  special  optical  printers  (Figs.  9  and  10)  for 
making  wipe-outs,  lap  dissolves,  inserts,  etc.,  in  addition  to  the  stand- 
ard types  of  continuous  and  step  optical  printers.  Generally,  how- 
ever, these  printers  are  assembled  from  standard  cinema  machinery 
obtained  on  the  commercial  market.  In  many  instances,  printers  of 
this  type  are  built  in  accordance  with  the  particular  specifications  of 
the  laboratory  so  that  unusual  photographic  effects  may  be  achieved. 
To  describe  the  various  types  of  special  printers  would  be  an  endless 
task  and,  since  most  printer  manufacturers  will  make  special  print- 
ers for  effect  purposes,  detailed  information  upon  the  subject  can  be 
obtained  from  them. 

Because  of  the  problem  involved  in  superimposing  foreign  titles 
for  foreign  release  prints  by  methods  that  will  be  described  later, 
special  printers  have  been  designed  that  will  print  in  one  operation 
the  sound-track  negative,  picture  negative,  and  title  from  a  single 
frame  upon  the  picture  area  of  the  positive.  The  firms  that  have 
constructed  these  printers  have  reduced  their  production  cost  and 
achieved  a  greater  ease  of  manipulation  in  making  foreign  release 

Due  to  the  increasing  demand  for  16-mm.  sound-film  prints,  a 
number  of  laboratories  have  either  purchased,  or  had  constructed 
according  to  their  specifications,  continuous  optical  reduction  printers 
for  reducing  35-mm.  sound-track  negative  to  16-mm.  sound-track 
positive  (Figs  11-15).  Usually  these  printers  are  designed  for  re- 
ducing the  sound-track  only,  the  picture  being  reduced  in  one  of  the 
standard  types  of  35-1 6-mm.  step  optical  reduction  printers. 

(B)    Maintenance  of  Printers 

(1)  Electrical  Circuits. — All  printing  lamp  lines  to  the  various 
machines  are  generally  of  ample  size  to  reduce  the  line  drop  to  a 

360      REPORT  OF  LABORATORY  PRACTICE  COMMITTEE     [J.  s.  M.  p.  E. 


minimum,  and  direct  current  is  invariably  used.  In  most  laboratories 
an  attempt  is  made  to  lay  out  the  printer  room  so  that  the  distribution 
of  current  to  adjacent  machines  is  not  affected  when  any  one  machine 
is  switched  on  or  off.  Printing  lamp  current  is  commonly  provided 
by  an  independent  d-c.  generator,  so  that  voltage  regulation  can  be 
maintained  within  ±0.5  volt.  Frequently,  special  converters  are 
used  so  that  the  supply  will  not  vary  more  than  =*=0.5  volt  for  a  10 
per  cent  change  of  line  voltage  supplied  to  the  converter. 

(2)  Printing  Lamps. — As  sources  of  illumination,  printing  lamps 
of  suitable  characteristics  are  selected,   with  particular  regard  for 
their  ruggedness  and  durability.    Generally,  lamps  of  greater  watt- 
age than  necessary  are  chosen,  in  order  that  they  may  be  operated 
well  below  their  rated  voltage  and  so  maintain  reasonably  constant 
color  temperatures  throughout  their  lives.    Often  lamps  are  selected 
according  to  photometric  and  electrical  measurements  to  assure  uni- 
form characteristics.     Usually,  when  using  resistance  light-changes, 
printer  lamps  are  so  matched  that  the  voltage-current  characteristics 
are  similar.     In  most  laboratories  the  filament  alignment  and  the 
positions  of  the  lamps  in  the  machines  are  checked  daily,  and  exposure 
tests  are  made  frequently  to  check  the  illumination  levels  of  the  printers. 

(3)  Machine  Drives  (Footage  Speeds). — Semisynchronous  motors 
are  sometimes  used  to  simplify  the  problem  of  maintaining  the  speed 

f  the  printing  machines  constant.     Special  attention  is  generally 
^iven  to  eliminating  vibration,  especially  in  the  case  of  printers  that 
are  not  mounted  upon  solid,  heavy  foundations.    Printers  that  have 
)een   specially   designed   and  constructed  by  the   laboratories   are 
usually  built  into  very  heavy  foundations  to  guard  against  vibration, 
t  is  common  practice  to  drive  Duplex  step  printers  at  speeds  of 
hirty-five  to  forty  feet  a  minute  whether  they  be  single-operated 
>r  operated  in  conjunction  with  specially  designed  continuous  sound 
>rinting  heads.     Bell  &  Howell  continuous  printers,  whether  of  the 
ingle -aperture  type  or  the  modified  combination  sound  and  picture 
aperture  type,  are  driven  at  speeds  varying  from  sixty  to  one  hundred 
and  twenty-five  feet  a  minute.     Where  special  continuous  printers 
hat  print  the  picture  and  the  sound-track  simultaneously  are  oper- 
ated in  direct  conjunction  with  continuous  processing  machines,  the 
speeds  vary  from  one  hundred  and  twenty-five  feet  to  one  hundred 
and  eighty  feet  a  minute.    It  can  be  expected  that  the  speed  at  which 
he  printers  are  driven  depends  upon  the  footage  production  of  the 
aboratory  and  the  mechanical  limitations  of  the  machines. 

362      REPORT  OF  LABORATORY  PRACTICE  COMMITTEE     [j.  s.  M.  P.  E 


(4)  Printer  Light-CJiange  Systems. — Each  laboratory  selects   a 
resistance  or  a  mechanical  light-change  system  according  to  the 
advantages  that  either  method  may  afford  under  predetermined 
conditions   of   laboratory   operation.      No  matter  which  system  is 
utilized,   the   laboratory  endeavors  to   maintain  the   log  exposure 
increments,  step  for  step  upon  all  machines,  equivalent  in  terms  of 
step  density  value  when  all  printer  tests  are  exposed  upon  the  same 
piece  of  film  and  developed  together.     Depending  upon  the  number 
of  average  scene-changes  necessary,  resistance  boards  are  employed 
that  will  permit  making  fifty  to  one  hundred  and  fifty  scene-changes 
during  the  printing  of  a  1000-ft.  reel  of  negative.     These  resistance 
boards  are  obviously  designed  so  that  at  each  change  of  scene  any 
one  of  the  eighteen  to  twenty-one  light-exposure   values   can   be 
selected.    The  change  of  "lights"   (as  they  are  customarily  termed) 
from  scene  to  scene  is  effected  by  a  bar  dropping  past  contact  buttons 
that  have  been  manually  set  into  a  surface  panel.    The  bar  is  moved 
by  a  solenoid,  the  circuit  of  which  is  controlled  by  contacts  on  notch- 
feeling  rollers  riding  upon  the  edge  of  the  negative.     The  positions 
of  the  contact  buttons  in  the  panel  are  chosen  by  the  timer,  who 
assigns  the  "light"  values  to  the  negative  to  be  printed  and  cuts 
notches  into  the  edge  of  the  negative  where  the  light-changes  are  to 
occur.    The  printing  machine  operator  puts  the  contact  buttons  into 

The  log  E  change  per  step  of  the  resistance  type  of  light-control  is 
usually  held  to  such  a  value  that  the  total  change  of  voltage  across 
the  lamp  from  step  1  to  step  18  or  21  will  not  produce  too  great  a 
difference  of  contrast  in  the  print.  Change  of  contrast  is  due  to  change 
of  color  temperature  of  the  lamp  with  a  change  of  applied  voltage, 
and,  if  the  variation  of  color  temperature  is  too  great,  obviously  the 
change  of  contrast  will  be  objectionable. 

The  system  of  varying  the  intensity  of  the  light  at  the  printing 
aperture  by  mechanical  means  is  well  known ;  and  apparently  the  one 
most  commonly  used  is  the  variable  shutter-opening  type  utilized 
in  the  Bell  &  Howell  model  D  printer,  although  the  aperture  matte 
system  is  constantly  gaining  favor. 

(5)  Printer   Matching    (Exposure    Characteristics). — Printers   are 
usually  matched  daily  by  making  a  print  of  a  standard  negative 
upon  the  positive  emulsion  being  used,  at  a  selected  step  on  each 
printer,   and  developing  the  several  prints  together  in  a  suitable 
developing  system  for  the  time,  previously  determined,  that  produces 

364      REPORT  OF  LABORATORY  PRACTICE  COMMITTEE     [j.  s.  M.  P.  E. 


the  correct  gamma  and  print  density  in  a  given  printer.  The  step 
at  which  the  prints  are  made  upon  each  printer  is  usually  two  or  three 
points  above  the  mid-step.  If  these  prints  match  visually  as  to  den- 
sity, the  printers  are  then  assumed  to  be  matched,  step  for  step,  one 
against  the  other,  upon  the  basis  that  all  the  printers  utilize  resistance 
boards  having  equivalent  changes  of  resistance  from  step  to  step,  or 
back  shutters  having  equivalent  aperture  changes.  If  a  printer  is 
out  of  match,  the  fixed  aperture  opening  is  increased  or  decreased 
until  the  printer  matches  the  other  printers  at  that  step;  or  the  dis- 
tance of  the  lamp  from  the  printing  aperture  may  be  increased  or 
decreased  until  the  match  is  attained.  Often  small  adjustable  re- 
sistances are  used  in  the  lamp  circuits  for  balancing  the  printers. 
These  adjustments  are,  obviously,  made  only  when  the  condition 
of  the  lamp  itself  is  satisfactory.  Frequently,  densitometric  com- 
parisons of  the  exposed  prints  are  made,  in  addition  to  the  visual 
comparisons.  Some  laboratories  visually,  or  both  visually  and  densi- 
tometrically,  compare  such  strips  exposed  at  every  step  of  each 
printer  every  two  weeks  or  every  month.  In  addition  to  obtaining 
information  as  to  the  matching  characteristics  of  the  printers,  the 
uniformity  of  illumination  at  the  printing  aperture  is  estimated 
and  it  is  determined  whether  or  not  the  pressure  of  the  pressure  pad 
is  sufficient  to  maintain  firm  contact  for  good  definition.  This,  and 
all  other  mechanical  details,  are  usually  delegated  to  the  laboratory 
machine  shop.  Usually,  to  determine  the  uniformity  of  intensity  at 
the  printing  aperture,  positive  film  is  exposed  at  a  predetermined 
step,  developed,  and  the  uniformity  of  density  over  the  picture  area 
measured  with  a  densitometer. 

The  matching  of  printer  sound  heads  is  based  upon  the  same  prin- 
ciples, the  prints  being  made  from  unmodulated  sound-track. 

(C)    System  of  Printing 

(1)  General  Practice. — For  timing  negatives  for  making  prints, 
the  visual  method  is  used  almost  exclusively  in  East  Coast  labora- 
tories, as  it  has  seemed  to  be  the  most  practicable  and  economical 
since  the  beginning  of  the  development  and  printing  of  motion  picture 
film.  With  this  method  the  "timer"  estimates,  according  to  his  ex- 
perience, the  step  at  which  the  light-change  system  of  the  printer 
should  be  set  to  produce  a  balanced  print  scene  for  scene.  Making 
a  balanced  print  from  negatives  that  have  been  developed  to  an 

366      REPORT  OF  LABORATORY  PRACTICE  COMMITTEE     [j.  s.  M.  p.  E. 

approximately  constant  gamma  involves  obtaining  a  series  of  densi- 
ties in  the  various  scenes  of  the  print,  which  has  been  developed  for  a 
predetermined  time,  such  that  the  print  will  produce  when  projected 
upon  the  screen,  consistent  contrast  detail  in  highlights  and  shadows 
of  the  various  picture  scenes.  As  the  "timer"  times  (or  determines 
the  proper  printing  steps  for)  the  negative,  he  usually  notches  it, 
cutting  a  notch  into  its  edge  at  the  fourth  frame  ahead  of  the  begin- 
ning of  each  light-change  for  a  given  scene.  The  notching  is  done 
with  a  standard  negative  notching  device. 

Some  laboratories,  notably  most  of  those  on  the  West  Coast,  use  a 
timing  machine  which  makes  a  print  of  a  section  of  nine  to  eleven 
frames  of  each  negative.  A  foremost  example  of  such  a  machine  is  the 
"Cinex"  timer.  Each  of  the  frames  receives  an  exposure  that  is 
matched  to  alternate  steps  of  the  printer,  so  that  when  the  print  is 
developed  each  of  the  nine  or  eleven  frames  represents  the  print 
density  that  would  be  obtained  by  printing  with  alternate  lights, 
from  step  1  to  the  highest  step.  The  "timer"  then  visually  judges 
from  this  print  the  proper  step  at  which  to  print  the  negative  so  that 
scenes  of  balanced  density  will  result  throughout  given  sequences. 
Whichever  system  is  used,  it  is  the  custom  for  the  "timer"  to  note 
upon  a  specially  designed  timing  card  the  light-step  or  light-changes 
for  each  scene  in  a  given  roll  of  negative.  When  Cinex  tests  are  made 
of  production  negative  for  the  purpose  of  timing  daily  prints,  the 
Cinex  strips  are  frequently  given  to  the  cameraman  on  the  set  so  that 
he  can  judge  the  printing  quality  of  his  negative. 

The  sound-track  is  frequently  timed  in  the  same  manner,  but  the 
practice  of  timing  it  by  densitometric  measurement  is  growing  in 
favor  because  the  problems  of  picture  composition  and  detail  do  not 
complicate  the  assignment  of  printer  exposures  for  sound-track  as  they 
do  in  pictorial  work.  Both  visual  and  densitometric  methods  are 
being  used,  and  as  the  majority  of  sound-tracks  are  re-recorded  and 
therefore  balanced  for  exposure,  one  light  is  generally  set  for  printing 
a  complete  reel  of  negative.  Variable-density  biased  negative  can 
be  timed  correctly  only  by  measuring  the  unbiased,  unmodulated 
portions  of  the  track. 

After  the  negative  picture  and  negative  sound-track  have  been 
timed  they  are  given  to  the  operator  of  the  printer  with  their  respec- 
tive printing  cards.  From  these  cards,  when  resistance  boards  are 
used,  the  light-changes  are  set  up  on  the  board  for  making  the  print 
from  the  negative,  or  in  the  case  of  standard  Bell  &  Howell  continuous 


printers,  the  light-changes  are  made  manually  as  the  notched  negative 
trips  the  circuit  interrupter  roller.  In  this  case,  as  the  notch  trips 
the  roller  and  changes  the  light  to  the  manually  pre-set  point,  the 
operator  again  manually  sets  the  lever  control  for  the  succeeding 
light-change ;  whereas,  in  the  case  of  resistance-board  operation,  the 
electrical  trip-bar  is  actuated  by  the  notch-follower  roller  and  auto- 
matically sets  itself  for  printing  the  succeeding  scene,  according  to  the 
sequence  established  by  the  set-up  of  the  board. 

It  is  necessary  for  the  printer  operator  to  be  sure  that  the  sound- 
track and  the  picture  start  marks  are  so  adjusted  in  the  sound-track 
and  picture  apertures  that  the  sound-track  will  be  fifteen  and  one-half 
inches  ahead  of  the  picture  in  order  that  the  sound  and  the  picture 
be  synchronous  when  the  print  is  projected.  After  the  first  print  is 
struck  off  and  processed  it  is  projected  by  the  timer,  who  visually 
determines  whether  the  proper  light-changes  have  been  selected, 
scene  for  scene,  for  the  print.  If  it  is  necessary  to  make  changes,  these 
light-changes  are  entered  upon  the  timing  cards,  and  a  second  print 
is  made  with  the  corrected  values.  It  is  often  the  practice  to  make  as 
many  as  four  or  five  trial  prints  for  both  picture  and  sound-track 
before  deciding  upon  the  final  printer  point  settings.  Regardless  of 
whether  the  sound-track  negative  is  entirely  re-recorded  or  there  are 
sections  of  original  recordings  in  it,  the  timer  projects  the  print  re- 
peatedly and  makes  printer  point  corrections  for  raising  or  lowering 
the  volume  level  of  the  reproduced  sound  in  the  various  scenes  in 
order  to  produce  the  best  quality  and  the  most  desirable  effect.  When 
the  print  is  adjudged  as  good  as  can  be  expected,  general  release 
printing  from  the  timed  negative  is  begun.  Some  laboratories  print 
all  release  prints  from  a  given  reel  of  negative  upon  the  same  printer 
in  order  to  minimize  errors.  Similar  procedures  are  followed  in 
making  master  positives,  duplicate  negatives,  and  special  types  of 

(2)  Title  Making. — Negative  or  direct  titles  are  usually  made  by 
exposing  regular  positive  emulsions  in  modified  camera  mechanisms 
on  special  titling  stands.  On  these  stands  the  title  cards  are  mounted 
upon  a  special  board  that  is  adjustable  vertically,  horizontally,  and 
rotationally  in  the  vertical  plane.  The  distance  between  the  camera 
and  the  easel  for  holding  the  title  is  variable  so  that  cards  of  different 
size  may  be  accommodated.  The  majority  of  laboratories  have  de- 
signed their  own  titling  apparatus  and  have  taken  particular  care  in 
its  design  and  construction  to  assure  steadiness  of  the  camera  and  the 


easel  by  mounting  them  upon  a  special  lathe  type  bed.  In  addi- 
tion, careful  consideration  has  been  given  to  the  mechanism  to  assure 
accuracy  of  the  focus  and  steady  motion  of  the  film.  Various  means 
have  been  employed  for  this  purpose,  such  as  using  very  carefully 
milled  registering  pins  and  film  edge  guides.  Because  of  their  actinic 
power,  mercury  lamps  are  generally  used  as  sources  of  illumination, 
the  type  M  generally  being  preferred.  After  titles  have  been  exposed 
and  developed  they  are  timed  and  printed  in  a  manner  similar  to 
timing  and  printing  picture  negative  and  sound-track  negative. 

Making  uniform  background  titles;  illustrated  background  titles; 
titles  with  relief  lettering,  with  either  plain  or  illustrated  backgrounds ; 
scroll  titles,  with  either  uniform  or  illustrated  backgrounds  and  with 
or  without  relief  lettering;  and  animated  titles,  are  such  particular 
problems  and  so  dependent  upon  the  choice  of  the  producer  and  the 
desires  of  the  laboratory  that  no  attempt  will  be  made  here  to  describe 
the  various  production  technics.  For  further  details  regarding  mak- 
ing motion  picture  titles  the  reader  should  refer  to  previous  papers  by 
Crabtree  and  Ives.3-4 

It  is  quite  general  practice  in  making  prints  for  foreign  release  to 
superimpose  the  foreign-language  titles  within  the  picture  area,  so 
that  the  continuity  of  the  sound-track  and  picture  may  be  maintained. 
This  is  usually  done  by  making  foreign-language  negative  titles  by 
standard  title-making  methods  and  then  spacing  the  titles  with  No.  3 
leader  so  that  when  printed  in  the  picture  area  they  appear  syn- 
chronously with  the  English  dialog.  This  system  of  spacing  titles 
involves  splicing  No.  3  leader  between  the  titles  so  that  the  negative 
title  reel  is  of  the  same  length  as  the  picture  negative  reel.  This  No.  3 
leader  is  a  clear  support,  with  no  emulsion  coating,  and  is  0.005  inch 
thick.  Some  laboratories  use  News  positive  film  to  accomplish  this 
purpose  by  photographing  negative  titles  sequentially  spaced  to 
synchronize  with  the  English  dialog.  When  the  News  positive  film 
is  processed  it  is  ready  for  use  as  the  superimposing  medium,  obviating 
the  necessity  of  using  No.  3  leader  as  spacer.  When  the  foreign  release 
print  is  made,  usually  the  title  negative  emulsion  faces  the  emulsion 
of  the  raw  stock  and  the  picture  negative  emulsion  faces  the  base 
of  the  title  negative,  so  that  the  three  films  in  contact  pass  through 
the  picture  printing  gate  at  the  same  time,  while  the  sound-track  is 
printed  in  the  usual  manner.  Depending  upon  whether  it  is  best  to 
sacrifice  definition  of  the  title  or  of  the  picture,  the  emulsion  side  of 
either  negative  may  face  the  emulsion  of  the  positive  raw  stock.  It 

April,  1936] 


has  been  found  more  economical  in  some  laboratories  to  use  special 
types  of  printers  for  this  purpose.  A  printer  supplied  by  the  Andre* 
Debrie  Company  prints  the  title  from  a  single  frame  directly  upon 
the  picture  area  simultaneously  with  the  picture  negative  (Fig.  16). 
In  this  type  of  printer  the  single-frame  title  is  held  in  position  and 

FIG.  16.  Debrie  Matipo  TU  printer;  this  printer 
prints  picture,  sound-track,  and  superimposed 
titles  in  one  operation.  Only  a  single  frame  of  film 
area  is  used  for  each  title  negative.  Insertion  of 
titles  and  light-changes  is  fully  automatic. 

printed  in  the  sequence  and  for  the  length  of  time  necessary  for 
reading.  One  laboratory  has  constructed  its  own  continuous  super- 
imposing or  title-inserting  printers.  They  are  so  designed  that 
automatic  stop  and  start  controls  for  the  single-frame  title  negative 
can  be  preset;  so  that  during  the  printing  of  a  reel  of  sound-track 
negative,  picture  negative,  and  the  single-frame  title  negative,  the 

370      REPORT  OF  LABORATORY  PRACTICE  COMMITTEE     [j.  s.  M.  p.  E. 

titles  from  the  single  frame  are  printed  in  synchronism  with  the 
English  dialog,  scene  for  scene,  in  one  operation.  The  foreign- 
language  titles  for  use  in  these  printers  are  made  upon  a  high-contrast 
photosensitive  material,  and  by  means  of  an  ingenious  optical  system 
are  printed  into  the  picture  area  from  a  single  frame  at  the  same  time 
the  picture  negative  is  printed.  It  is  claimed  that  the  method  pro- 
duces a  print  in  which  the  title  insert  and  picture  have  a  definition 
equivalent  to  what  results  from  printing  each  negative  separately 
in  a  continuous  printer,  and,  moreover,  that  it  increases  the  produc- 
tion rate  because  it  is  necessary  to  make  only  a  single  frame  of  a 
given  title  instead  of  exposing  sufficient  footage  to  travel  in  synchro- 
nism with  the  English  dialog  during  the  printing.  The  laboratories 
using  them  contend  that  these  printers  afford  greater  ease  in  making 
foreign  release  prints  and  a  considerable  saving  in  raw  stock. 

Practically  all  laboratories  have  available  specially  modified  com- 
mercial printers  or  printers  of  their  own  design  for  making  special 
effects  such  as  wipe-outs,  title  inserts,  and  any  kind  of  trick  print 
desired.  These  printers  are  so  specialized  that  it  does  not  seem 
advisable  to  describe  them,  as  they  vary  greatly  in  type.  Further- 
more, trick  printing  is  such  a  specialized  art  that  most  laboratories 
delegate  such  work  to  special  departments  of  their  organizations. 


(A)     Types  of  Machines 

Continuous  machines  are  now  utilized  for  practically  all  types  of 
film  processing,  and  rack-and-tank  systems  are  used  only  where  the 
production  output  is  not  sufficient  to  warrant  a  continuous  machine 
or  when  some  special  effect  is  desired  that  can  best  be  handled  by  the 
rack-and-tank  method. 

The  operation  of  a  continuous  developing  machine  is  fundamentally 
simple,  in  that  the  undeveloped  film  is  fed  directly  from  a  feed  reel 
into  the  machine,  or  from  a  feed  reel  to  a  feed  elevator  having  suf- 
ficient footage  capacity  at  a  predetermined  speed  to  allow  the  feed 
operator  enough  time  (two  to  nine  minutes)  to  splice  a  new  roll  of 
film  onto  the  preceding  roll  so  that  a  continuous  band  of  film  will 
flow  continuously  through  the  machine  to  the  take-up  reel  at  the  end 
of  the  drying  cabinet  (Figs.  17,  18,  and  19).  The  splices  may  be  either 
machine-made  splices,  produced  by  eyeleting  or  stapling,  or  carefully 
made  cement  splices.  Most  of  the  continuous  developing  machines 


are  of  the  roller-rack,  deep-tank  type,  having  in  the  wet  section  roller- 
racks  parallel  to  the  face  of  the  film  as  the  latter  travels  through  the 
machine  (Fig.  17).  Each  roller-rack  spindle  is  parallel  to  the  face 
of  the  film,  and  the  rack  is  from  six  to  twelve  feet  in  height  and  carries 
from  eight  to  twelve  loops  of  film,  depending  upon  the  design  of  the 

(Courtesy  of  Consolidated  Film  Industries,  Inc.) 

FIG.  17.     Wet  end   of  Spoor-Thompson  continuous  developing 

machine.  Usually  there  are  one  or  two  racks  in  each  tank,  and  the 
tanks  may  vary  in  capacity  from  120  to  360  gallons  of  solution.  The 
racks  may  be  so  designed  that  either  all  the  racks  in  the  wet  end  of 
the  machine  can  be  lifted  vertically  completely  free  of  the  tanks;  or 
the  upper  roller-rack  may  be  mounted  in  a  fixed  position,  and  the 
roller-rack  in  the  lower  part  of  the  tank  mounted  upon  a  weighted 
elevator  system  so  that  it  can  be  raised  until  it  meets  the  upper  roller- 
rack.  Invariably,  in  machines  in  which  the  film  is  propelled  by  power- 


driven  sprockets,  it  is  necessary  that  elevators  be  employed  so  that 
the  tension  of  the  individual  film  strands  will  be  independent  of  the 
swelling  and  shrinking  of  the  film.  In  machines  in  which  the  film  is 
propelled  through  the  machine  by  friction  drive  only — that  is,  by 
frictional  contact  of  the  film  upon  power-driven  rollers — there  is  no 
necessity  for  elevators.  The  film  automatically  slips  forward  or 
backward  in  accordance  with  its  swell  or  shrinkage,  because  the 
power-driven  rollers  are  always  travelling  at  a  slightly  greater  footage 
speed  than  the  film  and  because  the  tension  of  the  film  is  such  that  it 
will  permit  slippage. 

The  upper  racks  of  rollers  in  the  wet  end  of  the  machine  are 
generally  submerged  in  the  solution  so  that  the  film  is  exposed  to  the 
air  only  on  the  carry-over  loop  from  tank  to  tank.  Because  of  special- 
ized design,  however,  in  a  number  of  machines  the  upper  bank  of 
rollers,  whether  on  a  rack  system  at  right  angles  to  the  long  axis  of 
the  machine  or  parallel  to  the  axis,  may  be  from  three  to  eighteen 
inches  above  the  solution.  Usually  in  each  machine  there  are  three 
or  four  tanks  for  development  followed  by  a  small  loop  tank  for  a 
rinse  wash,  three  or  four  tanks  for  fixing,  and  five  or  six  tanks  for 
washing.  The  number  of  tanks  used  in  the  wet  end  depends  upon  the 
lengths  of  time  necessary  for  the  various  processes,  which  in  turn 
depend  upon  the  number  of  racks  in  each  tank  and  the  footage  speed 
of  the  machine. 

A  method  for  the  reduction  of  "directional  effects"  in  continuous 
machine  developing  is  gaining  favor  in  a  number  of  laboratories. 
These  effects  are  caused  as  the  film  travels  through  the  machine 
by  the  diffusion  of  development  products  (oxidation  products  and 
bromide  salts)  from  an  exposed  area  of  the  film  into  adjacent  areas 
that  have  had  different  exposure.  The  diffusion  is  counter  to  the  di- 
rection of  travel  of  the  film,  producing  a  pronounced  lower  density 
in  areas  of  film  adjacent  to  and  following  areas  of  greater  exposure 
(greater  density).  The  effects  are  notable  on  type  HB  sensitometer 
strips,  as  different  gammas  and  differently  shaped  characteristic 
(ZMog  E)  curves  result  from  passing  the  strips  through  the  machine 
with  the  heavy  or  the  light  exposure  areas  preceding.  The  so-called 
"turbulation"  method  is  said  to  be  satisfactory  for  minimizing  the 
effect.  It  consists  simply  of  providing  a  spray  of  jets  of  developer 
beneath  the  surface  of  the  developer,  impinging  directly  upon  the 
emulsion  surface  and  causing  greater  agitation  of  the  solution  at  the 
surface  of  the  film. 


As  the  film  feeds  from  the  last  wash  tank  of  the  wet  end  of  the  ma- 
chine into  the  drying  cabinets,  it  may  feed  directly  or  it  may  pass  over 
a  weighted  feed  elevator.  The  weighted  elevator  takes  care  of  the 
slack,  if  any,  between  the  drying  cabinet  and  the  wet  end  of  the  ma- 
chine, and  permits  operating  either  the  wet  end  or  the  dry  end  inde- 
pendently of  the  other.  This  permits  stopping  either  end  of  the 
machine  for  a  short  time  to  take  care  of  troubles  that  might  be  caused 
by  mechanical  defects  or  film  breakage. 

Sometimes  the  wet  end  of  the  machine  is  in  a  separate  room  from 
the  dry  end,  or  both  the  wet  and  the  dry  ends  may  be  in  the  same 
room.  The  first  arrangement  permits  drying  in  a  lighted  room  and 
developing  in  a  darkroom,  whereas  the  second  requires  special  illumi- 
nation of  the  wet  and  the  dry  ends  of  the  machine.  Invariably  Wrat- 
ten  OA  Safelights  are  used  for  darkroom  illumination  of  the  positive 
developing  machines.  Wratten  Series  ///  (green)  Safelights  are  used 
to  illuminate  only  the  dry  ends  of  the  negative  developing  machines 
because  the  new  fast  negative  films  must  be  developed  in  darkness 
to  avoid  any  slight  possiblity  of  "light  fog."  The  choice  of  arrange- 
ment is  dependent  upon  the  desires  of  the  laboratory  as  to  the  ease  of 
manipulating  the  film  in  the  various  types  of  machines. 

The  drying  sections  of  the  machines  usually  have  from  five  to 
twenty  cabinets,  the  number  depending  upon  the  footage  speed  of 
the  machine,  the  volume,  velocity,  and  conditioning  of  the  air;  and 
the  type  of  roller-rack  mounting  for  carrying  the  film  (Fig.  18).  The 
racks  in  the  drying  cabinet  may  be  perpendicular  or  parallel  to  the 
axis  of  the  machine.  Usually  when  perpendicular  to  the  axis  there 
are  two  racks  in  each  cabinet.  Like  the  racks  in  the  wet  end  of  the 
machine,  these  racks  may  carry  from  eight  to  twelve  rollers  per  rack, 
making  eight  to  twelve  loops  of  film,  and  they  are  generally  from  six 
to  seven  feet  in  height  so  that  a  man  of  normal  stature  can  readily 
reach  any  section  of  a  loop. 

In  the  majority  of  drying  sections  the  flow  of  air  is  counter  to  the 
direction  of  travel  of  the  film,  entering  at  the  bottom  of  the  cabinet 
and  passing  out  at  the  top  into  the  top  of  the  preceding  cabinet, 
and  so  on  to  the  head  end  of  the  section.  Most  laboratories  now 
dry  with  conditioned  and  filtered  air.  There  are  some,  however, 
that  do  not  have  true  air-conditioning,  in  terms  of  constant  tempera- 
ture and  humidity  control,  because  the  range  of  dry-bulb  tempera- 
ture and  humidity  is  dependent  to  some  extent  upon  atmos- 
pheric conditions.  Other  laboratories  have  air-conditioning  systems 

374      REPORT  OF  LABORATORY  PRACTICE  COMMITTEE     [j.  s.  M.  p.  E 


permitting  accurate  control  over  a  wide  range  of  wet-  and  dry-bulb 
temperatures  in  addition  to  allowing  special  air-conditioning  for  any 
complete  drying  section. 

The  weight  of  water  remaining  in  the  film  after  the  film  has  been 
efficiently  squeegeed  prior  to  entering  the  drying  cabinets  is  a  major 
factor  in  determining  the  volume  and  velocity  of  air  necessary  for 
thorough  drying  of  the  film  at  predetermined  wet-  and  dry-bulb 
temperatures  in  a  given  type  of  drying  section.  On  the  averag